scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P6179 | Dimensions Publication ID | 1013980873 |
P356 | DOI | 10.1038/NG1504 |
P3181 | OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID | 3583226 |
P698 | PubMed publication ID | 15665827 |
P5875 | ResearchGate publication ID | 8065487 |
P50 | author | Hiroki R Ueda | Q56997717 |
P2093 | author name string | Wenbin Chen | |
Masamitsu Iino | |||
Motoaki Sano | |||
Yasufumi Shigeyoshi | |||
Masayuki Machida | |||
Seiichi Hashimoto | |||
Satoko Hayashi | |||
P2860 | cites work | Lethality and centrality in protein networks | Q29547267 |
Error and attack tolerance of complex networks | Q29547268 | ||
Network motifs: simple building blocks of complex networks | Q29547340 | ||
Systems biology: a brief overview | Q29547514 | ||
Interacting molecular loops in the mammalian circadian clock | Q29616206 | ||
mCRY1 and mCRY2 are essential components of the negative limb of the circadian clock feedback loop | Q29616207 | ||
A functional genomics strategy reveals Rora as a component of the mammalian circadian clock | Q29616297 | ||
A transcription factor response element for gene expression during circadian night | Q29617973 | ||
Nonredundant roles of the mPer1 and mPer2 genes in the mammalian circadian clock | Q33949726 | ||
Three period homologs in mammals: differential light responses in the suprachiasmatic circadian clock and oscillating transcripts outside of brain. | Q47877188 | ||
Dec1 and Dec2 are regulators of the mammalian molecular clock | Q24313082 | ||
Coordination of circadian timing in mammals | Q27860673 | ||
NPAS2: an analog of clock operative in the mammalian forebrain | Q27863700 | ||
Posttranslational Mechanisms Regulate the Mammalian Circadian Clock | Q27863710 | ||
Circadian oscillation of a mammalian homologue of the Drosophila period gene | Q27867702 | ||
Two period homologs: circadian expression and photic regulation in the suprachiasmatic nuclei. | Q27867706 | ||
Role of the CLOCK protein in the mammalian circadian mechanism | Q27867710 | ||
Positional syntenic cloning and functional characterization of the mammalian circadian mutation tau. | Q28142534 | ||
The orphan nuclear receptor REV-ERBalpha controls circadian transcription within the positive limb of the mammalian circadian oscillator | Q28216502 | ||
Circadian rhythms from flies to human | Q28217953 | ||
Coordinated transcription of key pathways in the mouse by the circadian clock | Q28217978 | ||
Positional cloning of the mouse circadian clock gene | Q28238809 | ||
Antagonistic role of E4BP4 and PAR proteins in the circadian oscillatory mechanism | Q28363498 | ||
Differential functions of mPer1, mPer2, and mPer3 in the SCN circadian clock | Q28509438 | ||
The orphan receptor Rev-ErbA alpha activates transcription via a novel response element | Q28564147 | ||
Circadian Oscillation ofBMAL1,a Partner of a Mammalian Clock GeneClock,in Rat Suprachiasmatic Nucleus | Q28569989 | ||
Expression of the liver-enriched transcriptional activator protein DBP follows a stringent circadian rhythm | Q28574009 | ||
Mammalian Cry1 and Cry2 are essential for maintenance of circadian rhythms | Q28584936 | ||
Mop3 is an essential component of the master circadian pacemaker in mammals | Q28591939 | ||
P433 | issue | 2 | |
P407 | language of work or name | English | Q1860 |
P921 | main subject | circadian rhythm | Q208353 |
P304 | page(s) | 187-92 | |
P577 | publication date | 2005-02-01 | |
P1433 | published in | Nature Genetics | Q976454 |
P1476 | title | System-level identification of transcriptional circuits underlying mammalian circadian clocks | |
P478 | volume | 37 |
Q33741010 | A class of circadian long non-coding RNAs mark enhancers modulating long-range circadian gene regulation. |
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Q39215656 | A disruption mechanism of the molecular clock in a MPTP mouse model of Parkinson's disease. |
Q37902096 | A fluorescence spotlight on the clockwork development and metabolism of bone. |
Q34017499 | A genome-scale resource for the functional characterization of Arabidopsis transcription factors. |
Q24655808 | A genome-wide RNAi screen for modifiers of the circadian clock in human cells |
