Effect of in utero and early-life conditions on adult health and disease

scientific article (publication date: 3 July 2008)

Effect of in utero and early-life conditions on adult health and disease is …
instance of (P31):
review articleQ7318358
scholarly articleQ13442814

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P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID1661391
P932PMC publication ID3923653
P698PubMed publication ID18596274

P50authorPeter GluckmanQ7174263
Cyrus CooperQ29839772
Kent L ThornburgQ43121387
Mark HansonQ44813108
P2860cites workPax-2 and N-myc regulate epithelial cell proliferation and apoptosis in a positive autocrine feedback loopQ24300081
A common variant of the PAX2 gene is associated with reduced newborn kidney sizeQ24306420
Epigenetic differences arise during the lifetime of monozygotic twinsQ24531005
Maternal care effects on the hippocampal transcriptome and anxiety-mediated behaviors in the offspring that are reversible in adulthoodQ24541484
Genome-wide association study of 14,000 cases of seven common diseases and 3,000 shared controlsQ24550675
Diabetes mellitus: a "thrifty" genotype rendered detrimental by "progress"?Q24685208
Epigenetic programming by maternal behaviorQ27860466
Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus: the thrifty phenotype hypothesisQ29615808
Epigenetics: a landscape takes shapeQ29616623
Nongenomic transmission across generations of maternal behavior and stress responses in the ratQ29618867
Right ventricular systolic pressure load alters myocyte maturation in fetal sheepQ72997912
Neonatal anthropometry: the thin-fat Indian baby. The Pune Maternal Nutrition StudyQ72999935
Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseasesQ73440494
Sedentary behavior during postnatal life is determined by the prenatal environment and exacerbated by postnatal hypercaloric nutritionQ73496084
Congenital malformations among infants whose mothers had gestational diabetes or preexisting diabetesQ73551492
Critical differences between two low protein diet protocols in the programming of hypertension in the ratQ73620149
Maternal protein restriction suppresses the newborn renin-angiotensin system and programs adult hypertension in ratsQ73662634
Differential effects of culture on imprinted H19 expression in the preimplantation mouse embryoQ73811130
Maternal undernutrition during the preimplantation period of rat development causes blastocyst abnormalities and programming of postnatal hypertensionQ74281065
In utero programming of chronic diseaseQ74813945
Duration of breastfeeding and risk of overweight: a meta-analysisQ80996373
Prevention of programmed hyperleptinemia and hypertension by postnatal dietary omega-3 fatty acidsQ81321870
Maternal low-protein diet programs cardiac β-adrenergic response and signaling in 3-mo-old male offspringQ60194430
Predictive adaptive responses and human evolutionQ61693832
Programming of the endocrine pancreas by the early nutritional environmentQ36335880
Adult hypertension and kidney disease: the role of fetal programming.Q36369445
Fetal programming of hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal function: prenatal stress and glucocorticoidsQ36392499
Dietary protein restriction of pregnant rats in the F0 generation induces altered methylation of hepatic gene promoters in the adult male offspring in the F1 and F2 generationsQ36398197
Nutrition, glucocorticoids and pancreas developmentQ36448041
Maternal nutrition in early and late pregnancy in relation to placental and fetal growthQ36596710
Developmental origins of adult hypertension: new insights into the role of the kidneyQ36657898
Is the association of birth weight with premenopausal breast cancer risk mediated through childhood growth?Q36695428
The nature of the growth pattern and of the metabolic response to fasting in the rat are dependent upon the dietary protein and folic acid intakes of their pregnant dams and post-weaning fat consumptionQ36803755
Genomic imprinting, growth control and the allocation of nutritional resources: consequences for postnatal lifeQ36973005
Glucocorticoid exposure in late gestation permanently programs rat hepatic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and glucocorticoid receptor expression and causes glucose intolerance in adult offspring.Q37382023
Pearl Harbor and the Emperor's physiologistsQ38972416
Prenatal glucocorticoid programming of brain corticosteroid receptors and corticotrophin-releasing hormone: possible implications for behaviourQ42647777
Impact of educational attainment on the quality of young women's dietsQ43702145
Maternal protein restriction in the rat impairs resistance artery but not conduit artery function in pregnant offspringQ44300204
Dietary protein restriction in pregnancy induces hypertension and vascular defects in rat male offspring.Q44368687
Brief undernutrition in late-gestation sheep programs the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in adult offspringQ44480608
Birthweight, vitamin D receptor genotype and the programming of osteoporosis.Q30698152
Association of birth weight with osteoporosis and osteoarthritis in adult twinsQ31141267
Prenatal programming of adult hypertension in the rat.Q31790176
The fetal insulin hypothesis: an alternative explanation of the association of low birthweight with diabetes and vascular diseaseQ33646822
Size at birth and resilience to effects of poor living conditions in adult life: longitudinal studyQ33948592
Early evidence of ethnic differences in cardiovascular risk: cross sectional comparison of British South Asian and white childrenQ33958911
Evolution, development and timing of pubertyQ33991683
Cardiovascular and diabetes mortality determined by nutrition during parents' and grandparents' slow growth periodQ34156565
Glucocorticoid programmingQ34389003
Metabolic syndrome in childhood: association with birth weight, maternal obesity, and gestational diabetes mellitusQ34399314
Epigenetic reprogramming in mammalsQ34408807
RNA-mediated non-mendelian inheritance of an epigenetic change in the mouseQ34530513
Induction of altered epigenetic regulation of the hepatic glucocorticoid receptor in the offspring of rats fed a protein-restricted diet during pregnancy suggests that reduced DNA methyltransferase-1 expression is involved in impaired DNA methylatioQ34618915
Childhood obesity and metabolic imprinting: the ongoing effects of maternal hyperglycemiaQ34630906
Prenatal and childhood influences on osteoporosisQ34686168
Early growth and death from cardiovascular disease in womenQ35190802
Growth in infancy and bone mass in later lifeQ35546890
Mouse embryo culture induces changes in postnatal phenotype including raised systolic blood pressureQ35720294
Developmental origins of disease paradigm: a mechanistic and evolutionary perspective.Q35829483
Mismatched pre- and postnatal nutrition leads to cardiovascular dysfunction and altered renal function in adulthood.Q35839676
Metabolic plasticity during mammalian development is directionally dependent on early nutritional status.Q35921676
Epigenetic germline inheritanceQ35942225
Epigenetic modification of the renin-angiotensin system in the fetal programming of hypertensionQ35990365
Fetal origins of developmental plasticity: are fetal cues reliable predictors of future nutritional environments?Q35990378
Maternal constraint of fetal growth and its consequences.Q36030194
The effects of anaemia as a programming agent in the fetal heartQ36067962
Developmental origins of the metabolic syndrome: prediction, plasticity, and programmingQ36079011
Food restriction, evolution and ageingQ36127573
Relation of serial changes in childhood body-mass index to impaired glucose tolerance in young adulthoodQ36128915
Vitamin B12 and folate concentrations during pregnancy and insulin resistance in the offspring: the Pune Maternal Nutrition Study.Q36178715
Animal evidence for the transgenerational development of diabetes mellitusQ36238851
Birth weight and risk of cardiovascular disease in a cohort of women followed up since 1976.Q36245805
DNA methylation, insulin resistance, and blood pressure in offspring determined by maternal periconceptional B vitamin and methionine statusQ36288582
Intergenerational consequences of fetal programming by in utero exposure to glucocorticoids in ratsQ44922302
Birthweight, body-mass index in middle age, and incident coronary heart diseaseQ45062957
Premature birth and later insulin resistance.Q45153621
Low birthweight is associated with specific changes in muscle insulin-signalling protein expressionQ45281578
Effect of fetal hypoxia on heart susceptibility to ischemia and reperfusion injury in the adult rat.Q46346992
Dietary protein restriction of pregnant rats induces and folic acid supplementation prevents epigenetic modification of hepatic gene expression in the offspringQ46522809
Neonatal leptin treatment reverses developmental programmingQ46601500
Trajectories of growth among children who have coronary events as adultsQ46776246
Fetal exposure to excess glucocorticoid is unlikely to explain the effects of periconceptional undernutrition in sheepQ46937357
Exploring the thrifty genotype's food-shortage assumptions: a cross-cultural comparison of ethnographic accounts of food security among foraging and agricultural societies.Q46950307
Glucose regulation in young adults with very low birth weightQ47287930
Fetal programming of body composition: relation between birth weight and body composition measured with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and anthropometric methods in older EnglishmenQ47361750
Hypergonadotrophinaemia with reduced uterine and ovarian size in women born small-for-gestational-age.Q47447394
Reversal of pregnancy-mediated plasma hypotonicity in the near-term rat.Q48273771
Dexamethasone in the last week of pregnancy attenuates hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor gene expression and elevates blood pressure in the adult offspring in the rat.Q48845874
Transmission of risk factors across three generations.Q51084481
Fetal origins of hyperphagia, obesity, and hypertension and postnatal amplification by hypercaloric nutrition.Q51555125
Combined prenatal and postnatal protein restriction influences adult kidney structure, function, and arterial pressure.Q51933399
Does estrogen affect the development of abnormal vascular function in offspring of rats fed a low-protein diet in pregnancy?Q52019599
The adaptive advantage of phenotypic memory in changing environments.Q52050905
Developmental plasticity and human health.Q52088515
Uteroplacental insufficiency increases apoptosis and alters p53 gene methylation in the full-term IUGR rat kidney.Q52102760
Environmental influences during development and their later consequences for health and disease: implications for the interpretation of empirical studies.Q52564078
Modest maternal protein restriction fails to program adult hypertension in female rats.Q53620099
Maternal Diet During Pregnancy and Carotid Intima–Media Thickness in ChildrenQ57273811
Prenatal Exposure to a Maternal Low Protein Diet Shortens Life Span in RatsQ57415645
Fetal exposure to a maternal low protein diet impairs nephrogenesis and promotes hypertension in the ratQ57659906
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectgenetic epigenesisQ64443099
prenatal exposure delayed effectsQ54911376
P5008on focus list of Wikimedia projectScienceSourceQ55439927
P577publication date2008-07-01
P1433published inThe New England Journal of MedicineQ582728
P1476titleEffect of in utero and early-life conditions on adult health and disease

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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Q93085035Body surface area at birth and later risk for gestational diabetes mellitus among primiparous women
Q51852223Bone loss in adult offspring induced by low-dose exposure to teratogens.
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Q35602490Challenges posed to the maternal circulation by pregnancy
Q43010492Changes in 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 expression in a low-protein rat model of intrauterine growth restriction
Q34438687Changes in beverage consumption from pre-pregnancy to early pregnancy in the Norwegian Fit for Delivery study
Q36334497Changes in fruit and vegetable consumption habits from pre-pregnancy to early pregnancy among Norwegian women
Q53794703Changes of Phospholipids in Fetal Liver of Mice Conceived by In Vitro Fertilization.
Q36591701Characterising the epigenome as a key component of the fetal exposome in evaluating in utero exposures and childhood cancer risk.
Q37941686Chemical biology of lysine demethylases
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Q28743415Colloquium paper: how grandmother effects plus individual variation in frailty shape fertility and mortality: guidance from human-chimpanzee comparisons
Q38791558Commentary: Life course epidemiology: the past two decades and future directions
Q90208130Comparison of miRNA Profiles of Cord Blood Stem Cells in Identical and Fraternal Twins
Q46243634Conference on "Multidisciplinary approaches to nutritional problems". Rank Prize Lecture. Global nutrition challenges for optimal health and well-being
Q51860185Conference on "Multidisciplinary approaches to nutritional problems". Symposium on "Diabetes and health". Challenges in the study of causation of obesity.
Q39834241Congenital heart defects and biomarkers of methylation in children: a case-control study
Q36881169Connecting the Dots in Childhood Obesity Disparities: A Review of Growth Patterns from Birth to Pre-Adolescence
Q37900364Consequences of hyperemesis gravidarum for offspring: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q46900070Contextual adversity, telomere erosion, pubertal development, and health: Two models of accelerated aging, or one?
Q38859880Contextualizing Genetics for Regional Heart Failure Care
Q36693416Convergence of non-communicable and infectious diseases in low- and middle-income countries.
Q47138529Copy Number Variants and Exome Sequencing Analysis in Six Pairs of Chinese Monozygotic Twins Discordant for Congenital Heart Disease
Q41154649Cord blood gene expression supports that prenatal exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances causes depressed immune functionality in early childhood
Q37110596Cord serum lipidome in prediction of islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes
Q57168153Core Outcome Set for GROwth restriction: deVeloping Endpoints (COSGROVE)
Q36528009Corpus luteal contribution to maternal pregnancy physiology and outcomes in assisted reproductive technologies
Q48415207Cortical morphology and early adverse birth events in men with first-episode psychosis.
Q39081082Cost-Effectiveness of Nicotine Patches for Smoking Cessation in Pregnancy: A Placebo Randomized Controlled Trial (SNAP).
Q39753005Country-Specific vs. Common Birthweight-for-Gestational Age References to Identify Small for Gestational Age Infants Born at 24-28 weeks: An International Study.
