The "initiator" as a transcription control element

scientific article (publication date: 7 April 1989)

The "initiator" as a transcription control element is …
instance of (P31):
scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID2467742

P50authorDavid BaltimoreQ234949
P2093author name stringSmale ST
Stephen T. Smale
P2860cites workSV40-transformed simian cells support the replication of early SV40 mutantsQ28263905
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P577publication date1989-04-01
P1433published inCellQ655814
P1476titleThe "initiator" as a transcription control element
The “initiator” as a transcription control element

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
Q34103569A 11.7-kb deletion triggers intersexuality and polledness in goats
Q77338280A CT Repeat in the Promoter of the Chicken Malic Enzyme Gene Is Essential for Function at an Alternative Transcription Start Site
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Q39581510A Functionally Distinct TATA Box Required for Late Progression through the Epstein-Barr Virus Life Cycle
Q54255833A GC box in the bidirectional promoter is essential for expression of the human dihydrofolate reductase and mismatch repair protein 1 genes
Q28295630A TATA-less promoter containing binding sites for ubiquitous transcription factors mediates cell type-specific regulation of the gene for transcription enhancer factor-1 (TEF-1)
Q24681483A code for transcription initiation in mammalian genomes
Q36676343A complex promoter element mediates transactivation of the human proliferating cell nuclear antigen promoter by the 243-residue adenovirus E1A oncoprotein
Q37638691A conserved upstream element is essential for transcription of the Leishmania tarentolae mini-exon gene.
Q33917946A contribution of the core-promoter and its surrounding regions to the preferential transcription of the fibroin gene in posterior silk gland extracts
Q35729178A deep-branching clade of retrovirus-like retrotransposons in bdelloid rotifers
Q35154603A downstream element in the human beta-globin promoter: evidence of extended sequence-specific transcription factor IID contacts
Q54706468A downstream initiation element required for efficient TATA box binding and in vitro function of TFIID.
Q36715822A downstream-element-binding factor facilitates assembly of a functional preinitiation complex at the simian virus 40 major late promoter
Q41228819A feedback control element near the transcription start site of the maize Shrunken gene determines promoter activity
Q52537658A functional analysis of 5′, intronic and promoter regions of the homeotic gene proboscipedia in Drosophila melanogaster
Q37094528A global change in RNA polymerase II pausing during the Drosophila midblastula transition
Q34774575A human NDP-kinase B specifically binds single-stranded poly-pyrimidine sequences
Q37353738A link between c-Myc-mediated transcriptional repression and neoplastic transformation
Q36639757A mouse mammary tumor virus promoter element near the transcription initiation site
Q42044899A muscle-specific intron enhancer required for rescue of indirect flight muscle and jump muscle function regulates Drosophila tropomyosin I gene expression
Q36721998A novel DNA-binding domain in the Shrunken initiator-binding protein (IBP1).
Q36707949A novel initiator regulates expression of the nontissue-specific helix-loop-helix gene ME1.
Q35853891A novel transcriptional activator (PO-B) binds between the TATA box and cap site of the pro-opiomelanocortin gene
Q38300068A novel transcriptional initiator activity of the GABP factor binding ets sequence repeat from the murine cytochrome c oxidase Vb gene.
Q40020202A potential role for Elf-1 in terminal transferase gene regulation
Q38334173A retinoic acid response element is present in the mouse cellular retinol binding protein I (mCRBPI) promoter
Q38337611A role for the interferon response DNA sequence in directing transcription of the T18d Tla gene
Q33207319A second ferritin L subunit is encoded by an intronless gene in the mouse
Q36566336A selector of transcription initiation in the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii
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Q36567214A spectrum of mechanisms for the assembly of the RNA polymerase II transcription preinitiation complex
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Q39074167A zinc finger gene from Onchocerca volvulus encodes a protein with a functional signal peptide and an unusual Ser-His finger motif
Q33942566ATG deserts define a novel core promoter subclass
Q34517090ATP8B1 gene expression is driven by a housekeeping-like promoter independent of bile acids and farnesoid X receptor
Q81157489Abundant authentic MMTV-Env production from a recombinant provirus lacking the major LTR promoter
Q36568453Accurate positioning of RNA polymerase II on a natural TATA-less promoter is independent of TATA-binding-protein-associated factors and initiator-binding proteins
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Q48005422Alternate promoters and developmental modulation of expression of the chicken GATA-2 gene in hematopoietic progenitor cells
Q52558205Alternative activation of transcriptional initiators in Drosophila melanogaster LINE promoters
Q38333075Alternative pathway for induction of human immunodeficiency virus gene expression: involvement of the general transcription machinery.
Q32127522Alternative promoters and cardiac muscle cell-specific expression of the Na+/Ca2+exchanger gene
Q36697895An E box mediates activation and repression of the acetylcholine receptor delta-subunit gene during myogenesis
Q33615568An RNA polymerase II promoter containing sequences upstream and downstream from the RNA startpoint that direct initiation of transcription from the same site
Q59098248An alternative pathway for transcription initiation involving TFII-I
Q37701298An antisense promoter in mouse L1 retrotransposon open reading frame-1 initiates expression of diverse fusion transcripts and limits retrotransposition
Q36963851An antisense promoter of the murine c-myc gene is localized within intron 2
Q40560353An endoplasmic reticulum stress-regulated lncRNA hosting a microRNA megacluster induces early features of diabetic nephropathy.
Q28189332An initiator and its flanking elements function as a core promoter driving transcription of the Hepatopoietin gene
Q41368096An initiator element is required for maximal human chorionic somatomammotropin gene promoter and enhancer function
Q40673156An intronic alternative promoter of the human lactoferrin gene is activated by Ets.
Q30670264An intronic enhancer containing an N-box motif is required for synapse- and tissue-specific expression of the acetylcholinesterase gene in skeletal muscle fibers
Q42828388An inverted repeat motif stabilizes binding of E2F and enhances transcription of the dihydrofolate reductase gene
Q24556557An unusual structure of a putative T cell oncogene which allows production of similar proteins from distinct mRNAs
Q45084874Analysis of a mouse gene encoding three steps of purine synthesis reveals use of an intronic polyadenylation signal without alternative exon usage
Q39444984Analysis of a ubiquitous promoter element in a primitive eukaryote: early evolution of the initiator element
Q40395194Analysis of consensus sequence patterns inGiardia cytoskeletongene promoters
Q42675930Analysis of expression of the gene encoding for the nuclear autoantigen La/SS-B using reportergene constructs
Q34046300Analysis of gene expression in mouse preimplantation embryos demonstrates that the primary role of enhancers is to relieve repression of promoters
Q24673569Analysis of overrepresented motifs in human core promoters reveals dual regulatory roles of YY1
Q63487742Analysis of the ChickenGPAT/AIRCBidirectional Promoter forde NovoPurine Nucleotide Synthesis
Q33234517Analysis of the HSV-1 strain 17 DNA polymerase gene reveals the expression of four different classes of pol transcripts
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Q36733655Analysis of the mouse Dhfr/Rep-3 major promoter region by using linker-scanning and internal deletion mutations and DNase I footprinting
Q40513516Analysis of the rat JE gene promoter identifies an AP-1 binding site essential for basal expression but not for TPA induction
Q36817908Anatomy of an unusual RNA polymerase II promoter containing a downstream TATA element
Q41083017Anatomy of the parp gene promoter of Trypanosoma brucei
Q34010093Antisense RNA: function and fate of duplex RNA in cells of higher eukaryotes.
Q28509878Archaic structure of the gene encoding transcription factor USF
Q27930277Aromatic amino acid biosynthesis in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a model system for the regulation of a eukaryotic biosynthetic pathway
Q34156466B cell-restricted human mb-1 gene: expression, function, and lineage infidelity
Q28191625BLT1 and BLT2: the leukotriene B(4) receptors
Q38345727Basal core promoters control the equilibrium between negative cofactor 2 and preinitiation complexes in human cells
Q36563736Binding of YY1 to a site overlapping a weak TATA box is essential for transcription from the uteroglobin promoter in endometrial cells
Q34417070Biochemistry and biology of the inducible multifunctional transcription factor TFII-I
Q38319614Both LyF-1 and an Ets protein interact with a critical promoter element in the murine terminal transferase gene.
