Daniel W. Cramer


Daniel W. Cramer is …
instance of (P31):

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P496ORCID iD0000-0002-8024-3066

P734family nameCramerQ21493272
P735given nameWilliamQ12344159
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

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author (P50)
Q110595013"The Relationship of Tubal Infertility to Barrier Method and Oral Contraceptive Use"
Q59349476A Comprehensive Gene-Environment Interaction Analysis in Ovarian Cancer using Genome-wide Significant Common Variants
Q40810205A Prospective Evaluation of Early Detection Biomarkers for Ovarian Cancer in the European EPIC Cohort
Q59355837A Transcriptome-Wide Association Study Among 97,898 Women to Identify Candidate Susceptibility Genes for Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Risk
Q34672941A framework for evaluating biomarkers for early detection: validation of biomarker panels for ovarian cancer
Q33747778A genome-wide association study identifies a new ovarian cancer susceptibility locus on 9p22.2.
Q29417084A genome-wide association study identifies susceptibility loci for ovarian cancer at 2q31 and 8q24.
Q53532630A novel role of complement in mobilization: immunodeficient mice are poor granulocyte-colony stimulating factor mobilizers because they lack complement-activating immunoglobulins
Q34794065A polymorphism in the GALNT2 gene and ovarian cancer risk in four population based case-control studies
Q40656608A prognostically relevant miRNA signature for epithelial ovarian cancer
Q35740224A prospective study of dietary lactose and ovarian cancer
Q37561962A proteomic analysis of IVF follicular fluid in women
Q30276359A splicing variant of TERT identified by GWAS interacts with menopausal estrogen therapy in risk of ovarian cancer
Q36946511A targeted genetic association study of epithelial ovarian cancer susceptibility
Q37227494ABCB1 (MDR1) polymorphisms and ovarian cancer progression and survival: a comprehensive analysis from the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium and The Cancer Genome Atlas
Q24599521ABO blood group and incidence of epithelial ovarian cancer
Q36327057ABO blood group and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer within the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium
Q33992208Activated networking of platelet activating factor receptor and FAK/STAT1 induces malignant potential in BRCA1-mutant at-risk ovarian epithelium
Q36981843Activation of platelet-activating factor receptor and pleiotropic effects on tyrosine phospho-EGFR/Src/FAK/paxillin in ovarian cancer
Q38406780Adult body mass index and risk of ovarian cancer by subtype: a Mendelian randomization study
Q52647897Adult height is associated with increased risk of ovarian cancer: a Mendelian randomisation study
Q42371458Analyses of germline variants associated with ovarian cancer survival identify functional candidates at the 1q22 and 19p12 outcome loci
Q33894547Analysis of multiple-cycle data from couples undergoing in vitro fertilization: methodologic issues and statistical approaches
Q36831854Analysis of over 10,000 Cases finds no association between previously reported candidate polymorphisms and ovarian cancer outcome
Q34345107Androgen receptor cytosine, adenine, guanine repeats, and haplotypes in relation to ovarian cancer risk
Q60463376Anti-CA15.3 and Anti-CA125 Antibodies and Ovarian Cancer Risk: Results from the EPIC Cohort
Q33587152Anti-MUC1 antibodies and ovarian cancer risk: prospective data from the Nurses' Health Studies
Q36806567Application of protein microarrays for multiplexed detection of antibodies to tumor antigens in breast cancer
Q37584843Aspirin, nonaspirin nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and acetaminophen use and risk of invasive epithelial ovarian cancer: a pooled analysis in the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium
Q37194644Assessing Ovarian Cancer Risk When Considering Elective Oophorectomy at the Time of Hysterectomy
Q30276986Assessing the genetic architecture of epithelial ovarian cancer histological subtypes
Q37684409Assessment of variation in immunosuppressive pathway genes reveals TGFBR2 to be associated with risk of clear cell ovarian cancer
Q90838154Association Between Breastfeeding and Ovarian Cancer Risk
Q30277016Association Between Menopausal Estrogen-Only Therapy and Ovarian Carcinoma Risk
Q24619808Association between endometriosis and risk of histological subtypes of ovarian cancer: a pooled analysis of case-control studies
Q92843597Association between genetically predicted polycystic ovary syndrome and ovarian cancer: a Mendelian randomization study
Q34153498Association of galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase activity and N314D genotype with the risk of ovarian cancer
Q28396688Association of hexachlorobenzene (HCB), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) with in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes
Q39423088Association of vitamin D levels and risk of ovarian cancer: a Mendelian randomization study
Q45057481Autoantibody biomarkers for the detection of serous ovarian cancer
Q37480057Autoantibody profiling to identify biomarkers of key pathogenic pathways in mucinous ovarian cancer.