Q34203771 | A mammalian circadian clock model incorporating daytime expression elements |
Q39332067 | A master CLOCK hard at work brings rhythm to the transcriptome |
Q36524975 | A mechanism for robust circadian timekeeping via stoichiometric balance |
Q34988540 | A model of the cell-autonomous mammalian circadian clock |
Q42118422 | A new symbolic representation for the identification of informative genes in replicated microarray experiments |
Q28256459 | A non-canonical E-box within the MyoD core enhancer is necessary for circadian expression in skeletal muscle |
Q35646834 | A novel E4BP4 element drives circadian expression of mPeriod2. |
Q28588364 | A novel protein, CHRONO, functions as a core component of the mammalian circadian clock |
Q64107911 | A period without PER: understanding 24-hour rhythms without classic transcription and translation feedback loops |
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Q39300023 | A systems theoretic approach to analysis and control of mammalian circadian dynamics |
Q35272964 | A time to remember: the role of circadian clocks in learning and memory. |
Q24320084 | AUF1 contributes to Cryptochrome1 mRNA degradation and rhythmic translation |
Q84874223 | Abnormal expressions of circadian-clock and circadian clock-controlled genes in the livers and kidneys of long-term, high-fat-diet-treated mice |
Q36804423 | Accurate timekeeping is controlled by a cycling activator in Arabidopsis. |
Q46231033 | Activation of TGF-beta/activin signalling resets the circadian clock through rapid induction of Dec1 transcripts |
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Q34072641 | Age-associated disruption of molecular clock expression in skeletal muscle of the spontaneously hypertensive rat. |
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Q47134589 | Akt1 Controls the Timing and Amplitude of Vascular Circadian Gene Expression. |
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Q41993392 | Detection of a circadian enhancer in the mDbp promoter using prokaryotic transposon vector-based strategy |
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Q37164869 | Effect of chronic ethanol exposure on the liver of Clock-mutant mice |
Q33722180 | Effect of feeding regimens on circadian rhythms: implications for aging and longevity |
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Q51493799 | Effects of fasting and re-feeding on the expression of Dec1, Per1, and other clock-related genes. |
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Q36659876 | Emerging evidence for the interrelationship of xenobiotic exposure and circadian rhythms: a review. |
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Q28290094 | Entrainment of disrupted circadian behavior through inhibition of casein kinase 1 (CK1) enzymes |
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Q40282051 | Essential role of 3'-untranslated region-mediated mRNA decay in circadian oscillations of mouse Period3 mRNA. |
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Q46965170 | Exploratory investigation of the effect of melatonin and caloric restriction on the temporal expression of murine hypothalamic transcripts |
Q47227507 | Expression and functional analyses of circadian genes in mouse oocytes and preimplantation embryos: Cry1 is involved in the meiotic process independently of circadian clock regulation |
Q50287087 | Expression of CLOCK |
Q37246145 | Expression pattern of circadian genes and steroidogenesis-related genes after testosterone stimulation in the human ovary |
Q34646783 | Extensive circadian and light regulation of the transcriptome in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae |
Q36220165 | Feedback Loops of the Mammalian Circadian Clock Constitute Repressilator. |
Q24680543 | Feedback repression is required for mammalian circadian clock function |
Q27323345 | Feeding Cues and Injected Nutrients Induce Acute Expression of Multiple Clock Genes in the Mouse Liver |
Q33913214 | Flexible phase adjustment of circadian albumin D site-binding protein (DBP) gene expression by CRYPTOCHROME1 |
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Q34447664 | Gene and genome parameters of mammalian liver circadian genes (LCGs). |
