Analysis of variance for gene expression microarray data

scientific article (publication date: 2000)

Analysis of variance for gene expression microarray data is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P8978DBLP publication IDjournals/jcb/KerrMC00
P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID1162396
P698PubMed publication ID11382364
P5875ResearchGate publication ID11957341

P2093author name stringMartin M
Churchill GA
Kerr MK
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P577publication date2000-01-01
P1433published inJournal of Computational BiologyQ6295003
P1476titleAnalysis of variance for gene expression microarray data

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cites work (P2860)
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Q37057986Effects of prenatal tobacco exposure on gene expression profiling in umbilical cord tissue.
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Q34977707Estimating relative noise to signal in DNA microarray data
Q51906420Estimating the false discovery rate using nonparametric deconvolution
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Q30911029Evaluation of light regulatory potential of Calvin cycle steps based on large-scale gene expression profiling data
Q30990763Evaluation of nine strategies for analyzing a cDNA toxicology microarray data set.
Q24801087Evaluation of normalization methods for microarray data
Q33203420Evidence of systematic expressed sequence tag IMAGE clone cross-hybridization on cDNA microarrays
Q52023786Evolution of gene expression in the Drosophila melanogaster subgroup
Q24564036Evolutionary genomics of ecological specialization
Q37058063Experimental designs for array comparative genomic hybridization technology
Q35362212Exploiting identifiability and intergene correlation for improved detection of differential expression
Q24791182Exploratory differential gene expression analysis in microarray experiments with no or limited replication
Q34809910Exploring genetic regulatory networks in metazoan development: methods and models
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Q50764444Expression profiles in the progression of ductal carcinoma in the breast
Q45911983Expression profiling analysis for genes related to meat quality and carcass traits during postnatal development of backfat in two pig breeds.
Q34645991Extensive sex-specific nonadditivity of gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster
Q24800074Extracting biological information from DNA arrays: an unexpected link between arginine and methionine metabolism in Bacillus subtilis
Q36580895Extrapolating traditional DNA microarray statistics to tiling and protein microarray technologies
Q36861681Factorial microarray analysis of zebrafish retinal development.
Q40586769Fast transcriptional responses to domestication in the brook charr Salvelinus fontinalis
Q31126620Feature selection methods for big data bioinformatics: A survey from the search perspective
Q34086288Finding consistent patterns: A nonparametric approach for identifying differential expression in RNA-Seq data
Q42828071Finding maximal transcriptome differences between reprotoxic and non-reprotoxic phthalate responses in rat testis
Q30986404Finite mixture model analysis of microarray expression data on samples of uncertain biological type with application to reproductive efficiency
Q48569405Fisher Lecture: the 2002 R. A. Fisher lecture: dedicated to the memory of Shanti S. Gupta. Variances are not always nuisance parameters
Q35692966Fold-change threshold screening: a robust algorithm to unmask hidden gene expression patterns in noisy aggregated transcriptome data
Q48652472Food Deprivation-induced Expression of Minoxidil Sulfotransferase in the Hypothalamus Uncovered by Microarray Analysis
Q34539710From genetical genomics to systems genetics: potential applications in quantitative genomics and animal breeding
Q44876216Functional genomics and cell wall biosynthesis in loblolly pine
Q50540400Functional genomics identifies regulators of the phototransduction machinery in the Drosophila larval eye and adult ocelli
Q34161168Fundamentals of experimental design for cDNA microarrays
Q79750287Gene expression analysis of mouse chromosome substitution strains
Q50731748Gene expression associated with compatible viral diseases in grapevine cultivars
Q48138517Gene expression changes in mouse brain after exposure to low-dose ionizing radiation.