Q37980505Critical issues in setting micronutrient recommendations for pregnant women: an insight
Q56882376Critical need for family-based, quasi-experimental designs in integrating genetic and social science research
Q40531568Critical periods and growth patterns from fetal life onwards associated with childhood insulin levels
Q35993217Cumulative early life adversity predicts longevity in wild baboons
Q37031478Current knowledge of obesity's effects in the pre- and periconceptional periods and avenues for future research
Q90751476Customized versus population birth weight charts for identification of newborns at risk of long-term adverse cardio-metabolic and respiratory outcomes: a population-based prospective cohort study
Q37277787Cyclosporin A enhances the ability of trophoblasts to displace the activated human umbilical vein endothelial cell monolayers
Q33559098DNA Methylation Profiles of Blood Cells Are Distinct between Early-Onset Obese and Control Individuals
Q47228292DNA Methylation Variability in a Single Locus of the RXRα Promoter from Umbilical Vein Blood at Term Pregnancy.
Q44932692DNA hypomethylation at ALOX12 is associated with persistent wheezing in childhood
Q37338132DNA methylation at imprint regulatory regions in preterm birth and infection.
Q24656230DNA methylation differences after exposure to prenatal famine are common and timing- and sex-specific
Q38208058DNA methylation in obesity and type 2 diabetes
Q35754822DNA methylation of IGF2, GNASAS, INSIGF and LEP and being born small for gestational age.
Q55492886DNA methylation of imprinted genes at birth is associated with child weight status at birth, 1 year, and 3 years.
Q100724585DNA methylation profiles in adults born at extremely low birth weight
Q36214580DNA methylation provides insight into intergenerational risk for preterm birth in African Americans
Q37440102DNA methylation, an epigenetic mechanism connecting folate to healthy embryonic development and aging
Q91989671DOHaD - the challenge of translating the science to policy
Q93353732DOHaD in science and society: emergent opportunities and novel responsibilities
Q36441473DRD4 and DAT1 in ADHD: Functional neurobiology to pharmacogenetics
Q37251135Decreased cord-blood phospholipids in young age-at-onset type 1 diabetes
Q56698053Deep integration: letting the epigenome out of the bottle without losing sight of the structural origins of population health
Q33886558Defining normal and abnormal fetal growth: promises and challenges
Q39489592Degree of fetal growth restriction associated with schizophrenia risk in a national cohort
Q36149236Depression in pregnancy, infant birth weight and DNA methylation of imprint regulatory elements
Q37380369Describing differences in weight and length growth trajectories between white and Pakistani infants in the UK: analysis of the Born in Bradford birth cohort study using multilevel linear spline models.
Q34565543Design and methods for evaluating an early childhood obesity prevention program in the childcare center setting
Q95660376Detrimental effects of flame retardant, PBB153, exposure on sperm and future generations
Q88323910Developing, implementing and disseminating a core outcome set for neonatal medicine
Q48962714Developmental Health of Infants and Children Subsequent to Foster Care
Q38209730Developmental ORIgins of Healthy and Unhealthy AgeiNg: the role of maternal obesity--introduction to DORIAN.
Q60284100Developmental Origins of Disease: Emerging Prenatal Risk Factors and Future Disease Risk
Q30235339Developmental Origins of Health and Disease: A Lifecourse Approach to the Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases
Q50419860Developmental Origins of Health and Disease: the relevance to developing nations
Q38876536Developmental Origins of Hypoxic Pulmonary Hypertension and Systemic Vascular Dysfunction: Evidence from Humans
Q38793960Developmental Origins, Epigenetics, and Equity: Moving Upstream
Q36040775Developmental Programming: Priming Disease Susceptibility for Subsequent Generations
Q30234682Developmental and Transmittable Origins of Obesity-Associated Health Disorders
Q38086766Developmental and environmental epigenetic programming of the endocrine pancreas: consequences for type 2 diabetes
Q37366387Developmental and epigenetic pathways to obesity: an evolutionary-developmental perspective.
Q38620730Developmental aspects of a life course approach to healthy ageing.
Q36518157Developmental conditioning of endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor-mediated vasorelaxation
Q38318645Developmental conditioning of the vasculature
Q36913133Developmental contributions to macronutrient selection: a randomized controlled trial in adult survivors of malnutrition
Q28387780Developmental dioxin exposure of either parent is associated with an increased risk of preterm birth in adult mice
Q28306200Developmental influences, muscle morphology, and sarcopenia in community-dwelling older men
Q57296306Developmental origin and sex-specific risk for infections and immune diseases later in life
Q30241940Developmental origins of NAFLD: a womb with a clue
Q34535146Developmental origins of cardiovascular disease: Impact of early life stress in humans and rodents
Q38918812Developmental origins of cardiovascular risk in Jamaican children: the Vulnerable Windows Cohort study
Q37171950Developmental origins of chronic renal disease: an integrative hypothesis.
Q37234693Developmental origins of colon smooth muscle dysfunction in IBS-like rats
Q36409155Developmental origins of genotype-phenotype correlations in chronic diseases of old age.
Q33822704Developmental origins of health and disease: brief history of the approach and current focus on epigenetic mechanisms
Q33822673Developmental origins of health and disease: environmental exposures
Q33762273Developmental origins of health and disease: reducing the burden of chronic disease in the next generation
Q26995093Developmental origins of obesity and type 2 diabetes: molecular aspects and role of chemicals
Q35687508Developmental origins of type 2 diabetes in aboriginal youth in Canada: it is more than diet and exercise
Q29994665Developmental origins of type 2 diabetes: a perspective from China
Q39783846Developmental outcomes of children exposed to antidepressants in pregnancy.
Q41810758Developmental plasticity in child growth and maturation
Q33863357Developmental plasticity of red blood cell homeostasis
Q54942024Developmental plasticity research in evolution and human health: Response to commentaries.
Q49202101Developmental plasticity: Bridging research in evolution and human health
Q33881713Developmental programing: impact of testosterone on placental differentiation.
Q37787476Developmental programming and diabetes – The human experience and insight from animal models
Q38223735Developmental programming of cardiovascular disease by prenatal hypoxia.
Q35003747Developmental programming of cardiovascular disease following intrauterine growth restriction: findings utilising a rat model of maternal protein restriction.
Q34163329Developmental programming of cardiovascular dysfunction by prenatal hypoxia and oxidative stress
Q36449889Developmental programming of hypertension and kidney disease
Q35233388Developmental programming of the metabolic syndrome - critical windows for intervention
Q36839915Developmental programming: State-of-the-science and future directions-Summary from a Pennington Biomedical symposium
Q34450605Developmental programming: impact of excess prenatal testosterone on intrauterine fetal endocrine milieu and growth in sheep
Q35174892Developmental programming: the role of growth hormone
Q30373177Developmental specification of metabolic circuitry
Q28385685Developments in the field of allergy in 2009 through the eyes of Clinical and Experimental Allergy
Q38109814Diabetes and its comorbidities--where East meets West
Q84816150Diabetes in Asia
Q41740417Diabetes in China: a societal solution for a personal challenge
Q38195468Diabetes: a 21st century challenge
Q38944123Diagnosis and management of Silver-Russell syndrome: first international consensus statement
Q39796767Dichorionic twin trajectories: the NICHD Fetal Growth Studies
Q38197486Diet and our genetic legacy in the recent anthropocene: a Darwinian perspective to nutritional health.
Q38294300Diet, behavior and immunity across the lifespan.
Q34132433Diet-induced obesity model: abnormal oocytes and persistent growth abnormalities in the offspring
Q30805835Dietary habits and supplement use in relation to national pregnancy recommendations: data from the EuroPrevall birth cohort.
Q52681019Dietary patterns are influenced by socio-demographic conditions of women in childbearing age: a cohort study of pregnant women.
Q33959335Dietary protein restriction during F0 pregnancy in rats induces transgenerational changes in the hepatic transcriptome in female offspring
Q34627395Dietary supplementation with polyunsaturated fatty acid during pregnancy modulates DNA methylation at IGF2/H19 imprinted genes and growth of infants
Q42368272Different Effects of Maternal Low-Isoflavone Soy Protein and Genistein Consumption on Hepatic Lipid Metabolism of 21-Day-Old Male Rat Offspring
Q36066581Differential effects of prenatal stress on metabolic programming in diet-induced obese and dietary-resistant rats
Q50088365Differential expression profiles of circulating microRNAs in newborns associated to maternal pregestational overweight and obesity
Q91294994Differential susceptibility effects of maternal sensitivity in childhood on small for gestational age adults' wealth
Q37831989Differential susceptibility to the environment: an evolutionary--neurodevelopmental theory.
Q41499812Dim light at night prior to adolescence increases adult anxiety-like behaviors
Q35546726Direct and indirect effects of childhood conditions on survival and health among male and female elderly in China
Q34562489Diseases of pregnancy and fetal programming: cell and molecular mechanisms.
Q34775092Distribution and determinants of plasma homocysteine levels in rural Chinese twins across the lifespan
Q37284338Divergence of mechanistic pathways mediating cardiovascular aging and developmental programming of cardiovascular disease
Q35181453Diverging trajectory patterns of systemic versus vascular inflammation over age in healthy Caucasians and African-Americans
Q26861511Do all roads lead to Rome? The role of neuro-immune interactions before birth in the programming of offspring obesity
Q35967728Does Embryo Culture Medium Influence the Health and Development of Children Born after In Vitro Fertilization?
Q90106876Does Pentaerytrithyltetranitrate reduce fetal growth restriction in pregnancies complicated by uterine mal-perfusion? Study protocol of the PETN-study: a randomized controlled multicenter-trial
Q41276775Does early-life diet affect longevity? A meta-analysis across experimental studies.
Q36360831Does the relationship between prenatal care and birth weight vary by oral clefts? evidence using South American and United States samples
Q89476688Down-regulation of placental folate transporters in intrauterine growth restriction
Q37593992Down-regulation of placental mTOR, insulin/IGF-I signaling, and nutrient transporters in response to maternal nutrient restriction in the baboon.
Q52653360Downregulation of L-Type Voltage-Gated Ca2+, Voltage-Gated K+, and Large-Conductance Ca2+-Activated K+ Channels in Vascular Myocytes From Salt-Loading Offspring Rats Exposed to Prenatal Hypoxia.
Q57954687Drakenstein Child Health Study (DCHS): investigating determinants of early child development and cognition
Q28264120Dynamic DNA methylation programs persistent adverse effects of early-life stress
Q36716443Dynamic changes in genomic histone association and modification during activation of the ASNS and ATF3 genes by amino acid limitation
Q38790409Dysregulation of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases: implications during pregnancy and beyond.
Q37019642Dysregulation of lipid and amino acid metabolism precedes islet autoimmunity in children who later progress to type 1 diabetes
Q36133861E2F1 Orchestrates Transcriptomics and Oxidative Metabolism in Wharton's Jelly-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Growth-Restricted Infants
Q37204878Early Life Bereavement and Schizophrenia: A Nationwide Cohort Study in Denmark and Sweden
Q92711981Early Life Stress, Physiology, and Genetics: A Review
Q35677517Early Risk Factors of Overweight Developmental Trajectories during Middle Childhood.
Q92105179Early Secure Attachment as a Protective Factor Against Later Cognitive Decline and Dementia
Q88312323Early Vascular Ageing - A Concept in Development
Q30387485Early developmental conditioning of later health and disease: physiology or pathophysiology?
Q33421554Early growth patterns and cardiometabolic function at the age of 5 in a multiethnic birth cohort: the ABCD study
Q34238800Early influences on cardiovascular and renal development
Q57099919Early life exposure to the 1918 influenza pandemic and old-age mortality by cause of death
Q37646969Early life factors in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis
Q33938035Early life influences on the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Q38711649Early life nutrition and the opportunity to influence long-term health: an Australasian perspective
Q35237414Early life nutrition modulates muscle stem cell number: implications for muscle mass and repair.
Q36228282Early life precursors, epigenetics, and the development of food allergy
Q92124039Early life starvation has stronger intra-generational than transgenerational effects on key life-history traits and consumption measures in a sawfly
Q37388479Early life stress as an influence on limbic epilepsy: an hypothesis whose time has come?
Q28267451Early life urban exposure as a risk factor for developing obesity and impaired fasting glucose in later adulthood: results from two cohorts in Thailand
Q38178800Early lung development: lifelong effect on respiratory health and disease
Q50801421Early nutrition programming of long-term health.
Q37915056Early nutritional environment: focus on health effects of microbiota and probiotics.
Q43188686Early origins of child obesity: bridging disciplines and phases of development -- September 30--October 1, 2010.
Q38299379Early origins of chronic obstructive lung diseases across the life course
Q51642628Early origins of inflammation: microbial exposures in infancy predict lower levels of C-reactive protein in adulthood.
Q44895647Early repeated maternal separation induces alterations of hippocampus reelin expression in rats
Q51701418Early weight changes after birth and serum high-molecular-weight adiponectin level in preterm infants.
Q40661177Early-Life Exposure to the Great Smog of 1952 and the Development of Asthma.
