scholarly article | Q13442814 |
meta-analysis | Q815382 |
P50 | author | Steve Horvath | Q30595792 |
P2093 | author name string | Peter Langfelder | |
Paul S Mischel | |||
P2860 | cites work | Geometric interpretation of gene coexpression network analysis | Q21145373 |
Bioconductor: open software development for computational biology and bioinformatics | Q21194861 | ||
WGCNA: an R package for weighted correlation network analysis | Q21284194 | ||
ARACNE: An Algorithm for the Reconstruction of Gene Regulatory Networks in a Mammalian Cellular Context | Q21284234 | ||
Abundant quantitative trait loci exist for DNA methylation and gene expression in human brain | Q21563315 | ||
Statistical mechanics of complex networks | Q21563680 | ||
Gene ontology: tool for the unification of biology | Q23781406 | ||
NCBI GEO: archive for functional genomics data sets--10 years on | Q24610731 | ||
Cluster analysis and display of genome-wide expression patterns | Q24644463 | ||
Comprehensive identification of cell cycle-regulated genes of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by microarray hybridization | Q24657378 | ||
The human disease network | Q24678240 | ||
Systematic survey reveals general applicability of "guilt-by-association" within gene coexpression networks | Q24817215 | ||
Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks | Q27037290 | ||
Network biology: understanding the cell's functional organization | Q27861027 | ||
Lethality and centrality in protein networks | Q29547267 | ||
Error and attack tolerance of complex networks | Q29547268 | ||
Evidence for dynamically organized modularity in the yeast protein-protein interaction network | Q29614449 | ||
A gene-coexpression network for global discovery of conserved genetic modules | Q29614451 | ||
Adjusting batch effects in microarray expression data using empirical Bayes methods | Q29614937 | ||
Oncogenic pathway signatures in human cancers as a guide to targeted therapies | Q29615526 | ||
Rank products: a simple, yet powerful, new method to detect differentially regulated genes in replicated microarray experiments | Q29616371 | ||
A general framework for weighted gene co-expression network analysis | Q29617580 | ||
Hierarchical organization of modularity in metabolic networks | Q29618451 | ||
Singular value decomposition for genome-wide expression data processing and modeling | Q29618495 | ||
A high-resolution association mapping panel for the dissection of complex traits in mice | Q30435297 | ||
Coexpression analysis of human genes across many microarray data sets | Q30936126 | ||
Gene connectivity, function, and sequence conservation: predictions from modular yeast co-expression networks | Q33235411 | ||
Gene prioritization through genomic data fusion | Q33242612 | ||
Integrating genetic and network analysis to characterize genes related to mouse weight | Q33255339 | ||
Gene network interconnectedness and the generalized topological overlap measure | Q33270231 | ||
Understanding network concepts in modules | Q33286658 | ||
Detecting conserved interaction patterns in biological networks | Q51931172 | ||
Combining multiple microarray studies and modeling interstudy variation | Q52012806 | ||
Strong control, conservative point estimation and simultaneous conservative consistency of false discovery rates: a unified approach | Q55980548 | ||
A direct approach to false discovery rates | Q56622258 | ||
Combining probability from independent tests: the weighted Z-method is superior to Fisher's approach | Q58034970 | ||
Topological and Functional Discovery in a Gene Coexpression Meta-Network of Gastric Cancer | Q62002234 | ||
Lymphotoxin beta receptor-dependent control of lipid homeostasis | Q80151396 | ||
Comparative genomics of centrality and essentiality in three eukaryotic protein-interaction networks | Q81191524 | ||
An immune response enriched 72-gene prognostic profile for early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer | Q83133034 | ||
Expression profile-defined classification of lung adenocarcinoma shows close relationship with underlying major genetic changes and clinicopathologic behaviors. | Q38408304 | ||
Reduced expression of retinoblastoma (Rb) gene protein is related to cell proliferation and prognosis in transitional-cell bladder cancer | Q38481899 | ||
Association of overexpression of tumor suppressor protein p53 with rapid cell proliferation and poor prognosis in node-negative breast cancer patients | Q38487426 | ||
Finding common genes in multiple cancer types through meta-analysis of microarray experiments: a rank aggregation approach | Q40079506 | ||
R/EBcoexpress: an empirical Bayesian framework for discovering differential co-expression | Q41392157 | ||
Using gene co-expression network analysis to predict biomarkers for chronic lymphocytic leukemia | Q41812846 | ||
Fast R Functions for Robust Correlations and Hierarchical Clustering | Q42239626 | ||