Q28300651Gene expression divergence recapitulates the developmental hourglass model
Q34088503Gene expression following acute morphine administration
Q39969375Gene expression profiles of necrosis and apoptosis induced by 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine
Q30887318Gene expression profiling in islet biology and diabetes research
Q33246682Gene expression profiling in the striatum of inbred mouse strains with distinct opioid-related phenotypes
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Q40605721Gene expression profiling of the hypoxia signaling pathway in hypoxia-inducible factor 1alpha null mouse embryonic fibroblasts
Q34476974Gene expression profiling. Methods and clinical applications in oncology
Q35035871Gene expression profiling: methodological challenges, results, and prospects for addiction research
Q36088501Gene expression signatures in neutrophils exposed to glucocorticoids: a new paradigm to help explain "neutrophil dysfunction" in parturient dairy cows
Q24806230Gene expression variation between mouse inbred strains
Q44602945Gene expression variation in the adult human retina
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Q40484478Gene set differential analysis of time course expression profiles via sparse estimation in functional logistic model with application to time-dependent biomarker detection
Q36956231Gene-environment interactions reveal a homeostatic role for cholesterol metabolism during dietary folate perturbation in mice
Q40585055Gene-specific dye bias in microarray reference designs
Q35566107Generalized shrinkage F-like statistics for testing an interaction term in gene expression analysis in the presence of heteroscedasticity.
Q26820318Generic framework for high-dimensional fixed-effects ANOVA
Q56985105Genetic constraints on microevolutionary divergence of sex-biased gene expression
Q24815740Genetic interactions due to constitutive and inducible gene regulation mediated by the unfolded protein response in C. elegans.
Q30730498Genome scale transcriptional response diversity among ten ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana during heat stress
Q64096636Genome-Wide Microarray Analysis Suggests Transcriptomic Response May Not Play a Major Role in High- to Low-Altitude Acclimation in Harvest Mouse ()
Q35023929Genome-scale cold stress response regulatory networks in ten Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes
Q24814852Genome-wide estimation of transcript concentrations from spotted cDNA microarray data
Q33638451Genome-wide expression profiling deciphers host responses altered during dengue shock syndrome and reveals the role of innate immunity in severe dengue
Q35080749Genome-wide transcriptional and physiological responses of Bradyrhizobium japonicum to paraquat-mediated oxidative stress
Q36083218Genomewide identification of genes under directional selection: gene transcription Q(ST) scan in diverging Atlantic salmon subpopulations
Q35035645Genomic interrogation of mechanism(s) underlying cellular responses to toxicants
Q35791563Genomic portraits of the nervous system in health and disease
Q34261993Genomic scale analysis of Pasteurella multocida gene expression during growth within the natural chicken host
Q42083888Genotypic and physiological characterization of Saccharomyces boulardii, the probiotic strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q34052927Genotyping Cryptosporidium parvum with an hsp70 single-nucleotide polymorphism microarray
Q37217291Global analysis of cell type-specific gene expression
Q51112512Global monitoring of autumn gene expression within and among phenotypically divergent populations of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis).
Q33220010Global transcriptional characterization of SP and MP cells from the myogenic C2C12 cell line: effect of FGF6.
Q33304230Global transcriptional response of Escherichia coli O157:H7 to growth transitions in glucose minimal medium
Q28485327Global transcriptome profile of Cryptococcus neoformans during exposure to hydrogen peroxide induced oxidative stress
Q48374572GlobalANCOVA: exploration and assessment of gene group effects
Q33509210Graph ranking for exploratory gene data analysis
Q34634007Heterogeneity of gene expression in murine squamous cell carcinoma development-the same tumor by different means
Q33352095Heterologous array analysis in Pinaceae: hybridization of Pinus taeda cDNA arrays with cDNA from needles and embryogenic cultures of P. Taeda, P. Sylvestris or Picea abies
Q40273074Heterosis associated gene expression in maize embryos 6 days after fertilization exhibits additive, dominant and overdominant pattern
Q33924894High-fat diet leads to tissue-specific changes reflecting risk factors for diseases in DBA/2J mice
Q31113885High-sensitivity transcriptome data structure and implications for analysis and biologic interpretation
Q39888169Hits and misses from gene expression ratio measurements in cDNA microarray studies
Q51973229Hotelling's T2 multivariate profiling for detecting differential expression in microarrays
Q24793798How many replicates of arrays are required to detect gene expression changes in microarray experiments? A mixture model approach
Q24810894Hyperspectral microarray scanning: impact on the accuracy and reliability of gene expression data
Q33373537ILOOP--a web application for two-channel microarray interwoven loop design
Q36919978Identification of diagnostic biomarkers for infection in premature neonates
Q51595301Identification of differentially expressed genes with multivariate outlier analysis
Q31144267Identification of genes differentially expressed during aflatoxin biosynthesis in Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus
Q30697080Identification of significant features in DNA microarray data
Q34118210Identification of the role of C/EBP in neurite regeneration following microarray analysis of a L. stagnalis CNS injury model
Q48515923Identifying differentially expressed genes from microarray experiments via statistic synthesis.
