
regulatory mechanism in biology

autoinhibition is …
sublass of (P279):
biological processQ2996394

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main subject (P921)
Q4372296714-3-3 protein-activated and autoinhibited forms of plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase
Q270274165-HT1A Receptor-Mediated Autoinhibition and the Control of Serotonergic Cell Firing
Q442106855-HT1A receptor-mediated autoinhibition does not function at physiological firing rates: evidence from in vitro electrophysiological studies in the rat dorsal raphe nucleus
Q48618057?Real time? measurement of endogenous dopamine release during short trains of pulses in slices of rat neostriatum and nucleus accumbens : role of autoinhibition
Q27683487A 2.1-Å-resolution crystal structure of unliganded CRM1 reveals the mechanism of autoinhibition
Q27672798A Mechanism for Tunable Autoinhibition in the Structure of a Human Ca2+/Calmodulin- Dependent Kinase II Holoenzyme
Q38978157A Mechanism-Based Pharmacokinetic Enzyme Turnover Model for Dichloroacetic Acid Autoinhibition in Rats
Q27667388A Novel Mode of Protein Kinase Inhibition Exploiting Hydrophobic Motifs of Autoinhibited Kinases: DISCOVERY OF ATP-INDEPENDENT INHIBITORS OF FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR
Q38297497A Role for Autoinhibition in Preventing Dimerization of the Transcription Factor ETS1.
Q27658822A conformational switch in the scaffolding protein NHERF1 controls autoinhibition and complex formation
Q27659450A conserved mechanism of autoinhibition for the AMPK kinase domain: ATP-binding site and catalytic loop refolding as a means of regulation
Q42051130A conserved serine juxtaposed to the pseudosubstrate site of type I cGMP-dependent protein kinase contributes strongly to autoinhibition and lower cGMP affinity
Q34285500A gain-of-function mutation in the second tetratricopeptide repeat of TFIIIC131 relieves autoinhibition of Brf1 binding
Q33720264A molecular mechanism for autoinhibition of myosin light chain kinases
Q30164072A molecular mechanism for autoinhibition of the tandem SH3 domains of p47phox, the regulatory subunit of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase
Q40563808A multilayered regulatory mechanism for the autoinhibition and activation of a plant CC-NB-LRR resistance protein with an extra N-terminal domain.
Q37023987A new autoinhibited kinase conformation reveals a salt-bridge switch in kinase activation
Q24616608A novel mechanism of P-type ATPase autoinhibition involving both termini of the protein
Q50460637A pollen coat-inducible autoinhibited Ca2+-ATPase expressed in stigmatic papilla cells is required for compatible pollination in the Brassicaceae.
Q41887552A rare human sequence variant reveals myocardin autoinhibition
Q44553331A receptor for presynaptic glutamatergic autoinhibition is a glutamate transporter
Q48275096A search for presynaptic imidazoline receptors at rabbit and rat noradrenergic neurones in the absence of alpha 2-autoinhibition
Q47812621A two-state allosteric model for autoinhibition rationalizes WASP signal integration and targeting
Q46802116Acidic region tyrosines provide access points for allosteric activation of the autoinhibited Vav1 Dbl homology domain
Q35047964Activation loop phosphorylation and catalysis in protein kinases: is there functional evidence for the autoinhibitor model?
Q34285056Activation of human VPS4A by ESCRT-III proteins reveals ability of substrates to relieve enzyme autoinhibition
Q31561578Activity-dependent presynaptic autoinhibition by group II metabotropic glutamate receptors at the perforant path inputs to the dentate gyrus and CA1.
Q44628381Acute and chronic effects of corticosterone on 5-HT1A receptor-mediated autoinhibition in the rat dorsal raphe nucleus.
Q30401225Allosteric Autoinhibition Pathway in Transcription Factor ERG: Dynamics Network and Mutant Experimental Evaluations.
Q46692784Alpha 2-adrenoceptor-mediated autoinhibition of sympathetic transmitter release in guinea-pig vas deferens studied by intracellular and focal extracellular recording of junction potentials and currents
Q30157097Alternative splicing modulates autoinhibition and SH3 accessibility in the Src kinase Fyn.
Q39593727An Autoinhibited Dimeric Form of BAX Regulates the BAX Activation Pathway.
Q27676398An Autoinhibited State in the Structure of Thermotoga maritima NusG
Q27677385An Autoinhibited Structure of  -Catenin and Its Implications for Vinculin Recruitment to Adherens Junctions
Q50207902An Intramolecular Interaction of UHRF1 Reveals Dual Control for Its Histone Association.
Q52336545An N-terminally truncated form of cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase Iα (PKG Iα) is monomeric, autoinhibited, and provides a model for activation.
Q37438501An autoinhibited coiled-coil design strategy for split-protein protease sensors
Q27684596An autoinhibited conformation of LGN reveals a distinct interaction mode between GoLoco motifs and TPR motifs
Q27681786An autoinhibited noncanonical mechanism of GTP hydrolysis by Rheb maintains mTORC1 homeostasis
Q36493654An electrostatic engine model for autoinhibition and activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR/ErbB) family
Q44835952An inhibiting factor of intracellular multiplication of viruses called interferon, originating from cancer cells. The phenomenon of viral autoinhibition
Q34663322An inverse correlation between the apparent rate of dopamine clearance and tonic autoinhibition in subdomains of the rat striatum: a possible role of transporter-mediated dopamine efflux
Q59569662Analysis of Autoinduction, Inhibition, and Autoinhibition in a Rh-Catalyzed C–C Cleavage: Mechanism of Decyanative Aryl Silylation
Q100945099Antibiotic binding releases autoinhibition of the TipA multidrug-resistance transcriptional regulator
Q42524234Asp1080 upstream of the calmodulin-binding domain is critical for autoinhibition of hPMCA4b
Q38288080Assembly of the RFX complex on the MHCII promoter: role of RFXAP and RFXB in relieving autoinhibition of RFX5.
Q27673414Assessing the range of kinase autoinhibition mechanisms in the insulin receptor family
Q35880107Autoinhibited proteins as promising drug targets
Q27678692Autoinhibition and Phosphorylation-Induced Activation of Phospholipase C-γ Isozymes
Q37397338Autoinhibition and Polo-dependent multisite phosphorylation restrict activity of the histone H3 kinase Haspin to mitosis
Q27679846Autoinhibition and Signaling by the Switch II Motif in the G-protein Chaperone of a Radical B12 Enzyme
Q22253357Autoinhibition and activation mechanisms of the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein
Q37631725Autoinhibition and adapter function of Syk.