Q36519023Early-life conditions and older adult health in low- and middle-income countries: a review
Q43252724Early-life nutrition influences thymic growth in male mice that may be related to the regulation of longevity
Q33675519Early-life sodium exposure unmasks susceptibility to stroke in hyperlipidemic, hypertensive heterozygous Tg25 rats transgenic for human cholesteryl ester transfer protein
Q40591240Early-life stress and vulnerability for disease in later life
Q33992088Early-life stress interactions with the epigenome: potential mechanisms driving vulnerability toward psychiatric illness
Q93076424Early-life stress, microbiota, and brain development: probiotics reverse the effects of maternal separation on neural circuits underpinning fear expression and extinction in infant rats
Q58610252Early-onset diabetes: an epidemic in China
Q42386975Editorial: Mitochondria in Skeletal Muscle Health, Aging and Diseases
Q35114391Education modifies the association of wealth with obesity in women in middle-income but not low-income countries: an interaction study using seven national datasets, 2005-2010
Q34397360Educational Differences in U.S. Adult Mortality: A Cohort Perspective
Q58576704Educational disparities in perinatal health in Denmark in the first decade of the 21st century: a register-based cohort study
Q91742125Effect of Adherence to Mediterranean Diet during Pregnancy on Children's Health: A Systematic Review
Q39224612Effect of Maternal Obesity on Foetal Growth and Metabolic Health of the Offspring.
Q44159303Effect of a child care center-based obesity prevention program on body mass index and nutrition practices among preschool-aged children
Q61756095Effect of early life stress on pancreatic isolated islets’ insulin secretion in young adult male rats subjected to chronic stress
Q92094144Effect of excessive gestational weight on daughters' breast density at the end of puberty onset
Q35219621Effect of gestational hypercholesterolemia and maternal immunization on offspring plasma eicosanoids
Q39456810Effect of maternal and postweaning folic acid supplementation on global and gene-specific DNA methylation in the liver of the rat offspring
Q50505049Effect of metformin on insulin resistance during catch-up growth in mice with fetal growth restriction
Q38010551Effect of n-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids during the perinatal period on later body composition
Q44595791Effect of nicotine patches in pregnancy on infant and maternal outcomes at 2 years: follow-up from the randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled SNAP trial
Q93111532Effect of prematurity on genome wide methylation in the placenta
Q43447865Effect of prenatal steroid treatment on the developing immune system
Q34412695Effect of smoke-free legislation on perinatal and child health: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Q30793038Effect of the INSIGHT Responsive Parenting Intervention on Rapid Infant Weight Gain and Overweight Status at Age 1 Year: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Q35748432Effectiveness of a normative nutrition intervention (diet, physical activity and breastfeeding) on maternal nutrition and offspring growth: the Chilean maternal and infant nutrition cohort study (CHiMINCs)
Q36428280Effects of Birth Month on Child Health and Survival in Sub-Saharan Africa
Q35763949Effects of Maternal Obesity on Fetal Programming: Molecular Approaches.
Q58601372Effects of a preconception lifestyle intervention in obese infertile women on diet and physical activity; A secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial
Q51707886Effects of antenatal hypoxia on tissue homeostasis in the myocardium of albino rats: early and delayed consequences.
Q53595059Effects of intrauterine growth retardation and postnatal high-fat diet on hepatic inflammatory response in pigs.
Q51836429Effects of maternal folic acid supplementation on morphology and apoptosis-related gene expression in jejunum of newborn intrauterine growth retarded piglets.
Q51532863Effects of perinatal cocaine exposure on open field behavior and the response to corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) in rat offspring
Q96228385Effects of prenatal exposure to the 1983-1985 Ethiopian Great Famine on metabolic syndrome in adults: a historical cohort study
Q51406569Effects of short-term maternal fasting in the third trimester of pregnancy on fetal biophysical profile and Doppler indices scores.
Q57488418Effects of trimester-specific exposure to vanadium on ultrasound measures of fetal growth and birth size: a longitudinal prospective prenatal cohort study
Q22252361Efficacy and safety of metformin during pregnancy in women with gestational diabetes mellitus or polycystic ovary syndrome: A systematic review
Q26747066Emerging Comorbidities in Adult Asthma: Risks, Clinical Associations, and Mechanisms
Q34496940Emerging issues in public health genomics
Q38946325Energetics of feeding, social behavior, and life history in non-human primates
Q35986504Engaging teenagers in improving their health behaviours and increasing their interest in science (Evaluation of LifeLab Southampton): study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial
Q46808725Enhanced sensitivity of skeletal muscle growth in offspring of mice long-term selected for high body mass in response to a maternal high-protein/low-carbohydrate diet during lactation
Q36126355Enriched Housing Reduces Disease Susceptibility to Co-Infection with Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Virus (PRRSV) and Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (A. pleuropneumoniae) in Young Pigs.
Q58586252Environmental Pollutants and Metabolic Disorders: The Multi-Exposure Scenario of Life
Q38195098Environmental control of biological rhythms: effects on development, fertility and metabolism
Q38217331Environmental determinants of type 1 diabetes: a role for overweight and insulin resistance
Q28385993Environmental epigenetics and its implication on disease risk and health outcomes
Q49660447Environmental exposures and fetal growth: the Haifa pregnancy cohort study
Q34138716Environmental toxicants and the developing immune system: a missing link in the global battle against infectious disease?
Q57476571Epidemic T2DM, early development and epigenetics: implications of the Chinese Famine
Q48155112Epidemic of large babies highlighted by use of INTERGROWTH21st international standard
Q36737217Epigenetic Modulation of Mood Disorders
Q92071245Epigenetic Programming and Fetal Metabolic Programming
Q37765138Epigenetic changes in early life and future risk of obesity.
Q35863756Epigenetic changes in fetal hypothalamic energy regulating pathways are associated with maternal undernutrition and twinning
Q35971112Epigenetic changes predisposing to type 2 diabetes in intrauterine growth retardation
Q46243255Epigenetic considerations in aquaculture
Q35046716Epigenetic gene promoter methylation at birth is associated with child's later adiposity
Q34399991Epigenetic heredity of human height
Q37886847Epigenetic influences in the developmental origins of osteoporosis
Q26853220Epigenetic mechanisms underlying cardiac degeneration and regeneration
Q34747263Epigenetic programming of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in response to fetal hypoxia
Q37919877Epigenetic programming of the HPA axis: early life decides
Q45107103Epigenetic regulation in neuronal differentiation and brain function
Q35743067Epigenetic regulation of fetal bone development and placental transfer of nutrients: progress for osteoporosis
Q47956316Epigenetics and DOHaD: from basics to birth and beyond.
Q34788746Epigenetics and cardiovascular disease
Q37981128Epigenetics and developmental programming of adult onset diseases
Q35063245Epigenetics and diabetes risk: not just for imprinting anymore?
Q24629035Epigenetics and environmental chemicals
Q86212382Epigenetics and metabolism in 2014: Metabolic programming--knowns, unknowns and possibilities
Q28748164Epigenetics and psychoneuroimmunology: Mechanisms and models
Q38586605Epigenetics changes associated to environmental triggers in autoimmunity
Q47885695Epigenetics in the Neoliberal "Regime of Truth": A Biopolitical Perspective on Knowledge Translation
Q21558362Epigenetics of early child development
Q39336050Epigenetics, nutrition and mental health. Is there a relationship?
Q35914884Epigenome-wide and transcriptome-wide analyses reveal gestational diabetes is associated with alterations in the human leukocyte antigen complex
Q34687601Epigenomic biomonitors: global DNA hypomethylation as a biodosimeter of life-long environmental exposures.
Q35711475Epigenomics in environmental health
Q41573772Epigenomics of Major Depressive Disorders and Schizophrenia: Early Life Decides
Q92499172Epitranscriptomic profiling in human placenta: N6-methyladenosine modification at the 5'-untranslated region is related to fetal growth and preeclampsia
Q55649998Establishment of environmentally sensitive DNA methylation states in the very early human embryo.
Q33584399Estimated birth weight and adult cardiovascular risk factors in a developing southern Chinese population: a cross sectional study
Q36445206Estrogen Regulates Angiotensin II Receptor Expression Patterns and Protects the Heart from Ischemic Injury in Female Rats.
Q42417100Estrogen deprivation in primate pregnancy leads to insulin resistance in offspring
Q92980466Evaluation of Serum Biomarkers and Other Diagnostic Modalities for Early Diagnosis of Preeclampsia
Q36774901Evaluation of methylation status of the eNOS promoter at birth in relation to childhood bone mineral content
Q50145657Evidence of cardiac involvement in the fetal inflammatory response syndrome: disruption of gene networks programming cardiac development in nonhuman primates
Q35671726Evidence that asthma is a developmental origin disease influenced by maternal diet and bacterial metabolites
Q45170084Evolution of obesity in a low birth weight cohort
Q43573882Evolutionary Nephrology
Q92982414Evolutionary and developmental mismatches are consequences of adaptive developmental plasticity in humans and have implications for later disease risk
Q39586378Evolutionary public health: introducing the concept
Q47344184Excessive gestational weight gain predicts large for gestational age neonates independent of maternal body mass index.
Q86118604Explaining racial disparities in infant health in Brazil
Q53790751Explaining racial disparities in infant health in Brazil.
Q88391629Exploring the extent and scope of epigenetic inheritance
Q43460555Exploring weathering: effects of lifelong economic environment and maternal age on low birth weight, small for gestational age, and preterm birth in African-American and white women
Q44653767Exploring weathering: the relation of age to low birth weight among first generation and established United States-born Mexican-American women
Q38824128Exposure of decidualized HIESC to low oxygen tension and leucine deprivation results in increased IGFBP-1 phosphorylation and reduced IGF-I bioactivity
Q47177062Exposure to Chinese famine in early life and the risk of dyslipidemia in adulthood
Q37465253Exposure to brominated trihalomethanes in water during pregnancy and micronuclei frequency in maternal and cord blood lymphocytes
Q42458721Exposure to intrauterine inflammation leads to impaired function and altered structure in the preterm heart of fetal sheep.
Q34125477Exposure to the Chinese famine in early life and the risk of hyperglycemia and type 2 diabetes in adulthood
Q35682831Exposure to trihalomethanes through different water uses and birth weight, small for gestational age, and preterm delivery in Spain
Q46325710FIGO--a professional nonprofit organization: reproductive, maternal, and child health policy and programs to address noncommunicable childhood disease
Q42482410Facilitated transporters mediate net efflux of amino acids to the fetus across the basal membrane of the placental syncytiotrophoblast.
Q38370459Famine exposure during early life and risk of hypertension in adulthood: A meta-analysis
Q28596170Faster reproductive rates trade off against offspring growth in wild chimpanzees
Q24635109Feeding a protein-restricted diet during pregnancy induces altered epigenetic regulation of peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptor-α in the heart of the offspring
Q35983444Fetal Environment and Glycosylation Status in Neonatal Cord Blood: A Comprehensive Mass Spectrometry-based Glycosylation Analysis
Q64904394Fetal Programming and Sexual Dimorphism of Mitochondrial Protein Expression and Activity of Hearts of Prenatally Hypoxic Guinea Pig Offspring.
Q43239279Fetal adrenal gland alterations in a rat model of adverse intrauterine environment
Q35189277Fetal and childhood growth patterns associated with bone mass in school-age children: the Generation R Study
Q33795614Fetal and infant exposure to severe Chinese famine increases the risk of adult dyslipidemia: Results from the China health and retirement longitudinal study.
Q35799056Fetal and infant origins of asthma
Q37678065Fetal first trimester growth is not associated with kidney outcomes in childhood
Q28709236Fetal growth and risk of childhood asthma and allergic disease
Q33913460Fetal growth restriction and methylation of growth-related genes in the placenta
Q37397133Fetal health shocks and early inequalities in health capital accumulation
Q35643324Fetal hypoxia and programming of matrix metalloproteinases.
Q82773624Fetal nutritional origins of adult diseases: challenges for epidemiological research
Q53567748Fetal origins of adult cardiac disease: a novel approach to prevent fetal growth restriction induced cardiac dysfunction using insulin like growth factor.
Q37788748Fetal origins of adult diabetes
Q35150410Fetal programming of children's obesity risk
Q42826377Fetal programming of diabetes: still so much to learn!
Q37836579Fetal programming of renal function
Q35131956Fetal serum folate concentrations and placental folate transport in obese women.
Q26996467Fetal stress and programming of hypoxic/ischemic-sensitive phenotype in the neonatal brain: mechanisms and possible interventions
Q35834108Fetal, neonatal, infant, and child international growth standards: an unprecedented opportunity for an integrated approach to assess growth and development
Q38104878Fetomaternal immune cross-talk and its consequences for maternal and offspring's health
Q48137214First trimester brain ventricle fluid and embryonic volumes measured by three-dimensional ultrasound with the use of I-Space virtual reality
Q37513363First trimester fetal growth restriction and cardiovascular risk factors in school age children: population based cohort study
Q33614074First-trimester maternal protein intake and childhood kidney outcomes: the Generation R Study
Q38965255Five year trends in maternal smoking behaviour reported at the first prenatal appointment
Q34485828Foetal hypoxia increases cardiac AT(2)R expression and subsequent vulnerability to adult ischaemic injury.
Q34410283Foetal nicotine exposure causes PKCε gene repression by promoter methylation in rat hearts.
Q38050579Folic acid supplementation in pregnancy: Are there devils in the detail?
Q45722121Folic acid supplementation prevents the changes in hepatic promoter methylation status and gene expression in intrauterine growth-retarded piglets during early weaning period
Q54318575Folic acid uptake by the human syncytiotrophoblast is affected by gestational diabetes, hyperleptinemia, and TNF-α.