Q33646693 | Gene expression profiling of the local cecal response of genetic chicken lines that differ in their susceptibility to Campylobacter jejuni colonization |
Q30436629 | Generation of a novel allelic series of cryptochrome mutants via mutagenesis reveals residues involved in protein-protein interaction and CRY2-specific repression |
Q42376218 | Genetic Association of the PERIOD3 (Per3) Clock Gene with Bipolar Disorder |
Q37270454 | Genetic and neuroendocrine regulation of the postpartum brain. |
Q36405856 | Genetic insights on sleep schedules: this time, it's PERsonal |
Q37005459 | Genetics of Circadian Rhythms in Mammalian Model Organisms |
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Q34142933 | Genome-wide profiling of the core clock protein BMAL1 targets reveals a strict relationship with metabolism |
Q21092423 | Genomic convergence among ERRα, PROX1, and BMAL1 in the control of metabolic clock outputs |
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Q59209926 | Glucocorticoid signaling synchronizes the liver circadian transcriptome |
Q36963269 | Glucocorticoid-mediated Period2 induction delays the phase of circadian rhythm |
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Q34573018 | Highly designable phenotypes and mutational buffers emerge from a systematic mapping between network topology and dynamic output |
Q37560481 | How nuclear receptors tell time. |
Q28591766 | ID2 (inhibitor of DNA binding 2) is a rhythmically expressed transcriptional repressor required for circadian clock output in mouse liver |
Q33640278 | IL-4-induced transcription factor NFIL3/E4BP4 controls IgE class switching |
Q36122122 | Identification of a Novel Cryptochrome Differentiating Domain Required for Feedback Repression in Circadian Clock Function |
Q28274680 | Identification of a new clock-related element EL-box involved in circadian regulation by BMAL1/CLOCK and HES1 |
Q24629717 | Identification of functional clock-controlled elements involved in differential timing of Per1 and Per2 transcription |
Q38383958 | Identifying Novel Transcriptional Regulators with Circadian Expression |
Q33379609 | Implication of the F-Box Protein FBXL21 in circadian pacemaker function in mammals |
Q43044922 | In vivo role of phosphorylation of cryptochrome 2 in the mouse circadian clock |
Q27305171 | Increased sensitivity of the circadian system to temporal changes in the feeding regime of spontaneously hypertensive rats - a potential role for Bmal2 in the liver |
Q28576407 | Influence of a Time-Restricted Feeding Schedule on the Daily Rhythm of abcb1a Gene Expression and Its Function in Rat Intestine |
Q53644114 | Inhibitory role of REV-ERBα in the expression of bone morphogenetic protein gene family in rat uterus endometrium stromal cells |
Q28511138 | Interaction of MAGED1 with nuclear receptors affects circadian clock function |
Q34291433 | Internal Ribosomal Entry Site-Mediated Translation Is Important for Rhythmic PERIOD1 Expression |
Q39384079 | Intestinal Expression of Mouse Abcg2/Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP) Gene Is under Control of Circadian Clock-activating Transcription Factor-4 Pathway |
Q35051662 | Intracellular and intercellular processes determine robustness of the circadian clock. |
Q26823494 | Involvement of the circadian rhythm and inflammatory cytokines in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis |
Q30532009 | Involvement of urinary bladder Connexin43 and the circadian clock in coordination of diurnal micturition rhythm. |
Q42803591 | JBIR-26, a novel natural compound from Streptomyces sp. AK-AH76, regulates mammalian circadian clock |
Q33365642 | Judgment algorithm for periodicity of time series data based on Bayesian information criterion |
Q98222237 | Keeping time in group 3 innate lymphoid cells |
Q30476035 | LUX ARRHYTHMO encodes a Myb domain protein essential for circadian rhythms |
Q48617460 | Lcg is a light-inducible and clock-controlled gene expressed in the chicken pineal gland. |
Q92029478 | Light conditions affect rhythmic expression of aquaporin 5 and anoctamin 1 in rat submandibular glands |
