Operon formation is driven by co-regulation and not by horizontal gene transfer

scientific article published on June 2005

Operon formation is driven by co-regulation and not by horizontal gene transfer is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P932PMC publication ID1142471
P698PubMed publication ID15930492
P5875ResearchGate publication ID7812623

P50authorAdam ArkinQ37371935
Eric J. AlmQ88440801
P2093author name stringKatherine H Huang
Morgan N Price
P2860cites workA motif co-occurrence approach for genome-wide prediction of transcription-factor-binding sites in Escherichia coliQ38345092
Co-expression pattern from DNA microarray experiments as a tool for operon predictionQ39615044
DBTBS: database of transcriptional regulation in Bacillus subtilis and its contribution to comparative genomicsQ40403367
Predicting protein function by genomic context: quantitative evaluation and qualitative inferencesQ40414366
Bacterial genomes as new gene homes: the genealogy of ORFans in E. coliQ40901286
Distributional profiles of homologous open reading frames among bacterial phyla: implications for vertical and lateral transmissionQ45315110
Valyl-tRNA synthetase gene of Escherichia coli K12. Molecular genetic characterizationQ46475472
Efficient attenuation of stochasticity in gene expression through post-transcriptional control.Q52561212
Evolutionary instability of operon structures disclosed by sequence comparisons of complete microbial genomes.Q53932049
Analysis of the Cellular Functions of Escherichia coli Operons and Their Conservation in Bacillus subtilisQ57838805
Characterization and properties of very large inversions of the E. coli chromosome along the origin-to-terminus axisQ69926359
Genome size and operon contentQ73139060
Experimental Determination and System Level Analysis of Essential Genes in Escherichia coli MG1655Q22065459
Operons in Escherichia coli: genomic analyses and predictionsQ22066322
CLUSTAL W: improving the sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence weighting, position-specific gap penalties and weight matrix choiceQ24286950
Selfish operons: horizontal transfer may drive the evolution of gene clustersQ24533213
The EcoCyc DatabaseQ24548415
The COG database: new developments in phylogenetic classification of proteins from complete genomesQ24605347
The use of gene clusters to infer functional couplingQ24673189
Molecular archaeology of the Escherichia coli genomeQ24681270
A novel method for accurate operon predictions in all sequenced prokaryotesQ24791071
Prediction of co-regulated genes in Bacillus subtilis on the basis of upstream elements conserved across three closely related speciesQ24795601
From gene trees to organismal phylogeny in prokaryotes: the case of the gamma-ProteobacteriaQ24795892
Evolution of mosaic operons by horizontal gene transfer and gene displacement in situQ24797089
TREE-PUZZLE: maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis using quartets and parallel computingQ27860512
Selfish operons: the evolutionary impact of gene clustering in prokaryotes and eukaryotesQ28140965
Likelihood-based tests of topologies in phylogeneticsQ28214588
A comprehensive library of DNA-binding site matrices for 55 proteins applied to the complete Escherichia coli K-12 genomeQ28288655
Improving the accuracy of PSI-BLAST protein database searches with composition-based statistics and other refinementsQ29614394
Interaction network containing conserved and essential protein complexes in Escherichia coliQ29615776
Conservation of gene order: a fingerprint of proteins that physically interactQ29616049
CDD: a curated Entrez database of conserved domain alignmentsQ29618556
Analysis of genomic context: prediction of functional associations from conserved bidirectionally transcribed gene pairsQ30002374
The Stanford Microarray Database: data access and quality assessment toolsQ30760675
Genome-Scale Analysis of the Uses of the Escherichia coli Genome: Model-Driven Analysis of Heterogeneous Data SetsQ30882392
Connected gene neighborhoods in prokaryotic genomesQ31051729
Prediction of operons in microbial genomesQ33935676
Selection and endpoint distribution of bacterial inversion mutationsQ33949633
Evidence against the selfish operon theoryQ34547963
Factors influencing the identification of transcription factor binding sites by cross-species comparison.Q35805952
Chromosomal organization is shaped by the transcription regulatory networkQ36056176
Genomic evolution during a 10,000-generation experiment with bacteriaQ36451882
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjecthorizontal gene transferQ83185
P1104number of pages11
P577publication date2005-06-01
P1433published inGenome ResearchQ5533485
P1476titleOperon formation is driven by co-regulation and not by horizontal gene transfer

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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