Q67895739Brain-type and muscle-type promoters of the dystrophin gene differ greatly in structure
Q41600357C-Myc Transrepression and Cell Transformation
Q38331537CCAAT/enhancer binding protein regulates the promoter activity of the rat GLUT2 glucose transporter gene in liver cells
Q28245797CD11c Integrin Gene Promoter Activity During Myeloid Differentiation
Q39722019CDF-1-mediated repression of cell cycle genes targets a specific subset of transactivators
Q24317302CIF150, a human cofactor for transcription factor IID-dependent initiator function
Q36567294Calspermin gene transcription is regulated by two cyclic AMP response elements contained in an alternative promoter in the calmodulin kinase IV gene
Q36635707CapSeq and CIP-TAP identify Pol II start sites and reveal capped small RNAs as C. elegans piRNA precursors
Q40225049Caveolin-1 up-regulates IGF-I receptor gene transcription in breast cancer cells via Sp1- and p53-dependent pathways
Q24650233Cell cycle-regulated association of E2F1 and Sp1 is related to their functional interaction
Q40975639Cell type specificity of the human endoglin promoter
Q40407245Cell type-specific interactions of transcription factors with a housekeeping promoter in vivo
Q24676205Cell-specific transcriptional regulation of human leukotriene B(4) receptor gene
Q35861289Cellular or viral protein binding to a cytomegalovirus promoter transcription initiation site: effects on transcription
Q34443541Characterisation of the Promoter which Regulates Expression of a Phosphoglucomutase‐Related Protein, a Component of the Dystrophidutrophin Cytoskeleton Predominantly Expressed in Smooth Muscle
Q48040598Characterisation of the human CD30 ligand gene structure
Q48042649Characterization and Retinoic Acid Responsiveness of the Murine Hoxd4 Transcription Unit
Q24290561Characterization of C14orf4, a novel intronless human gene containing a polyglutamine repeat, mapped to the ARVD1 critical region
Q39349025Characterization of P1 promoter activity of the beta-galactoside alpha2,6-sialyltransferase I gene (siat 1) in cervical and hepatic cancer cell lines
Q41998834Characterization of a chicken retinoid X receptor-gamma gene promoter and identification of sequences that direct expression in retinal cells
Q24595994Characterization of a functional promoter for the human retinoic acid receptor-alpha (hRAR-alpha)
Q22010657Characterization of a mammalian gene related to the yeast CCR4 general transcription factor and revealed by transposon insertion
Q34106790Characterization of a proximal Sp1 response element in the mouse Dlk2 gene promoter
Q40672526Characterization of an Iron-responsive Promoter in the Protozoan Pathogen Trichomonas vaginalis
Q40807546Characterization of an enhancer element in the proximal promoter of the mouse glucagon receptor gene
Q38327350Characterization of an enhancer upstream from the muscle-type promoter of a gene encoding 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase
Q24545614Characterization of multiple alternative RNAs resulting from antisense transcription of the PR264/SC35 splicing factor gene
Q38556892Characterization of promoter elements of the human HYAL-2 gene
Q39851281Characterization of sINR, a strict version of the Initiator core promoter element
Q42483558Characterization of the 5'-flanking region of the gene encoding bovine adenylate kinase isozyme 3.
Q38346655Characterization of the 5'-flanking region of the gene for the cAMP-inducible protein kinase A subunit, RIIbeta, in Sertoli cells
Q45753156Characterization of the Initiator and Downstream Promoter Elements of Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Late Genes
Q22010467Characterization of the cDNA and gene for mouse tumour necrosis factor alpha converting enzyme (TACE/ADAM17) and its location to mouse chromosome 12 and human chromosome 2p25
Q24606473Characterization of the cDNA and genomic sequence of a G protein gamma subunit (gamma 5)
Q35658693Characterization of the doublesex gene within the Culex pipiens complex suggests regulatory plasticity at the base of the mosquito sex determination cascade
Q32049284Characterization of the human CALM2 calmodulin gene and comparison of the transcriptional activity of CALM1, CALM2 and CALMS
Q33263493Characterization of the human androgen receptor transcription unit
Q42463136Characterization of the human renal Na(+)-sulphate cotransporter gene ( NAS1) promoter
Q41128233Characterization of the human secretory component gene promoter.
Q45143589Characterization of the immediate-early 2 protein of human herpesvirus 6, a promiscuous transcriptional activator.
Q39880841Characterization of the minute virus of mice P38 core promoter elements
Q40847488Characterization of the mouse dynamin I gene promoter and identification of sequences that direct expression in neuronal cells
Q28508116Characterization of the mouse gene for the U-box-type ubiquitin ligase UFD2a
Q40424872Characterization of the mouse gene for the heavy metal-responsive transcription factor MTF-1.
Q34324889Characterization of the mouse insulin receptor gene promoter
Q38297200Characterization of the mouse tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (trap) gene promoter
Q31131003Characterization of the neuropilin-1 promoter; gene expression is mediated by the transcription factor Sp1.
Q38322440Characterization of the p150,95 leukocyte integrin alpha subunit (CD11c) gene promoter. Identification of cis-acting elements
Q24562901Characterization of the promoter for the human 85 kDa cytosolic phospholipase A2 gene
Q38315113Characterization of the promoter for the human P-selectin gene
Q31109283Characterization of the promoter for the mouse alpha 3 integrin gene
Q41016405Characterization of the promoter region of the human somatostatin receptor subtype 2 gene and localization of sequences required for estrogen-responsiveness
Q33836139Characterization of the structural gene promoter of Aedes aegypti densovirus
Q30795128Characterization of the transcriptional regulatory region of the human dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase gene
Q34310158Cholecystokinin gene transcription: promoter elements, transcription factors and signaling pathways
Q36684698Cis- and trans-acting elements involved in amino acid regulation of asparagine synthetase gene expression
Q42449258Cleavage of Transcriptional Activator Oct-1 by Poliovirus Encoded Protease 3Cpro
Q24314747Cloning and Biochemical Characterization of TAF-172, a Human Homolog of Yeast Mot1
Q42461527Cloning and Characterization of the 5′-Flanking Region for the Human Topoisomerase III Gene
Q31160065Cloning and Characterization of the Human Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Receptor Gene 5′-Flanking Region
Q40975593Cloning and characterization of 5'-flanking region of mouse non-selective cation channel 1.
Q33944178Cloning and characterization of the cDNA and gene for human epitheliasin
Q38352786Cloning and characterization of the human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A8, 1A9, and 1A10 gene promoters: differential regulation through an interior-like region
Q33237037Cloning and characterization of the mouse cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV gene
Q48039355Cloning and characterization of the promoter for the human complement factor I (C3b/C4b inactivator) gene
Q34313343Cloning and functional analysis of the TATA binding protein from Sulfolobus shibatae
Q36787952Cloning and properties of a rice gene encoding phenylalanine ammonia-lyase
Q24337872Cloning of GT box-binding proteins: a novel Sp1 multigene family regulating T-cell receptor gene expression
Q28292676Cloning of a human gene encoding the general transcription initiation factor IIB
Q24532874Cloning of an Inr- and E-box-binding protein, TFII-I, that interacts physically and functionally with USF1
Q24290509Cloning of human acetyl-CoA carboxylase beta promoter and its regulation by muscle regulatory factors
Q47970762Cloning of mouse sepiapterin reductase gene and characterization of its promoter region.
Q24599825Cloning of the complete gene for carcinoembryonic antigen: analysis of its promoter indicates a region conveying cell type-specific expression
Q42115168Cloning of the gene (gdcH) encoding H-protein, a component of the glycine decarboxylase complex of pea (Pisum sativum L.)
