Structure and dynamics of molecular networks: a novel paradigm of drug discovery: a comprehensive review

scientific article

Structure and dynamics of molecular networks: a novel paradigm of drug discovery: a comprehensive review is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P818arXiv ID1210.0330
P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID238455
P932PMC publication ID3647006
P698PubMed publication ID23384594
P5875ResearchGate publication ID235404483

P50authorRuth NussinovQ7383152
Gábor LondonQ55078389
P2093author name stringTamás Korcsmáros
Peter Csermely
Huba J.M. Kiss
P2860cites workThe Hallmarks of CancerQ221226
Harvesting candidate genes responsible for serious adverse drug reactions from a chemical-protein interactomeQ27335598
Efficient Behavior of Small-World NetworksQ27339447
Subgraph centrality in complex networksQ27349248
A comparative study of cancer proteins in the human protein-protein interaction networkQ27496590
In vivo activation of the p53 pathway by small-molecule antagonists of MDM2Q27642888
The gut microbiota. IntroductionQ27656055
Small Molecule Activation of PKM2 in Cancer Cells Induces Serine AuxotrophyQ27673508
Network-based characterization of drug-regulated genes, drug targets, and toxicityQ27691333
Prediction of mammalian microRNA targetsQ27860498
Combinatorial microRNA target predictionsQ27860510
Mammalian microRNAs predominantly act to decrease target mRNA levelsQ27860535
Conserved seed pairing, often flanked by adenosines, indicates that thousands of human genes are microRNA targetsQ27860792
MicroRNA signatures in human cancersQ27860962
On the Origin of Cancer CellsQ27861025
Network biology: understanding the cell's functional organizationQ27861027
Collective dynamics of 'small-world' networksQ27861064
Experimental and computational approaches to estimate solubility and permeability in drug discovery and development settingsQ27861111
Global mapping of the yeast genetic interaction networkQ27934987
Functional discovery via a compendium of expression profilesQ27938962
Interpreting cancer genomes using systematic host network perturbations by tumour virus proteinsQ28117120
The genetic landscape of a cellQ28131628
Comprehensive mapping of long-range interactions reveals folding principles of the human genomeQ28131819
Inferring genetic networks and identifying compound mode of action via expression profilingQ28185053
Signaling network model of chromatinQ28202952
Specificity and stability in topology of protein networksQ28216450
Do structurally similar molecules have similar biological activity?Q28220975
The Database of Interacting Proteins: 2004 updateQ28234998
Chemogenomic profiling on a genome-wide scale using reverse-engineered gene networksQ28239582
Global organization of metabolic fluxes in the bacterium Escherichia coliQ28247038
Efficient discovery of anti-inflammatory small-molecule combinations using evolutionary computingQ28251171
Network modeling links breast cancer susceptibility and centrosome dysfunctionQ28252491
The MetaCyc database of metabolic pathways and enzymes and the BioCyc collection of pathway/genome databasesQ28253558
Uncovering the overlapping community structure of complex networks in nature and societyQ28255377
Protein sectors: evolutionary units of three-dimensional structureQ28256199
Serine/threonine phosphatases: mechanism through structureQ28263239
Topological domains in mammalian genomes identified by analysis of chromatin interactionsQ28264221
Annotation transfer between genomes: protein-protein interologs and protein-DNA regulogsQ28264442
Protein tyrosine phosphatases in the human genomeQ28265924
Docking interactions in protein kinase and phosphatase networksQ28271644
How many drug targets are there?Q28276660
Catastrophic cascade of failures in interdependent networksQ28279779
Molecular similarity analysis in virtual screening: foundations, limitations and novel approachesQ28290933
High-throughput generation, optimization and analysis of genome-scale metabolic modelsQ28291992
Can we rationally design promiscuous drugs?Q28294268
Network pharmacology: the next paradigm in drug discoveryQ28297997
Reactome: a database of reactions, pathways and biological processesQ28298042
The BioGRID Interaction Database: 2011 updateQ28298160
Navigating chemical space for biology and medicineQ28298611
Analysis of the human protein interactome and comparison with yeast, worm and fly interaction datasetsQ28299231
Multi-target strategies for the improved treatment of depressive states: Conceptual foundations and neuronal substrates, drug discovery and therapeutic applicationQ28300751
Graph-based analysis and visualization of experimental results with ONDEXQ28301712
Too many roads not takenQ28305073
ChEMBL: a large-scale bioactivity database for drug discoveryQ28315179
Antifungal activities of antineoplastic agents: Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model system to study drug actionQ28343624
In vivo robustness analysis of cell division cycle genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiaeQ28469021
Robustness can evolve gradually in complex regulatory gene networks with varying topologyQ28469133
Network-based analysis of affected biological processes in type 2 diabetes modelsQ28469240
Expression-based network biology identifies alteration in key regulatory pathways of type 2 diabetes and associated risk/complicationsQ28472170
Human cancer protein-protein interaction network: a structural perspectiveQ28472174
A large scale analysis of information-theoretic network complexity measures using chemical structuresQ28472233
The signaling petri net-based simulator: a non-parametric strategy for characterizing the dynamics of cell-specific signaling networksQ28472336
Associating genes and protein complexes with disease via network propagationQ28472394
Network-based elucidation of human disease similarities reveals common functional modules enriched for pluripotent drug targetsQ28472755
Identifying unexpected therapeutic targets via chemical-protein interactomeQ28473107
Predicting drug-target interaction networks based on functional groups and biological featuresQ28473160
Top-down analysis of temporal hierarchy in biochemical reaction networksQ28473553
Computational prediction of human metabolic pathways from the complete human genomeQ21092879
Control centrality and hierarchical structure in complex networksQ21134061
Gene-disease network analysis reveals functional modules in mendelian, complex and environmental diseasesQ21135363
Huntingtin interacting proteins are genetic modifiers of neurodegenerationQ21145230
Protein-protein interactions essentials: key concepts to building and analyzing interactome networksQ21145336
A dynamic network approach for the study of human phenotypesQ21145365
A consensus yeast metabolic network reconstruction obtained from a community approach to systems biologyQ21147058
NetPath: a public resource of curated signal transduction pathwaysQ21184104
Initial characterization of the human central proteomeQ21202777
targetTB: a target identification pipeline for Mycobacterium tuberculosis through an interactome, reactome and genome-scale structural analysisQ21202793
Host-pathogen interactome mapping for HTLV-1 and -2 retrovirusesQ21245042
Hierarchical modularity of nested bow-ties in metabolic networksQ21284248
Towards a proteome-scale map of the human protein–protein interaction networkQ21735930
Five rules for the evolution of cooperationQ22065876
An integrated encyclopedia of DNA elements in the human genomeQ22122150
Application of approximate pattern matching in two dimensional spaces to grid layout for biochemical network mapsQ28484119
Detecting mutually exclusive interactions in protein-protein interaction mapsQ28484165
CAVER 3.0: a tool for the analysis of transport pathways in dynamic protein structuresQ28484476
Three-dimensional reconstruction of protein networks provides insight into human genetic diseaseQ28530021
Age-dependent deterioration of nuclear pore complexes causes a loss of nuclear integrity in postmitotic cellsQ28572651
PubChem as a Source of PolypharmacologyQ28649866
Navigating structure–activity landscapesQ28649884
Information transduction capacity of noisy biochemical signaling networksQ28660524
Reciprocity of weighted networks.Q28680252
Creating and analyzing pathway and protein interaction compendia for modelling signal transduction networksQ28727977
Hot Spots for Allosteric Regulation on Protein SurfacesQ28728550
IntegromeDB: an integrated system and biological search engineQ28731548
Controlling centrality in complex networksQ28732902
Membrane-lipid therapy in operation: the HSP co-inducer BGP-15 activates stress signal transduction pathways by remodeling plasma membrane raftsQ28741590
An overview of the PubChem BioAssay resourceQ28749237
Network integration and graph analysis in mammalian molecular systems biologyQ28751567
Integrative analysis for finding genes and networks involved in diabetes and other complex diseasesQ28755467
Specificity of microRNA target selection in translational repressionQ28776123
Missing and spurious interactions and the reconstruction of complex networksQ29011715
A side effect resource to capture phenotypic effects of drugsQ29387552
An oestrogen-receptor-α-bound human chromatin interactomeQ29541719
Reaching for high-hanging fruit in drug discovery at protein-protein interfacesQ29547258
Lethality and centrality in protein networksQ29547267
Error and attack tolerance of complex networksQ29547268
KEGG for integration and interpretation of large-scale molecular data setsQ29547277
Network motifs: simple building blocks of complex networksQ29547340
Network medicine: a network-based approach to human diseaseQ29547462
Cytoscape 2.8: new features for data integration and network visualizationQ29547471
Believe it or not: how much can we rely on published data on potential drug targets?Q29547529
A hot spot of binding energy in a hormone-receptor interfaceQ29547547
The Connectivity Map: using gene-expression signatures to connect small molecules, genes, and diseaseQ29547614
The M2 splice isoform of pyruvate kinase is important for cancer metabolism and tumour growthQ29547680
Drug-target networkQ29614447
A human phenome-interactome network of protein complexes implicated in genetic disordersQ29614448
Evidence for dynamically organized modularity in the yeast protein-protein interaction networkQ29614449
Critical nodes in signalling pathways: insights into insulin actionQ29614735
Drug target identification using side-effect similarityQ29615103
Global mapping of pharmacological spaceQ29615876
Extensive Promoter-Centered Chromatin Interactions Provide a Topological Basis for Transcription RegulationQ29615949
Anatomy of hot spots in protein interfacesQ29616238
Network-based classification of breast cancer metastasisQ29616384
Deciphering diseases and biological targets for environmental chemicals using toxicogenomics networksQ28473983
Search algorithms as a framework for the optimization of drug combinationsQ28474246
Large-scale analysis of network bistability for human cancersQ28474801
Network-Based Relating Pharmacological and Genomic Spaces for Drug Target IdentificationQ28474912
Drug discovery using chemical systems biology: identification of the protein-ligand binding network to explain the side effects of CETP inhibitorsQ28475474
Information flow analysis of interactome networksQ28475566
A Network of Cancer Genes with Co-Occurring and Anti-Co-Occurring MutationsQ28475680
Drug Off-Target Effects Predicted Using Structural Analysis in the Context of a Metabolic Network ModelQ28475693
Building disease-specific drug-protein connectivity maps from molecular interaction networks and PubMed abstractsQ28475789
Human disease-drug network based on genomic expression profilesQ28475892
A mapping of drug space from the viewpoint of small molecule metabolismQ28475993
The Mycobacterium tuberculosis drugome and its polypharmacological implicationsQ28476004
Pre-clinical drug prioritization via prognosis-guided genetic interaction networksQ28476072
Structure of protein interaction networks and their implications on drug designQ28476325
Dominating biological networksQ28476723
Metabolic Robustness and Network Modularity: A Model StudyQ28477060
Mining significant substructure pairs for interpreting polypharmacology in drug-target networkQ28477249
A Network-Based Multi-Target Computational Estimation Scheme for Anticoagulant Activities of CompoundsQ28477458
Identification of biochemical network modules based on shortest retroactive distancesQ28477914
Signalogs: Orthology-Based Identification of Novel Signaling Pathway Components in Three MetazoansQ28478034
Prediction of drug combinations by integrating molecular and pharmacological dataQ28478623
Integrated Bio-Entity Network: A System for Biological Knowledge DiscoveryQ28478766
Modularity in protein complex and drug interactions reveals new polypharmacological propertiesQ28478957
Network neighbors of drug targets contribute to drug side-effect similarityQ28479003
Proteins with complex architecture as potential targets for drug design: a case study of Mycobacterium tuberculosisQ28479221
Multi-target drugs: the trend of drug research and developmentQ28480888
Crowd sourcing a new paradigm for interactome driven drug target identification in Mycobacterium tuberculosisQ28481300
Prediction of chemical-protein interactions network with weighted network-based inference methodQ28481329
UniDrug-Target: A Computational Tool to Identify Unique Drug Targets in Pathogenic BacteriaQ28481491
Prediction and Analysis of the Protein Interactome in Pseudomonas aeruginosa to Enable Network-Based Drug Target SelectionQ28481505
CDA: Combinatorial Drug Discovery Using Transcriptional Response ModulesQ28482122
Linking proteins to signaling pathways for experiment design and evaluationQ28482688
Prediction of drug-target interactions and drug repositioning via network-based inferenceQ28483634
Recent advances on the role of topological indices in drug discovery research.Q30721036
Reconstruction of metabolic networks from genome data and analysis of their global structure for various organismsQ30763008
Wind data mining by Kohonen Neural NetworksQ30829745
T2D-Db: an integrated platform to study the molecular basis of Type 2 diabetesQ30844915
Gene perturbation and intervention in probabilistic Boolean networksQ30862418
Some protein interaction data do not exhibit power law statisticsQ30862468
Allosteric drugs: thinking outside the active-site box.Q30868722
GeneWays: a system for extracting, analyzing, visualizing, and integrating molecular pathway dataQ30912193
MitoInteractome: mitochondrial protein interactome database, and its application in 'aging network' analysisQ30950507
Small-world phenomena in chemical library networks: application to fragment-based drug discoveryQ30953727
VitaPad: visualization tools for the analysis of pathway dataQ30977178
Computational Prediction of Heme-Binding Residues by Exploiting Residue Interaction NetworkQ31032381
A database and tool, IM Browser, for exploring and integrating emerging gene and protein interaction data for DrosophilaQ31036327
A likelihood approach to analysis of network dataQ31039789
Mining Alzheimer disease relevant proteins from integrated protein interactome dataQ31075680
