Abstract is: Julian P. T. Higgins is a British biostatistician, Professor of Evidence Synthesis and Director of Research at the Department of Population Health Sciences at the University of Bristol. Higgins was previously Chair in Evidence Synthesis at the University of York, and Programme Leader at the MRC Biostatistics Unit in Cambridge. He is also a founding trustee and a Past-President of the Society for Research Synthesis Methodology.
human | Q5 |
P227 | GND ID | 1198149108 |
P2671 | Google Knowledge Graph ID | /g/11f6594xf8 |
P1960 | Google Scholar author ID | EYQIr1sAAAAJ |
P269 | IdRef ID | 132422530 |
P213 | ISNI | 0000000384967261 |
P8189 | J9U ID | 987007453534805171 |
P244 | Library of Congress authority ID | n2008182317 |
P1006 | Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID | 317524623 |
P1207 | NUKAT ID | n2015004878 |
P856 | official website | https://research-information.bris.ac.uk/en/persons/cddd7691-abca-46cb-8fa6-3b01745c2b98 |
P496 | ORCID iD | 0000-0002-8323-2514 |
P12458 | Parsifal cluster ID | 769851 |
P1053 | ResearcherID | H-4008-2011 |
P1153 | Scopus author ID | 55616553600 |
P214 | VIAF cluster ID | 279510812 |
P10832 | WorldCat Entities ID | E39PBJgCQhkmHY3QvD3dkYMwYP |
P512 | academic degree | Doctor of Philosophy | Q752297 |
P185 | doctoral student | Dean Langan | Q125423626 |
P69 | educated at | University of Reading | Q1432632 |
P108 | employer | Imperial College London | Q189022 |
University College London | Q193196 | ||
University of Bristol | Q459506 | ||
University of York | Q967165 | ||
Bristol Medical School | Q4968954 | ||
Strangeways Research Laboratory | Q21686504 | ||
MRC Biostatistics Unit | Q30280314 | ||
University College London Medical School | Q86019097 | ||
P734 | family name | Higgins | Q15868032 |
Higgins | Q15868032 | ||
Higgins | Q15868032 | ||
P101 | field of work | biostatistics | Q214746 |
P735 | given name | Julian | Q17856012 |
Julian | Q17856012 | ||
P106 | occupation | professor | Q121594 |
statistician | Q2732142 | ||
researcher | Q1650915 | ||
P5008 | on focus list of Wikimedia project | UniversityofYorkThesisProject | Q114588393 |
P551 | residence | Bristol | Q23154 |
P21 | sex or gender | male | Q6581097 |
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Q125423626 | Dean Langan | doctoral advisor | P184 |
Julian Higgins | wikipedia |
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