
chemical compound

DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Sesamin

Abstract is: Sesamin is a lignan isolated from the bark of Fagara plants and from sesame oil. It has been used as a dietary fat-reduction supplement. Its major metabolite is enterolactone, which has an elimination half life of less than 6 hours. Sesamin and sesamolin are minor components of sesame oil, on average comprising only 0.14% of the oil by mass.

Wikimedia Commons category is Sesamin


(+)-sesamin is …
instance of (P31):
type of chemical entityQ113145171

sublass of (P279):

External links are
P7049AICS Chemical ID (BEING DELETED)5195
P233canonical SMILESC1C2C(COC2C3=CC4=C(C=C3)OCO4)C(O1)C5=CC6=C(C=C5)OCO6
P231CAS Registry Number607-80-7
P683ChEBI ID66470
P661ChemSpider ID65258
P8494DSSTOX compound identifierDTXCID30153710
P3117DSSTox substance IDDTXSID80231219
P232EC number612-029-1
P2566ECHA Substance Infocard ID100.124.366
P646Freebase ID/m/026mkdc
P2057Human Metabolome Database IDHMDB0034256
P2017isomeric SMILESC1[C@H]2[C@H](CO[C@@H]2C3=CC4=C(C=C3)OCO4)[C@H](O1)C5=CC6=C(C=C5)OCO6
P665KEGG IDC10882
P2064KNApSAcK IDC00000601
P486MeSH descriptor IDC054125
P6366Microsoft Academic ID2776513503
P7746Natural Product Atlas IDNPA017796
P2840NSC number36403
P10283OpenAlex IDC2776513503
P11199Probes And Drugs IDPD020839
P662PubChem CID72307
P1579Reaxys registry number96118
P11089UniChem compound ID254123