Q35100846Autoantibody signature for the serologic detection of ovarian cancer
Q37002955BRCA2 Polymorphic Stop Codon K3326X and the Risk of Breast, Prostate, and Ovarian Cancers
Q35867886Blood and urine markers for ovarian cancer: a comprehensive review
Q37185861Breast cancer susceptibility alleles and ovarian cancer risk in 2 study populations
Q34307858Breast-feeding the last born child and risk of ovarian cancer
Q34813490CA125 Immune Complexes in Ovarian Cancer Patients with Low CA125 Concentrations
Q34166700Cell membrane modification for rapid display of bi-functional peptides: a novel approach to reduce complement activation
Q39402240Characteristics of patients with endometriosis in the United States and the United Kingdom.
Q64933204Chronic Medical Conditions and CA125 Levels among Women without Ovarian Cancer.
Q57917829Chronic Recreational Physical Inactivity and Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Risk
Q30276777Chronic Recreational Physical Inactivity and Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Risk: Evidence from the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium
Q37282647Cigarette smoking and risk of ovarian cancer: a pooled analysis of 21 case-control studies
Q30275068Cigarette smoking is associated with adverse survival among women with ovarian cancer: Results from a pooled analysis of 19 studies
Q35782435Cis-eQTL analysis and functional validation of candidate susceptibility genes for high-grade serous ovarian cancer
Q37218434Coffee intake, variants in genes involved in caffeine metabolism, and the risk of epithelial ovarian cancer
Q35668946Common Genetic Variation In Cellular Transport Genes and Epithelial Ovarian Cancer (EOC) Risk
Q36490507Common Genetic Variation in Circadian Rhythm Genes and Risk of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer (EOC).
Q37472152Common genetic variation in IGF1, IGFBP1 and IGFBP3 and ovarian cancer risk
Q29417145Common variants at 19p13 are associated with susceptibility to ovarian cancer
Q36255665Common variants at the CHEK2 gene locus and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer
Q57261157Comprehensive Analysis of Alternative Splicing Across Tumors from 8,705 Patients
Q57261160Comprehensive Characterization of Cancer Driver Genes and Mutations
Q45050625Conditions associated with antibodies against the tumor-associated antigen MUC1 and their relationship to risk for ovarian cancer
Q37155532Consortium analysis of 7 candidate SNPs for ovarian cancer
Q34342248Consortium analysis of gene and gene-folate interactions in purine and pyrimidine metabolism pathways with ovarian carcinoma risk
Q37713640Correlates of circulating ovarian cancer early detection markers and their contribution to discrimination of early detection models: results from the EPIC cohort
Q34307836Correlates of the preoperative level of CA125 at presentation of ovarian cancer
Q92531994Correlative polarizing light and scanning electron microscopy for the assessment of talc in pelvic region lymph nodes
Q28388724Cotinine concentrations in follicular fluid as a measure of secondhand tobacco smoke exposure in women undergoing in vitro fertilization: inter-matrix comparisons with urine and temporal variability
Q36390025Dairy foods and nutrients in relation to risk of ovarian cancer and major histological subtypes
Q119139558Data from Estimated Ovulatory Years Prior to Menopause and Postmenopausal Endogenous Hormone Levels
Q119139560Data from Estimated Ovulatory Years Prior to Menopause and Postmenopausal Endogenous Hormone Levels
Q91471200Development and validation of circulating CA125 prediction models in postmenopausal women
Q45944325Diagnostic potential for a serum miRNA neural network for detection of ovarian cancer.
