Clinical Epigenetics

scientific journal

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APC-funded journalQ73365221

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P13124BioMed Central journal IDclinicalepigeneticsjournal
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P166award receivedDOAJ sealQ73548471
P275copyright licenseCreative Commons AttributionQ6905323
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P17countryUnited KingdomQ145
P495country of originUnited KingdomQ145
P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScopusQ371467
Science Citation Index ExpandedQ104047209
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectepigeneticsQ26939
P123publisherSpringer Science+Business MediaQ176916
BioMed CentralQ463494
P793significant eventjournal flipped to open accessQ73376505
P1476titleClinical epigenetics

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published in (P1433)
Q36446311"Monoallelic germline methylation and sequence variant in the promoter of the RB1 gene: a possible constitutive epimutation in hereditary retinoblastoma".
Q90098548"Too much guts and not enough brains": (epi)genetic mechanisms and future therapies of Hirschsprung disease - a review
Q3115488611p15 DNA-methylation analysis in monozygotic twins with discordant intrauterine development due to severe twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
Q3358746336 h fasting of young men influences adipose tissue DNA methylation of LEP and ADIPOQ in a birth weight-dependent manner
Q360024515-Aza-2′-deoxycytidine stress response and apoptosis in prostate cancer
Q419849305-Carboxylcytosine levels are elevated in human breast cancers and gliomas
Q1021402205-Hydroxymethylation highlights the heterogeneity in keratinization and cell junctions in head and neck cancers
Q366805265-Hydroxymethylcytosine discriminates between parathyroid adenoma and carcinoma
Q1122979215-Hydroxymethylcytosine profiles of cfDNA are highly predictive of R-CHOP treatment response in diffuse large B cell lymphoma patients
Q928199005-Hydroxymethylcytosine signatures in circulating cell-free DNA as diagnostic and predictive biomarkers for coronary artery disease
Q92778298A DNA methylation signature to improve survival prediction of gastric cancer
Q26743743A clinical-molecular update on azanucleoside-based therapy for the treatment of hematologic cancers
Q92086585A combined epigenome- and transcriptome-wide association study of the oral masticatory mucosa assigns CYP1B1 a central role for epithelial health in smokers
Q64067037A comparison of DNA methylation in newborn blood samples from infants with and without orofacial clefts
Q59339898A five-DNA methylation signature act as a novel prognostic biomarker in patients with ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma
Q36206457A gene expression signature identifying transient DNMT1 depletion as a causal factor of cancer-germline gene activation in melanoma
Q91102118A genome-wide DNA methylation signature for SETD1B-related syndrome
Q38658847A long-range interactive DNA methylation marker panel for the promoters of HOXA9 and HOXA10 predicts survival in breast cancer patients
Q28385571A macroepigenetic approach to identify factors responsible for the autism epidemic in the United States
Q37460812A methylation PCR method determines FMR1 activation ratios and differentiates premutation allele mosaicism in carrier siblings
Q36634304A multi-method approach to the molecular diagnosis of overt and borderline 11p15.5 defects underlying Silver-Russell and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndromes
Q42371209A multicenter, randomized study of decitabine as epigenetic priming with induction chemotherapy in children with AML.
Q52431156A multiplatform approach identifies miR-152-3p as a common epigenetically regulated onco-suppressor in prostate cancer targeting TMEM97.
Q52568288A new approach to epigenome-wide discovery of non-invasive methylation biomarkers for colorectal cancer screening in circulating cell-free DNA using pooled samples.
Q98512936A new nucleosomic-based model to identify and diagnose SSc-ILD
Q37728595A novel method for isolation of histones from serum and its implications in therapeutics and prognosis of solid tumours
Q55517990A panel of DNA methylation markers for the detection of prostate cancer from FV and DRE urine DNA.
Q92152049A prognostic CpG score derived from epigenome-wide profiling of tumor tissue was independently associated with colorectal cancer survival
Q63352564A randomized controlled trial of folic acid intervention in pregnancy highlights a putative methylation-regulated control element at ZFP57
Q50281885A robust internal control for high-precision DNA methylation analyses by droplet digital PCR.
Q42354260A role for low-abundance miRNAs in colon cancer: the miR-206/Krüppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) axis
Q30940148A statistical method for single sample analysis of HumanMethylation450 array data: genome-wide methylation analysis of patients with imprinting disorders.
Q36507706A systematic evaluation of whole genome amplification of bisulfite-modified DNA
Q64260538A two-gene epigenetic signature for the prediction of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in triple-negative breast cancer patients
Q59812309A urine-based DNA methylation assay, ProCUrE, to identify clinically significant prostate cancer
Q112708113A validation study of potential prognostic DNA methylation biomarkers in patients with acute myeloid leukemia using a custom DNA methylation sequencing panel
Q35920255A varying T cell subtype explains apparent tobacco smoking induced single CpG hypomethylation in whole blood
Q42868172ABT-737 and/or folate reverse the PDGF-induced alterations in the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway in low-grade glioma patients
Q98183226AHRR cg05575921 methylation in relation to smoking and PM2.5 exposure among Taiwanese men and women
Q92881860ARID1A facilitates KRAS signaling-regulated enhancer activity in an AP1-dependent manner in colorectal cancer cells
Q36001919Aberrant DNA hypermethylation of the ITIH5 tumor suppressor gene in acute myeloid leukemia.
Q37442748Aberrant DNA hypermethylation-silenced SOX21-AS1 gene expression and its clinical importance in oral cancer.
Q33601224Aberrant DNA methylation and expression of SPDEF and FOXA2 in airway epithelium of patients with COPD
Q37737945Aberrant DNA methylation in melanoma: biomarker and therapeutic opportunities.
Q41440845Aberrant DNA methylation of imprinted loci in hepatocellular carcinoma and after in vitro exposure to common risk factors
Q36393854Aberrant DNA methylation profiles of inherited and sporadic colorectal cancer.
Q112708215Aberrant epigenetic and transcriptional events associated with breast cancer risk
Q49985475Aberrant expression and DNA methylation of lipid metabolism genes in PCOS: a new insight into its pathogenesis
Q61445951Aberrant methylation of Pax3 gene and neural tube defects in association with exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Q37240290Aberrant methylation of cell-free circulating DNA in plasma predicts poor outcome in diffuse large B cell lymphoma
Q92572884Aberrantly hypermethylated tumor suppressor genes were identified in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC)
Q126273992Abnormal DNA methylation within genes of the steroidogenesis pathway two years after paediatric critical illness and association with stunted growth in height further in time
Q112644685Abnormal methylation characteristics predict chemoresistance and poor prognosis in advanced high-grade serous ovarian cancer
Q58101942Accelerated DNA methylation changes in middle-aged men define sexual dimorphism in human lifespans
Q89662426Accumulation of DNA methylation alterations in paediatric glioma stem cells following fractionated dose irradiation
Q112711282Accurate prediction of acute pancreatitis severity based on genome-wide cell free DNA methylation profiles
Q33997681Acetylsalicylic acid, aging and coronary artery disease are associated with ABCA1 DNA methylation in men.
Q55331953Acute leukemia cells resistant to PI3K/mTOR inhibition display upregulation of P2RY14 expression.
Q91607209Adipose stem cells from patients with Crohn's disease show a distinctive DNA methylation pattern
Q55338798Adipose tissue inflammation and VDR expression and methylation in colorectal cancer.
Q91704802Adverse childhood experiences, DNA methylation age acceleration, and cortisol in UK children: a prospective population-based cohort study
Q89763863Age-, tumor-, and metastatic tissue-associated DNA hypermethylation of a T-box brain 1 locus in human kidney tissue
Q35410083Age-associated DNA methylation changes in immune genes, histone modifiers and chromatin remodeling factors within 5 years after birth in human blood leukocytes
Q93083364Air pollution and DNA methylation: effects of exposure in humans
Q90146263Air pollution-induced placental alterations: an interplay of oxidative stress, epigenetics, and the aging phenotype?
Q52720175Allele-specific methylation in the FADS genomic region in DNA from human saliva, CD4+ cells, and total leukocytes
Q42264335Allelic variation in the canine Cox-2 promoter causes hypermethylation of the canine Cox-2 promoter in clinical cases of renal dysplasia
Q90436002Alterations in the methylome of the stromal tumour microenvironment signal the presence and severity of prostate cancer
Q112286064Alterations of DNA methylation were associated with the rapid growth of cortisol-producing adrenocortical adenoma during pregnancy
Q57790822Alterations of adiponectin gene expression and DNA methylation in adipose tissues and blood cells are associated with gestational diabetes and neonatal outcome
Q41594925Alterations of sorbin and SH3 domain containing 3 (SORBS3) in human skeletal muscle following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery
Q52661706Altered DNA methylation is associated with aberrant gene expression in parenchymal but not airway fibroblasts isolated from individuals with COPD.
Q112611620Altered DNA methylation pattern reveals epigenetic regulation of Hox genes in thoracic aortic dissection and serves as a biomarker in disease diagnosis
Q41431795Altered epigenetic features in circulating nucleosomes in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Q102151206Altered immune phenotype and DNA methylation in panic disorder
Q97641867Alternative methylation of intron motifs is associated with cancer-related gene expression in both canine mammary tumor and human breast cancer
Q91494232Alzheimer's disease-associated (hydroxy)methylomic changes in the brain and blood
Q36994612Amnion as a surrogate tissue reporter of the effects of maternal preeclampsia on the fetus.
Q112779118An EPIC predictor of gestational age and its application to newborns conceived by assisted reproductive technologies
Q31160817An empirically driven data reduction method on the human 450K methylation array to remove tissue specific non-variable CpGs
Q55112628An epigenetic classifier for early stage lung cancer.
Q35213260An epigenetic map of age-associated autosomal loci in northern European families at high risk for the metabolic syndrome
Q41691567An epigenome-wide association study in whole blood of measures of adiposity among Ghanaians: the RODAM study
Q90325043An epigenome-wide association study of posttraumatic stress disorder in US veterans implicates several new DNA methylation loci
Q112637938An epigenome-wide study of DNA methylation profiles and lung function among American Indians in the Strong Heart Study
Q47172055An epigenome-wide study of obesity in African American youth and young adults: novel findings, replication in neutrophils, and relationship with gene expression
Q125472123Analysis of DNA methylation at birth and in childhood reveals changes associated with season of birth and latitude
Q36104912Analysis of DNA methylation landscape reveals the roles of DNA methylation in the regulation of drug metabolizing enzymes
Q36836937Analysis of RET promoter CpG island methylation using methylation-specific PCR (MSP), pyrosequencing, and methylation-sensitive high-resolution melting (MS-HRM): impact on stage II colon cancer patient outcome
Q35829433Analysis of hypermethylation and expression profiles of APC and ATM genes in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma.
Q60930929Analysis of repeated leukocyte DNA methylation assessments reveals persistent epigenetic alterations after an incident myocardial infarction
Q33706656Analysis of the DNA methylation level of cancer-related genes in colorectal cancer and the surrounding normal mucosa
Q40442588Analysis of the Polycomb-related lncRNAs HOTAIR and ANRIL in bladder cancer.
Q91059148Analysis of the clinical significance of DNA methylation in gastric cancer based on a genome-wide high-resolution array
Q64237664Analysis of two birth tissues provides new insights into the epigenetic landscape of neonates born preterm
Q112637458Androgen receptor reprogramming demarcates prognostic, context-dependent gene sets in primary and metastatic prostate cancer
Q28075452Antidepressant medication during pregnancy and epigenetic changes in umbilical cord blood: a systematic review
Q91835929Apabetalone (RVX-208) reduces vascular inflammation in vitro and in CVD patients by a BET-dependent epigenetic mechanism
Q37736635Assessing alternative base substitutions at primer CpG sites to optimise unbiased PCR amplification of methylated sequences
Q102140288Assessment of MGMT methylation status using high-performance liquid chromatography in newly diagnosed glioblastoma
Q37440356Assessment of global DNA methylation in the first trimester fetal tissues exposed to maternal cigarette smoking.
Q55447998Assessment of new HDAC inhibitors for immunotherapy of malignant pleural mesothelioma.
Q98783769Assessment of tumor suppressor promoter methylation in healthy individuals
Q97652006Assisted reproductive technology represents a possible risk factor for development of epimutation-mediated imprinting disorders for mothers aged ≥ 30 years
Q98944124Association between NPPA promoter methylation and hypertension: results from Gusu cohort and replication in an independent sample
Q42182618Association between hMLH1 hypermethylation and JC virus (JCV) infection in human colorectal cancer (CRC)
Q47104294Association between long interspersed nuclear element-1 methylation levels and relapse in Wilms tumors
Q96228033Association between variation of circulating 25-OH vitamin D and methylation of secreted frizzled-related protein 2 in colorectal cancer
Q35061380Association of DNA methylation with age, gender, and smoking in an Arab population
Q60919201Association of GNAS imprinting defects and deletions of chromosome 2 in two patients: clues explaining phenotypic heterogeneity in pseudohypoparathyroidism type 1B/iPPSD3
Q58578100Association of facial ageing with DNA methylation and epigenetic age predictions
Q61797830Association of four imprinting disorders and ART
Q58713713Association of internal smoking dose with blood DNA methylation in three racial/ethnic populations
Q63865887Association of leukocyte DNA methylation changes with dietary folate and alcohol intake in the EPIC study
Q112643240Association of peripheral blood DNA methylation level with Alzheimer's disease progression
Q64242328Association of recurrent venous thromboembolism and circulating microRNAs
Q37118103Association of tumor and plasma microRNA expression with tumor monosomy-3 in patients with uveal melanoma
Q36765739Associations and prognostic implications of Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status and tumoral LINE-1 methylation status in stage III colon cancer patients
Q33651669Associations between maternal risk factors of adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes and the offspring epigenetic clock of gestational age at birth
Q37728581Associations of LEP, CRH, ICAM-1, and LINE-1 methylation, measured in saliva, with waist circumference, body mass index, and percent body fat in mid-childhood
Q99205766Associations of maternal early-pregnancy blood glucose and insulin concentrations with DNA methylation in newborns
Q37436828Augmentation of histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) epigenetic signature at the interface of proinflammation and insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes
Q101562918BET protein inhibitor apabetalone (RVX-208) suppresses pro-inflammatory hyper-activation of monocytes from patients with cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes
Q33859274BNDF methylation in mothers and newborns is associated with maternal exposure to war trauma.
Q41056167BRAF mutation-specific promoter methylation of FOX genes in colorectal cancer
Q57801995BRCA1 methylation in newborns: genetic disposition, maternal transfer, environmental influence, or by chance only?
Q96228237BTB/POZ zinc finger protein ZBTB16 inhibits breast cancer proliferation and metastasis through upregulating ZBTB28 and antagonizing BCL6/ZBTB27
Q37419460Birth weight-for-gestational age is associated with DNA methylation at birth and in childhood
Q112586449Birthweight DNA methylation signatures in infant saliva
Q130524080Bladder cancer detection in urine using DNA methylation markers: a technical and prospective preclinical validation
Q112295189Blood DNA methylation and COVID-19 outcomes
Q109309647Blood and skeletal muscle ageing determined by epigenetic clocks and their associations with physical activity and functioning
Q28072075Blood-based DNA methylation as biomarker for breast cancer: a systematic review
Q91612515Body mass index is associated with epigenetic age acceleration in the visceral adipose tissue of subjects with severe obesity
Q36027913Breast cancer risk and imprinting methylation in blood
Q47107660Bronchial biopsy specimen as a surrogate for DNA methylation analysis in inoperable lung cancer.
Q37609810CDH22 hypermethylation is an independent prognostic biomarker in breast cancer.
Q58695221CDX2 in colorectal cancer is an independent prognostic factor and regulated by promoter methylation and histone deacetylation in tumors of the serrated pathway
Q89763853CHD4/NuRD complex regulates complement gene expression and correlates with CD8 T cell infiltration in human hepatocellular carcinoma
Q39784106CREBBP is a target of epigenetic, but not genetic, modification in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia.
Q96170369CTCF loss mediates unique DNA hypermethylation landscapes in human cancers
Q41982167Can metabolic plasticity be a cause for cancer? Warburg-Waddington legacy revisited.