Q46199089Identifying differentially expressed genes in human acute leukemia and mouse brain microarray datasets utilizing QTModel
Q30985619Immune response in silico (IRIS): immune-specific genes identified from a compendium of microarray expression data.
Q33411997Impact of breed and sex on porcine endocrine transcriptome: a bayesian biometrical analysis
Q33540143Impact of missing value imputation on classification for DNA microarray gene expression data--a model-based study
Q34523438Impaired transcriptional response of the murine heart to cigarette smoke in the setting of high fat diet and obesity
Q51853759Improved detection of differentially expressed genes through incorporation of gene locations
Q24815238Improved statistical analysis of budding yeast TAG microarrays revealed by defined spike-in pools
Q24801758Improving identification of differentially expressed genes in microarray studies using information from public databases
Q36481145Improving reliability and performance of DNA microarrays
Q30863948Improving the accuracy of expression data analysis in time course experiments using resampling
Q24792834Improving the statistical detection of regulated genes from microarray data using intensity-based variance estimation
Q38316019In Planta Analysis of a cis-Regulatory Cytokinin Response Motif in Arabidopsis and Identification of a Novel Enhancer Sequence
Q37190713In vivo and in vitro patterns of the activity of simocyclinone D8, an angucyclinone antibiotic from Streptomyces antibioticus
Q24798953Incorporation of gene-specific variability improves expression analysis using high-density DNA microarrays
Q30770610Increasing the efficiency of fuzzy logic-based gene expression data analysis
Q34006510Independent filtering increases detection power for high-throughput experiments
Q80117124Induction of isoforms of tetrapyrrole biosynthetic enzymes, AtHEMA2 and AtFC1, under stress conditions and their physiological functions in Arabidopsis
Q34650169Induction of olfaction and cancer-related genes in mice fed a high-fat diet as assessed through the mode-of-action by network identification analysis
Q30651603Infection status outcome, machine learning method and virus type interact to affect the optimised prediction of hepatitis virus immunoassay results from routine pathology laboratory assays in unbalanced data
Q33597322Inference of patient-specific pathway activities from multi-dimensional cancer genomics data using PARADIGM.
Q36049303Inferring the perturbation time from biological time course data.
Q34046445Integrated analysis of the heterogeneous microarray data
Q37383916Integration of genetic and genomic methods for identification of genes and gene variants encoding QTLs in the nonhuman primate
Q38344423Intensity-based analysis of two-colour microarrays enables efficient and flexible hybridization designs.