P703found in taxonVaccinium vitis-idaeaQ93235
Cucumis sativusQ23425
Achillea millefoliumQ25408
Salvia verticillataQ129775
Artemisia absinthiumQ25686
Acanthus mollisQ136648
Ribes nigrumQ146604
Torenia violaceaQ15250199
Artemisia argenteaQ15288833
Aristolochia acuminataQ15297667
Sideritis canariensisQ15366156
Sideritis kueglerianaQ15366485
Sideritis discolorQ15367187
Zanthoxylum martinicenseQ15395596
Zanthoxylum integrifoliumQ15395876
Zanthoxylum petiolareQ15396617
Stemona collinsaeQ104398938
Peperomia leptostachyaQ104415542
Callicarpa furfuraceaQ15320212
Hypenia salzmanniiQ15329594
Penstemon campanulatusQ15351945
Calocedrus formosanaQ146734
Magnolia stellataQ839507
Achillea clavennaeQ878976
Paulownia tomentosaQ157393
Eleutherococcus senticosusQ894245
Chamaecyparis obtusaQ917187
Achillea biserrataQ15584108
Achillea sipikorensisQ15587539
Fleischmannia pratensisQ15595995
Rogeria adenophyllaQ17715870
Pterodiscus aurantiacusQ17715883
Holubia saccataQ17715895
Kuloa usambarensisQ110823156
Zanthoxylum spruceiQ15394822
Zanthoxylum ciliatumQ15394863
Zanthoxylum leprieuriiQ15395095
Artemisia arborescensQ309692
Lantana camaraQ332469
Zanthoxylum setulosumQ15396961
Aristolochia pubescensQ15465263
Virola micheliiQ15489792
Juniperus communisQ26325
Dicerocaryum zanguebariumQ17715897
Sesamum triphyllumQ17715903
Sesamum rigidumQ17715907
Digitalis purpureaQ157555
Cinnamomum camphoraQ158722
Forsythia suspensaQ1275024
Zanthoxylum integrifoliolumQ1324774
Esenbeckia leiocarpaQ1336887
Ginkgo bilobaQ43284
Fleischmannia microstemonQ15596604
Fleischmannia hymenophyllaQ15596750
Podolepis rugataQ15597591
Sesamum pedalioidesQ17715909
Sesamum latifoliumQ17715914
Sesamum capenseQ17715917
Virola flexuosaQ15491001
Amanoa oblongifoliaQ15510016
Cleistanthus patulusQ15513409
Aristolochia tagalaQ619639
Sesamum alatumQ17715922
Ceratotheca trilobaQ17715923
Erythranthe cardinalisQ17746445
Sesamum calycinumQ17715918
Sesamum angustifoliumQ17715919
Sesamum angolenseQ17715920
Rubus chamaemorusQ160092
Catalpa bignonioidesQ163831
Piper peepuloidesQ18037495
Actinodaphne longifoliaQ18073505
Dinosperma stipitatumQ18079874
Eremophila phyllopodaQ15597792
Senecio magnificusQ15599261
Aiouea trinervisQ15603798
Asarum sieboldiiQ5367391
Vaccinium myrtillusQ5413585
Xanthium spinosumQ643890
Piper longumQ685336
Oplopanax horridusQ1618457
Virola sebiferaQ1634458
Anacyclus pyrethrumQ1855185
Houttuynia cordataQ164091
Pandanus boninensisQ293360
Zanthoxylum heitziiQ18082663
Zanthoxylum caudatumQ18082744
Philotheca citrinaQ18082771
West African PepperQ5687643
Ageratum conyzoidesQ1949712
Artemisia gorgonumQ2864878
Ocotea usambarensisQ3005833
Otanthus maritimusQ10260538
Raulinoa echinataQ10357665
Antrodia cinnamomeaQ10413755
Peperomia humilisQ15604966
Cinnamomum triplinerveQ15606811
Cinnamomum tenuifoliumQ15606981
Artemisia capillarisQ5763748
Machilus thunbergiiQ5792073
Zanthoxylum chalybaeumQ18083253
Zanthoxylum beecheyanumQ18083681
Artemisia caruifoliaQ24850203
Vismia bacciferaQ17843547
Piper lowongQ18036852
Piper lanatumQ18036902
Gonospermum fruticosumQ5882682
Gonospermum gomeraeQ5882684
Leucanthemopsis pallidaQ5973959
Peperomia vulcanicaQ6071888
Virola carinataQ10832694
Coleus scutellarioidesQ10881792
Zanthoxylum americanumQ3079244
Mimulus cardinalisQ3314650
Peperomia pellucidaQ3337038
Piper sarmentosumQ2035606
Proboscidea louisianicaQ2111569
Camellia oleiferaQ2498293
Omphalodes linifoliaQ3352121
Ruta montanaQ3818680
Buddleja cordataQ6937553
Sesamum radiatumQ7456020
Piper retrofractumQ7504329
Pedalium murexQ13114589
Lancea tibeticaQ13184425
Corymbia citriodoraQ2549523
Bridelia retusaQ2717654
Endiandra xanthocarpaQ15609822
Nectandra amazonumQ15610732
Nectandra turbacensisQ15611969
Clerodendrum trichotomumQ764044
Magnolia denudataQ794061
Zanthoxylum culantrilloQ6170894
Markhamia luteaQ6771037
Magnolia cocoQ4274131
Achillea ageratifoliaQ4673721
Virola surinamensisQ4748142
Taiwanofungus camphoratusQ15636116
Ceratotheca sesamoidesQ16751030
Sesamothamnus busseanusQ17715866
Zanthoxylum gilletiiQ13963104
Justicia hyssopifoliaQ14594605
Vitex negundoQ14807863
Actinodaphne acuminataQ24852789
Samadera bidwilliiQ27828791
Hypericum chinenseQ49623086
Sesamum sesamoidesQ89248863
Aiouea montanaQ90400036
Iberodes linifoliaQ104250656
Buddleja sessilifloraQ4984710
Cinnamomum subaveniumQ5121028
Coleonema pulchellumQ5143067
Artemisia carvifoliaQ15226763
Artemisia mongolicaQ15226795
Piper sylvaticumQ15228172
Virola multinerviaQ7934860
Virola elongataQ7934861
Virola venosaQ7934865
Artemisia siversianaQ104385840
Markhamia platycalyxQ50845462
Zanthoxylum chalybeumQ50996797
Boronia pancheriQ80713284
Zanthoxylum nitidumQ8066282
Zanthoxylum rhoifoliumQ8066286
Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloidesQ9097481
Piper mullesuaQ15228209
Piper sintenenseQ15246421
Hypoestes purpureaQ10893453
Cinnamomum kotoenseQ10893587
Artemisia giraldiiQ10905507
Piper austrosinenseQ10905580
Hypericum japonicumQ10928400
Caryodaphnopsis baviensisQ11058719
Piper caninumQ12701086
Cleistanthus collinusQ13110806
Zanthoxylum rhetsaQ13114182
P3364stereoisomer ofEpisesaminQ104394002
P2868subject has roleantioxidantQ133948
antihypertensive drugQ575890
anticholesteremic agentsQ50429847