Q28728960Cancer: evolutionary, genetic and epigenetic aspects
Q64063551Casp8 hypomethylation and neural tube defects in association with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure
Q49874632Causal effect of smoking on DNA methylation in peripheral blood: a twin and family study
Q41766645Cell-free DNA promoter hypermethylation in plasma as a diagnostic marker for pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Q37642969Cerebral white matter hyperintensities on MRI and acceleration of epigenetic aging: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study
Q42182609Challenge and promise: the role of miRNA for pathogenesis and progression of malignant melanoma
Q30557009Changes in DNA methylation at the aryl hydrocarbon receptor repressor may be a new biomarker for smoking
Q91612489Changes in DNA methylation from pre- to post-adolescence are associated with pubertal exposures
Q101224511Changes in DNA methylation profiles of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome patients reflect systemic dysfunctions
Q112617572Changes in epigenetic profiles throughout early childhood and their relationship to the response to pneumococcal vaccination
Q92425197Characterisation of DNA methylation changes in EBF3 and TBC1D16 associated with tumour progression and metastasis in multiple cancer types
Q97899504Characterisation of an inflammation-related epigenetic score and its association with cognitive ability
Q122951782Characterisation of ethnic differences in DNA methylation between UK-resident South Asians and Europeans
Q112277539Characterising sex differences of autosomal DNA methylation in whole blood using the Illumina EPIC array
Q55364605Characteristic profiles of DNA epigenetic modifications in colon cancer and its predisposing conditions-benign adenomas and inflammatory bowel disease.
Q37480308Characterization of TET and IDH gene expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: comparison with normal B cells and prognostic significance
Q93010200Characterization of global 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in pediatric posterior fossa ependymoma
Q98889080Chidamide, decitabine, cytarabine, aclarubicin, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (CDCAG) in patients with relapsed/refractory acute myeloid leukemia: a single-arm, phase 1/2 study
Q112593813Childhood DNA methylation as a marker of early life rapid weight gain and subsequent overweight
Q92910679Childhood traumatization is associated with differences in TRPA1 promoter methylation in female patients with multisomatoform disorder with pain as the leading bodily symptom
Q112609354Childhood-onset dystonia-causing KMT2B variants result in a distinctive genomic hypermethylation profile
Q112639150Chromatin accessibility and transcriptome integrative analysis revealed AP-1-mediated genes potentially modulate histopathology features in psoriasis
Q112611708Chromatin accessibility changes at intergenic regions are associated with ovarian cancer drug resistance
Q64054399Circadian rhythms in the three-dimensional genome: implications of chromatin interactions for cyclic transcription
Q64055891Circulating cell-free DNA use for diagnosing cholangiocarcinoma
Q98580217Circulating histone signature of human lean metabolic-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD)
Q35871861Circulating microRNA-144-5p is associated with depressive disorders
Q53689677Circulating microRNAs as potential cancer biomarkers: the advantage and disadvantage
Q36135041Circulating nucleosomes as epigenetic biomarkers in pancreatic cancer
Q42264378Circulating nucleosomes as new blood-based biomarkers for detection of colorectal cancer
Q55258375Circulating tumour DNA for monitoring colorectal cancer-a prospective cohort study to assess relationship to tissue methylation, cancer characteristics and surgical resection.
Q98183219Circulating unmethylated CHTOP and INS DNA fragments provide evidence of possible islet cell death in youth with obesity and diabetes
Q33604619Circulating unmethylated insulin DNA as a potential non-invasive biomarker of beta cell death in type 1 Diabetes: a review and future prospect
Q91651350Cisplatin treatment of testicular cancer patients introduces long-term changes in the epigenome
Q30485373Clinical Epigenetics is now a fully open access journal
Q100957047Clinical efficacy and molecular biomarkers in a phase II study of tucidinostat plus R-CHOP in elderly patients with newly diagnosed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Q112613353Clinical evaluation of Bladder CARE, a new epigenetic test for bladder cancer detection in urine samples
Q41881282Clinico-pathological significance of TNF alpha-induced protein3 (TNFAIP3) in Middle Eastern colorectal carcinoma
Q100532855Clinicopathologic significance of protein lysine methyltransferases in cancer
Q91750876Clustered protocadherins methylation alterations in cancer
Q37742485Clusterization in head and neck squamous carcinomas based on lncRNA expression: molecular and clinical correlates.
Q90569904Co-inhibition of HDAC and MLL-menin interaction targets MLL-rearranged acute myeloid leukemia cells via disruption of DNA damage checkpoint and DNA repair
Q37642940Colorectal adenoma and carcinoma specific miRNA profiles in biopsy and their expression in plasma specimens
Q35838583Colorimetric detection of both total genomic and loci-specific DNA methylation from limited DNA inputs.
Q92379393Combination treatment strategy for pancreatic cancer involving the novel HDAC inhibitor MPT0E028 with a MEK inhibitor beyond K-Ras status
Q37117964Combinatorial epigenetic therapy in diffuse large B cell lymphoma pre-clinical models and patients
Q36994655Combined clinical and genetic testing algorithm for cervical cancer diagnosis.
Q91518569Combined genetic mutations and DNA-methylated genes as biomarkers for endometrial cancer detection from cervical scrapings
Q47212126Combined inhibition of BET proteins and class I HDACs synergistically induces apoptosis in urothelial carcinoma cell lines.
Q112293095Combined prenatal Lactobacillus reuteri and ω-3 supplementation synergistically modulates DNA methylation in neonatal T helper cells
Q47133291Combining cytogenetic and epigenetic approaches in chronic lymphocytic leukemia improves prognosis prediction for patients with isolated 13q deletion
Q31158836Combining omics data to identify genes associated with allergic rhinitis
Q35018971Combining the differentiating effect of panobinostat with the apoptotic effect of arsenic trioxide leads to significant survival benefit in a model of t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia
Q93112100Comparative DNA methylomic analyses reveal potential origins of novel epigenetic biomarkers of insulin resistance in monocytes from virally suppressed HIV-infected adults
Q45769793Comparative analysis of breast and colorectal tumours uncouples loss of DNA methylation in cancer from association with the nuclear periphery
Q58101953Comparing diagnostic and prognostic performance of two-gene promoter methylation panels in tissue biopsies and urines of prostate cancer patients
Q35568812Comparison of HPV genotyping and methylated ZNF582 as triage for women with equivocal liquid-based cytology results
Q31115458Comparison of pre-processing methodologies for Illumina 450k methylation array data in familial analyses.
Q47152528Comparison of quantification algorithms for circulating cell-free DNA methylation biomarkers in blood plasma from cancer patients
Q52592900Competing endogenous RNA expression profiling in pre-eclampsia identifies hsa_circ_0036877 as a potential novel blood biomarker for early pre-eclampsia
Q92993950Comprehensive DNA methylation analysis of tissue of origin of plasma cell-free DNA by methylated CpG tandem amplification and sequencing (MCTA-Seq)
Q89514275Comprehensive analysis of PM20D1 QTL in Alzheimer's disease
Q96638530Comprehensive evaluation of targeted multiplex bisulphite PCR sequencing for validation of DNA methylation biomarker panels
Q91819617Comprehensive longitudinal study of epigenetic mutations in aging
Q59793716Comprehensive methylation analysis of imprinting-associated differentially methylated regions in colorectal cancer
Q97546497Concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in maternal plasma and epigenome-wide placental DNA methylation
Q37035513Concerted changes in transcriptional regulation of genes involved in DNA methylation, demethylation, and folate-mediated one-carbon metabolism pathways in the NCI-60 cancer cell line panel in response to cancer drug treatment
Q35142587Concomitant downregulation of the imprinted genes DLK1 and MEG3 at 14q32.2 by epigenetic mechanisms in urothelial carcinoma
Q36142843Concomitant histone deacetylase and phosphodiesterase 5 inhibition synergistically prevents the disruption in synaptic plasticity and it reverses cognitive impairment in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease
Q35184953Congenital imprinting disorders: - a network to decipher their aetiology and to improve the diagnostic and clinical care
Q41906506Continuous multiparametric monitoring of cell metabolism in response to transient overexpression of the sirtuin deacetylase SIRT3
Q96430431Contribution of gene mutations to Silver-Russell syndrome phenotype: multigene sequencing analysis in 92 etiology-unknown patients
Q64110985Control of viral infections by epigenetic-targeted therapy
Q41392087Cooperative effect of chidamide and chemotherapeutic drugs induce apoptosis by DNA damage accumulation and repair defects in acute myeloid leukemia stem and progenitor cells
Q45770062Cooperativity of imprinted genes inactivated by acquired chromosome 20q deletions.
Q35584026Coordinated epigenetic remodelling of transcriptional networks occurs during early breast carcinogenesis.
Q40080682Cord blood DNA methylation and adiposity measures in early and mid-childhood.
Q94472017Cord blood DNA methylation reflects cord blood C-reactive protein levels but not maternal levels: a longitudinal study and meta-analysis
Q40243067Cord blood hematopoietic cells from preterm infants display altered DNA methylation patterns
Q102151192Correction to: Combining the differentiating effect of panobinostat with the apoptotic effect of arsenic trioxide leads to significant survival benefit in a model of t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia
Q97516667Correction to: Current status of development of methylation biomarkers for in vitro diagnostic IVD applications
Q96811447Correction to: DNA methylation changes during preimplantation development reveal interspecies differences and reprogramming events at imprinted genes
Q90872510Correction to: DNA methylation signature is prognostic of choroid plexus tumor aggressiveness
Q109233438Correction to: Does the epigenetic clock GrimAge predict mortality independent of genetic influences: an 18 year follow-up study in older female twin pairs
Q55489825Correction to: Fetal growth is associated with CpG methylation in the P2 promoter of the IGF1 gene.
Q58605769Correction to: Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms in the development of arteriovenous malformations in the brain
Q92972135Correction to: Genome-wide assessment of DNA methylation in mouse oocytes reveals effects associated with in vitro growth, superovulation, and sexual maturity
Q98777536Correction to: Genome-wide profiling of DNA methylation and gene expression identifies candidate genes for human diabetic neuropathy
Q64101724Correction to: Liver DNA methylation of FADS2 associates with FADS2 genotype
Q58795741Correction to: Long non-coding RNAs: implications in targeted diagnoses, prognosis, and improved therapeutic strategies in human non- and triple-negative breast cancer
Q55208983Correction to: Methylation of ZNF331 is an independent prognostic marker of colorectal cancer and promotes colorectal cancer growth.
Q59791079Correction to: Prediction of smoking by multiplex bisulfite PCR with long amplicons considering allele-specific effects on DNA methylation
Q36344111CpG island methylation profile in non-invasive oral rinse samples is predictive of oral and pharyngeal carcinoma
Q38621270CpG location and methylation level are crucial factors for the early detection of oral squamous cell carcinoma in brushing samples using bisulfite sequencing of a 13-gene panel.
Q35099660CpG signalling, H2A.Z/H3 acetylation and microRNA-mediated deferred self-attenuation orchestrate foetal NOS3 expression.
Q112636775Cross talk between acetylation and methylation regulators reveals histone modifier expression patterns posing prognostic and therapeutic implications on patients with colon cancer
Q90404045Crosstalk between DNA methylation and histone acetylation triggers GDNF high transcription in glioblastoma cells
Q97419396Current status of development of methylation biomarkers for in vitro diagnostic IVD applications
Q112608515DNA 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in pediatric central nervous system tumors may impact tumor classification and is a positive prognostic marker
Q35881101DNA hydroxymethylation age of human blood determined by capillary hydrophilic-interaction liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry.
Q101162027DNA hydroxymethylation is associated with disease severity and persists at enhancers of oncogenic regions in multiple myeloma
Q35878544DNA hypermethylation appears early and shows increased frequency with dysplasia in Lynch syndrome-associated colorectal adenomas and carcinomas
Q34566703DNA hypermethylation markers of poor outcome in laryngeal cancer
Q92605366DNA hypermethylation of sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) caused by betel quid chewing-a possible predictive biomarker for malignant transformation
Q41712674DNA hypomethylation of a transcription factor binding site within the promoter of a gout risk gene NRBP1 upregulates its expression by inhibition of TFAP2A binding
Q91576651DNA methylation age calculators reveal association with diabetic neuropathy in type 1 diabetes
Q60930921DNA methylation age is not affected in psoriatic skin tissue
Q49335498DNA methylation alterations in iPSC- and hESC-derived neurons: potential implications for neurological disease modeling.
Q113753578DNA methylation analysis of normal colon organoids from familial adenomatous polyposis patients reveals novel insight into colon cancer development
Q112305603DNA methylation analysis reveals epimutation hotspots in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy-associated laminopathies
Q112297542DNA methylation and cancer incidence: lymphatic-hematopoietic versus solid cancers in the Strong Heart Study
Q112641006DNA methylation and expression profiles of placenta and umbilical cord blood reveal the characteristics of gestational diabetes mellitus patients and offspring
Q37230787DNA methylation and gene expression of HIF3A: cross-tissue validation and associations with BMI and insulin resistance
Q35568894DNA methylation and gene expression profiles show novel regulatory pathways in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Q60911578DNA methylation and histone post-translational modification stability in post-mortem brain tissue
Q36583742DNA methylation and hormone receptor status in breast cancer
Q104793971DNA methylation and lipid metabolism: an EWAS of 226 metabolic measures
Q55425717DNA methylation and repressive H3K9 and H3K27 trimethylation in the promoter regions of PD-1, CTLA-4, TIM-3, LAG-3, TIGIT, and PD-L1 genes in human primary breast cancer.
Q56890318DNA methylation and repressive histones in the promoters of PD-1, CTLA-4, TIM-3, LAG-3, TIGIT, PD-L1, and galectin-9 genes in human colorectal cancer
Q37278863DNA methylation and smoking in Korean adults: epigenome-wide association study
Q55065056DNA methylation and socioeconomic status in a Mexican-American birth cohort.
Q56243549DNA methylation and the epigenetic clock in relation to physical frailty in older people: the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936
Q47561553DNA methylation as a predictor of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
Q91518527DNA methylation associated with postpartum depressive symptoms overlaps findings from a genome-wide association meta-analysis of depression
Q64067562DNA methylation at an enhancer of the three prime repair exonuclease 2 gene (TREX2) is linked to gene expression and survival in laryngeal cancer
Q37230932DNA methylation at birth within the promoter of ANRIL predicts markers of cardiovascular risk at 9 years
Q37642982DNA methylation at modifier genes of lung disease severity is altered in cystic fibrosis.
Q94560140DNA methylation changes during preimplantation development reveal inter-species differences and reprogramming events at imprinted genes
Q92501710DNA methylation changes in Down syndrome derived neural iPSCs uncover co-dysregulation of ZNF and HOX3 families of transcription factors
Q26781964DNA methylation changes of whole blood cells in response to active smoking exposure in adults: a systematic review of DNA methylation studies
Q64053413DNA methylation changes related to nutritional deprivation: a genome-wide analysis of population and in vitro data
Q64946355DNA methylation changes that precede onset of dysplasia in advanced sessile serrated adenomas.
Q91925999DNA methylation data by sequencing: experimental approaches and recommendations for tools and pipelines for data analysis
Q35504751DNA methylation differences between in vitro- and in vivo-conceived children are associated with ART procedures rather than infertility
Q112618869DNA methylation epi-signature is associated with two molecularly and phenotypically distinct clinical subtypes of Phelan-McDermid syndrome
Q96638478DNA methylation for cervical cancer screening: a training set in China
Q55229784DNA methylation holds prognostic information in relapsed precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Q36485741DNA methylation in a Scottish family multiply affected by bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder
Q112645952DNA methylation in cord blood in association with prenatal depressive symptoms
Q35888926DNA methylation in ductal carcinoma in situ related with future development of invasive breast cancer
Q91009873DNA methylation in repeat negative prostate biopsies as a marker of missed prostate cancer
Q92017414DNA methylation instability by BRAF-mediated TET silencing and lifestyle-exposure divides colon cancer pathways
Q58613845DNA methylation levels are associated with CRF receptor antagonist treatment outcome in women with post-traumatic stress disorder
Q35906289DNA methylation levels are highly correlated between pooled samples and averaged values when analysed using the Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip array.