Q34580223Cloning of the shark Po promoter using a genomic walking technique based on the polymerase chain reaction
Q42642307Co-regulation of nuclear genes encoding plastid ribosomal proteins by light and plastid signals during seedling development in tobacco and Arabidopsis
Q24683599Cocrystal structure of YY1 bound to the adeno-associated virus P5 initiator
Q43182978Coexpression of two closely linked avian genes for purine nucleotide synthesis from a bidirectional promoter
Q45992950Combinatorial regulation of the murine RAG-2 promoter by Sp1 and distinct lymphocyte-specific transcription factors.
Q28742096Comparative analysis of the ATRX promoter and 5' regulatory region reveals conserved regulatory elements which are linked to roles in neurodevelopment, alpha-globin regulation and testicular function
Q34602256Comparative and functional analysis of the AP2 promoter indicates that conserved octamer and initiator elements are critical for activity
Q44472633Comparative expression and transcript initiation of three peach dehydrin genes.
Q36797713Complex regulation of transcription from the hepatitis B virus major surface antigen promoter in human hepatoma cell lines
Q40524425Complex requirements for RNA polymerase III transcription of the Xenopus U6 promoter
Q41877116Conserved structure and inferred evolutionary history of long terminal repeats (LTRs)
Q40970406Contacts in context: promoter specificity and macromolecular interactions in transcription
Q42065380Contribution of sequences downstream of the TATA element to a protein-DNA complex containing the TATA-binding protein
Q56333981Control of human gene expression: High abundance of divergent transcription in genes containing both INR and BRE elements in the core promoter
Q36737241Convergent transcription initiates from oppositely oriented promoters within the 5' end regions of Drosophila melanogaster F elements
Q28252370Cooperative interaction of an initiator-binding transcription initiation factor and the helix-loop-helix activator USF
Q40790439Cooperativity in vivo between the E2 transactivator and the TATA box binding protein depends on core promoter structure.
Q34867860Core promoter T-blocks correlate with gene expression levels in C. elegans
Q33921882Core promoter of the mouse myelin basic protein gene governs brain-specific transcription in vitro
Q38289947Core promoter specificities of the Sp1 and VP16 transcriptional activation domains
Q40510440Core promoter structure in the oomycete Phytophthora infestans.
Q28083177Core promoters in transcription: old problem, new insights
Q34828632DNA methylation in transcriptional repression of two differentially expressed X-linked genes, GPC3 and SYBL1.
Q52445465DNA sequence requirements for generating paused polymerase at the start of hsp70
Q34346613DNA sequence requirements for transcriptional initiator activity in mammalian cells
Q47999692DNase1 footprints suggest the involvement of at least three types of transcription factors in the regulation of alpha-Amy2/A by gibberellin
Q33367548Definition of constitutive gene expression in plants: the translation initiation factor 4A gene as a model
Q24675110Definition of interferon gamma-response elements in a novel human Fc gamma receptor gene (Fc gamma RIb) and characterization of the gene structure
Q48769965Demonstration of a transcription element in vitro between the capping site and translation initiation site of the mouse myelin basic protein gene
Q36287208Description of the leukocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1 or CD11a) promoter
Q48061939Descriptive and functional characterization of variation in the Fundulus heteroclitus Ldh-B proximal promoter
Q52308718Detection of RNA polymerase II promoters and polyadenylation sites in human DNA sequence
Q40551612Differential cellular requirements for activation of herpes simplex virus type 1 early (tk) and late (gC) promoters by ICP4.
Q28143048Differential effects of the widely expressed dMax splice variant of Max on E-box vs initiator element-mediated regulation by c-Myc
Q44543622Differential expression of human replacement and cell cycle dependent H3 histone genes
Q36425988Differential organ-specific expression of three poly(A)-binding-protein genes from Arabidopsis thaliana
Q40531186Differential response of the human 6-16 and 9-27 genes to alpha and gamma interferons
Q41277288Differentiation-Associated Expression of the Proto-Oncogene pim-1 in Cultured Human Keratinocytes
Q36702325Differentiation-induced and constitutive transcription of human papillomavirus type 31b in cell lines containing viral episomes
Q33616350Discrete promoter elements affect specific properties of RNA polymerase II transcription complexes
Q34980792Distinct transcriptional pathways regulate basal and activated major histocompatibility complex class I expression
Q33373576Diversity of core promoter elements comprising human bidirectional promoters
Q28344284Down-regulation of TDT transcription in CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes by Ikaros proteins in direct competition with an Ets activator
Q48014316Downstream activation of a TATA-less promoter by Oct-2, Bob1, and NF-kappaB directs expression of the homing receptor BLR1 to mature B cells.
Q73754881Downstream promoter sequences facilitate the formation of a specific transcription factor IID-promoter complex topology required for efficient transcription from the megalin/low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 2 promoter
Q37359924Drosophila retrotransposon promoter includes an essential sequence at the initiation site and requires a downstream sequence for full activity
Q39721455Efficient transcription of an immunoglobulin kappa promoter requires specific sequence elements overlapping with and downstream of the transcriptional start site
Q42606598Eimeria tenella microneme protein EtMIC4: capture of the full-length transcribed sequence and comparison with other microneme proteins.
Q36088813ElemeNT: a computational tool for detecting core promoter elements
Q35922412Engineered Promoters for Potent Transient Overexpression
Q24671986Enhancer-promoter communication at the yellow gene of Drosophila melanogaster: diverse promoters participate in and regulate trans interactions
Q35081772Enhancer-promoter specificity mediated by DPE or TATA core promoter motifs
Q34042829Estrogen-dependent transcription of the NEL-like 2 (NELL2) gene and its role in protection from cell death
Q57232452Eukaryotic core promoters and the functional basis of transcription initiation
Q41462866Everything you have ever wanted to know about Yin Yang 1......
Q24562189Evidence for physical interaction between the zinc-finger transcription factors YY1 and Sp1
Q36965052Evidence that USF can interact with only a single general transcription complex at one time
Q38317483Ex vivo regulation of specific gene expression by nanomolar concentration of double-stranded dumbbell oligonucleotides.
Q22001496Exon-I is involved in positive as well as negative regulation of human angiotensinogen gene expression
Q34594401Experimentally determined weight matrix definitions of the initiator and TBP binding site elements of promoters
Q48051309Expression and regulation of the human and mouse aspartylglucosaminidase gene
Q37509715Expression from the murine p53 promoter is mediated by factor binding to a downstream helix-loop-helix recognition motif
Q24311503Expression of CD44 is repressed in neuroblastoma cells
Q24528229Expression of human platelet-activating factor receptor gene in EoL-1 cells following butyrate-induced differentiation
Q36684653Expression of mRNA encoding the macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor (c-fms) is controlled by a constitutive promoter and tissue-specific transcription elongation
Q35085506Expression of nonclassical MHC class Ib genes: comparison of regulatory elements
Q47825253Expression of steroidogenic enzymes and metabolism of steroids in COS-7 cells known as non-steroidogenic cells.
Q35062115Expression of steroidogenic factor 1 in the testis requires an E box and CCAAT box in its promoter proximal region
Q41573620Expression of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator from a novel adeno-associated virus promoter
Q42707109Expression of the human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) group HML-2/HERV-K does not depend on canonical promoter elements but is regulated by transcription factors Sp1 and Sp3.
Q28571346Expression of the rat growth hormone-releasing hormone gene in placenta is directed by an alternative promoter
Q36706072Expression of the woodchuck N-myc2 retroposon in brain and in liver tumors is driven by a cryptic N-myc promoter
Q36774375Factors involved in specific transcription by mammalian RNA polymerase II: role of transcription factors IIA, IID, and IIB during formation of a transcription-competent complex
Q73738824Forced expression of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase in fetal thymus resulted in a decrease in gammadelta T cells and random dissemination of Vgamma3Vdelta1 T cells in skin of newborn but not adult mice
Q24329120Four Subunits That Are Shared by the Three Classes of RNA Polymerase Are Functionally Interchangeable between Homo sapiens and Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q41651422From carpet bombing to cruise missiles: the ‘second-order’ mechanisms used by transcription factors to ensure specific DNA binding in vivo
Q54936134Functional Analysis of Maize Silk-Specific ZmbZIP25 Promoter.
