A multi-tissue type genome-scale metabolic network for analysis of whole-body systems physiology

scientific article published on October 31, 2011

A multi-tissue type genome-scale metabolic network for analysis of whole-body systems physiology is …
instance of (P31):
scholarly articleQ13442814

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P8978DBLP publication IDjournals/bmcsb/BordbarFUWPF11
P6179Dimensions Publication ID1051933245
P953full work available at URLhttps://bmcsystbiol.biomedcentral.com/counter/pdf/10.1186/1752-0509-5-180
P932PMC publication ID3219569
P698PubMed publication ID22041191
P5875ResearchGate publication ID51758565

P50authorBernhard PalssonQ4894212
Adam M. FeistQ89604738
Aarash BordbarQ114429325
Iman FamiliQ114563004
P2093author name stringBernhard O. Palsson
Joseph Woodcock
Renata Usaite-Black
P2860cites workAn expanded genome-scale model of Escherichia coli K-12 (iJR904 GSM/GPR)Q21194867
Obesity: Genetic, molecular, and environmental aspectsQ22252954
KEGG: kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomesQ24515297
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A protocol for generating a high-quality genome-scale metabolic reconstructionQ24603373
The Escherichia coli MG1655 in silico metabolic genotype: its definition, characteristics, and capabilitiesQ24655269
BRENDA, AMENDA and FRENDA the enzyme information system: new content and tools in 2009Q24655817
Investigating the metabolic capabilities of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv using the in silico strain iNJ661 and proposing alternative drug targetsQ24669561
Global reconstruction of the human metabolic network based on genomic and bibliomic dataQ24677060
Genome-scale reconstruction of the metabolic network in Staphylococcus aureus N315: an initial draft to the two-dimensional annotationQ24794109
Diabète & MétabolismeQ27714654
In vivo and in vitro differentiation of myocytes from human bone marrow-derived multipotent progenitor cellsQ79353484
Network-based prediction of human tissue-specific metabolismQ81798711
Differences in metabolite profile between blood plasma and serumQ84591047
What is flux balance analysis?Q28275348
Cancer cell metabolism: Warburg and beyondQ28293198
Context-specific metabolic networks are consistent with experimentsQ28472711
Drug Off-Target Effects Predicted Using Structural Analysis in the Context of a Metabolic Network ModelQ28475693
The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt) in 2010Q28749229
Applications of genome-scale metabolic reconstructionsQ29031028
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Quantitative prediction of cellular metabolism with constraint-based models: the COBRA ToolboxQ29615372
Reconstruction of biochemical networks in microorganismsQ29616018
Is taurine beneficial in reducing risk factors for diabetes mellitus?Q30753263
Reconstruction and functional characterization of the human mitochondrial metabolic network based on proteomic and biochemical dataQ30939059
The model organism as a system: integrating 'omics' data setsQ31032864
Using transcriptomics to identify and validate novel biomarkers of human skeletal muscle cancer cachexiaQ33693709
iAB-RBC-283: A proteomically derived knowledge-base of erythrocyte metabolism that can be used to simulate its physiological and patho-physiological statesQ33958875
HepatoNet1: a comprehensive metabolic reconstruction of the human hepatocyte for the analysis of liver physiologyQ34240836
Primary hepatocytes outperform Hep G2 cells as the source of biotransformation functions in a bioartificial liver.Q34329788
Insight into human alveolar macrophage and M. tuberculosis interactions via metabolic reconstructionsQ34344292
The role of taurine in diabetes and the development of diabetic complicationsQ34465081
Free fatty acids in obesity and type 2 diabetes: defining their role in the development of insulin resistance and beta-cell dysfunction.Q34655571
The growing scope of applications of genome-scale metabolic reconstructions using Escherichia coliQ34785166
Large-scale in silico modeling of metabolic interactions between cell types in the human brainQ35117087
Cytological and enzymological characterization of adult human adipocyte precursors in cultureQ35904274
Rationale and application of fatty acid oxidation inhibitors in treatment of diabetes mellitusQ36189239
Cysteine dioxygenase: a robust system for regulation of cellular cysteine levelsQ37326420
Thyroid hormone-related regulation of gene expression in human fatty liverQ37341839
Role of oxidative stress in development of complications in diabetesQ37681089
Genome-scale metabolic model of Helicobacter pylori 26695.Q39679903
Systems properties of the Haemophilus influenzae Rd metabolic genotypeQ41671443
Computational reconstruction of tissue‐specific metabolic models: application to human liver metabolismQ41846171
GSMN-TB: a web-based genome-scale network model of Mycobacterium tuberculosis metabolismQ42130341
Assessment of hepatic insulin action in obese type 2 diabetic patientsQ43618935
Glycemic control determines hepatic and peripheral glucose effectiveness in type 2 diabetic subjectsQ44043223
Plasma lactate concentration in obesity and type 2 diabetes.Q51600039
Postexercise net protein synthesis in human muscle from orally administered amino acids.Q54099839
Skeletal muscle mass and distribution in 468 men and women aged 18-88 yrQ57717731
Hereditary catalase deficiencies and increased risk of diabetesQ73299266
Fiber type populations and Ca2+-activation properties of single fibers in soleus muscles from SHR and WKY ratsQ74590822
Body mass index and percent body fat: a meta analysis among different ethnic groupsQ77758555
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectphysiologyQ521
metabolic pathwayQ68685
human genomeQ720988
metabolic networkQ2263094
modelling biological systemsQ4299308
P577publication date2011-10-31
P1433published inBMC Systems BiologyQ4835949
P1476titleA multi-tissue type genome-scale metabolic network for analysis of whole-body systems physiology

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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