Q42242127DNA methylation links genetics, fetal environment, and an unhealthy lifestyle to the development of type 2 diabetes
Q91523135DNA methylation links prenatal smoking exposure to later life health outcomes in offspring
Q96128929DNA methylation loci in placenta associated with birthweight and expression of genes relevant for early development and adult diseases
Q110659518DNA methylation mediates the association between breastfeeding and early-life growth trajectories
Q99415598DNA methylation mediates the effect of cocaine use on HIV severity
Q36898578DNA methylation mediates the effect of exposure to prenatal maternal stress on cytokine production in children at age 13½  years: Project Ice Storm
Q112614676DNA methylation mediates the effect of maternal smoking on offspring birthweight: a birth cohort study of multi-ethnic US mother-newborn pairs
Q90727897DNA methylation modules associate with incident cardiovascular disease and cumulative risk factor exposure
Q99592145DNA methylation of FKBP5 in South African women: associations with obesity and insulin resistance
Q55492886DNA methylation of imprinted genes at birth is associated with child weight status at birth, 1 year, and 3 years.
Q90872516DNA methylation of individual repetitive elements in hepatitis C virus infection-induced hepatocellular carcinoma
Q36427198DNA methylation of the IGF2/H19 imprinting control region and adiposity distribution in young adults
Q33696576DNA methylation of the allergy regulatory gene interferon gamma varies by age, sex, and tissue type in asthmatics
Q90683646DNA methylation outlier burden, health, and ageing in Generation Scotland and the Lothian Birth Cohorts of 1921 and 1936
Q112718030DNA methylation patterns at and beyond the histological margin of early-stage invasive lung adenocarcinoma radiologically manifested as pure ground-glass opacity
Q104062504DNA methylation patterns of β-globin cluster in β-thalassemia patients
Q91612716DNA methylation profiles in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients treated with chemoimmunotherapy
Q64950235DNA methylation profiling allows for characterization of atrial and ventricular cardiac tissues and hiPSC-CMs.
Q112584784DNA methylation profiling for molecular classification of adult diffuse lower-grade gliomas
Q36871793DNA methylation profiling identifies novel markers of progression in hepatitis B-related chronic liver disease
Q112577611DNA methylation profiling identifies two distinct subgroups in breast cancers with low hormone receptor expression, mainly associated with HER2 amplification status
Q33564613DNA methylation profiling in peripheral lung tissues of smokers and patients with COPD
Q35819281DNA methylation profiling of the X chromosome reveals an aberrant demethylation on CXCR3 promoter in primary biliary cirrhosis
Q35896328DNA methylation signature in peripheral blood reveals distinct characteristics of human X chromosome numerical aberrations
Q92599596DNA methylation signature is prognostic of choroid plexus tumor aggressiveness
Q92881870DNA methylation signature of human hippocampus in Alzheimer's disease is linked to neurogenesis
Q41833681DNA methylation signature of interleukin 1 receptor type II in asthma
Q112641342DNA methylation signatures associated with cardiometabolic risk factors in children from India and The Gambia: results from the EMPHASIS study
Q42013769DNA methylation signatures for 2016 WHO classification subtypes of diffuse gliomas
Q102334286DNA methylation signatures to predict the cervicovaginal microbiome status
Q35129383DNA methylation-based subtype prediction for pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Q89720786DNA methylation-driven EMT is a common mechanism of resistance to various therapeutic agents in cancer
Q28072003DNA methylation: conducting the orchestra from exposure to phenotype?
Q61797354DNA methylome profiling of all-cause mortality in comparison with age-associated methylation patterns
Q64054276DNA methylome profiling of granulosa cells reveals altered methylation in genes regulating vital ovarian functions in polycystic ovary syndrome
Q112305141DNA methylome profiling reveals epigenetic regulation of lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 in human vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque
Q90635027DNA methylome-wide alterations associated with estrogen receptor-dependent effects of bisphenols in breast cancer
Q92705261DNA methyltransferase isoforms expression in the temporal lobe of epilepsy patients with a history of febrile seizures
Q36300261DNA promoter methylation as a diagnostic and therapeutic biomarker in gallbladder cancer
Q42610015DNA-methylation in C1R is a prognostic biomarker for acute myeloid leukemia
Q36823294DNMT1 genetic polymorphisms affect breast cancer risk in the central European Caucasian population
Q91763706DNMT1 recruited by EZH2-mediated silencing of miR-484 contributes to the malignancy of cervical cancer cells through MMP14 and HNF1A
Q126670626DNMT1/miR-152-3p/SOS1 signaling axis promotes self-renewal and tumor growth of cancer stem-like cells derived from non-small cell lung cancer
Q112639277Data mining of bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing introduces OBI1-AS1 as an astrocyte marker with possible role in glioma recurrence and progression
Q93157538Deciphering DNA methylation signatures of pancreatic cancer and pancreatitis
Q37493954Decitabine impact on the endocytosis regulator RhoA, the folate carriers RFC1 and FOLR1, and the glucose transporter GLUT4 in human tumors
Q36067203Decreased efficacy of drugs targeting the vascular endothelial growth factor pathway by the epigenetic silencing of FLT1 in renal cancer cells
Q40255446Decreased expression of cell proliferation-related genes in clonally derived skin fibroblasts from children with Silver-Russell syndrome is independent of the degree of 11p15 ICR1 hypomethylation
Q92788241Deficiency and haploinsufficiency of histone macroH2A1.1 in mice recapitulate hematopoietic defects of human myelodysplastic syndrome
Q42874794Defining the criteria for identifying constitutional epimutations
Q36116491Delivery type not associated with global methylation at birth
Q61447666Demethylation by low-dose 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine impairs 3D melanoma invasion partially through miR-199a-3p expression revealing the role of this miR in melanoma
Q90872583Detecting multiple differentially methylated CpG sites and regions related to dimensional psychopathology in youths
Q36758695Detection and monitoring of hypermethylated RASSF1A in serum from patients with metastatic breast cancer
Q35987088Detection of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Morocco (North Africa) using a multiplex methylation-specific PCR biomarker assay
Q36596027Development of 5' LTR DNA methylation of latent HIV-1 provirus in cell line models and in long-term-infected individuals
Q119905891Development of a prognostic risk model for clear cell renal cell carcinoma by systematic evaluation of DNA methylation markers
Q112594153Developmental cannabidiol exposure increases anxiety and modifies genome-wide brain DNA methylation in adult female mice
Q33590312Developmental genes targeted for epigenetic variation between twin-twin transfusion syndrome children
Q103794784Developmental programming in human umbilical cord vein endothelial cells following fetal growth restriction
Q41691573Diabetes medication associates with DNA methylation of metformin transporter genes in the human liver
Q36639217Diagnostic and prognostic value of SHOX2 and SEPT9 DNA methylation and cytology in benign, paramalignant, and malignant ascites
Q90635180Dietary intakes and biomarker patterns of folate, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 can be associated with cognitive impairment by hypermethylation of redox-related genes NUDT15 and TXNRD1
Q28257534Dietary phytochemicals, HDAC inhibition, and DNA damage/repair defects in cancer cells
Q39456975Differences in DNA methylation profile of Th1 and Th2 cytokine genes are associated with tolerance acquisition in children with IgE-mediated cow's milk allergy
Q64099717Differences in expression rather than methylation at placenta-specific imprinted loci is associated with intrauterine growth restriction
Q37559432Differences in smoking associated DNA methylation patterns in South Asians and Europeans
Q26768471Different definitions of CpG island methylator phenotype and outcomes of colorectal cancer: a systematic review
Q112618626Different methylation signatures at diagnosis in patients with high-risk myelodysplastic syndromes and secondary acute myeloid leukemia predict azacitidine response and longer survival
Q35831602Different prognostic effect of CpG island methylation according to sex in colorectal cancer patients treated with adjuvant FOLFOX.
Q91704791Differential CpG DNA methylation in peripheral naïve CD4+ T-cells in early rheumatoid arthritis patients
Q112718595Differential DNA methylation and changing cell-type proportions as fibrotic stage progresses in NAFLD
Q119905865Differential DNA methylation by early versus late parenteral nutrition in the PICU: a biological basis for its impact on emotional and behavioral problems documented 4 years later
Q35337252Differential DNA methylation of genes involved in fibrosis progression in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and alcoholic liver disease.
Q33560247Differential adipokine DNA methylation and gene expression in subcutaneous adipose tissue from adult offspring of women with diabetes in pregnancy
Q36002493Differential effects of nutritional folic acid deficiency and moderate hyperhomocysteinemia on aortic plaque formation and genome-wide DNA methylation in vascular tissue from ApoE-/- mice
Q112613713Differential methylation EPIC analysis discloses cisplatin-resistance related hypermethylation and tumor-specific heterogeneity within matched primary and metastatic testicular germ cell tumor patient tissue samples
Q33916710Differential methylation at MHC in CD4+ T cells is associated with multiple sclerosis independently of HLA-DRB1
Q59326903Differential open chromatin profile and transcriptomic signature define depot-specific human subcutaneous preadipocytes: primary outcomes
Q36808609Differential placental methylation and expression of VEGF, FLT-1 and KDR genes in human term and preterm preeclampsia.
Q112641354Differentially methylated CpGs in response to growth hormone administration in children with idiopathic short stature
Q90042431Differentially methylated loci in NAFLD cirrhosis are associated with key signaling pathways
Q55332434Differentially methylated regions in T cells identify kidney transplant patients at risk for de novo skin cancer.
Q28833594Disagreement between two common biomarkers of global DNA methylation
Q37390809Discovery and replication of a peripheral tissue DNA methylation biosignature to augment a suicide prediction model
Q64067040Discovery and validation of DNA methylation markers for overall survival prognosis in patients with thymic epithelial tumors
Q36668105Discovery of new methylation markers to improve screening for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2/3.
Q112613416Disease-associated DNA methylation signatures in esophageal biopsies of children diagnosed with Eosinophilic Esophagitis
Q45769821Disruption of DNA methylation via S-adenosylhomocysteine is a key process in high incidence liver carcinogenesis
Q91612423Dissecting the role of novel EZH2 inhibitors in primary glioblastoma cell cultures: effects on proliferation, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, migration, and on the pro-inflammatory phenotype
Q33781285Distinct DNA methylation profiles in subtypes of orofacial cleft.
Q91910602Distinct DNA methylation targets by aging and chronic inflammation: a pilot study using gastric mucosa infected with Helicobacter pylori
Q60943043Distinct promoter methylation profile reveals spatial epigenetic heterogeneity in 2 myeloma patients with multifocal extramedullary relapses
Q91284172Diuron exposure and Akt overexpression promote glioma formation through DNA hypomethylation
Q109233440Does the epigenetic clock GrimAge predict mortality independent of genetic influences: an 18 year follow-up study in older female twin pairs
Q42397965Donor age and C1orf132/MIR29B2C determine age-related methylation signature of blood after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Q42362971Down-regulation of MBD4 contributes to hypomethylation and overexpression of CD70 in CD4+ T cells in systemic lupus erythematosus
Q91910894Drug screening approach combines epigenetic sensitization with immunochemotherapy in cancer
Q42577888Dual EZH2 and EHMT2 histone methyltransferase inhibition increases biological efficacy in breast cancer cells
Q92977567Duration of breastfeeding is associated with leptin (LEP) DNA methylation profiles and BMI in 10-year-old children
Q102334284Dynamic changes in chromatin accessibility, altered adipogenic gene expression, and total versus de novo fatty acid synthesis in subcutaneous adipose stem cells of normal-weight polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) women during adipogenesis: evidence of
Q38785982Dynamic interplay between locus-specific DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation regulates distinct biological pathways in prostate carcinogenesis.
Q55009819Dynamics of DNMT3A mutation and prognostic relevance in patients with primary myelodysplastic syndrome.
Q92405306Dysfunctional epigenetic aging of the normal colon and colorectal cancer risk
Q58797571Dysregulation and prognostic potential of 5-methylcytosine (5mC), 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC), 5-formylcytosine (5fC), and 5-carboxylcytosine (5caC) levels in prostate cancer
Q94450982Dysregulation of 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases by hyperglycaemia: does this link diabetes and vascular disease?
Q64086196Early detection of colorectal cancer based on presence of methylated syndecan-2 (SDC2) in stool DNA
Q91612442Early detection of the major male cancer types in blood-based liquid biopsies using a DNA methylation panel
Q91523236Early-life determinants of hypoxia-inducible factor 3A gene (HIF3A) methylation: a birth cohort study
Q92639002Early-life exposure to severe famine is associated with higher methylation level in the IGF2 gene and higher total cholesterol in late adulthood: the Genomic Research of the Chinese Famine (GRECF) study
Q42377387Effect of a diet containing folate and hazelnut oil capsule on the methylation level of the ADRB3 gene, lipid profile and oxidative stress in overweight or obese women
Q40476646Effect of personal exposure to black carbon on changes in allergic asthma gene methylation measured 5 days later in urban children: importance of allergic sensitization.
Q37394737Effect of prenatal DHA supplementation on the infant epigenome: results from a randomized controlled trial.
Q96128804Effect of short-term prescription opioids on DNA methylation of the OPRM1 promoter
Q91695853Effect of tobacco smoking on the epigenetic age of human respiratory organs
Q64975280Effects of novel HDAC inhibitors on urothelial carcinoma cells.
Q35583931Effects of phthalate exposure on asthma may be mediated through alterations in DNA methylation
Q41625850Efficacy of EZH2 inhibitory drugs in human papillomavirus-positive and human papillomavirus-negative oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas.
Q61447670Elevated H3K27me3 levels sensitize osteosarcoma to cisplatin
Q92405274Elevated HDAC activity and altered histone phospho-acetylation confer acquired radio-resistant phenotype to breast cancer cells
Q64113810Emerging roles of H3K9me3, SETDB1 and SETDB2 in therapy-induced cellular reprogramming
Q49735688Endurance training remodels sperm-borne small RNA expression and methylation at neurological gene hotspots.
Q26827830Environmental chemicals and DNA methylation in adults: a systematic review of the epidemiologic evidence
Q42132800Enzymatic cleavage of histone H3: a new consideration when measuring histone modifications in human samples
Q38749824Epi-drugs in combination with immunotherapy: a new avenue to improve anticancer efficacy
Q26781095Epidemiologic evidence for association between adverse environmental exposures in early life and epigenetic variation: a potential link to disease susceptibility?
Q35670658Epigenetic (de)regulation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis: implications for depression
Q36001930Epigenetic abnormalities in myeloproliferative neoplasms: a target for novel therapeutic strategies
Q35835175Epigenetic activities of flavonoids in the prevention and treatment of cancer
Q112642721Epigenetic adaptations of the masticatory mucosa to periodontal inflammation
Q91294175Epigenetic age acceleration and metabolic syndrome in the coronary artery risk development in young adults study
Q89635650Epigenetic age acceleration of cervical squamous cell carcinoma converged to human papillomavirus 16/18 expression, immunoactivation, and favourable prognosis
Q36965590Epigenetic age acceleration predicts cancer, cardiovascular, and all-cause mortality in a German case cohort
Q98230251Epigenetic age and pregnancy outcomes: GrimAge acceleration is associated with shorter gestational length and lower birthweight
Q54994230Epigenetic aging of human hematopoietic cells is not accelerated upon transplantation into mice.
Q101450774Epigenetic alterations and advancement of treatment in peripheral T-cell lymphoma
Q36292889Epigenetic alterations following early postnatal stress: a review on novel aetiological mechanisms of common psychiatric disorders
Q36412445Epigenetic alterations in preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions of the cervix
Q42868154Epigenetic analyses in blood cells of men suspected of prostate cancer predict the outcome of biopsy better than serum PSA levels
Q33714989Epigenetic analyses of the insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 gene in type 1 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy
Q99615861Epigenetic approach in obesity: DNA methylation in a prepubertal population which underwent a lifestyle modification
Q41856433Epigenetic approaches in stem cell transplantation
Q30358152Epigenetic assays for chemical biology and drug discovery.
Q26771428Epigenetic associations in relation to cardiovascular prevention and therapeutics
Q36513963Epigenetic associations of type 2 diabetes and BMI in an Arab population
Q61805910Epigenetic biomarker screening by FLIM-FRET for combination therapy in ER+ breast cancer
Q33604527Epigenetic changes in blood leukocytes following an omega-3 fatty acid supplementation
Q41712679Epigenetic clocks for gestational age: statistical and study design considerations.
Q26781191Epigenetic control of HIV-1 post integration latency: implications for therapy
Q90669604Epigenetic down-regulation of the HIST1 locus predicts better prognosis in acute myeloid leukemia with NPM1 mutation
Q42769542Epigenetic drugs: from chemistry via biology to medicine and back
Q41601858Epigenetic dysregulation of secreted frizzled-related proteins in myeloproliferative neoplasms complements the JAK2V617F-mutation
Q112586441Epigenetic evidence of an Ac/Dc axis by VPA and SAHA
Q41978064Epigenetic features of FoxP3 in children with cow's milk allergy
Q64243405Epigenetic findings in periodontitis in UK twins: a cross-sectional study
Q55430076Epigenetic gestational age acceleration: a prospective cohort study investigating associations with familial, sociodemographic and birth characteristics.