Q24523373Functional Analysis of the CAAT Box in the Major Late Promoter of the Subgroup C Human Adenoviruses
Q64382294Functional Analysis of the Promoter for the HumanCYP1B1 Gene
Q38343396Functional Characterization of the Major Late Promoter of Mouse Adenovirus Type 1
Q45755028Functional Modules Important for Activated Expression of Early Genes of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Are Clustered Upstream of the TATA Box
Q73018386Functional analysis of the Schistosoma mansoni 28 kDa glutathione S-transferase gene promoter: involvement of SMNF-Y transcription factor in multimeric complexes
Q36644772Functional analysis of the V gamma 3 promoter of the murine gamma delta T-cell receptor
Q33611452Functional binding of the "TATA" box binding component of transcription factor TFIID to the -30 region of TATA-less promoters
Q40145817Functional characterization of putative promoter elements from infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV) in shrimp and in insect and fish cell lines
Q38296700Functional characterization of the brain-specific FGF-1 promoter, FGF-1.B.
Q24290342Functional characterization of the gene encoding RLIM, the corepressor of LIM homeodomain factors
Q40931318Functional characterization of the promoter of the X-linked ectodermal dysplasia gene
Q48072907Functional characterization of the promoter region of the platelet-activating factor receptor gene. Identification of an initiator element essential for gene expression in myeloid cells
Q42495629Functional disruption of the CD28 gene transcriptional initiator in senescent T cells
Q37700497Functional dissection of a mouse ribosomal protein promoter: significance of the polypyrimidine initiator and an element in the TATA-box region
Q40873357Functional domains of the Drosophila Engrailed protein
Q36557740Functional domains of the transcription factor USF2: atypical nuclear localization signals and context-dependent transcriptional activation domains
Q34642259Functional identification of the promoter for the gene encoding the alpha subunit of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II.
Q24655684Functional roles for the TATA promoter and enhancers in basal and Tat-induced expression of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 long terminal repeat
Q40506250Further sequence requirements for male germ cell-specific expression under the control of the 14 bp promoter element (beta 2UE1) of the Drosophila beta 2 tubulin gene
Q42834456GA-binding protein-dependent transcription initiator elements. Effect of helical spacing between polyomavirus enhancer a factor 3(PEA3)/Ets-binding sites on initiator activity
Q46352798Gene Transcription in Trichomonas vaginalis
Q42646821Gene structure and differential regulation of the Rhizobium-induced peroxidase gene rip1.
Q34207527Gene structure and tissue expression of human selenoprotein W, SEPW1, and identification of a retroprocessed pseudogene, SEPW1P.
Q46769281Generality of a functional initiator consensus sequence
Q30810579Genome-wide analysis of core promoter elements from conserved human and mouse orthologous pairs
Q34548248Genome-wide analysis of promoter architecture in Drosophila melanogaster.
Q37548484Genome-wide uniformity of human 'open' pre-initiation complexes
Q33861459Genomic cloning and promoter analysis of aortic preferentially expressed gene-1. Identification of a vascular smooth muscle-specific promoter mediated by an E box motif
Q30652869Genomic organisation and developmentally regulated expression of an apicomplexan aspartyl proteinase
Q42632002Genomic organization and expression of mouse thymic shared antigen-1 (TSA-1): evidence for a processed pseudogene
Q24563843Genomic organization and promoter analysis of the human heat shock factor 2 gene
Q32060809Genomic organization and promoter characterization of the mouse and human genes encoding p62 subunit of the transcription/DNA repair factor TFIIH
Q36702436Genomic organization of a mouse glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene (Gapd-s) expressed in post-meiotic spermatogenic cells
Q33600611Genomic organization of human transcription initiation complexes
Q33280885Genomic organization of mouse J kappa recombination signal binding protein (RBP-J kappa) gene
Q42832026Genomic structure of murine methylmalonyl-CoA mutase: evidence for genetic and epigenetic mechanisms determining enzyme activity
Q44304238Genomic structure of the bovine mb-1 gene encoding the Ig-α subunit of the B cell antigen receptor complex
Q28260042Genomic structure of the human CD53 gene
Q40732291Genomic structure, chromosomal localization and expression of the human LIM-homeobox gene LHX5.
Q48001350Germ cell-specific enhancer activity of a repeated element in a variable region of the mouse genome
Q41340840Germ-line transcription of the T cell receptor delta gene in mouse hematopoietic cell lines
Q28217295Glutamate-cysteine ligase modifier subunit: mouse Gclm gene structure and regulation by agents that cause oxidative stress
Q36655197Herpes simplex virus type 1 latency-associated transcript (LAT) promoter deletion mutants can express a 2-kilobase transcript mapping to the LAT region
Q34892275Heterogeneity in the 5' untranslated region of mouse cytochrome cT mRNAs leads to altered translational status of the mRNAs
Q33409717Heterogeneously initiated transcription from the pre-B- and B-cell-specific mb-1 promoter: analysis of the requirement for upstream factor-binding sites and initiation site sequences
Q38919756High constitutive activity of a broad panel of housekeeping and tissue-specific cis-regulatory elements depends on a subset of ETS proteins
Q39935882High-resolution characterization of Toxoplasma gondii transcriptome with a massive parallel sequencing method
Q38363151Host factor with single-stranded DNA-binding activity involved in transcription from baculovirus polyhedrin promoter
Q47835102Housekeeping and tissue-specific cis-regulatory elements: Recipes for specificity and recipes for activity
Q35230930How do eukaryotic activator proteins stimulate the rate of transcription by RNA polymerase II?
Q28279205Human 15-lipoxygenase gene promoter: analysis and identification of DNA binding sites for IL-13-induced regulatory factors in monocytes
Q24603946Human DNA polymerase alpha gene: sequences controlling expression in cycling and serum-stimulated cells
Q22004254Human Hydroxysteroid Sulfotransferase SULT2B1: Two Enzymes Encoded by a Single Chromosome 19 Gene
Q35157534Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Type 1 LTR DNA contains an intrinsic gene producing antisense RNA and protein products
Q35876649Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 Tax transactivates the human proliferating cell nuclear antigen promoter.
Q42822338Human dipeptidyl peptidase IV gene promoter: tissue-specific regulation from a TATA-less GC-rich sequence characteristic of a housekeeping gene promoter
Q24528230Human eosinophil major basic protein, a mediator of allergic inflammation, is expressed by alternative splicing from two promoters
Q22010763Human indolethylamine N-methyltransferase: cDNA cloning and expression, gene cloning, and chromosomal localization
Q34043082Human transcription factor USF stimulates transcription through the initiator elements of the HIV-1 and the Ad-ML promoters
Q28287611HumanDCTN1: Genomic Structure and Evaluation as a Candidate for Alström Syndrome
Q36828172Hypovirulence-associated traits induced by a mycovirus of Cryphonectria parasitica are mimicked by targeted inactivation of a host gene
Q35865761Identification and characterization of a hepatitis delta virus RNA transcriptional promoter
Q33817647Identification and characterization of a regulated promoter element in the epidermal growth factor receptor gene
Q36650345Identification and characterization of novel promoters in the genome of human papillomavirus type 18.
Q35014142Identification and functional characterization of acis-acting positive DNA element regulating CYP 2B1/B2 gene transcription in rat liver
Q39094036Identification and functional characterization of the BBX24 promoter and gene from chrysanthemum in Arabidopsis
Q45759292Identification of DNA sequences in the latency related promoter of bovine herpes virus type 1 which are bound by neuronal specific factors
Q24336084Identification of Putative c-Myc-Responsive Genes: Characterization of rcl, a Novel Growth-Related Gene†
Q41264896Identification of Sp1-binding sites in the CD11c (p150,95 alpha) and CD11a (LFA-1 alpha) integrin subunit promoters and their involvement in the tissue-specific expression of CD11c.