Extrapolation of preclinical data into clinical reality translational scienceQ31079206
PATHLOGIC-S: a scalable Boolean framework for modelling cellular signallingQ31081182
An integrative in silico approach for discovering candidates for drug-targetable protein-protein interactions in interactome dataQ31122058
Molecular similarity: a key technique in molecular informaticsQ31126264
CellFrame: a data structure for abstraction of cell biology experiments and construction of perturbation networksQ31132649
Reconstruction of metabolic networks from high-throughput metabolite profiling data: in silico analysis of red blood cell metabolismQ31132652
Construction, visualisation, and clustering of transcription networks from microarray expression dataQ31134525
Can We Learn To Distinguish between “Drug-like” and “Nondrug-like” Molecules?Q32032942
PaVESy: Pathway Visualization and Editing SystemQ33202201
Neural networks as robust tools in drug lead discovery and developmentQ33204002
Antiviral drug discovery strategy using combinatorial libraries of structurally constrained peptidesQ33204254
Methods to reveal domain networksQ33223901
Medusa: a simple tool for interaction graph analysisQ33224081
Fold designability, distribution, and diseaseQ33242614
IntNetDB v1.0: an integrated protein-protein interaction network database generated by a probabilistic modelQ33263964
Towards drugs targeting multiple proteins in a systems biology approachQ33284937
Evidence for systems-level molecular mechanisms of tumorigenesisQ33288468
Characterization of protein-interaction networks in tumorsQ33289133
Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genomeQ22122488
Hallmarks of Cancer: The Next GenerationQ22252312
Drug development: Raise standards for preclinical cancer researchQ22348097
A call for transparent reporting to optimize the predictive value of preclinical researchQ24289327
Nuclear translocation of the tumor marker pyruvate kinase M2 induces programmed cell deathQ24297561
A census of human soluble protein complexesQ24297808
A human MAP kinase interactomeQ24302302
A protein interaction network links GIT1, an enhancer of huntingtin aggregation, to Huntington's diseaseQ24304932
Comparison of an expanded ataxia interactome with patient medical records reveals a relationship between macular degeneration and ataxiaQ24307380
Hepatitis C virus infection protein networkQ24311906
Finding new components of the target of rapamycin (TOR) signaling network through chemical genetics and proteome chipsQ24314346
Charting the molecular network of the drug target Bcr-AblQ24317707
A human protein-protein interaction network: a resource for annotating the proteomeQ24324450
A protein-protein interaction network for human inherited ataxias and disorders of Purkinje cell degenerationQ24337490
Community structure in social and biological networksQ24534298
Cluster analysis of networks generated through homology: automatic identification of important protein communities involved in cancer metastasisQ24537769
Genome-scale reconstruction of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolic networkQ24561581
Systematic discovery of nonobvious human disease models through orthologous phenotypesQ24600277
The human phosphatase interactome: An intricate family portraitQ24604530
Wisdom of crowds for robust gene network inferenceQ24604615
The STRING database in 2011: functional interaction networks of proteins, globally integrated and scoredQ24607390
3did: identification and classification of domain-based interactions of known three-dimensional structureQ24607786
COSMIC: mining complete cancer genomes in the Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in CancerQ24608391
ChemProt: a disease chemical biology databaseQ24608769
DOMINE: a comprehensive collection of known and predicted domain-domain interactionsQ24610433
MPromDb update 2010: an integrated resource for annotation and visualization of mammalian gene promoters and ChIP-seq experimental dataQ24611130
DrugBank 3.0: a comprehensive resource for 'omics' research on drugsQ24612505
BRENDA, the enzyme information system in 2011Q24613881
Blueprint for antimicrobial hit discovery targeting metabolic networksQ33667030
An integrated approach to inferring gene-disease associations in humansQ33669063
Ultrasensitive responses and specificity in cell signalingQ33671576
Folding funnels, binding funnels, and protein functionQ33674287
Antimalarial drug targets in Plasmodium falciparum predicted by stage-specific metabolic network analysisQ33679330
Modeling core metabolism in cancer cells: surveying the topology underlying the Warburg effectQ33682181
Drug resistance mediated by cellular stress response to the microenvironment of solid tumorsQ33686935
Community landscapes: an integrative approach to determine overlapping network module hierarchy, identify key nodes and predict network dynamicsQ33686953
An Integrative Multi-Network and Multi-Classifier Approach to Predict Genetic InteractionsQ33691427
Signal transduction networks in cancer: quantitative parameters influence network topologyQ33699205
A Boolean approach to linear prediction for signaling network modelingQ33700424
Role of Hsp70 ATPase Domain Intrinsic Dynamics and Sequence Evolution in Enabling its Functional Interactions with NEFsQ33700525
Protein network prediction and topological analysis in Leishmania major as a tool for drug target selectionQ33704536
Identification of small molecules enhancing autophagic function from drug network analysisQ33712703
Predicting enzyme targets for cancer drugs by profiling human Metabolic reactions in NCI-60 cell linesQ33713220
Cardiovascular networks: systems-based approaches to cardiovascular diseaseQ33717801
Improved network performance via antagonism: From synthetic rescues to multi-drug combinationsQ33739810
MicroRNA-integrated and network-embedded gene selection with diffusion distanceQ33741866
Polypharmacology Directed Compound Data Mining: Identification of Promiscuous Chemotypes with Different Activity Profiles and Comparison to Approved DrugsQ33744242
HiNO: An Approach for Inferring Hierarchical Organization from Regulatory NetworksQ33747876
Confidence from uncertainty--a multi-target drug screening method from robust control theoryQ33755473
Revealing strengths and weaknesses of methods for gene network inferenceQ33778833
Principal network analysis: identification of subnetworks representing major dynamics using gene expression dataQ33782519
The power of protein interaction networks for associating genes with diseasesQ33785541
A machine learning approach for genome-wide prediction of morbid and druggable human genes based on systems-level data.Q33787296
The knowledge-integrated network biomarkers discovery for major adverse cardiac eventsQ33789038
When the human viral infectome and diseasome networks collide: towards a systems biology platform for the aetiology of human diseases.Q33799911
Is my network module preserved and reproducible?Q33809355
Reprogramming of miRNA networks in cancer and leukemiaQ33812540
Dr. PIAS: an integrative system for assessing the druggability of protein-protein interactionsQ33814963
SAR Monitoring of Evolving Compound Data Sets Using Activity LandscapesQ33820868
Enhanced stochastic optimization algorithm for finding effective multi-target therapeuticsQ33826915
Identification of clinically relevant protein targets in prostate cancer with 2D-DIGE coupled mass spectrometry and systems biology network platformQ33828430
'Edgetic' perturbation of a C. elegans BCL2 orthologQ33832092
Structural conservation of druggable hot spots in protein-protein interfacesQ24614979
Genome-environment interactions that modulate aging: powerful targets for drug discoveryQ24615803
ASD: a comprehensive database of allosteric proteins and modulatorsQ24616070
Network of Cancer Genes (NCG 3.0): integration and analysis of genetic and network properties of cancer genesQ24619351
PhosphoSitePlus: a comprehensive resource for investigating the structure and function of experimentally determined post-translational modifications in man and mouseQ24619841
Application of a Theory of Enzyme Specificity to Protein SynthesisQ24620284
The IntAct molecular interaction database in 2012Q24621004
Stable isotope-resolved metabolomics and applications for drug developmentQ24629149
mTOR: from growth signal integration to cancer, diabetes and ageingQ24633662
Escape from HER-family tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy by the kinase-inactive HER3Q24633878
Genomic-scale prioritization of drug targets: the TDR Targets databaseQ24635333
Pathway Tools version 13.0: integrated software for pathway/genome informatics and systems biologyQ24642068
SMPDB: The Small Molecule Pathway DatabaseQ24644198
miRGen 2.0: a database of microRNA genomic information and regulationQ24644535
ORegAnno: an open-access community-driven resource for regulatory annotationQ24648942
Predicting new molecular targets for known drugsQ24649687
The implications of human metabolic network topology for disease comorbidityQ24655183
The Escherichia coli MG1655 in silico metabolic genotype: its definition, characteristics, and capabilitiesQ24655269
HMDB: a knowledgebase for the human metabolomeQ24655295
Integrating and annotating the interactome using the MiMI plugin for cytoscapeQ24655412
Estimating the size of the human interactomeQ24655438
miRecords: an integrated resource for microRNA-target interactionsQ24655642
A systems approach to prion diseaseQ24656032
PID: the Pathway Interaction DatabaseQ24656193
VirHostNet: a knowledge base for the management and the analysis of proteome-wide virus-host interaction networksQ24656219
Investigating the metabolic capabilities of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv using the in silico strain iNJ661 and proposing alternative drug targetsQ24669561
Global topological features of cancer proteins in the human interactomeQ24672981
Epstein-Barr virus and virus human protein interaction mapsQ24675055
BindingDB: a web-accessible database of experimentally determined protein-ligand binding affinitiesQ24675698
Global reconstruction of the human metabolic network based on genomic and bibliomic dataQ24677060
The human disease networkQ24678240
A network biology approach to prostate cancerQ24678469
APID: Agile Protein Interaction DataAnalyzerQ24680206
Osprey: a network visualization systemQ24791459
Global and local architecture of the mammalian microRNA-transcription factor regulatory network.Q33290828
Prediction of potential drug targets based on simple sequence propertiesQ33299753
Biomolecular network querying: a promising approach in systems biologyQ33315463
Dynamical pathway analysisQ33316587
Three factors underlying incorrect in silico predictions of essential metabolic genesQ33318131
Evolution of complex modular biological networksQ33319273
PDTD: a web-accessible protein database for drug target identificationQ33320236
A global view of drug-therapy interactionsQ33322388
Discovery of power-laws in chemical space.Q33340075
Construction of a cancer-perturbed protein-protein interaction network for discovery of apoptosis drug targetsQ33347888
Drug-therapy networks and the prediction of novel drug targetsQ33361084
Integrating expression data with domain interaction networksQ33361108
Rapidly exploring structural and dynamic properties of signaling networks using PathwayOracleQ33361469
ProteoLens: a visual analytic tool for multi-scale database-driven biological network data miningQ33369621
The use of Gene Ontology terms for predicting highly-connected 'hub' nodes in protein-protein interaction networksQ33369980
Detection of the dominant direction of information flow and feedback links in densely interconnected regulatory networksQ33374653
An analysis of human microRNA and disease associationsQ33377048
Boolean network simulations for life scientistsQ33384933
PocketMatch: a new algorithm to compare binding sites in protein structuresQ33394020
POLAR MAPPER: a computational tool for integrated visualization of protein interaction networks and mRNA expression dataQ33394119
Mycobacterium tuberculosis interactome analysis unravels potential pathways to drug resistanceQ33395486
The "etiome": identification and clustering of human disease etiological factorsQ33407983
Protein evolution on a human signaling networkQ33410395
Disease candidate gene identification and prioritization using protein interaction networksQ33412922
Integrating siRNA and protein-protein interaction data to identify an expanded insulin signaling networkQ33414959
A human protein interaction network shows conservation of aging processes between human and invertebrate speciesQ33419100
Filling kinetic gaps: dynamic modeling of metabolism where detailed kinetic information is lackingQ33420384
JNets: exploring networks by integrating annotationQ33422600
Trapping moving targets with small moleculesQ33428910
PPI spider: a tool for the interpretation of proteomics data in the context of protein-protein interaction networksQ33436868
Inferring novel disease indications for known drugs by semantically linking drug action and disease mechanism relationshipsQ33441781
ITM Probe: analyzing information flow in protein networksQ33475545
Optimal drug combinations and minimal hitting setsQ33491286
A fast and efficient gene-network reconstruction method from multiple over-expression experimentsQ33494193
Systematic mapping of genetic interaction networksQ33497464
Structural domain-domain interactions: assessment and comparison with protein-protein interaction data to improve the interactomeQ33500238
PINAT1.0: protein interaction network analysis toolQ33504185
Analysis of AML genes in dysregulated molecular networksQ33504376
Discovering cancer genes by integrating network and functional propertiesQ33504922
Disease-aging network reveals significant roles of aging genes in connecting genetic diseasesQ33506605
Network visualization and analysis of gene expression data using BioLayout Express(3D).Q33508084
TIde: a software for the systematic scanning of drug targets in kinetic network modelsQ33511365
Decomposition of gene expression state space trajectoriesQ33521305
SARANEA: a freely available program to mine structure-activity and structure-selectivity relationship information in compound data setsQ33522288
An integrative -omics approach to identify functional sub-networks in human colorectal cancerQ33525505
Mapping change in large networksQ33527413
Gene prioritization in Type 2 Diabetes using domain interactions and network analysisQ33528282
Improved reconstruction of in silico gene regulatory networks by integrating knockout and perturbation dataQ33529097
BisoGenet: a new tool for gene network building, visualization and analysisQ33531931
Minimally perturbing a gene regulatory network to avoid a disease phenotype: the glioma network as a test caseQ33534458
Visualization of omics data for systems biologyQ33535721
Large-scale prediction of protein-protein interactions from structuresQ33542870
Metabolic network topology reveals transcriptional regulatory signatures of type 2 diabetesQ33549712
Incomplete and noisy network data as a percolation processQ33551129
PuTmiR: a database for extracting neighboring transcription factors of human microRNAsQ33557592
Module network inference from a cancer gene expression data set identifies microRNA regulated modulesQ33564117