Q92017424Epigenetic gestational age and trajectories of weight and height during childhood: a prospective cohort study
Q64259861Epigenetic impacts of maternal tobacco and e-vapour exposure on the offspring lung
Q36340911Epigenetic inactivation of the extracellular matrix metallopeptidase ADAMTS19 gene and the metastatic spread in colorectal cancer.
Q36001875Epigenetic management of major psychosis
Q98183244Epigenetic measures of ageing predict the prevalence and incidence of leading causes of death and disease burden
Q35210734Epigenetic mechanisms and genome stability.
Q33858861Epigenetic mechanisms during ageing and neurogenesis as novel therapeutic avenues in human brain disorders.
Q36001887Epigenetic mechanisms in virus-induced tumorigenesis
Q35645997Epigenetic mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction in type 2 diabetes
Q102993800Epigenetic modification mechanisms involved in keloid: current status and prospect
Q55398948Epigenetic modifications in KDM lysine demethylases associate with survival of early-stage NSCLC.
Q47168542Epigenetic modifications of the VGF gene in human non-small cell lung cancer tissues pave the way towards enhanced expression
Q38684032Epigenetic modifications of the immune-checkpoint genes CTLA4 and PDCD1 in non-small cell lung cancer results in increased expression
Q45769601Epigenetic modulation of distal regulatory elements in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC).
Q28071912Epigenetic modulators as therapeutic targets in prostate cancer
Q131604878Epigenetic patterns, accelerated biological aging, and enhanced epigenetic drift detected 6 months following COVID-19 infection: insights from a genome-wide DNA methylation study
Q28067666Epigenetic polypharmacology: from combination therapy to multitargeted drugs
Q93160603Epigenetic prediction of complex traits and mortality in a cohort of individuals with oropharyngeal cancer
Q90242324Epigenetic predictors of all-cause mortality are associated with objective measures of neighborhood disadvantage in an urban population
Q102140254Epigenetic profiling of Italian patients identified methylation sites associated with hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis
Q44877361Epigenetic regulation of AXL and risk of childhood asthma symptoms
Q50022535Epigenetic regulation of HIV-1 latency: focus on polycomb group (PcG) proteins
Q58713511Epigenetic regulation of ID4 in breast cancer: tumor suppressor or oncogene?
Q58763204Epigenetic regulation of MAGE family in human cancer progression-DNA methylation, histone modification, and non-coding RNAs
Q41810264Epigenetic regulation of S100 protein expression
Q41594898Epigenetic regulation of inflammation in localized aggressive periodontitis
Q103795009Epigenetic regulation of inflammation in periodontitis: cellular mechanisms and therapeutic potential
Q36001870Epigenetic regulation of mucin genes in human cancers
Q53839626Epigenetic regulation of placental gene expression in transcriptional subtypes of preeclampsia
Q36001910Epigenetic regulation of prostate cancer
Q35604314Epigenetic reprogramming of melanoma cells by vitamin C treatment
Q33965374Epigenetic response in mice mastitis: Role of histone H3 acetylation and microRNA(s) in the regulation of host inflammatory gene expression during Staphylococcus aureus infection
Q41524206Epigenetic response of imprinted domains during carcinogenesis
Q39367982Epigenetic signature of Gleason score and prostate cancer recurrence after radical prostatectomy
Q55513060Epigenetic signature of preterm birth in adult twins.
Q37724225Epigenetic signatures of gestational diabetes mellitus on cord blood methylation.
Q96584233Epigenetic silencing of AATK in acinar to ductal metaplasia in murine model of pancreatic cancer
Q89635701Epigenetic silencing of IGFBPL1 promotes esophageal cancer growth by activating PI3K-AKT signaling
Q90880770Epigenetic silencing of MEIS2 in prostate cancer recurrence
Q33791902Epigenetic silencing of SALL3 is an independent predictor of poor survival in head and neck cancer
Q58606234Epigenetic silencing of TMEM176A activates ERK signaling in human hepatocellular carcinoma
Q64063565Epigenetic silencing of miR-340-5p in multiple myeloma: mechanisms and prognostic impact
Q100736019Epigenetic silencing of miR-342-3p in B cell lymphoma and its impact on autophagy
Q91695747Epigenetic silencing of the ANKRD26 gene correlates to the pro-inflammatory profile and increased cardio-metabolic risk factors in human obesity
Q39137683Epigenetic strategies to reverse drug resistance in heterogeneous multiple myeloma
Q99361177Epigenetic stratification of head and neck cancer survivors reveals differences in lycopene levels, alcohol consumption, and methylation of immune regulatory genes
Q60045422Epigenetic suppression of E-cadherin expression by Snail2 during the metastasis of colorectal cancer
Q36053915Epigenetic synergy between decitabine and platinum derivatives
Q90569909Epigenetic synthetic lethality approaches in cancer therapy
Q34508252Epigenetic targets of bioactive dietary components for cancer prevention and therapy
Q45770329Epigenetic therapies: novel strategies for improving outcomes in myeloid malignancies
Q61448020Epigenetic therapy for ovarian cancer: promise and progress
Q34326174Epigenetic therapy of acute myeloid leukemia using 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (decitabine) in combination with inhibitors of histone methylation and deacetylation
Q91695780Epigenetic therapy of novel tumour suppressor ZAR1 and its cancer biomarker function
Q26773803Epigenetic treatment of solid tumours: a review of clinical trials
Q35833875Epigenetic understanding of gene-environment interactions in psychiatric disorders: a new concept of clinical genetics
Q26777239Epigenetics and male reproduction: the consequences of paternal lifestyle on fertility, embryo development, and children lifetime health
Q38019160Epigenetics and the power of art
Q54970317Epigenetics in Turner syndrome.
Q64053420Epigenetics in cancer therapy and nanomedicine
Q112645281Epigenetics of early-life adversity in youth: cross-sectional and longitudinal associations
Q35881186Epigenetics override pro-inflammatory PTGS transcriptomic signature towards selective hyperactivation of PGE2 in colorectal cancer
Q42281204Epigenome alterations in aortic valve stenosis and its related left ventricular hypertrophy
Q96683350Epigenome-wide DNA methylation analysis of small cell lung cancer cell lines suggests potential chemotherapy targets
Q52564585Epigenome-wide DNA methylation profiling of periprostatic adipose tissue in prostate cancer patients with excess adiposity-a pilot study.
Q98648867Epigenome-wide DNA methylation profiling of preeclamptic placenta according to severe features
Q58793474Epigenome-wide DNA methylation regulates cardinal pathological features of psoriasis
Q52684184Epigenome-wide analysis in newborn blood spots from monozygotic twins discordant for cerebral palsy reveals consistent regional differences in DNA methylation.
Q35914884Epigenome-wide and transcriptome-wide analyses reveal gestational diabetes is associated with alterations in the human leukocyte antigen complex
Q31149307Epigenome-wide association data implicates DNA methylation-mediated genetic risk in psoriasis.
Q33691392Epigenome-wide association of myocardial infarction with DNA methylation sites at loci related to cardiovascular disease
Q112642061Epigenome-wide association studies: current knowledge, strategies and recommendations
Q37631057Epigenome-wide association study (EWAS) on lipids: the Rotterdam Study
Q64078095Epigenome-wide association study for lifetime estrogen exposure identifies an epigenetic signature associated with breast cancer risk
Q96170253Epigenome-wide association study in healthy individuals identifies significant associations with DNA methylation and PBMC extract VEGF-A concentration
Q100697097Epigenome-wide association study of Alzheimer's disease replicates 22 differentially methylated positions and 30 differentially methylated regions
Q37609629Epigenome-wide association study of DNA methylation in panic disorder
Q42377365Epigenome-wide association study of asthma and wheeze in childhood and adolescence
Q112296472Epigenome-wide association study of level and change in cognitive abilities from midlife through late life
Q111854422Epigenome-wide association study of lung function in Latino children and youth with asthma
Q53693603Epigenome-wide association study of metabolic syndrome in African-American adults
Q92501658Epigenome-wide association study of seizures in childhood and adolescence
Q60920445Epigenome-wide association study of serum cotinine in current smokers reveals novel genetically driven loci
Q52310283Epigenome-wide association study of total serum immunoglobulin E in children: a life course approach
Q112646179Epigenome-wide association study of whole blood gene expression in Framingham Heart Study participants provides molecular insight into the potential role of CHRNA5 in cigarette smoking-related lung diseases
Q35914867Epigenome-wide association study reveals decreased average methylation levels years before breast cancer diagnosis
Q91695736Epigenome-wide base-resolution profiling of DNA methylation in chorionic villi of fetuses with Down syndrome by methyl-capture sequencing
Q113753585Epigenome-wide contributions to individual differences in childhood phenotypes: a GREML approach
Q37679193Epigenome-wide discovery and evaluation of leukocyte DNA methylation markers for the detection of colorectal cancer in a screening setting
Q91651573Epigenomic dysregulation-mediated alterations of key biological pathways and tumor immune evasion are hallmarks of gingivo-buccal oral cancer
Q59339939Epigenomic profiling of archived FFPE tissues by enhanced PAT-ChIP (EPAT-ChIP) technology
Q27323950Epigenomic profiling of prostate cancer identifies differentially methylated genes in TMPRSS2:ERG fusion-positive versus fusion-negative tumors
Q41825130Epimutation profiling in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome: relationship with assisted reproductive technology
Q112702350Epimutations in both the TESK2 and MMACHC promoters in the Epi-cblC inherited disorder of intracellular metabolism of vitamin B12
Q102140309Epimutations in human sperm from patients with impaired spermatogenesis
Q42315983Erratum to: "Monoallelic germline methylation and sequence variant in the promoter of the RB1 gene: a possible constitutive epimutation in hereditary retinoblastoma".
Q42868160Erratum to: A multi-method approach to the molecular diagnosis of overt and borderline 11p15.5 defects underlying Silver-Russell and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndromes.
Q37423940Erratum to: Donor age and C1orf132/MIR29B2C determine age-related methylation signature of blood after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Q42318889Erratum to: Global DNA methylation patterns in Barrett's esophagus, dysplastic Barrett's, and esophageal adenocarcinoma are associated with BMI, gender, and tobacco use.
Q42663161Erratum to: Imprinting disorders: a group of congenital disorders with overlapping patterns of molecular changes affecting imprinted loci.
Q42338235Erratum to: LINE-1 is preferentially hypomethylated within adenomatous polyps in the presence of synchronous colorectal cancer
Q42381023Erratum to: MSRE-HTPrimer: a high-throughput and genome-wide primer design pipeline optimized for epigenetic research
Q42649791Erratum to: The integrative epigenomic-transcriptomic landscape of ER positive breast cancer
Q89599916Essential concepts are missing: Foreign DNA in food invades the organisms' cells and can lead to stochastic epigenetic alterations with a wide range of possible pathogenetic consequences
Q58725356Establishing a stable, repeatable platform for measuring changes in sperm DNA methylation
Q26749004Establishing an analytic pipeline for genome-wide DNA methylation
Q112612987Estimands in epigenome-wide association studies
Q90275322Estimating breast tissue-specific DNA methylation age using next-generation sequencing data
Q37280536Evaluation of IGFBP-7 DNA methylation changes and serum protein variation in Swedish subjects with and without type 2 diabetes
Q92126996Evaluation of a methylation classifier for predicting pre-cancer lesion among women with abnormal results between HPV16/18 and cytology
Q99361149Evidence for germline non-genetic inheritance of human phenotypes and diseases
Q41959238Evidence for transcript-specific epigenetic regulation of glucocorticoid-stimulated skeletal muscle 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-1 activity in type 2 diabetes
Q30418119Evolutional and clinical implications of the epigenetic regulation of protein glycosylation.
Q36003669Exploration of hydroxymethylation in Kagami-Ogata syndrome caused by hypermethylation of imprinting control regions.
Q64110972Exploring targets of TET2-mediated methylation reprogramming as potential discriminators of prostate cancer progression
Q61799903Exploring the effect of antenatal depression treatment on children's epigenetic profiles: findings from a pilot randomized controlled trial
Q64086782Exploring the unique function of imprinting control centers in the PWS/AS-responsible region: finding from array-based methylation analysis in cases with variously sized microdeletions
Q36001906Exposure and fetal growth-associated miRNA alterations in the human placenta
Q48275879Exposure to NO2, CO, and PM2.5 is linked to regional DNA methylation differences in asthma.
Q36625572Expression of epigenetic machinery genes is sensitive to maternal obesity and weight loss in relation to fetal growth in mice
Q34631368Expression profiling of DNA methylation-mediated epigenetic gene-silencing factors in breast cancer
Q49956170Expression profiling of chromatin-modifying enzymes and global DNA methylation in CD4+ T cells from patients with chronic HIV infection at different HIV control and progression states.
Q58696698FADS1-FADS2 genetic polymorphisms are associated with fatty acid metabolism through changes in DNA methylation and gene expression
Q45770180FGF signalling inhibition in ESCs drives rapid genome-wide demethylation to the epigenetic ground state of pluripotency.
Q112713492Father-to-offspring transmission of extremely long NOTCH2NLC repeat expansions with contractions: genetic and epigenetic profiling with long-read sequencing
Q47132498Feasibility of quantifying SDC2 methylation in stool DNA for early detection of colorectal cancer.
Q98301198Fecal DNA methylation markers for detecting stages of colorectal cancer and its precursors: a systematic review
Q55260698Fetal growth is associated with the CpG methylation of the P2 promoter of the IGF1 gene.
Q112636970Folic acid intervention during pregnancy alters DNA methylation, affecting neural target genes through two distinct mechanisms
Q28388049Frailty is associated with the epigenetic clock but not with telomere length in a German cohort
Q92476184Frameshift mutations at the C-terminus of HIST1H1E result in a specific DNA hypomethylation signature
Q94560044Frequency of KCNQ1 variants causing loss of methylation of Imprinting Centre 2 in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
Q35314161From inflammaging to healthy aging by dietary lifestyle choices: is epigenetics the key to personalized nutrition?
Q91933143Functional DNA methylation signatures for autism spectrum disorder genomic risk loci: 16p11.2 deletions and CHD8 variants
Q64054393Functional roles of lncRNAs and its potential mechanisms in neuropathic pain
Q96584156G9a regulates tumorigenicity and stemness through genome-wide DNA methylation reprogramming in non-small cell lung cancer
Q52571296GLI2 promoter hypermethylation in saliva of children with a respiratory allergy.
Q112639938Gender-affirming hormone therapy induces specific DNA methylation changes in blood
Q98648849Gene co-expression and histone modification signatures are associated with melanoma progression, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, and metastasis
Q64083696Gene domain-specific DNA methylation episignatures highlight distinct molecular entities of ADNP syndrome
Q97546778Gene-methylation interactions: discovering region-wise DNA methylation levels that modify SNP-associated disease risk
Q36402149Gene-specific DNA methylation profiles and LINE-1 hypomethylation are associated with myocardial infarction risk
Q100943997Genetic and environmental causes of variation in epigenetic aging across the lifespan
Q35881121Genetic and epigenetic alterations of netrin-1 receptors in gastric cancer with chromosomal instability
Q26741878Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms in the development of arteriovenous malformations in the brain
Q33692047Genetic heterogeneity of patients with suspected Silver-Russell syndrome: genome-wide copy number analysis in 82 patients without imprinting defects.
Q64092405Genetic regulation of methylation in human endometrium and blood and gene targets for reproductive diseases
Q91236275Genetic variation affecting DNA methylation and the human imprinting disorder, Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
Q112298976Genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors controlling oxytocin receptor gene expression
Q112718807Genome wide DNA methylation analysis of alveolar capillary dysplasia lung tissue reveals aberrant methylation of genes involved in development including the FOXF1 locus
Q36485619Genome- and epigenome-wide association study of hypertriglyceridemic waist in Mexican American families
Q36507406Genome-scale case-control analysis of CD4+ T-cell DNA methylation in juvenile idiopathic arthritis reveals potential targets involved in disease.
Q35212170Genome-scale hypomethylation in the cord blood DNAs associated with early onset preeclampsia
Q37101724Genome-scale methylation assessment did not identify prognostic biomarkers in oral tongue carcinomas
Q41571756Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis in blood cells from patients with Werner syndrome
Q115022734Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis of extreme phenotypes in the identification of novel epigenetic modifications in diabetic retinopathy
Q36507925Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis of pseudohypoparathyroidism patients with GNAS imprinting defects.
