A Multilab Preregistered Replication of the Ego-Depletion Effect

scientific article

A Multilab Preregistered Replication of the Ego-Depletion Effect is …
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P698PubMed publication ID27474142

P50authorBob Michaël FennisQ21552017
Floor M. KroeseQ25035630
Denise T. D. de RidderQ25150799
Nikos ChatzisarantisQ60668999
Katrin RentzschQ60711573
Oulmann ZerhouniQ63363911
Dominique MullerQ63373330
Siegfried DewitteQ74012922
Peter R CannonQ80277271
Dustin P CalvilloQ83425224
Florian LangeQ84702460
Wanja WolffQ85290199
Ralf BrandQ86853197
Henry OtgaarQ90482396
Gustav TinghögQ40049610
Michael C. PhilippQ42319640
Martin S. HaggerQ47298828
Mark J BrandtQ55362934
Sarah F SchochQ57022342
Malte ElsonQ59600868
Ratri NurwantiQ60048436
Anna FinleyQ60048442
Cleoputri YusainyQ60048445
Jacqueline R EvansQ60048447
Johannes UllrichQ60048454
P2093author name stringAstrid Schütz
Gene Brewer
Carolien Martijn
Kevin Lau
Nicholas P Carruth
Harald Merckelbach
Akira Miyake
W Keith Campbell
Michael Inzlicht
Tracy Cheung
Sander L Koole
Hugo Alberts
Brandon J Schmeichel
Marianna Carlucci
Adrienne Crowell
Michelle vanDellen
Lina Koppel
Alexandra E Mosser
Alexej Michirev
Angela R Birt
Angelos Stamos
Benjamin A Fay
Bridget P Lynch
Calvin Octavianus Anggono
Caroline Schlinkert
Cédric Batailler
Dario Nalis
Elke Heise
Henrik Hoemann
Lara Ringos
Maria Zwienenberg
Megan Muise
Michel Schrama
Milena Muzi
Nicole V Mills
Pierpaolo Primoceri
Sabrina Bruyneel
Supra Wimbarti
Zoë Francis
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P577publication date2016-07-01
P1433published inPerspectives on Psychological ScienceQ7170765
P1476titleA Multilab Preregistered Replication of the Ego-Depletion Effect

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