Q28475985Interpreting expression data with metabolic flux models: predicting Mycobacterium tuberculosis mycolic acid production
Q39094360Issues in cDNA microarray analysis: quality filtering, channel normalization, models of variations and assessment of gene effects
Q48444711John Storey by Mak H Craig
Q28299740Key aspects of analyzing microarray gene-expression data
Q33748676LC-MS Data Analysis for Differential Protein Expression Detection
Q40380499Laboratory variability does not preclude identification of biological functions impacted by hydroxyurea
Q24816358Limitations of mRNA amplification from small-size cell samples
Q33327771Limited functional conservation of a global regulator among related bacterial genera: Lrp in Escherichia, Proteus and Vibrio
Q30740505Local adaptation at the transcriptome level in brown trout: evidence from early life history temperature genomic reaction norms
Q24812691MASQOT: a method for cDNA microarray spot quality control
Q37091537Macrophage responses to silica nanoparticles are highly conserved across particle sizes
Q34514417Mapping and analysis of quantitative trait loci in experimental populations
Q33336258Mapping gene expression quantitative trait loci by singular value decomposition and independent component analysis
Q46134350Mass mortality in Pacific oysters is associated with a specific gene expression signature
Q28648070Mechanism-Based Classification of PAH Mixtures to Predict Carcinogenic Potential
Q33466039Meta Analysis of Gene Expression Data within and Across Species
Q36156264Metabolic engineering in the -omics era: elucidating and modulating regulatory networks
Q42055175Metatranscriptome analysis for insight into whole-ecosystem gene expression during spontaneous wheat and spelt sourdough fermentations
Q31033299Methodological study of affine transformations of gene expression data with proposed robust non-parametric multi-dimensional normalization method
Q35790165Methods for transcriptional profiling in plants. Be fruitful and replicate
Q35182905MicroRNA array normalization: an evaluation using a randomized dataset as the benchmark
Q30512450MicroRNAs control neurobehavioral development and function in zebrafish
Q33902408Microarray Data Analysis and Mining Tools
Q33855706Microarray analysis and motif detection reveal new targets of the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium HilA regulatory protein, including hilA itself.
Q30675927Microarray data quality analysis: lessons from the AFGC project. Arabidopsis Functional Genomics Consortium.
Q31153289Microarray data visualization and analysis with the Longhorn Array Database (LAD).
Q47440182Microarray experimental design: power and sample size considerations
Q35913288Microarray platforms: introduction and application to neurobiology
Q36580883Microarray quality control
Q36338671Microarray technology in the study of obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Q34570921Microarrays in ecology and evolution: a preview
Q30662459Microarrays: handling the deluge of data and extracting reliable information
Q34501860Midkine, a heparin-binding protein, is increased in the diabetic mouse kidney postmenopause.
Q33771648Missing value imputation for gene expression data: computational techniques to recover missing data from available information.
Q33194151Mixed-Model Reanalysis of Primate Data Suggests Tissue and Species Biases in Oligonucleotide-Based Gene Expression Profiles
Q24797712Model selection and efficiency testing for normalization of cDNA microarray data
Q44769743Model selection in a global analysis of a microarray experiment.
Q51915565Model-based or algorithm-based? Statistical evidence for diabetes and treatments using gene expression
Q30936785Modeling microarray data using a threshold mixture model
Q30708253Models for microarray gene expression data.
Q40200166Molecular portrait of high productivity in recombinant NS0 cells
Q34481070Molecular processes during fat cell development revealed by gene expression profiling and functional annotation
Q24793372Multi-class cancer classification by total principal component regression (TPCR) using microarray gene expression data
Q24805395Multifactorial experimental design and the transitivity of ratios with spotted DNA microarrays
Q52045598Multivariate approach for selecting sets of differentially expressed genes
Q35220629Mycobacterium tuberculosis SigM positively regulates Esx secreted protein and nonribosomal peptide synthetase genes and down regulates virulence-associated surface lipid synthesis
Q34914017Network-based biomarkers enhance classical approaches to prognostic gene expression signatures.
Q28397059Network-based identification of biomarkers coexpressed with multiple pathways
Q35125807New genes that extend Caenorhabditis elegans’ lifespan in response to reproductive signals
Q31122605New insights into ADPKD molecular pathways using combination of SAGE and microarray technologies
Q24811281Nonparametric tests for differential gene expression and interaction effects in multi-factorial microarray experiments
Q31114197Normalisation of multicondition cDNA macroarray data
Q34446542Normalization and Statistical Analysis of Multiplexed Bead-based Immunoassay Data Using Mixed-effects Modeling
Q36016824Normalization and analysis of cDNA microarrays using within-array replications applied to neuroblastoma cell response to a cytokine.
Q27860759Normalization for cDNA microarray data: a robust composite method addressing single and multiple slide systematic variation
Q30776767Normalization methods for analysis of microarray gene-expression data
Q47366247Normalization of mass spectrometry data (NOMAD).
