Control of the mitotic cleavage plane by local epithelial topology

scientific article

Control of the mitotic cleavage plane by local epithelial topology is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P932PMC publication ID3491649
P698PubMed publication ID21295702
P5875ResearchGate publication ID49812026

P50authorMatthew C. GibsonQ47503678
Heather CartwrightQ77119075
Norbert PerrimonQ38523404
P2093author name stringWilliam T Gibson
Boris Rubinstein
G Wayne Brodland
James H Veldhuis
Radhika Nagpal
P2860cites workCell cycle-dependent targeting of a kinesin at the plasma membrane demarcates the division site in plant cellsQ49092158
Spindle orientation bias in gut epithelial stem cell compartments is lost in precancerous tissue.Q51915523
Universality in two-dimensional cellular structures evolving by cell division and disappearanceQ51944137
Loss of Fat4 disrupts PCP signaling and oriented cell division and leads to cystic kidney diseaseQ51953017
Microtubule-associated AIR9 recognizes the cortical division site at preprophase and cell-plate insertionQ52005123
Division rules for polygonal cellsQ52569314
A default mechanism of spindle orientation based on cell shape is sufficient to generate cell fate diversity in polarised Xenopus blastomeresQ52573218
The PDZ protein Canoe regulates the asymmetric division of Drosophila neuroblasts and muscle progenitorsQ52691731
The extracellular matrix guides the orientation of the cell division axisQ53656268
The NAC Domain Transcription Factors FEZ and SOMBRERO Control the Orientation of Cell Division Plane in Arabidopsis Root Stem CellsQ57902823
Mechanical signals in plant development: a new method for single cell studiesQ73025902
Cell-level finite element studies of viscous cells in planar aggregatesQ73089542
Entropic predictions for cellular networksQ74509998
Computer simulations of mitosis and interdependencies between mitosis orientation, cell shape and epithelia reshapingQ77947025
Organization of microtubules and endoplasmic reticulum during mitosis and cytokinesis in wheat meristemsQ28257462
First cleavage of the mouse embryo responds to change in egg shape at fertilizationQ28511618
Experimental and theoretical study of mitotic spindle orientationQ29396188
Mammalian spindle orientation and position respond to changes in cell shape in a dynein-dependent fashionQ30477500
Arabidopsis TANGLED identifies the division plane throughout mitosis and cytokinesisQ30480834
Live imaging of Drosophila imaginal disc developmentQ30496109
Developmental patterning by mechanical signals in ArabidopsisQ33346441
Modeling and inferring cleavage patterns in proliferating epitheliaQ33466744
Oriented cell division as a response to cell death and cell competitionQ33595263
Cytoplasmic Behavior during Division of Vacuolate Plant CellsQ33745302
A protein trap strategy to detect GFP-tagged proteins expressed from their endogenous loci in Drosophila.Q33952883
The Fz-Dsh planar cell polarity pathway induces oriented cell division via Mud/NuMA in Drosophila and zebrafishQ34433582
The plant cytoskeleton: vacuoles and cell walls make the differenceQ34495029
The NuMA-related Mud protein binds Pins and regulates spindle orientation in Drosophila neuroblastsQ34519483
The emergence of geometric order in proliferating metazoan epitheliaQ34555918
Actin in the preprophase band of Allium cepaQ36216297
Spindle orientation during asymmetric cell divisionQ37428762
Identification of an Aurora-A/PinsLINKER/Dlg spindle orientation pathway using induced cell polarity in S2 cellsQ39797461
Nucleus-associated microtubules help determine the division plane of plant epidermal cells: avoidance of four-way junctions and the role of cell geometry.Q41227497
discordia mutations specifically misorient asymmetric cell divisions during development of the maize leaf epidermis.Q41692236
Get round and stiff for mitosisQ41903674
The renewal of the epidermis: a topological mechanismQ42440218
Integrin signaling regulates spindle orientation in Drosophila to preserve the follicular-epithelium monolayerQ42509678
The stationary state of epitheliaQ42527000
Exploring the effects of mechanical feedback on epithelial topology.Q44572506
Planar cell polarity signalling controls cell division orientation during zebrafish gastrulationQ46041904
The first cleavage plane and the embryonic axis are determined by separate mechanisms in Xenopus laevis. II. Experimental dissociation by lateral compression of the egg.Q46081314
discordia1 and alternative discordia1 function redundantly at the cortical division site to promote preprophase band formation and orient division planes in maizeQ46712109
Defective planar cell polarity in polycystic kidney diseaseQ46845250
The orientation of cell divisions determines the shape of Drosophila organs.Q47070632
Incorporation of Drosophila CID/CENP-A and CENP-C into centromeres during early embryonic anaphaseQ47072785
P4510describes a project that usesImageJQ1659584
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P577publication date2011-02-01
P1433published inCellQ655814
P1476titleControl of the mitotic cleavage plane by local epithelial topology

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