Q42021047Autoinhibition and autoactivation of the DNA replication checkpoint kinase Cds1
Q53257665Autoinhibition and cooperative activation mechanisms of cytoplasmic dynein.
Q40721290Autoinhibition and isoform-specific dominant negative inhibition of the type II cGMP-dependent protein kinase
Q27676126Autoinhibition and phosphorylation-induced activation mechanisms of human cancer and autoimmune disease-related E3 protein Cbl-b
Q36710364Autoinhibition and relief mechanism by the proteolytic processing of Toll-like receptor 8.
Q35128950Autoinhibition and relief mechanism for Polo-like kinase 4.
Q33671585Autoinhibition as a transcriptional regulatory mechanism
Q27617932Autoinhibition by an internal nuclear localization signal revealed by the crystal structure of mammalian importin alpha
Q48943020Autoinhibition in the sensory system of cats
Q33967155Autoinhibition mechanism of proto-Dbl.
Q37585093Autoinhibition mechanism of the plasma membrane calcium pump isoforms 2 and 4 studied through lipid-protein interaction
Q27967632Autoinhibition of Arf GTPase-activating protein activity by the BAR domain in ASAP1
Q30164601Autoinhibition of Bcr-Abl through its SH3 domain
Q30009224Autoinhibition of Bruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk) and activation by soluble inositol hexakisphosphate
Q44189515Autoinhibition of CYP3A4 leads to important role of CYP2C8 in imatinib metabolism: variability in CYP2C8 activity may alter plasma concentrations and response
Q34450229Autoinhibition of DNA cleavage mediated by RAG1 and RAG2 is overcome by an epigenetic signal in V(D)J recombination
Q44570227Autoinhibition of Dishevelled protein regulated by its extreme C terminus plays a distinct role in Wnt/β-catenin and Wnt/planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling pathways.
Q27679088Autoinhibition of ETV6 (TEL) DNA Binding: Appended Helices Sterically Block the ETS Domain
Q41555169Autoinhibition of ETV6 DNA Binding Is Established by the Stability of Its Inhibitory Helix
Q33900524Autoinhibition of Escherichia coli Rep monomer helicase activity by its 2B subdomain
Q46130286Autoinhibition of Ethylene Production in Citrus Peel Discs : SUPPRESSION OF 1-AMINOCYCLOPROPANE-1-CARBOXYLIC ACID SYNTHESIS.
Q30156029Autoinhibition of GEF activity in intersectin 1 is mediated by the short SH3‐DH domain linker
Q54516569Autoinhibition of IL-15 expression in KC cells is ERK1/2 and PI3K dependent.
Q39745564Autoinhibition of Jak2 tyrosine kinase is dependent on specific regions in its pseudokinase domain
Q35485193Autoinhibition of MDMX by intramolecular p53 mimicry
Q27677406Autoinhibition of Mint1 adaptor protein regulates amyloid precursor protein binding and processing
Q38800990Autoinhibition of Munc18-1 modulates synaptobrevin binding and helps to enable Munc13-dependent regulation of membrane fusion.
Q34092721Autoinhibition of SNARE complex assembly by a conformational switch represents a conserved feature of syntaxins.
Q34486169Autoinhibition of Sos by intramolecular interactions
Q39286907Autoinhibition of TBCB regulates EB1-mediated microtubule dynamics
Q27654476Autoinhibition of UNC5b revealed by the cytoplasmic domain structure of the receptor
Q24307500Autoinhibition of X11/Mint scaffold proteins revealed by the closed conformation of the PDZ tandem
Q33688210Autoinhibition of a Neuronal Kinesin UNC-104/KIF1A Regulates the Size and Density of Synapses.
Q41736763Autoinhibition of a calmodulin-dependent calcium pump involves a structure in the stalk that connects the transmembrane domain to the ATPase catalytic domain
Q37484745Autoinhibition of acetylcholine binding to Torpedo electroplax; a possible molecular mechanism for desensitization
Q47906560Autoinhibition of ankyrin-B/G membrane target bindings by intrinsically disordered segments from the tail regions
Q34249029Autoinhibition of bacteriophage T4 Mre11 by its C-terminal domain
Q40752403Autoinhibition of c-Abl
Q30009913Autoinhibition of endophilin in solution via interdomain interactions
Q36894759Autoinhibition of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in gut smooth muscle by nitric oxide
Q41665327Autoinhibition of endothelial nitric-oxide synthase. Identification of an electron transfer control element
Q49048909Autoinhibition of histamine release by H3 receptors in rat brain cortex depends on stimulation frequency
Q28338480Autoinhibition of histamine synthesis mediated by presynaptic H3-receptors
Q24316912Autoinhibition of human dicer by its internal helicase domain
Q59276582Autoinhibition of juvenile hormone production. The case of the cockroachBlattella germanica (L.)
Q55517565Autoinhibition of kinesin-1 is essential to the dendrite-specific localization of Golgi outposts.
Q30167889Autoinhibition of mixed lineage kinase 3 through its Src homology 3 domain
Q42993827Autoinhibition of neuronal nitric oxide synthase: distinct effects of reactive nitrogen and oxygen species on enzyme activity.
Q51850036Autoinhibition of noradrenaline release from the rat heart as a function of the biophase concentration. Effects of exogenous ?-adrenoceptor agonists, cocaine, and perfusion rate
Q45185610Autoinhibition of p50 Rho GTPase-activating protein (GAP) is released by prenylated small GTPases
Q37188907Autoinhibition of serotonin cells: an intrinsic regulatory mechanism sensitive to the pattern of usage of the cells
Q48501989Autoinhibition of supraoptic nucleus vasopressin neurons in vivo: a combined retrodialysis/electrophysiological study in rats
Q24338345Autoinhibition of the HECT-type ubiquitin ligase Smurf2 through its C2 domain
Q50219112Autoinhibition of the Nuclease ARTEMIS Is Mediated by a Physical Interaction between Its Catalytic and C-terminal Domains
Q39628474Autoinhibition of the Ron receptor tyrosine kinase by the juxtamembrane domain
Q36284497Autoinhibition of the formin Cappuccino in the absence of canonical autoinhibitory domains
Q24313159Autoinhibition of the insulin-like growth factor I receptor by the juxtamembrane region
Q33916085Autoinhibition of the kinesin-2 motor KIF17 via dual intramolecular mechanisms
Q39745856Autoinhibition of the kit receptor tyrosine kinase by the cytosolic juxtamembrane region.