Q37364191Normalization of peak intensities in bottom-up MS-based proteomics using singular value decomposition
Q45129916Normalization of two-channel microarray experiments: a semiparametric approach.
Q42791026Normalization of two-channel microarrays accounting for experimental design and intensity-dependent relationships
Q37318160Normalization using weighted negative second order exponential error functions (NeONORM) provides robustness against asymmetries in comparative transcriptome profiles and avoids false calls
Q34049214Normalization, testing, and false discovery rate estimation for RNA-sequencing data
Q33260933Novel design and controls for focused DNA microarrays: applications in quality assurance/control and normalization for the Health Canada ToxArray
Q52029882Of meis and men: lessons from a microarray study of teratogen action
Q38357954Oligonucleotide microarray for the study of functional gene diversity in the nitrogen cycle in the environment.
Q41962000On correcting the overestimation of the permutation-based false discovery rate estimator
Q51616661On the A-Optimality Criterion for Finding Two-Color Microarray Optimal Designs
Q33927708On the utility of pooling biological samples in microarray experiments
Q25257524OpWise: operons aid the identification of differentially expressed genes in bacterial microarray experiments
Q40844114Operon structure of Staphylococcus aureus
Q38656962Optimality criteria for the design of 2-color microarray studies
Q30727982Optimization of high-density cDNA-microarray protocols by 'design of experiments'.
Q24791194Optimized LOWESS normalization parameter selection for DNA microarray data
Q49849747Optimized Phenotypic Biomarker Discovery and Confounder Elimination via Covariate-Adjusted Projection to Latent Structures from Metabolic Spectroscopy Data
Q36079565Optimizing spotting solutions for increased reproducibility of cDNA microarrays
Q30479714Orthogonal projections to latent structures as a strategy for microarray data normalization
Q33331041Overexpression of Scg5 increases enzymatic activity of PCSK2 and is inversely correlated with body weight in congenic mice
Q41130183PCDH24-induced contact inhibition involves downregulation of beta-catenin signaling
Q37349947PPARgamma2 nuclear receptor controls multiple regulatory pathways of osteoblast differentiation from marrow mesenchymal stem cells
Q28255878Pathways to the analysis of microarray data
Q24793935Permutation-validated principal components analysis of microarray data
Q36837010Pervasive sex-linked effects on transcription regulation as revealed by expression quantitative trait loci mapping in lake whitefish species pairs (Coregonus sp., Salmonidae)
Q28591047Pla2g12b and Hpn Are Genes Identified by Mouse ENU Mutagenesis That Affect HDL Cholesterol
Q33908405Platelets alter gene expression profile in human brain endothelial cells in an in vitro model of cerebral malaria
Q34165462Polyamine pathway contributes to the pathogenesis of Parkinson disease
Q52717533Population transcriptomics: insights from Drosophila simulans, Drosophila sechellia and their hybrids.
Q31117853Post hoc pattern matching: assigning significance to statistically defined expression patterns in single channel microarray data
Q34129389Postmortem cardiac tissue maintains gene expression profile even after late harvesting.
Q46819525Primary metabolic pathways and signal transduction in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.): comparison of transcriptional profiling in leaves and immature embryos using cDNA microarrays
Q52667588Primate fetal hepatic responses to maternal obesity: epigenetic signalling pathways and lipid accumulation.
Q31077864ProCAT: a data analysis approach for protein microarrays
Q24804966Probabilistic estimation of microarray data reliability and underlying gene expression
Q33255379Probe-level linear model fitting and mixture modeling results in high accuracy detection of differential gene expression
Q24813217Progress in the application of DNA microarrays
Q30436991Proteomic analysis of pollination-induced corolla senescence in petunia
Q35234645Quantitative analysis of mammalian translation initiation sites by FACS-seq
Q47844541Quantitative assessment of the importance of dye switching and biological replication in cDNA microarray studies
Q48733771Quantitative estimation of activity and quality for collections of functional genetic elements
Q81298718RNA interference identifies a calcium-dependent protein kinase involved in Medicago truncatula root development
Q34478275RNA-seq and microarray complement each other in transcriptome profiling.
