The Epidemiology of Endometrial and Ovarian Cancer

scientific article published on November 25, 2011

The Epidemiology of Endometrial and Ovarian Cancer is …
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P932PMC publication ID3259524
P698PubMed publication ID22244658
P5875ResearchGate publication ID221746965

P50authorDaniel W. CramerQ90007566
P2860cites workRisks and benefits of estrogen plus progestin in healthy postmenopausal women: principal results From the Women's Health Initiative randomized controlled trialQ27860743
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Possible role of ovarian epithelial inflammation in ovarian cancerQ33724007
Perineal use of talcum powder and endometrial cancer riskQ33835255
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Incessant ovulation--a factor in ovarian neoplasia?Q34051579
Mumps and ovarian cancer: modern interpretation of an historic associationQ34180646
Mutation and cancer: a model for human carcinogenesisQ34273649
Increased ovarian cancer risk associated with menopausal estrogen therapy is reduced by adding a progestinQ34372874
Epithelial ovarian cancer risk among women with polycystic ovary syndromeQ34400660
Endometrial cancer and hormone-replacement therapy in the Million Women StudyQ34415404
Noncontraceptive health benefits of intrauterine devices: a systematic reviewQ34520913
Contraception Methods, Beyond Oral Contraceptives and Tubal Ligation, and Risk of Ovarian CancerQ34644721
Two pathogenetic types of endometrial carcinomaQ34713298
Epidemiologic perspective on immune-surveillance in cancerQ34777634
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Risk factors for a serous cancer precursor ("p53 signature") in women with inherited BRCA mutationsQ34811314
Breast, ovarian, and endometrial malignancies in systemic lupus erythematosus: a meta-analysisQ35006892
Use of oral contraceptives and endometrial cancer risk (Sweden)Q57027667
Infertility-associated endometrial cancer risk may be limited to specific subgroups of infertile womenQ64128639
Characteristics relating to ovarian cancer risk: collaborative analysis of 12 US case-control studies. II. Invasive epithelial ovarian cancers in white women. Collaborative Ovarian Cancer GroupQ67979093
Endometrial carcinoma: two diseases?Q68985424
Tubal sterilization and the risk of endometrial cancerQ70993681
Reproductive factors and risk of endometrial cancer. The Iowa Women's Health StudyQ71126153
Detection of a circulating antibody against a peptide epitope on a mucin core protein, MUC1, in ulcerative colitisQ72083230
Epidemiologic study of malignancies of the ovariesQ72853184
Association between tubal ligation and endometrial cancerQ73209099
Hormone replacement therapy and the risk of epithelial ovarian carcinoma: a meta-analysisQ77168041
Reproductive factors of ovarian and endometrial cancer risk in a high fertility population in MexicoQ78125052
Lactation and risk of endometrial cancer in Japan: a case-control studyQ82362913
Progestin and estrogen potency of combination oral contraceptives and endometrial cancer riskQ83893657
Lifetime physical activity and risk of endometrial cancerQ35576848
The epidemiology of endometrial cancer in young womenQ36047673
Oral contraceptives and ovarian cancer: an update, 1998-2004.Q36416122
Body mass index and risk of ovarian cancerQ36426024
Does smoking increase risk of ovarian cancer? A systematic review.Q36605558
Menstrual and reproductive factors in relation to ovarian cancer risk.Q36622729
A case control study of carcinoma of the ovaryQ36683056
Height, body mass index, and ovarian cancer: a pooled analysis of 12 cohort studiesQ36947246
Recreational physical activity and epithelial ovarian cancer: a case-control study, systematic review, and meta-analysisQ37002447
Meta-analysis of intrauterine device use and risk of endometrial cancerQ37080389
Age-related decline in immunity: implications for vaccine responsivenessQ37150322
Assessing Ovarian Cancer Risk When Considering Elective Oophorectomy at the Time of HysterectomyQ37194644
Ovulation and risk of epithelial ovarian cancerQ38485545
Tubal sterilization and risk of cancer of the endometriumQ38495063
Breastfeeding, Menopause, and Epithelial Ovarian CancerQ38505112
Reduced risk of breast and endometrial cancer among women with hip fractures (Sweden).Q38510136
"Incessant ovulation" and ovarian cancerQ39559428
Long-term consequences of polycystic ovary syndrome: results of a 31 year follow-up studyQ39593199
Hormone replacement therapy and endometrial cancer risk: a meta-analysisQ40571296
Endometrial carcinoma in young women taking oral contraceptive agentsQ41525474
Risk of endometrial cancer in relation to use of combined oral contraceptives. A practitioner's guide to meta-analysisQ41639344
Mutation and Cancer: The Antecedents to Our Studies of Adaptive MutationQ41749616
Reproductive risk factors and endometrial cancer: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and NutritionQ43238847
Genital talc exposure and risk of ovarian cancerQ43336771
Tubal sterilisation, hysterectomy and decreased risk of ovarian cancer. Survey of Women's Health Study Group.Q43431364
Increasing Incidence of Endometrial Cancer in the United StatesQ43831181
Fracture history and risk of breast and endometrial cancerQ43910890
Risk of ovarian cancer in the United States in relation to anthropometric measures: does the association depend on menopausal status?Q44968549
Conditions associated with antibodies against the tumor-associated antigen MUC1 and their relationship to risk for ovarian cancerQ45050625
Incessant ovulation, mucin 1 immunity, and risk for ovarian cancerQ45289421
Impact of hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy on race-specific rates of corpus, cervical, and ovarian cancers in the United StatesQ46554661
Reproductive, menstrual, and medical risk factors for endometrial cancer: results from a case-control studyQ46636898
Body size in different periods of life, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and risk of postmenopausal endometrial cancer (Sweden).Q47244855
Relation of endometrial cancer risk to past and contemporary body size and body fat distribution.Q47391259
Estrogen replacement therapy and ovarian cancer mortality in a large prospective study of US womenQ50672431
Cigarette smoking and the risk of endometrial cancerQ51709095
Relationship Between Lifetime Ovulatory Cycles and Overexpression of Mutant p53 in 932 Epithelial Ovarian CancerQ52193489
Molecular identification of latent precancers in histologically normal endometrium.Q53398436
Reproductive and hormonal factors and ovarian cancer.Q53399275
Heterogeneity of mucin gene expression in normal and neoplastic tissuesQ53482902
Breast feeding practices in relation to endometrial cancer risk, USA.Q55034208
Prolonged lactation and endometrial cancer. WHO Collaborative Study of Neoplasia and Steroid Contraceptives.Q55064657
Childbearing at older age and endometrial cancer risk (Sweden)Q57027613
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectovarian cancerQ172341
P577publication date2011-11-25
P1433published inHematology / Oncology Clinics of North AmericaQ15749192
P1476titleThe epidemiology of endometrial and ovarian cancer
The Epidemiology of Endometrial and Ovarian Cancer

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