Visual integration of quantitative proteomic data, pathways, and protein interactionsQ33577792
A human functional protein interaction network and its application to cancer data analysisQ33581341
Network systems biology for drug discoveryQ33592795
An interaction-motif-based scoring function for protein-ligand dockingQ33594934
Drug-target interaction prediction from chemical, genomic and pharmacological data in an integrated frameworkQ33597328
TransmiR: a transcription factor-microRNA regulation databaseQ33600597
BioDrugScreen: a computational drug design resource for ranking molecules docked to the human proteomeQ33600965
Data structures and computational tools for the extraction of SAR information from large compound setsQ33603920
Systematic interpretation of genetic interactions using protein networksQ33622989
A quantitative approach to study indirect effects among disease proteins in the human protein interaction networkQ33644962
Extracting the abstraction pyramid from complex networksQ33648558
A systems biology approach identifies inflammatory abnormalities between mouse strains prior to development of metabolic disease.Q34237786
RedeR: R/Bioconductor package for representing modular structures, nested networks and multiple levels of hierarchical associations.Q34244343
Frequent deregulations in the hedgehog signaling network and cross-talks with the epidermal growth factor receptor pathway involved in cancer progression and targeted therapiesQ34244929
Metabolic network alignment in large scale by network compressionQ34247874
FluxMap: A VANTED add-on for the visual exploration of flux distributions in biological networksQ34252886
Diagnosing the decline in pharmaceutical R&D efficiencyQ34257771
Drug repositioning through incomplete bi-cliques in an integrated drug–target–disease networkQ34271192
Exploring drug combinations in genetic interaction networkQ34272629
Sequential application of anticancer drugs enhances cell death by rewiring apoptotic signaling networks.Q34274373
Large-scale functional organization of long-range chromatin interaction networksQ34275017
Identification of high-quality cancer prognostic markers and metastasis network modulesQ34275507
Multiplex assay for condition-dependent changes in protein–protein interactionsQ34276880
Probing molecular mechanisms of the Hsp90 chaperone: biophysical modeling identifies key regulators of functional dynamicsQ34280087
SteinerNet: a web server for integrating 'omic' data to discover hidden components of response pathways.Q34283765
In silico multicellular systems biology and minimal genomesQ34284164
Protein-protein Interactions: Network Analysis and Applications in Drug DiscoveryQ34287856
Assessment of network perturbation amplitudes by applying high-throughput data to causal biological networksQ34288079
Biomine: predicting links between biological entities using network models of heterogeneous databases.Q34294520
Inferring cellular networks using probabilistic graphical modelsQ34295031
Network context and selection in the evolution to enzyme specificity.Q34296873
A 61-million-person experiment in social influence and political mobilization.Q34299416
Single-Cell Expression Analyses during Cellular Reprogramming Reveal an Early Stochastic and a Late Hierarchic PhaseQ34299819
Efficient sampling algorithm for estimating subgraph concentrations and detecting network motifsQ34303213
Drug-induced liver disorders: implications for drug development and regulationQ34303460
Exploring the human diseasome: the human disease networkQ34305958
AlignNemo: a local network alignment method to integrate homology and topologyQ34311823
Allosteric networks in thrombin distinguish procoagulant vs. anticoagulant activitiesQ34314615
The promiscuous binding of pharmaceutical drugs and their transporter-mediated uptake into cells: what we (need to) know and how we can do so.Q34315247
Effect of correlations on network controllabilityQ34322899
Nodal dynamics, not degree distributions, determine the structural controllability of complex networksQ34325719
Constructing a gene semantic similarity network for the inference of disease genesQ34333432
Exploring virus relationships based on virus-host protein-protein interaction networkQ34333531
Efficient reverse-engineering of a developmental gene regulatory networkQ34341320
Relating three-dimensional structures to protein networks provides evolutionary insightsQ34593972
The modular nature of genetic diseases.Q34597943
Lovastatin and extended-release niacin combination product: the first drug combination for the management of hyperlipidemiaQ34614205
Mediators of vascular remodelling co-opted for sequential steps in lung metastasis.Q34618411
Integrative genome-scale metabolic analysis of Vibrio vulnificus for drug targeting and discoveryQ34627247
Network analysis of FDA approved drugs and their targetsQ34630429
Mitigation of malicious attacks on networksQ34652315
New uses for old drugsQ34661227
A computational framework for the topological analysis and targeted disruption of signal transduction networks.Q34680360
Proof of Concept: Network and Systems Biology Approaches Aid in the Discovery of Potent Anticancer Drug CombinationsQ34684352
Predicting synthetic rescues in metabolic networksQ34750436
Structure-based systems biology for analyzing off-target bindingQ34761978
Closed-loop control of cellular functions using combinatory drugs guided by a stochastic search algorithmQ34763799
Connectedness of PPI network neighborhoods identifies regulatory hub proteins.Q34771449
Design logic of a cannabinoid receptor signaling network that triggers neurite outgrowthQ34779291
Yeast and drug discoveryQ34794228
Significant conservation of synthetic lethal genetic interaction networks between distantly related eukaryotesQ34860078
Dynamic modularity in protein interaction networks predicts breast cancer outcomeQ34934057
Improving the prediction of pharmacogenes using text-derived drug-gene relationshipsQ34974251
Dynamical networks in tRNA:protein complexesQ34974676
Analysis of multiple compound–protein interactions reveals novel bioactive moleculesQ34979708
Topological structure analysis of the protein-protein interaction network in budding yeastQ34980439
The NCGC pharmaceutical collection: a comprehensive resource of clinically approved drugs enabling repurposing and chemical genomicsQ34992596
Network analyses in systems pharmacologyQ34995155
Early-warning signals for critical transitionsQ35001007
HBVPathDB: a database of HBV infection-related molecular interaction networkQ35011414
Hypergraph topological quantities for tagged social networks.Q35012344
Reverse engineering gene networks: Integrating genetic perturbations with dynamical modelingQ35022482
Do cancer proteins really interact strongly in the human protein-protein interaction network?Q35034277
SubMAP: aligning metabolic pathways with subnetwork mappingsQ35070376
Building protein-protein interaction networks with proteomics and informatics tools.Q35084958
Discovering the targets of drugs via computational systems biologyQ35084961
Systematic approaches towards the development of host-directed antiviral therapeuticsQ35091855
ModuLand plug-in for Cytoscape: determination of hierarchical layers of overlapping network modules and community centrality.Q30418313
Anatomy of protein pockets and cavities: Measurement of binding site geometry and implications for ligand designQ30431598
Metabolic network analysis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa during chronic cystic fibrosis lung infectionQ30432839
Network analysis of oncogenic Ras activation in cancerQ30444797
Functional cartography of complex metabolic networksQ30481006
ENDEAVOUR update: a web resource for gene prioritization in multiple speciesQ30482616
PAZAR: a framework for collection and dissemination of cis-regulatory sequence annotationQ30483578
Drug discovery in the age of systems biology: the rise of computational approaches for data integration.Q30485238
Rational drug repositioning guided by an integrated pharmacological network of protein, disease and drugQ30485564
HTRIdb: an open-access database for experimentally verified human transcriptional regulation interactionsQ30485647
SePreSA: a server for the prediction of populations susceptible to serious adverse drug reactions implementing the methodology of a chemical-protein interactomeQ30488528
Protein pockets: inventory, shape, and comparisonQ30494235
Regulation of phenotypic variability by a threshold-based mechanism underlies bacterial persistenceQ30495567
Molecular mechanistic associations of human diseasesQ30496754
Mining and integration of pathway diagrams from imaging dataQ30506021
Arena3D: visualizing time-driven phenotypic differences in biological systemsQ30515043
TranscriptomeBrowser 3.0: introducing a new compendium of molecular interactions and a new visualization tool for the study of gene regulatory networksQ30520094
Computational repositioning of the anticonvulsant topiramate for inflammatory bowel diseaseQ30526431
Automated design of ligands to polypharmacological profiles.Q30539786
Integrating external biological knowledge in the construction of regulatory networks from time-series expression dataQ30557880
CellNOptR: a flexible toolkit to train protein signaling networks to data using multiple logic formalismsQ30573980
DvD: An R/Cytoscape pipeline for drug repurposing using public repositories of gene expression data.Q30576319
Construction of regulatory networks using expression time-series data of a genotyped populationQ34074655
Dynamical and Structural Analysis of a T Cell Survival Network Identifies Novel Candidate Therapeutic Targets for Large Granular Lymphocyte LeukemiaQ34079139
Discovery of drug mode of action and drug repositioning from transcriptional responsesQ34093341
Feedback control of intercellular signalling in developmentQ34094396
Expander: from expression microarrays to networks and functionsQ34097128
Discovery of mutated subnetworks associated with clinical data in cancerQ34102554
Community structure in time-dependent, multiscale, and multiplex networksQ34115260
A Network-Based Approach on Elucidating the Multi-Faceted Nature of Chronological Aging in S. cerevisiaeQ34117425
A network flow approach to predict drug targets from microarray data, disease genes and interactome network - case study on prostate cancerQ34125720
Plasma microRNA profiling reveals loss of endothelial miR-126 and other microRNAs in type 2 diabetesQ34127486
Identifying co-targets to fight drug resistance based on a random walk modelQ34132379
Role of systems pharmacology in understanding drug adverse eventsQ34134791
Versatile Applications of microRNA in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery: From Therapeutics to BiomarkersQ34137643
DisGeNET: a Cytoscape plugin to visualize, integrate, search and analyze gene-disease networksQ34139480
Phosphoproteomics for the discovery of kinases as cancer biomarkers and drug targetsQ34153602
Phosphoproteomic analysis reveals interconnected system-wide responses to perturbations of kinases and phosphatases in yeastQ34156122
Novel insights through the integration of structural and functional genomics data with protein networksQ34161379
A novel framework for the comparative analysis of biological networksQ34170651
Discovery of intramolecular signal transduction network based on a new protein dynamics model of energy dissipationQ34171039
Principles for the buffering of genetic variationQ34171380
Principles and strategies for developing network models in cancerQ34171479
Identification of an Allosteric Signaling Network within Tec Family KinasesQ34172793
Dynamic reconfiguration of human brain networks during learningQ34179257
CentiLib: comprehensive analysis and exploration of network centralitiesQ34185036
GPCR drug discovery through the exploitation of allosteric drug binding sitesQ34190091
Untangling the wires: a strategy to trace functional interactions in signaling and gene networksQ34190157
Crosstalk between transcription factors and microRNAs in human protein interaction networkQ34194215
Towards a network theory of the immune system.Q34202813
Conedy: A scientific tool to investigate complex network dynamicsQ34214607
Hierarchy measure for complex networksQ34217534
MINT, the molecular interaction database: 2012 updateQ34233947
Protein-protein interaction networks suggest different targets have different propensities for triggering drug resistanceQ34237349
Stability indicators in network reconstructionQ35108162
Stategic trends in the drug industryQ35111514
DADA: Degree-Aware Algorithms for Network-Based Disease Gene PrioritizationQ35126543
Genome-wide identification of genes likely to be involved in human genetic diseaseQ35130251
Building with a scaffold: emerging strategies for high- to low-level cellular modelingQ35146255
Systematic discovery of multicomponent therapeuticsQ35147474
InterDom: a database of putative interacting protein domains for validating predicted protein interactions and complexesQ35158913
Network-based prediction for sources of transcriptional dysregulation using latent pathway identification analysisQ35164684
Predicting selective drug targets in cancer through metabolic networks.Q35176392
Residues crucial for maintaining short paths in network communication mediate signaling in proteinsQ35193500
Principles of microRNA regulation of a human cellular signaling networkQ35193525
Pharmacophylogenomics: genes, evolution and drug targetsQ35194747
Heat Shock Partially Dissociates the Overlapping Modules of the Yeast Protein-Protein Interaction Network: A Systems Level Model of AdaptationQ35339906
Binding sites in Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase communicate by modulating the conformational ensembleQ35367681
Heat shock proteins as emerging therapeutic targetsQ35545091
Vavien: An Algorithm for Prioritizing Candidate Disease Genes Based on Topological Similarity of Proteins in Interaction NetworksQ35550142
Drug-target network in myocardial infarction reveals multiple side effects of unrelated drugsQ35551379
PathBLAST: a tool for alignment of protein interaction networksQ35556674
Autophagy as a therapeutic target in cancer.Q35591562
The cognitive paradigm and the immunological homunculusQ35592137
Neuroscience Networking: Linking Discovery to DrugsQ35614087
Rediscovering the sweet spot in drug discovery.Q35615371
Mechanisms for the inheritance of chromatin statesQ35630158
PINA v2.0: mining interactome modules.Q35630696
TarBase 6.0: capturing the exponential growth of miRNA targets with experimental supportQ35631073
IPAVS: Integrated Pathway Resources, Analysis and Visualization SystemQ35631078
Therapeutic target database update 2012: a resource for facilitating target-oriented drug discoveryQ35631111
dbDEPC 2.0: updated database of differentially expressed proteins in human cancersQ35631138
A Novel Method of Transcriptional Response Analysis to Facilitate Drug Repositioning for Cancer TherapyQ35652903
Mutual exclusivity analysis identifies oncogenic network modulesQ35694424
Associating Drugs, Targets and Clinical Outcomes into an Integrated Network Affords a New Platform for Computer-Aided Drug Repurposing.Q35694643
Predicting protein-protein interactions based only on sequences informationQ35721356