Q35166554Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis reveals estrogen-mediated epigenetic repression of metallothionein-1 gene cluster in breast cancer
Q33634707Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis reveals loci that distinguish different types of adipose tissue in obese individuals
Q64086776Genome-wide DNA methylation and long-term ambient air pollution exposure in Korean adults
Q37624648Genome-wide DNA methylation profile identified a unique set of differentially methylated immune genes in oral squamous cell carcinoma patients in India
Q92126929Genome-wide DNA methylation profiles of low- and high-grade adenoma reveals potential biomarkers for early detection of colorectal carcinoma
Q33742748Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling integrated with gene expression profiling identifies PAX9 as a novel prognostic marker in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Q112617605Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling is able to identify prefibrotic PMF cases at risk for progression to myelofibrosis
Q36255464Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling of CD8+ T cells shows a distinct epigenetic signature to CD4+ T cells in multiple sclerosis patients
Q59789698Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling shows a distinct epigenetic signature associated with lung macrophages in cystic fibrosis
Q37126083Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling with MeDIP-seq using archived dried blood spots
Q36680459Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation and gene expression defines molecular characteristics of Crohn's disease-associated fibrosis
Q96128501Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation identifies S100A13 as an epigenetic biomarker in individuals with chronic (≥ 30 years) type 2 diabetes without diabetic retinopathy
Q112297113Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation in Hirschsprung enteric precursor cells: unraveling the epigenetic landscape of enteric nervous system development
Q55035135Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation in bronchial washings.
Q90115242Genome-wide analysis of constitutional DNA methylation in familial melanoma
Q92128792Genome-wide assessment of DNA methylation in mouse oocytes reveals effects associated with in vitro growth, superovulation, and sexual maturity
Q35368842Genome-wide blood DNA methylation alterations at regulatory elements and heterochromatic regions in monozygotic twins discordant for obesity and liver fat.
Q28080102Genome-wide epigenomic profiling for biomarker discovery
Q100943957Genome-wide methylation analysis in Silver-Russell syndrome, Temple syndrome, and Prader-Willi syndrome
Q112641873Genome-wide methylation and expression analyses reveal the epigenetic landscape of immune-related diseases for tobacco smoking
Q35532064Genome-wide methylation and transcriptome analysis in penile carcinoma: uncovering new molecular markers.
Q98230039Genome-wide methylation patterns predict clinical benefit of immunotherapy in lung cancer
Q64119959Genome-wide methylation profiling identified novel differentially hypermethylated biomarker MPPED2 in colorectal cancer
Q64064680Genome-wide methylation profiling of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome patients without molecular confirmation after routine diagnostics
Q35339140Genome-wide methylation profiling of the different stages of hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma development in plasma cell-free DNA reveals potential biomarkers for early detection and high-risk monitoring of hepatocellular carcinoma
Q90319801Genome-wide methylomic analysis in individuals with HNF1B intragenic mutation and 17q12 microdeletion
Q41247116Genome-wide microRNA expression profiling in placentae from frozen-thawed blastocyst transfer
Q37024319Genome-wide placental DNA methylation analysis of severely growth-discordant monochorionic twins reveals novel epigenetic targets for intrauterine growth restriction
Q98393812Genome-wide profiling of DNA methylation and gene expression identifies candidate genes for human diabetic neuropathy
Q112640917Genome-wide promoter methylation profiling in a cellular model of melanoma progression reveals markers of malignancy and metastasis that predict melanoma survival
Q112611695Genome‑wide profiling of DNA methylation and gene expression unravel the epigenetic landscape in diabetes-related hypothyroidism
Q49271010Genomic 5-mC contents in peripheral blood leukocytes were independent protective factors for coronary artery disease with a specific profile in different leukocyte subtypes
Q45769828Genomic analysis reveals epigenetic ‘addiction’ underpinning follicular lymphoma and its transformation – a rationale for targeted epigenetic therapies
Q92086744Genomic and epigenomic predictors of response to guadecitabine in relapsed/refractory acute myelogenous leukemia
Q35900013Global DNA methylation changes and differential gene expression in Anaplasma phagocytophilum-infected human neutrophils
Q55237213Global DNA methylation changes spanning puberty are near predicted estrogen-responsive genes and enriched for genes involved in endocrine and immune processes.
Q37628615Global DNA methylation levels are altered by modifiable clinical manipulations in assisted reproductive technologies
Q30826635Global DNA methylation patterns in Barrett's esophagus, dysplastic Barrett's, and esophageal adenocarcinoma are associated with BMI, gender, and tobacco use.
Q37336849Global DNA methylation profiling reveals new insights into epigenetically deregulated protein coding and long noncoding RNAs in CLL.
Q35986721Global analysis of DNA methylation in hepatocellular carcinoma by a liquid hybridization capture-based bisulfite sequencing approach.
Q37154017Global differences in specific histone H3 methylation are associated with overweight and type 2 diabetes.
Q36749346Global histone modification profiling reveals the epigenomic dynamics during malignant transformation in a four-stage breast cancer model
Q112619573Global hypermethylation of intestinal epithelial cells is a hallmark feature of neonatal surgical necrotizing enterocolitis
Q30886453Globalization, climate change, and transgenerational epigenetic inheritance: will our descendants be at risk?
Q55312785H19 overexpression promotes leukemogenesis and predicts unfavorable prognosis in acute myeloid leukemia.
Q36001923H2AX phosphorylation at the sites of DNA double-strand breaks in cultivated mammalian cells and tissues
Q55444185H3K27 acetylation and gene expression analysis reveals differences in placental chromatin activity in fetal growth restriction.
Q97568369H3K27ac acetylome signatures reveal the epigenomic reorganization in remodeled non-failing human hearts
Q89635706H3K27me3 and EZH2 expression in melanoma: relevance for melanoma progression and response to immune checkpoint blockade
Q36529956H3K4 tri-methylation breadth at transcription start sites impacts the transcriptome of systemic lupus erythematosus
Q59789255HDAC is indispensable for IFN-γ-induced B7-H1 expression in gastric cancer
Q58747047HDAC4 in ischemic stroke: mechanisms and therapeutic potential
Q112709916HDAC8 suppresses the epithelial phenotype and promotes EMT in chemotherapy-treated basal-like breast cancer
Q96354370Harnessing peripheral DNA methylation differences in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) to reveal novel biomarkers of disease
Q36024968High cortisol in 5-year-old children causes loss of DNA methylation in SINE retrotransposons: a possible role for ZNF263 in stress-related diseases.
Q42539779High levels of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) is an adverse predictor of biochemical recurrence after prostatectomy in ERG-negative prostate cancer
Q41111394High levels of circulating folate concentrations are associated with DNA methylation of tumor suppressor and repair genes p16, MLH1, and MGMT in elderly Chileans
Q102208866High-fat diet-induced and genetically inherited obesity differentially alters DNA methylation profile in the germline of adult male rats
Q34254966High-frequency aberrantly methylated targets in pancreatic adenocarcinoma identified via global DNA methylation analysis using methylCap-seq.
Q104470652High-resolution analyses of human sperm dynamic methylome reveal thousands of novel age-related epigenetic alterations
Q92962893High-resolution analysis of germ cells from men with sex chromosomal aneuploidies reveals normal transcriptome but impaired imprinting
Q112722646High-resolution targeted bisulfite sequencing reveals blood cell type-specific DNA methylation patterns in IL13 and ORMDL3
Q34073400High-throughput DNA analysis shows the importance of methylation in the control of immune inflammatory gene transcription in chronic periodontitis.
Q97522680Highly accurate skin-specific methylome analysis algorithm as a platform to screen and validate therapeutics for healthy aging
Q91518521Highly sensitive MLH1 methylation analysis in blood identifies a cancer patient with low-level mosaic MLH1 epimutation
Q112289315Histone H3 lysine 27 acetylation profile undergoes two global shifts in undernourished children and suggests altered one-carbon metabolism
Q36457519Histone acetylation and histone acetyltransferases show significant alterations in human abdominal aortic aneurysm
Q26778780Histone acetylation: novel target for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Q26745642Histone acetyltransferases: challenges in targeting bi-substrate enzymes
Q41466279Histone code and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) aberrations in lung cancer: implications in the therapy response.
Q45769432Histone deacetylase (HDAC) 1 and 2 are essential for normal T cell development and genomic stability in mice.
Q34488424Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors in recent clinical trials for cancer therapy.
Q94918287Histone deacetylase 9 promoter hypomethylation associated with adipocyte dysfunction is a statin-related metabolic effect
Q24633763Histone deacetylase inhibition in the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia: the effects of valproic acid on leukemic cells, and the clinical and experimental evidence for combining valproic acid with other antileukemic agents
Q61446856Histone deacetylase inhibitors exert anti-tumor effects on human adherent and stem-like glioma cells
Q33781317Histone deacetylase inhibitors potentiate photodynamic therapy in colon cancer cells marked by chromatin-mediated epigenetic regulation of CDKN1A.
Q42182612Histone deacetylase inhibitors: a new and promising drug class for the treatment of arthritis?
Q36001847Histone deacetylase inhibitors: clinical implications for hematological malignancies
Q38019133Histone deacetylases in viral infections
Q58793639Histone demethylase JARID1B/KDM5B promotes aggressiveness of non-small cell lung cancer and serves as a good prognostic predictor
Q89763792Histone methylation and vascular biology
Q92348528Histone methyltransferase SMYD2: ubiquitous regulator of disease
Q91494230Histone methyltransferases EHMT1 and EHMT2 (GLP/G9A) maintain PARP inhibitor resistance in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma
Q41394362Histone modification signature at myeloperoxidase and proteinase 3 in patients with anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody-associated vasculitis
Q36668028Hsa-miR-375 is a predictor of local control in early stage breast cancer
Q61797352Hsa_circRNA_0054633 is highly expressed in gestational diabetes mellitus and closely related to glycosylation index
Q64112884Hyperglycemia affects global 5-methylcytosine and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in blood genomic DNA through upregulation of SIRT6 and TETs
Q94596280Hypermethylation and decreased expression of TMEM240 are potential early-onset biomarkers for colorectal cancer detection, poor prognosis, and early recurrence prediction
Q91009931Hypermethylation of mismatch repair gene hMSH2 associates with platinum-resistant disease in epithelial ovarian cancer
Q35016196Hypermethylation of the TGF-β target, ABCA1 is associated with poor prognosis in ovarian cancer patients
Q34544210Hypomethylation and overexpression of ITGAL (CD11a) in CD4(+) T cells in systemic sclerosis
Q36895666Hypomethylation of FAM63B in bipolar disorder patients.
Q112592741Hypoxia promotes the metastasis of pancreatic cancer through regulating NOX4/KDM5A-mediated histone methylation modification changes in a HIF1A-independent manner
Q99205770IFN-α confers epigenetic regulation of HBV cccDNA minichromosome by modulating GCN5-mediated succinylation of histone H3K79 to clear HBV cccDNA
Q97546640IGF1 gene is epigenetically activated in preterm infants with intrauterine growth restriction
Q36471719IGF2/H19 hypomethylation is tissue, cell, and CpG site dependent and not correlated with body asymmetry in adolescents with Silver-Russell syndrome
Q41712670Identification and characterization of interferon signaling-related microRNAs in occult hepatitis B virus infection
Q55651366Identification and validation of SRY-box containing gene family member SOX30 methylation as a prognostic and predictive biomarker in myeloid malignancies.
Q112298323Identification and validation of methylated differentially expressed miRNAs and immune infiltrate profile in EBV-associated gastric cancer
Q35052832Identification and validation of the methylation biomarkers of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
Q42182627Identification of ChIP-seq mapped targets of HP1β due to bombesin/GRP receptor activation
Q112641693Identification of DNA methylation biomarkers with potential to predict response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in triple-negative breast cancer
Q57801997Identification of SUV39H2 as a potential oncogene in lung adenocarcinoma
Q42379227Identification of a key role of widespread epigenetic drift in Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma
Q37233136Identification of a methylation profile for DNMT1-associated autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia, deafness, and narcolepsy
Q64065272Identification of a novel quinoline-based DNA demethylating compound highly potent in cancer cells
Q64282795Identification of dynamic glucocorticoid-induced methylation changes at the FKBP5 locus
Q100749086Identification of fetal unmodified and 5-hydroxymethylated CG sites in maternal cell-free DNA for non-invasive prenatal testing
Q113753581Identification of influential probe types in epigenetic predictions of human traits: implications for microarray design
Q35079187Identification of novel long non-coding RNAs in clear cell renal cell carcinoma
Q64237569Identification of potential blood biomarkers for Parkinson's disease by gene expression and DNA methylation data integration analysis
Q112295644Identification of prognosis-related molecular subgroups based on DNA methylation in pancreatic cancer
Q49462526Identification of reliable biomarkers of human papillomavirus 16 methylation in cervical lesions based on integration status using high-resolution melting analysis.
Q35169860Identification of subgroup-specific miRNA patterns by epigenetic profiling of sporadic and Lynch syndrome-associated colorectal and endometrial carcinoma
Q36574886Identification of the epigenetic reader CBX2 as a potential drug target in advanced prostate cancer
Q101049635Identification of the subtypes of gastric cancer based on DNA methylation and the prediction of prognosis
Q35869661Identifying CpG sites associated with eczema via random forest screening of epigenome-scale DNA methylation
Q51415788Identifying and correcting epigenetics measurements for systematic sources of variation
Q34515410Identifying diagnostic DNA methylation profiles for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy in blood and saliva using bisulfite sequencing
Q96811507Identifying epigenetic biomarkers of established prognostic factors and survival in a clinical cohort of individuals with oropharyngeal cancer
Q55239795Identifying mislabeled and contaminated DNA methylation microarray data: an extended quality control toolset with examples from GEO.
Q58101947Idiopathic male infertility is strongly associated with aberrant DNA methylation of imprinted loci in sperm: a case-control study
Q36276257Immunomethylomic approach to explore the blood neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR) in glioma survival
Q35829427Impact of DNA methylation on trophoblast function.
Q90042786Impact of a diet and activity health promotion intervention on regional patterns of DNA methylation
Q64101728Impact of chemotherapy for breast cancer on leukocyte DNA methylation landscape and cognitive function: a prospective study
Q33891538Impact of decitabine on immunohistochemistry expression of the putative tumor suppressor genes FHIT, WWOX, FUS1 and PTEN in clinical tumor samples
Q112608514Impact of vitamin C supplementation on placental DNA methylation changes related to maternal smoking: association with gene expression and respiratory outcomes
Q36002481Impact of vitamin D metabolism on clinical epigenetics
Q26995324Imprinting disorders: a group of congenital disorders with overlapping patterns of molecular changes affecting imprinted loci
Q61443919Improved filtering of DNA methylation microarray data by detection p values and its impact on downstream analyses
Q37609842Improved results of LINE-1 methylation analysis in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues with the application of a heating step during the DNA extraction process
Q37423979In epithelial cancers, aberrant COL17A1 promoter methylation predicts its misexpression and increased invasion.
Q58720792Increased BDNF methylation in saliva, but not blood, of patients with borderline personality disorder
Q57170853Increased CD4 T cell lineage commitment determined by CpG methylation correlates with better prognosis in urinary bladder cancer patients
Q37350189Increased DNA methylation levels of the insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 gene are associated with type 2 diabetes in Swedish men
Q35194004Increased DNA methylation of the SLC30A8 gene promoter is associated with type 2 diabetes in a Malay population
Q37436786Increased Set1 binding at the promoter induces aberrant epigenetic alterations and up-regulates cyclic adenosine 5'-monophosphate response element modulator alpha in systemic lupus erythematosus.