Q24630183Identification of a 27 bp 5'-flanking region element responsible for the low level constitutive expression of the human cytosolic phospholipase A2 gene
Q52033324Identification of a BMP inhibitor-responsive promoter module required for expression of the early neural gene zic1.
Q34190577Identification of a Previously Unrecognized Promoter That Drives Expression of the UXP Transcription Unit in the Human Adenovirus Type 5 Genome
Q36551581Identification of a cell-type-specific and E2F-independent mechanism for repression of cdc2 transcription
Q40405136Identification of a cis acting element responsible for muscle specific expression of the c-mos protooncogene
Q38332521Identification of a conserved lipopolysaccharide-plus-interleukin-4-responsive element located at the promoter of germ line epsilon transcripts
Q73881371Identification of a functional CT-element in the Phytophthora infestans piypt1 gene promoter
Q36814561Identification of a negative regulatory element that inhibits c-mos transcription in somatic cells
Q41687627Identification of a serum- and phorbol ester-responsive element in the murine tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase gene
Q40734591Identification of an initiator-like element essential for the expression of the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-4 (Timp-4) gene.
Q27933753Identification of cis-acting elements in the SUC2 promoter of Saccharomyces cerevisiae required for activation of transcription
Q40647678Identification of cis-acting regulatory elements in the promoter region of the rat brain creatine kinase gene
Q64103577Identification of evolutionarily conserved downstream core promoter elements required for the transcriptional regulation of Fushi tarazu target genes
Q47914332Identification of promoter elements of parasite nematode genes in transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans
Q40533632Identification of regulatory elements within the minimal promoter region of the human endogenous ERV9 proviruses: accurate transcription initiation is controlled by an Inr-like element
Q41095809Identification of the Human α6 Integrin Gene Promoter
Q36166189Identification of the promoter region of human interleukin 1 type I receptor gene: multiple initiation sites, high G+C content, and constitutive expression
Q36716795Identification of the serum-responsive transcription initiation site of the zinc finger gene Krox-20.
Q24609037Identification of two initiator elements in the bidirectional promoter of the human dihydrofolate reductase and mismatch repair protein 1 genes
Q45223684Identification of upstream cis-acting regulatory elements controlling lineage-specific expression of the mouse NK cell activation receptor, NKR-P1C.
Q36796944Identification of upstream promoter elements mediating early transcription from the 35,000-molecular-weight protein gene of Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus
Q34570051Identification, characterization, and cell specificity of a human LINE-1 promoter
Q45850803Immediate early protein of pseudorabies virus is a general transactivator but stimulates only suboptimally utilized promoters. A clue to specificity?
Q37517883In vitro transcription of baculovirus immediate early genes: accurate mRNA initiation by nuclear extracts from both insect and human cells
Q36563526In vivo footprinting and high-resolution methylation analysis of the mouse hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase gene 5' region on the active and inactive X chromosomes
Q43183302In vivo transcriptional analysis of the TATA-less promoter of the Drosophila melanogaster vermilion gene
Q37489266Inactivation of maize transposon Mu suppresses a mutant phenotype by activating an outward-reading promoter near the end of Mu1
Q78799341Increased Sp1-dependent transactivation of the LAMgamma 1 promoter in hepatic stellate cells co-cultured with HepG2 cells overexpressing cytochrome P450 2E1
Q36378010Increased expression of the insulin-like growth factor I receptor gene, IGF1R, in Wilms tumor is correlated with modulation of IGF1R promoter activity by the WT1 Wilms tumor gene product
Q35860088Inhibition of basal transcription by poliovirus: a virus- encoded protease (3Cpro) inhibits formation of TBP-TATA box complex in vitro
Q52545755Initiation of transcription by RNA polymerase II: a multi-step process
Q35887988Initiation of transcription of the erythroid promoter of the porphobilinogen deaminase gene is regulated by a cis-acting sequence around the cap site
Q56901345Initiator and upstream elements in the alpha2-tubulin promoter of Giardia lamblia
Q39528987Initiator recognition in a primitive eukaryote: IBP39, an initiator-binding protein from Trichomonas vaginalis
Q71995158Initiator-dependent transcription in vitro by a wheat germ chromatin extract
Q40878847Insulation from viral transcriptional regulatory elements improves inducible transgene expression from adenovirus vectors in vitro and in vivo
Q35710097Insulin-like Growth Factor-I Receptor (IGF-IR) Translocates to Nucleus and Autoregulates IGF-IR Gene Expression in Breast Cancer Cells
Q38315750Interaction between transcription factors Sp1 and YY1.
Q40019074Interaction of the viral activator protein ICP4 with TFIID through TAF250.
Q36563655Interferon regulatory factors and TFIIB cooperatively regulate interferon-responsive promoter activity in vivo and in vitro
Q38332221Interplay of an original combination of factors: C/EBP, NFY, HNF3, and HNF1 in the rat aldolase B gene promoter
Q34446179Intracellular trafficking and transgene expression of viral and non-viral gene vectors
Q36644305Intragenic activating and repressing elements control transcription from the adenovirus IVa2 initiator
Q42087613Involvement of Sp1 and microsatellite repressor sequences in the transcriptional control of the human CD30 gene
Q41499888Involvement of host factors in transcription from baculovirus very late promoters -- a review.
Q41169450Isolation and characterization of a TATA-less promoter for the human RAG-1 gene
Q33546510Isolation and characterization of a rice gene encoding a basic chitinase
Q33291709Isolation and characterization of the gene encoding EF-1αO, an elongation factor 1-α expressed during early development of Xenopus laevis
Q24564866Isolation and characterization of the genomic human CD7 gene: structural similarity with the murine Thy-1 gene
Q40417372Isolation and characterization of the murine Nanog gene promoter
Q42992139Isolation and characterization of the rat huntingtin promoter.
Q42479799Isolation and initial characterization of the BRCA2 promoter
Q33191606Isolation of genomic DNA encoding transcription factor TFIID from Acanthamoeba castellanii: characterization of the promoter
Q24317240Isolation of the human genomic brain-2/N-Oct 3 gene (POUF3) and assignment to chromosome 6q16
Q35219834JUN-CCAAT/Enhancer-Binding Protein Complexes Inhibit Surfactant-Associated Protein B Promoter Activity
Q73078912Kinetic analysis of Sp1-mediated transcriptional activation of the human DNA polymerase beta promoter
Q36695233Lack of an initiator element is responsible for multiple transcriptional initiation sites of the TATA-less mouse thymidylate synthase promoter
Q36672002Ligand-dependent occupancy of the retinoic acid receptor beta 2 promoter in vivo
Q38307894Ligation-mediated PCR for quantitative in vivo footprinting
Q40641439LyF-1, a transcriptional regulator that interacts with a novel class of promoters for lymphocyte-specific genes
Q39123193MUC1 gene overexpressed in breast cancer: structure and transcriptional activity of the MUC1 promoter and role of estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) in regulation of the MUC1 gene expression.
Q42625153MYB80, a regulator of tapetal and pollen development, is functionally conserved in crops
Q34759832Macrophage-specific gene expression: current paradigms and future challenges
Q24535514Mad4 is regulated by a transcriptional repressor complex that contains Miz-1 and c-Myc
Q37336572Major histocompatibility complex class I core promoter elements are not essential for transcription in vivo
Q37248643Maneuver at the transcription start site: Mot1p and NC2 navigate TFIID/TBP to specific core promoter elements
Q24805842Mapping of transcription start sites in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using 5' SAGE
Q43182801Mechanism of initiator-mediated transcription: evidence for a functional interaction between the TATA-binding protein and DNA in the absence of a specific recognition sequence
Q40443665Mechanism of synergy between TATA and initiator: synergistic binding of TFIID following a putative TFIIA-induced isomerization
Q41439676Mechanisms of transcriptional regulation and neural gene expression
Q42493388Melanocyte-specific expression of the human tyrosinase promoter: activation by the microphthalmia gene product and role of the initiator.
