Mate choice and sexual selection: what have we learned since Darwin?

scholarly article

Mate choice and sexual selection: what have we learned since Darwin? is …
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review articleQ7318358
scholarly articleQ13442814

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P819ADS bibcode2009PNAS..10610001J
P932PMC publication ID2702796
P698PubMed publication ID19528643
P5875ResearchGate publication ID51436911

P50authorAdam G JonesQ44617215
P2093author name stringNicholas L Ratterman
Sexual selection and mate choiceQ22162496
Intra-sexual selection in DrosophilaQ22251111
The evolution of sexual preferenceQ24599279
Evolution and stability of the G-matrix on a landscape with a moving optimum.Q52967795
The evolution of mating preferences and the paradox of the lekQ56020653
Perspective: Chase-Away Sexual Selection: Antagonistic Seduction Versus ResistanceQ56051077
Costs and Benefits of Female Mate Choice: Is There a Lek Paradox?Q56430257
Evolution of multiple sexual preferences by Fisher’s runaway process of sexual selectionQ56485633
Unifying and Testing Models of Sexual SelectionQ56656959
The Evolution of Mate Preferences for Multiple Sexual OrnamentsQ57065605
Mate choice for indirect genetic benefits: scrutiny of the current paradigmQ57266130
Genetic evidence for the “good genes” process of sexual selectionQ57919713
DNA fingerprinting in birdsQ58867551
Male mating experience and competitive courtship success in Drosophila melanogasterQ59055789
Courtship feeding increases female reproductive success in bushcricketsQ59089940
Sexual conflict and indirect benefitsQ60492186
A general model of sexual and natural selectionQ70928626
The Bateman gradient and the cause of sexual selection in a sex-role-reversed pipefishQ73815096
Female fifteen-spined sticklebacks prefer better fathersQ77569931
Is sperm cheap? Limited male fertility and female choice in the lemon tetra (pisces, characidae)Q80870845
Interacting Phenotypes and the Evolutionary Process. II. Selection Resulting from Social InteractionsQ88190291
Models of speciation by sexual selection on polygenic traitsQ24634925
Cryptic preference for MHC-dissimilar females in male red junglefowl, Gallus gallusQ24648445
Postcopulatory sexual selection: Darwin's omission and its consequencesQ24656756
The evolution of mate choice and mating biasesQ24669654
Sexual conflict over mating and fertilization: an overviewQ24676760
How important are direct fitness benefits of sexual selection?Q28208287
Mate selection—A selection for a handicapQ28214988
Sensory bias as an explanation for the evolution of mate preferencesQ28277015
Ecology, Sexual Selection, and the Evolution of Mating SystemsQ28294410
Pipefishes and seahorses: Are they all sex role reversed?Q28303263
The cost of honesty (further remarks on the handicap principle)Q28304186
Lonely hearts or sex in the city? Density-dependent effects in mating systemsQ30500403
Genetic compatibility, mate choice and patterns of parentage: invited review.Q33915740
Selection and CovarianceQ34233418
A reappraisal of Bateman's classic study of intrasexual selectionQ34582116
Methods of parentage analysis in natural populations.Q35217082
Genetic quality and sexual selection: an integrated framework for good genes and compatible genesQ36006080
Experimental removal of sexual selection reverses intersexual antagonistic coevolution and removes a reproductive loadQ36337430
Quantitative genetic models of sexual selectionQ36479156
On the opportunity for sexual selection, the Bateman gradient and the maximum intensity of sexual selectionQ37396488
Theories of sexual selectionQ37828230
Negative genetic correlation between male sexual attractiveness and survivalQ38922380
Environmental, demographic, and genetic mating system variation among five geographically distinct dusky pipefish (Syngnathus floridae) populationsQ39987322
Male courtship attractiveness and paternity success in Photinus greeni firefliesQ40235520
Stability of the G-matrix in a population experiencing pleiotropic mutation, stabilizing selection, and genetic driftQ40560765
Polyandrous females avoid costs of inbreeding.Q40801522
Understanding reversals in the relative strength of sexual selection on males and females: a role for sperm competition?Q44635513
Bateman gradients in field and laboratory studies: a cautionary taleQ50122464
Mating systems and sexual selection in male-pregnant pipefishes and seahorses: insights from microsatellite-based studies of maternityQ50125309
Microsatellite analysis of maternity and the mating system in the Gulf pipefish Syngnathus scovelli, a species with male pregnancy and sex-role reversalQ50966280
Condition dependence of sexually dimorphic colouration and longevity in the ambush bug Phymata americana.Q51683524
The Problem with Paradigms: Bateman's Worldview as a Case Study.Q51834800
Diversity in the weapons of sexual selection: horn evolution in the beetle genus Onthophagus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae).Q51842434
Sexual selection.Q52310677
A receiver bias in the origin of three-spined stickleback mate choice.Q52965139
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectsexual selectionQ206913
P1104number of pages8
P577publication date2009-06-15
P1433published inProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaQ1146531
P1476titleMate choice and sexual selection: what have we learned since Darwin?
P478volume106 Suppl 1

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