Complex-disease networks of trait-associated single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) unveiled by information theory.Q35751212
The importance of bottlenecks in protein networks: correlation with gene essentiality and expression dynamicsQ35753717
Conserved patterns of protein interaction in multiple speciesQ33837704
Elementary signaling modes predict the essentiality of signal transduction network componentsQ33852639
Local Structural Changes, Global Data Views: Graphical Substructure−Activity Relationship TrailingQ33857007
Increasing the flux in metabolic pathways: A metabolic control analysis perspectiveQ33857812
Analysis of diverse regulatory networks in a hierarchical context shows consistent tendencies for collaboration in the middle levelsQ33859210
Bayesian approach to transforming public gene expression repositories into disease diagnosis databasesQ33859264
Building the process-drug–side effect network to discover the relationship between biological Processes and side effectsQ33871546
Multilevel compression of random walks on networks reveals hierarchical organization in large integrated systemsQ33873691
Network Archaeology: Uncovering Ancient Networks from Present-Day InteractionsQ33886696
From isotropic to anisotropic side chain representations: comparison of three models for residue contact estimationQ33892544
DRAR-CPI: a server for identifying drug repositioning potential and adverse drug reactions via the chemical–protein interactomeQ33894409
Implication of microRNAs in drug resistance for designing novel cancer therapyQ33903223
Subnets of scale-free networks are not scale-free: sampling properties of networksQ33934431
Cell illustrator 4.0: a computational platform for systems biologyQ33936234
Network target for screening synergistic drug combinations with application to traditional Chinese medicineQ33937467
GeneNetWeaver:in silicobenchmark generation and performance profiling of network inference methodsQ33940337
Are splicing mutations the most frequent cause of hereditary disease?Q33985993
Chance and necessity in the evolution of minimal metabolic networksQ33994506
Discovery and preclinical validation of drug indications using compendia of public gene expression dataQ33995422
A Computer Program for Classifying PlantsQ34006445
Characterizing genetic interactions in human disease association studies using statistical epistasis networksQ34017084
A Computational Method Based on the Integration of Heterogeneous Networks for Predicting Disease-Gene AssociationsQ34017854
Epigenetic side-effects of common pharmaceuticals: a potential new field in medicine and pharmacologyQ34017909
A network-based approach to prioritize results from genome-wide association studiesQ34018953
Reverse engineering gene networks using singular value decomposition and robust regressionQ34028331
Prediction of protein-binding areas by small-world residue networks and application to dockingQ34029424
iCTNet: a Cytoscape plugin to produce and analyze integrative complex traits networksQ34029521
Timescale analysis of rule‐based biochemical reaction networksQ34033527
The BioAssay network and its implications to future therapeutic discoveryQ34046379
PRINCIPLE: a tool for associating genes with diseases via network propagationQ34053140
Stability of graph communities across time scales.Q34059106
Inferring pleiotropy by network analysis: linked diseases in the human PPI networkQ34060723
A multi-tissue type genome-scale metabolic network for analysis of whole-body systems physiologyQ34063123
Serine Biosynthesis with One Carbon Catabolism and the Glycine Cleavage System Represents a Novel Pathway for ATP GenerationQ34071505
Conformational spread: the propagation of allosteric states in large multiprotein complexesQ35771546
Genomic analysis of essentiality within protein networksQ35774496
IMID: integrated molecular interaction databaseQ35789049
Detection of allosteric signal transmission by information-theoretic analysis of protein dynamicsQ35790255
Inferring domain-domain interactions from protein-protein interactionsQ35806010
Molecular concepts analysis links tumors, pathways, mechanisms, and drugsQ35812701
Pyruvate Kinase M2 Regulates Gene Transcription by Acting as a Protein KinaseQ35822985
Strong links are important, but weak links stabilize themQ35827594
CytoSEED: a Cytoscape plugin for viewing, manipulating and analyzing metabolic models created by the Model SEED.Q35838429
Thematic review series: The pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Toward a biological network for atherosclerosisQ35855112
Probing genetic overlap among complex human phenotypes.Q35868799
Alzheimer disease susceptibility loci: evidence for a protein network under natural selectionQ35877845
Complexity in the signaling network: insights from the use of targeted inhibitors in cancer therapyQ35882137
Modular architecture of protein structures and allosteric communications: potential implications for signaling proteins and regulatory linkagesQ35906481
PINALOG: a novel approach to align protein interaction networks--implications for complex detection and function prediction.Q35916743
Superessential reactions in metabolic networksQ35935855
Hierarchical thinking in network biology: the unbiased modularization of biochemical networks.Q35950686
Propagation of large concentration changes in reversible protein-binding networksQ35962966
Allosteric transitions in the chaperonin GroEL are captured by a dominant normal mode that is most robust to sequence variations.Q35972950
Signalling by protein phosphatases and drug development: a systems-centred view.Q36012977
Approaches to the analysis of cell signaling networks and their application in drug discovery.Q36023359
A study of communication pathways in methionyl- tRNA synthetase by molecular dynamics simulations and structure network analysisQ36023760
The Edinburgh human metabolic network reconstruction and its functional analysisQ36052649
Assembling global maps of cellular function through integrative analysis of physical and genetic networksQ36057839
Large-scale prediction and testing of drug activity on side-effect targetsQ36059863
Oncogene-mediated alterations in chromatin conformationQ36061468
Molecular signaling network complexity is correlated with cancer patient survivabilityQ36061531
Interfacial inhibition of macromolecular interactions: nature's paradigm for drug discoveryQ36062585
microRNA Dysregulation in Prostate Cancer: Network Analysis Reveals Preferential Regulation of Highly Connected NodesQ36068215
Genome semantics, in silico multicellular systems and the Central DogmaQ36069193
Illuminating drug discovery with biological pathwaysQ36069246
The efficiency of multi-target drugs: the network approach might help drug designQ36088532
Application of GQSAR for Scaffold Hopping and Lead Optimization in Multitarget InhibitorsQ36091289
Architecture of the human regulatory network derived from ENCODE dataQ29617046
The Impact of the Gut Microbiota on Human Health: An Integrative ViewQ29617446
Oncomine 3.0: genes, pathways, and networks in a collection of 18,000 cancer gene expression profilesQ29617464
Biological robustnessQ29617468
Relating protein pharmacology by ligand chemistryQ29617492
Small-molecule inhibitors of protein-protein interactions: progressing towards the dreamQ29617758
The chemical genomic portrait of yeast: uncovering a phenotype for all genesQ29617970
Hierarchical organization of modularity in metabolic networksQ29618451
Module networks: identifying regulatory modules and their condition-specific regulators from gene expression dataQ29618517
Causal protein-signaling networks derived from multiparameter single-cell dataQ29619136
JASPAR 2010: the greatly expanded open-access database of transcription factor binding profilesQ29619342
A census of human transcription factors: function, expression and evolutionQ29622841
Linear Motif Atlas for Phosphorylation-Dependent SignalingQ30002322
STITCH 3: zooming in on protein-chemical interactionsQ30002340
NetworKIN: a resource for exploring cellular phosphorylation networksQ30002344
Systematic Discovery of In Vivo Phosphorylation NetworksQ30002403
Reverse engineering of regulatory networks in human B cellsQ30004211
Hierarchical structure and the prediction of missing links in networksQ30050098
Identification of side-chain clusters in protein structures by a graph spectral method.Q30322969
Prediction of protein-protein interactions by docking methods.Q30329611
Improving the performance of DomainParser for structural domain partition using neural networkQ30332457
Uncovering network systems within protein structures.Q30336273
A network representation of protein structures: implications for protein stability.Q30351373
System level mechanisms of adaptation, learning, memory formation and evolvability: the role of chaperone and other networks.Q30360926
Markov methods for hierarchical coarse-graining of large protein dynamics.Q30363380
Allosteric regulation and catalysis emerge via a common route.Q30370820
Variations in clique and community patterns in protein structures during allosteric communication: investigation of dynamically equilibrated structures of methionyl tRNA synthetase complexes.Q30372499
Comparative analysis of the packing topology of structurally important residues in helical membrane and soluble proteins.Q30373704
Intra and inter-molecular communications through protein structure network.Q30376051
HAPPI: an online database of comprehensive human annotated and predicted protein interactionsQ30378866
The protein meta-structure: a novel concept for chemical and molecular biology.Q30379937
SMAP-WS: a parallel web service for structural proteome-wide ligand-binding site comparisonQ30389394
Predicting disease-associated substitution of a single amino acid by analyzing residue interactionsQ30398465
Modeling allosteric signal propagation using protein structure networksQ30399957
RING: networking interacting residues, evolutionary information and energetics in protein structures.Q30401853
Disordered proteins and network disorder in network descriptions of protein structure, dynamics and function: hypotheses and a comprehensive reviewQ30408830
Topological analysis and interactive visualization of biological networks and protein structuresQ30414346
Strategies for optimizing combinations of molecularly targeted anticancer agentsQ36554418
A global analysis of genetic interactions in Caenorhabditis elegansQ36640170
Perturbations to uncover gene networksQ36650695
Longevity network: construction and implicationsQ36658302
Systems biology, metabolic modelling and metabolomics in drug discovery and developmentQ36665669
Network properties of genes harboring inherited disease mutationsQ36670355
Multi-target therapeutics: when the whole is greater than the sum of the partsQ36697412
Network-based global inference of human disease genesQ36713985
Chemotherapy: induction of stress responsesQ36720676
Hubba: hub objects analyzer--a framework of interactome hubs identification for network biologyQ36749291
The power and promise of "rewiring" the mitogen-activated protein kinase network in prostate cancer therapeuticsQ36760971
Genetic-linkage mapping of complex hereditary disorders to a whole-genome molecular-interaction networkQ36804762
Getting connected: analysis and principles of biological networksQ36808436
Network analysis of protein dynamicsQ36833030
Multi-drug strategies are necessary to inhibit the synergistic mechanism causing tissue damage and organ failure in post infectious sequelaeQ36885542
Accelerated evolution of resistance in multidrug environmentsQ36893628
Tools for visually exploring biological networks.Q36919741
Models from experiments: combinatorial drug perturbations of cancer cellsQ36930517
Human protein-protein interaction networks and the value for drug discoveryQ36934800
Quantitative phosphoproteomic analysis of signaling network dynamics.Q36936477
Endoplasmic reticulum stress signaling in pancreatic beta-cellsQ36951237
A large-scale analysis of tissue-specific pathology and gene expression of human disease genes and complexesQ37023137
Neural network dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease: a drug development perspectiveQ37051100
A network biology approach to aging in yeastQ37069115
Signaling networks in agingQ37078776
Membranes: a meeting point for lipids, proteins and therapiesQ37081783
A survey of visualization tools for biological network analysisQ37085586
Network medicineQ37087536
Some new trends in chemical graph theoryQ37095488
Differential dependency network analysis to identify condition-specific topological changes in biological networksQ37097107
Proteins as networks: usefulness of graph theory in protein scienceQ37108560
A systems biology approach to drug discoveryQ37115945
Specific synthetic lethal killing of RAD54B-deficient human colorectal cancer cells by FEN1 silencing.Q37117721
The impact of natural products upon modern drug discovery.Q37142509
Human metabolic network reconstruction and its impact on drug discovery and developmentQ37158701
Insight into human alveolar macrophage and M. tuberculosis interactions via metabolic reconstructionsQ34344292
Concerted perturbation observed in a hub network in Alzheimer's diseaseQ34344867
atBioNet– an integrated network analysis tool for genomics and biomarker discoveryQ34346335
Integrating gene expression and protein-protein interaction network to prioritize cancer-associated genesQ34354173
Genomics, complexity and drug discovery: insights from Boolean network models of cellular regulationQ34355237
HINT: High-quality protein interactomes and their applications in understanding human diseaseQ34356822
The chemical basis of pharmacologyQ34363831
Alternative protein-protein interfaces are frequent exceptionsQ34372281
DTome: a web-based tool for drug-target interactome constructionQ34383264
Reconstruction of cellular signalling networks and analysis of their propertiesQ34385115
Random Boolean network models and the yeast transcriptional networkQ34385495
Multicomponent therapeutics for networked systemsQ34390417
Tackling antibiotic resistanceQ34390844
The mutation rate and cancerQ34410886
Phylogenies reveal predictive power of traditional medicine in bioprospectingQ34415770
Extensive in vivo metabolite-protein interactions revealed by large-scale systematic analysesQ34421346
What evidence is there for the homology of protein-protein interactions?Q34426308
Systematic differences in signal emitting and receiving revealed by PageRank analysis of a human protein interactome.Q34427564
PAGED: a pathway and gene-set enrichment database to enable molecular phenotype discoveries.Q34436628
miRandola: extracellular circulating microRNAs databaseQ34456543
Induced fit, conformational selection and independent dynamic segments: an extended view of binding eventsQ34479883
Efficient estimation of graphlet frequency distributions in protein-protein interaction networksQ34490501
On the nature of cavities on protein surfaces: application to the identification of drug-binding sitesQ34494450
Cell-signalling dynamics in time and spaceQ34495098
Robust Salmonella metabolism limits possibilities for new antimicrobials.Q34502598
Chapter 4: Protein Interactions and DiseaseQ34539656
Chapter 5: Network biology approach to complex diseases.Q34539662