Q38308492Melanocyte-specific gene expression: role of repression and identification of a melanocyte-specific factor, MSF.
Q73544498Methods for Studying the Biochemical Properties of an Inr Element Binding Protein: TFII-I
Q39576017Methyl-CpG-Binding Protein MeCP2 Represses Sp1-Activated Transcription of the Human Leukosialin Gene When the Promoter Is Methylated
Q77631271Methylation in the initiation region of the first exon suppresses collagen pro-alpha2(I) gene transcription
Q24303847Modulation of the expression and transactivation of androgen receptor by the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor Pod-1 through recruitment of histone deacetylase 1
Q45869623Modulation of the typical multidrug resistance phenotype by targeting the MED-1 region of human MDR1 promoter
Q36643997Modulation of transcriptional activation of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen promoter by the adenovirus E1A 243-residue oncoprotein depends on proximal activators
Q28263087Molecular Analysis of the cDNA and Genomic DNA Encoding Mouse RNA Helicase A
Q28273813Molecular Cloning and Characterization of the Human p44 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Gene
Q33551186Molecular Dissection of DNA Sequences and Factors Involved in Slow Muscle-Specific Transcription
Q29620260Molecular Genetics of the RNA Polymerase II General Transcriptional Machinery
Q74569590Molecular Regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor-I and Its Principal Binding Protein, IGFBP-3
Q24323277Molecular analysis of a human interferon-inducible gene family
Q33959418Molecular analysis of the zeste-white interaction reveals a promoter-proximal element essential for distant enhancer-promoter communication
Q40373279Molecular and cellular aspects of X-linked agammaglobulinemia.
Q39716211Molecular and functional analysis of the utrophin promoter
Q33261592Molecular and functional analysis of the virus- and interferon-inducible human MxA promoter
Q24630383Molecular and functional analysis of theXPBC/ERCC-3promoter: transcription activity is dependent on the integrity of an Sp1-binding site
Q40750849Molecular biology of cadherins in the nervous system
Q42657129Molecular characterisation of the CD79a and CD79b subunits of the B cell receptor complex in the gray short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica) and tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii): Delayed B cell immunocompetence in marsupial neonates
Q24657446Molecular characterization and mapping of ATOH7, a human atonal homolog with a predicted role in retinal ganglion cell development
Q36809015Molecular characterization of the lam locus and sequences involved in regulation by the AmdR protein of Aspergillus nidulans
Q29620376Molecular cloning and functional analysis of Drosophila TAF110 reveal properties expected of coactivators
Q41009505Molecular cloning and functional analysis of the CD33 promoter
Q38308995Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of the promoter region of mouse cyclin D1 gene: implication in phorbol ester-induced tumour promotion
Q24563032Molecular cloning of the gene encoding the mouse parathyroid hormone/parathyroid hormone-related peptide receptor
Q28592071Molecular cloning, developmental expression, promoter analysis and functional characterization of the mouse CNBP gene
Q39528206Molecular genetic dissection of TAF25, an essential yeast gene encoding a subunit shared by TFIID and SAGA multiprotein transcription factors
Q40335417Molecular mechanism of transcriptional activation of angiotensinogen gene by proximal promoter
Q38312948Molecular mechanisms of androgen action
Q48026167Mouse Nicotinamide N-Methyltransferase Gene: Molecular Cloning, Structural Characterization, and Chromosomal Localization
Q36570254Multiple Control Elements Mediate Activation of the Murine and Human Interleukin 12 p40 Promoters: Evidence of Functional Synergy between C/EBP and Rel Proteins
Q41002657Multiple Promoter Elements Contribute to Activity of the Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Receptor (FSHR) Gene in Testicular Sertoli Cells
Q38335834Multiple Sp1 sites efficiently drive transcription of the TATA-less promoter of the human glypican 3 (GPC3) gene
Q34667591Multiple domains for initiator binding proteins TFII-I and YY-1 are present in the initiator and upstream regions of the rat XDH/XO TATA- less promoter
Q36706093Multiple in vivo footprints are specific to the active allele of the X-linked human hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase gene 5' region: implications for X chromosome inactivation
Q33332716Multiple isoforms of the mouse retinoic acid receptor alpha are generated by alternative splicing and differential induction by retinoic acid
Q31108288Multiple mRNA isoforms of the transcription activator protein CREB: generation by alternative splicing and specific expression in primary spermatocytes
Q36723592Multiple motifs regulate the B-cell-specific promoter of the B29 gene
Q36671786Multiple positive and negative regulatory elements in the promoter of the mouse homeobox gene Hoxb-4.
Q70759342Multiple regions of a divergent promoter control the expression of the Agrobacterium rhizogenes aux1 and aux2 plant oncogenes
Q47280285Multiple transcripts of a gene for a leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase from morning glory (Ipomoea nil) originate from different TATA boxes in a tissue-specific manner
Q36860182Murine hepatic beta-galactoside alpha 2,6-sialyltransferase gene expression involves usage of a novel upstream exon region.
Q40046773Mutational analysis of sequences downstream of the TATA box of the herpes simplex virus type 1 major capsid protein (VP5/UL19) promoter.
Q40046761Mutational analysis of the herpes simplex virus type 1 strict late UL38 promoter/leader reveals two regions critical in transcriptional regulation
Q36827844Mutational analysis of two herpes simplex virus type 1 late promoters
Q36748173Mutations in a conserved region of RNA polymerase II influence the accuracy of mRNA start site selection
Q34062481Myc oncogenes: the enigmatic family
Q35267304Myc represses the p21(WAF1/CIP1) promoter and interacts with Sp1/Sp3.
Q33667285Myc-mediated transformation: the repression connection
Q24598505N-myc mRNA forms an RNA-RNA duplex with endogenous antisense transcripts
Q37237849NF-kappa B homodimer binding within the HIV-1 initiator region and interactions with TFII-I
Q40116979NF-kappa B-mediated activation of the human immunodeficiency virus enhancer: site of transcriptional initiation is independent of the TATA box.
Q36627016Negative-strand RNA transcripts are produced in human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected cells and patients by a novel promoter downregulated by Tat.
Q51750516Nested Ty3-gypsy retrotransposons of a single Beta procumbens centromere contain a putative chromodomain.
Q69729186New nucleotide sequence data on the EMBL File Server
Q33779671Novel Regulatory Factors Interacting with the Promoter of the Gene Encoding the mRNA Cap Binding Protein (eIF4E) and Their Function in Growth Regulation
Q37587479Novel clustering of Sp1 transcription factor binding sites at the transcription initiation site of the human muscle phosphofructokinase P1 promoter
Q22003968Novel cofactors and TFIIA mediate functional core promoter selectivity by the human TAFII150-containing TFIID complex
Q35102056Novel core promoter elements and a cognate transcription factor in the divergent unicellular eukaryote Trichomonas vaginalis
Q52196143Novel repeat elements direct rat proenkephalin transcription during spermatogenesis
Q37358087Novel roles of GATA1 in regulation of angiogenic factor AGGF1 and endothelial cell function
Q39612405Novel transcriptional regulatory signals in the adeno-associated virus terminal repeat A/D junction element
Q37694396Nuclear translocation of a maternal CCAAT factor at the start of gastrulation activates Xenopus GATA-2 transcription
Q34605608Nucleotide composition-linked divergence of vertebrate core promoter architecture.
Q33193808Nucleotide sequence of a pregnancy-specific beta 1 glycoprotein gene family member. Identification of a functional promoter region and several putative regulatory sequences
Q36682730Olf-1-binding site: characterization of an olfactory neuron-specific promoter motif
Q22009103Organization of the gene for gelatin-binding protein (GBP28)
Q48282894Organization, sequence, and phylogenetic analysis of the ribosomal protein S3 gene from Drosophila virilis
Q42656156Ovarian-specific expression of a new gene regulated by the goat PIS region and transcribed by a FOXL2 bidirectional promoter
Q42600594Overlap of promoter and coding sequences in the mouse STOP gene (Mtap6).
Q35839825Overlapping initiator and TATA box functions in the basal core promoter of hepatitis B virus.
