Bias due to selective inclusion and reporting of outcomes and analyses in systematic reviews of randomised trials of healthcare interventions

scientific article (published 2014-10-01)

Bias due to selective inclusion and reporting of outcomes and analyses in systematic reviews of randomised trials of healthcare interventions is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P8608Fatcat IDrelease_vjczo6av2vaptdzvsf2o5ajigq
P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID1453912
P932PMC publication ID8191366
P698PubMed publication ID25271098

P50authorJoanne E. McKenzieQ47188116
Sally E. GreenQ55545418
Matthew J PageQ56477440
Jamie KirkhamQ57374195
Andrew ForbesQ61634021
Sharon F KramerQ82101510
P2093author name stringKerry Dwan
P2860cites workEpidemiology and reporting characteristics of systematic reviewsQ21144675
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Meta-analyses of randomized controlled trialsQ52603476
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Meta-analysis in clinical trialsQ27860779
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Outcome reporting bias in randomized trials funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health ResearchQ28285027
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An international registry of systematic-review protocolsQ28736157
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Identification and impact of outcome selection bias in meta-analysisQ33209578
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PRISMA for Abstracts: reporting systematic reviews in journal and conference abstractsQ34667712
Validation of an index of the quality of review articlesQ34762592
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Cochrane reviews used more rigorous methods than non-Cochrane reviews: survey of systematic reviews in physiotherapy.Q34961789
Cochrane reviews compared with industry supported meta-analyses and other meta-analyses of the same drugs: systematic reviewQ35082900
Article Alerts: Items from 2011, Part I.Q35656564
Article alerts: Introduction and items from 2009, part I.Q35657611
Article alerts: Items from 2009, Part II.Q35659839
Article alerts: items from 2010, part I.Q35660013
Article Alerts: items from 2010, Part II.Q35660163
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Assessment of the quality of reporting in abstracts of systematic reviews with meta-analyses in periodontology and implant dentistry.Q38106498
Survey of the reporting characteristics of systematic reviews in rehabilitationQ38112640
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P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectbiasQ742736
systematic reviewQ1504425
P577publication date2014-10-01
P13046publication type of scholarly worksystematic reviewQ1504425
P1433published inCochrane Database of Systematic ReviewsQ15750361
P1476titleBias due to selective inclusion and reporting of outcomes and analyses in systematic reviews of randomised trials of healthcare interventions

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