Q24534405Autoinhibition of the ligand-binding site of GGA1/3 VHS domains by an internal acidic cluster-dileucine motif
Q44783955Autoinhibition of the platelet-derived growth factor beta-receptor tyrosine kinase by its C-terminal tail.
Q28572412Autoinhibition of transmitter release from PC12 cells and sympathetic neurons through a P2Y receptor-mediated inhibition of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels
Q24682983Autoinhibition regulates cellular localization and actin assembly activity of the diaphanous-related formins FRLalpha and mDia1.
Q30480489Autoinhibition regulates the motility of the C. elegans intraflagellar transport motor OSM-3
Q52010517Autoinhibition with transcriptional delay: a simple mechanism for the zebrafish somitogenesis oscillator.
Q46374127Autoinhibition, sympathetic cotransmission and biphasic contractile responses to trains of nerve stimulation in the rodent vas deferens
Q30009293BIN1 membrane curvature sensing and generation show autoinhibition regulated by downstream ligands and PI(4,5)P2.
Q27701535BMI1-RING1B is an autoinhibited RING E3 ubiquitin ligase
Q30481248Bacterial actin assembly requires toca-1 to relieve N-wasp autoinhibition
Q43726284Basic residues are important for Ca2+/calmodulin binding and activation but not autoinhibition of rabbit skeletal muscle myosin light chain kinase
Q35861018Binding of Substrates to the Central Pore of the Vps4 ATPase Is Autoinhibited by the Microtubule Interacting and Trafficking (MIT) Domain and Activated by MIT Interacting Motifs (MIMs).
Q44971590Both d- and l-glutamate induce transporter-mediated presynaptic autoinhibition of transmitter release
Q27667747CARD-mediated autoinhibition of cIAP1's E3 ligase activity suppresses cell proliferation and migration
Q24293159CLIP170 autoinhibition mimics intermolecular interactions with p150Glued or EB1
Q47313640Ca2+ releases E-Syt1 autoinhibition to couple ER-plasma membrane tethering with lipid transport.
Q34437591Calcium in sympathetic varicosities of mouse vas deferens during facilitation, augmentation and autoinhibition
Q52603836Calcium-induced structural rearrangements release autoinhibition in the Rap-GEF, CalDAG-GEFI.
Q42131920Caspase processing activates atypical protein kinase C zeta by relieving autoinhibition and destabilizes the protein
Q27641393Catalytically active MAP KAP kinase 2 structures in complex with staurosporine and ADP reveal differences with the autoinhibited enzyme
Q36353470Cellular context and multiple channel domains determine cAMP sensitivity of HCN4 channels: ligand-independent relief of autoinhibition in HCN4.
Q47244406Chemical inhibition of N-WASP by stabilization of a native autoinhibited conformation
Q36827277Combining 'caged-dopamine' photolysis with fast-scan cyclic voltammetry to assess dopamine clearance and release autoinhibition in vitro
Q37061493Compact Parkin only: insights into the structure of an autoinhibited ubiquitin ligase
Q39642594Conformational Dynamics and the Binding of Specific and Nonspecific DNA by the Autoinhibited Transcription Factor Ets-1
Q37065123Conservation of 5-HT1A receptor-mediated autoinhibition of serotonin (5-HT) neurons in mice with altered 5-HT homeostasis.
Q38420097Conserved structural mechanisms for autoinhibition in IpaH ubiquitin ligases.
Q46403684Contrasting effects of presynaptic alpha2-adrenergic autoinhibition and pharmacologic augmentation of presynaptic inhibition on sympathetic heart rate control
Q59905440Control of mRNA decapping by autoinhibition
Q52332050Control of mRNA decapping by autoinhibition.
Q42779890Controlling the motor activity of a transcription-repair coupling factor: autoinhibition and the role of RNA polymerase
Q36665773Cooperative autoinhibition and multi-level activation mechanisms of calcineurin
Q30008863Coordinated autoinhibition of F-BAR domain membrane binding and WASp activation by Nervous Wreck
Q43415717Copper- and Zinc-Promoted Interdomain Structure in the Prion Protein: A Mechanism for Autoinhibition of the Neurotoxic N-Terminus
Q28818044Cryo-EM structures of the autoinhibited E. coli ATP synthase in three rotational states
Q27664937Crystal Structure of a Complex between Amino and Carboxy Terminal Fragments of mDia1: Insights into Autoinhibition of Diaphanous-Related Formins
Q27664938Crystal Structure of the Formin mDia1 in Autoinhibited Conformation
Q27642340Crystal structure of IRF-3 reveals mechanism of autoinhibition and virus-induced phosphoactivation
Q27684807Crystal structure of NLRC4 reveals its autoinhibition mechanism
Q27627811Crystal structure of fibroblast growth factor 9 reveals regions implicated in dimerization and autoinhibition
Q27633064Crystal structure of glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta: structural basis for phosphate-primed substrate specificity and autoinhibition
Q35058103Crystal structure of human importin-α1 (Rch1), revealing a potential autoinhibition mode involving homodimerization
Q27657229Crystal structure of the plexin A3 intracellular region reveals an autoinhibited conformation through active site sequestration
Q27642726Crystal structure of type IIE restriction endonuclease EcoRII reveals an autoinhibition mechanism by a novel effector-binding fold
Q39687364Crystal structure of yeast V1-ATPase in the autoinhibited state.
Q30164612Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of the autoinhibited form of the tandem SH3 domain of p47(phox).
Q33897815DNA binding by the ETS protein TEL (ETV6) is regulated by autoinhibition and self-association
Q27657101Determinants for the Activation and Autoinhibition of the Diguanylate Cyclase Response Regulator WspR
Q42145911Diabetic state-induced regulation of glucose uptake to skeletal muscle by insulin: a possible mechanism of its enhancement and autoinhibition
Q46628354Differential autoinhibition of 5-hydroxytryptamine neurons by 5-hydroxytryptamine in the dorsal raphe nucleus.