Identifying Ligand Binding Conformations of the β2-Adrenergic Receptor by Using Its Agonists as Computational ProbesQ34540011
Metabolic control analysis in drug discovery and diseaseQ34550535
Temporal dynamics of tyrosine phosphorylation in insulin signaling.Q34551910
SignaLink 2 - a signaling pathway resource with multi-layered regulatory networksQ34554087
GraphCrunch 2: Software tool for network modeling, alignment and clusteringQ34564378
Selective optimization of side activities: the SOSA approachQ34565597
Resampling effects on significance analysis of network clustering and rankingQ34570987
A systematic prediction of multiple drug-target interactions from chemical, genomic, and pharmacological dataQ28484011
Promiscuous drugs compared to selective drugs (promiscuity can be a virtue)Q24799034
Ranking candidate disease genes from gene expression and protein interaction: a Katz-centrality based approachQ24810350
The activity reaction core and plasticity of metabolic networksQ24811413
Large-scale 13C-flux analysis reveals mechanistic principles of metabolic network robustness to null mutations in yeastQ24812466
ArrayXPath II: mapping and visualizing microarray gene-expression data with biomedical ontologies and integrated biological pathway resources using Scalable Vector GraphicsQ24813006
Detection of compound mode of action by computational integration of whole-genome measurements and genetic perturbationsQ25255700
Pathguide: a pathway resource listQ25256662
Systems Pharmacology: Network Analysis to Identify Multiscale Mechanisms of Drug ActionQ26824166
Aggregating data for computational toxicology applications: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Aggregated Computational Toxicology Resource (ACToR) SystemQ26829544
Systems genetics for drug target discoveryQ27012769
A metabolic network approach for the identification and prioritization of antimicrobial drug targetsQ27014752
Emergence of Scaling in Random NetworksQ27037290
Chem2Bio2RDF: a semantic framework for linking and data mining chemogenomic and systems chemical biology dataQ27136634
SuperTarget and Matador: resources for exploring drug-target relationshipsQ27136964
PREDICT: a method for inferring novel drug indications with application to personalized medicineQ27137071
Dynamic prestress in a globular proteinQ27330899
Designing transient binding drugs: a new concept for drug discoveryQ37158710
Finding multiple target optimal intervention in disease-related molecular network.Q37170511
Predicting metabolic biomarkers of human inborn errors of metabolismQ37196179
PIPs: human protein-protein interaction prediction databaseQ37202592
IsoRankN: spectral methods for global alignment of multiple protein networksQ37206322
A unified statistical model to support local sequence order independent similarity searching for ligand-binding sites and its application to genome-based drug discoveryQ37206373
PPISearch: a web server for searching homologous protein-protein interactions across multiple species.Q37245673
VisANT 3.5: multi-scale network visualization, analysis and inference based on the gene ontology.Q37245690
Recovering time-varying networks of dependencies in social and biological studiesQ37248135
The signaling hubs at the crossroad of longevity and age-related disease networksQ37269782
Prediction of drug-target interaction networks from the integration of chemical and genomic spaces.Q37283297
Quantifying the relationships among drug classesQ37294973
Generating genome-scale candidate gene lists for pharmacogenomicsQ37311193
Predicting gene targets of perturbations via network-based filtering of mRNA expression compendiaQ37319585
Supervised prediction of drug-target interactions using bipartite local modelsQ37327753
Genomic analysis reveals a tight link between transcription factor dynamics and regulatory network architectureQ37330215
The double-edged sword of autophagy modulation in cancerQ37331327
Interaction networks: from protein functions to drug discovery. A reviewQ37345607
Identification of rare cancer driver mutations by network reconstructionQ37363146
Conservation and rewiring of functional modules revealed by an epistasis map in fission yeast.Q37365634
Cancer attractors: a systems view of tumors from a gene network dynamics and developmental perspectiveQ37368971
Knitting and untying the protein network: modulation of protein ensembles as a therapeutic strategyQ37383647
Variations in the transcriptome of Alzheimer's disease reveal molecular networks involved in cardiovascular diseasesQ37384944
Integrative genomics and drug developmentQ37389491
Network strategies to understand the aging process and help age-related drug design.Q37402658
A network medicine approach to human diseaseQ37408792
Navigating the network: signaling cross-talk in hematopoietic cells.Q37417479
Endoplasmic reticulum: nutrient sensor in physiology and pathologyQ37435215
Perturbation waves in proteins and protein networks: applications of percolation and game theories in signaling and drug design.Q37438478
Anti- and pro-tumor functions of autophagyQ37446106
Anti-apoptotic mechanisms of drug resistance in cancerQ37481512
Ageing as a price of cooperation and complexity: self-organization of complex systems causes the gradual deterioration of constituent networksQ37483724
Autophagy-A double-edged sword in oncologyQ37487968
Molecular pathways in tumor progression: from discovery to functional understandingQ37577479
Use of game-theoretical methods in biochemistry and biophysicsQ37577583
Molecular triangulation: bridging linkage and molecular-network information for identifying candidate genes in Alzheimer's disease.Q37585379
Docking and chemoinformatic screens for new ligands and targetsQ37592631
Protein-protein interaction networks: how can a hub protein bind so many different partners?Q37616866
Network-based drugs and biomarkersQ37634471
Autophagy and metastasis: another double-edged swordQ37640885
Cracking the phosphatase code: docking interactions determine substrate specificityQ37649281
Unveiling the role of network and systems biology in drug discoveryQ37684484
A strategy based on protein-protein interface motifs may help in identifying drug off-targetsQ37691954
The spatial architecture of protein function and adaptationQ37710326
Cell line-based platforms to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of candidate anticancer agentsQ37714306
Genetic algorithm optimization in drug design QSAR: Bayesian-regularized genetic neural networks (BRGNN) and genetic algorithm-optimized support vectors machines (GA-SVM).Q37715779
Review of MARCH-INSIDE & complex networks prediction of drugs: ADMET, anti-parasite activity, metabolizing enzymes and cardiotoxicity proteome biomarkersQ37743543
Artificial intelligence techniques for colorectal cancer drug metabolism: ontology and complex network.Q37743545
Genetic analysis of complex disease--a roadmap to understanding or a colossal waste of moneyQ37762963
Uniformly curated signaling pathways reveal tissue-specific cross-talks and support drug target discovery.Q37764610
The weirdest people in the world?Q37765324
Chitosan-based hydrogels for nasal drug delivery: from inserts to nanoparticlesQ37766235
Metabolic control analysis indicates a change of strategy in the treatment of cancerQ37769788
Predicting drugs and proteins in parasite infections with topological indices of complex networks: theoretical backgrounds, applications, and legal issuesQ37774006
MicroRNA and aging: a novel modulator in regulating the aging networkQ37779890
Diseases as network perturbationsQ37779993
Cause-effect relationships in medicine: a protein network perspectiveQ37784556
Network biology as a new approach to drug discoveryQ37784745
Conformational ensembles, signal transduction and residue hot spots: application to drug discovery.Q37784746
Protein functional landscapes, dynamics, allostery: a tortuous path towards a universal theoretical framework.Q37785587
mTORC1 signaling in energy balance and metabolic disease.Q37793822
Mapping the Disease Protein Interactome: Toward a Molecular Medicine GPS to Accelerate Drug and Biomarker DiscoveryQ37799598
Regulation of mammalian autophagy in physiology and pathophysiology.Q37801517
A comprehensive map of the mTOR signaling networkQ37823206
The regulation of autophagy – unanswered questionsQ37824183
Layers of epistasis: genome-wide regulatory networks and network approaches to genome-wide association studiesQ37825463
Computational biology approaches for selecting host–pathogen drug targetsQ37833286
Kinetic insulation as an effective mechanism for achieving pathway specificity in intracellular signaling networksQ36092552
The human phosphotyrosine signaling network: evolution and hotspots of hijacking in cancerQ36093876
Multifactorial optimization of endothelial cell growth using modular synthetic extracellular matricesQ36106091
Integrative analysis of the cancer transcriptomeQ36141641
Systems analysis of eleven rodent disease models reveals an inflammatome signature and key driversQ36171138
Cytoskeletal integrity as a drug targetQ36172704
Systems modeling: a pathway to drug discoveryQ36188268
Drug target prediction using adverse event report systems: a pharmacogenomic approach.Q36218106
Pancreatic β cell dedifferentiation as a mechanism of diabetic β cell failureQ36241895
Interactome-transcriptome analysis reveals the high centrality of genes differentially expressed in lung cancer tissuesQ36244121
Predicting allosteric communication in myosin via a pathway of conserved residuesQ36247779
Subnetwork-based analysis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia identifies pathways that associate with disease progressionQ36286867
Crowdsourcing network inference: the DREAM predictive signaling network challengeQ36300033
A modular network model of agingQ36327182
A map of human cancer signalingQ36327214
Finding new drug targets in the 21st centuryQ36352938
Discovering the first microRNA-targeted drugQ36353486
Cancer: a Systems Biology diseaseQ36373713
Differential network entropy reveals cancer system hallmarks.Q36393280
SAMNet: a network-based approach to integrate multi-dimensional high throughput datasetsQ36408631
Array-based proteomics: mapping of protein circuitries for diagnostics, prognostics, and therapy guidance in cancer.Q36414618
Cancer develops, progresses and responds to therapies through restricted perturbation of the protein-protein interaction networkQ36424477
Gene regulatory network inference: evaluation and application to ovarian cancer allows the prioritization of drug targetsQ36424741
The proteomics big challenge for biomarkers and new drug-targets discoveryQ36432402
Predictive energy landscapes for protein-protein associationQ36436864
Modeling cellular machinery through biological network comparisonQ36443509
Towards a pathway definition of Parkinson's disease: a complex disorder with links to cancer, diabetes and inflammationQ36453886
Allosteric effects in the marginally stable von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor protein and allostery-based rescue mutant designQ36458965
A CXCL1 paracrine network links cancer chemoresistance and metastasisQ36482032
A systems biology approach to prediction of oncogenes and molecular perturbation targets in B-cell lymphomasQ36496243
Domains, motifs, and scaffolds: the role of modular interactions in the evolution and wiring of cell signaling circuits.Q36498348
Aging cellular networks: chaperones as major participantsQ36524800
Defining principles of combination drug mechanisms of actionQ36535401
The sociobiology of molecular systems.Q37837472
Chemical-protein interactome and its application in off-target identificationQ37849214
Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases as Drug Targets: Strategies and Challenges of Inhibitor DevelopmentQ37855897
Dynamic modeling and analysis of cancer cellular network motifsQ37889673
Network-based methods for human disease gene predictionQ37901985
The therapeutic potential of microRNAs: disease modulators and drug targets.Q37912078
Targeting microRNAs involved in human diseases: a novel approach for modification of gene expression and drug developmentQ37921863
Microgels and microcapsules in peptide and protein drug deliveryQ37931483
Molecular network of microRNA targets in Alzheimer's disease brainsQ37938224
14-3-3 proteins as signaling integration points for cell cycle control and apoptosisQ37938398
Systems biology impact on antiepileptic drug discoveryQ37953017
Metabolic network modeling and simulation for drug targeting and discoveryQ37962486
Human Protein Reference Database and Human Proteinpedia as resources for phosphoproteome analysis.Q37967156
The current Salmonella‐host interactomeQ37972868
Differential network biologyQ37976573
Tools for protein-protein interaction network analysis in cancer research.Q37977413
Systems biology tools for toxicologyQ38008573
Functional Genomics- and Network-driven Systems Biology Approaches for Pharmacogenomics and ToxicogenomicsQ38010493
Visualization of the interactome: what are we looking at?Q38011629
Network analysis has diverse roles in drug discovery.Q38012955
Recent advances in protein–protein interaction prediction: experimental and computational methodsQ38014488
Modular pharmacology: the next paradigm in drug discoveryQ38017212
Recent approaches to the prioritization of candidate disease genesQ38018005
Beyond ‘furballs’ and ‘dumpling soups’ – towards a molecular architecture of signaling complexes and networksQ38019703
Clinical utility of neuroprotective agents in neurodegenerative diseases: current status of drug development for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.Q38022265
Opportunities in systems biology to discover mechanisms and repurpose drugs for CNS diseasesQ38023097
Network InterventionsQ38024340
Endosomal crosstalk: meeting points for signaling pathways.Q38026339
Understanding cancer mechanisms through network dynamicsQ38027492
Protein interactions: mapping interactome networks to support drug target discovery and selectionQ38028416
Towards a bioinformatics analysis of anti-Alzheimer's herbal medicines from a target network perspective.Q38034180
Protein-protein interaction networks: unraveling the wiring of molecular machines within the cell.Q38036242
Hydroximic acid derivatives: pleiotropic HSP co-inducers restoring homeostasis and robustness.Q38037746
Biological network analysis: insights into structure and functionsQ38062889
Protein contact networks: an emerging paradigm in chemistryQ38062944
Genetics and iron in the systems biology of Parkinson's disease and some related disordersQ38065668
Allo-network drugs: extension of the allosteric drug concept to protein- protein interaction and signaling networksQ38081491
How to design multi-target drugs.Q38089151
A survey of computational methods for protein complex prediction from protein interaction networksQ38100240
Semantic web for integrated network analysis in biomedicineQ38382895
Identifying disease-causal genes using Semantic Web-based representation of integrated genomic and phenomic knowledgeQ38387590
Mapping various information sources to a semantic network.Q38420255
Coordinated and uncoordinated optimization of networksQ38427318
NAViGaTOR: Network Analysis, Visualization and Graphing TorontoQ38433769