Q36569203Food groups consumed by infants and toddlers in urban areas of China
Q34419221Forecasting the burden of type 2 diabetes in Singapore using a demographic epidemiological model of Singapore
Q64258780Fractional exhaled nitric oxide in preterm-born subjects: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q36353533Fragmentation and unpredictability of early-life experience in mental disorders
Q87682143Framing Strategies to Avoid Mother-Blame in Communicating the Origins of Chronic Disease
Q36373319From fatalism to mitigation: A conceptual framework for mitigating fetal programming of chronic disease by maternal obesity
Q35314161From inflammaging to healthy aging by dietary lifestyle choices: is epigenetics the key to personalized nutrition?
Q37735473From stress to inflammation and major depressive disorder: a social signal transduction theory of depression
Q26744192G-Protein-coupled receptors as potential drug candidates in preeclampsia: targeting the relaxin/insulin-like family peptide receptor 1 for treatment and prevention
Q47312967Gender-specific reference intervals for cord blood leptin in Crete, Greece
Q37350786Gene and protein expression profiles in the foetal liver of the pregnant rat fed a low protein diet.
Q33697209Gene expression in the placenta: maternal stress and epigenetic responses
Q31039097Gene expression profiling in the Cynomolgus macaque Macaca fascicularis shows variation within the normal birth range.
Q37272431Gene promoter DNA methylation patterns have a limited role in orchestrating transcriptional changes in the fetal liver in response to maternal folate depletion during pregnancy
Q37397767General practitioners' knowledge, attitudes and views of providing preconception care: a qualitative investigation
Q54957704Genetic and Environmental Influences on Fetal Growth Vary during Sensitive Periods in Pregnancy.
Q37731208Genetic redundancy of GATA factors in the extraembryonic trophoblast lineage ensures the progression of preimplantation and postimplantation mammalian development.
Q24615803Genome-environment interactions that modulate aging: powerful targets for drug discovery
Q48126854Gestation under chronic constant light leads to extensive gene expression changes in the fetal rat liver.
Q88540298Gestational Hypoxia and Developmental Plasticity
Q37620629Gestational Weight Gain and Fetal-Maternal Adiponectin, Leptin, and CRP: results of two birth cohorts studies
Q35647646Gestational and Early Infancy Exposure to Margarine Fortified with Vitamin D through a National Danish Programme and the Risk of Type 1 Diabetes: The D-Tect Study
Q51351832Gestational and postnatal protein deficiency affects postnatal development and histomorphometry of liver, kidneys, and ovaries of female rats' offspring.
Q36405082Gestational exercise protects adult male offspring from high-fat diet-induced hepatic steatosis.
Q34674453Gestational hypoxia and epigenetic programming of brain development disorders.
Q37306127Gestational hypoxia induces preeclampsia-like symptoms via heightened endothelin-1 signaling in pregnant rats
Q57463384Gestational vitamin D supplementation leads to reduced perinatal RXRA DNA methylation: Results from the MAVIDOS trial
Q40262448Gestational weight gain and obesity, adiposity and body size in African-American and Dominican children in the Bronx and Northern Manhattan
Q43939354Gestational weight gain in normal weight women and offspring cardio-metabolic risk factors at 20 years of age.
Q34643959Global DNA methylation levels in girls with and without a family history of breast cancer
Q37702944Global and gene-specific DNA methylation across multiple tissues in early infancy: implications for children's health research
Q47157089Glucocorticoid mediates prenatal caffeine exposure-induced endochondral ossification retardation and its molecular mechanism in female fetal rats
Q30978761Glucocorticoid receptor gene polymorphisms do not affect growth in fetal and early postnatal life. The Generation R Study
Q44538205Glucose and lipid homeostasis in adult rat is impaired by early-life exposure to perfluorooctane sulfonate
Q47213233Graduated effects of high-altitude hypoxia and highland ancestry on birth size
Q41851878Grand challenges in pediatric endocrinology
Q47925960Green tea extract intake during lactation modified cardiac macrophage infiltration and AMP-activated protein kinase phosphorylation in weanling rats from undernourished mother during gestation and lactation
Q34933176Growth from birth to adulthood and bone phenotype in early old age: a British birth cohort study
Q47273227Growth perturbations in a phenotype with rapid fetal growth preceding preterm labor and term birth.
Q38896835Growth trajectories of the human embryonic head and periconceptional maternal conditions
Q42925503Health behaviours, socioeconomic status and diabetes incidence: the Australian Diabetes Obesity and Lifestyle Study (AusDiab).
Q83360868Hepatic expression of the GH/JAK/STAT/IGF pathway, acute-phase response signalling and complement system are affected in mouse offspring by prenatal and early postnatal exposure to maternal high-protein diet
Q40034583Heterogeneity identified at birth and blood pressure in adulthood
Q59809085High Fat Programming and Cardiovascular Disease
Q35591159High Maternal Serum Estradiol Levels Induce Dyslipidemia in Human Newborns via a Hepatic HMGCR Estrogen Response Element
Q46828915High altitude hypoxia and blood pressure dysregulation in adult chickens.
Q35870694High-Protein Exposure during Gestation or Lactation or after Weaning Has a Period-Specific Signature on Rat Pup Weight, Adiposity, Food Intake, and Glucose Homeostasis up to 6 Weeks of Age.
Q35522300High-salt diets during pregnancy affected fetal and offspring renal renin-angiotensin system
Q41511233Higher Maternal Plasma n-3 PUFA and Lower n-6 PUFA Concentrations in Pregnancy Are Associated with Lower Childhood Systolic Blood Pressure
Q36024606Hormonal evidence supports the theory of selection in utero
Q39341845How do changes in body mass index in infancy and childhood associate with cardiometabolic profile in adulthood? Findings from the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 Study
Q39437844Human embryonic growth trajectories and associations with fetal growth and birthweight
Q50688887Human fetoplacental and fetal liver blood flow after maternal glucose loading: a cross-sectional observational study.
Q45931811Human growth from the cell to the organism: saltations and integrative physiology.
Q34999298Human umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells in a double-hit model of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in neonatal mice
Q90319082Hypertension and Reproduction
Q35756223Hypertriglyceridemic Waist Phenotype: Effect of Birthweight and Weight Gain in Childhood at 23 Years Old.
Q33521908Hypoglycemia and the origin of hypoxia-induced reduction in human fetal growth.
Q33562922Hypothesis: a unifying mechanism for nutrition and chemicals as lifelong modulators of DNA hypomethylation
Q28744284Hypothesis: epigenetic effects will require a review of the genetics of child development
Q36770762Hypoxia inhibits cardiomyocyte proliferation in fetal rat hearts via upregulating TIMP-4
Q35173501Hypoxia stimulates the proliferation of neonatal rat vascular smooth muscle cells through activation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α
Q47811627Hypoxia, fetal and neonatal physiology: 100 years on from Sir Joseph Barcroft
Q35673868Hypoxia-derived oxidative stress mediates epigenetic repression of PKCε gene in foetal rat hearts
Q34594074IGF2 actions on trophoblast in human placenta are regulated by the insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor, which can function as both a signaling and clearance receptor
Q37684723IL-17 signaling accelerates the progression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in mice.
Q50056326Identification of early indicators of altered metabolism in normal development using a rodent model system
Q56986575Identifying needs and opportunities for advancing translational research in cardiovascular disease
Q41851549Imaging gene and environmental effects on cerebellum in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and typical development
Q90093153Immune Cells in the Uterine Remodeling: Are They the Target of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals?
Q38648250Impact of Early Environment on Children's Mental Health: Lessons From DNA Methylation Studies With Monozygotic Twins
Q36329861Impact of Maternal Diet on the Epigenome during In Utero Life and the Developmental Programming of Diseases in Childhood and Adulthood.
Q28087749Impact of Maternal Exercise during Pregnancy on Offspring Chronic Disease Susceptibility
Q38692482Impact of body size, nutrition and socioeconomic position in early life on the epigenome: a systematic review protocol
Q34060063Impact of environmental chemicals on lung development
Q37589036Impact of fetal and neonatal malnutrition on the onset of puberty and associated noncommunicable disease risks
Q38483734Impact of gestational chronodisruption on fetal cardiac genomics
Q38332114Impact of gestational diabetes mellitus in the maternal-to-fetal transport of nutrients
Q51364384Impact of porcine maternal aerobic exercise training during pregnancy on endothelial cell function of offspring at birth.
Q57047162Impact of prenatal and postnatal maternal environment on nephron endowment, renal function and blood pressure in the Lewis polycystic kidney rat
Q50220092Impact of prenatal exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from maternal diet on birth outcomes: a birth cohort study in Korea
Q92260390Impact of social disadvantages in the presence of diabetes at old age
Q38996915Impacts on prenatal development of the human cerebellum: a systematic review
Q51895745Impaired Mitochondrial Function in the Preimplantation Embryo Perturbs Fetal and Placental Development in the Mouse1
Q50626594Impaired alveolarization and intra-uterine growth restriction in rats: a postnatal genome-wide analysis
Q33891724Imprinted genes and the environment: links to the toxic metals arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury
Q51766833Improving cardiometabolic and mental health in women with gestational diabetes mellitus and their offspring: study protocol for MySweetHeart Trial, a randomised controlled trial.
Q50883849Improving customized fetal biometry by longitudinal modelling.
Q92335801In Utero Exposure to Glucocorticoids and Pubertal Timing in Sons and Daughters
Q38737743In Utero Origins of Hypertension: Mechanisms and Targets for Therapy
Q26771508In utero Undernutrition Programs Skeletal and Cardiac Muscle Metabolism
Q33712463In utero cortisol and testosterone exposure and fear reactivity in infancy
Q35502732In utero effects. In utero undernourishment perturbs the adult sperm methylome and intergenerational metabolism
Q38118782In utero exposure and endometriosis
Q90403328In utero exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals, micro-RNA profiles, and fetal growth: a pilot study protocol
Q35757093In utero exposure to maternal diabetes impairs vascular expression of prostacyclin receptor in rat offspring
Q37582553In utero life and epigenetic predisposition for disease
Q26774804In vitro fertilization (IVF) in mammals: epigenetic and developmental alterations. Scientific and bioethical implications for IVF in humans
Q91566814In-utero and perinatal influences on suicide risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q51463816Increased Bronchial Hyperresponsiveness and Higher Asymmetric Dimethylarginine Levels after Fetal Growth Restriction.
Q55045285Increased IRS2 mRNA Expression in SGA Neonates: PCR Analysis of Insulin/IGF Signaling in Cord Blood.
Q26801379Increased Intake of Foods with High Nutrient Density Can Help to Break the Intergenerational Cycle of Malnutrition and Obesity
Q34903590Increased utilisation of primary healthcare in persons exposed to severe stress in prenatal life: a national population-based study in Denmark
Q23917566Increasing sample size in prospective birth cohorts: back-extrapolating prenatal levels of persistent organic pollutants in newly enrolled children
Q38329814Increasing the folic acid content of maternal or post-weaning diets induces differential changes in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase mRNA expression and promoter methylation in rats
Q35597970Indigenous populations in transition: an evaluation of metabolic syndrome and its associated factors among the Toba of northern Argentina
Q37787313Individual variation in organ histogenesis as a causative factor in the developmental origins of health and disease: Unnoticed congenital anomalies?
Q36102417Infant Feeding Practices of Emirati Women in the Rapidly Developing City of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Q33893914Infant milk feeding influences adult bone health: a prospective study from birth to 32 years
Q36495830Inflammatory profiles in the non-pregnant state predict offspring birth weight at Cebu: evidence for inter-generational effects of low grade inflammation
Q38153213Influence of bacteria on epigenetic gene control
Q40875438Influence of fetal blood flow redistribution on fetal and childhood growth and fat distribution: the Generation R Study
Q38639806Influence of intergenerational in utero parental energy and nutrient restriction on offspring growth in rural Gambia
Q88682289Influence of maternal adiposity, preterm birth and birth weight centiles on early childhood obesity in an Indigenous Australian pregnancy-through-to-early-childhood cohort study
Q37286141Influence of maternal dysmetabolic conditions during pregnancy on cardiovascular disease
Q37854852Influence of maternal nutritional status on vascular function in the offspring
Q59545299Influence of maternal obesity on the association between common pregnancy complications and risk of childhood obesity: an individual participant data meta-analysis
Q38539813Influence of nutrient-derived metabolites on lymphocyte immunity
Q87846054Influenza vaccine in pregnancy: policy and research strategies
Q64996158Integrated analysis of environmental and genetic influences on cord blood DNA methylation in new-borns.
Q21136048Integrated genetic and epigenetic analysis identifies haplotype-specific methylation in the FTO type 2 diabetes and obesity susceptibility locus
Q92659644Integrating Biomarkers in Social Stratification and Health Research
Q87916612Integrating child and adolescent psychiatry and the field of early childhood development
Q97530361Integration of an interpretable machine learning algorithm to identify early life risk factors of childhood obesity among preterm infants: a prospective birth cohort
Q92092958Inter-generational link of obesity in term and preterm births: role of maternal plasma acylcarnitines
Q90346579Intergenerational burden and risks of NCDs: need to promote maternal and child health
Q96353796Intergenerational effects of paternal predator cue exposure on behavior, stress reactivity, and neural gene expression
Q36763225Intergenerational programming of metabolic disease: evidence from human populations and experimental animal models
Q91774742Intergenerational transmission of emotion dysregulation: Part II. Developmental origins of newborn neurobehavior
Q37066931Intergenerational transmission of glucose intolerance and obesity by in utero undernutrition in mice.
