Constraining the metabolic genotype-phenotype relationship using a phylogeny of in silico methods

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Constraining the metabolic genotype-phenotype relationship using a phylogeny of in silico methods is …
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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1053723065
P932PMC publication ID3536058
P698PubMed publication ID22367118

P50authorBernhard PalssonQ4894212
Nathan E. LewisQ30506338
P2093author name stringHarish Nagarajan
P2860cites workEnvironments that induce synthetic microbial ecosystemsQ21563487
A protocol for generating a high-quality genome-scale metabolic reconstructionQ24603373
The Escherichia coli MG1655 in silico metabolic genotype: its definition, characteristics, and capabilitiesQ24655269
Evolutionary programming as a platform for in silico metabolic engineeringQ25257616
Systems-level engineering of nonfermentative metabolism in yeastQ27934748
Analysis of optimality in natural and perturbed metabolic networksQ28213254
Metabolic network structure determines key aspects of functionality and regulationQ28214885
Organization of intracellular reactions with rationally designed RNA assembliesQ28241565
Global organization of metabolic fluxes in the bacterium Escherichia coliQ28247038
Improving NADPH availability for natural product biosynthesis in Escherichia coli by metabolic engineering.Q45921821
In silico design and adaptive evolution of Escherichia coli for production of lactic acid.Q46023396
Correction: Dynamic Analysis of Integrated Signaling, Metabolic, and Regulatory Networks.Q46263073
Metabolic network analysis of the causes and evolution of enzyme dispensability in yeastQ47363112
Optimization-based framework for inferring and testing hypothesized metabolic objective functionsQ47995846
Decomposing flux distributions into elementary flux modes in genome-scale metabolic networksQ48129351
Predicting metabolic engineering knockout strategies for chemical production: accounting for competing pathwaysQ48238418
DESHARKY: automatic design of metabolic pathways for optimal cell growthQ48322620
Bayesian-based selection of metabolic objective functionsQ48421839
Identifying gene targets for the metabolic engineering of lycopene biosynthesis in Escherichia coliQ51471154
Probabilistic pathway constructionQ51606814
Predicting metabolic fluxes using gene expression differences as constraintsQ51638335
Capturing the essence of a metabolic network: a flux balance analysis approachQ51818962
The principle of flux minimization and its application to estimate stationary fluxes in metabolic networksQ51995141
Combinatorial complexity of pathway analysis in metabolic networksQ52032425
Genome-scale metabolic network modeling results in minimal interventions that cooperatively force carbon flux towards malonyl-CoA.Q54356981
Is maximization of molar yield in metabolic networks favoured by evolution?Q57320470
Exploring metabolic pathways in genome-scale networks via generating flux modesQ57988535
Multiple knockout analysis of genetic robustness in the yeast metabolic networkQ80186518
Network-based prediction of human tissue-specific metabolismQ81798711
Systems-biology approaches for predicting genomic evolutionQ37909892
Flux-balance modeling of plant metabolism.Q38014422
Economics of membrane occupancy and respiro‐fermentationQ38253806
Optimal regulatory strategies for metabolic pathways in Escherichia coli depending on protein costs.Q38253830
Exploiting the pathway structure of metabolism to reveal high-order epistasisQ38565870
Stoichiometric flux balance models quantitatively predict growth and metabolic by-product secretion in wild-type Escherichia coli W3110.Q39916365
OptStrain: a computational framework for redesign of microbial production systems.Q40299930
Flux balance analysis accounting for metabolite dilutionQ41018622
Systems properties of the Haemophilus influenzae Rd metabolic genotypeQ41671443
Assessment of the metabolic capabilities of Haemophilus influenzae Rd through a genome-scale pathway analysisQ41724916
Large-scale identification of genetic design strategies using local searchQ41764897
Computational reconstruction of tissue‐specific metabolic models: application to human liver metabolismQ41846171
Thermodynamics-based metabolic flux analysisQ41874839
Genome-scale thermodynamic analysis of Escherichia coli metabolismQ42155867
Genome-scale gene/reaction essentiality and synthetic lethality analysisQ42287542
Emergent cooperation in microbial metabolismQ42397954
Optimization based automated curation of metabolic reconstructionsQ42431633
Can the whole be less than the sum of its parts? Pathway analysis in genome-scale metabolic networks using elementary flux patternsQ42588973
Metabolic modeling of endosymbiont genome reduction on a temporal scaleQ42733463
Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for direct production of 1,4-butanediolQ42733691
Genome-scale dynamic modeling of the competition between Rhodoferax and Geobacter in anoxic subsurface environmentsQ42743118
A genome-scale computational study of the interplay between transcriptional regulation and metabolismQ42801030
Network-based prediction of metabolic enzymes' subcellular localizationQ43121052
A strategy to calculate the patterns of nutrient consumption by microorganisms applying a two-level optimisation principle to reconstructed metabolic networksQ43247347
Integrating metabolic, transcriptional regulatory and signal transduction models in Escherichia coli.Q43575020
