Comparing meta-analyses and preregistered multiple-laboratory replication projects

scientific article published on 23 December 2019

Comparing meta-analyses and preregistered multiple-laboratory replication projects is …
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P698PubMed publication ID31873200

P50authorMagnus JohannessonQ18274567
P2093author name stringAmanda Kvarven
Eirik Strømland
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Power and perspectives not takenQ48418996
P2507corrigendum / erratumAuthor Correction: Comparing meta-analyses and preregistered multiple-laboratory replication projectsQ96127641
P921main subjectmeta-analysisQ815382
P577publication date2019-12-23
P1433published inNature Human BehaviourQ41787268
P1476titleComparing meta-analyses and preregistered multiple-laboratory replication projects

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