Q96125161Differential blood count as triage tool in evaluation of pelvic masses
Q37585478Does a woman’s educational attainment influence in vitro fertilization outcomes?
Q43950338Does tubal sterilization influence the subsequent risk of menorrhagia or dysmenorrhea?
Q92912592Douching, Talc Use, and Risk for Ovarian Cancer and Conditions Related to Genital Tract Inflammation
Q36205206Duarte galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase genotypes are not associated with ovarian cancer risk
Q33824208ESR1/SYNE1 polymorphism and invasive epithelial ovarian cancer risk: an Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium study
Q60491921Early life menstrual characteristics and pregnancy experiences among women with and without major depression: the Harvard study of moods and cycles
Q35805934Effect of Alcohol Consumption on In Vitro Fertilization
Q36752660Effects of Caffeine Consumption by Women and Men on the Outcome of In Vitro Fertilization
Q79166385Effects of lifetime exercise on the outcome of in vitro fertilization
Q35164066Endometrial Intraepithelial Neoplasia Clinical Correlates and Outcomes
Q38720533Enrichment of putative PAX8 target genes at serous epithelial ovarian cancer susceptibility loci
Q34777634Epidemiologic perspective on immune-surveillance in cancer
Q24633316Epigenetic analysis leads to identification of HNF1B as a subtype-specific susceptibility gene for ovarian cancer
Q36487146Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) Gene Variants and Epithelial Ovarian Cancer (EOC) Risk
Q57319395Erratum: Corrigendum: Common variants at 19p13 are associated with susceptibility to ovarian cancer
Q119139564Estimated Ovulatory Years Prior to Menopause and Postmenopausal Endogenous Hormone Levels
Q89577377Estrogen plus progestin hormone therapy and ovarian cancer: a complicated relationship explored
Q36966218Evaluating the ovarian cancer gonadotropin hypothesis: a candidate gene study
Q21144976Evaluation of candidate stromal epithelial cross-talk genes identifies association between risk of serous ovarian cancer and TERT, a cancer susceptibility "hot-spot"
Q64110801Evaluation of vitamin D biosynthesis and pathway target genes reveals UGT2A1/2 and EGFR polymorphisms associated with epithelial ovarian cancer in African American Women
Q34368796Evidence of differential effects of vitamin d receptor variants on epithelial ovarian cancer risk by predicted vitamin d status.
Q38845261Exome genotyping arrays to identify rare and low frequency variants associated with epithelial ovarian cancer risk
Q98241943Expanding our understanding of ovarian cancer risk: the role of incomplete pregnancies
Q37244256Flavonoid intake and ovarian cancer risk in a population-based case-control study
Q35784231Folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, methionine and alcohol intake in relation to ovarian cancer risk
Q36124728Functional mechanisms underlying pleiotropic risk alleles at the 19p13.1 breast-ovarian cancer susceptibility locus
Q36956156GWAS meta-analysis and replication identifies three new susceptibility loci for ovarian cancer
Q62583319Genetic Data from Nearly 63,000 Women of European Descent Predicts DNA Methylation Biomarkers and Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Risk
Q34453723Genetic variation in TYMS in the one-carbon transfer pathway is associated with ovarian carcinoma types in the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium
Q36282520Genetic variation in telomere maintenance genes in relation to ovarian cancer survival
Q24540482Genetic variation in the progesterone receptor gene and ovarian cancer risk
Q95842932Genital Powder Use and Ovarian Cancer
Q28388497Genome-Wide Meta-Analyses of Breast, Ovarian, and Prostate Cancer Association Studies Identify Multiple New Susceptibility Loci Shared by at Least Two Cancer Types
Q36218993Genome-wide Analysis Identifies Novel Loci Associated with Ovarian Cancer Outcomes: Findings from the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium
Q33778612Genome-wide association study of subtype-specific epithelial ovarian cancer risk alleles using pooled DNA.