Q52687679Interpregnancy interval, maternal age, and offspring's BMI and blood pressure at 7 years of age.
Q61811998Intervention against hypertension in the next generation programmed by developmental hypoxia
Q24240117Interventions for promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy
Q91658819Interventions to improve linear growth during complementary feeding period for children aged 6-24 months living in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
Q89857407Intolerance of loud sounds in childhood: Is there an intergenerational association with grandmaternal smoking in pregnancy?
Q47657545Intrauterine Reprogramming of the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Evidence from a Pilot Study of Cord Blood Global Methylation Analysis
Q36810048Intrauterine growth and postnatal skeletal development: findings from the Southampton Women's Survey.
Q92350841Intrauterine growth patterns in rural Ethiopia compared with WHO and INTERGROWTH-21st growth standards: A community-based longitudinal study
Q34241712Intrauterine growth retardation increases the susceptibility of pigs to high-fat diet-induced mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal muscle
Q36016127Investigating the psychosocial determinants of child health in Africa: The Drakenstein Child Health Study
Q45435072Investigation of phthalate release from tracheal tubes.
Q27303878Is Placental Mitochondrial Function a Regulator that Matches Fetal and Placental Growth to Maternal Nutrient Intake in the Mouse?
Q35874987Is natural experiment a cure? Re-examining the long-term health effects of China's 1959-1961 famine
Q98189010Is small placenta a risk for low birth weight in KOKAN? (Data from a coastal region in the state of Maharashtra, India)
Q40226120Is the economic crisis affecting birth outcome in Spain? Evaluation of temporal trend in underweight at birth (2003-2012).
Q34114895Is there a role for fatty acids in early life programming of the immune system?
Q36949767Ischemic heart disease and stroke in relation to blood DNA methylation
Q88465407Isolating the direct effects of adverse developmental conditions on in vivo cardiovascular function at adulthood: the avian model
Q35728444Joint association between birth weight at term and later life adherence to a healthy lifestyle with risk of hypertension: a prospective cohort study
Q47950651Just DO(HaD) It! Testing the clinical potential of the DOHaD hypothesis to prevent mental disorders using experimental study designs
Q35741337Kidney Dysfunction in Adult Offspring Exposed In Utero to Type 1 Diabetes Is Associated with Alterations in Genome-Wide DNA Methylation
Q88645534Lactational programming of glucose homeostasis: a window of opportunity
Q28742987Large prospective birth cohort studies on environmental contaminants and child health - goals, challenges, limitations and needs
Q47774432Late gestational intermittent hypoxia induces metabolic and epigenetic changes in male adult offspring mice
Q38380848Late-life brain volume: a life-course approach. The AGES-Reykjavik study
Q89463165Letter to the editor: Reply to: The Future of Geriatrics
Q61808099Life Course Approaches to the Causes of Health Disparities
Q39400303Life Course Perspective: evidence for the role of nutrition
Q28395419Life-course origins of the ages at menarche and menopause
Q29109901Lifecourse health development: past, present and future
Q33745629Lifespan influences on mid- to late-life cognitive function in a Chinese birth cohort
Q59584799Lifestyle Interventions Limit Gestational Weight Gain in Women with Overweight or Obesity: LIFE-Moms Prospective Meta-Analysis
Q58565922Lifestyle intervention strategies in early life to improve pregnancy outcomes and long-term health of offspring: a narrative review
Q84074891Limited and excess protein intake of pregnant gilts differently affects body composition and cellularity of skeletal muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue of newborn and weanling piglets
Q37648028Liver mTOR controls IGF-I bioavailability by regulation of protein kinase CK2 and IGFBP-1 phosphorylation in fetal growth restriction.
Q35891454Long Lasting Microvascular Tone Alteration in Rat Offspring Exposed In Utero to Maternal Hyperglycaemia
Q30586235Long-term and trans-generational effects of neonatal experience on sheep behaviour
Q50281006Long-term cardiovascular outcome following fetal anaemia and intrauterine transfusion: a cohort study
Q51841411Long-term effects of birth weight and breastfeeding duration on inflammation in early adulthood.
Q37274218Long-term reduction of hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor activity after fetal-neonatal iron deficiency in adult rats
Q42014896Longitudinal Impact of a Park-Based Afterschool Healthy Weight Program on Modifiable Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Youth.
Q35693916Longitudinal analysis of DNA methylation associated with birth weight and gestational age.
Q63980099Longitudinal associations between poverty and obesity from birth through adolescence
Q39577991Low Birth Weight and Risk of Later-Life Physical Disability in Women
Q46331353Low birth weight across generations: the effect of economic environment
Q33792152Low birth weight and macrosomia in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia: who are the mothers at risk?
Q35677636Low birth weight and obesity: causal or casual association?
Q35078383Low birth weight is associated with adiposity, impaired skeletal muscle energetics and weight loss resistance in mice
Q39575949Low birthweight and risk of type 2 diabetes: a Mendelian randomisation study
Q37321079Low early-life social class leaves a biological residue manifested by decreased glucocorticoid and increased proinflammatory signaling
Q50320833Low maternal adherence to a Mediterranean diet is associated with increase in methylation at the MEG3-IG differentially methylated region in female infants
Q35657996Lower Protein-to-Carbohydrate Ratio in Maternal Diet is Associated with Higher Childhood Systolic Blood Pressure up to Age Four Years
Q38836745Lymphoblastoid cell lines reveal associations of adult DNA methylation with childhood and current adversity that are distinct from whole blood associations.
Q36941768Macronutrient Balance and Dietary Glycemic Index in Pregnancy Predict Neonatal Body Composition.
Q33686594Magnetic resonance imaging of hypoxic injury to the murine placenta
Q42516303Mammalian target of rapamycin signalling modulates amino acid uptake by regulating transporter cell surface abundance in primary human trophoblast cells
Q38821325Management of diabetes in Indigenous communities: lessons from the Australian Aboriginal population
Q40997930Many women undergoing fertility treatment make poor lifestyle choices that may affect treatment outcome
Q57819080Maternal Allopurinol Prevents Cardiac Dysfunction in Adult Male Offspring Programmed by Chronic Hypoxia During Pregnancy
Q90692229Maternal Antioxidant Status in Early Pregnancy and Development of Fetal Complications in Twin Pregnancies: A Pilot Study
Q33564787Maternal Concentrations of Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Fetal Markers of Metabolic Function and Birth Weight
Q40995089Maternal Consumption of Seafood in Pregnancy and Child Neuropsychological Development: A Longitudinal Study Based on a Population With High Consumption Levels
Q35866584Maternal Factors Are Associated with the Expression of Placental Genes Involved in Amino Acid Metabolism and Transport
Q60912603Maternal HIV infection and preeclampsia increased risk of low birth weight among newborns delivered at University of Gondar specialized referral hospital, Northwest Ethiopia, 2017
Q30828052Maternal High Estradiol Exposure is Associated with Elevated Thyroxine and Pax8 in Mouse Offspring
Q44356539Maternal High-Fat Diet Causes a Sex-Dependent Increase in AGTR2 Expression and Cardiac Dysfunction in Adult Male Rat Offspring
Q61805564Maternal High-Protein Diet during Pregnancy Modifies Rat Offspring Body Weight and Insulin Signalling but Not Macronutrient Preference in Adulthood
Q60959876Maternal High-Protein and Low-Protein Diets Perturb Hypothalamus and Liver Transcriptome and Metabolic Homeostasis in Adult Mouse Offspring
Q33870606Maternal HtrA3 optimizes placental development to influence offspring birth weight and subsequent white fat gain in adulthood.
Q48015461Maternal Lifestyle Impairs Embryonic Growth: The Rotterdam Periconception Cohort
Q90398563Maternal N-Acetyl Cysteine Intake Improved Glucose Tolerance in Obese Mice Offspring
Q87916866Maternal Obesity and Risk of Preterm Birth and Low Birthweight in Hawaii PRAMS, 2000-2011
Q37378643Maternal Obesity in Pregnancy Developmentally Programs Adipose Tissue Inflammation in Young, Lean Male Mice Offspring
Q42368215Maternal Prenatal Folic Acid Supplementation Programs Offspring Lipid Metabolism by Aberrant DNA Methylation in Hepatic ATGL and Adipose LPL in Rats
Q90571209Maternal Treatment With Captopril Persistently Alters Gut-Brain Communication and Attenuates Hypertension of Male Offspring
Q36335909Maternal age and child morbidity: A Danish national cohort study
Q92826534Maternal and Infant Health in Abu Dhabi: Insights from Key Informant Interviews
Q34339069Maternal and paternal height and BMI and patterns of fetal growth: the Pune Maternal Nutrition Study
Q47317459Maternal and postweaning folic acid supplementation interact to influence body weight, insulin resistance, and food intake regulatory gene expression in rat offspring in a sex-specific manner
Q90340509Maternal antibiotic use and vaginal infections in the third trimester of pregnancy and the risk of obesity in preschool children
Q33602292Maternal but not paternal association of ambulatory blood pressure with albumin excretion in young offspring with type 1 diabetes
Q51574189Maternal copper deficiency perpetuates altered vascular function in Sprague-Dawley rat offspring.
Q91696936Maternal diabetes during pregnancy and early onset of cardiovascular disease in offspring: population based cohort study with 40 years of follow-up
Q35166126Maternal diet, aging and diabetes meet at a chromatin loop.
Q60194373Maternal diet-induced obesity programmes cardiac dysfunction in male mice independently of post-weaning diet
Q34628879Maternal diet-induced obesity programs cardiovascular dysfunction in adult male mouse offspring independent of current body weight
Q37082705Maternal eNOS deficiency determines a fatty liver phenotype of the offspring in a sex dependent manner
Q92481686Maternal effects on offspring growth indicate post-weaning juvenile dependence in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus)
Q28394272Maternal exposure to air pollution before and during pregnancy related to changes in newborn's cord blood lymphocyte subpopulations. The EDEN study cohort
Q39127083Maternal exposure to hurricane destruction and fetal mortality.
Q97542291Maternal exposure to low-to-medium altitude and birth outcomes: evidence from a population-based study in Chinese newborns
Q36973423Maternal fat intake in rats alters 20:4n-6 and 22:6n-3 status and the epigenetic regulation of Fads2 in offspring liver
Q57465610Maternal fenvalerate exposure during pregnancy impairs growth and neurobehavioral development in mouse offspring
Q45836882Maternal first-trimester dietary intake and childhood blood pressure: the Generation R Study
Q57418658Maternal fish consumption during pregnancy and risks of wheezing and eczema in childhood: The Generation R Study
Q33822467Maternal folate deficiency causes inhibition of mTOR signaling, down-regulation of placental amino acid transporters and fetal growth restriction in mice
Q38590693Maternal folate status and obesity/insulin resistance in the offspring: a systematic review
Q92312478Maternal folic acid depletion during early pregnancy increases sensitivity to squamous tumor formation in the offspring in mice
Q50640336Maternal haemoglobin levels and cardio-metabolic risk factors in childhood: the Generation R study
Q35724626Maternal high fat and/or salt consumption induces sex-specific inflammatory and nutrient transport in the rat placenta
Q46261769Maternal high fat diet and its consequence on the gut microbiome: A rat model
Q51163626Maternal high salt diet altered Adenosine-mediated vasodilatation via PKA/BK channel pathway in offspring rats.
Q51149706Maternal high-fat diet induces insulin resistance and deterioration of pancreatic β-cell function in adult offspring with sex differences in mice.
Q50527101Maternal high-salt diet altered PKC/MLC20 pathway and increased ANG II receptor-mediated vasoconstriction in adult male rat offspring
Q35543498Maternal hypoxia alters matrix metalloproteinase expression patterns and causes cardiac remodeling in fetal and neonatal rats
Q38404704Maternal immune activation dysregulation of the fetal brain transcriptome and relevance to the pathophysiology of autism spectrum disorder
Q37032142Maternal inflammation during pregnancy and childhood adiposity
Q37886895Maternal influences on epigenetic programming of the developing hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
Q45954721Maternal milk consumption, birth size and adult height of offspring: a prospective cohort study with 20 years of follow-up.
Q35099624Maternal obesity affects fetal neurodevelopmental and metabolic gene expression: a pilot study
Q34754686Maternal obesity and occurrence of fetal macrosomia: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Q96591249Maternal obesity and risk of cardiovascular diseases in offspring: a population-based cohort and sibling-controlled study
Q26786041Maternal obesity during pregnancy and cardiovascular development and disease in the offspring
Q37402005Maternal obesity programs mitochondrial and lipid metabolism gene expression in infant umbilical vein endothelial cells
Q55491791Maternal overnutrition by hypercaloric diets programs hypothalamic mitochondrial fusion and metabolic dysfunction in rat male offspring.
Q46353580Maternal physical activity before and during the prenatal period and the offspring's academic performance in youth. The UP&DOWN study.