Architecture of basic building blocks in protein and domain structural interaction networksQ38448307
Relating drug–protein interaction network with drug side effectsQ38495130
SuperTarget goes quantitative: update on drug-target interactionsQ38499993
Reconstruction of Protein-Protein Interaction Network of Insulin Signaling inHomo SapiensQ38503816
Network and pathway analysis of compound-protein interactionsQ38509112
A systems biology case study of ovarian cancer drug resistanceQ38516560
Reconstruction of a functional human gene network, with an application for prioritizing positional candidate genesQ38518470
Multi-layered representation for cell signaling pathways.Q38521718
A copula method for modeling directional dependence of genesQ38525765
Integrating Genetic Approaches into the Discovery of Anticancer DrugsQ38555487
Systems biology and the future of medicineQ38647215
Chemoinformatics as a Theoretical Chemistry DisciplineQ38911197
Walking the interactome for prioritization of candidate disease genesQ39140568
Integration of protein motions with molecular networks reveals different mechanisms for permanent and transient interactionsQ39171046
Novel signatures of cancer-associated fibroblasts.Q39210456
Construction of cell type-specific logic models of signaling networks using CellNOptQ39255420
Generic indicators for loss of resilience before a tipping point leading to population collapseQ39294165
Universality in protein residue networks.Q39343534
Extracting SAR Information from a Large Collection of Anti-Malarial Screening Hits by NSG-SPT AnalysisQ39513261
Metformin amplifies chemotherapy-induced AMPK activation and antitumoral growth.Q39547941
A sub-pathway-based approach for identifying drug response principal networkQ39615546
A multilevel layout algorithm for visualizing physical and genetic interaction networks, with emphasis on their modular organizationQ39636559
Protein dynamics in drug combinations: a linear superposition of individual-drug responsesQ39731018
Network-based tools for the identification of novel drug targets.Q39749340
Classes of complex networks defined by role-to-role connectivity profilesQ39789937
Fault diagnosis engineering of digital circuits can identify vulnerable molecules in complex cellular pathwaysQ39859567
Distinct biological network properties between the targets of natural products and disease genesQ39861736
Identifying network of drug mode of action by gene expression profilingQ39889042
Dynamic proteomics of individual cancer cells in response to a drug.Q39913838
Drug repositioning using disease associated biological processes and network analysis of drug targetsQ39929131
The 'wired' universe of organic chemistry.Q39991362
Rationalizing Tight Ligand Binding through Cooperative Interaction NetworksQ39999558
Implicit methods for qualitative modeling of gene regulatory networksQ39999844
Multipathway model enables prediction of kinase inhibitor cross-talk effects on migration of Her2-overexpressing mammary epithelial cellsQ40001089
A hidden oncogenic positive feedback loop caused by crosstalk between Wnt and ERK pathways.Q40181009
Idiotypic networks and other preconceived ideasQ40182559
Genes2Networks: connecting lists of gene symbols using mammalian protein interactions databasesQ40242235
An integrated in silico analysis of drug-binding to human serum albumin.Q40266801
Small-world communication of residues and significance for protein dynamicsQ40269752
Combined antibacterial activity of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid against ampicillin-resistant strainsQ40282177
Application of network thermodynamics to the computer modeling of the pharmacology of anticancer agents: a network model for methotrexate action as a comprehensive exampleQ40333054
Herpesviral protein networks and their interaction with the human proteomeQ40341630
Analysis of drug-induced effect patterns to link structure and side effects of medicinesQ40363457
The proteomes of neurotransmitter receptor complexes form modular networks with distributed functionality underlying plasticity and behaviourQ40511054
Markov propagation of allosteric effects in biomolecular systems: application to GroEL-GroES.Q40512092
What you see is not what you get: how sampling affects macroscopic features of biological networksQ40538760
TopNet: a tool for comparing biological sub-networks, correlating protein properties with topological statisticsQ40695124
High order chromatin architecture shapes the landscape of chromosomal alterations in cancerQ40719732
Synthetic enhancement in gene interaction: a genetic tool come of age.Q40796844
Integrating the Alzheimer's Disease Proteome and Transcriptome: A Comprehensive Network Model of a Complex DiseaseQ40963834
Contact rearrangements form coupled networks from local motions in allosteric proteinsQ41003317
WebInterViewer: visualizing and analyzing molecular interaction networksQ41011120
Bimoclomol: A nontoxic, hydroxylamine derivative with stress protein-inducing activity and cytoprotective effectsQ41086821
Computational analysis of Plasmodium falciparum metabolism: organizing genomic information to facilitate drug discoveryQ41276143
Regulated Noise in the Epigenetic Landscape of Development and DiseaseQ41514448
PROMISCUOUS: a database for network-based drug-repositioningQ41578922
Network theory of agingQ41604629
NetAligner--a network alignment server to compare complexes, pathways and whole interactomes.Q41788133
A network-based method for target selection in metabolic networksQ41790813
The orphan disease networksQ41807086
Identification of chemogenomic features from drug-target interaction networks using interpretable classifiersQ41816148
A probabilistic approach to identify putative drug targets in biochemical networksQ41836315
Chemical combination effects predict connectivity in biological systemsQ41851112
A Comparative Study of Metabolic Network Topology between a Pathogenic and a Non-Pathogenic Bacterium for Potential Drug Target Identification.Q41858708
Revealing static and dynamic modular architecture of the eukaryotic protein interaction networkQ41895485
iPath2.0: interactive pathway explorerQ41933346
Mapping of ligand-binding cavities in proteinsQ41946244
How threshold behaviour affects the use of subgraphs for network comparisonQ41955932
Role-similarity based functional prediction in networked systems: application to the yeast proteomeQ42012920
SIMCOMP/SUBCOMP: chemical structure search servers for network analysesQ42100659
Edgetic perturbation models of human inherited disordersQ42124353
Molecular network analysis suggests aberrant CREB-mediated gene regulation in the Alzheimer disease hippocampusQ42125431
Ensemble Modeling of Cancer MetabolismQ42126656
Circuitry and dynamics of human transcription factor regulatory networksQ42150273
Network rigidity at finite temperature: relationships between thermodynamic stability, the nonadditivity of entropy, and cooperativity in molecular systemsQ42151001
Systems biology. How information theory handles cell signaling and uncertaintyQ42154524
Uncovering potential Drug Targets for Tuberculosis using Protein NetworksQ42200249
Combined experimental and computational analysis of DNA damage signaling reveals context-dependent roles for Erk in apoptosis and G1/S arrest after genotoxic stressQ42204382
Activity driven modeling of time varying networksQ42216161
GENIES: gene network inference engine based on supervised analysisQ42233064
Sampling properties of directed networksQ42283776
MicroRNA regulation of human protein protein interaction networkQ42413467
Quantifying the chemical beauty of drugs.Q42414958
Cytokine-associated drug toxicity in human hepatocytes is associated with signaling network dysregulationQ42423679
Toward understanding allosteric signaling mechanisms in the ATPase domain of molecular chaperonesQ42427794
Dr. PIAS 2.0: an update of a database of predicted druggable protein-protein interactionsQ42430108
Genome-wide prioritization of disease genes and identification of disease-disease associations from an integrated human functional linkage networkQ42594704
GenePro: a Cytoscape plug-in for advanced visualization and analysis of interaction networksQ42595813
Extracting Sets of Chemical Substructures and Protein Domains Governing Drug-Target InteractionsQ42598159
A graph-based approach to systematically reconstruct human transcriptional regulatory modulesQ42626909
Structural resemblance between the families of bacterial signal-transduction proteins and of G proteins revealed by graph theoretical techniquesQ42630576
PerturbationAnalyzer: a tool for investigating the effects of concentration perturbation on protein interaction networks.Q42639697
EDGE: a centralized resource for the comparison, analysis, and distribution of toxicogenomic informationQ42645749
Pharmacogenomics and bioinformatics: PharmGKB.Q42654621
Protein clefts in molecular recognition and functionQ42845107
Choke point analysis of metabolic pathways in E.histolytica: a computational approach for drug target identificationQ42918994
Computational approaches for drug repositioning and combination therapy design.Q43015433
Gene set-level network analysis using a toxicogenomics databaseQ43110446
An abundance of rare functional variants in 202 drug target genes sequenced in 14,002 peopleQ43136367
Predicting disease genes using protein-protein interactions.Q43169919
Identification of potential targets in biological signalling systems through network perturbation analysisQ43192617
Kinase selectivity potential for inhibitors targeting the ATP binding site: a network analysisQ43234873
Long-range energy transfer in proteinsQ43243126
Protein interaction network analysis--approach for potential drug target identification in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.Q43260725
Integrative network alignment reveals large regions of global network similarity in yeast and humanQ43467712
Empirically determining the sample size for large-scale gene network inference algorithmsQ43501011
Network analysis of adverse drug interactionsQ43600416
Protein flexibility predictions using graph theoryQ43629667
Information filtering in complex weighted networksQ43718645
Topological properties of the drug targets regulated by microRNA in human protein–protein interaction networkQ43845557
Integrated network analysis platform for protein-protein interactionsQ43961965
NetAlign: a web-based tool for comparison of protein interaction networksQ44070985
Network-Based Analysis and Characterization of Adverse Drug–Drug InteractionsQ44108392
A network view of disease and compound screeningQ44111868
MAVisto: A Tool for Biological Network Motif AnalysisQ44119930
A network-based method for predicting disease-causing genes.Q44271949
Similarity index based on local paths for link prediction of complex networksQ44312047
Rewiring the dynamic interactomeQ44324983
Evaluation of linear classifiers on articles containing pharmacokinetic evidence of drug-drug interactionsQ44602645
Interaction networks as a tool to investigate the mechanisms of agingQ44605554
Genome-wide inferring gene-phenotype relationship by walking on the heterogeneous network.Q44677737
Fuzzy communities and the concept of bridgeness in complex networksQ44683265
Exploration of the Topology of Chemical Spaces with Network MeasuresQ44802653
Allostery wiring diagrams in the transitions that drive the GroEL reaction cycleQ44848940
Structures of HIV-1 RT-DNA complexes before and after incorporation of the anti-AIDS drug tenofovirQ44859710
BIOCHAM: an environment for modeling biological systems and formalizing experimental knowledgeQ44870332
The prediction of ADMET properties using structure information representationsQ44925810
From molecular to biological structure and backQ44928351
A novel approach to predict protein-protein interactions related to Alzheimer's disease based on complex networkQ44935051
Robust classification of salient links in complex networksQ45043914
Inferring disease and gene set associations with rank coherence in networksQ45358428
Identification of potential host proteins for influenza A virus based on topological and biological characteristics by proteome-wide network approachQ45358984
Drug-target interaction prediction by learning from local information and neighborsQ45371331
A systems pharmacology analysis of major chemotherapy combination regimens used in gastric cancer treatment: predicting potential new protein targets and drugsQ45749371
Biological function through network topology: a survey of the human diseasomeQ45847143
Unified QSAR approach to antimicrobials. Part 3: first multi-tasking QSAR model for input-coded prediction, structural back-projection, and complex networks clustering of antiprotozoal compounds.Q45855420
Bayesian inference of the sites of perturbations in metabolic pathways via Markov chain Monte CarloQ45876108
Alignment of metabolic pathways.Q45904398
Gaussian interaction profile kernels for predicting drug-target interactionQ45961548
structureViz: linking Cytoscape and UCSF Chimera.Q45962594
Conserved network motifs allow protein-protein interaction prediction.Q45966736
A CitationRank algorithm inheriting Google technology designed to highlight genes responsible for serious adverse drug reaction.Q45994408
NetMatch: a Cytoscape plugin for searching biological networksQ46078746
Turning down, but not off.Q46122166
A network solutionQ53527430
Computational simulation of multi-target research on the material basis of Caulis sinomenii in treating osteoarthritisQ53977726
Rationalizing three-dimensional activity landscapes and the influence of molecular representations on landscape topology and the formation of activity cliffsQ53990515
Metabolic network analysis revealed distinct routes of deletion effects between essential and non-essential genes.Q54343586
Functional classification of drugs by properties of their pairwise interactions.Q54468515
Essentiality and damage in metabolic networks.Q54513267
Identification of key residues for protein conformational transition using elastic network model.Q54551159
The small world inside large metabolic networks.Q55016270
Protein networks, pleiotropy and the evolution of senescence.Q55287052
Activities and sensitivities in boolean network models.Q55524631
Protein cavity clustering based on community structure of pocket similarity networkQ46123315
C-GRAAL: common-neighbors-based global GRAph ALignment of biological networksQ46143407
How similar are similarity searching methods? A principal component analysis of molecular descriptor spaceQ46174895
Dynamical properties of a boolean model of gene regulatory network with memoryQ46190364
QSAR and complex network study of the chiral HMGR inhibitor structural diversity.Q46233283
Identification of information flow-modulating drug targets: a novel bridging paradigm for drug discoveryQ46260661
Global snapshot of a protein interaction network-a percolation based approachQ46266078
Unified QSAR & network-based computational chemistry approach to antimicrobials. II. Multiple distance and triadic census analysis of antiparasitic drugs complex networks.Q46479027
Estimating novel potential drug targets of Plasmodium falciparum by analysing the metabolic network of knock-out strains in silicoQ46551696
Double iterative optimisation for metabolic network-based drug target identificationQ46558372