Q57314360Randomization tests for small samples: an application for genetic expression data
Q31148989Ranking analysis of F-statistics for microarray data
Q31061235Ranking analysis of microarray data: a powerful method for identifying differentially expressed genes
Q37217305Reassessing design and analysis of two-colour microarray experiments using mixed effects models
Q30957841Reconstructing genetic networks from time ordered gene expression data using Bayesian method with global search algorithm
Q37270376Reducing the complexity of complex gene coexpression networks by coupling multiweighted labeling with topological analysis
Q42164758Regulatory features underlying pollination-dependent and -independent tomato fruit set revealed by transcript and primary metabolite profiling
Q24289394Reliability and reproducibility issues in DNA microarray measurements
Q45126779Renal medullary gene expression in aquaporin-1 null mice
Q34110864Repeated small perturbation approach reveals transcriptomic steady states
Q79423598Reproducibility Probability Score--incorporating measurement variability across laboratories for gene selection
Q24806390Reproducibility of gene expression across generations of Affymetrix microarrays
Q24806473Resolution of large and small differences in gene expression using models for the Bayesian analysis of gene expression levels and spotted DNA microarrays
Q38352100Responses of microRNAs 124a and 223 following spinal cord injury in mice
Q41885111Rhesus cytomegalovirus particles prevent activation of interferon regulatory factor 3.
Q61649403Robust ANOVA for microarray data
Q41341252Robust Significance Analysis of Microarrays by Minimum β-Divergence Method.
Q34733167Role of gene expression microarray analysis in finding complex disease genes.
Q30854403Rotation gene set testing for longitudinal expression data.
Q31036624SIMAGE: simulation of DNA-microarray gene expression data
Q33372132SLEPR: a sample-level enrichment-based pathway ranking method -- seeking biological themes through pathway-level consistency
Q48260801Salinity adaptation and gene profiling analysis in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) using microarray technology
Q34739043Separate-channel analysis of two-channel microarrays: recovering inter-spot information
Q52592705Sex, flies and microarrays
Q31107889Sharp simultaneous confidence intervals for the means of selected populations with application to microarray data analysis
Q36246387Short day transcriptomic programming during induction of dormancy in grapevine
Q33691313Should we abandon the t-test in the analysis of gene expression microarray data: a comparison of variance modeling strategies
Q41987411Shrinkage estimation of effect sizes as an alternative to hypothesis testing followed by estimation in high-dimensional biology: applications to differential gene expression
Q53279981Simple Comparative Analyses of Differentially Expressed Gene Lists May Overestimate Gene Overlap
Q24815780Sources of variation in Affymetrix microarray experiments.
Q24809585Spatial patterns of transcriptional activity in the chromosome of Escherichia coli
Q30837003SpliceNet: recovering splicing isoform-specific differential gene networks from RNA-Seq data of normal and diseased samples
Q36325827Sporobolus stapfianus: Insights into desiccation tolerance in the resurrection grasses from linking transcriptomics to metabolomics
Q42984757Statistical Inference from Multiple iTRAQ Experiments without Using Common Reference Standards
Q30748167Statistical analysis of differential gene expression relative to a fold change threshold on NanoString data of mouse odorant receptor genes
Q44236323Statistical analysis of multiplex brain gene expression images
Q30483376Statistical analysis of relative labeled mass spectrometry data from complex samples using ANOVA
Q33207689Statistical approaches in the analysis of gene expression data derived from bone regeneration specific cDNA microarrays.
Q33571320Statistical design and analysis of RNA sequencing data
Q32124973Statistical intelligence: effective analysis of high-density microarray data
Q34669704Statistical issues with microarrays: processing and analysis
Q33319643Statistical methodology for the analysis of dye-switch microarray experiments
Q34486956Statistical methods for quantitative mass spectrometry proteomic experiments with labeling
Q21194873Statistical tests for differential expression in cDNA microarray experiments
Q33541370Statistics and bioinformatics in nutritional sciences: analysis of complex data in the era of systems biology
Q34673205Striatal molecular signature of subchronic subthalamic nucleus high frequency stimulation in parkinsonian rat.