Q38403691 | Light- and circadian-controlled genes respond to a broad light spectrum in Puffer Fish-derived Fugu eye cells |
Q35057088 | Light-dark oscillations in the lung transcriptome: implications for lung homeostasis, repair, metabolism, disease, and drug action |
Q41974592 | Light-dependent Structural Change of Chicken Retinal Cryptochrome4 |
Q36005012 | Long-Range Chromosome Interactions Mediated by Cohesin Shape Circadian Gene Expression. |
Q91867400 | Long-Term Effects of Altered Photoperiod During Pregnancy on Liver Gene Expression of the Progeny |
Q36185967 | Loss of circadian clock gene expression is associated with tumor progression in breast cancer. |
Q37879671 | MAGED1: molecular insights and clinical implications |
Q36695167 | MBD5 haploinsufficiency is associated with sleep disturbance and disrupts circadian pathways common to Smith-Magenis and fragile X syndromes |
Q97643443 | MRG15 orchestrates rhythmic epigenomic remodelling and controls hepatic lipid metabolism |
Q38100633 | Mammalian Circadian Clock: The Roles of Transcriptional Repression and Delay |
Q37346900 | Mammalian Period represses and de-represses transcription by displacing CLOCK-BMAL1 from promoters in a Cryptochrome-dependent manner |
Q34273678 | Mammalian circadian clock and metabolism - the epigenetic link |
Q36944717 | Mammalian circadian signaling networks and therapeutic targets. |
Q30479252 | Mania-like behavior induced by disruption of CLOCK |
Q37021702 | Mass spectrometry-based absolute quantification reveals rhythmic variation of mouse circadian clock proteins |
Q40064213 | Melanopsin-dependent photo-perturbation reveals desynchronization underlying the singularity of mammalian circadian clocks |
Q34358832 | Melatonin regulates aging and neurodegeneration through energy metabolism, epigenetics, autophagy and circadian rhythm pathways |
Q41083414 | Messenger RNA expression of chicken CLOCK gene in the response to Campylobacter jejuni inoculation |
Q99207689 | Metabolic rivalry: circadian homeostasis and tumorigenesis |
Q92402263 | Microbiome diurnal rhythmicity and its impact on host physiology and disease risk |
Q35843886 | Mining for novel candidate clock genes in the circadian regulatory network |
Q33320184 | Modeling an evolutionary conserved circadian cis-element |
Q24292897 | Modeling of a human circadian mutation yields insights into clock regulation by PER2 |
Q24305080 | Modulation of clock gene expression by the transcriptional coregulator receptor interacting protein 140 (RIP140) |
Q28512569 | Molecular characterization of Mybbp1a as a co-repressor on the Period2 promoter |
Q36799431 | Molecular circadian rhythms in central and peripheral clocks in mammals. |
Q42808184 | Molecular mechanism of cell-autonomous circadian gene expression of Period2, a crucial regulator of the mammalian circadian clock |
Q38968773 | Molecular modulators of the circadian clock: lessons from flies and mice |
Q36374997 | Monitoring Cell-autonomous Circadian Clock Rhythms of Gene Expression Using Luciferase Bioluminescence Reporters |
Q37041824 | Mouse period 2 mRNA circadian oscillation is modulated by PTB-mediated rhythmic mRNA degradation |
Q47933431 | Multiple circadian transcriptional elements cooperatively regulate cell-autonomous transcriptional oscillation of Period3, a mammalian clock gene |
Q58456851 | Multiple feedback loops of the Arabidopsis circadian clock provide rhythmic robustness across environmental conditions |
Q34993986 | NFIL3/E4BP4 controls type 2 T helper cell cytokine expression |
Q50350364 | NRF2 regulates core and stabilizing circadian clock loops, coupling redox and timekeeping in Mus musculus |
Q35064303 | Negative feedback in the bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) synexpression group governs its dynamic signaling range and canalizes development |
Q33318085 | Network discovery pipeline elucidates conserved time-of-day-specific cis-regulatory modules |
Q36997280 | Neuroendocrine-immune correlates of circadian physiology: studies in experimental models of arthritis, ethanol feeding, aging, social isolation, and calorie restriction. |
Q48291873 | Neuroglobin expression in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus: colocalization, innervation, and response to light |