Q58696371Increased epigenetic age in normal breast tissue from luminal breast cancer patients
Q36086926Increased global placental DNA methylation levels are associated with gestational diabetes
Q64086187Increased methylation upstream of the MEG3 promotor is observed in acute myeloid leukemia patients with better overall survival
Q37620759Individual CpG sites that are associated with age and life expectancy become hypomethylated upon aging
Q96584453Individual and joint contributions of genetic and methylation risk scores for enhancing lung cancer risk stratification: data from a population-based cohort in Germany
Q35518696Individual epigenetic status of the pathogenic D4Z4 macrosatellite correlates with disease in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
Q40543174Induction of active demethylation and 5hmC formation by 5-azacytidine is TET2 dependent and suggests new treatment strategies against hepatocellular carcinoma
Q35549926Inflammation triggers specific microRNA profiles in human adipocytes and macrophages and in their supernatants
Q26781968Influences of diet and the gut microbiome on epigenetic modulation in cancer and other diseases
Q36001915Insufficient DNA methylation affects healthy aging and promotes age-related health problems
Q35776712Insulin resistance is associated with epigenetic and genetic regulation of mitochondrial DNA in obese humans
Q36513691Insulin-like growth factor axis in pregnancies affected by fetal growth disorders
Q112709295Integrated 5-hydroxymethylcytosine and fragmentation signatures as enhanced biomarkers in lung cancer
Q55260344Integrated analyses of multi-omics reveal global patterns of methylation and hydroxymethylation and screen the tumor suppressive roles of HADHB in colorectal cancer.
Q112298942Integrated analysis reveals the alterations that LMNA interacts with euchromatin in LMNA mutation-associated dilated cardiomyopathy
Q33629836Integrated data analysis reveals potential drivers and pathways disrupted by DNA methylation in papillary thyroid carcinomas
Q97680112Integrated epigenetic biomarkers in circulating cell-free DNA as a robust classifier for pancreatic cancer
Q37350026Integrating DNA methylation and microRNA biomarkers in sputum for lung cancer detection
Q36485634Integrative DNA methylome analysis of pan-cancer biomarkers in cancer discordant monozygotic twin-pairs
Q129673412Integrative analysis identifies gene signatures mediating the effect of DNA methylation on asthma severity and lung function
Q64075671Integrative analysis of DNA methylation in discordant twins unveils distinct architectures of systemic sclerosis subsets
Q49874623Integrative analysis of the epigenetic basis of muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma.
Q35686299Inter- and transgenerational epigenetic inheritance: evidence in asthma and COPD?
Q35201085Inter-locus as well as intra-locus heterogeneity in LINE-1 promoter methylation in common human cancers suggests selective demethylation pressure at specific CpGs.
Q37739313Interaction between prenatal pesticide exposure and a common polymorphism in the PON1 gene on DNA methylation in genes associated with cardio-metabolic disease risk-an exploratory study
Q42182620Interaction of SET domains with histones and nucleic acid structures in active chromatin.
Q37480059Interaction of prenatal maternal smoking, interleukin 13 genetic variants and DNA methylation influencing airflow and airway reactivity
Q37356724Intra-individual changes in DNA methylation not mediated by cell-type composition are correlated with aging during childhood
Q42182617Introductory editorial
Q57025870Inverse association between estrogen receptor-α DNA methylation and breast composition in adolescent Chilean girls
Q114061441Ionizing radiations induce shared epigenomic signatures unraveling adaptive mechanisms of cancerous cell lines with or without methionine dependency
Q35833870Is Friedreich ataxia an epigenetic disorder?
Q50332648Is ZFP57 binding to H19/IGF2:IG-DMR affected in Silver-Russell syndrome?
Q113753580JIB-04, a histone demethylase Jumonji C domain inhibitor, regulates phenotypic switching of vascular smooth muscle cells
Q52597611KAT3B-p300 and H3AcK18/H3AcK14 levels are prognostic markers for kidney ccRCC tumor aggressiveness and target of KAT inhibitor CPTH2.
Q92560096KMT2C/D COMPASS complex-associated diseases [KCDCOM-ADs]: an emerging class of congenital regulopathies
Q41023059Kaiso mediates human ICR1 methylation maintenance and H19 transcriptional fine regulation
Q35345100LINE-1 hypomethylation is neither present in rectal aberrant crypt foci nor associated with field defect in sporadic colorectal neoplasia.
Q37692550LINE-1 is preferentially hypomethylated within adenomatous polyps in the presence of synchronous colorectal cancer
Q36298764LINE-1 methylation in visceral adipose tissue of severely obese individuals is associated with metabolic syndrome status and related phenotypes
Q38622843LSD1 dual function in mediating epigenetic corruption of the vitamin D signaling in prostate cancer
Q55023953Large-scale analysis of DFNA5 methylation reveals its potential as biomarker for breast cancer.
Q61446147Leisure-time physical activity and DNA methylation age-a twin study
Q49874612Letter to the editor: blood processing and sample storage have negligible effects on methylation.
Q35336894Leucine alters hepatic glucose/lipid homeostasis via the myostatin-AMP-activated protein kinase pathway - potential implications for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Q100749126Leveraging locus-specific epigenetic heterogeneity to improve the performance of blood-based DNA methylation biomarkers
Q91257590Live and let die: epigenetic modifications of Survivin and Regucalcin in non-small cell lung cancer tissues contribute to malignancy
Q61446858Liver DNA methylation of FADS2 associates with FADS2 genotypex
Q101450786LncRNA STXBP5-AS1 suppresses stem cell-like properties of pancreatic cancer by epigenetically inhibiting neighboring androglobin gene expression
Q36001900Long interspersed nuclear element-1 hypomethylation in cancer: biology and clinical applications
Q55438036Long non-coding RNAs: implications in targeted diagnoses, prognosis, and improved therapeutic strategies in human non- and triple-negative breast cancer.
Q119905844Long-term impact of paediatric critical illness on the difference between epigenetic and chronological age in relation to physical growth
Q38430269Long-term prenatal exposure to paracetamol is associated with DNA methylation differences in children diagnosed with ADHD.
Q101215837Longitudinal analysis of healthy colon establishes aspirin as a suppressor of cancer-related epigenetic aging
Q122951789Longitudinal associations of DNA methylation and sleep in children: a meta-analysis
Q104141453Longitudinal data in peripheral blood confirm that PM20D1 is a quantitative trait locus (QTL) for Alzheimer's disease and implicate its dynamic role in disease progression
Q115022739Longitudinal data in peripheral blood confirm that PM20D1 is a quantitative trait locus (QTL) for Alzheimer’s disease and implicate its dynamic role in disease progression
Q92605346Longitudinal epigenome-wide association studies of three male military cohorts reveal multiple CpG sites associated with post-traumatic stress disorder
Q90098575Longitudinal variation in human immunodeficiency virus long terminal repeat methylation in individuals on suppressive antiretroviral therapy
Q35809876Loss of DNA methylation at imprinted loci is a frequent event in hepatocellular carcinoma and identifies patients with shortened survival.
Q59336553Loss of DNA methylation is related to increased expression of miR-21 and miR-146b in papillary thyroid carcinoma
Q64083701Loss of Msh2 and a single-radiation hit induce common, genome-wide, and persistent epigenetic changes in the intestine
Q55646870Loss of maternal EED results in postnatal overgrowth.
Q36503508Loss of nuclear localization of TET2 in colorectal cancer
Q99415614Loss-of-function maternal-effect mutations of PADI6 are associated with familial and sporadic Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome with multi-locus imprinting disturbance
Q99592147Low-dose DNA demethylating therapy induces reprogramming of diverse cancer-related pathways at the single-cell level
Q47132485Lung function discordance in monozygotic twins and associated differences in blood DNA methylation
Q52714377MEST mediates the impact of prenatal bisphenol A exposure on long-term body weight development
Q130498004METTL3 exerts synergistic effects on m6A methylation and histone modification to regulate the function of VGF in lung adenocarcinoma
Q34525704MGMT promoter methylation determined by HRM in comparison to MSP and pyrosequencing for predicting high-grade glioma response
Q37272807MSP-HTPrimer: a high-throughput primer design tool to improve assay design for DNA methylation analysis in epigenetics
Q38792437MSRE-HTPrimer: a high-throughput and genome-wide primer design pipeline optimized for epigenetic research
Q89980782MUC1 is associated with TFF2 methylation in gastric cancer
Q91551462Machine learning and clinical epigenetics: a review of challenges for diagnosis and classification
Q60044953Machine learning selected smoking-associated DNA methylation signatures that predict HIV prognosis and mortality
Q91494241Machine-learned analysis of global and glial/opioid intersection-related DNA methylation in patients with persistent pain after breast cancer surgery
Q41847775Maintaining the unmethylated state
Q98215904Management of epigenomic networks entailed in coronavirus infections and COVID-19
Q36489869Maternal B vitamins: effects on offspring weight and DNA methylation at genomically imprinted domains
Q38645503Maternal blood contamination of collected cord blood can be identified using DNA methylation at three CpGs
Q89786832Maternal diabetes and obesity influence the fetal epigenome in a largely Hispanic population
Q47121286Maternal eating disorders affect offspring cord blood DNA methylation: a prospective study
Q114061439Maternal epigenetic clocks measured during pregnancy do not predict gestational age at delivery or offspring birth outcomes: a replication study in metropolitan Cebu, Philippines
Q37630889Maternal intake of methyl-group donors affects DNA methylation of metabolic genes in infants
Q112643206Maternal iron status in early pregnancy and DNA methylation in offspring: an epigenome-wide meta-analysis
Q61797828Maternal obesity influences expression and DNA methylation of the adiponectin and leptin systems in human third-trimester placenta
Q37336786Maternal vitamin D depletion alters DNA methylation at imprinted loci in multiple generations
Q26747013MeCP2 and the enigmatic organization of brain chromatin. Implications for depression and cocaine addiction
Q38715300Medulloblastoma and ependymoma cells display increased levels of 5-carboxylcytosine and elevated TET1 expression.
Q37431974Mendelian inheritance of trimodal CpG methylation sites suggests distal cis-acting genetic effects
Q55020865Metabolic and inflammatory biomarkers are associated with epigenetic aging acceleration estimates in the GOLDN study.
Q91997323Metabolic control of gene transcription in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: the role of the epigenome
Q35831225MethPed: a DNA methylation classifier tool for the identification of pediatric brain tumor subtypes.
Q44385577Methods and novel technology for microRNA quantification in colorectal cancer screening.
Q52595140Methylated genomic loci encoding microRNA as a biomarker panel in tissue and saliva for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Q33780868Methylation analysis and diagnostics of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome in 1,000 subjects
Q35213275Methylation analysis of histone H4K12ac-associated promoters in sperm of healthy donors and subfertile patients
Q34103053Methylation analysis of the phosphates and tensin homologue on chromosome 10 gene (PTEN) in multiple myeloma
Q30928890Methylation array data can simultaneously identify individuals and convey protected health information: an unrecognized ethical concern
Q64065265Methylation at cg05575921 of a smoking-related gene (AHRR) in non-smoking Taiwanese adults residing in areas with different PM concentrations
Q90669590Methylation estimates the risk of precancer in HPV-infected women with discrepant results between cytology and HPV16/18 genotyping
Q90512332Methylation of BRCA1 and MGMT genes in white blood cells are transmitted from mothers to daughters
Q33654751Methylation of DIRAS1 promotes colorectal cancer progression and may serve as a marker for poor prognosis.
Q42672451Methylation of ZNF331 is an independent prognostic marker of colorectal cancer and promotes colorectal cancer growth.
Q37359513Methylation profiling and evaluation of demethylating therapy in renal cell carcinoma.
Q89662442Methylation silencing of TGF-β receptor type II is involved in malignant transformation of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
Q112610132Methylation status of nc886 epiallele reflects periconceptional conditions and is associated with glucose metabolism through nc886 RNAs
Q39273887Methylome analysis for spina bifida shows SOX18 hypomethylation as a risk factor with evidence for a complex (epi)genetic interplay to affect neural tube development.
Q83547346Methylome and transcriptome analyses reveal insights into the epigenetic basis for the good survival of hypomethylated ER-positive breast cancer subtype
Q59327034Methylome profiling of healthy and central precocious puberty girls
Q96354356Methylome profiling of young adults with depression supports a link with immune response and psoriasis
Q36070870Methylome profiling reveals functions and genes which are differentially methylated in serrated compared to conventional colorectal carcinoma
Q36385668Methylomic markers of persistent childhood asthma: a longitudinal study of asthma-discordant monozygotic twins
Q92017726Methylomic profiling in trisomy 21 identifies cognition- and Alzheimer's disease-related dysregulation
Q35687295MicroRNA expression profiling predicts clinical outcome of carboplatin/paclitaxel-based therapy in metastatic melanoma treated on the ECOG-ACRIN trial E2603.
Q33922687MicroRNA profiling of ovarian granulosa cell tumours reveals novel diagnostic and prognostic markers
Q38931068MicroRNA profiling of primary pulmonary enteric adenocarcinoma in members from the same family reveals some similarities to pancreatic adenocarcinoma-a step towards personalized therapy
Q36401986MicroRNA-100 and microRNA-21 as markers of survival and chemotherapy response in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma UICC stage II.
Q35922940MicroRNA-101 is repressed by EZH2 and its restoration inhibits tumorigenic features in embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma.
Q42682692MicroRNA-335-5p is a potential suppressor of metastasis and invasion in gastric cancer.
Q35606022MicroRNA-375 plays a dual role in prostate carcinogenesis
Q35165126MicroRNA-mediated drug resistance in breast cancer
Q41225664Milk kinship hypothesis in light of epigenetic knowledge.
Q102334309Mitochondrial metabolism and DNA methylation: a review of the interaction between two genomes
Q42182629Modulation of gene-specific epigenetic states and transcription by non-coding RNAs
Q38744571Molecular Pap smear: HPV genotype and DNA methylation of ADCY8, CDH8, and ZNF582 as an integrated biomarker for high-grade cervical cytology
Q91359067Molecular and immune correlates of TIM-3 (HAVCR2) and galectin 9 (LGALS9) mRNA expression and DNA methylation in melanoma
Q36001860Molecular marks for epigenetic identification of developmental and cancer stem cells
Q101473860Morphine leads to global genome changes in H3K27me3 levels via a Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) self-regulatory mechanism in mESCs
Q42377406Mosaic genome-wide maternal isodiploidy: an extreme form of imprinting disorder presenting as prenatal diagnostic challenge
Q49895247Mosaicism for GNAS methylation defects associated with pseudohypoparathyroidism type 1B arose in early post-zygotic phases
Q112302203Multi-omic alterations of the SWI/SNF complex define a clinical subgroup in lung adenocarcinoma
Q112313011Multi-omics integration identifies key upstream regulators of pathomechanisms in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy due to truncating MYBPC3 mutations
Q55266501Multifactorial analysis of the stochastic epigenetic variability in cord blood confirmed an impact of common behavioral and environmental factors but not of in vitro conception.
Q58079436Multiomics analyses identified epigenetic modulation of the S100A gene family in Kawasaki disease and their significant involvement in neutrophil transendothelial migration
Q35317700Multiplex bisulfite PCR resequencing of clinical FFPE DNA.
Q30379034Musical patterns for comparative epigenomics.
Q37390755Narrowing the FOXF1 distant enhancer region on 16q24.1 critical for ACDMPV.
Q51734245Neonatal exposure to hyperoxia leads to persistent disturbances in pulmonary histone signatures associated with NOS3 and STAT3 in a mouse model.
Q37267739Neonatal monocytes exhibit a unique histone modification landscape
Q64892276Neuronal methylome reveals CREB-associated neuro-axonal impairment in multiple sclerosis.
Q92355033Newborn and childhood differential DNA methylation and liver fat in school-age children
Q42281051Newborn genome-wide DNA methylation in association with pregnancy anxiety reveals a potential role for GABBR1.