Q30833322Maternal pravastatin prevents altered fetal brain development in a preeclamptic CD-1 mouse model
Q33395211Maternal preeclampsia and neonatal outcomes
Q38673514Maternal pregnancy C-reactive protein predicts offspring birth size and body composition in metropolitan Cebu, Philippines
Q90702241Maternal prenatal stress phenotypes associate with fetal neurodevelopment and birth outcomes
Q35754231Maternal psychiatric disease and epigenetic evidence suggest a common biology for poor fetal growth
Q58088746Maternal psychological distress during pregnancy and childhood health outcomes: a narrative review
Q33789139Maternal psychosocial stress during pregnancy and placenta weight: evidence from a national cohort study
Q48098951Maternal salivary testosterone in pregnancy and fetal neuromaturation.
Q33618357Maternal separation enhances conditioned fear and decreases the mRNA levels of the neurotensin receptor 1 gene with hypermethylation of this gene in the rat amygdala
Q34059708Maternal smoking during pregnancy and infant stress response: test of a prenatal programming hypothesis
Q35059133Maternal smoking during pregnancy and kidney volume in the offspring: the Generation R Study
Q51887092Maternal smoking during pregnancy, fetal arterial resistance adaptations and cardiovascular function in childhood.
Q34607086Maternal stress, preterm birth, and DNA methylation at imprint regulatory sequences in humans
Q57337538Maternal thyroid hormones during pregnancy, childhood adiposity and cardiovascular risk factors: the Generation R Study
Q21146681Maternal undernutrition and cardiometabolic disease: a Latin American perspective
Q57529323Maternal undernutrition and endocrine development
Q33778461Maternal undernutrition significantly impacts ovarian follicle number and increases ovarian oxidative stress in adult rat offspring
Q36183185Maternal urinary metabolic signatures of fetal growth and associated clinical and environmental factors in the INMA study.
Q33620600Maternal vitamin D concentrations during pregnancy, fetal growth patterns, and risks of adverse birth outcomes
Q51319770Maternal vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy results in insulin resistance in rat offspring, which is associated with inflammation and Iκbα methylation.
Q37555576Maternal vitamin D status and small-for-gestational-age offspring in women at high risk for preeclampsia
Q55154975Maternal vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy.
Q93042662Maternal vomiting during early pregnancy and cardiovascular risk factors at school age: the Generation R Study
Q36846075Maternal-Fetal Cancer Risk Assessment of Ochratoxin A during Pregnancy
Q39906015Mechanisms linking suboptimal early nutrition and increased risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity
Q35738761Mechanisms of fetal programming in hypertension
Q38065918Mechanisms of implantation: strategies for successful pregnancy.
Q37209059Mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) regulates trophoblast folate uptake by modulating the cell surface expression of FR-α and the RFC.
Q46657574Melatonin prevents maternal fructose intake-induced programmed hypertension in the offspring: roles of nitric oxide and arachidonic acid metabolites.
Q36800145Melatonin rescues cardiovascular dysfunction during hypoxic development in the chick embryo
Q38024127Mending a growth-restricted fetal heart: should we use glucocorticoids?
Q35602739Metabolic profile in early pregnancy is associated with offspring adiposity at 4 years of age: the Rhea pregnancy cohort Crete, Greece
Q40454689Metabolic signatures of birthweight in 18 288 adolescents and adults.
Q37192309Metabolomic markers reveal novel pathways of ageing and early development in human populations
Q36552732Metabolomic profiling in blood from umbilical cords of low birth weight newborns
Q52642715Metabolomic signatures of low birthweight: Pathways to insulin resistance and oxidative stress.
Q30407478Metformin in gestational diabetes: the offspring follow-up (MiG TOFU): body composition at 2 years of age.
Q47424982Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase 677 C->T polymorphism: a link between birth weight and insulin resistance in obese adolescents
Q28393390MicroRNAs as potential signatures of environmental exposure or effect: a systematic review
Q36024328Microbial exposures in infancy predict levels of the immunoregulatory cytokine interleukin-4 in Filipino young adults
Q34449900Microbiome, holobiont and the net of life
Q50074059Might Climate Change the "Healthy Migrant" Effect?
Q40350183Migrant status and childhood hospitalizations for asthma and other wheezing disorders.
Q124229127Migration and Health in England and Scotland: a Study of Migrant Selectivity and Salmon Bias
Q98568543Mild maternal sleep-disordered breathing during pregnancy and offspring growth and adiposity in the first 3 years of life
Q92671498Milk Fat Globule Membrane Supplementation Promotes Neonatal Growth and Alleviates Inflammation in Low-Birth-Weight Mice Treated with Lipopolysaccharide
Q94563451Misadjustment of diurnal expression of core temperature and locomotor activity in lactating rabbits associated with maternal over-nutrition before and during pregnancy
Q45997943Modeling the potential health benefits of lower household air pollution after a hypothetical liquified petroleum gas (LPG) cookstove intervention.
Q47817267Moderate antenatal anxiety symptoms and birth outcomes of boys and girls
Q37016511Modulation of DNA methylation states and infant immune system by dietary supplementation with ω-3 PUFA during pregnancy in an intervention study
Q53269531Molecular and organismal changes in offspring of male mice treated with chemical stressors.
Q37581343Molecular basis of the irritable bowel syndrome
Q37015978Molecular diagnosis of maturity onset diabetes of the young in India
Q30412070Molecular signatures of major depression
Q37085538Monoamine oxidase A genotype, childhood trauma, and subclinical atherosclerosis: a twin study
Q50223113Month of birth is associated with mortality among older people in Japan: Findings from the JAGES cohort
Q91294593Morphometric characteristics and time to hatch as efficacious indicators for potential nanotoxicity assay in zebrafish
Q33932936Mortality after parental death in childhood: a nationwide cohort study from three Nordic countries
Q33705433Mortality of the oldest old Chinese: the role of early-life nutritional status, socio-economic conditions, and sibling sex-composition
Q36005288Mother's education and the risk of preterm and small for gestational age birth: a DRIVERS meta-analysis of 12 European cohorts
Q46074950Mother's exercise during pregnancy programmes vasomotor function in adult offspring.
Q91965888Multi-Omics Integration Reveals Short and Long-Term Effects of Gestational Hypoxia on the Heart Development
Q35327497Multigenerational impact of maternal overnutrition/obesity in the sheep on the neonatal leptin surge in granddaughters
Q92430549Mutaba'ah-Mother and Child Health Study: protocol for a prospective cohort study investigating the maternal and early life determinants of infant, child, adolescent and maternal health in the United Arab Emirates
Q47357067Myoblast replication is reduced in the IUGR fetus despite maintained proliferative capacity in vitro
Q42931719N-3 Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Prevent Excessive Fat Deposition in Adulthood in a Mouse Model of Postnatal Nutritional Programming
Q89837573Neighborhood walkability and risk of gestational diabetes
Q35909234Neonatal SSRI Exposure Programs a Hypermetabolic State in Adult Mice
Q36124179Neonatal activation of the nuclear receptor CAR results in epigenetic memory and permanent change of drug metabolism in mouse liver
Q91924822Neonatal body composition by air displacement plethysmography in healthy term singletons: a systematic review
Q47595314Neonatal immune activation depletes the ovarian follicle reserve and alters ovarian acute inflammatory mediators in neonatal rats.
Q38631587Neonatal leptin treatment reverses the bone-suppressive effects of maternal undernutrition in adult rat offspring
Q35856760Neonatal outcomes after influenza immunization during pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial
Q41346020Neurobehavior related to epigenetic differences in preterm infants
Q38197724Neurobehavioral determinants of nutritional security in fetal growth-restricted individuals.
Q38111735Neuronal control of breathing: sex and stress hormones.
Q36106143New Genetic Insights into Congenital Heart Disease
Q46163416New insights into early-life stress and behavioral outcomes
Q84328502No association of obesity gene FTO with body composition at the age of 6 months. The Generation R Study
Q27320584Non-alcoholic fatty pancreas disease pathogenesis: a role for developmental programming and altered circadian rhythms
Q41712819Non-communicable diseases in humanitarian settings: ten essential questions.
Q36055530Norepinephrine causes epigenetic repression of PKCε gene in rodent hearts by activating Nox1-dependent reactive oxygen species production.
Q57802817Normalizing adiponectin levels in obese pregnant mice prevents adverse metabolic outcomes in offspring
Q36214135Novel DNA methylation profiles associated with key gene regulation and transcription pathways in blood and placenta of growth-restricted neonates
Q93369636Novel roles of mechanistic target of rapamycin signaling in regulating fetal growth†
Q28084085Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA alterations in newborns with prenatal exposure to cigarette smoke
Q35773952Nuclear factor erythroid-derived 2 (Nfe2) regulates JunD DNA-binding activity via acetylation: a novel mechanism regulating trophoblast differentiation
Q64083766Nutrient transporter expression in both the placenta and fetal liver are affected by maternal smoking
Q39344386Nutriepigenomics and malnutrition
Q38187946Nutrigenetics: bridging two worlds to understand type 2 diabetes.
Q90046783Nutrition in transition: historical cohort analysis summarising trends in under- and over-nutrition among pregnant women in a marginalised population along the Thailand-Myanmar border from 1986 to 2016
Q33597038Nutrition profiles of African [corrected] American women in the third trimester
Q38201769Nutritional influences over the life course on lean body mass of individuals in developing countries
Q37388036Nutritional supplementation in girls influences the growth of their children: prospective study in Guatemala
Q38391234Obesity and diabetes in Pacific Islanders: the current burden and the need for urgent action
Q37348408Obesity in prematurely born children and adolescents: follow up in pediatric clinic
Q34735413Obesity is significantly associated with cardiovascular disease risk factors in 2- to 9-year-olds
Q36738004Obesity: a transgenerational problem linked to nutrition during pregnancy
Q84403880Obesity: childhood obesity--methylate now, pay later?
Q49328155Observations on the health of infants at a time of rapid societal change: a longitudinal study from birth to fifteen months in Abu Dhabi.
Q36931513Obstetric complications and mother's age at delivery are predictors of eating disorder symptoms among Health Science college students
Q36833407Offspring DNA methylation of the aryl-hydrocarbon receptor repressor gene is associated with maternal BMI, gestational age, and birth weight.
Q33968085Offspring of mothers fed a high fat diet display hepatic cell cycle inhibition and associated changes in gene expression and DNA methylation.
Q59340426Offspring outcomes after prenatal interventions for common mental disorders: a meta-analysis
Q92132517Ontogeny of Hypothalamus-Pituitary Gonadal Axis and Minipuberty: An Ongoing Debate?
Q37374018Organ-Specific Gene Expression Changes in the Fetal Liver and Placenta in Response to Maternal Folate Depletion.
Q38214912Osteoporosis: a lifecourse approach
Q34081149Osteoprotegerin in pregnant adolescents differs by race and is related to infant birth weight z-score
Q33977606Overweight at age two years in a multi-ethnic cohort (ABCD study): the role of prenatal factors, birth outcomes and postnatal factors
Q39625842Oxidized fish oil in rat pregnancy causes high newborn mortality and increases maternal insulin resistance
Q55221853PALTEM: What Parameters Should Be Collected in Disaster Settings to Assess the Long-Term Outcomes of Famine?
Q58577827Parent, patient and clinician perceptions of outcomes during and following neonatal care: a systematic review of qualitative research
Q40787278Parental physical and lifestyle factors and their association with newborn body composition.
Q41026313Parental rheumatoid arthritis and long-term child morbidity: a nationwide cohort study
Q50713459Parental smoking during pregnancy and cardiovascular structures and function in childhood: the Generation R Study.
Q36939886Parental smoking during pregnancy and the risk of gestational diabetes in the daughter
Q36712134Parental smoking in pregnancy and the risks of adult-onset hypertension
Q26781129Past, present, and future of epigenetics applied to livestock breeding
Q37312763Paternal programming of offspring cardiometabolic diseases in later life
Q35032003Peak weight and height velocity to age 36 months and asthma development: the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study
Q45964149Performance of the ultrasound examination in the early and late third trimester for the prediction of birth weight deviations.
Q50765851Periconception maternal characteristics and embryonic growth trajectories: the Rotterdam Predict study.
Q53580901Periconceptional maternal 'high fish and olive oil, low meat' dietary pattern is associated with increased embryonic growth: The Rotterdam Periconceptional Cohort (Predict) Study.
Q21142704Periconceptional maternal folic acid use of 400 microg per day is related to increased methylation of the IGF2 gene in the very young child
Q48087011Perinatal Administration of a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Induces Impairments in Reproductive Function and Follicular Dynamics in Female Rat Offspring
Q36350009Perinatal DNA Methylation at CDKN2A Is Associated With Offspring Bone Mass: Findings From the Southampton Women's Survey.
Q61099901Perinatal Nutritional Reprogramming of the Epigenome Promotes Subsequent Development of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Q47712786Perinatal and familial risk factors for irritable bowel syndrome in a Swedish national cohort
Q34411264Perinatal complications and aging indicators by midlife
Q40512454Perinatal complications, lipid peroxidation, and mental health problems in a large community pediatric sample.
