CircaDB: a database of mammalian circadian gene expression profiles

scientific article

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CircaDB: a database of mammalian circadian gene expression profiles is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P8978DBLP publication IDjournals/nar/PizarroHLH13
P932PMC publication ID3531170
P698PubMed publication ID23180795
P5875ResearchGate publication ID233770739

P50authorKatharina E. HayerQ47125567
Angel PizarroQ30528096
P2093author name stringJohn B Hogenesch
Nicholas F Lahens
P2860cites workA gene wiki for community annotation of gene functionQ21092744
Mitogen-activated protein kinase is a functional component of the autonomous circadian system in the suprachiasmatic nucleusQ36737573
Central and peripheral clocks in cardiovascular and metabolic functionQ36793666
The circadian PAR-domain basic leucine zipper transcription factors DBP, TEF, and HLF modulate basal and inducible xenobiotic detoxificationQ42497646
Detecting periodic patterns in unevenly spaced gene expression time series using Lomb-Scargle periodogramsQ48466347
The DIURNAL project: DIURNAL and circadian expression profiling, model-based pattern matching, and promoter analysisQ50131694
REV-ERBalpha participates in circadian SREBP signaling and bile acid homeostasisQ21145813
BMAL1 and CLOCK, two essential components of the circadian clock, are involved in glucose homeostasisQ21146393
BioGPS: an extensible and customizable portal for querying and organizing gene annotation resourcesQ21183895
The orphan nuclear receptor Rev-erbalpha recruits the N-CoR/histone deacetylase 3 corepressor to regulate the circadian Bmal1 geneQ24297850
Modulation of clock gene expression by the transcriptional coregulator receptor interacting protein 140 (RIP140)Q24305080
A gene atlas of the mouse and human protein-encoding transcriptomesQ24568043
Circadian clock control of the cellular response to DNA damageQ24602881
The Gene Wiki: community intelligence applied to human gene annotationQ24644366
Brain-specific rescue of Clock reveals system-driven transcriptional rhythms in peripheral tissueQ27332343
System-level identification of transcriptional circuits underlying mammalian circadian clocksQ27863806
Coordinated transcription of key pathways in the mouse by the circadian clockQ28217978
Molecular components of the mammalian circadian clockQ28264527
Differential control of Bmal1 circadian transcription by REV-ERB and ROR nuclear receptorsQ28280146
Delay in feedback repression by cryptochrome 1 is required for circadian clock functionQ28512076
RORγ directly regulates the circadian expression of clock genes and downstream targets in vivoQ28586352
Extensive and divergent circadian gene expression in liver and heartQ29615206
The genetics of mammalian circadian order and disorder: implications for physiology and diseaseQ29616366
A clockwork web: circadian timing in brain and periphery, in health and diseaseQ29618069
Mammalian circadian biology: elucidating genome-wide levels of temporal organizationQ29619081
The meter of metabolismQ29619740
Comparison of computational methods for the identification of cell cycle-regulated genesQ30002362
System-driven and oscillator-dependent circadian transcription in mice with a conditionally active liver clockQ33273610
Harmonics of circadian gene transcription in mammalsQ33426339
JTK_CYCLE: an efficient nonparametric algorithm for detecting rhythmic components in genome-scale data setsQ33704844
CLOCK and BMAL1 regulate MyoD and are necessary for maintenance of skeletal muscle phenotype and functionQ33721678
Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Phosphorylates and Negatively Regulates Basic Helix-Loop-Helix-PAS Transcription Factor BMAL1Q34099897
Genome-wide profiling of diel and circadian gene expression in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiaeQ35164754
Deep sequencing the circadian and diurnal transcriptome of Drosophila brainQ36093890
P275copyright licenseCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 UnportedQ18810331
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P433issueDatabase issue
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectdatabaseQ8513
circadian rhythmQ208353
circadian geneQ113455732
P577publication date2012-11-24
P1433published inNucleic Acids ResearchQ135122
P1476titleCircaDB: a database of mammalian circadian gene expression profiles

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cites work (P2860)
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Q47663049Meta-analysis of transcriptomic datasets identifies genes enriched in the mammalian circadian pacemaker.
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Q111730912CircaDBdescribed by sourceP1343

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