Q41121277Oxidative chemical nucleases.
Q36798161PEA1 and PEA3 enhancer elements are primary components of the polyomavirus late transcription initiator element
Q36889468Partial cloning and characterization of Slc12a2: the gene encoding the secretory Na+-K+-2Cl−cotransporter
Q39725591Participation of upstream stimulator factor (USF) in cadmium-induction of the mouse metallothionein-I gene
Q24534475Peroxisomal monodehydroascorbate reductase. Genomic clone characterization and functional analysis under environmental stress conditions
Q36962918Perspectives on the RNA polymerase II core promoter
Q40468992Photo-cross-linking of a purified preinitiation complex reveals central roles for the RNA polymerase II mobile clamp and TFIIE in initiation mechanisms.
Q33367783Pieces of the puzzle: assembling the preinitiation complex of Pol II.
Q36724603Pituitary pro-opiomelanocortin gene expression requires synergistic interactions of several regulatory elements
Q35892236Poliovirus-encoded protease 2APro cleaves the TATA-binding protein but does not inhibit host cell RNA polymerase II transcription in vitro
Q28584200Polycomblike protein PHF1b: a transcriptional sensor for GABA receptor activity
Q33310211Positional bias of general and tissue-specific regulatory motifs in mouse gene promoters.
Q35895133Positive and negative transcriptional regulatory elements in the early H4 histone gene of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
Q42458352Positive regulation of the human macrophage stimulating protein gene transcription. Identification of a new hepatocyte nuclear factor-4 (HNF-4) binding element and evidence that indicates direct association between NF-Y and HNF-4.
Q41661339Positive- and negative-acting promoter sequences regulate cell type-specific expression of the rat synapsin I gene
Q40837228Presence of new alternative exons in human and mouse Fli-1 genes.
Q38317037Primary oocyte transcriptional activation of aqp1ab by the nuclear progestin receptor determines the pelagic egg phenotype of marine teleosts
Q42483235Probing Keratinocyte and Differentiation Specificity of the Human K5 Promoter in Vitro and in Transgenic Mice
Q45755200Promoter activity of sequence located upstream of the pseudorabies virus early protein 0 gene
Q38307815Promoter activity of the proliferating-cell nuclear antigen gene is associated with inducible CRE-binding proteins in interleukin 2-stimulated T lymphocytes
Q42451474Promoter analysis of the human translation termination factor 1 gene
Q47915790Promoter analysis of the membrane protein gp64 gene of the cellular slime mold Polysphondylium pallidum
Q40922971Promoter analysis of the murine T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase gene
Q36695907Promoter elements determining weak expression of the GAL4 regulatory gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q33964779Promoter elements in Drosophila melanogaster revealed by sequence analysis.
Q24797793Promoter features related to tissue specificity as measured by Shannon entropy
Q52236882Promoter-dependent phosphorylation of RNA polymerase II by a template-bound kinase. Association with transcriptional initiation
Q41365790Promoter-proximal pausing of RNA polymerase II defines a general rate-limiting step after transcription initiation
Q34358824Promoter-specific expression and imprint status of marsupial IGF2
Q41100064Promoters and basal transcription machinery in eubacteria and eukaryotes: concepts, definitions, and analogies
Q33552391Promoting developmental transcription
Q40656959Properties of initiator-associated transcription mediated by GAL4-VP16.
Q41080707Properties of promoter regions of mdg1 Drosophila retrotransposon indicate that it belongs to a specific class of promoters
Q70128796Properties of the promoter region of the T18d (T13c) Tla gene
Q40851727Prospects for virus-based gene therapy for cystic fibrosis
Q36964478Protein-DNA interactions associated with the onset of testis-specific expression of the mammalian Pgk-2 gene
Q40022618Purification and characterization of FBI-1, a cellular factor that binds to the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 inducer of short transcripts.
Q33786618REST-VP16 activates multiple neuronal differentiation genes in human NT2 cells
Q36959547RNA polymerase II elongation complexes paused after the synthesis of 15- or 35-base transcripts have different structures
Q33897798RNA processing in the polyoma virus life cycle
Q36713408Rare double sex and mab-3-related transcription factor 1 regulatory variants in severe spermatogenic failure
Q40641244Recombinant 43-kDa USF binds to DNA and activates transcription in a manner indistinguishable from that of natural 43/44-kDa USF.
Q42456919Recruitment of human TBP selectively activates RNA polymerase II TATA-dependent promoters.
Q37178744Regulated expression of the human acetylated low density lipoprotein receptor gene and isolation of promoter sequences
Q42462596Regulation of C1 inhibitor synthesis
Q36709315Regulation of Gene Expression of Rat Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Proteins 1 and 2
Q36698222Regulation of delayed-early gene transcription by dual TATA boxes
Q28243024Regulation of expression of the human MTH1 gene encoding 8-oxo-dGTPase. Alternative splicing of transcription products
Q33695416Regulation of gene expression via the core promoter and the basal transcriptional machinery.
Q36828381Regulation of herpes simplex virus true late gene expression: sequences downstream from the US11 TATA box inhibit expression from an unreplicated template
Q77359387Regulation of hsp90 and hsp70 Genes during Antheridiol-Induced Hyphal Branching in the OomyceteAchlya ambisexualis
Q54372832Regulation of insulin-like growth factor I receptor gene expression by the Wilms' tumor suppressor WT1.
Q36697341Regulation of the Epstein-Barr virus DNA polymerase gene.
Q40902463Regulation of the juvenile hormone esterase gene by a composite core promoter
Q44753545Regulation of the rose Rh-PIP2;1 promoter by hormones and abiotic stresses in Arabidopsis
Q37786578Regulatory Regions in DNA: Promoters, Enhancers, Silencers, and Insulators
Q33964770Regulatory autonomy and molecular characterization of the Drosophila out at first gene.
Q33702802Regulatory interplay between TFIID's conformational transitions and its modular interaction with core promoter DNA.
Q42441137Regulatory sequences for the transcription of the laminin B2 gene in astrocytes
Q34575655Repeat Expansion Affects Both Transcription Initiation and Elongation in Friedreich Ataxia Cells
Q36807280Replication protein A is a component of a complex that binds the human metallothionein IIA gene transcription start site
Q33772499Repression of TFIIH Transcriptional Activity and TFIIH-Associated cdk7 Kinase Activity at Mitosis
Q71874668Repression of preprotachykinin-A promoter activity is mediated by a proximal promoter element
Q41523778Repression of the H5 histone gene by a factor from erythrocytes that binds to the region of transcription initiation
Q28202238Repression of the TMEFF2 Promoter by c-Myc
Q38301836Requirements for activation of the herpes simplex virus glycoprotein C promoter in vitro by the viral regulatory protein ICP4.
Q36363233Restriction of interferon gamma responsiveness and basal expression of the myeloid human Fc gamma R1b gene is mediated by a functional PU.1 site and a transcription initiator consensus
Q38350290Role of E box and initiator region in the expression of the rat follicle-stimulating hormone receptor
Q40523418Role of TATA-element in transcription from glucocorticoid receptor-responsive model promoters
Q39579568Role of the Transcription Start Site Core Region and Transcription Factor YY1 in Rous Sarcoma Virus Long Terminal Repeat Promoter Activity
Q38358525Role of the liver-enriched transcription factor hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 in transcriptional regulation of the factor V111 gene
Q33963402Roles for non-TATA core promoter sequences in transcription and factor binding
Q42818840Roles of an Ets motif and a novel CACGAC direct repeat in transcription of the murine dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (Dld) gene
Q39112555Screening of transcription factors with transcriptional initiation activity
Q48609510Selective transcription of rat proenkephalin fusion genes from the spermatogenic cell-specific promoter in testis of transgenic mice
Q34347479Sequence and expression pattern of the human MAGE2 gene
Q44683570Sequence and spacing of TATA box elements are critical for accurate initiation from the beta-phaseolin promoter
Q27934336Sequence-specific initiator elements focus initiation of transcription to distinct sites in the yeast TRP4 promoter
Q42478437Sequences required for induction of neurotensin receptor gene expression during neuronal differentiation of N1E-115 neuroblastoma cells
Q40020383Sequences within the 5' untranslated region regulate the levels of a kinetoplast DNA topoisomerase mRNA during the cell cycle
Q35931583Several different upstream promoter elements can potentiate transactivation by the BPV-1 E2 protein.