Q36195256Perinatal nicotine exposure increases vulnerability of hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in neonatal rats: role of angiotensin II receptors
Q29109849Perinatal programming - myths, fact, and future of research
Q87625788Perinatal programming of murine immune responses by polyunsaturated fatty acids
Q33926769Perinatal stress and early life programming of lung structure and function
Q37867482Perspectives on epigenetics and its relevance to adverse drug reactions
Q37730440Pharmaco-epigenomics: discovering therapeutic approaches and biomarkers for cancer therapy
Q24186969Pharmacological interventions for promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy
Q24200435Pharmacological interventions for promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy
Q90026980Pharmacological interventions for promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy
Q28598342Phenotype as Agent for Epigenetic Inheritance
Q24611244Phthalates and other additives in plastics: human exposure and associated health outcomes
Q39679350Physiological adaption to maternal malaria and other adverse exposure: low birth weight, functional capacity, and possible metabolic disease in adult life
Q30429838Physiological reactivity of pregnant women to evoked fetal startle
Q35088928Piccolipiù, a multicenter birth cohort in Italy: protocol of the study
Q30429089Pilot project of the Nutrition-Friendly School Initiative (NFSI) in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso and Cotonou, Benin, in West Africa
Q37323034Placenta plays a critical role in maternal-fetal resource allocation
Q38767120Placental 11 β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11β-HSD2) expression very early during human pregnancy.
Q38542459Placental Gas Exchange and the Oxygen Supply to the Fetus
Q41455540Placental Homing Peptide-microRNA Inhibitor Conjugates for Targeted Enhancement of Intrinsic Placental Growth Signaling
Q30245567Placental Origins of Chronic Disease
Q41630132Placental Stem Villus Arterial Remodeling Associated with Reduced Hydrogen Sulfide Synthesis Contributes to Human Fetal Growth Restriction.
Q43183449Placental expression of myostatin and follistatin-like-3 protein in a model of developmental programming.
Q34540469Placental transport in response to altered maternal nutrition
Q28537773Plasma metabolomic profiling suggests early indications for predisposition to latent insulin resistance in children conceived by ICSI
Q51369419Plasticity changes in adult metabolic homeostasis and tissue oxidative stress: neonatal programming by corticosterone and melatonin as deprogrammer.
Q57169697Population DNA methylation studies in the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) framework
Q42605465Population ageing research: a family of disciplines
Q91782112Postnatal Catch-Up Growth After Suspected Fetal Growth Restriction at Term
Q37290668Postnatal onset of retinal degeneration by loss of embryonic Ezh2 repression of Six1
Q92034852Postnatal overfeeding induces hepatic microRNA-221 expression and impairs the PI3K/AKT pathway in adult male rats
Q37154452Postweaning exposure to a high-fat diet is associated with alterations to the hepatic histone code in Japanese macaques
Q60922328Poverty and a child's height development during early childhood: A double disadvantage? A study of the 2006-2009 birth cohorts in Flanders
Q39100766Pre-birth world and the development of the immune system: mum's diet affects our adult health: new insight on how the diet during pregnancy permanently influences offspring health and immune fitness
Q33419126Pre-eclampsia has an adverse impact on maternal and fetal health
Q36976486Pre-weaning growth hormone treatment ameliorates bone marrow macrophage inflammation in adult male rat offspring following maternal undernutrition
Q36876645Preconception care in Saudi women with diabetes mellitus
Q35832715Predictors of global methylation levels in blood DNA of healthy subjects: a combined analysis
Q36007733Predictors of neonatal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity at delivery
Q38930195Predictors of physical activity energy expenditure in Afro-Caribbean children.
Q92994624Preeclampsia link to gestational hypoxia
Q37128261Pregnancy Complications and the Risk of Metabolic Syndrome for the Offspring
Q54211378Pregnancy Trimester-Specific Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution and Child Respiratory Health Outcomes in the First 2 Years of Life: Effect Modification by Maternal Pre-Pregnancy BMI.
Q57529316Pregnancy and neonatal outcomes following hyperemesis gravidarum
Q51653881Pregnancy: a window of opportunity for improving current and future health.
Q35601304Preliminary analysis of in utero low-level arsenic exposure and fetal growth using biometric measurements extracted from fetal ultrasound reports
Q36685253Premature Birth and Large for Gestational Age Are Associated with Risk of Barrett's Esophagus in Adults
Q36874260Prenatal Ambient Air Pollution, Placental Mitochondrial DNA Content, and Birth Weight in the INMA (Spain) and ENVIRONAGE (Belgium) Birth Cohorts
Q90695551Prenatal CRH: An integrating signal of fetal distress
Q88291135Prenatal Development and Adolescent Obesity: Two Distinct Pathways to Diabetes in Adulthood
Q36567343Prenatal Exposure to NO2 and Ultrasound Measures of Fetal Growth in the Spanish INMA Cohort
Q47143147Prenatal Heavy Metal Exposure and Adverse Birth Outcomes in Myanmar: A Birth-Cohort Study
Q57148874Prenatal Household Air Pollution is Associated with Impaired Infant Lung Function with Sex-Specific Effects: Evidence from GRAPHS, a Cluster Randomized Cookstove Intervention Trial
Q36107518Prenatal Programming and Toxicity (PPTOX) Introduction.
Q92497581Prenatal and Childhood Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposure and Telomere Length in European Children: The HELIX Project
Q47197634Prenatal and Early-Life Fructose, Fructose-Containing Beverages, and Mid-Childhood Asthma
Q36263952Prenatal and perinatal predictors of blood pressure at school age in former preterm, low birth weight infants
Q33868475Prenatal cocaine exposure and BMI and blood pressure at 9 years of age.
Q35244020Prenatal cocaine exposure and small-for-gestational-age status: effects on growth at 6 years of age
Q33587799Prenatal determinants of physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in adolescence - Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986 study
Q34898887Prenatal exposure of mice to the human liver carcinogen aflatoxin B1 reveals a critical window of susceptibility to genetic change
Q39055511Prenatal exposure to cigarette smoke alters later-life antitumor cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) activity via possible changes in T-regulatory cells
Q37278921Prenatal exposure to cigarette smoke induces diet- and sex-dependent dyslipidemia and weight gain in adult murine offspring
Q92030300Prenatal exposure to metal mixture and sex-specific birth outcomes in the New Hampshire Birth Cohort Study
Q37381539Prenatal glucocorticoids and maternal smoking during pregnancy independently program adult nicotine dependence in daughters: a 40-year prospective study.
Q58604168Prenatal hypoxia impairs cardiac mitochondrial and ventricular function in guinea pig offspring in a sex-related manner
Q90999064Prenatal hypoxia-induced epigenomic and transcriptomic reprogramming in rat fetal and adult offspring hearts
Q42290709Prenatal loss of father during World War One is predictive of a reduced lifespan in adulthood
Q40497199Prenatal maternal bereavement and mortality in the first decades of life: a nationwide cohort study from Denmark and Sweden
Q35182186Prenatal parental separation and body weight, including development of overweight and obesity later in childhood
Q35936625Prenatal parental tobacco smoking, gene specific DNA methylation, and newborns size: the Generation R study
Q90695441Prenatal stress and the developing brain: Risks for neurodevelopmental disorders
Q33650927Prenatal stress exposure related to maternal bereavement and risk of childhood overweight
Q36982343Prepubertal children exposed to concentrated disadvantage: An exploratory analysis of inflammation and metabolic dysfunction
Q37525072Preterm birth and childhood wheezing disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q34317992Preterm birth and its long-term effects: methylation to mechanisms
Q34672603Preterm birth, fetal growth, and age at menarche among women exposed prenatally to diethylstilbestrol (DES).
Q33624484Preterm birth, infant weight gain, and childhood asthma risk: a meta-analysis of 147,000 European children
Q30252015Preterm birth: risk factor for early-onset chronic diseases
Q35869581Prevalence of abnormal birth weight and related factors in Northern region, Ghana
Q30525738Preventing obesity during infancy: a pilot study
Q33712654Prevention of congenital malformations and other adverse pregnancy outcomes with 4.0 mg of folic acid: community-based randomized clinical trial in Italy and the Netherlands
Q92922049Primary Health Care for Aboriginal Australian Women in Remote Communities after a Pregnancy with Hyperglycaemia
Q37988818Principles of phenomics in endometriosis
Q92785537Profiles of gene expression in maternal blood predict offspring birth weight in normal pregnancy
Q28854361Programming of adipose tissue miR-483-3p and GDF-3 expression by maternal diet in type 2 diabetes
Q21560899Progressive, transgenerational changes in offspring phenotype and epigenotype following nutritional transition
Q64137453Prospective cohort studies of birth weight and risk of obesity, diabetes, and hypertension in adulthood among the Chinese population
Q35081129Protein kinase C inhibition ameliorates functional endothelial insulin resistance and vascular smooth muscle cell hypersensitivity to insulin in diabetic hypertensive rats
Q35748939Protein-energy malnutrition during early gestation in sheep blunts fetal renal vascular and nephron development and compromises adult renal function
Q64945574Proteomic identification of membrane-associated placental protein 4 (MP4) as perlecan and characterization of its placental expression in normal and pathologic pregnancies.
Q52741486Proteomics of Children Born After Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection Reveal Indices of an Adverse Cardiometabolic Profile.
Q91964466Psychiatric symptoms and risk factors in adults born preterm with very low birthweight or born small for gestational age at term
Q35449679Psychological stress in childhood and susceptibility to the chronic diseases of aging: moving toward a model of behavioral and biological mechanisms
Q24202931Psychosocial interventions for supporting women to stop smoking in pregnancy
Q34551210Psychosocial interventions for supporting women to stop smoking in pregnancy.
Q92735377Qualitative and quantitative dermatoglyphics of chronic kidney disease of unknown origin (CKDu) in Sri Lanka
Q33595877Quality is free: A cost-benefit analysis of early child development initiatives
Q36712763Quantification of excess risk for diabetes for those born in times of hunger, in an entire population of a nation, across a century
Q55076902Race, Socioeconomic Status, and Health during Childhood: A Longitudinal Examination of Racial/Ethnic Differences in Parental Socioeconomic Timing and Child Obesity Risk.
Q38892729Racial or Ethnic and Socioeconomic Inequalities in Adherence to National Dietary Guidance in a Large Cohort of US Pregnant Women
Q57070309Racism, African American Women, and Their Sexual and Reproductive Health: A Review of Historical and Contemporary Evidence and Implications for Health Equity
Q47180896Rapid weight gain during infancy and subsequent adiposity: a systematic review and meta-analysis of evidence
Q34764679Rats exposed to isoflurane in utero during early gestation are behaviorally abnormal as adults
Q37549136Recent hip fracture trends in Sweden and Denmark with age-period-cohort effects.
Q58776843Redefining environmental exposure for disease etiology
Q36339263Reduced placental amino acid transport in response to maternal nutrient restriction in the baboon.
Q40809258Reducing global diabetes burden by implementing solutions and identifying gaps: a Lancet Commission
Q37088555Reducing maternal weight improves offspring metabolism and alters (or modulates) methylation
Q39038355Regional differences in birth size: a comparison between the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study and contemporaneous births on the Åland Islands.
Q35814100Regulation of Human Trophoblast GLUT3 Glucose Transporter by Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Signaling
Q38295083Regulation of amino acid transporter trafficking by mTORC1 in primary human trophoblast cells is mediated by the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2.
Q27314964Regulation of feto-maternal barrier by matriptase- and PAR-2-mediated signaling is required for placental morphogenesis and mouse embryonic survival
Q26861033Regulatory pathways controlling the endovascular invasive trophoblast cell lineage
Q36567726Relation between self-recalled childhood physical activity and adult physical activity: The women's health initiative
Q43111696Relation of immediate postnatal growth with obesity and related metabolic risk factors in adulthood: the northern Finland birth cohort 1966 study
Q87627434Relation of maternal hypertension with infant growth in a prospective birth cohort: the ABCD study
Q39153781Relationship between parent demographic characteristics, perinatal and early childhood behaviors, and body mass index among preschool-age children
Q92430368Relative importance of prenatal and postnatal determinants of stunting: data mining approaches to the MINIMat cohort, Bangladesh
Q37119615Repetitive element hypomethylation in blood leukocyte DNA and cancer incidence, prevalence, and mortality in elderly individuals: the Normative Aging Study
Q30418986Report from the field: Fifth Vaccine Renaissance in Providence RI.
Q34031163Residential mobility across local areas in the United States and the geographic distribution of the healthy population
Q52990141Resistance training improves skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity in elderly offspring of overweight and obese mothers.
Q51897218Retardation of neurobehavioral development and reelin down-regulation regulated by further DNA methylation in the hippocampus of the rat pups are associated with maternal deprivation
Q30251420Review of paediatric retinal microvascular changes as a predictor of cardiovascular disease
Q35856201Revisiting Human Cholesterol Synthesis and Absorption: The Reciprocity Paradigm and its Key Regulators
Q37030325Risk for obesity in adolescence starts in early childhood
Q47366812Risk of cancer in children exposed to antiretroviral nucleoside analogues in utero: The french experience
Q51003171Risk of metabolic syndrome in adults exposed to the great Chinese famine during the fetal life and early childhood.
Q38085053Role of IgG antibodies in association with placental function and immunologic diseases in human pregnancy
Q92784039Role of Obesogens in the Pathogenesis of Obesity
Q46408011Role of early hormonal and nutritional experiences in shaping feeding behavior and hypothalamic development.
Q28386323Role of early life exposure and environment on neurodegeneration: implications on brain disorders
Q37536492Role of micronutrients in the periconceptional period.
Q46022254Role of postnatal dietary sodium in prenatally programmed hypertension.