Robustness analysis of the Escherichia coli metabolic networkQ46731594
The influence of drug-like concepts on decision-making in medicinal chemistryQ46922861
PIVOT: protein interacions visualizatiOn toolQ47207869
Reverse engineering intracellular biochemical networks.Q47286146
Size estimation of chemical space: how big is it?Q47321477
Self-similar community structure in a network of human interactions.Q47357648
Metabolic network analysis of the causes and evolution of enzyme dispensability in yeastQ47363112
The different ways through which specificity works in orthosteric and allosteric drugsQ47577552
Top-k similar graph matching using TraM in biological networks.Q47578446
Allo-network drugs: harnessing allostery in cellular networksQ47579306
Coupling between global dynamics and signal transduction pathways: a mechanism of allostery for chaperonin GroEL.Q47594992
Hot regions in protein--protein interactions: the organization and contribution of structurally conserved hot spot residuesQ47608015
Aging defined by a chronologic-replicative protein network in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: an interactome analysis.Q47827478
Drug–target interaction prediction by random walk on the heterogeneous networkQ47845354
Residue network in protein native structure belongs to the universality class of a three-dimensional critical percolation clusterQ47948528
Mining metabolic networks for optimal drug targetsQ47954463
Protein multi-scale organization through graph partitioning and robustness analysis: application to the myosin-myosin light chain interactionQ47987970
Align human interactome with phenome to identify causative genes and networks underlying disease families.Q48315327
Alignment of molecular networks by integer quadratic programmingQ48403322
DITOP: drug-induced toxicity related protein databaseQ48403527
Systems biology. Modular biological complexityQ48420215
Dynamic exploration and editing of KEGG pathway diagramsQ48422297
Discovering disease-genes by topological features in human protein-protein interaction networkQ48432576
A grid layout algorithm for automatic drawing of biochemical networksQ48500935
A more efficient search strategy for aging genes based on connectivityQ48525795
CREDO: a protein-ligand interaction database for drug discoveryQ48537603
A call to reform the taxonomy of human diseaseQ48646649
A graph layout algorithm for drawing metabolic pathwaysQ48678928
Protein domain decomposition using a graph-theoretic approachQ48691334
New Markov-Shannon Entropy models to assess connectivity quality in complex networks: from molecular to cellular pathway, Parasite-Host, Neural, Industry, and Legal-Social networks.Q48808016
The integration and annotation of the human interactome in the UniHI DatabaseQ50147724
Binding similarity network of ligandQ50862492
An iterative algorithm for metabolic network-based drug target identification.Q50868686
Quantifying social group evolutionQ50905096
Robustness analysis of a Boolean model of gene regulatory network with memoryQ51016389
The mode-of-action by network identification (MNI) algorithm: a network biology approach for molecular target identificationQ51032367
A robustness-based approach to systems-oriented drug designQ51062307
The core and most useful molecules in organic chemistryQ51165267
Rigidity and flexibility of biological networksQ51298649
Architecture and evolution of organic chemistryQ51323964
Analyzing and visualizing residue networks of protein structuresQ56664440
Comparing metabolic network models based on genomic and automatically inferred enzyme information from Plasmodium and its human host to define drug targets in silicoQ56770530
Chemical Chaperones: Mechanisms of Action and Potential UseQ56864470
SnapShot: Protein-Protein Interaction NetworksQ56989191
Use of genome-wide association studies for drug repositioningQ57338671
Emergence of the silicon human and network targeting drugsQ57393826
Link communities reveal multiscale complexity in networksQ57405864
Exploring the Mode-of-Action of Bioactive Compounds by Chemical-Genetic Profiling in YeastQ57734375
Effect of sampling on topology predictions of protein-protein interaction networksQ58067825
Network Medicine Strikes a Blow against Breast CancerQ59304980
Small-world behavior in time-varying graphsQ59393052
Modularity in the genetic disease-phenotype networkQ60370295
Employing functional interactions for characterisation and detection of sparse complexes from yeast PPI networks.Q51325312
Topac: alignment of gene regulatory networks using topology-aware coloringQ51342636
Rewiring chemistry: algorithmic discovery and experimental validation of one-pot reactions in the network of organic chemistry.Q51342920
Multiple weak hits confuse complex systems: a transcriptional regulatory network as an exampleQ51374935
Deconvolution of mTORC2 “in Silico”Q51393332
GPEC: A Cytoscape plug-in for random walk-based gene prioritization and biomedical evidence collectionQ51398877
Hive plots--rational approach to visualizing networks.Q51478033
Onion structure and network robustness.Q51531089
Transferring network topological knowledge for predicting protein-protein interactionsQ51546978
Early warning signals and the prosecutor's fallacyQ51548187
A local average connectivity-based method for identifying essential proteins from the network levelQ51554307
PocketAlign a novel algorithm for aligning binding sites in protein structures.Q51559401
Controllability of complex networksQ51569838
An Algorithmic Framework for Predicting Side Effects of DrugsQ51594993
Discrete breathers at the interface between a diatomic and a monoatomic granular chainQ51614168
Characterization of drug efficacy regions based on dosage and frequency schedulesQ51634419
Minimal cut sets in biochemical reaction networksQ51637467
Self-organizing fuzzy graphs for structure-based comparison of protein pocketsQ51652977
The network as the targetQ51661893
Protein-protein interaction network evaluation for identifying potential drug targetsQ51694945
Antibiotic interactions that select against resistanceQ51710862
Architectural repertoire of ligand-binding pockets on protein surfacesQ51729594
Comparative study of computational methods to detect the correlated reaction sets in biochemical networksQ51758941
Alignment-free prediction of a drug-target complex network based on parameters of drug connectivity and protein sequence of receptors.Q51772250
A network model of successive partitioning-limited solute diffusion through the stratum corneumQ51784429
A network-based approach for resistance transmission in bacterial populationsQ51793791
Merging chemical and biological space: Structural mapping of enzyme binding pocket spaceQ51853796
Combining the interactome and deleterious SNP predictions to improve disease gene identificationQ51855746
Unified QSAR approach to antimicrobials. 4. Multi-target QSAR modeling and comparative multi-distance study of the giant components of antiviral drug-drug complex networks.Q51858888
Network Analysis Tools: from biological networks to clusters and pathwaysQ51868865
Integrating systems approaches into pharmaceutical sciencesQ51873591
Analysis of protein surface patterns by pocket similarity networkQ51876241
A single gene network accurately predicts phenotypic effects of gene perturbation in Caenorhabditis elegans.Q51896048
Protein-protein interaction networks and biology--what's the connection?Q51897141
Computing topological parameters of biological networksQ51900389
Hypothesis generation in signaling networksQ51927544
Algorithms for network analysis in systems-ADME/Tox using the MetaCore and MetaDrug platformsQ51928372
Similarity networks of protein binding sitesQ51959646
Emergent behavior of growing knowledge about molecular interactions.Q51962700
Discovery of regulatory interactions through perturbation: inference and experimental designQ52076375
Identification of genetic networks from a small number of gene expression patterns under the Boolean network model.Q52211190
Reveal, a general reverse engineering algorithm for inference of genetic network architecturesQ52238235
Strategies for efficient disruption of metabolism in Mycobacterium tuberculosis from network analysis.Q52594611
Atomic interactions and profile of small molecules disrupting protein-protein interfaces: the TIMBAL database.Q52596153
Molecular evolution of protein conformational changes revealed by a network of evolutionarily coupled residuesQ52609779
Unfolding accessibility provides a macroscopic approach to temporal networksQ52884597
Drug-efficacy depends on the inhibitor type and the target position in a metabolic network--a systematic study.Q52922420
Assessing Relative Bioactivity of Chemical Substances Using Quantitative Molecular Network Topology AnalysisQ53175427
Rahnuma: hypergraph-based tool for metabolic pathway prediction and network comparisonQ53510397
Identification of novel hub genes associated with liver metastasis of gastric cancerQ84150763
A network-QSAR model for prediction of genetic-component biomarkers in human colorectal cancerQ84346859
On the supertertiary structure of proteinsQ84402199
Bacterial survival strategies suggest rethinking cancer cooperativityQ84504964
Pattern formation in oscillatory complex networks consisting of excitable nodesQ84506141
Relationships between ligand binding sites, protein architecture and correlated paths of energy and conformational fluctuationsQ84742496
Drug effects viewed from a signal transduction network perspectiveQ84852104
Selection of reprogramming factors of induced pluripotent stem cells based on the protein interaction network and functional profilesQ84947355
BioTapestry: A Tool to Visualize the Dynamic Properties of Gene Regulatory NetworksQ84973212
The relationship between rational drug design and drug side effectsQ84992161
Betweenness preference: quantifying correlations in the topological dynamics of temporal networksQ86850041
Finding missing edges in networks based on their community structureQ87361717
Transport on Coupled Spatial NetworksQ87366378
Parallel Optimization of Synthetic Pathways within the Network of Organic ChemistryQ61311517
Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYEQ61447401
Discrete breathers in protein structuresQ61763316
xPyder: A PyMOL Plugin To Analyze Coupled Residues and Their Networks in Protein StructuresQ63214343
Characterization of microRNA-regulated protein-protein interaction networkQ63641881
Structural Probing of a Protein Phosphatase 2A Network by Chemical Cross-Linking and Mass SpectrometryQ63953718
MOLGEN: Personal computer-based modeling systemQ71785929
Network topology of a potential energy landscape: a static scale-free networkQ74278716
Cancer as a robust system: implications for anticancer therapyQ76394082
Drug target validation and identification of secondary drug target effects using DNA microarraysQ77534975
Games network and application to PAs systemQ79312530
Creative elements: network-based predictions of active centres in proteins and cellular and social networksQ79688862
Decomposition of metabolic network into functional modules based on the global connectivity structure of reaction graphQ79811403
Essentiality is an emergent property of metabolic network wiringQ80309384
The protein folding networkQ80458006
Using process diagrams for the graphical representation of biological networksQ81010511
PIMWalker: visualising protein interaction networks using the HUPO PSI molecular interaction formatQ81130759
Small-world network approach to identify key residues in protein-protein interactionQ81193331
Regulatory network motifs and hotspots of cancer genes in a mammalian cellular signalling networkQ81378507
Virtual identification of essential proteins within the protein interaction network of yeastQ81466184
PATIKAweb: a Web interface for analyzing biological pathways through advanced querying and visualizationQ81480709
Unified QSAR and network-based computational chemistry approach to antimicrobials, part 1: multispecies activity models for antifungalsQ81592130
Protein-protein interactions as new drug targets. PrefaceQ81656198
Water and molecular chaperones act as weak links of protein folding networks: energy landscape and punctuated equilibrium changes point towards a game theory of proteinsQ81679864
Network-based prediction of human tissue-specific metabolismQ81798711
Structure-activity relationship anatomy by network-like similarity graphs and local structure-activity relationship indicesQ81979863
DCDB: drug combination databaseQ82329206
Correlating allostery with rigidityQ82370626
iMAT: an integrative metabolic analysis toolQ82473473
CFinder: locating cliques and overlapping modules in biological networksQ82534265
Target Family-Directed Exploration of Scaffolds with Different SAR ProfilesQ82543696
A similarity network approach for the analysis and comparison of protein sequence/structure setsQ82627996
Self-similarity of phase-space networks of frustrated spin models and lattice gas modelsQ83021574
Vertex similarity in networksQ83131559
Mechanisms of drug combinations: interaction and network perspectivesQ83265745
Secreted microRNAs: a new form of intercellular communicationQ83285061
Systems biology. Attractors and democratic dynamicsQ83379338
Architecture of the drug-drug interaction networkQ83512732
SnapShot: MicroRNAs in CancerQ83761139
Carbon nanotubes in drug delivery: focus on infectious diseasesQ83766454
Drug candidates derailed in case of mistaken identityQ83770486
Optimizing controllability of complex networks by minimum structural perturbationsQ83776183
Highlights of drug package inserts and the website DailyMed: the need for further improvement in package inserts to help busy prescribersQ83917611
Molecular Mechanism-Based Network-like Similarity Graphs Reveal Relationships between Different Types of Receptor Ligands and Structural Changes that Determine Agonistic, Inverse-Agonistic, and Antagonistic EffectsQ84054327
The analysis of the drug-targets based on the topological properties in the human protein-protein interaction networkQ84073874
Correlation between EEG-EMG coherence during isometric contraction and its imaginary executionQ84083047
Getting pharmaceutical R&D back on targetQ84133263
P4510describes a project that usesCytoscapeQ3699942
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectdrug discoveryQ1418791
P577publication date2013-06-01
P13046publication type of scholarly workreview articleQ7318358
P1433published inPharmacology & TherapeuticsQ3378596
P1476titleStructure and dynamics of molecular networks: a novel paradigm of drug discovery: a comprehensive review

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
Q46342985A Discrete Dynamical System Approach to Pathway Activation Profiles of Signaling Cascades.
Q36546500A Modified Amino Acid Network Model Contains Similar and Dissimilar Weight
Q28553224A Multi-scale Computational Platform to Mechanistically Assess the Effect of Genetic Variation on Drug Responses in Human Erythrocyte Metabolism
Q90716625A Network Pharmacology Approach to Explore the Mechanisms of Qishen Granules in Heart Failure
Q28554086A Network-Based Data Integration Approach to Support Drug Repurposing and Multi-Target Therapies in Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Q46734695A Network-Based Integrative Workflow to Unravel Mechanisms Underlying Disease Progression.