Q39434649Direct NMR observation of the thioredoxin-mediated reduction of the chloroplast NADP-malate dehydrogenase provides a structural basis for the relief of autoinhibition
Q44035212Direct, real-time assessment of dopamine release autoinhibition in the rat caudate-putamen.
Q43215694Disruption of the autoinhibited state primes the E3 ligase parkin for activation and catalysis.
Q27654781Dynamic and structural characterization of a bacterial FHA protein reveals a new autoinhibition mechanism
Q44009267ETS-1 transcription factor binds cooperatively to the palindromic head to head ETS-binding sites of the stromelysin-1 promoter by counteracting autoinhibition
Q28346375Effect of chronic morphine treatment on alpha(2)-adrenoceptor mediated autoinhibition of transmitter release from sympathetic varicosities of the mouse vas deferens
Q36314045Effects of endogenous D-alanine synthesis and autoinhibition of Bacillus anthracis germination on in vitro and in vivo infections
Q48272868Effects of physostigmine and some nitric oxide-cyclic GMP-related compounds on muscarinic receptor-mediated autoinhibition of hippocampal acetylcholine release
Q45283793Electrically evoked noradrenaline release from cultured chick sympathetic neurons: modulation via presynaptic alpha-adrenoceptors and lack of autoinhibition
Q48241966Electrically induced release of endogenous noradrenaline and dopamine from brain slices: pseudo-one-pulse stimulation utilized to study presynaptic autoinhibition
Q35229437Engineered stabilization and structural analysis of the autoinhibited conformation of PDE4
Q48845824Engineering carboxypeptidase G2 circular permutations for the design of an autoinhibited enzyme.
Q27657234ErbB2 resembles an autoinhibited invertebrate epidermal growth factor receptor
Q30477417Escherichia coli acid resistance: pH-sensing, activation by chloride and autoinhibition in GadB.
Q48763788Estimation of agonist dissociation constants at central presynaptic alpha-2 autoreceptors in the absence of autoinhibition
Q44325360Estimation of pA2 values at presynaptic alpha 2-autoreceptors in rabbit and rat brain cortex in the absence of autoinhibition
Q46376181Ethylene-promoted malonylation of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid participates in autoinhibition of ethylene synthesis in grapefruit flavedo discs
Q35886650Evidence for autoinhibition of stimulation-induced noradrenaline release from vasa deferentia of the guinea-pig and rat.
Q51623775Explaining the autoinhibition of the SMYD enzyme family: A theoretical study.
Q34088545Expression of herstatin, an autoinhibitor of HER-2/neu, inhibits transactivation of HER-3 by HER-2 and blocks EGF activation of the EGF receptor
Q36658925First structure of full-length mammalian phenylalanine hydroxylase reveals the architecture of an autoinhibited tetramer
Q40382861Force-sensitive autoinhibition of the von Willebrand factor is mediated by interdomain interactions
Q41909915From autoinhibition to inhibition in trans: the Raf-1 regulatory domain inhibits Rok-alpha kinase activity
Q36438539From kinases to cancer: leakiness, loss of autoinhibition and leukemia
Q24657963Function of the N-terminus of zizimin1: autoinhibition and membrane targeting.
Q27658673GGA autoinhibition revisited
Q33822971Galpha q allosterically activates and relieves autoinhibition of p63RhoGEF.
Q27651494General and Versatile Autoinhibition of PLC Isozymes
Q33957199Genetic evidence for Pak1 autoinhibition and its release by Cdc42.
Q42494484Genetic identification of an autoinhibitor in CDPK, a protein kinase with a calmodulin-like domain
Q52544597Global disruption of the WASP autoinhibited structure on Cdc42 binding. Ligand displacement as a novel method for monitoring amide hydrogen exchange.
Q50480125Gα13 Switch Region 2 Relieves Talin Autoinhibition to Activate αIIbβ3 Integrin.
Q39187178HCN Channel C-Terminal Region Speeds Activation Rates Independently of Autoinhibition
Q40465340Herstatin, an autoinhibitor of the epidermal growth factor receptor family, blocks the intracranial growth of glioblastoma.
Q34122281Herstatin, an autoinhibitor of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 tyrosine kinase, modulates epidermal growth factor signaling pathways resulting in growth arrest
Q37390556Highly cooperative recruitment of Ets-1 and release of autoinhibition by Pax5.
Q51236163Highly potent germination inhibitors in aqueous eluate of fruits of Bishop's weed (Ammi majus L.) and avoidance of autoinhibition.
Q39018528Human CFEOM1 mutations attenuate KIF21A autoinhibition and cause oculomotor axon stalling.
Q27679015Human prorenin structure sheds light on a novel mechanism of its autoinhibition and on its non-proteolytic activation by the (pro)renin receptor
Q41828479Hypothesis: Intensive insulin therapy-induced mortality is due to excessive serotonin autoinhibition and autonomic dysregulation
Q38504977Identification of a calmodulin-regulated autoinhibited Ca2+-ATPase (ACA11) that is localized to vacuole membranes in Arabidopsis
Q41700861Identification of a central phosphorylation site in p21-activated kinase regulating autoinhibition and kinase activity
Q42482805Identification of a conserved residue responsible for the autoinhibition of cGMP-dependent protein kinase Ialpha and beta
Q43720812Identification of amino acids in the tetratricopeptide repeat and C-terminal domains of protein phosphatase 5 involved in autoinhibition and lipid activation
Q52150813Identification of histaminergic neurons through histamine 3 receptor-mediated autoinhibition.
Q28575314Identification of novel domains within Sox-2 and Sox-11 involved in autoinhibition of DNA binding and partnership specificity
Q46984990In field-stimulated guinea-pig atria an AT1-receptor mediated increase of noradrenaline release by angiotensin II is seen only in the presence of prejunctional autoinhibition.
Q30155942In silico phosphorylation of the autoinhibited form of p47(phox): insights into the mechanism of activation
Q34797479In vivo ethanol experience increases D(2) autoinhibition in the ventral tegmental area
Q51816810In vivo identification of the interaction site of ErbB2 extracellular domain with its autoinhibitor.