Q30008893Next-generation sequencing methylation profiling of subjects with obesity identifies novel gene changes
Q37212300Next-generation sequencing reveals broad down-regulation of microRNAs in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis CD4+ T cells
Q126399244No association between peripheral serotonin-gene-related DNA methylation and brain serotonin neurotransmission in the healthy and depressed state
Q52689990No evidence for association of MTHFR 677C>T and 1298A>C variants with placental DNA methylation
Q101215853Non-invasive detection of endometrial cancer by DNA methylation analysis in urine
Q59800219Noncoding RNAs in multiple sclerosis
Q126096354Novel DNA methylation biomarkers in stool and blood for early detection of colorectal cancer and precancerous lesions
Q91284238Novel DNA methylation biomarkers show high sensitivity and specificity for blood-based detection of colorectal cancer-a clinical biomarker discovery and validation study
Q95259534Novel HDAC inhibitor MAKV-8 and imatinib synergistically kill chronic myeloid leukemia cells via inhibition of BCR-ABL/MYC-signaling: effect on imatinib resistance and stem cells
Q92705322Novel age-associated DNA methylation changes and epigenetic age acceleration in middle-aged African Americans and whites
Q98163665Novel candidate genes for ECT response prediction-a pilot study analyzing the DNA methylome of depressed patients receiving electroconvulsive therapy
Q112640004Novel epigenetic network biomarkers for early detection of esophageal cancer
Q64247974Novel familial distal imprinting centre 1 (11p15.5) deletion provides further insights in imprinting regulation
Q112561653Novel genetic variants of KHDC3L and other members of the subcortical maternal complex associated with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome or Pseudohypoparathyroidism 1B and multi-locus imprinting disturbances
Q47131449Novel insights into epigenetic drivers of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: role of HPV and lifestyle factors
Q100736051Novel mutation points to a hot spot in CDKN1C causing Silver-Russell syndrome
Q64066289Novel parent-of-origin-specific differentially methylated loci on chromosome 16
Q64055887Novel predictive epigenetic signature for temozolomide in non-G-CIMP glioblastomas
Q92348497Novel prodrugs of decitabine with greater metabolic stability and less toxicity
Q95652391Novel visualized quantitative epigenetic imprinted gene biomarkers diagnose the malignancy of ten cancer types
Q34494941Nrf2 status affects tumor growth, HDAC3 gene promoter associations, and the response to sulforaphane in the colon
Q36054011Nucleated red blood cells impact DNA methylation and expression analyses of cord blood hematopoietic cells
Q43074541Nucleosome positioning is unaltered at MLH1 splice site mutations in cells derived from Lynch syndrome patients
Q37642929Obesity accelerates epigenetic aging in middle-aged but not in elderly individuals
Q92355006Obesity-induced nucleosome release predicts poor cardio-metabolic health
Q36879891Obesity-related DNA methylation at imprinted genes in human sperm: Results from the TIEGER study
Q36222404On the epigenetics of vascular regulation and disease
Q34226302Oral contraceptives modify the effect of GATA3 polymorphisms on the risk of asthma at the age of 18 years via DNA methylation
Q90778047Oral vitamin C supplementation to patients with myeloid cancer on azacitidine treatment: Normalization of plasma vitamin C induces epigenetic changes
Q91494294Ovarian cancer detection by DNA methylation in cervical scrapings
Q91863879Overall and sex-specific associations between methylation of the ABCG1 and APOE genes and ischemic stroke or other atherosclerosis-related traits in a sibling study of Chinese population
Q52672988Overexpression of UHRF1 promotes silencing of tumor suppressor genes and predicts outcome in hepatoblastoma
Q33892492PAT-H-MS coupled with laser microdissection to study histone post-translational modifications in selected cell populations from pathology samples
Q37623044PITX3 DNA methylation is an independent predictor of overall survival in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Q39318240PITX3 promoter methylation is a prognostic biomarker for biochemical recurrence-free survival in prostate cancer patients after radical prostatectomy
Q58748233PLD3 epigenetic changes in the hippocampus of Alzheimer's disease
Q37031287PPARGC1α gene DNA methylation variations in human placenta mediate the link between maternal hyperglycemia and leptin levels in newborns
Q57035464PRC2 targeting is a therapeutic strategy for EZ score defined high-risk multiple myeloma patients and overcome resistance to IMiDs
Q98580136PRDM8 reveals aberrant DNA methylation in aging syndromes and is relevant for hematopoietic and neuronal differentiation
Q64064683Parallel profiling of DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation highlights neuropathology-associated epigenetic variation in Alzheimer's disease
Q93050672Parent-of-origin-specific allelic expression in the human placenta is limited to established imprinted loci and it is stably maintained across pregnancy
Q112296898Parthenogenetic mosaicism: generation via second polar body retention and unmasking of a likely causative PER2 variant for hypersomnia
Q93018783Particulate matter exposure shapes DNA methylation through the lifespan
Q55514050Paternal sepsis induces alterations of the sperm methylome and dampens offspring immune responses—an animal study.
Q112718216Patients with PWS and related syndromes display differentially methylated regions involved in neurodevelopmental and nutritional trajectory
Q112641371Pembrolizumab plus azacitidine in patients with chemotherapy refractory metastatic colorectal cancer: a single-arm phase 2 trial and correlative biomarker analysis
Q91836053Peptides as epigenetic modulators: therapeutic implications
Q43719974Performance of a methylation specific real-time PCR assay as a triage test for HPV-positive women.
Q93060794Peripheral blood DNA methylation differences in twin pairs discordant for Alzheimer's disease
Q49874619Peripheral blood epi-signature of Claes-Jensen syndrome enables sensitive and specific identification of patients and healthy carriers with pathogenic mutations in KDM5C.
Q36980908Peripheral blood methylation profiling of female Crohn's disease patients
Q91447585Perturbations in imprinted methylation from assisted reproductive technologies but not advanced maternal age in mouse preimplantation embryos
Q43247519Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analysis of 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (decitabine) in the design of its dose-schedule for cancer therapy.
Q52668268Pharmacological inhibition of EZH2 disrupts the female germline epigenome.
Q35212176Phase I study of azacitidine and oxaliplatin in patients with advanced cancers that have relapsed or are refractory to any platinum therapy
Q91863904Phase I/II intra-patient dose escalation study of vorinostat in children with relapsed solid tumor, lymphoma, or leukemia
Q112308242Physical activity specifically evokes release of cell-free DNA from granulocytes thereby affecting liquid biopsy
Q33796095Physical activity, black carbon exposure, and DNA methylation in the FOXP3 promoter
Q92348523Placenta-specific epimutation at H19-DMR among common pregnancy complications: its frequency and effect on the expression patterns of H19 and IGF2
Q53076828Placental surface area mediates the association between FGFR2 methylation in placenta and full-term low birth weight in girls
Q89746482Platelet mitochondrial DNA methylation predicts future cardiovascular outcome in adults with overweight and obesity
Q35505135Platelet mitochondrial DNA methylation: a potential new marker of cardiovascular disease
Q130691452Polycomb repressive complex 2 and its core component EZH2: potential targeted therapeutic strategies for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Q26745416Polycomb repressive complex's evolutionary conserved function: the role of EZH2 status and cellular background
Q35336915Polycomb-mediated silencing in neuroendocrine prostate cancer.
Q55498098Postnatal relative adrenal insufficiency results in methylation of the glucocorticoid receptor gene in preterm infants: a retrospective cohort study.
Q112725110Pre-adolescence DNA methylation is associated with BMI status change from pre- to post-adolescence
Q112728920Pre-adolescence DNA methylation is associated with lung function trajectories from pre-adolescence to adulthood
Q112701541Predicting male fertility from the sperm methylome: application to 120 bulls with hundreds of artificial insemination records
Q57796559Prediction of smoking by multiplex bisulfite PCR with long amplicons considering allele-specific effects on DNA methylation
Q60919209Preferential MGMT methylation could predispose a subset of KIT/PDGFRA-WT GISTs, including SDH-deficient ones, to respond to alkylating agents
Q35233295Premature aging of leukocyte DNA methylation is associated with type 2 diabetes prevalence
Q64039342Prenatal adverse environment is associated with epigenetic age deceleration at birth and hypomethylation at the hypoxia-responsive EP300 gene
Q64053408Prenatal epigenetics diets play protective roles against environmental pollution
Q64101508Prenatal maternal antidepressants, anxiety, and depression and offspring DNA methylation: epigenome-wide associations at birth and persistence into early childhood
Q112642397Prenatal metal exposure, cord blood DNA methylation and persistence in childhood: an epigenome-wide association study of 12 metals
Q35936625Prenatal parental tobacco smoking, gene specific DNA methylation, and newborns size: the Generation R study
Q59303925Proceedings of the birmingham cancer epigenetics conference; translational opportunities
Q47646903Profile of epigenetic mechanisms in lung tumors of patients with underlying chronic respiratory conditions
Q52802632Prognostic DNA methylation markers for sporadic colorectal cancer: a systematic review
Q96683313Prognostic and predictive value of PD-L2 DNA methylation and mRNA expression in melanoma
Q64055883Prognostic implications and interaction of L1 methylation and p53 expression statuses in advanced gastric cancer
Q41611412Prognostic relevance of an epigenetic biomarker panel in sentinel lymph nodes from colon cancer patients
Q33742722Prognostic significance of LINE-1 hypomethylation in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.
Q40375288Promoter de-methylation of cyclin D2 by sulforaphane in prostate cancer cells
Q37497846Promoter hypermethylation of SHOX2 and SEPT9 is a potential biomarker for minimally invasive diagnosis in adenocarcinomas of the biliary tract.
Q64287165Promoter methylation changes and vascular dysfunction in pre-eclamptic umbilical vein
Q94596748Promoter methylation changes in ALOX12 and AIRE1: novel epigenetic markers for atherosclerosis
Q42376523Promoter methylation inhibits expression of tumor suppressor KIBRA in human clear cell renal cell carcinoma
Q64070996Promoter methylation of ADAMTS1 and BNC1 as potential biomarkers for early detection of pancreatic cancer in blood
Q50106233Promoter methylation of DNA damage repair (DDR) genes in human tumor entities: RBBP8/CtIP is almost exclusively methylated in bladder cancer
Q92705340Promoter methylation of SEPT9 as a potential biomarker for early detection of cervical cancer and its overexpression predicts radioresistance
Q55491567Promoter methylation of the MGAT3 and BACH2 genes correlates with the composition of the immunoglobulin G glycome in inflammatory bowel disease.
Q36224015Promoter methylation status and expression of PPAR-γ gene are associated with prognosis of acute-on-chronic hepatitis B liver failure
Q92263563Psychotropic drug-induced genetic-epigenetic modulation of CRTC1 gene is associated with early weight gain in a prospective study of psychiatric patients
Q38432905Pulmonary microRNA profiling: implications in upper lobe predominant lung disease.
Q36547794Putative molecular mechanism underlying sperm chromatin remodelling is regulated by reproductive hormones
Q38693627Pyrosequencing quantified methylation level of miR-124 predicts shorter survival for patients with myelodysplastic syndrome
Q37720392Quantitative assessment of the diagnostic role of APC promoter methylation in non-small cell lung cancer.
Q35341665Quantitative methodology is critical for assessing DNA methylation and impacts on correlation with patient outcome
Q36825828Quantitative methylation analysis reveals distinct association between PAX6 methylation and clinical characteristics with different viral infections in hepatocellular carcinoma
Q35101902Quantitative survey of multiple CpGs from 5 genes identifies CpG methylation panel discriminating between high- and low-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
Q35211946RARβ2 hypermethylation is associated with poor recurrence-free survival in never-smokers with adenocarcinoma of the lung
Q36316169RETRACTED ARTICLE: Hypermethylation of the 5′ CpG island of the p14ARF flanking exon 1β in human colorectal cancer displaying a restricted pattern of p53 overexpression concomitant with increased MDM2 expression
Q64106795RFX1 downregulation contributes to TLR4 overexpression in CD14 monocytes via epigenetic mechanisms in coronary artery disease
Q36895445RRx-001, an epigenetic-based radio- and chemosensitizer, has vascular normalizing effects on SCCVII and U87 tumors
Q112643339Race/ethnicity-associated blood DNA methylation differences between Japanese and European American women: an exploratory study
Q35568611Racial differences in IGF1 methylation and birth weight
Q90880644Random forest-based modelling to detect biomarkers for prostate cancer progression
Q55315504Re-assessing ZNF331 as a DNA methylation biomarker for colorectal cancer.
Q36256718Real-time monitoring efficiency and toxicity of chemotherapy in patients with advanced lung cancer
Q100548471Rebelled epigenome: histone H3S10 phosphorylation and H3S10 kinases in cancer biology and therapy
Q37084777Recent developments on the role of epigenetics in obesity and metabolic disease
Q36549606Reciprocal changes in DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation and a broad repressive epigenetic switch characterize FMR1 transcriptional silencing in fragile X syndrome
Q97419218Reduced DNA methylation of the oxytocin receptor gene is associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder
Q37114753Reduced expression of brain cannabinoid receptor 1 (Cnr1) is coupled with an increased complementary micro-RNA (miR-26b) in a mouse model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
Q99361128Reduced mitochondrial D-loop methylation levels in sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Q96682234Refinement of cg05575921 demethylation response in nascent smoking
Q91059207Region-specific glucocorticoid receptor promoter methylation has both positive and negative prognostic value in patients with estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer
Q33634725Regional differences in mitochondrial DNA methylation in human post-mortem brain tissue
Q33820319Regulating role of fetal thyroid hormones on placental mitochondrial DNA methylation: epidemiological evidence from the ENVIRONAGE birth cohort study
Q45769959Regulation of proliferation and survival of B-lymphocytes by Ebf1 - implications in leukaemia
Q118550606Regulatory networks driving expression of genes critical for glioblastoma are controlled by the transcription factor c-Jun and the pre-existing epigenetic modifications
Q92827398Replicated methylation changes associated with eczema herpeticum and allergic response
Q92476207Replication and expansion of epigenome-wide association literature in a black South African population
Q35166754Replicative senescence is associated with nuclear reorganization and with DNA methylation at specific transcription factor binding sites
Q35833943Reproducibility and intraindividual variation over days in buccal cell DNA methylation of two asthma genes, interferon γ (IFNγ) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)
Q113753579Researcher perspectives on ethics considerations in epigenetics: an international survey
Q39437275Restitution of gene expression and histone acetylation signatures altered by hepatitis B virus through antiviral microRNA-like molecules in nontransformed murine hepatocytes.
Q96020904Restoration of KMT2C/MLL3 in human colorectal cancer cells reinforces genome-wide H3K4me1 profiles and influences cell growth and gene expression
Q43084482Resveratrol, a sirtuin 1 activator, increases IL-6 production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with knee osteoarthritis
Q55351079Retinoic acid-induced 2 (RAI2) is a novel tumor suppressor, and promoter region methylation of RAI2 is a poor prognostic marker in colorectal cancer.
Q35879988Review of the development of DNA methylation as a marker of response to neoadjuvant therapy and outcomes in rectal cancer.
Q59394831Reviewer Acknowledgement 2014
Q59302464Reviewer acknowledgement 2013
Q50291619Reviewer acknowledgement 2015.
Q46617171Reviewer acknowledgement 2016.
Q92318385Rheumatoid arthritis-relevant DNA methylation changes identified in ACPA-positive asymptomatic individuals using methylome capture sequencing
Q35833879Ribavirin restores ESR1 gene expression and tamoxifen sensitivity in ESR1 negative breast cancer cell lines
Q30938724Risk of re-identification of epigenetic methylation data: a more nuanced response is needed
Q94544967Risk stratification of HPV 16 DNA methylation combined with E6 oncoprotein in cervical cancer screening: a 10-year prospective cohort study
Q101130638Robust performance of a novel stool DNA test of methylated SDC2 for colorectal cancer detection: a multicenter clinical study
Q38019157Role of DNA methylation in head and neck cancer
Q42555454Roles of histone deacetylases in epigenetic regulation: emerging paradigms from studies with inhibitors
Q112705612SEEMLIS: a flexible semi-automated method for enrichment of methylated DNA from low-input samples
Q37267725SEPT9 and SHOX2 DNA methylation status and its utility in the diagnosis of colonic adenomas and colorectal adenocarcinomas
Q90079727SEPT9_v2, frequently silenced by promoter hypermethylation, exerts anti-tumor functions through inactivation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway via miR92b-3p/FZD10 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells
Q91750819SLCO4C1 promoter methylation is a potential biomarker for prognosis associated with biochemical recurrence-free survival after radical prostatectomy
Q52366367SMYD2 promoter DNA methylation is associated with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) and SMYD2 expression in vascular smooth muscle cells
Q64101720SOX2 promoter hypermethylation in non-smoking Taiwanese adults residing in air pollution areas
Q36353731Secondhand smoke in combination with ambient air pollution exposure is associated with increasedx CpG methylation and decreased expression of IFN-γ in T effector cells and Foxp3 in T regulatory cells in children
Q90984338Selective demethylation of two CpG sites causes postnatal activation of the Dao gene and consequent removal of D-serine within the mouse cerebellum
Q36135415Selective increase in subtelomeric DNA methylation: an epigenetic biomarker for malignant glioma
Q128365486Self-control is associated with health-relevant disparities in buccal DNA-methylation measures of biological aging in older adults
Q90370197Self-reported prenatal tobacco smoke exposure, AXL gene-body methylation, and childhood asthma phenotypes
Q100736059Serious neonatal morbidities are associated with differences in DNA methylation among very preterm infants
Q64067034Serum cell-free DNA methylation of OPCML and HOXD9 as a biomarker that may aid in differential diagnosis between cholangiocarcinoma and other biliary diseases
Q48095155Serum miR-122-5p and miR-206 expression: non-invasive prognostic biomarkers for renal cell carcinoma.
