Seeing the wood for the trees: a forest of methods for optimization and omic-network integration in metabolic modelling.

scientific article published on 30 May 2017

Seeing the wood for the trees: a forest of methods for optimization and omic-network integration in metabolic modelling. is …
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P818arXiv ID1809.09475
P8978DBLP publication IDjournals/bib/VijayakumarCLA18
P698PubMed publication ID28575143

P50authorPietro LiòQ59652936
Supreeta VijayakumarQ88223348
Claudio AngioneQ45747976
P2093author name stringMax Conway
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Constrained Allocation Flux Balance AnalysisQ36063811
P577publication date2018-11-01
P1433published inBriefings in BioinformaticsQ4967031
P1476titleSeeing the wood for the trees: a forest of methods for optimization and omic-network integration in metabolic modelling

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