Andrea Raab

researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-2058-0105)

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P496ORCID iD0000-0003-2058-0105


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author (P50)
Q33678662A field deployable method for a rapid screening analysis of inorganic arsenic in seaweed.
Q33555988Absolute quantification of superoxide dismutase (SOD) using species-specific isotope dilution analysis
Q59004127Accumulation or production of arsenobetaine in humans?
Q46512095Accuracy of a method based on atomic absorption spectrometry to determine inorganic arsenic in food: Outcome of the collaborative trial IMEP-41.
Q59003856Accurate and precise quantification of Cu,Zn-SOD in human red blood cells using species-specific double and triple IDMS
Q59004167An arsenic-accumulating, hypertolerant brassica, Isatis capadocica
Q59004053Antimony speciation in soils: Improving the detection limits using post-column pre-reduction hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (HPLC/pre-reduction/HG-AFS)
Q41843532Arsenate Impact on the Metabolite Profile, Production, and Arsenic Loading of Xylem Sap in Cucumbers (Cucumis sativus L.).
Q82382177Arsenic accumulation and phosphorus status in two rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars surveyed from fields in South China
Q59004437Arsenic accumulation and speciation analysis in wool from sheep exposed to arsenosugars
Q92083599Arsenic and cadmium contents in Brazilian rice from different origins can vary more than two orders of magnitude
Q59004134Arsenic concentration and speciation of the marine hyperaccumulator whelk Buccinum undatum collected in coastal waters of Northern Britain
Q59003862Arsenic containing medium and long chain fatty acids in marine fish oil identified as degradation products using reversed-phase HPLC-ICP-MS/ESI-MS
Q28543757Arsenic exposure and outcomes of antimonial treatment in visceral leishmaniasis patients in Bihar, India: a retrospective cohort study
Q59004059Arsenic is not stored as arsenite - phytochelatin complexes in the seaweeds Fucus spiralis and Hizikia fusiforme
Q59004268Arsenic speciation in hair extracts
Q42876533Arsenic speciation in phloem and xylem exudates of castor bean.
Q39350916Arsenic, antimony, and Leishmania: has arsenic contamination of drinking water in India led to treatment- resistant kala-azar?
Q118831463Arsenic, cadmium, and lead in rice and rice products on the Austrian market
Q59004330Arsenic–glutathione complexes—their stability in solution and during separation by different HPLC modes
Q92452318Arsenolipids are not uniformly distributed within two brown macroalgal species Saccharina latissima and Alaria esculenta
Q46960377Arsenolipids show different profiles in muscle tissues of four commercial fish species.
Q59004275Arsenosugar Metabolism Not Unique to the Sheep of North Ronaldsay
Q59003870Assessing rare earth elements in quartz rich geological samples
Q59004072Assessing the toxicity of arsenic-bearing sulfide minerals with the bio-indicator Corophium volutator
Q118831448Assessment of trace element content throughout the white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) farming cycle
Q46107030Atmospheric stability of arsines and the determination of their oxidative products in atmospheric aerosols (PM10): evidence of the widespread phenomena of biovolatilization of arsenic.
Q59004284Biodegradation of arsenosugars in marine sediment
Q48003388Biotransformation and accumulation of arsenic in soil amended with seaweed
Q115244048Biotransformation of Arsenate to Arsenosugars by Chlorella vulgaris.
Q59004370Biotransformation of arsenate to arsenosugars byChlorella vulgaris
Q59003956Boron speciation in acid digests of metallurgical grade silicon reveals problem for accurate boron quantification by inductively coupled plasma – optical emission spectroscopy
Q59004232Can arsenic-phytochelatin complex formation be used as an indicator for toxicity in Helianthus annuus?
Q59004200Can we trust mass spectrometry for determination of arsenic peptides in plants: comparison of LC–ICP–MS and LC–ES-MS/ICP–MS with XANES/EXAFS in analysis of Thunbergia alata
Q51643665Characterizing Pb mobilization from upland soils to streams using (206)Pb/(207)Pb isotopic ratios.
Q27702202Chaxapeptin, a Lasso Peptide from Extremotolerant Streptomyces leeuwenhoekii Strain C58 from the Hyperarid Atacama Desert
Q59004239Chemical Preparation of an Isotopically Enriched Superoxide Dismutase and Its Characterization as a Standard for Species-Specific Isotope Dilution Analysis
Q37377483Chronic exposure to arsenic in drinking water can lead to resistance to antimonial drugs in a mouse model of visceral leishmaniasis
Q38758093Cobalamin Concentrations in Fetal Liver Show Gender Differences: A Result from Using a High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography-Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry as an Ultratrace Cobalt Speciation Method
Q42741792Comment on "Effects of Arsenite during Fetal Development on Energy Metabolism and Susceptibility to Diet-Induced Fatty Liver Diseases in Male Mice" and "Mechanisms Underlying Latent Disease Risk Associated with Early-Life Arsenic Exposure: Current T
Q57462983Comparison of on-site field measured inorganic arsenic in rice with laboratory measurements using a field deployable method: Method validation
Q43174688Complexation of arsenite with phytochelatins reduces arsenite efflux and translocation from roots to shoots in Arabidopsis
Q59003991Comprehensive Analysis of Lipophilic Arsenic Species in a Brown Alga (Saccharina latissima)
Q103770517Concentration and origin of lead (Pb) in liver and bone of Eurasian buzzards (Buteo buteo) in the United Kingdom
Q54434440Denaturing and non-denaturing microsolution isoelectric focussing to mine the metalloproteome.