Q95271925S100-Alarmins Are Essential Pilots of Postnatal Innate Immune Adaptation
Q90015214SMFM Special Statement: State of the science on multifetal gestations: unique considerations and importance
Q64938925Saturated Fatty Acid-Enriched Diet-Impaired Mitochondrial Bioenergetics in Liver From Undernourished Rats During Critical Periods of Development.
Q33666325Seasonal and gestation stage associated differences in aflatoxin exposure in pregnant Gambian women
Q91606532Second and third trimester fetal ultrasound population screening for risks of preterm birth and small-size and large-size for gestational age at birth: a population-based prospective cohort study
Q55345200Selection in utero and population health: Theory and typology of research.
Q44802112Selective Targeting of a Novel Vasodilator to the Uterine Vasculature to Treat Impaired Uteroplacental Perfusion in Pregnancy
Q35171321Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors affect neurobehavioral development in the human fetus
Q37257318Self-reported weight at birth predicts measures of femoral size but not volumetric BMD in eldery men: MrOS.
Q35976551Serum levels of receptors for advanced glycation end products in normal-weight and obese children born small and large for gestational age.
Q26798011Serum screening in first trimester to predict pre-eclampsia, small for gestational age and preterm delivery: systematic review and meta-analysis
Q33610238Severe maternal stress exposure due to bereavement before, during and after pregnancy and risk of overweight and obesity in young adult men: a Danish National Cohort Study
Q28395801Sex and Gender Differences in Risk, Pathophysiology and Complications of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Q61983597Sex differences in effects of maternal risk and protective factors in childhood and pregnancy on newborn telomere length
Q35166259Sex dimorphism in late gestational sleep fragmentation and metabolic dysfunction in offspring mice
Q58748636Sex-specific associations between telomere length and candidate miRNA expression in placenta
Q62609116Sex-specific impact of prenatal androgens on social brain default mode subsystems
Q51559054Sex-specific impact of prenatal stress on growth and reproductive parameters of guinea pigs.
Q45001285Sexual dimorphism in developmental programming of the bovine preimplantation embryo caused by colony-stimulating factor 2.
Q36346910Sexual dimorphism in rodent models of hypertension and atherosclerosis
Q40435011Shame, Blame, and Status Incongruity: Health and Stigma in Rural Brazil and the Urban United Arab Emirates
Q92388417Shaping the future heart: transgenerational outcomes of maternal metabolic syndrome
Q48216168Sildenafil therapy for fetal cardiovascular dysfunction during hypoxic development: studies in the chick embryo.
Q34805872Similarities in the Age-Specific Incidence of Colon and Testicular Cancers
Q47708641Simultaneous Ablation of Uterine Natural Killer Cells and Uterine Mast Cells in Mice Leads to Poor Vascularization and Abnormal Doppler Measurements That Compromise Fetal Well-being
Q40177909Size at birth and preterm birth in women with lifetime eating disorders: a prospective population-based study.
Q42804389Slow prenatal growth and accelerated postnatal growth: critical influences on adult blood pressure.
Q55380166Small for gestational age and obesity related comorbidities.
Q47329071Smaller left kidney in low birth weight children
Q37016097Social Epigenetics and Equality of Opportunity
Q36801349Social environment influences the relationship between genotype and gene expression in wild baboons.
Q26770138Social factors influencing child health in Ghana
Q62675756Socioeconomic Deprivation, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Medical Disorders in Adulthood: Mechanisms and Associations
Q36468905Socioeconomic disadvantage and neural development from infancy through early childhood
Q40162644Socioeconomic disadvantage, gestational immune activity, and neurodevelopment in early childhood.
Q89516722Socioeconomic gradients of adverse birth outcomes and related maternal factors in rural and urban Alberta, Canada: a concentration index approach
Q51178601Soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products independently predicts cardiometabolic syndrome in Latino youth.
Q37331024Southampton PRegnancy Intervention for the Next Generation (SPRING): protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
Q37674982Soy Formula and Epigenetic Modifications: Analysis of Vaginal Epithelial Cells from Infant Girls in the IFED Study.
Q33603188Stability of parental care across siblings from undisturbed and challenged pregnancies: intrinsic maternal dispositions of female rhesus monkeys.
Q38758159Statistical analyses in trials for the comprehensive understanding of organogenesis and histogenesis in humans and mice
Q51100733Storage at -80°C preserves the antioxidant capacity of preterm human milk.
Q28243691Stress during pregnancy and offspring pediatric disease: A National Cohort Study
Q37923498Stress, glucocorticoids and liquorice in human pregnancy: programmers of the offspring brain
Q30444516Stress-related programming of autonomic imbalance: role in allergy and asthma
Q92436778Stressor landscapes, birth weight, and prematurity at the intersection of race and income: Elucidating birth contexts through patterned life events
Q89668864Substrates and Clearance Products of Fetal Adrenal Glucocorticoid Synthesis in Full-Term Human Umbilical Circulation
Q37440982Sudden decrease in physical activity evokes adipocyte hyperplasia in 70- to 77-day-old rats but not 49- to 56-day-old rats
Q36177366Superimposition of postnatal calorie restriction protects the aging male intrauterine growth- restricted offspring from metabolic maladaptations
Q34145747Superovulation does not affect the endocrine activity nor increase susceptibility to carcinogenesis of uterine and mammary glands of female offspring in mice
Q40423715Suppression of Mammary Carcinogenesis Through Early Exposure to Dietary Lipotropes Occurs Primarily In Utero
Q33864803Survival of offspring who experience early parental death: early life conditions and later-life mortality
Q36802652Targeted Rejection Triggers Differential Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory Gene Expression in Adolescents as a Function of Social Status
Q61696490Telomere elongation during early development is independent of environmental temperatures in Atlantic salmon
Q34429081Testing the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Hypothesis for Psychopathology Using Family-Based Quasi-Experimental Designs
Q64945613Testing the programming of temperament and psychopathology in two independent samples of children with prenatal substance exposure.
Q38582631The 'Developmental Origins' Hypothesis: relevance to the obstetrician and gynecologist
Q36184058The 5-minute Apgar score as a predictor of childhood cancer: a population-based cohort study in five million children
Q47316167The 5As of healthy pregnancy weight gain: possible applications in the Brazilian context to improve maternal-fetal health
Q29109925The All Our Babies pregnancy cohort: design, methods, and participant characteristics
Q35685194The Association between Newborn Regional Body Composition and Cord Blood Concentrations of C-Peptide and Insulin-Like Growth Factor I
Q37155540The Biological Residue of Childhood Poverty
Q92690492The Biosocial Approach to Human Development, Behavior, and Health Across the Life Course
Q57614307The Challenges of Integrating Oxidative Stress into Life-history Biology
Q36523610The Contributions of Maternal Sensitivity and Maternal Depressive Symptoms to Epigenetic Processes and Neuroendocrine Functioning.
Q35882095The Effect of Neonatal Leptin Antagonism in Male Rat Offspring Is Dependent upon the Interaction between Prior Maternal Nutritional Status and Post-Weaning Diet
Q90468428The Effects of In Utero Exposure to Influenza on Birth and Infant Outcomes in the US
Q64277754The Effects of Resveratrol in the Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome
Q38606101The Epigenomic Analysis of Human Obesity
Q34644331The Generation R Study: design and cohort update 2012.
Q36355571The Genetics of Pediatric Obesity.
Q35986884The Impact of Household Investments on Early Child Neurodevelopment and on Racial and Socioeconomic Developmental Gaps - Evidence from South America
Q95800041The Impact of Household Investments on Early Child Neurodevelopment and on Racial and Socioeconomic Developmental Gaps: Evidence from South America
Q64945037The Impact of Maternal Eating Disorders on Dietary Intake and Eating Patterns during Pregnancy: A Systematic Review.
Q35684835The Impact of Maternal Smoking during Pregnancy on Early Child Neurodevelopment
Q33927679The Intervention Nurses Start Infants Growing on Healthy Trajectories (INSIGHT) study
Q29109556The Kaiser Permanente Northern California research program on genes, environment, and health (RPGEH) pregnancy cohort: study design, methodology and baseline characteristics
Q47325742The Mediterranean diet and fetal size parameters: the Generation R Study
Q47244747The Red Queen and her king: cooperation at all levels of life
Q47285422The Relation of Maternal Birth Weight to African-American and Non-Latina White Twin Pregnancy Outcomes: A Population-Based Study
Q26799150The Role of Epigenetics in the Latent Effects of Early Life Exposure to Obesogenic Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
Q45901813The Scottish excess in mortality compared to the English and Welsh. Is it a country of residence or country of birth excess?
Q36258708The World Health Organization Fetal Growth Charts: A Multinational Longitudinal Study of Ultrasound Biometric Measurements and Estimated Fetal Weight
Q58112997The association between fetal-stage exposure to the China famine and risk of diabetes mellitus in adulthood: results from the China health and retirement longitudinal study
Q33834154The association of low birth weight with serum C reactive protein in 3-year-old children living in Cuba: A population-based prospective study.
Q64124053The associations of air pollution exposure during pregnancy with fetal growth and anthropometric measurements at birth: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q35123120The associations of month of birth with body mass index, waist circumference, and leg length: findings from the China Kadoorie Biobank of 0.5 million adults
Q34007629The blood exposome and its role in discovering causes of disease
Q54985301The characteristics of premature infants with transient corneal haze.
Q90752035The children of preterm survivors: shyness, parenting, and parental stress
Q43683355The clinical outcomes of unplanned pregnancy in severely obese women
Q35232097The contribution of maternal stress to preterm birth: issues and considerations
Q58799618The detrimental effects of glucocorticoids exposure during pregnancy on offspring's cardiac functions mediated by hypermethylation of bone morphogenetic protein-4
Q40058657The developing world of DOHaD.
Q87775679The double burden of malnutrition associated with poverty
Q38833843The dynamics of methionine supply and demand during early development
Q47354217The effect of Ramadan fasting and maternal hypoalbuminaemia on neonatal anthropometric parameters and placental weight
Q46006300The effect of customized growth charts on the identification of large for gestational age newborns.
Q35226324The effect of developmental nutrition on life span and fecundity depends on the adult reproductive environment in Drosophila melanogaster
Q37324517The effect of economic recession on population health
Q39163654The effect of feto-maternal size and childhood growth on left ventricular mass and arterial stiffness in Afro-Caribbean children
Q33839397The effect of genotype and in utero environment on interindividual variation in neonate DNA methylomes
Q37293511The effect of neurohormonal factors, epigenetic factors, and gut microbiota on risk of obesity.
Q38956776The effect of number of siblings on adult mortality: Evidence from Swedish registers for cohorts born between 1938 and 1972.
Q36733143The effects of weathering demonstrated by maternal age on low birth weight outcome in babies
Q38258959The emerging epidemic of hypertension in Asian children and adolescents
Q100462588The epigenetic role of breastfeeding in mammary differentiation
Q37808311The epigenomic interface between genome and environment in common complex diseases
Q38614901The fetal brain sparing response to hypoxia: physiological mechanisms.
Q50026878The genome, microbiome and evolutionary medicine
Q45391135The growth of Portuguese and Cape Verdean infants aged 0-1 year living in Greater Lisbon, Portugal in 1993-1996.
Q39399652The hidden cost of moving up: type 2 diabetes and the escape from persistent poverty in the American South
Q48234334The highs and lows of programmed cardiovascular disease by developmental hypoxia: studies in the chicken embryo.
Q34040034The impact of altitude on infant health in South America
Q38108659The impact of culture on epigenetic properties of pluripotent stem cells and pre-implantation embryos
Q47179079The impact of maternal flood-related stress and social support on offspring weight in early childhood
Q90027396The impact of maternal stress on infant alpha-amylase is buffered by high infant regulation and low infant negative reactivity
Q26824826The impact of nutrition on differential methylated regions of the genome
Q41585521The imperative to prevent and treat childhood obesity: why the world cannot afford to wait
Q44697865The implications of fetal programming of glomerular number and renal function
Q42765754The implications of late-preterm birth for global child survival
Q51252506The influence of weather conditions during gestation on life histories in a wild Arctic ungulate.
Q39279574The interaction between perinatal factors and childhood abuse in the risk of developing anorexia nervosa
Q35090479The intergenerational effects on birth weight and its relations to maternal conditions, São Paulo, Brazil
Q34299587The interplay of variants near LEKR and CCNL1 and social stress in relation to birth size
Q40460379The last two decades of life course epidemiology, and its relevance for research on ageing.
Q38037624The lasting legacy of social stress on the epigenome of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
Q36936030The long-term effects of prenatal development on growth and metabolism
Q33591924The long-term effects of superovulation on fertility and sexual behavior of male offspring in mice
Q36207148The magnitude of nephron number reduction mediates intrauterine growth-restriction-induced long term chronic renal disease in the rat. A comparative study in two experimental models
Q39005041The metabolic syndrome: the future is now.
Q51878877The microcirculation: a target for developmental priming.
Q38113859The microvasculature: a target for nutritional programming and later risk of cardio-metabolic disease.
Q35853589The need for co-ordinated studies for obesity-related problems like diabetes mellitus in Libyan population
Q39402852The nutrition-gut microbiome-physiology axis and allergic diseases.
Q30909990The pathway not taken: understanding 'omics data in the perinatal context
Q39847440The periconception maternal cardiovascular risk profile influences human embryonic growth trajectories in IVF/ICSI pregnancies
Q36122131The placenta is the center of the chronic disease universe
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