Minimal reaction sets for Escherichia coli metabolism under different growth requirements and uptake environmentsQ43757062
Candidate metabolic network states in human mitochondria. Impact of diabetes, ischemia, and diet.Q45168694
Comparison of network-based pathway analysis methodsQ28274818
What is flux balance analysis?Q28275348
High-throughput generation, optimization and analysis of genome-scale metabolic modelsQ28291992
Context-specific metabolic networks are consistent with experimentsQ28472711
Sampling the solution space in genome-scale metabolic networks reveals transcriptional regulation in key enzymesQ28474850
Genome-scale reconstruction of Escherichia coli's transcriptional and translational machinery: a knowledge base, its mathematical formulation, and its functional characterizationQ28474930
Drug Off-Target Effects Predicted Using Structural Analysis in the Context of a Metabolic Network ModelQ28475693
Interpreting expression data with metabolic flux models: predicting Mycobacterium tuberculosis mycolic acid productionQ28475985
Computational Design of Auxotrophy-Dependent Microbial Biosensors for Combinatorial Metabolic Engineering ExperimentsQ28476801
Differential producibility analysis (DPA) of transcriptomic data with metabolic networks: deconstructing the metabolic response of M. tuberculosisQ28478889
Integrated stoichiometric, thermodynamic and kinetic modelling of steady state metabolismQ28752237
Minimal Escherichia coli cell for the most efficient production of ethanol from hexoses and pentosesQ28757815
Putative regulatory sites unraveled by network-embedded thermodynamic analysis of metabolome dataQ28766251
Regulatory on/off minimization of metabolic flux changes after genetic perturbationsQ28769658
Applications of genome-scale metabolic reconstructionsQ29031028
Reconstruction of biochemical networks in microorganismsQ29616018
Optknock: a bilevel programming framework for identifying gene knockout strategies for microbial strain optimizationQ29616020
In silico predictions of Escherichia coli metabolic capabilities are consistent with experimental dataQ29618471
Fat synthesis in adipose tissue. An examination of stoichiometric constraintsQ30051073
Understanding the physiology of Lactobacillus plantarum at zero growthQ30226958
Dynamic analysis of integrated signaling, metabolic, and regulatory networksQ30441717
Predicting biological system objectives de novo from internal state measurementsQ30443523
Functional integration of a metabolic network model and expression data without arbitrary thresholding.Q30452532
Systematic evaluation of objective functions for predicting intracellular fluxes in Escherichia coliQ30479887
An integrated approach to characterize genetic interaction networks in yeast metabolismQ30501688
Integrating high-throughput and computational data elucidates bacterial networksQ30928624
Including metabolite concentrations into flux balance analysis: thermodynamic realizability as a constraint on flux distributions in metabolic networksQ33286434
Estimation of the number of extreme pathways for metabolic networksQ33300475
Estimating the size of the solution space of metabolic networks.Q33335945
Decomposing complex reaction networks using random sampling, principal component analysis and basis rotationQ33415709
GrowMatch: an automated method for reconciling in silico/in vivo growth predictionsQ33417622
Connecting extracellular metabolomic measurements to intracellular flux states in yeastQ33422147
Impact of gene expression noise on organismal fitness and the efficacy of natural selectionQ34835690
Systematizing the generation of missing metabolic knowledgeQ35058632
Model-driven evaluation of the production potential for growth-coupled products of Escherichia coliQ35073789
Large-scale in silico modeling of metabolic interactions between cell types in the human brainQ35117087
Predicting selective drug targets in cancer through metabolic networks.Q35176392
Metabolic networks in motion: 13C-based flux analysisQ35194034
Metabolic modeling of a mutualistic microbial community.Q35742362
Systems approach to refining genome annotationQ35768707
Intracellular crowding defines the mode and sequence of substrate uptake by Escherichia coli and constrains its metabolic activity.Q35921620
Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolismQ35939983
Systems metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for L-threonine productionQ36327201
Towards multidimensional genome annotationQ36371202
Group contribution method for thermodynamic analysis of complex metabolic networksQ36783787
Use of randomized sampling for analysis of metabolic networksQ37305068
Elementary mode analysis: a useful metabolic pathway analysis tool for characterizing cellular metabolismQ37328003
The biomass objective functionQ37739662
Which metabolic pathways generate and characterize the flux space? A comparison among elementary modes, extreme pathways and minimal generators.Q37751917
In situ to in silico and back: elucidating the physiology and ecology of Geobacter spp. using genome-scale modellingQ37816217
Understanding the adaptive growth strategy of Lactobacillus plantarum by in silico optimisationQ33466794
In silico approaches to study mass and energy flows in microbial consortia: a syntrophic case study.Q33517877
Characterization of proton production and consumption associated with microbial metabolismQ33525406
Data integration and analysis of biological networksQ33529995
OptORF: Optimal metabolic and regulatory perturbations for metabolic engineering of microbial strainsQ33567324
