Wiener Stadtbahn

public transport

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Abstract is: The Vienna Stadtbahn (German: Wiener Stadtbahn) was a rail-based public transportation system operated under this name from 1898 until 1989. Today, the Vienna U-Bahn lines U4 and U6 and the Vienna S-Bahn (commuter rail) run on its former lines. The Stadtbahn is one of Vienna's better-known examples of early Art Nouveau architecture. Its most famous buildings are the two former station entrances on Karlsplatz, now used as a café and a museum respectively, and the Hofpavillon, a station built specifically for Emperor Franz Joseph, located at the eastern end of Hietzing station. Other preserved historical stations are the elevated stations along the Gürtel and in some of the suburbs. The use of the term Stadtbahn in the line's name derives from the 19th century usage of the term to simply mean a railway in an urban area, in a similar way to the naming of the roughly contemporaneous Berlin Stadtbahn. It is not related to the usage of the term stadtbahn in post-World War II Germany to mean light rail lines upgraded from street tramways. The use of tram type vehicles on much of the Vienna Stadtbahn after 1925 is entirely coincidental, and happened long after the line got its name.

Wikimedia Commons category is Wiener Stadtbahn

(P625, lat/long)48.197315 / 16.339066

Wiener Stadtbahn is …
instance of (P31):
rapid transitQ5503
tram systemQ15640053

External links are
P646Freebase ID/m/0h27fk

P3032adjacent buildingSpittelau Viaducts Housing ProjectQ140498
P84architectOtto WagnerQ84287
P1619date of official opening1898-05-09
P576dissolved, abolished or demolished date1989-10-06
P131located in the administrative territorial entityViennaQ1741
P127owned byWiener LinienQ668849
P5658railway traffic sideleftQ13196750
P1366replaced byVienna U-BahnQ209400
P5817state of usedecommissionedQ11639308

Wikimedia Commons Images

P18: image

FileName: Eröffnung-Stadtbahn-Wien-1898.jpg

Description: Eröffnung der Stadtbahn in Wien, Ansichtskarte 1898

Artist: Unknown authorUnknown author

License: Public domain

Reverse relations

replaces (P1365)
Q49475351Vienna Electric Stadtbahn
Q209400Vienna U-Bahn

part of (P361)
Q37822880ehem. Stadtbahn - Teilbereich der heutigen U4 in der KG Hütteldorf
Q37822839ehem. Stadtbahn - Teilbereich der heutigen U4 in der KG Margarethen
Q64765160ehem. Stadtbahn – Teilbereich der heutigen U4 in der KG Hacking
Q64765161ehem. Stadtbahn – Teilbereich der heutigen U4 in der KG Hietzing
Q64765162ehem. Stadtbahn – Teilbereich der heutigen U4 in der KG Ober St. Veit
Q64765163ehem. Stadtbahn – Teilbereich der heutigen U4 in der KG Schönbrunn
Q64765164ehem. Stadtbahn – Teilbereich der heutigen U4 in der KG Unter St. Veit
Q64765159ehem. Stadtbahn – Teilbereich der heutigen U6 in der KG Neubau
Q15233845Karlsplatz Stadtbahn Station
Q41435618Vienna Stadtbahn arches

Q2465730Kettenbrückengassetransport networkP16
Q873079Pilgramgasseconnecting lineP81
Q668849Wiener Linienowner ofP1830
Q140498Spittelau Viaducts Housing Projectadjacent buildingP3032
Q294381transportation in Viennahas part(s)P527
Q96147004Granteln gehört dazu – Wien und seine Bahnenmain subjectP921

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

      Category:Wiener Stadtbahnwikimedia
      Виенска градска железницаwikipedia
      Wiener Stadtbahnwikipedia
      Vienna Stadtbahnwikipedia
Esperanto (eo / Q143)Urbfervojo de Vienowikipedia
      Viini linnaraudteewikipedia
      Stadtbahn (Bécs)wikipedia
      Wiener Stadtbahnwikipedia
      シュタットバーン (ウィーン)wikipedia
      Wiedeńska kolej miejskawikipedia
      Венский штадтбанwikipedia
      Wiens stadsbanawikipedia
      Віденський штадтбанwikipedia

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