Q38985350Giant Basal Cell Carcinomas Express Neuroactive Mediators and Show a High Growth Rate: A Case-Control Study and Meta-Analysis of Etiopathogenic and Prognostic Factors
Q40189207Ginkgo biloba and ovarian cancer prevention: epidemiological and biological evidence
Q57589057Graft facilitating cells are derived from hematopoietic stem cells and functionally require CD3, but are distinct from T lymphocytes
Q30975693Haptoglobin-alpha subunit as potential serum biomarker in ovarian cancer: identification and characterization using proteomic profiling and mass spectrometry.
Q40060927History of Comorbidities and Survival of Ovarian Cancer Patients, Results from the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium
Q30252952History of hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes and ovarian cancer patient survival: evidence from the ovarian cancer association consortium
Q38619748History of thyroid disease and survival of ovarian cancer patients: results from the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium, a brief report
Q36681153Hormonal and reproductive risk factors for epithelial ovarian cancer by tumor aggressiveness
Q38348553Human progesterone receptor polymorphisms and implantation failure during in vitro fertilization
Q37006170Identification and molecular characterization of a new ovarian cancer susceptibility locus at 17q21.31.
Q30252854Identification of 12 new susceptibility loci for different histotypes of epithelial ovarian cancer
Q112717190Identification of a Locus Near ULK1 Associated With Progression-Free Survival in Ovarian Cancer
Q40553474Identification of epithelial cell adhesion molecule autoantibody in patients with ovarian cancer.
Q35541663Identification of six new susceptibility loci for invasive epithelial ovarian cancer
Q45289421Incessant ovulation, mucin 1 immunity, and risk for ovarian cancer
Q95355764Incidence rate of breast cancer in young women
Q58175774Infertility, Fertility Drugs, and Ovarian Cancer: A Pooled Analysis of Case-Control Studies
Q37684424Inherited variants affecting RNA editing may contribute to ovarian cancer susceptibility: results from a large-scale collaboration
Q33867457Integrated analysis of multiple microarray datasets identifies a reproducible survival predictor in ovarian cancer
Q30449569Integration of cell phone imaging with microchip ELISA to detect ovarian cancer HE4 biomarker in urine at the point-of-care
Q44368552Interaction between CYP1A1 polymorphic variants and dietary exposures influencing ovarian cancer risk.
Q34794017Interaction between use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and selected genetic polymorphisms in ovarian cancer risk
Q30277784Investigation of Exomic Variants Associated with Overall Survival in Ovarian Cancer
Q92576181Joint exposure to smoking, excessive weight, and physical inactivity and survival of ovarian cancer patients, evidence from the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium
Q35022313LIN28B polymorphisms influence susceptibility to epithelial ovarian cancer
Q37725393Large-scale evaluation of common variation in regulatory T cell-related genes and ovarian cancer outcome
Q34188679MTHFR polymorphisms in relation to ovarian cancer risk
Q97528612Menopausal hormone therapy prior to the diagnosis of ovarian cancer is associated with improved survival
Q35845474Menstrual pain and epithelial ovarian cancer risk
Q38638265Menstrual pain and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer: results from the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium
Q35156802MicroRNA processing and binding site polymorphisms are not replicated in the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium
Q91881888Migration of Talc From the Perineum to Multiple Pelvic Organ Sites
Q37293672Molecular pathogenesis of endometrial and ovarian cancer
Q36897003Multiple independent variants at the TERT locus are associated with telomere length and risks of breast and ovarian cancer
Q34180646Mumps and ovarian cancer: modern interpretation of an historic association
Q26799669Network-Based Integration of GWAS and Gene Expression Identifies a HOX-Centric Network Associated with Serous Ovarian Cancer Risk
Q30275832No Evidence That Genetic Variation in the Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cell Pathway Influences Ovarian Cancer Survival
Q30374367No clinical utility of KRAS variant rs61764370 for ovarian or breast cancer.
Q37023625Non-genomic biomarkers of risk in ovarian cancer
Q33481160Novel anti-filamin-A antibody detects a secreted variant of filamin-A in plasma from patients with breast carcinoma and high-grade astrocytoma
Q35012108Novel missense mutations of the Deleted-in-AZoospermia-Like (DAZL) gene in infertile women and men.
