Network propagation: a universal amplifier of genetic associations

scientific article published on 12 June 2017

Network propagation: a universal amplifier of genetic associations is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1085983413
P698PubMed publication ID28607512

P50authorRoded SharanQ83769950
Trey IdekerQ16335202
Benjamin J. RaphaelQ60057039
P2093author name stringLenore Cowen
P2860cites workObservation of phase transitions in spreading activation networksQ62495660
Scale-free networks: a decade and beyondQ84285284
Why do hubs in the yeast protein interaction network tend to be essential: reexamining the connection between the network topology and essentialityQ21092571
Defining functional DNA elements in the human genomeQ22066251
A directed protein interaction network for investigating intracellular signal transductionQ24337382
Cytoscape: a software environment for integrated models of biomolecular interaction networksQ24515682
Mutational heterogeneity in cancer and the search for new cancer-associated genesQ24606956
GeneMANIA: a real-time multiple association network integration algorithm for predicting gene functionQ24646439
Network-based prediction of protein functionQ24670295
GeneRank: using search engine technology for the analysis of microarray experimentsQ24814214
Understanding Genotype-Phenotype Effects in Cancer via Network ApproachesQ26766543
Integrative approaches for finding modular structure in biological networksQ26824897
Structure and dynamics of molecular networks: a novel paradigm of drug discovery: a comprehensive reviewQ27008867
A critical assessment of Mus musculus gene function prediction using integrated genomic evidenceQ27499387
Network biology: understanding the cell's functional organizationQ27861027
The somatic genomic landscape of glioblastomaQ28300185
Associating genes and protein complexes with disease via network propagationQ28472394
Information flow analysis of interactome networksQ28475566
Identifying causal genes and dysregulated pathways in complex diseasesQ28477327
Prediction and Validation of Gene-Disease Associations Using Methods Inspired by Social Network AnalysesQ28487430
Network medicine: a network-based approach to human diseaseQ29547462
Integrative analysis of 111 reference human epigenomesQ29615565
Authoritative sources in a hyperlinked environmentQ29647542
A network of protein-protein interactions in yeastQ30004209
Clustering and community detection in directed networks: A surveyQ30040732
Spectral affinity in protein networksQ30492485
Similarity network fusion for aggregating data types on a genomic scaleQ30742291
Predicting protein function from protein/protein interaction data: a probabilistic approachQ30811144
Prediction of protein function using protein-protein interaction dataQ30907918
A statistical framework for genomic data fusionQ30929198
Network-Based Integration of Disparate Omic Data To Identify "Silent Players" in CancerQ31032861
Mining Alzheimer disease relevant proteins from integrated protein interactome dataQ31075680
An integer programming framework for inferring disease complexes from network dataQ31108429
Evaluation of clustering algorithms for protein-protein interaction networksQ33262820
Bridging high-throughput genetic and transcriptional data reveals cellular responses to alpha-synuclein toxicityQ33411281
Disease candidate gene identification and prioritization using protein interaction networksQ33412922
RRW: repeated random walks on genome-scale protein networks for local cluster discoveryQ33501387
Finding local communities in protein networksQ33504906
Systematic interpretation of genetic interactions using protein networksQ33622989
Candidate gene prioritization by network analysis of differential expression using machine learning approaches.Q33692383
Protein ranking: from local to global structure in the protein similarity networkQ33695754
Reconstruction of a functional human gene network, with an application for prioritizing positional candidate genesQ38518470
Predicting Protein Functions by Using Unbalanced Random Walk Algorithm on Three Biological NetworksQ38860753
Walking the interactome for prioritization of candidate disease genesQ39140568
Phosphoproteome Integration Reveals Patient-Specific Networks in Prostate CancerQ39515247
Identification of Protein Complexes Using Weighted PageRank-Nibble Algorithm and Core-Attachment StructureQ40553508
Finding friends and enemies in an enemies-only network: a graph diffusion kernel for predicting novel genetic interactions and co-complex membership from yeast genetic interactionsQ41345892
Network-based stratification of tumor mutationsQ42034112
Whole-proteome prediction of protein function via graph-theoretic analysis of interaction mapsQ42659943