Q24305380Insights into the molecular basis for fibroblast growth factor receptor autoinhibition and ligand-binding promiscuity
Q30846313Integrative modelling of TIR domain-containing adaptor molecule inducing interferon-β (TRIF) provides insights into its autoinhibited state
Q42380057Internal dynamics control activation and activity of the autoinhibited Vav DH domain
Q30009458Intradimer/Intermolecular interactions suggest autoinhibition mechanism in endophilin A1
Q38557916Intraflagellar transport dynein is autoinhibited by trapping of its mechanical and track-binding elements
Q40636887Intramolecular C2 Domain-Mediated Autoinhibition of Protein Kinase C βII.
Q47708869Intramolecular autoinhibition of checkpoint kinase 1 is mediated by conserved basic motifs of the C-terminal kinase-associated 1 domain
Q48621599Intrinsic regulation of locus coeruleus neurons: electrophysiological evidence indicating a predominant role for autoinhibition
Q46446057Ionic mechanisms of α-autoinhibition of [3H]noradrenaline secretion in guinea-pig vas deferens: Possible role of extracellular sodium
Q38599749Junk food diet-induced obesity increases D2 receptor autoinhibition in the ventral tegmental area and reduces ethanol drinking.
Q35790329Juxtamembrane autoinhibition in receptor tyrosine kinases.
Q46419852Knock-in mice lacking the PDZ-ligand motif of mGluR7a show impaired PKC-dependent autoinhibition of glutamate release, spatial working memory deficits, and increased susceptibility to pentylenetetrazol.
Q37368913LRRK2 Inhibits FAK Activity by Promoting FERM-mediated Autoinhibition of FAK and Recruiting the Tyrosine Phosphatase, SHP-2
Q53785442Letter: Autoinhibition of P.H.A. response by chronic-lymphocytic-leukaemia serum.
Q42465707Loss of autoinhibition of the plasma membrane Ca(2+) pump by substitution of aspartic 170 by asparagin. A ctivation of plasma membrane calcium ATPase 4 without disruption of the interaction between the catalytic core and the C-terminal regulatory do
Q43669165Low doses of naloxone produce analgesia in the mouse brain by blocking presynaptic autoinhibition of enkephalin release
Q33288865Mammalian Kinesin-3 motors are dimeric in vivo and move by processive motility upon release of autoinhibition.
Q43990135Mechanism of N-terminal autoinhibition in the Arabidopsis Ca(2+)/H(+) antiporter CAX1.
Q33630557Mechanism of SOS PR-domain autoinhibition revealed by single-molecule assays on native protein from lysate.
Q42321764Mechanism of catalysis, E2 recognition, and autoinhibition for the IpaH family of bacterial E3 ubiquitin ligases
Q40555339Mechanism of gamma-secretase cleavage activation: is gamma-secretase regulated through autoinhibition involving the presenilin-1 exon 9 loop?
Q44373949Mechanisms of autoinhibition and STI-571/imatinib resistance revealed by mutagenesis of BCR-ABL.
Q34542076Mechanisms of autoinhibition in cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinases
Q34452746Mechanisms of autoinhibition of IRF-7 and a probable model for inactivation of IRF-7 by Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus protein ORF45
Q47126896Mechanistic Insights into Autoinhibition of the Oncogenic Chromatin Remodeler ALC1.
Q44124737Microtubule-binding sites of the CH domain of EB1 and its autoinhibition revealed by NMR.
Q42763653Mitogen-activated protein kinases interacting kinases are autoinhibited by a reprogrammed activation segment
Q37247655Modeling the autoinhibition of clarithromycin metabolism during repeated oral administration
Q49611838Modulation of GSK3β autoinhibition by Thr-7 and Thr-8.
Q34616462Modulation of a GEF switch: Autoinhibition of the intrinsic guanine nucleotide exchange activity of p115‐RhoGEF
Q45026627Molecular analysis of restriction endonuclease EcoRII from Escherichia coli reveals precise regulation of its enzymatic activity by autoinhibition
Q30658298Molecular basis for pseudokinase-dependent autoinhibition of JAK2 tyrosine kinase
Q37652898Molecular determinants of KA1 domain-mediated autoinhibition and phospholipid activation of MARK1 kinase
Q35019768Molecular mechanisms of phospholipase C β3 autoinhibition.
Q52288795Morphine may mimic the apomorphine cue by inhibiting dopaminergic autoinhibition.
Q52368035Mps1 Phosphorylates Its N-Terminal Extension to Relieve Autoinhibition and Activate the Spindle Assembly Checkpoint.
Q46140526MultIDIMensionality of IDIMs: intrinsic disorder in autoinhibition
Q27694815Multiple stable conformations account for reversible concentration-dependent oligomerization and autoinhibition of a metamorphic metallopeptidase
Q46935196Muscarine receptor types mediating autoinhibition of acetylcholine release and sphincter contraction in the guinea-pig iris
Q46881384Mutational activation of ErbB2 reveals a new protein kinase autoinhibition mechanism
Q37626308Mutational analysis of the transin (rat stromelysin) autoinhibitor region demonstrates a role for residues surrounding the "cysteine switch".
Q46117550Mutations in the autoinhibitor site of the regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase I. Replacement of Ala-97 and Ser-99 interferes with reassociation with the catalytic subunit
Q45345228Mutations increasing autoinhibition inactivate tumour suppressors Smad2 and Smad4
Q22254680Myotonic dystrophy protein kinase domains mediate localization, oligomerization, novel catalytic activity, and autoinhibition
Q33936073NMR relaxation studies of an RNA-binding segment of the rous sarcoma virus gag polyprotein in free and bound states: a model for autoinhibition of assembly
Q35401982New insights into the Orange domain of E(spl)-M8, and the roles of the C-terminal domain in autoinhibition and Groucho recruitment
Q39939700New insights into the autoinhibition mechanism of glycogen synthase kinase-3beta
Q43611136New kinetic model of the radical-chain oxidation, including competitive reactions: oxygen as an autoinhibitor
Q42996395Nitric oxide-induced autoinhibition of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the presence of the autoxidation-resistant pteridine 5-methyltetrahydrobiopterin
Q59068240Nodulation independent of rhizobia induced by a calcium-activated kinase lacking autoinhibition
Q43058661Non-triiodide based autoinhibition by iodide ion in the trithionate-iodine reaction.
