Fast thermodynamically constrained flux variability analysis.

scientific article published on 6 February 2013

Fast thermodynamically constrained flux variability analysis. is …
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P8978DBLP publication IDjournals/bioinformatics/MullerB13
P698PubMed publication ID23390138
P5875ResearchGate publication ID235416533

P50authorAlexander BockmayrQ47760652
P2093author name stringArne C Müller
P2860cites workA general definition of metabolic pathways useful for systematic organization and analysis of complex metabolic networksQ28145745
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Systematic assignment of thermodynamic constraints in metabolic network modelsQ33264473
Including metabolite concentrations into flux balance analysis: thermodynamic realizability as a constraint on flux distributions in metabolic networksQ33286434
Genome-scale models of bacterial metabolism: reconstruction and applicationsQ33391538
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Quantitative assignment of reaction directionality in constraint-based models of metabolism: application to Escherichia coliQ33574191
Computationally efficient flux variability analysisQ33709846
Do elementary flux modes combine linearly at the "atomic" level?: integrating tracer-based metabolomics data and elementary flux modes.Q33887647
Metabolic network modeling of redox balancing and biohydrogen production in purple nonsulfur bacteriaQ34029584
Structural sources of robustness in biochemical reaction networksQ34103559
Energy balance for analysis of complex metabolic networksQ34178210
An integrated open framework for thermodynamics of reactions that combines accuracy and coverage.Q34285690
A proof for loop-law constraints in stoichiometric metabolic networks.Q34475028
Elimination of thermodynamically infeasible loops in steady-state metabolic modelsQ34536141
Candidate states of Helicobacter pylori's genome-scale metabolic network upon application of "loop law" thermodynamic constraints.Q34601005
Thermodynamics of stoichiometric biochemical networks in living systems far from equilibriumQ36097496
Group contribution method for thermodynamic analysis of complex metabolic networksQ36783787
Use of randomized sampling for analysis of metabolic networksQ37305068
Genome‐scale metabolic networksQ37787963
Flux coupling analysis of genome-scale metabolic network reconstructions.Q40497938
Theory for the systemic definition of metabolic pathways and their use in interpreting metabolic function from a pathway-oriented perspectiveQ41724911
Thermodynamics-based metabolic flux analysisQ41874839
Genome-scale thermodynamic analysis of Escherichia coli metabolismQ42155867
Can the whole be less than the sum of its parts? Pathway analysis in genome-scale metabolic networks using elementary flux patternsQ42588973
Extreme pathways and Kirchhoff's second law.Q43122158
Minimal reaction sets for Escherichia coli metabolism under different growth requirements and uptake environmentsQ43757062
Metabolic network analysis of perfused livers under fed and fasted states: Incorporating thermodynamic and futile-cycle-associated regulatory constraintsQ45195787
Selection of objective function in genome scale flux balance analysis for process feed development in antibiotic productionQ46494798
Integration of in vivo and in silico metabolic fluxes for improvement of recombinant protein productionQ46883691
A model-based method for investigating bioenergetic processes in autotrophically growing eukaryotic microalgae: application to the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiQ50520702
A variational principle for computing nonequilibrium fluxes and potentials in genome-scale biochemical networks.Q51523815
Computing knock-out strategies in metabolic networksQ51622450
Thermodynamic constraints for biochemical networksQ51676908
An Algebraic-combinatorial Model for the Identification and Mapping of Biochemical PathwaysQ52050893
Metabolic Flux Balancing: Basic Concepts, Scientific and Practical UseQ56773460
Is maximization of molar yield in metabolic networks favoured by evolution?Q57320470
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P1104number of pages7
P577publication date2013-02-06
P1433published inBioinformaticsQ4914910
P1476titleFast thermodynamically constrained flux variability analysis

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