Meta-analysis of microarrays: interstudy validation of gene expression profiles reveals pathway dysregulation in prostate cancer. | Q42681771 | ||
Scale-free networks | Q44043429 | ||
Coexpression network analysis identifies transcriptional modules related to proastrocytic differentiation and sprouty signaling in glioma. | Q44865433 | ||
Relapse-related molecular signature in lung adenocarcinomas identifies patients with dismal prognosis. | Q46365315 | ||
A comparison of meta-analysis methods for detecting differentially expressed genes in microarray experiments | Q48364889 | ||
Systematic discovery of functional modules and context-specific functional annotation of human genome | Q48392309 | ||
Inferring gene regulatory networks from multiple microarray datasets | Q48438279 | ||
Eigengene networks for studying the relationships between co-expression modules | Q33306760 | ||
Cell cycle correlated genes dictate the prognostic power of breast cancer gene lists | Q33331012 | ||
Key issues in conducting a meta-analysis of gene expression microarray datasets | Q33366123 | ||
Integrated weighted gene co-expression network analysis with an application to chronic fatigue syndrome | Q33382893 | ||
Signed weighted gene co-expression network analysis of transcriptional regulation in murine embryonic stem cells | Q33484422 | ||
Meta-analysis: formulating, evaluating, combining, and reporting | Q33539750 | ||
Comparison study of microarray meta-analysis methods. | Q33647460 | ||
Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis for diabetic nephropathy in type 1 diabetes mellitus | Q33650362 | ||
Is human blood a good surrogate for brain tissue in transcriptional studies? | Q33723516 | ||
ArrayExpress update--an archive of microarray and high-throughput sequencing-based functional genomics experiments | Q33744808 | ||
Human aging-associated DNA hypermethylation occurs preferentially at bivalent chromatin domains | Q33762426 | ||
Age-dependent DNA methylation of genes that are suppressed in stem cells is a hallmark of cancer. | Q33762434 | ||
Is my network module preserved and reproducible? | Q33809355 | ||
Strategies for aggregating gene expression data: the collapseRows R function | Q33981973 | ||
Divergence of human and mouse brain transcriptome highlights Alzheimer disease pathways | Q34005022 | ||
Comparing statistical methods for constructing large scale gene networks | Q34137292 | ||
Defining clusters from a hierarchical cluster tree: the Dynamic Tree Cut package for R. | Q34714933 | ||
Gene expression-based survival prediction in lung adenocarcinoma: a multi-site, blinded validation study | Q34798314 | ||
Prognostic value of an RNA expression signature derived from cell cycle proliferation genes in patients with prostate cancer: a retrospective study. | Q34962331 | ||
Identification of inflammatory gene modules based on variations of human endothelial cell responses to oxidized lipids | Q35036420 | ||
Optimally weighted Z-test is a powerful method for combining probabilities in meta-analysis. | Q35103333 | ||
Analysis of oncogenic signaling networks in glioblastoma identifies ASPM as a molecular target | Q35127284 | ||
Conservation and evolution of gene coexpression networks in human and chimpanzee brains | Q35215128 | ||
Discovering functional relationships between RNA expression and chemotherapeutic susceptibility using relevance networks | Q35399475 | ||
A systems genetic analysis of high density lipoprotein metabolism and network preservation across mouse models | Q35693517 | ||
Weighted gene coexpression network analysis strategies applied to mouse weight | Q36021366 | ||
Meta-analysis of microarray results: challenges, opportunities, and recommendations for standardization | Q36203024 | ||
A gene expression network model of type 2 diabetes links cell cycle regulation in islets with diabetes susceptibility | Q36586611 | ||
Comparative microarray analysis | Q36636610 | ||
Biological impacts and context of network theory | Q36798117 | ||
Elucidating the role of gonadal hormones in sexually dimorphic gene coexpression networks | Q37125958 | ||
Functional organization of the transcriptome in human brain | Q37373520 | ||
Effects of atherogenic diet on hepatic gene expression across mouse strains | Q37462887 | ||
From 'differential expression' to 'differential networking' - identification of dysfunctional regulatory networks in diseases | Q37767030 | ||
P275 | copyright license | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International | Q20007257 |
P6216 | copyright status | copyrighted | Q50423863 |
P4510 | describes a project that uses | WGCNA | Q102537983 |
P433 | issue | 4 | |
P407 | language of work or name | English | Q1860 |
P921 | main subject | meta-analysis | Q815382 |
P304 | page(s) | e61505 | |
P577 | publication date | 2013-01-01 | |
P1433 | published in | PLOS One | Q564954 |
P1476 | title | When is hub gene selection better than standard meta-analysis? | |
P478 | volume | 8 |
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