Q92668133 | Neuronal Myocyte-Specific Enhancer Factor 2D (MEF2D) Is Required for Normal Circadian and Sleep Behavior in Mice |
Q28249827 | Neurons and networks in daily rhythms |
Q38625827 | New Frontiers for the NFIL3 bZIP Transcription Factor in Cancer, Metabolism and Beyond |
Q92690625 | Non-coding cis-element of Period2 is essential for maintaining organismal circadian behaviour and body temperature rhythmicity |
Q64998192 | Non-transcriptional processes in circadian rhythm generation. |
Q58613658 | Norepinephrine triggers an immediate-early regulatory network response in primary human white adipocytes |
Q47340286 | Novel transcriptional networks regulated by CLOCK in human neurons |
Q34112941 | Nuclear envelope protein MAN1 regulates clock through BMAL1 |
Q34407980 | Nuclear receptors rock around the clock |
Q37195570 | Obesity in mice with adipocyte-specific deletion of clock component Arntl. |
Q37235010 | Opposing actions of Per1 and Cry2 in the regulation of Per1 target gene expression in the liver and kidney |
Q24649146 | Oscillating perceptions: the ups and downs of the CLOCK protein in the mouse circadian system |
Q36345553 | Pancreatic β cell enhancers regulate rhythmic transcription of genes controlling insulin secretion |
Q48367057 | Periodic variation in bile acids controls circadian changes in uric acid via regulation of xanthine oxidase by the orphan nuclear receptor PPARα. |
Q58606720 | Periodicity, repression, and the molecular architecture of the mammalian circadian clock |
Q35224364 | Phenotypic robustness and the assortativity signature of human transcription factor networks |
Q36939413 | Physiological function of PARbZip circadian clock-controlled transcription factors. |
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Q33886621 | Positive Autoregulation Delays the Expression Phase of Mammalian Clock Gene Per2 |
Q46304792 | Positive and negative factors confer phase-specific circadian regulation of transcription in Arabidopsis |
Q34605395 | Post-translational modifications regulate the ticking of the circadian clock. |
Q28652178 | Potential conservation of circadian clock proteins in the phylum Nematoda as revealed by bioinformatic searches |
Q42848591 | Potential contribution of tandem circadian enhancers to nonlinear oscillations in clock gene expression |
Q50610145 | Precision of collective oscillations in complex dynamical systems with noise |
Q28591084 | Preferential inhibition of BMAL2-CLOCK activity by PER2 reemphasizes its negative role and a positive role of BMAL2 in the circadian transcription |
Q40096655 | Presence of robust circadian clock oscillation under constitutive over-expression of mCry1 in rat-1 fibroblasts |
Q34713996 | Prevalence, evolution, and cis-regulation of diel transcription in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii |
Q36515720 | Probing the relative importance of molecular oscillations in the circadian clock |
Q46190230 | Progesterone, but not estradiol, synchronizes circadian oscillator in the uterus endometrial stromal cells |
Q42808272 | Proof-by-synthesis of the transcriptional logic of mammalian circadian clocks |
Q24294240 | Prospero-related homeobox 1 (Prox1) functions as a novel modulator of retinoic acid-related orphan receptors α- and γ-mediated transactivation |
Q35569525 | Proteomic and gene expression analysis of zebrafish brain undergoing continuous light/dark stress |
Q35847051 | Quantifying Stochastic Noise in Cultured Circadian Reporter Cells |
Q33260345 | Quantitative analyses of circadian gene expression in mammalian cell cultures |
Q34451513 | REV-ERBα inhibits the PTGS2 expression in bovine uterus endometrium stromal and epithelial cells exposed to ovarian steroids |
Q37385250 | RNA surveillance: molecular approaches in transcript quality control and their implications in clinical diseases |
Q36526378 | RORalpha, a pivotal nuclear receptor for Purkinje neuron survival and differentiation: from development to ageing |
Q28586352 | RORγ directly regulates the circadian expression of clock genes and downstream targets in vivo |
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