Reverse relations

stereoisomer of (P3364)

main subject (P921)
Q104850889(+)-Episesaminone, aSesamumindicumFurofuran Lignan. Isolation and Hemisynthesis
Q79704137(+)-Piperitol from Paulownia tomentosa
Q60464266(−)-Salzol, an isopimarane diterpene, and a chalcone from Hyptis salzmanii
Q1044153612,3-Dihydrobenzofuran neolignans from Aristolochia pubescens
Q1044157032-Isoprenylemodin and 5,5′-dimethoxysesamin from vismia guaramirangae
Q1044154077,9′-Epoxylignan and other constituents of Zanthoxylum culantrillo
Q104386054A New Alkaloid, Montanine, from Ruta Montana
Q84079236A chemotaxonomic study of nine Canarian Sideritis species
Q104962850A lignan from Actinodaphne longifolia
Q104852135A sesquiterpene lactone from Artemisia arborescens
Q104384374Acetophenones and coumarins from stem bark and leaves of Melicope stipitata
Q105019879Alkaloids and other constituents of Zanthoxylum williamsii, Z. monophyllum and Z. fagara
Q39530896Alkaloids from Ruta montana
Q79658823Alkamides and other constituents of Piper longum
Q77891705Amides from Piper brachystachyum and Piper retrofractum
Q104952127Amides of vegetable origin. Part XII. A new series of alka-2,4-dienoic tyramine-amides from Anacyclus pyrethrum D.C. (Compositae)
Q104374305Analysis of the fungicidal constituents from the bark ofOcotea usambarensis Engl. (Lauraceae)
Q42720839Anti-inflammatory and PPAR transactivational effects of secondary metabolites from the roots of Asarum sieboldii.
Q34636030Anti-inflammatory benzenoids from Antrodia camphorata.
Q28203983Antifeedant constituents from Fagara macrophylla
Q44413216Antifungal and Antioxidant Compounds from the Root Bark ofFagara zanthoxyloides
Q44298113Antifungal constituents of the stem bark of Bridelia retusa
Q39606781Antifungal stilbenoids from Stemona collinsae.
Q43956512Antimalarial compounds containing an alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl moiety from Tanzanian medicinal plants
Q43589751Antimicrobial alkaloids from Zanthoxylum tetraspermum and caudatum
Q46920419Antioxidant activity and bioactive compounds of tea seed (Camellia oleifera Abel.) oil.
Q46717755Antitubercular constituents from the stem wood of Cinnamomum kotoense
Q46961532Bioactive compounds from Peperomia pellucida
Q35506565Bioassay-guided isolation of constituents of Piper sarmentosum using a mitochondrial transmembrane potential assay.
Q34459302Biologically active constituents from the fruiting body of Taiwanofungus camphoratus
Q43992847Biologically active secondary metabolites from Ginkgo biloba
Q79144759Biologically active secondary metabolites from myxobacteria
Q60491434Biosynthesis of antioxidant lignans in Sesamum indicum seeds
Q105010202Bishordeninyl Terpene Alkaloids fromZanthoxylum Integrifoliolum
Q104387062ChemInform Abstract: Isopentenylindole Derivatives and Other Components of Esenbeckia leiocarpa.
Q104374776Chemical Constituents of Achillea santolinoides
Q104865346Chemical and Antiplatelet Constituents from the Stem ofZanthoxylum Beecheyanum
Q104838227Chemical and Biological Extractives of Lauraceae Species in Costa Rican Tropical Forests
Q73535060Chemical and cytotoxic constituents from Peperomia sui
Q40264035Chemical and cytotoxic constituents from the leaves of Cinnamomum kotoense
Q34331163Chemical constituents and bioactivity of Piper sarmentosum
Q77966882Chemical constituents and biological activities of the fruit of Zanthoxylum integrifoliolum
Q71901482Chemical constituents of Artemisia arborescens and the effect of the aqueous extract on rat isolated smooth muscle
Q46930953Chemical constituents of the roots of Piper sarmentosum
Q104384090Chemistry of Leave Extractives from Cineole Tree
Q58816420Chemistry of Zanthoxylum rhoifolium: A new secofuroquinoline alkaloid
Q46142270Chemotaxonomy of Gonospermum and related genera
Q103783883Chromenes from Ageratum conyzoides
Q104838146Co-occurrence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids and acylpyrrols in Senecio magnificus and constituents of other australian Senecio species
Q104392340Comparison of Aristolochia Species with Chemical constituents.