Q59004290Determination of Arsenic in Algae – Results of an Interlaboratory Trial: Determination of Arsenic Species in the Water-Soluble Fraction
Q118831472Determination of inorganic As, DMA and MMA in marine and terrestrial tissue samples: a consensus extraction approach
Q59004021Development of an Analytical Method for Antimony Speciation in Vegetables by HPLC-Hydride Generation-Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry
Q59003877Element content and daily intake from dietary supplements (nutraceuticals) based on algae, garlic, yeast fish and krill oils—Should consumers be worried?
Q114582712Evaluation of Metal(loids) Concentrations in Soils of Selected Rice Paddy Fields in Malawi
Q59003969Evaluation of dietary exposure of crabs to inorganic mercury or methylmercury, with or without co-exposure to selenium
Q33407243Evaluation of gel electrophoresis conditions for the separation of metal-tagged proteins with subsequent laser ablation ICP-MS detection.
Q59004037First comprehensive peat depositional records for tin, lead and copper associated with the antiquity of Europe's largest cassiterite deposits
Q48785374Fluorine speciation analysis using reverse phase liquid chromatography coupled off-line to continuum source molecular absorption spectrometry (CS-MAS): identification and quantification of novel fluorinated organic compounds in environmental and bio
Q118831538Fluorine-Specific Detection Using ICP-MS Helps to Identify PFAS Degradation Products in Nontargeted Analysis
Q27332296Fungal iron availability during deep seated candidiasis is defined by a complex interplay involving systemic and local events
Q57056658Geographical Variation in Total and Inorganic Arsenic Content of Polished (White) Rice
Q57936312Geographical variation in total and inorganic arsenic content of polished (white) rice
Q84214641Getting to the bottom of arsenic standards and guidelines
Q46223842Greatly enhanced arsenic shoot assimilation in rice leads to elevated grain levels compared to wheat and barley
Q121834869Health risk assessment of toxic metal(loids) (As, Cd, Pb, Cr, and Co) via consumption of medicinal herbs marketed in Malawi
Q46328297High proportions of inorganic arsenic in Laminaria digitata but not in Ascophyllum nodosum samples from Ireland.
Q39063761Human exposure to organic arsenic species from seafood
Q59003975Hydride generation ICP-MS as a simple method for determination of inorganic arsenic in rice for routine biomonitoring
Q59004101Identification and Quantification of Arsenolipids Using Reversed-Phase HPLC Coupled Simultaneously to High-Resolution ICPMS and High-Resolution Electrospray MS without Species-Specific Standards
Q38533842Identification and quantification of phytochelatins in roots of rice to long-term exposure: evidence of individual role on arsenic accumulation and translocation.
Q46248349Identification of an arsenic tolerant double mutant with a thiol-mediated component and increased arsenic tolerance in phyA mutants.
Q59004394Identification of arsenic species in sheep-wool extracts by different chromatographic methods
Q44460446Identification of arsenolipids and their degradation products in cod-liver oil.
Q57056592Identification of tetramethylarsonium in rice grains with elevated arsenic content
Q59003997Impact of a snail pellet on the phytoavailability of different metals to cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L.)
Q38653171Importance of ICPMS for speciation analysis is changing: future trends for targeted and non-targeted element speciation analysis
Q35025123In utero exposure to cigarette chemicals induces sex-specific disruption of one-carbon metabolism and DNA methylation in the human fetal liver
Q37291154In vivo formation of natural HgSe nanoparticles in the liver and brain of pilot whales
Q34861502Inorganic arsenic in rice bran and its products are an order of magnitude higher than in bulk grain.
Q57056767Inorganic arsenic levels in baby rice are of concern
Q47797275Inorganic arsenic levels in rice milk exceed EU and US drinking water standards
Q59004348Investigations into the role of methylcobalamin and glutathione for the methylation of antimony using isotopically enriched antimony(V)
Q58065966Is it possible to agree on a value for inorganic arsenic in food? The outcome of IMEP-112
Q50719080Lead isotopes and lead shot ingestion in the globally threatened marbled teal (Marmaronetta angustirostris) and white-headed duck (Oxyura leucocephala).
