Noise Decomposition Principle in a Coherent Feed-Forward Transcriptional Regulatory Loop.

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Noise Decomposition Principle in a Coherent Feed-Forward Transcriptional Regulatory Loop. is …
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P932PMC publication ID5127843
P698PubMed publication ID27965596

P50authorYa JiaQ51804747
P2093author name stringMing Yi
Quan Liu
Haiyou Deng
Yuangen Yao
Rong Gui
Chengzhang Ma
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Specialized or flexible feed-forward loop motifs: a question of topologyQ33498644
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P577publication date2016-11-30
P1433published inFrontiers in PhysiologyQ2434141
P1476titleNoise Decomposition Principle in a Coherent Feed-Forward Transcriptional Regulatory Loop

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