Q104248922Components ofPtarmica bisserata
Q31564229Constituents and cytotoxicity of Zanthoxylum rhesta stem bark
Q78235019Constituents of Antrodia Cinnamomea
Q104383553Constituents of Some Species of Beilschmiedia and Endiandra (Lauraceae): New Endiandric Acid and Benzopyran Derivatives Isolated From B. oligandra
Q83150226Constituents of zanthoxylum sprucei
Q104386159Constituents ofHouttuyniae Cordataand the Crystal Structure of Vomifoliol
Q86206113Content, composition, and stereochemical characterisation of lignans in berries and seeds
Q105144745Contribution of lignan analogues to antioxidative activity of refined unroasted sesame seed oil
Q104383966Crude sesame oil
Q104852125Cytocidal Principles of Magnolia Denudata
Q104853332Cytotoxic Constituents of Piper sintenense
Q40357053Cytotoxic and genotoxic butanolides and lignans from Aiouea trinervis
Q43276618Cytotoxic compounds from the stems of Cinnamomum tenuifolium.
Q46822578Cytotoxic constituents from the leaves of Cinnamomum subavenium
Q40292434Cytotoxic constituents of Achillea clavennae from Montenegro.
Q40179115Cytotoxic constituents of the stems of Cinnamomum subavenium
Q34087021Cytotoxic coumarins and lignans from extracts of the northern prickly ash (Zanthoxylum americanum).
Q88197937Determination and purification of sesamin and sesamolin in sesame seed oil unsaponified matter using reversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled with photodiode array and tandem mass spectrometry and high-speed countercurrent chromatography
Q104392552Determination of 1,3-Benzodioxanes in Piper mullesua by High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography
Q104374608Dimeric guaianolides from Artemisia sieversiana
Q62570770Diterpenes from Fleischmannia hymenophylla and Brickellia laciniata
Q104384173Diterpenes from Sideritis canariensis
Q104666998Effects of seed roasting temperature and time on the quality characteristics of sesame (Sesamum indicum) oil
Q105207523Endogenous antioxidants and stability of sesame oil as affected by processing and storage
Q39622541Estrogenic activities of sesame lignans and their metabolites on human breast cancer cells
Q47703227Evaluation of the trypanocidal activity of lignans isolated from the leaves of Zanthoxylum naranjillo.
Q104247179Final Report on the Safety Assessment of Sesame Oil
Q104384189Flavones and lignans in flowers, fruits and seedlings ofVirola venosa
Q34772595Formation of two methylenedioxy bridges by a Sesamum CYP81Q protein yielding a furofuran lignan, (+)-sesamin
Q60491438Furanofuran lignan metabolism as a function of seed maturation in sesamum indicum: methylenedioxy bridge formation
Q104920113Furanofuran lignans from Vitex negundo seeds
Q39461382Furfuran lignans and a flavone from Artemisia gorgonum Webb and their in vitro activity against Plasmodium falciparum
Q105207519Generation of New Lignan Glucosides during Germination of Sesame Seeds
Q47193894HPLC assisted chemobiological standardization of alpha-glucosidase-I enzyme inhibitory constituents from Piper longum Linn-An Indian medicinal plant
Q104859884Highly oxygenated guaianolides from Otanthus maritimus
Q105207548II. Sitzende Piperaceenfrüchte
Q43088428In vitro cytotoxic activity of isolated acridones alkaloids from Zanthoxylum leprieurii Guill. et Perr.
Q71134053Indolopyridoquinazoline alkaloids with antiplatelet aggregation activity from Zanthoxylum integrifoliolum
Q67589415Indonesia medicinal plants. III. On the constituents of the bark of Fagara rhetza (Rutaceae). (1): Alkaloids, phenylpropanoids, and acid amide
Q104385255Indonesian Medicinal Plants. IV. On the Constituents of the Bark of Fagara rhetza (Rutaceae). (2). Lignan Glycosides and Two Apioglucosides.
Q73081131Induction of apoptosis by Acanthopanax senticosus HARMS and its component, sesamin in human stomach cancer KATO III cells
Q105144746Influence of Sesame Lignans on Various Lipid Parameters in Rats
Q104392553Influence of sesame ligans on various lipid parameters in rats.
Q73342929Inhibition of low density lipoprotein oxidation by tetrahydrofurofuran lignans from Forsythia suspensa and Magnolia coco