Q35975044Novel protein kinases and molecular mechanisms of autoinhibition
Q30495322Nucleolar targeting of the chaperone hsc70 is regulated by stress, cell signaling, and a composite targeting signal which is controlled by autoinhibition
Q35100696NusA interaction with the α subunit of E. coli RNA polymerase is via the UP element site and releases autoinhibition
Q42709917Oct-1 counteracts autoinhibition of Runx2 DNA binding to form a novel Runx2/Oct-1 complex on the promoter of the mammary gland-specific gene beta-casein
Q48693617On the involvement of a tonic dopamine D2-autoinhibition in the regulation of pulse-to-pulse-evoked dopamine release in the rat striatum in vivo
Q30439430On the mechanism of autoinhibition of the RhoA-specific nucleotide exchange factor PDZRhoGEF.
Q34146095Oncogenic CARD11 Mutations Induce Hyperactive Signaling by Disrupting Autoinhibition by the PKC-Responsive Inhibitory Domain
Q50775626P2-purinoceptor-mediated autoinhibition of sympathetic transmitter release in mouse and rat vas deferens.
Q28609687Pak1 kinase homodimers are autoinhibited in trans and dissociated upon activation by Cdc42 and Rac1
Q50224268Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-Bisphosphate Modulates the Affinity of Talin-1 for Phospholipid Bilayers and Activates Its Autoinhibited Form
Q34029342Phosphorylation controls autoinhibition of cytoplasmic linker protein-170
Q44292880Phosphorylation of Raf-1 by p21-activated kinase 1 and Src regulates Raf-1 autoinhibition
Q24297931Phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase on tyrosine 194 by Met leads to its activation through relief of autoinhibition
Q50335801Phosphorylation relieves autoinhibition of the kinetochore motor Cenp-E.
Q35186188Phosphorylation represses Ets-1 DNA binding by reinforcing autoinhibition
Q30435173Phosphorylation-dependent autoinhibition of myosin light chain phosphatase accounts for Ca2+ sensitization force of smooth muscle contraction
Q42473975Phosphorylation-induced autoinhibition regulates the cytoskeletal protein Lethal (2) giant larvae.
Q33937108Plexina1 autoinhibition by the plexin sema domain.
Q38728946Polycomb repressive complex 2 in an autoinhibited state
Q36505360Population pharmacokinetics of fusidic acid: rationale for front-loaded dosing regimens due to autoinhibition of clearance
Q27709423Pore-forming activity and structural autoinhibition of the gasdermin family
Q48217888Postnatal development of alpha-adrenoceptor-mediated autoinhibition in the locus coeruleus
Q42495316Prejunctional autoinhibition of purinergic transmission in circular muscle of guinea-pig ileum; a mechanism distinct from P1-purinoceptor activation
Q35887765Presynaptic alpha 2-autoinhibition in a vascular neuroeffector junction where ATP and noradrenaline act as co-transmitters
Q44888005Presynaptic autoinhibition of the electrically evoked dopamine release studied in the rat olfactory tubercle by in vivo electrochemistry.
Q52332764Probabilistic secretion of quanta at somatic motor-nerve terminals: the fusion-pore model, quantal detection and autoinhibition.
Q41174427Probabilistic secretion of quanta from nerve terminals at synaptic sites on muscle cells: non-uniformity, autoinhibition and the binomial hypothesis
Q40118333Production of an Autoinhibitor by a Thermophilic Bacillus
Q30158067Proline cis-trans isomerization controls autoinhibition of a signaling protein
Q44198663Protein kinase C phosphorylates protein kinase D activation loop Ser744 and Ser748 and releases autoinhibition by the pleckstrin homology domain.
Q52352931Prp19/Pso4 Is an Autoinhibited Ubiquitin Ligase Activated by Stepwise Assembly of Three Splicing Factors.
Q40807085Pseudosubstrate sequence may not be critical for autoinhibition of smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase.
Q34521887Psoriasis mutations disrupt CARD14 autoinhibition promoting BCL10-MALT1-dependent NF-κB activation.
Q27678340Psoromic acid is a selective and covalent Rab-prenylation inhibitor targeting autoinhibited RabGGTase
Q47144509RAF inhibitors promote RAS-RAF interaction by allosterically disrupting RAF autoinhibition
Q45965004Real-time measurements of synaptic autoinhibition produced by serotonin release in cultured leech neurons.
Q40725696Regulation of Chk1 kinase by autoinhibition and ATR-mediated phosphorylation
Q24301621Regulation of the nonreceptor tyrosine kinase Brk by autophosphorylation and by autoinhibition
Q44350021Relationship between inhibitory effect of endogenous opioid via mu-receptors and muscarinic autoinhibition in acetylcholine release from myenteric plexus of guinea pig ileum
Q33756407Release of MICAL autoinhibition by semaphorin-plexin signaling promotes interaction with collapsin response mediator protein
Q54620931Release of [3H]acetylcholine in human isolated bronchi. Effect of indomethacin on muscarinic autoinhibition
Q24677985Release of autoinhibition converts ESCRT-III components into potent inhibitors of HIV-1 budding
Q27647382Release of autoinhibition of ASEF by APC leads to CDC42 activation and tumor suppression
Q37546710Relief of autoinhibition by conformational switch explains enzyme activation by a catalytically dead paralog
Q37151081Relief of autoinhibition enhances Vta1 activation of Vps4 via the Vps4 stimulatory element
Q35780012Relief of autoinhibition of the electrogenic Na-HCO(3) [corrected] cotransporter NBCe1-B: role of IRBIT vs.amino-terminal truncation
Q34139024Requirements for pseudosubstrate arginine residues during autoinhibition and phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-(PO₄)₃-dependent activation of atypical PKC.
Q40972136Role of Dynamics in the Autoinhibition and Activation of the Hyperpolarization-activated Cyclic Nucleotide-modulated (HCN) Ion Channels
Q46397025Role of calcium in muscarinic autoinhibition of 3H-acetylcholine secretion in guinea-pig ileum myenteric plexus
Q34211343Role of dynamics in the autoinhibition and activation of the exchange protein directly activated by cyclic AMP (EPAC)
Q27659565Role of the histone domain in the autoinhibition and activation of the Ras activator Son of Sevenless
Q38843408Role of the salt bridge between glutamate 546 and arginine 907 in preservation of autoinhibited form of Apaf-1.
