Aging is associated with diminished accretion of muscle proteins after the ingestion of a small bolus of essential amino acids

scientific article published on 01 November 2005

Aging is associated with diminished accretion of muscle proteins after the ingestion of a small bolus of essential amino acids is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID16280440

P2093author name stringRobert R Wolfe
Melinda Sheffield-Moore
Christos S Katsanos
Hisamine Kobayashi
Asle Aarsland
P921main subjectessential amino acidQ245282
P577publication date2005-11-01
P1433published inAmerican Journal of Clinical NutritionQ7713500
P1476titleAging is associated with diminished accretion of muscle proteins after the ingestion of a small bolus of essential amino acids

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cites work (P2860)
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