Q47094932Serum microRNA array analysis identifies miR-140-3p, miR-33b-3p and miR-671-3p as potential osteoarthritis biomarkers involved in metabolic processes.
Q38602856Seven-CpG-based prognostic signature coupled with gene expression predicts survival of oral squamous cell carcinoma
Q113753582Shifts in the immunoepigenomic landscape of monocytes in response to a diabetes-specific social support intervention: a pilot study among Native Hawaiian adults with diabetes
Q60044954Significantly altered peripheral blood cell DNA methylation profile as a result of immediate effect of metformin use in healthy individuals
Q42643155Silencing HOXD10 by promoter region hypermethylation activates ERK signaling in hepatocellular carcinoma
Q92332812Silencing or inhibition of H3K79 methyltransferase DOT1L induces cell cycle arrest by epigenetically modulating c-Myc expression in colorectal cancer
Q96123047Single-cell DNA methylation sequencing reveals epigenetic alterations in mouse oocytes superovulated with different dosages of gonadotropins
Q33908678Single-molecule quantification of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine for diagnosis of blood and colon cancers
Q26745884Sirtuin functions and modulation: from chemistry to the clinic
Q36329201Sirtuin1 single nucleotide polymorphism (A2191G) is a diagnostic marker for vibration-induced white finger disease
Q112642722Skeletal muscle methylome and transcriptome integration reveals profound sex differences related to muscle function and substrate metabolism
Q91005193Smoking index, lifestyle factors, and genomic instability assessed by single-cell gel electrophoresis: a cross-sectional study in subjects from Yucatan, Mexico
Q57807703Smoking induces coordinated DNA methylation and gene expression changes in adipose tissue with consequences for metabolic health
Q64965321Smoking-associated AHRR demethylation in cord blood DNA: impact of CD235a+ nucleated red blood cells.
Q37440262Smoking-associated DNA methylation markers predict lung cancer incidence
Q100944022Smoking-related changes in DNA methylation and gene expression are associated with cardio-metabolic traits
Q41130152Somatic cancer mutations in the MLL3-SET domain alter the catalytic properties of the enzyme
Q112305392Spatial epi-proteomics enabled by histone post-translational modification analysis from low-abundance clinical samples
Q37056726Specific inhibition of one DNMT1-including complex influences tumor initiation and progression.
Q49956187Specific or not specific recruitment of DNMTs for DNA methylation, an epigenetic dilemma
Q104793875Sperm DNA methylation epimutation biomarker for paternal offspring autism susceptibility
Q57809760Sperm imprinting integrity in seminoma patients?
Q36728209Splicing-dependent expression of microRNAs of mirtron origin in human digestive and excretory system cancer cells.
Q92827348Statistical predictions with glmnet
Q26738885Studying epigenetic complexes and their inhibitors with the proteomics toolbox
Q37993229Suffocating cancer: hypoxia-associated epimutations as targets for cancer therapy
Q92131990Suv39h1 promotes facet joint chondrocyte proliferation by targeting miR-15a/Bcl2 in idiopathic scoliosis patients
Q95652843Symphony of epigenetic and metabolic regulation-interaction between the histone methyltransferase EZH2 and metabolism of tumor
Q112725956Synergistic effects of type I PRMT and PARP inhibitors against non-small cell lung cancer cells
Q38367820Synthetic epigenetics-towards intelligent control of epigenetic states and cell identity
Q92910592Systematic evaluation and validation of reference and library selection methods for deconvolution of cord blood DNA methylation data
Q57456590Systematic evaluation of DNA methylation age estimation with common preprocessing methods and the Infinium MethylationEPIC BeadChip array
Q58606230T cell epigenetic remodeling and accelerated epigenetic aging are linked to long-term immune alterations in childhood cancer survivors
Q58801315TET1 exerts its anti-tumor functions via demethylating DACT2 and SFRP2 to antagonize Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells
Q47140299TFF1 hypermethylation and decreased expression in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and histologically normal tumor surrounding esophageal cells.
Q36765735TREM2 upregulation correlates with 5-hydroxymethycytosine enrichment in Alzheimer's disease hippocampus
Q61802851TRIM4 is associated with neural tube defects based on genome-wide DNA methylation analysis
Q100425345TWIST1 DNA methylation is a cell marker of airway and parenchymal lung fibroblasts that are differentially methylated in asthma
Q59329659Tackling malignant melanoma epigenetically: histone lysine methylation
Q47139531Targeted bisulfite sequencing identified a panel of DNA methylation-based biomarkers for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC).
Q64245962Targeted design and identification of AC1NOD4Q to block activity of HOTAIR by abrogating the scaffold interaction with EZH2
Q35896475Targeted next-generation sequencing reveals high frequency of mutations in epigenetic regulators across treatment-naïve patient melanomas
Q38019159Targeting Huntington’s disease through histone deacetylases
Q26745731Targeting epigenetic pathways in acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome: a systematic review of hypomethylating agents trials
Q26746038Targeting histone methyltransferases and demethylases in clinical trials for cancer therapy
Q36001852Targeting the epigenome: effects of epigenetic treatment strategies on genomic stability in healthy human cells
Q64119951Temple syndrome in a patient with variably methylated CpGs at the primary MEG3/DLK1:IG-DMR and severely hypomethylated CpGs at the secondary MEG3:TSS-DMR
Q96948458Ten-eleven translocation methyl-cytosine dioxygenase 2 deficiency exacerbates renal ischemia-reperfusion injury
Q33630343The CpG island methylator phenotype is concordant between primary colorectal carcinoma and matched distant metastases
Q57801999The DNMT1-associated lincRNA DACOR1 reprograms genome-wide DNA methylation in colon cancer
Q91561575The E3 ubiquitin ligase RNF40 suppresses apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells
Q35687321The GALNT9, BNC1 and CCDC8 genes are frequently epigenetically dysregulated in breast tumours that metastasise to the brain
Q35186243The IGF1 P2 promoter is an epigenetic QTL for circulating IGF1 and human growth.
Q97527458The MLH1 polymorphism rs1800734 and risk of endometrial cancer with microsatellite instability
Q60926062The anticancer effects of MPT0G211, a novel HDAC6 inhibitor, combined with chemotherapeutic agents in human acute leukemia cells
Q41588205The association between Alu hypomethylation and severity of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Q90761079The association of DNA methylation with body mass index: distinguishing between predictors and biomarkers
Q61443921The associations of DNA methylation alterations in oxidative stress-related genes with cancer incidence and mortality outcomes: a population-based cohort study
Q36001879The biological basis and clinical significance of hormonal imprinting, an epigenetic process
Q36824444The bromodomain inhibitor N-methyl pyrrolidone reduced fat accumulation in an ovariectomized rat model.
Q27323887The cardiovascular and hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis response to stress is controlled by glucocorticoid receptor sequence variants and promoter methylation
Q91729592The central nervous system tumor methylation classifier changes neuro-oncology practice for challenging brain tumor diagnoses and directly impacts patient care
Q37153361The combination of valproic acid, all-trans retinoic acid and low-dose cytarabine as disease-stabilizing treatment in acute myeloid leukemia
Q60044427The degree of mitochondrial DNA methylation in tumor models of glioblastoma and osteosarcoma
Q26750641The detective, prognostic, and predictive value of DNA methylation in human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
Q37692625The dynamic DNA methylation landscape of the mutL homolog 1 shore is altered by MLH1-93G>A polymorphism in normal tissues and colorectal cancer
Q41541788The effect of Nipped-B-like (Nipbl) haploinsufficiency on genome-wide cohesin binding and target gene expression: modeling Cornelia de Lange syndrome.
Q92778451The effects of bariatric surgery on clinical profile, DNA methylation, and ageing in severely obese patients
Q35670663The effects of depression and use of antidepressive medicines during pregnancy on the methylation status of the IGF2 imprinted control regions in the offspring.
Q36278456The effects of long-term daily folic acid and vitamin B12 supplementation on genome-wide DNA methylation in elderly subjects
Q37493907The effects of olanzapine on genome-wide DNA methylation in the hippocampus and cerebellum.
Q36002446The elements of human cyclin D1 promoter and regulation involved
Q64099722The emerging role of epigenetics in human autoimmune disorders
Q28079964The emerging role of lysine methyltransferase SETD8 in human diseases
Q47394148The epigenetic clock and objectively measured sedentary and walking behavior in older adults: the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936.
Q60561607The epigenetic clock and pubertal, neuroendocrine, psychiatric, and cognitive outcomes in adolescents
Q64054271The epigenetic clock as a predictor of disease and mortality risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q37993265The epigenetic effects of butyrate: potential therapeutic implications for clinical practice
Q100760567The epigenetic implication in coronavirus infection and therapy
Q29544441The epigenetic modifier JMJD6 is amplified in mammary tumors and cooperates with c-Myc to enhance cellular transformation, tumor progression, and metastasis
Q36035666The epigenetic signature of subcutaneous fat cells is linked to altered expression of genes implicated in lipid metabolism in obese women
Q37609851The epigenomic basis of common diseases.
Q98777562The fusiform gyrus exhibits an epigenetic signature for Alzheimer's disease
Q60919198The histone methyltransferase DOT1L is required for proper DNA damage response, DNA repair, and modulates chemotherapy responsiveness
Q64101715The hyper-activation of transcriptional enhancers in breast cancer
Q40349579The immunomodulatory anticancer agent, RRx-001, induces an interferon response through epigenetic induction of viral mimicry
Q38616634The impact of methylation quantitative trait loci (mQTLs) on active smoking-related DNA methylation changes
Q43086551The importance of distinguishing pseudogenes from parental genes
Q36454684The influence of menstrual cycle and endometriosis on endometrial methylome
Q100572487The influences of DNA methylation and epigenetic clocks, on metabolic disease, in middle-aged Koreans
Q36357800The integrative epigenomic-transcriptomic landscape of ER positive breast cancer
Q128357685The interaction between DNA methylation and tumor immune microenvironment: from the laboratory to clinical applications
Q36531444The interaction of genetic variants and DNA methylation of the interleukin-4 receptor gene increase the risk of asthma at age 18 years
Q33620750The interplay of DNA methylation over time with Th2 pathway genetic variants on asthma risk and temporal asthma transition
Q114061440The mediating effect of DNA methylation in the association between maternal sleep during pregnancy and offspring adiposity status: a prospective cohort study
Q55346706The neuropeptide genes SST, TAC1, HCRT, NPY, and GAL are powerful epigenetic biomarkers in head and neck cancer: a site-specific analysis.
Q57826113The new 6q27 tumor suppressor DACT2, frequently silenced by CpG methylation, sensitizes nasopharyngeal cancer cells to paclitaxel and 5-FU toxicity via β-catenin/Cdc25c signaling and G2/M arrest
Q91910501The phenotypic variations of multi-locus imprinting disturbances associated with maternal-effect variants of NLRP5 range from overt imprinting disorder to apparently healthy phenotype
Q26795427The placenta: phenotypic and epigenetic modifications induced by Assisted Reproductive Technologies throughout pregnancy
Q58578108The polyphenol quercetin induces cell death in leukemia by targeting epigenetic regulators of pro-apoptotic genes
Q42182619The possibility of evidence-based psychiatry: depression as a case
Q28079389The quest for an effective and safe personalized cell therapy using epigenetic tools
Q64237748The role and mechanisms of action of microRNAs in cancer drug resistance
Q45770056The role of BET epigenetic readers in acute myeloid leukaemia and other haematological malignancies.
Q97546543The role of DNA methylation in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus
Q35165200The role of epigenetic dysregulation in the epidemic of allergic disease
Q35191580The role of microRNA-1246 in the regulation of B cell activation and the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus
Q96228523The signature of HBV-related liver disease in peripheral blood mononuclear cell DNA methylation
Q48155719The signature of liver cancer in immune cells DNA methylation.
Q36001856The sirtuins in the pathogenesis of cancer
Q94586285The sperm epigenome does not display recurrent epimutations in patients with severely impaired spermatogenesis
Q91612507The timeline of epigenetic drug discovery: from reality to dreams
Q36001865The transposon-driven evolutionary origin and basis of histone deacetylase functions and limitations in disease prevention
Q102140335The tumor suppressor Zinc finger protein 471 suppresses breast cancer growth and metastasis through inhibiting AKT and Wnt/β-catenin signaling
Q95828238Therapeutic strategies against hDOT1L as a potential drug target in MLL-rearranged leukemias
Q112303132Therapeutical interference with the epigenetic landscape of germ cell tumors: a comparative drug study and new mechanistical insights
Q100749101Time course of altered DNA methylation evoked by critical illness and by early administration of parenteral nutrition in the paediatric ICU
Q128179338Tissue of origin prediction for cancer of unknown primary using a targeted methylation sequencing panel
Q41900211Tissue-specific DNA methylation profiles in newborns
Q37150828Tobacco smoking differently influences cell types of the innate and adaptive immune system-indications from CpG site methylation
Q34478045Tobacco smoking is associated with methylation of genes related to coronary artery disease
Q112642219Tracing TET1 expression in prostate cancer: discovery of malignant cells with a distinct oncogenic signature
Q61799906Tracking of epigenetic changes during hematopoietic differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells
Q60641779Trajectories of inflammatory biomarkers over the eighth decade and their associations with immune cell profiles and epigenetic ageing
Q37056760Transcription factor NFκB regulates the expression of the histone deacetylase SIRT1
Q112608926Transcriptional epigenetic regulation of Fkbp1/Pax9 genes is associated with impaired sensitivity to platinum treatment in ovarian cancer
Q38019158Transcriptional modulation by VIP: a rational target against inflammatory disease.
Q34504775Transcriptional repression is epigenetically marked by H3K9 methylation during SV40 replication
Q112639153Transcriptional, epigenetic and metabolic signatures in cardiometabolic syndrome defined by extreme phenotypes
Q92666372Transcriptomic profiling disclosed the role of DNA methylation and histone modifications in tumor-infiltrating myeloid-derived suppressor cell subsets in colorectal cancer
Q41362981Transcriptomics and methylomics in chronic periodontitis with tobacco use: a pilot study
Q36105177Transgelin gene is frequently downregulated by promoter DNA hypermethylation in breast cancer
Q94596844Transgenerational epigenetic effects from male exposure to endocrine-disrupting compounds: a systematic review on research in mammals
Q95652485Transgenerational inheritance of fetal alcohol exposure adverse effects on immune gene interferon-ϒ
Q92355000Transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 promoter methylation and peripheral pain sensitivity in Crohn's disease
Q41228881Translating epigenetics into clinic: focus on lupus
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Q35986654Triage of high-risk human papillomavirus-positive women by methylated POU4F3.
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Q42643517Turnover of histones and histone variants in postnatal rat brain: effects of alcohol exposure
Q58562806Two histologically colorectal carcinomas subsets from the serrated pathway show different methylome signatures and diagnostic biomarkers
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Q55398424Type 2 diabetes and cardiometabolic risk may be associated with increase in DNA methylation of FKBP5.
Q64063558UHRF1 depletion and HDAC inhibition reactivate epigenetically silenced genes in colorectal cancer cells
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Q92425517Urinary DNA methylation biomarkers for prediction of prostate cancer upgrading and upstaging
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Q36803259Variation in ultraviolet radiation and diabetes: evidence of an epigenetic effect that modulates diabetics' lifespan.
Q91005256Variation of PEAR1 DNA methylation influences platelet and leukocyte function
Q37419464Variations in DNA methylation of interferon gamma and programmed death 1 in allograft rejection after kidney transplantation
Q35166784Vitamin B12 insufficiency induces cholesterol biosynthesis by limiting s-adenosylmethionine and modulating the methylation of SREBF1 and LDLR genes.
Q38773945Vitamin C enhances epigenetic modifications induced by 5-azacytidine and cell cycle arrest in the hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines HLE and Huh7.
Q55669246Vitamin C increases 5-hydroxymethylcytosine level and inhibits the growth of bladder cancer.
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Q55493561Vitamin D status and epigenetic-based mortality risk score: strong independent and joint prediction of all-cause mortality in a population-based cohort study.
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Q37609862What's in a name? Context-dependent significance of 'global' methylation measures in human health and disease
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Q40528885Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing of cell-free DNA identifies signature associated with metastatic breast cancer.
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