August Hlond

archbishop, cardinal, primate of Poland (1881–1948)

DBpedia resource is:

Abstract is: August Hlond (July 5, 1881 – October 22, 1948) was a Polish cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, who was Archbishop of Poznań and Gniezno in 1926 and Primate of Poland. He was then appointed as the Archbishop of Gniezno and Warsaw in 1946. He was the only member of the College of Cardinals to be arrested and taken into custody by the Gestapo during World War II, and for the final years of his life was a critic of the Soviet-backed Communist regime in Poland. His cause of canonization commenced in 1992 and he was granted the title of Servant of God; on 19 May 2018 he was named Venerable after Pope Francis confirmed his heroic virtue.

Wikimedia Commons category is August Hlond

Born 1881-07-05 in Brzęczkowice (Q9396024)
Died 1948-10-22 in Warsaw (Q270)

August Hlond is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P5731Angelicum ID67157
P9037BHCL UUID331eac53-f722-4ccd-887d-43cbb86572ca
P268Bibliothèque nationale de France ID12140905n
P9984CANTIC ID981058618020006706
P1047Catholic Hierarchy person IDhlond
P11496CiNii Research ID1140282266625070848
P1472Commons Creator pageAugust Hlond
P13049DDB person (GND) ID118832050
P6706De Agostini IDHlond,+August
P7902Deutsche Biographie (GND) ID118832050
P6262Fandom article IDwarszawa:August_Hlond
P2163FAST ID188237
P2639Filmportal ID87738aae0fee429790df019a41537a1e
P535Find a Grave memorial ID177699072
P646Freebase ID/m/0jlh1 profile ID6000000030194084538
P227GND ID118832050
P10297Google Arts & Culture entity IDm0jlh1
P269IdRef ID082295670
P8130Internetowy Polski Słownik Biograficzny IDaugust-hlond-1881-1948-prymas-polski
P10553IxTheo authority ID079606628
P11249KBR person ID14635227
P409Libraries Australia ID49785337
P244Library of Congress authority IDn86091235
P1284Munzinger person ID00000000432
P271NACSIS-CAT author IDDA11175527
P10227National Library of Ireland IDvtls001313505
P7699National Library of Lithuania IDLNB:KnJ;=BZ
P7293National Library of Poland Descriptor9810582426305606
P950National Library of Spain IDXX971436
P1006Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID07399250X
P691NL CR AUT IDjs2012729505
P1315NLA Trove people ID1496185
P1207NUKAT IDn95004356
P7305Online PWN Encyclopedia ID3912096
P648Open Library IDOL1357060A
P12458Parsifal cluster ID165743
P4293PM20 folder IDpe/007930
P9247Pontifical University of Salamanca ID375074
P3065RERO ID (legacy)02-A009423497
P5504RISM IDpeople/50050007
P396SBN author IDPBEV020687 profile IDpsb.8728.1
P3430SNAC ARK IDw6vd768f
P7619The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church ID1927:Hlond
P3365Treccani IDaugust-hlond
P11686University of Barcelona authority ID981058618020006706
P8034Vatican Library VcBA ID495/170999
P214VIAF cluster ID49261730
P10832WorldCat Entities IDE39PBJtrRhk9hdpwGWJfBWPG73

P166award receivedOrder of the White EagleQ84020
honorary doctorate from the Catholic University of LublinQ67504641
P411canonization statusThe VenerableQ12774503
P1598consecratorAleksander KakowskiQ918293
Anatol NowakQ9150642
Stanislaw Kostka ŁukomskiQ9342311
P27country of citizenshipPolandQ36
P1343described by sourcePolish Biographical DictionaryQ1485141
Obálky knihQ67311526
P69educated atPontifical Gregorian UniversityQ467025
P734family nameHlondQ111633808
P101field of workCatholic theologyQ1367940
church‘s ministryQ115154787
P735given nameAugustQ370731
P1412languages spoken, written or signedPolishQ809
P106occupationCatholic priestQ250867
Catholic bishopQ611644
Catholic deaconQ25393460
P1344participant in1939 papal conclaveQ1376234
P119place of burialSt. John's ArchcathedralQ648754
P39position helddiocesan bishopQ1144278
Primate of PolandQ4378635
Roman Catholic Archbishop of WarsawQ55354202
Roman Catholic Archbishop of Gniezno and PoznańQ114435460
P140religion or worldviewCatholic ChurchQ9592
P611religious orderSalesians of Don BoscoQ223659
P551residenceRoman Catholic Archdiocese of WarsawQ254994
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097
P910topic's main categoryCategory:August HlondQ98864683
P937work locationPoznańQ268

Wikimedia Commons Images

P94: coat of arms image

FileName: Coat of arms of August Hlond.svg

Description: Coat of Arms of the Polish Cardinal August Hlond, Archbishop of Warsaw (1946–1948).

Note: The version of the shield with the head of John the Baptist, is when he was Archbishop of Warsaw, and the version with keys and a sword is when he was Archbishop of Posnania (1926-1946).


Artist: SajoR

Work is copyrighted.
License: CC BY-SA 2.5
Attribution is required.

P1801: plaque image

FileName: Gedenktafel August Hlond.jpg

Description: Gedenktafel für den polnischen Kardinal und Primas von Polen August Hlond in der Kathedrale von Breslau.

Artist: Harvey Kneeslapper

Work is copyrighted.
License: CC0

P109: signature

FileName: August Hlond signature.svg

Description: Signature of August Hlond.

Artist: August Hlond

License: Public domain

Reverse relations

named after (P138)
Q107713718Hlonda Street in Warsaw
Q55356381Kardynała Augusta Hlonda Street
Q9365858Prymasa Augusta Hlonda Street

depicts (P180)
Q132472782August Cardinal Hlond
Q28870250Monument to Cardinal August Hlond in Katowice

consecrator (P1598)
Q672419Arkadiusz Lisiecki
Q17631838Giuseppe Cognata
Q11711395Ignacy Świrski
Q11730226Józef Gawlina
Q11736267Karol Mieczysław Radoński
Q11738036Kazimierz Kowalski
Q11763275Lucjan Bernacki
Q11769448Marian Jankowski
Q11778882Michal Klepacz
Q332296Stanisław Adamski
Q11836215Stanisław Okoniewski
Q165522Stefan Wyszyński
Q7674511Tadeusz Paweł Zakrzewski
Q1326216Teodor Kubina
Q8863147Waclaw Majewski
Q9370332Walenty Dymek
Q9382325Wladyslaw Suszynski
Q8860787Zygmunt Choromański

Q122086123Nauka o harmoniiauthorP50
Q98864683Category:August Hlondcategory's main topicP301
Q13762341939 papal conclaveparticipantP710
Q28870250Monument to Cardinal August Hlond in Katowicededicated toP825
Q132472782August Cardinal Hlondmain subjectP921

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