Q37029832A Perspective on Implementing a Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Platform for Drug Discovery and the Advancement of Personalized Medicine.
Q42083154A genome-wide structure-based survey of nucleotide binding proteins in M. tuberculosis.
Q35901993A multiple kernel learning algorithm for drug-target interaction prediction
Q28543628A novel mathematical model describing adaptive cellular drug metabolism and toxicity in the chemoimmune system
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Q24289222A scalable method for molecular network reconstruction identifies properties of targets and mutations in acute myeloid leukemia
Q90667792A systematic survey of centrality measures for protein-protein interaction networks
Q37598989A systems biology-based investigation into the therapeutic effects of Gansui Banxia Tang on reversing the imbalanced network of hepatocellular carcinoma
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Q91869113Dissecting the Role of NF-κb Protein Family and Its Regulators in Rheumatoid Arthritis Using Weighted Gene Co-Expression Network
Q36123974Diverse array-designed modes of combination therapies in Fangjiomics
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Q35661742Emergent Self-Organized Criticality in Gene Expression Dynamics: Temporal Development of Global Phase Transition Revealed in a Cancer Cell Line
Q35752078Emerging targets in osteoarthritis therapy.
Q58712093Endogenous metabolites of vitamin E limit inflammation by targeting 5-lipoxygenase
Q33705752Epigenomic and transcriptomic approaches in the post-genomic era: path to novel targets for diagnosis and therapy of the ischaemic heart? Position Paper of the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Cellular Biology of the Heart.
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Q92730841Exploring allosteric communication in multiple states of the bacterial ribosome using residue network analysis
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Q33722886Fetal alcohol syndrome, chemo-biology and OMICS: ethanol effects on vitamin metabolism during neurodevelopment as measured by systems biology analysis
Q100737090Finding disease modules for cancer and COVID-19 in gene co-expression networks with the Core&Peel method
Q34646772Finding novel pharmaceuticals in the systems biology era using multiple effective drug targets, phenotypic screening and knowledge of transporters: where drug discovery went wrong and how to fix it.
Q34281990GIANT: a cytoscape plugin for modular networks
Q64868728Gene co-expression network analysis for identifying genetic markers in Parkinson's disease - a three-way comparative approach
Q99638192Genome-wide pathogenesis interpretation using a heat diffusion-based systems genetics method and implications for gene function annotation
Q48182249Heat Shock Proteins and Autophagy Pathways in Neuroprotection: from Molecular Bases to Pharmacological Interventions
Q52626039Heterogeneous network propagation for herb target identification
Q28087226How do oncoprotein mutations rewire protein-protein interaction networks?
Q24273350How drugs get into cells: tested and testable predictions to help discriminate between transporter-mediated uptake and lipoidal bilayer diffusion
Q38116370How to escape the cancer attractor: Rationale and limitations of multi-target drugs
Q38488857Human interactome resource and gene set linkage analysis for the functional interpretation of biologically meaningful gene sets
Q56993529Identification of Antifungal Targets Based on Computer Modeling
Q35094597Identification of core T cell network based on immunome interactome.
Q37475825Identification of critical paralog groups with indispensable roles in the regulation of signaling flow
Q47130286Identification of genes and critical control proteins associated with inflammatory breast cancer using network controllability.
Q38275632Identification of intrinsically disordered regions in PTEN and delineation of its function via a network approach
Q64098317Identification of key regulatory genes connected to NF-κB family of proteins in visceral adipose tissues using gene expression and weighted protein interaction network
Q47245987Identify bilayer modules via pseudo-3D clustering: applications to miRNA-gene bilayer networks
Q34521677Identifying Allosteric Hotspots with Dynamics: Application to Inter- and Intra-species Conservation
Q95270414Identifying Drug Targets in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Through Machine Learning, Analyzing Biomolecular Networks, and Structural Modeling
Q64923346Identifying influential spreaders by gravity model.
Q51024931Identifying progression related disease risk modules based on the human subcellular signaling networks
Q36262362Identifying robust communities and multi-community nodes by combining top-down and bottom-up approaches to clustering
Q40672660Illuminating drug action by network integration of disease genes: a case study of myocardial infarction
Q35146130Improved multi-level protein-protein interaction prediction with semantic-based regularization
Q48166040Inferring hidden causal relations between pathway members using reduced Google matrix of directed biological networks
Q36111892Inferring synthetic lethal interactions from mutual exclusivity of genetic events in cancer.
Q34979129Insights from systems pharmacology into cardiovascular drug discovery and therapy
Q30375668Integrating atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, experiments, and network analysis to study protein dynamics: strength in unity.
Q38709521Integrating personalized gene expression profiles into predictive disease-associated gene pools
Q33645618Integrating systems biology sources illuminates drug action
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Q38891078Intracellular and intercellular signaling networks in cancer initiation, development and precision anti-cancer therapy: RAS acts as contextual signaling hub.
Q40590037Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry Reveals Highly-Compact Intermediates in the Collision Induced Dissociation of Charge-Reduced Protein Complexes
Q47114235Linking physiologically-based pharmacokinetic and genome-scale metabolic networks to understand estradiol biology
Q36611128Locating influential nodes via dynamics-sensitive centrality
Q35962054Logic-Based and Cellular Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Bortezomib Responses in U266 Human Myeloma Cells
Q90324304Machine learning prediction of oncology drug targets based on protein and network properties
Q34235803Machine learning-based prediction of drug-drug interactions by integrating drug phenotypic, therapeutic, chemical, and genomic properties
Q51084127MaxLink: network-based prioritization of genes tightly linked to a disease seed set.
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Q28829555Metabolic profiling and in vitro assessment of anthelmintic fractions of Picria fel-terrae Lour
Q27144251Metabolomics and systems pharmacology: why and how to model the human metabolic network for drug discovery
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Q41013966Metric projection for dynamic multiplex networks
Q33716566Microbial succession in the gut: directional trends of taxonomic and functional change in a birth cohort of Spanish infants.
Q38698524Minimum dominating set-based methods for analyzing biological networks
Q49718973Mining the Synergistic Core Allosteric Modules Variation and Sequencing Pharmacological Module Driverome in a preclinical model of Ischemia
Q35346548Mining the modular structure of protein interaction networks
Q38254881Mismatch binding, ADP-ATP exchange and intramolecular signaling during mismatch repair
Q42043842Model for high-throughput screening of multitarget drugs in chemical neurosciences: synthesis, assay, and theoretic study of rasagiline carbamates.
Q46811191Modeling the mitotic regulatory network identifies highly efficient anti-cancer drug combinations.
Q37614684Modelling the yeast interactome
Q41833969Models of Models: A Translational Route for Cancer Treatment and Drug Development
Q28548366Molecular Determinants Underlying Binding Specificities of the ABL Kinase Inhibitors: Combining Alanine Scanning of Binding Hot Spots with Network Analysis of Residue Interactions and Coevolution
Q37114392Molecular and genetic inflammation networks in major human diseases.
Q30667112Molecular interaction networks in the analyses of sequence variation and proteomics data
Q37559812Multi-Target-Directed Ligands and other Therapeutic Strategies in the Search of a Real Solution for Alzheimer's Disease
Q55286943Multi-target drug repositioning by bipartite block-wise sparse multi-task learning.
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Q33767131Neighbours of cancer-related proteins have key influence on pathogenesis and could increase the drug target space for anticancer therapies
Q58771042Net-Net Auto Machine Learning (AutoML) Prediction of Complex Ecosystems
Q40870528Network analysis identifies protein clusters of functional importance in juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Q103826048Network and pathway expansion of genetic disease associations identifies successful drug targets
Q51046661Network controllability is determined by the density of low in-degree and out-degree nodes
Q58097633Network integration of multi-tumour omics data suggests novel targeting strategies
Q35241159Network measures for chemical library design
Q51123079Network medicine analysis of chondrocyte proteins towards new treatments of osteoarthritis.
Q50130634Network medicine: a new paradigm for cardiovascular disease research and beyond
Q47395062Network pharmacological mechanisms of Vernonia anthelmintica (L.) in the treatment of vitiligo: Isorhamnetin induction of melanogenesis via up-regulation of melanin-biosynthetic genes
Q38728685Network propagation: a universal amplifier of genetic associations
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Q26827940Network-based approaches in drug discovery and early development
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Q38693434New drug design with covalent modifiers.
Q36615840New strategy for drug discovery by large-scale association analysis of molecular networks of different species
Q39010533Next generation of network medicine: interdisciplinary signaling approaches
Q28817451Non-monotonic dynamics and crosstalk in signaling pathways and their implications for pharmacology
Q60937516Nonlinear expression and visualization of nonmetric relationships in genetic diseases and microbiome data
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Q35212670Oncogenic fusion protein EWS-FLI1 is a network hub that regulates alternative splicing
Q88232455Optimal Objective-Based Experimental Design for Uncertain Dynamical Gene Networks with Experimental Error
Q64053762Optimal control nodes in disease-perturbed networks as targets for combination therapy
Q40044721Optimal deployment of resources for maximizing impact in spreading processes.
Q61803535Pairwise combinations of chemical compounds that delay yeast chronological aging through different signaling pathways display synergistic effects on the extent of aging delay
Q36417380Parsing interindividual drug variability: an emerging role for systems pharmacology
Q28534547Perturbation centrality and turbine: a novel centrality measure obtained using a versatile network dynamics tool
Q28649771PhIN: A Protein Pharmacology Interaction Network Database
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Q39008696Pharmacophore-based screening and drug repurposing exemplified on glycogen synthase kinase-3 inhibitors.
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Q28534336Predicting Drug-Target Interactions for New Drug Compounds Using a Weighted Nearest Neighbor Profile
Q42778934Predicting drug-target interactions using probabilistic matrix factorization
Q26773093Prediction of Druggable Proteins Using Machine Learning and Systems Biology: A Mini-Review
Q36751746Prediction of disease-gene-drug relationships following a differential network analysis
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Q34489707Profiling the transcription factor regulatory networks of human cell types
Q38785911Protein-Protein Interface and Disease: Perspective from Biomolecular Networks
Q38160928Protein-protein interaction networks studies and importance of 3D structure knowledge
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Q36312079Reconstruction and signal propagation analysis of the Syk signaling network in breast cancer cells.
Q92442397Resolution of Complex Issues in Genome Regulation and Cancer Requires Non-Linear and Network-Based Thermodynamics
Q42139072SMETANA: Accurate and Scalable Algorithm for Probabilistic Alignment of Large-Scale Biological Networks
Q40451360SPECTRA: An Integrated Knowledge Base for Comparing Tissue and Tumor-Specific PPI Networks in Human.
Q37065018Second harmonic generation correlation spectroscopy for characterizing translationally diffusing protein nanocrystals
Q28708808Self-organization of progress across the century of physics
Q34554087SignaLink 2 - a signaling pathway resource with multi-layered regulatory networks
Q52311221Signalling maps in cancer research: construction and data analysis
Q30360856Small world network strategies for studying protein structures and binding.
Q52626858Spatiotemporal Multi-omics Mapping Generates a Molecular Atlas of the Aortic Valve and Reveals Networks Driving Disease
Q38177646Spatiotemporal positioning of multipotent modules in diverse biological networks
Q41580357Structural and Functional View of Polypharmacology.
Q30363264Structural bioinformatics of the interactome.
Q59473395Supporting novel biomedical research via multilayer collaboration networks
Q38634840Synergistic Effects of Polymer Adsorbents on the Performance of Bilirubin Hemoperfusion
Q42728840Synergistic Synthetic Biology: Units in Concert
Q45947281Synergistic target combination prediction from curated signaling networks: Machine learning meets systems biology and pharmacology.
Q38287400Synthetic biology for the directed evolution of protein biocatalysts: navigating sequence space intelligently
Q36333298System-wide assembly of pathways and modules hierarchically reveal metabolic mechanism of cerebral ischemia
Q34658057Systematic analysis of new drug indications by drug-gene-disease coherent subnetworks
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Q40607565Systems medicine of inflammaging.
Q52671436Systems-Level Feedbacks of NRF2 Controlling Autophagy upon Oxidative Stress Response
Q38219973Targeting molecular networks for drug research
Q40513256Targets of drugs are generally, and targets of drugs having side effects are specifically good spreaders of human interactome perturbations
Q64096909Ten simple rules for organizing a webinar series
Q36511298The H-index of a network node and its relation to degree and coreness.
Q47371614The Wisdom of Networks: A General Adaptation and Learning Mechanism of Complex Systems: The Network Core Triggers Fast Responses to Known Stimuli; Innovations Require the Slow Network Periphery and Are Encoded by Core-Remodeling
Q40668617The acute impact of polyphenols from Hibiscus sabdariffa in metabolic homeostasis: an approach combining metabolomics and gene-expression analyses
Q31118966The development of a universal in silico predictor of protein-protein interactions
Q34363491The effect of network biology on drug toxicology
Q36125546The potential of translational bioinformatics approaches for pharmacology research
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Q38503829Topology, dynamics, and heterogeneity in immune signaling
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Q93088758Trader as a new optimization algorithm predicts drug-target interactions efficiently
Q99570646Uncovering New Drug Properties in Target-Based Drug-Drug Similarity Networks
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Q59811250Understanding the Multitarget Pharmacological Mechanism of the Traditional Mongolian Common Herb Pair GuangZao-RouDouKou Acting on Coronary Heart Disease Based on a Bioinformatics Approach
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