Quantitative assignment of reaction directionality in constraint-based models of metabolism: application to Escherichia coliQ33574191
Omic data from evolved E. coli are consistent with computed optimal growth from genome-scale modelsQ33642720
Blueprint for antimicrobial hit discovery targeting metabolic networksQ33667030
Antimalarial drug targets in Plasmodium falciparum predicted by stage-specific metabolic network analysisQ33679330
Three-dimensional structural view of the central metabolic network of Thermotoga maritimaQ33707860
Computationally efficient flux variability analysisQ33709846
A detailed genome-wide reconstruction of mouse metabolism based on human Recon 1.Q33722800
An automated phenotype-driven approach (GeneForce) for refining metabolic and regulatory modelsQ33742075
Improving the iMM904 S. cerevisiae metabolic model using essentiality and synthetic lethality dataQ33781701
Functional characterization of alternate optimal solutions of Escherichia coli's transcriptional and translational machineryQ33859130
The role of cellular objectives and selective pressures in metabolic pathway evolution.Q33868449
Analysis of complex metabolic behavior through pathway decompositionQ33922321
Design and analysis of synthetic carbon fixation pathwaysQ33928433
Metabolic network reconstruction and genome-scale model of butanol-producing strain Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052.Q33994087
Chance and necessity in the evolution of minimal metabolic networksQ33994506
A multi-tissue type genome-scale metabolic network for analysis of whole-body systems physiologyQ34063123
Serine Biosynthesis with One Carbon Catabolism and the Glycine Cleavage System Represents a Novel Pathway for ATP GenerationQ34071505
Automatic policing of biochemical annotations using genomic correlationsQ34110870
Energy balance for analysis of complex metabolic networksQ34178210
Uniform sampling of steady-state flux spaces: means to design experiments and to interpret enzymopathies.Q34187246
Probabilistic integrative modeling of genome-scale metabolic and regulatory networks in Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium tuberculosis.Q34200286
Haem oxygenase is synthetically lethal with the tumour suppressor fumarate hydrataseQ34208791
HepatoNet1: a comprehensive metabolic reconstruction of the human hepatocyte for the analysis of liver physiologyQ34240836
Insight into human alveolar macrophage and M. tuberculosis interactions via metabolic reconstructionsQ34344292
Elimination of thermodynamically infeasible loops in steady-state metabolic modelsQ34536141
Integrated analysis of regulatory and metabolic networks reveals novel regulatory mechanisms in Saccharomyces cerevisiaeQ34591168
Candidate states of Helicobacter pylori's genome-scale metabolic network upon application of "loop law" thermodynamic constraints.Q34601005
Integrative genome-scale metabolic analysis of Vibrio vulnificus for drug targeting and discoveryQ34627247
The growing scope of applications of genome-scale metabolic reconstructions using Escherichia coliQ34785166
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectphenotypeQ104053
in silicoQ192572
P577publication date2012-02-27
P1433published inNature Reviews MicrobiologyQ1071797
P1476titleConstraining the metabolic genotype-phenotype relationship using a phylogeny of in silico methods

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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Q38671211MUFINS: multi-formalism interaction network simulator.
Q91796642Machine and deep learning meet genome-scale metabolic modeling
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Q37148097MetaboTools: A Comprehensive Toolbox for Analysis of Genome-Scale Metabolic Models
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Q28536645Metabolic constraint-based refinement of transcriptional regulatory networks
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Q52431940Metabolic engineering of Pichia pastoris
Q40480159Metabolic flux analyses of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cystic fibrosis isolates.
Q92477417Metabolic flux responses to deletion of 20 core enzymes reveal flexibility and limits of E. coli metabolism
Q35778015Metabolic modeling predicts metabolite changes in Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Q38292789Metabolic network discovery by top-down and bottom-up approaches and paths for reconciliation
Q83231503Metabolic network percolation quantifies biosynthetic capabilities across the human oral microbiome
Q39388483Metabolite profiling and integrative modeling reveal metabolic constraints for carbon partitioning under nitrogen starvation in the green algae Haematococcus pluvialis.
Q35574156Metabolomics integrated elementary flux mode analysis in large metabolic networks.
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Q34429661Multiscale modeling of metabolism and macromolecular synthesis in E. coli and its application to the evolution of codon usage
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Q64094791New Applications of Synthetic Biology Tools for Cyanobacterial Metabolic Engineering
Q63952409OPINION PAPER Evolutionary Constraint-Based Formulation Requires New Bi-level Solving Techniques
Q36384863On the effects of alternative optima in context-specific metabolic model predictions
Q58699982OptMDFpathway: Identification of metabolic pathways with maximal thermodynamic driving force and its application for analyzing the endogenous CO2 fixation potential of Escherichia coli
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