Including metabolite concentrations into flux balance analysis: thermodynamic realizability as a constraint on flux distributions in metabolic networks

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Including metabolite concentrations into flux balance analysis: thermodynamic realizability as a constraint on flux distributions in metabolic networks is …
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P8978DBLP publication IDjournals/bmcsb/HoppeHH07
P6179Dimensions Publication ID1032522590
P932PMC publication ID1903363
P698PubMed publication ID17543097
P5875ResearchGate publication ID6293458

P50authorAndreas HoppeQ96182877
Hermann-Georg HolzhütterQ47262394
P2093author name stringSabrina Hoffmann
P2860cites workAn expanded genome-scale model of Escherichia coli K-12 (iJR904 GSM/GPR)Q21194867
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Systematic assignment of thermodynamic constraints in metabolic network modelsQ33264473
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Energy balance for analysis of complex metabolic networksQ34178210
Kinetics of electron transfer through the respiratory chainQ34178781
Candidate states of Helicobacter pylori's genome-scale metabolic network upon application of "loop law" thermodynamic constraints.Q34601005
Stoichiometric network theory for nonequilibrium biochemical systemsQ35050976
Computational design of reduced metabolic networksQ50785137
Determination of metabolic flux changes during fed-batch cultivation from measurements of intracellular amino acids by LC-MS/MS.Q51115599
Genome-scale in silico aided metabolic analysis and flux comparisons of Escherichia coli to improve succinate productionQ51141979
Thermodynamic constraints for biochemical networksQ51676908
Challenges to be faced in the reconstruction of metabolic networks from public databases.Q51933078
The generalized flux-minimization method and its application to metabolic networks affected by enzyme deficienciesQ51962093
The principle of flux minimization and its application to estimate stationary fluxes in metabolic networksQ51995141
Identification of localized and distributed bottlenecks in metabolic pathwaysQ52407731
How reliable are thermodynamic feasibility statements of biochemical pathways?Q58325224
Use of mathematical models for predicting the metabolic effect of large-scale enzyme activity alterations. Application to enzyme deficiencies of red blood cellsQ72221379
Lactate concentration in plasma and red blood cells during incremental exerciseQ73171370
Ab initio prediction of thermodynamically feasible reaction directions from biochemical network stoichiometryQ81157263
Group contributions for estimating standard gibbs energies of formation of biochemical compounds in aqueous solutionQ81564298
Metabolic networks in motion: 13C-based flux analysisQ35194034
Enzymes, metabolites and fluxes.Q35951140
Stoichiometric interpretation of Escherichia coli glucose catabolism under various oxygenation rates.Q39858308
Genome-scale in silico models of E. coli have multiple equivalent phenotypic states: assessment of correlated reaction subsets that comprise network states.Q39968205
Thermodynamics-based metabolic flux analysisQ41874839
Genome-scale thermodynamic analysis of Escherichia coli metabolismQ42155867
Estimation of standard Gibbs energy changes of biotransformationsQ42163343
Extreme pathways and Kirchhoff's second law.Q43122158
Stoichiometric model for evaluating the metabolic capabilities of the facultative methylotroph Methylobacterium extorquens AM1, with application to reconstruction of C(3) and C(4) metabolismQ43937903
Quantification of central metabolic fluxes in the facultative methylotroph methylobacterium extorquens AM1 using 13C-label tracing and mass spectrometryQ44544411
Stoichiometric network constraints on xylose metabolism by recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiaeQ44980470
Reciprocal relationships between blood lactate and hemorheology in athletes: another hemorheologic paradox?Q44982320
Thermodynamic-based computational profiling of cellular regulatory control in hepatocyte metabolismQ45126764
Thermodynamically based profiling of drug metabolism and drug-drug metabolic interactions: a case study of acetaminophen and ethanol toxic interactionQ46824737
FluxAnalyzer: exploring structure, pathways, and flux distributions in metabolic networks on interactive flux mapsQ48608103
P275copyright licenseCreative Commons Attribution 2.0 GenericQ19125117
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P921main subjectmetabolic networkQ2263094
P577publication date2007-06-01
P1433published inBMC Systems BiologyQ4835949
P1476titleIncluding metabolite concentrations into flux balance analysis: thermodynamic realizability as a constraint on flux distributions in metabolic networks

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cites work (P2860)
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