Q28570250Separate elements within a single IQ-like motif in adenylyl cyclase type 8 impart ca2+/calmodulin binding and autoinhibition
Q40318540Sequestering ErbB2 in endoplasmic reticulum by its autoinhibitor from translocation to cell surface: an autoinhibition mechanism of ErbB2 expression
Q44429540Signal transduction. Autoinhibition control
Q53949675Site(s) and ionic basis of α-autoinhibition and facilitation of [3H]noradrenaline secretion in guinea-pig vas deferens
Q33322641Small molecule antagonizes autoinhibition and activates AMP-activated protein kinase in cells
Q34230329Small, N-terminal tags activate Parkin E3 ubiquitin ligase activity by disrupting its autoinhibited conformation.
Q35045051Small-molecule intramimics of formin autoinhibition: a new strategy to target the cytoskeletal remodeling machinery in cancer cells
Q30164100Solution structure of the tandem Src homology 3 domains of p47phox in an autoinhibited form
Q34792182Sporadic autonomic dysregulation and death associated with excessive serotonin autoinhibition.
Q27680683Structural Basis for Autoinhibition of CTP:Phosphocholine Cytidylyltransferase (CCT), the Regulatory Enzyme in Phosphatidylcholine Synthesis, by Its Membrane-binding Amphipathic Helix
Q27676119Structural Basis for Autoinhibition of the Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor FARP2
Q27681087Structural Context of Disease-Associated Mutations and Putative Mechanism of Autoinhibition Revealed by X-Ray Crystallographic Analysis of the EZH2-SET Domain
Q49588712Structural Dynamics Control Allosteric Activation of Cytohesin Family Arf GTPase Exchange Factors
Q27675044Structural Mechanisms of Allostery and Autoinhibition in JNK Family Kinases
Q24309253Structural analysis of autoinhibition in the Ras activator Son of sevenless
Q24313621Structural analysis of autoinhibition in the Ras-specific exchange factor RasGRP1
Q27639627Structural analysis of the autoinhibition of Ets-1 and its role in protein partnerships
Q27659655Structural and Energetic Mechanisms of Cooperative Autoinhibition and Activation of Vav1
Q27679276Structural and dynamic studies of the transcription factor ERG reveal DNA binding is allosterically autoinhibited
Q50620786Structural and functional framework for the autoinhibition of Nedd4-family ubiquitin ligases.
Q24338367Structural basis for ESCRT-III protein autoinhibition
Q27653736Structural basis for autoinhibition and activation of Auto, a virulence-associated peptidoglycan hydrolase of Listeria monocytogenes
Q39170953Structural basis for autoinhibition and its relief of MOB1 in the Hippo pathway
Q34427458Structural basis for autoinhibition and mutational activation of eukaryotic initiation factor 2alpha protein kinase GCN2.
Q24621898Structural basis for autoinhibition and phosphorylation-dependent activation of c-Cbl
Q24318322Structural basis for autoinhibition of ESCRT-III CHMP3
Q27644319Structural basis for autoinhibition of Notch
Q27635000Structural basis for autoinhibition of the Ephb2 receptor tyrosine kinase by the unphosphorylated juxtamembrane region
Q27700017Structural basis for cargo binding and autoinhibition of Bicaudal-D1 by a parallel coiled-coil with homotypic registry
Q37147912Structural basis for misregulation of kinesin KIF21A autoinhibition by CFEOM1 disease mutations
Q27677251Structural basis for mutual relief of the Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor DOCK2 and its partner ELMO1 from their autoinhibited forms
Q27649204Structural basis for reduced FGFR2 activity in LADD syndrome: Implications for FGFR autoinhibition and activation
Q27627224Structural basis for relief of autoinhibition of the Dbl homology domain of proto-oncogene Vav by tyrosine phosphorylation
Q44881257Structural basis for the autoinhibition and STI-571 inhibition of c-Kit tyrosine kinase
Q27640773Structural basis for the autoinhibition of c-Abl tyrosine kinase
Q27732611Structural basis for the autoinhibition of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase I
Q24678318Structural basis for the autoinhibition of focal adhesion kinase
Q42410877Structural basis for the autoinhibition of talin in regulating integrin activation
Q27681048Structural basis for the autoinhibition of the C-terminal kinase domain of human RSK1
Q27645613Structural basis for tubulin recognition by cytoplasmic linker protein 170 and its autoinhibition
Q41986228Structural basis of autoinhibition and activation of the DNA-targeting ADP-ribosyltransferase pierisin-1.
Q24307789Structural characterization of autoinhibited c-Met kinase produced by coexpression in bacteria with phosphatase
Q27696162Structural insight into autoinhibition and histone H3-induced activation of DNMT3A
Q27655643Structural insight into the autoinhibition mechanism of AMP-activated protein kinase
Q36392594Structural insight into the mechanism of synergistic autoinhibition of SAD kinases
Q27666383Structural insights into the autoinhibition and posttranslational activation of histone methyltransferase SmyD3
Q34326572Structural modeling and DNA binding autoinhibition analysis of Ergp55, a critical transcription factor in prostate cancer.
Q45251643Structure and intrinsic disorder in protein autoinhibition.
Q46304262Structure insight of GSDMD reveals the basis of GSDMD autoinhibition in cell pyroptosis
Q27666325Structure of DNMT1-DNA Complex Reveals a Role for Autoinhibition in Maintenance DNA Methylation
Q27618485Structure of Gialpha1.GppNHp, autoinhibition in a galpha protein-substrate complex
Q27678298Structure of HHARI, a RING-IBR-RING Ubiquitin Ligase: Autoinhibition of an Ariadne-Family E3 and Insights into Ligation Mechanism
Q27626911Structure of PAK1 in an autoinhibited conformation reveals a multistage activation switch
Q24310008Structure of a dominant-negative helix-loop-helix transcriptional regulator suggests mechanisms of autoinhibition
Q27654213Structure of granzyme C reveals an unusual mechanism of protease autoinhibition
Q34186638Structure of the ATP synthase catalytic complex (F(1)) from Escherichia coli in an autoinhibited conformation
Q27677057Structure of the Absent in Melanoma 2 (AIM2) Pyrin Domain Provides Insights into the Mechanisms of AIM2 Autoinhibition and Inflammasome Assembly
Q36925302Structure of the Dictyostelium Myosin-II Heavy Chain Kinase A (MHCK-A) α-kinase domain apoenzyme reveals a novel autoinhibited conformation
Q34472571Structure of the autoinhibited kinase domain of CaMKII and SAXS analysis of the holoenzyme
Q27667232Structure of the dimeric autoinhibited conformation of DAPK2, a pro-apoptotic protein kinase
Q27678455Structure of the human Parkin ligase domain in an autoinhibited state
Q27683852Structure of the pseudokinase-kinase domains from protein kinase TYK2 reveals a mechanism for Janus kinase (JAK) autoinhibition
Q33558203Structured and disordered regions cooperatively mediate DNA-binding autoinhibition of ETS factors ETV1, ETV4 and ETV5.