Q58237861Marine Metabolites and Metal Ion Chelation: Intact Recovery and Identification of an Iron(II) Complex in the Extract of the AscidianEudistoma gilboviride
Q91711974Matrix-dependent size modifications of iron oxide nanoparticles (Ferumoxytol) spiked into rat blood cells and plasma: Characterisation with TEM, AF4-UV-MALS-ICP-MS/MS and spICP-MS
Q24676388Mechanisms of arsenic hyperaccumulation in Pteris vittata. Uptake kinetics, interactions with phosphate, and arsenic speciation
Q43526414Metabolite profile shifts in the heathland lichen Cladonia portentosa in response to N deposition reveal novel biomarkers.
Q59004220Metal Chelation and Inhibition of Bacterial Growth in Tissue Abscesses
Q34050103Microanalytical isotope ratio measurements and elemental mapping using laser ablation ICP-MS for tissue thin sections: zinc tracer studies in rats.
Q59003983Microwave-Assisted Sample Preparation for Element Speciation
Q59004010Mining complex bacteria media for all fluorinated compounds made possible by using HPLC coupled parallel to fluorine-specific and molecular specific detection
Q33286014Monitoring the arsenic and iodine exposure of seaweed-eating North Ronaldsay sheep from the gestational and suckling periods to adulthood by using horns as a dietary archive.
Q94600111Multi trace element profiling in pathogenic and non-pathogenic fungi
Q59004417New arsenosugar metabolite determined in urine by parallel use of HPLC-ICP-MS and HPLC-ESI-MS
Q30663807Novel identification of arsenolipids using chemical derivatizations in conjunction with RP-HPLC-ICPMS/ESMS.
Q59003841Novel non-target analysis of fluorine compounds using ICPMS/MS and HPLC-ICPMS/MS
Q59003786Novel non-targeted analysis of perfluorinated compounds using fluorine-specific detection regardless of their ionisability (HPLC-ICPMS/MS-ESI-MS)
Q91581104Opportunities and Challenges for Dietary Arsenic Intervention
Q42163396Pentavalent arsenic can bind to biomolecules.
Q59003822Plasma processes to detect fluorine with ICPMS/MS as [M–F]+: an argument for building a negative mode ICPMS/MS
Q49021283Possible link between Hg and Cd accumulation in the brain of long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas).
Q33570389Potential hazard to human health from exposure to fragments of lead bullets and shot in the tissues of game animals
Q112747520S100B dysregulation during brain development affects synaptic SHANK protein networks via alteration of zinc homeostasis
Q59004187Selenite enhances arsenate toxicity inThunbergia alata
Q59003950Selenopeptides and elemental selenium in Thunbergia alata after exposure to selenite: quantification method for elemental selenium
Q92092292Simultaneous stimulation of arsenic methylation and inhibition of cadmium bioaccumulation in rice grain using zero valent iron and alternate wetting and drying water management
Q46304442Some aspects of the iodine metabolism of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (phaeophyceae).
Q33324446Speciation and localization of arsenic in white and brown rice grains
Q46957531Speciation without chromatography using selective hydride generation: inorganic arsenic in rice and samples of marine origin
Q46343853Stability of arsenic peptides in plant extracts: off-line versus on-line parallel elemental and molecular mass spectrometric detection for liquid chromatographic separation.
Q39643963Sub-lethal cadmium exposure increases phytochelatin concentrations in the aquatic snail Lymnaea stagnalis.
Q59004353Sulfur-Containing Arsenical Mistaken for Dimethylarsinous Acid [DMA(III)] and Identified as a Natural Metabolite in Urine: Major Implications for Studies on Arsenic Metabolism and Toxicity
Q46303653Sulphur fertilization influences the sulphur species composition in Allium sativum: sulphomics using HPLC-ICPMS/MS-ESI-MS/MS.
Q46385219Survey of arsenic and its speciation in rice products such as breakfast cereals, rice crackers and Japanese rice condiments
Q57935627The impact of a rice based diet on urinary arsenic
Q52771400The importance of glutathione and phytochelatins on the selenite and arsenate detoxification in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Q53185801The mechanisms of detoxification of As(III), dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) and As(V) in the microalga Chlorella vulgaris.
Q44787074The nature of arsenic-phytochelatin complexes in Holcus lanatus and Pteris cretica.
Q92353198The use of high resolution graphite furnace molecular absorption spectrometry (HR -MAS) for total fluorine determination in extractable organofluorines (EOF)
Q90783634Toxicity of three types of arsenolipids: species-specific effects in Caenorhabditis elegans
Q92602042Tracing the natural and anthropogenic influence on the trace elemental chemistry of estuarine macroalgae and the implications for human consumption
Q59004252Uptake and translocation of inorganic and methylated arsenic species by plants
Q46824425Uptake, translocation and transformation of arsenate and arsenite in sunflower (Helianthus annuus): formation of arsenic-phytochelatin complexes during exposure to high arsenic concentrations.
Q59003796Validation and inter-laboratory study of selective hydride generation for fast screening of inorganic arsenic in seafood
Q118831677Why is NanoSIMS elemental imaging of arsenic in seaweed ( Laminaria digitata ) important for understanding of arsenic biochemistry in addition to speciation information?
Q41788737Zinc is essential for high-affinity DNA binding and recombinase activity of ΦC31 integrase

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