Q33983878Study of Arabidopsis thaliana resistome in response to cucumber mosaic virus infection using whole genome microarray
Q51534923Subset of genes targeted by transcription factor NF-κB in TNFα-stimulated human HeLa cells
Q31111585Systematic approaches for incorporating control spots and data quality information to improve normalization of cDNA microarray data
Q48143099Systemic response to aphid infestation by Myzus persicae in the phloem of Apium graveolens
Q38334909Systems biology approach to understanding post-traumatic stress disorder
Q50896849Systems level analysis of osteoclastogenesis reveals intrinsic and extrinsic regulatory interactions
Q31154706TTCA: an R package for the identification of differentially expressed genes in time course microarray data
Q31008548Technical data of the transcriptomic analysis performed on tsetse fly symbionts, Sodalis glossinidius and Wigglesworthia glossinidia, harbored, respectively by non-infected, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense infected and self-cured Glossina palpalis gamb
Q30788588Testing for differentially expressed genes with microarray data
Q24801330Tests for finding complex patterns of differential expression in cancers: towards individualized medicine
Q41991330The Arabidopsis thaliana Transcription Factor AtMYB102 Functions in Defense Against the Insect Herbivore Pieris rapae
Q25255599The PowerAtlas: a power and sample size atlas for microarray experimental design and research
Q28754888The Songbird Neurogenomics (SoNG) Initiative: community-based tools and strategies for study of brain gene function and evolution
Q39723285The Statistical Value of Raw Fluorescence Signal in Luminex xMAP Based Multiplex Immunoassays.
Q24816513The TAO-Gen algorithm for identifying gene interaction networks with application to SOS repair in E. coli
Q33795305The Zea mays mutants opaque-2 and opaque-7 disclose extensive changes in endosperm metabolism as revealed by protein, amino acid, and transcriptome-wide analyses
Q36497975The absence of Ser389 phosphorylation in p53 affects the basal gene expression level of many p53-dependent genes and alters the biphasic response to UV exposure in mouse embryonic fibroblasts.
Q44876819The contributions of sex, genotype and age to transcriptional variance in Drosophila melanogaster
Q30497016The core genome of the anaerobic oral pathogenic bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis
Q36750544The curse of normalization
Q35613683The effect of short‐term hypoxic exposure on metabolic gene expression
Q43979171The endoplasmic reticulum binding protein BiP displays dual function in modulating cell death events.
Q33875878The functional behavior of a macrophage/fibroblast co-culture model derived from normal and diabetic mice with a marine gelatin-oxidized alginate hydrogel
Q36779319The influence of parental effects on transcriptomic landscape during early development in brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis, Mitchill)
Q24795105The influence of tumor size and environment on gene expression in commonly used human tumor lines
Q30882628The intraclass correlation coefficient applied for evaluation of data correction, labeling methods, and rectal biopsy sampling in DNA microarray experiments
Q33818641The landscape of genetic complexity across 5,700 gene expression traits in yeast
Q38933542The molecular chaperone binding protein BiP prevents leaf dehydration-induced cellular homeostasis disruption.
Q34987760The pathology of brucellosis reflects the outcome of the battle between the host genome and the Brucella genome
Q30653535The sharing of cDNA microarray data
Q51907692The simple classification of multiple cancer types using a small number of significant genes
Q33345145The transcription factor MtSERF1 of the ERF subfamily identified by transcriptional profiling is required for somatic embryogenesis induced by auxin plus cytokinin in Medicago truncatula.
Q34131627The transcriptional landscape of cross-specific hybrids and its possible link with growth in brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill).