Q40490038Inhibition of phospholipase Cgamma1 and cancer cell proliferation by lignans and flavans from Machilus thunbergii
Q46246545Inhibitory effect of Cucumis sativus on melanin production in melanoma B16 cells by downregulation of tyrosinase expression
Q104413986Isocapnell-9-en-8-one and 6α-hydroxyisocapnell-9-en-8-one, sesquiterpenes from Buddleia species
Q80089495Isolation and structure of cleistanthoside A
Q104863105Isolation of Lignans and Sesquiterpenoids from Leaves ofZanthoxylum Naranjillo
Q47673137Juspurpurin, an unusual secolignan glycoside from Justicia purpurea.
Q104966345Lignanoids and Diterpenoids fromCallicarpa furfuraceae
Q57517907Lignans and Other Constituents from South and Central AmericanZanthoxylumSpecies
Q104385265Lignans and other constituents of Zanthoxylum heitzii
Q43965968Lignans and sesquiterpenes from Magnolia praecocissima
Q105207524Lignans and tocopherols in Indian sesame cultivars
Q104392557Lignans from Justicia hyssopifolia
Q104851926Lignans from Nectandra turbacensis
Q104852134Lignans from kernels of Virola michelii Heckel
Q58239995Lignans from leaves of Calocedrus formosana
Q104392560Lignoids and arylalkanones from fruits of Virola elongata
Q104383864Lignoids from Nectandra amazonum and N. glabrescens
Q104920158Lignoids from the fruit of three Virola species
Q104866592Lignoids, flavanoids and polyketides of Virola surinamensis
Q40465538Long-chain carboxychromanols are the major metabolites of tocopherols and tocotrienols in A549 lung epithelial cells but not HepG2 cells.
Q104388258Magnostellin A and B, novel lignans from Magnolia stellata
Q46532355Mechanism-based inactivation of cytochrome P450 3A4 by methylenedioxyphenyl lignans from Acanthopanax chiisanensis
Q104415722Minor amides of Piper species
Q28371893Mono- and sesquiterpenes and antifungal constituents from Artemisia species
Q46406181NMR spectroscopic, mass spectroscopic, X-ray crystallographic, and theoretical studies of molecular mechanics of natural products: farformolide B and sesamin
Q104969680Neolignans from Caryodaphnopsis baviensis
Q104946663Neolignans from Virola carinata fruit
Q46822615Neurite outgrowth-promoting active constituents of the Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa).
Q104863084New Constituents of Piper guineense Fruit and Leaf
Q79750423New and bioactive aromatic compounds from Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides
Q105009428New benzenoids and anti-inflammatory constituents from Zanthoxylum nitidum
Q31988449New constituents and antiplatelet aggregation and anti-HIV principles of Artemisia capillaris
Q104863307New lignans from the heartwood of cleistanthus collinus
Q79141538New lignans from the perisperm of Sesamum indicum
Q72465182New metabolites, tetrahydrofuran lignans, produced by Streptomyces sp. IT-44
Q104920155New unsymmetrically substituted tetrahydrofurofuran lignans from artemisia absinthium
Q42838927Norlignans, acylphloroglucinols, and a dimeric xanthone from Hypericum chinense.
Q39800656Oxidative burst inhibitory and cytotoxic amides and lignans from the stem bark of Fagara heitzii (Rutaceae).
Q104838263Phenylpropanoids in Alkaloid-Free Species of Phoebe
Q79883617Plant Anticancer Agents XXXVII. Constituents of Amanoa oblongifolia1
Q104863144Plants from New Caledonia: Constituents of Boronella pancheri
Q104980954Polyacetylene und Sesamine als chemische Merkmale in der Artemisia absinthium–Gruppe
Q104392563Polyenoic acid piperideides and other alkamides from Achillea millefolium
Q73629990Prenylated phenylpropenes from Coleonema pulchellum with antimicrobial activity
Q58816409Protolimonoid and lignans from Zanthoxylum petiolare
Q104388685Pyranocoumarins as chemotaxonomic markers in Eriostemon coccineus and Philotheca citrina
Q104985419Pyrogallol derivatives from Leucanthemopsis pallida subsp.flaveola
Q104388343Pyrones and other constituents from Podolepis species
Q104863330Pyrrole amides from Achillea ageratifolia
Q104838487Quinones and Other Constituents of Markhamia platycalyx and Bignonia unguiscati
