human | Q5 |
P13049 | DDB person (GND) ID | 1168186005 |
P227 | GND ID | 1168186005 |
P269 | IdRef ID | 105659908 |
P213 | ISNI | 0000000432533223 |
P496 | ORCID iD | 0000-0002-8537-1139 |
P1153 | Scopus author ID | 35605830700 |
P214 | VIAF cluster ID | 219472208 |
P108 | employer | University of Lorraine | Q4173330 |
P734 | family name | Marchand | Q12795667 |
P735 | given name | Virginie | Q7934739 |
Virginie | Q7934739 | ||
P106 | occupation | researcher | Q1650915 |
P21 | sex or gender | female | Q6581072 |
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