Q37620273Structures of pattern recognition receptors reveal molecular mechanisms of autoinhibition, ligand recognition and oligomerization
Q52724308Structures of the Gasdermin D C-Terminal Domains Reveal Mechanisms of Autoinhibition.
Q39925084Studies of FBJ osteosarcoma virus in tissue culture. II. Autoinhibition of focus formation
Q42193425Studies on the temperature-dependent autoinhibition of human plasma kallikrein I.
Q57072123Substrate Recognition and Autoinhibition in the Central Ribonuclease RNase E
Q56952782Synthesis of (−)-Gloeosporone, a fungal autoinhibitor of spore germination using a π-allyltricarbonyliron lactone complex as a templating architecture for 1,7-diol construction
Q39698378TRAF6 is autoinhibited by an intramolecular interaction which is counteracted by trans-ubiquitination
Q41853229Talin autoinhibition is required for morphogenesis
Q27643801The 2.7 A crystal structure of the autoinhibited human c-Fms kinase domain
Q46240244The CHMP4b- and Src-docking sites in the Bro1 domain are autoinhibited in the native state of Alix
Q30155858The Cdc42-associated kinase ACK1 is not autoinhibited but requires Src for activation
Q44445348The C‐terminal tail of Arabidopsis 14‐3‐3ω functions as an autoinhibitor and may contain a tenth α‐helix
Q28118420The HER-2/neu receptor tyrosine kinase gene encodes a secreted autoinhibitor
Q39982812The HIV-1 p6/EIAV p9 docking site in Alix is autoinhibited as revealed by a conformation-sensitive anti-Alix monoclonal antibody
Q59800632The Intermolecular Interaction of Ephexin4 Leads to Autoinhibition by Impeding Binding of RhoG
Q27662864The Minimal Autoinhibited Unit of the Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor Intersectin
Q28579765The P2Y(1) and P2Y(12) receptors mediate autoinhibition of transmitter release in sympathetic innervated tissues
Q42503795The Role of Regulatory Domains in Maintaining Autoinhibition in the Multidomain Kinase PKCα.
Q39157867The Shigella Virulence Factor IcsA Relieves N-WASP Autoinhibition by Displacing the Verprolin Homology/Cofilin/Acidic (VCA) Domain
Q27671699The Structure of the Kinesin-1 Motor-Tail Complex Reveals the Mechanism of Autoinhibition
Q38455880The Ys and wherefores of protein kinase autoinhibition
Q24602026The alternatively spliced acid box region plays a key role in FGF receptor autoinhibition
Q58600328The architecture of EGFR's basal complexes reveals autoinhibition mechanisms in dimers and oligomers
Q54337065The ataxia related G1107D mutation of the plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase isoform 3 affects its interplay with calmodulin and the autoinhibition process.
Q42019674The autoinhibition activity of some microbial species
Q43961124The autoinhibitor of cell fusion in Dictyostelium inhibits calmodulin
Q30414950The cardiac L-type calcium channel distal carboxy terminus autoinhibition is regulated by calcium
Q53669121The conformational states of talin autoinhibition complex and its activation under forces.
Q27697433The crystal structure of the catalytic domain of the ser/thr kinase PknA from M. tuberculosis shows an Src-like autoinhibited conformation
Q42154921The determination of presynaptic pA2 values of yohimbine and phentolamine on the perfused rat heart under conditions of negligible autoinhibition
Q30157896The effector domain of human Dlg tumor suppressor acts as a switch that relieves autoinhibition of kinesin-3 motor GAKIN/KIF13B.
Q34683336The formin DAD domain plays dual roles in autoinhibition and actin nucleation.
Q44061992The inhibitory function in human progesterone receptor N termini binds SUMO-1 protein to regulate autoinhibition and transrepression
Q36658994The light chains of kinesin-1 are autoinhibited.
Q28586353The mouse Formin mDia1 is a potent actin nucleation factor regulated by autoinhibition
Q35743330The projection analysis of NMR chemical shifts reveals extended EPAC autoinhibition determinants.
Q43192533The regulation of mDia1 by autoinhibition and its release by Rho*GTP.
Q48559686The replication foci targeting sequence (RFTS) of DNMT1 functions as a potent histone H3 binding domain regulated by autoinhibition
Q30978213The structural and dynamic basis of Ets-1 DNA binding autoinhibition.
Q27643077The structural basis for autoinhibition of FLT3 by the juxtamembrane domain
Q27695047The structure of the Slrp-Trx1 complex sheds light on the autoinhibition mechanism of the type III secretion system effectors of the NEL family
Q41145899Thermotoga maritima NusG: domain interaction mediates autoinhibition and thermostability
Q37385718Tonic autoinhibition contributes to the heterogeneity of evoked dopamine release in the rat striatum
Q33804587Transgenic autoinhibition of p21-activated kinase exacerbates synaptic impairments and fronto-dependent behavioral deficits in an animal model of Alzheimer's disease
Q35693138Tuning protein autoinhibition by domain destabilization
Q45067215Two-site autoinhibition of the ADP-ribosylating mosquitocidal toxin (MTX) from Bacillus sphaericus by its 70-kDa ricin-like binding domain
Q27674244Unfolding of the C-Terminal Domain of the J-Protein Zuo1 Releases Autoinhibition and Activates Pdr1-Dependent Transcription
Q36223815Use of DNA sequence and mutant analyses and antisense oligodeoxynucleotides to examine the molecular basis of nonmuscle myosin light chain kinase autoinhibition, calmodulin recognition, and activity
Q36001295αE-catenin is an autoinhibited molecule that coactivates vinculin

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