Q104392550Reversed-phase liquid chromatography of 1,3-benzodioxanes in Piper mullesua
Q62570786Seco-manool and other constituents from Fleischmannia microstemon
Q104392555Secoisolancifolide and secoisoobtusilactone in Actinodaphne longifolia
Q39833954Secondary metabolites and cytotoxic activities from the stem bark of Zanthoxylum nitidum
Q43796992Separation and NMR studies on lignans of Raulinoa echinata
Q105207532Serrulatane diterpenes from a new Eremophila species
Q115949609Sesame Seed and its Lignans Produce Marked Enhancement of Vitamin E Activity in Rats Fed a Low α-Tocopherol Diet
Q70919500Sesame seed and its lignans produce marked enhancement of vitamin E activity in rats fed a low alpha-tocopherol diet
Q105144747Sesame seed is a rich source of dietary lignans
Q31949587Sesamin a potent antifeedant principle from Piper mullesua
Q51162963Sesamin ameliorates hepatic steatosis and inflammation in rats on a high-fat diet via LXRα and PPARα.
Q105207520Sesamin and episesamin induce apoptosis in human lymphoid leukemia Molt 4B cells.
Q48192684Sesamin extends lifespan through pathways related to dietary restriction in Caenorhabditis elegans
Q105118726Sesamin from the bark of two african Zanthoxylum species
Q46423595Sesamin imparts neuroprotection against intrastriatal 6-hydroxydopamine toxicity by inhibition of astroglial activation, apoptosis, and oxidative stress
Q34565797Sesamin is one of the major precursors of mammalian lignans in sesame seed (Sesamum indicum) as observed in vitro and in rats.
Q104250653Sesamin, sesamolin and the origin of sesame
Q104852351Sesquiterpene lactones and lignans from Artemisia arborescens
Q103792453Sesquiterpene lactones from Artemisia argentea
Q43942166Sesquiterpene lactones from Gonospermum gomerae and G. fruticosum and their cytotoxic activities
Q39893248Sesquiterpenes from Oplopanax horridus
Q43988249Short and stereoselective total synthesis of furano lignans (+/-)-dihydrosesamin, (+/-)-lariciresinol dimethyl ether, (+/-)-acuminatin methyl ether, (+/-)-sanshodiol methyl ether, (+/-)-lariciresinol, (+/-)-acuminatin, and (+/-)-lariciresinol monome
Q104850606Soil investigation of Lancea tibetica Hook.F.Et Thoms.
Q104392558Structural and synthetic studies on the retrofractamides—amide constituents of Piper retrofractum
Q104383607Structure Elucidation of Germacrane Alcohols from Juniperus communis subsp. Hemisphaerica
Q104415145The Chemical Constituents from the Heartwood ofEucalyptus Citriodora
Q104852155The Constituents from the Leaves ofMagnolia coco
Q105157631The contents of lignans in commercial sesame oils of Taiwan and their changes during heating
Q46821283The epimerization of sesamin and asarinin
Q39462033The isolation of antiprotozoal compounds from Libyan propolis
Q104852120The secondary metabolites of aff. Samadera SAC-2825: An australian simaroubaceae with unusual chemistry
Q104250659Thin-layer chromatographic separations of seed oil unsaponifiables from fourSesamum species
Q86719139Toxicity of lignans to symbiotic fungus of leaf-cutting ants
Q73536649Triterpenes and lignans from Artemisia caruifolia and their cytotoxic effects on meth-A and LLC tumor cell lines
Q104383992Two amides from piper Brachystachyum
Q44084475Two chromones from Peperomia vulcanica
Q77171752Two new constituents from the leaves of magnolia coco
Q105207537Ueber Pseudocubebin. Vorkommen in Ocotea usambarensis Engl.
Q81361551Unusual cyclolanostanes from leaves of Pandanus boninensis
Q105207525Variations in the composition of sterols, tocopherols and lignans in seed oils from fourSesamumspecies
Q105157632Variations in the composition of various acyl lipids, tocopherols and lignans in sesame seed oils roasted in a microwave oven
Q104250652Xanthanolides from Xanthium: Absolute configuration of xanthanol, isoxanthanol and their C-4 epimers
Q79706854alpha-Glucosidase inhibitory pentacyclic triterpenes from the stem bark of Fagara tessmannii (Rutaceae)

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Persian (fa / Q9168)سسامینwikipedia
Serbo-Croatian (sh / Q9301)Sesaminwikipedia

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