Q37378287Obesity and risk of ovarian cancer subtypes: evidence from the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium
Q38457189Osteopontin as a potential diagnostic biomarker for ovarian cancer
Q47433476Osteopontin as an adjunct to CA125 in detecting recurrent ovarian cancer
Q34895083Ovarian cancer biomarker performance in prostate, lung, colorectal, and ovarian cancer screening trial specimens
Q48264780Ovarian cancer early detection by circulating CA125 in the context of anti-CA125 autoantibody levels: Results from the EPIC cohort
Q36948873Ovarian cancer risk factors by tumor dominance, a surrogate for cell of origin
Q35688551Ovarian cancer risk in relation to medical visits, pelvic examinations and type of health care provider
Q47298863Ovarian cancer risk, ALDH2 polymorphism and alcohol drinking: Asian data from the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium
Q28584533PALB2, CHEK2 and ATM rare variants and cancer risk: data from COGS
Q35629783Periodontal bone loss and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer
Q96644093Peripheral Blood Leukocyte Telomere Length and Endometriosis
Q88541717Perspectives on Ovarian Cancer From SEER: Today and Tomorrow
Q34594287Physical activity and semen quality among men attending an infertility clinic
Q98732249Plasmonic Nanoparticle-based Digital Cytometry to Quantify MUC16 Binding on the Surface of Leukocytes in Ovarian Cancer
Q37216081Point of failure as a predictor of in vitro fertilization treatment discontinuation
Q45073049Polycystic ovary syndrome, oligomenorrhea, and risk of ovarian cancer histotypes: Evidence from the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium
Q33891803Polymorphism in the GALNT1 gene and epithelial ovarian cancer in non-Hispanic white women: the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium
Q37153564Polymorphisms in the vitamin D receptor and risk of ovarian cancer in four studies
Q35097362Polymorphisms of MUC16 (CA125) and MUC1 (CA15.3) in relation to ovarian cancer risk and survival
Q74198901Polymorphisms of the estrogen-metabolizing genes CYP17 and catechol-O-methyltransferase and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer
Q34453715Pooled analysis of the association of PTGS2 rs5275 polymorphism and NSAID use with invasive ovarian carcinoma risk
Q79776051Pooling of case specimens to create standard serum sets for screening cancer biomarkers
Q35499974Potential Role of HE4 in Multimodal Screening for Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
Q63865845Predicting Circulating CA125 Levels among Healthy Premenopausal Women
Q40397279Predictors of pretreatment CA125 at ovarian cancer diagnosis: a pooled analysis in the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium
Q80710493Presence of talc in pelvic lymph nodes of a woman with ovarian cancer and long-term genital exposure to cosmetic talc
Q91531788Primordial germ cells as a potential shared cell of origin for mucinous cystic neoplasms of the pancreas and mucinous ovarian tumors
Q37593669Prior appendectomy does not protect against subsequent development of malignant or borderline mucinous ovarian neoplasms.
Q35223238Progesterone receptor gene polymorphisms and risk of endometriosis: results from an international collaborative effort
Q37693818Prognostic significance and predictors of the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in ovarian cancer.
Q35223068Prostate cancer susceptibility polymorphism rs2660753 is not associated with invasive ovarian cancer
Q41357741Proteomic mapping of p53 immunogenicity in pancreatic, ovarian, and breast cancers
Q33232246Proteomic-based discovery and characterization of glycosylated eosinophil-derived neurotoxin and COOH-terminal osteopontin fragments for ovarian cancer in urine
Q37248635Puerperal mastitis: a reproductive event of importance affecting anti-mucin antibody levels and ovarian cancer risk
Q34557167Recent alcohol consumption and risk of incident ovarian carcinoma: a pooled analysis of 5,342 cases and 10,358 controls from the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium
Q30276610Recreational physical inactivity and mortality in women with invasive epithelial ovarian cancer: evidence from the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium
Q47658870Reproductive factors and ovarian cancer risk in Jewish BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers (United States).
Q39326953Risk Prediction for Epithelial Ovarian Cancer in 11 United States-Based Case-Control Studies: Incorporation of Epidemiologic Risk Factors and 17 Confirmed Genetic Loci
Q37624504Risk of ovarian cancer and the NF-κB pathway: genetic association with IL1A and TNFSF10
Q44968549Risk of ovarian cancer in the United States in relation to anthropometric measures: does the association depend on menopausal status?
