Computational modeling of the cell-autonomous mammalian circadian oscillator

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Computational modeling of the cell-autonomous mammalian circadian oscillator is …
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P8978DBLP publication IDjournals/bmcsb/PodkolodnayaTP17
P6179Dimensions Publication ID1083877863
P8608Fatcat IDrelease_gfjmzpsnnfeghhxzkpfcmwrklm
P932PMC publication ID5333193
P698PubMed publication ID28466791

P2093author name stringNatalya N Tverdokhleb
Nikolay L Podkolodnyy
Olga A Podkolodnaya
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P433issueSuppl 1
P921main subjectcircadian rhythmQ208353
P577publication date2017-02-24
P1433published inBMC Systems BiologyQ4835949
P1476titleComputational modeling of the cell-autonomous mammalian circadian oscillator

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