Predicting disease genes using protein-protein interactions.Q43169919
Improved network-based identification of protein orthologsQ44544127
Genome-wide inferring gene-phenotype relationship by walking on the heterogeneous network.Q44677737
Diffusion kernel-based logistic regression models for protein function predictionQ45158942
An integrative approach for causal gene identification and gene regulatory pathway inferenceQ46169533
Drug–target interaction prediction by random walk on the heterogeneous networkQ47845354
Motif-based protein ranking by network propagationQ48479167
Learning kernels from biological networks by maximizing entropyQ48533625
Fast protein classification with multiple networksQ50739922
Algorithms for detecting significantly mutated pathways in cancerQ51594945
An Algorithmic Framework for Predicting Side Effects of DrugsQ51594993
Resistance distanceQ56391612
Random walk with restart: fast solutions and applicationsQ59551628
GeneMANIA Cytoscape plugin: fast gene function predictions on the desktopQ33711706
RIDDLE: reflective diffusion and local extension reveal functional associations for unannotated gene sets via proximity in a gene networkQ33751211
The power of protein interaction networks for associating genes with diseasesQ33785541
Prioritizing candidate disease genes by network-based boosting of genome-wide association data.Q33887815
PRINCIPLE: a tool for associating genes with diseases via network propagationQ34053140
Enhancing the Prioritization of Disease-Causing Genes through Tissue Specific Protein Interaction NetworksQ34426359
Exploiting Protein-Protein Interaction Networks for Genome-Wide Disease-Gene PrioritizationQ34426791
Systematic differences in signal emitting and receiving revealed by PageRank analysis of a human protein interactome.Q34427564
Walking the interactome for candidate prioritization in exome sequencing studies of Mendelian diseasesQ34456701
Human genomics. The Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) pilot analysis: multitissue gene regulation in humansQ34475541
Chapter 5: Network biology approach to complex diseases.Q34539662
Pan-cancer network analysis identifies combinations of rare somatic mutations across pathways and protein complexesQ34667055
ToppGene Suite for gene list enrichment analysis and candidate gene prioritizationQ34982758
Going the distance for protein function prediction: a new distance metric for protein interaction networksQ35032288
DADA: Degree-Aware Algorithms for Network-Based Disease Gene PrioritizationQ35126543
How and when should interactome-derived clusters be used to predict functional modules and protein function?Q35198634
Vavien: An Algorithm for Prioritizing Candidate Disease Genes Based on Topological Similarity of Proteins in Interaction NetworksQ35550142
Disease networks. Uncovering disease-disease relationships through the incomplete interactomeQ35619320
Gene Function Prediction from Functional Association Networks Using Kernel Partial Least Squares RegressionQ35750399
Exploiting ontology graph for predicting sparsely annotated gene functionQ35975074
Defining functional distance using manifold embeddings of gene ontology annotationsQ36090173
Identifying remote protein homologs by network propagationQ36283789
KEGG as a reference resource for gene and protein annotationQ36434599
eQED: an efficient method for interpreting eQTL associations using protein networksQ36534917
Understanding multicellular function and disease with human tissue-specific networksQ36790036
Global alignment of multiple protein interaction networks with application to functional orthology detectionQ36848775
Protein networks in diseaseQ37125547
IsoRankN: spectral methods for global alignment of multiple protein networksQ37206322
Discovering causal pathways linking genomic events to transcriptional states using Tied Diffusion Through Interacting Events (TieDIE).Q37236850
Gene and Network Analysis of Common Variants Reveals Novel Associations in Multiple Complex DiseasesQ37347795
New directions for diffusion-based network prediction of protein function: incorporating pathways with confidenceQ38417066
Compact Integration of Multi-Network Topology for Functional Analysis of GenesQ38439930
RedNemo: topology-based PPI network reconstruction via repeated diffusion with neighborhood modificationsQ38440981
A novel link prediction algorithm for reconstructing protein–protein interaction networks by topological similarityQ38493528
P577publication date2017-06-12
P13046publication type of scholarly workreview articleQ7318358
P1433published inNature Reviews GeneticsQ1071824
P1476titleNetwork propagation: a universal amplifier of genetic associations

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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