Q40204097Risk of spontaneous abortion in women with childhood exposure to parental cigarette smoke
Q38716934Robust Tests for Additive Gene-Environment Interaction in Case-Control Studies Using Gene-Environment Independence
Q35169318Secondhand tobacco smoke exposure is associated with increased risk of failed implantation and reduced IVF success.
Q36445799Secondhand tobacco smoke exposure is associated with prolactin but not thyroid stimulating hormone among nonsmoking women seeking in vitro fertilization
Q36003966Serum and follicular fluid concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and in-vitro fertilization outcome
Q37281346Serum and follicular fluid organochlorine concentrations among women undergoing assisted reproduction technologies
Q28394048Serum concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls in relation to in vitro fertilization outcomes
Q36089391Shared genetics underlying epidemiological association between endometriosis and ovarian cancer
Q36289734Signatures of reproductive events on blood counts and biomarkers of inflammation: Implications for chronic disease risk
Q37151786Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the TP53 region and susceptibility to invasive epithelial ovarian cancer
Q45072735Stage Dependence, Cell-Origin Independence, and Prognostic Capacity of Serum Glycan Fucosylation, β1-4 Branching, β1-6 Branching, and α2-6 Sialylation in Cancer.
Q90157561Statin therapy and association with ovarian cancer risk in the New England Case Control (NEC) study
Q119139567Supplemental Table 1 from Estimated Ovulatory Years Prior to Menopause and Postmenopausal Endogenous Hormone Levels
Q119139570Supplemental Table 1 from Estimated Ovulatory Years Prior to Menopause and Postmenopausal Endogenous Hormone Levels
Q81472949Talc and anti-MUC1 antibodies
Q37071502Talc use, variants of the GSTM1, GSTT1, and NAT2 genes, and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer
Q35815552Telomere length and genetic variation in telomere maintenance genes in relation to ovarian cancer risk
Q53488955The "reverse capture" autoantibody microarray : an innovative approach to profiling the autoantibody response to tissue-derived native antigens.
Q34674926The Association Between Talc Use and Ovarian Cancer: A Retrospective Case-Control Study in Two US States
Q57261171The Cancer Genome Atlas Comprehensive Molecular Characterization of Renal Cell Carcinoma
Q35676052The Epidemiology of Endometrial and Ovarian Cancer
Q50709318The association between socioeconomic status and tumour stage at diagnosis of ovarian cancer: A pooled analysis of 18 case-control studies
Q35108912The epidemiology of endometriosis
Q77930005The epidemiology of endometriosis
Q35024008The role of KRAS rs61764370 in invasive epithelial ovarian cancer: implications for clinical testing
Q53639283The tubal fimbria is a preferred site for early adenocarcinoma in women with familial ovarian cancer syndrome
Q36580176Transient T cell depletion causes regression of melanoma metastases
Q34338047Tubal ligation and risk of ovarian cancer subtypes: a pooled analysis of case-control studies
Q37169663Tubal ligation, hysterectomy and epithelial ovarian cancer in the New England Case-Control Study
Q50145937Tumor-associated auto-antibodies as early detection markers for ovarian cancer? A prospective evaluation
Q38870982Use of common analgesic medications and ovarian cancer survival: results from a pooled analysis in the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium
Q37306176Use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents and incidence of ovarian cancer in 2 large prospective cohorts
Q46560031Variants in Deleted in AZoospermia-Like (DAZL) are correlated with reproductive parameters in men and women
Q56342454Variants in genes encoding small GTPases and association with epithelial ovarian cancer susceptibility
Q33847791Variation in NF-κB signaling pathways and survival in invasive epithelial ovarian cancer
Q36057460Yeast glucan particles activate murine resident macrophages to secrete proinflammatory cytokines via MyD88- and Syk kinase-dependent pathways
Q33725961p53 autoantibodies as potential detection and prognostic biomarkers in serous ovarian cancer
Q56334023rs495139 in the TYMS-ENOSF1 Region and Risk of Ovarian Carcinoma of Mucinous Histology

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