Q50648115The transcriptional repressor ARR1-SRDX suppresses pleiotropic cytokinin activities in Arabidopsis
Q74308249The value of microarray techniques for quantitative gene profiling in molecular diagnostics
Q94460114The zinc-finger protein Zat12 plays a central role in reactive oxygen and abiotic stress signaling in Arabidopsis
Q24795297Three-parameter lognormal distribution ubiquitously found in cDNA microarray data and its application to parametric data treatment
Q52045600Thresholding rules for recovering a sparse signal from microarray experiments
Q31151428Time-course analysis of genome-wide gene expression data from hormone-responsive human breast cancer cells
Q33288492Tissue-specific mRNA expression profiling in grape berry tissues
Q64066420Tobacco-Related Alterations in Airway Gene Expression are Rapidly Reversed Within Weeks Following Smoking-Cessation
Q53545550Transcript abundance profiles reveal larger and more complex responses of grapevine to chilling compared to osmotic and salinity stress
Q38317330Transcript analysis of early nodulation events in Medicago truncatula.
Q33353965Transcript profiling of cytokinin action in Arabidopsis roots and shoots discovers largely similar but also organ-specific responses
Q37513666Transcription regulation by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis alternative sigma factor SigD and its role in virulence
Q30440528Transcriptional and apoptotic responses of THP-1 cells to challenge with toxigenic, and non-toxigenic Bacillus anthracis
Q41717576Transcriptional and metabolic signatures of Arabidopsis responses to chewing damage by an insect herbivore and bacterial infection and the consequences of their interaction
Q31120058Transcriptional and physiological responses of Bradyrhizobium japonicum to desiccation-induced stress
Q51173527Transcriptional plasticity of a soil arthropod across different ecological conditions
Q39403414Transcriptional profiles of primary metabolism and signal transduction-related genes in response to water stress in field-grown sunflower genotypes using a thematic cDNA microarray
Q34090485Transcriptional profiling and biochemical analysis of mechanically induced cartilaginous tissues in a rat model
Q51925538Transcriptional profiling of wheat caryopsis development using cDNA microarrays.
Q36817906Transcriptional regulatory networks in Arabidopsis thaliana during single and combined stresses.
Q41905405Transcriptional responses of Escherichia coli K-12 and O157:H7 associated with lettuce leaves
Q30481769Transcriptome architecture across tissues in the pig
Q35265174Transcriptome-wide signature of hybrid breakdown associated with intrinsic reproductive isolation in lake whitefish species pairs (Coregonus spp. Salmonidae).
Q37252803Transformation Model Choice in Nonlinear Regression Analysis of Fluorescence-based Serial Dilution Assays
Q24813887Transformation of expression intensities across generations of Affymetrix microarrays using sequence matching and regression modeling.
Q28537932Transient growth arrest in Escherichia coli induced by chromosome condensation
Q47936155Treatment of Microarray Experiments as Split-Plot Designs
Q47247617Trends in plant research using molecular markers.
Q30493184Tumor necrosis factor-alpha regulates transforming growth factor-beta-dependent epithelial-mesenchymal transition by promoting hyaluronan-CD44-moesin interaction.
Q37522936Tunable regulation of CREB DNA binding activity couples genotoxic stress response and metabolism
Q36974569Two homologous Agr-like quorum-sensing systems cooperatively control adherence, cell morphology, and cell viability properties in Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1.
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Q34259303Type 1 equilibrative nucleoside transporter regulates astrocyte-specific glial fibrillary acidic protein expression in the striatum
Q33644902Ultraviolet stress delays chromosome replication in light/dark synchronized cells of the marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus marinus PCC9511.
Q44361662Use of a candidate gene array to delineate gene expression patterns in cattle selected for resistance or susceptibility to intestinal nematodes
Q31136974Use of genomic DNA control features and predicted operon structure in microarray data analysis: ArrayLeaRNA - a Bayesian approach
Q82377488Using endophenotypes for pathway clusters to map complex disease genes
Q30998155Using weighted permutation scores to detect differential gene expression with microarray data
Q36320409VCNet: Vector based gene Co-expression Network construction and its application to RNA-seq data
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Q37380576Variability of DNA microarray gene expression profiles in cultured rat primary hepatocytes.
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Q34863055svapls: an R package to correct for hidden factors of variability in gene expression studies

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