Q35909293Silencer binding proteins function on multiple cis-elements in the glutathione transferase P gene
Q67738110Similar mechanisms for transcription initiation mediated through a TATA box or an initiator element
Q35246330Similarity between a ubiquitous promoter element in an ancient eukaryote and mammalian initiator elements
Q55304865Sp1 activation of RNA polymerase II transcription complexes involves a heat-labile DNA-binding component.
Q39722755Sp1 activation of a TATA-less promoter requires a species-specific interaction involving transcription factor IID.
Q34751788Sp1 and Egr1 regulate transcription of the Dmrt1 gene in Sertoli cells
Q34806706Sp1 is essential for both enhancer-mediated and basal activation of the TATA-less human adenosine deaminase promoter
Q34635287Sp1 up-regulates cAMP-response-element-binding protein expression during retinoic acid-induced mucous differentiation of normal human bronchial epithelial cells
Q41281652Specific vesicular acetylcholine transporter promoters lie within the first intron of the rat choline acetyltransferase gene
Q24810339Stimulation of Myc transactivation by the TATA binding protein in promoter-reporter assays
Q41024269Stromal Cells and Cytokines in the Induction of Recombination Activating Gene (RAG) Expression in a Human Lymphoid Progenitor Cell
Q28283700Structural Organization and Transcription Regulation of Nuclear Genes Encoding the Mammalian Cytochrome c Oxidase Complex
Q33893751Structural and functional characterization of the leukocyte integrin gene CD11d. Essential role of Sp1 and Sp3.
Q27642551Structural basis of core promoter recognition in a primitive eukaryote
Q38360498Structural basis of transcription initiation by RNA polymerase II.
Q27643138Structural basis of transcription: an RNA polymerase II-TFIIB cocrystal at 4.5 Angstroms
Q48039189Structural organization and chromosomal localization of the mouse Tesk1 (testis-specific protein kinase 1) gene
Q34417602Structure and associated DNA-helicase activity of a general transcription initiation factor that binds to RNA polymerase II.
Q37714409Structure and basal transcription complex of RNA polymerase II core promoters in the mammalian genome: an overview
Q48063953Structure and chromosomal location of the mouse interleukin-12 p35 and p40 subunit genes
Q37701973Structure and expression of murine germ-line immunoglobulin epsilon heavy chain transcripts induced by interleukin 4.
Q34408883Structure and expression of the ATFa gene
Q28245256Structure and expression of the gene encoding CD8 alpha chain (Leu-2/T8)
Q28143538Structure and expression of the human glycosylphosphatidylinositol phospholipase D1 (GPLD1) gene
Q24515332Structure and expression of the human p68 RNA helicase gene
Q35669885Structure and function of the TFIID complex
Q33916019Structure and transcription of the mouse erythropoietin receptor gene
Q30651570Structure of the 5' sequences of the human gamma-glutamyltransferase gene
Q24629013Structure of the gene encoding the 14.5 kDa subunit of human RNA polymerase II
Q42467476Structure of the gene encoding the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Ubcm4, characterization of its promoter, and chromosomal location
Q28186023Structure of the genes encoding the CD19 antigen of human and mouse B lymphocytes
Q32073748Structure of the human biotinidase gene
Q41682219Structure, organization and tissue expression of the pig SLC13A1 and SLC13A4 sulfate transporter genes
Q38870264Structure-Function Analysis of the Drosophila melanogaster Caudal Transcription Factor Provides Insights into Core Promoter-preferential Activation
Q35163356T-kininogen gene expression is induced during aging
Q42479184TATA box and initiator functions in the accurate transcription of a plant minimal promoter in vitro
Q37634262TATA-binding protein-associated factor(s) in TFIID function through the initiator to direct basal transcription from a TATA-less class II promoter.
Q59013219TATA-dependent and TATA-independent transcription at the HIS4 gene of yeast
Q46145585TATA-flanking sequences influence the rate and stability of TATA-binding protein and TFIIB binding
Q34769667TBP binding and the rate of transcription initiation from the human beta-globin gene
Q24522578TFII-I Regulates Vβ Promoter Activity through an Initiator Element
Q35577974TRF2: TRansForming the view of general transcription factors
Q24290251Tau promoter confers neuronal specificity and binds Sp1 and AP-2
Q24290595Tel-2 is a novel transcriptional repressor related to the Ets factor Tel/ETV-6
Q37060365Template Switches during Plus-Strand DNA Synthesis of Duck Hepatitis B Virus Are Influenced by the Base Composition of the Minus-Strand Terminal Redundancy
Q36130928Temporal and spatial control of gene expression in horticultural crops
Q40964303Temporal and spatial control of the Sycp1 gene transcription in the mouse meiosis: regulatory elements active in the male are not sufficient for expression in the female gonad
Q47933569Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase is down-regulated by AP-1-like regulatory elements in human lymphoid cells
Q38297910The 30-kDa protein binding to the "initiator" of the baculovirus polyhedrin promoter also binds specifically to the coding strand
Q30960773The 5' terminal oligopyrimidine tract of human elongation factor 1A-1 gene functions as a transcriptional initiator and produces a variable number of Us at the transcriptional level
Q36661240The 5' untranslated region of the I factor, a long interspersed nuclear element-like retrotransposon of Drosophila melanogaster, contains an internal promoter and sequences that regulate expression
Q38309568The Aspergillus nidulans abaA gene encodes a transcriptional activator that acts as a genetic switch to control development
Q35839803The CAGT motif functions as an initiator element during early transcription of the baculovirus transregulator ie-1
Q36709971The DNA sequence encompassing the transcription start site of a TATA-less promoter contains enough information to drive neuron-specific transcription
Q30450378The Drosophila Hrb98DE locus encodes four protein isoforms homologous to the A1 protein of mammalian heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein complexes
Q33290801The E-cadherin promoter: functional analysis of a G.C-rich region and an epithelial cell-specific palindromic regulatory element
Q28279647The Genomic Structure and Chromosomal Location of the Human TR2 Orphan Receptor, a Member of the Steroid Receptor Superfamily
Q34120940The KLHL1-antisense transcript ( KLHL1AS) is evolutionarily conserved
Q34330754The MTE, a new core promoter element for transcription by RNA polymerase II.
Q40791117The N-terminal domain of the human TATA-binding protein plays a role in transcription from TATA-containing RNA polymerase II and III promoters
Q34948489The N-terminally truncated µ3 and µ3-like opioid receptors are transcribed from a novel promoter upstream of exon 2 in the human OPRM1 gene
Q91750777The RNA Polymerase II Core Promoter in Drosophila
Q34774125The RNA polymerase II core promoter - the gateway to transcription.
Q39592065The Rous sarcoma virus long terminal repeat promoter is regulated by TFII-I.
Q35127692The Structure and Function of the Adenovirus Major Late Promoter
Q37264163The Sulfolobus initiator element is an important contributor to promoter strength
Q41715980The T alpha 2 nuclear protein binding site from the human T cell receptor alpha enhancer functions as both a T cell-specific transcriptional activator and repressor
Q41514011The TATA box promoter region of maize Adh1 affects its organ-specific expression
Q34714942The activator/dissociation transposable elements comprise a two-component gene regulatory switch that controls endogenous gene expression in maize
Q40115278The adenovirus E1A transforming protein activates the proliferating cell nuclear antigen promoter via an activating transcription factor site
Q33324178The alpha 5 beta 1 fibronectin receptor. Characterization of the alpha 5 gene promoter
Q36333808The basic RNA polymerase II transcriptional machinery
Q38299828The c-myc protein represses the lambda 5 and TdT initiators.
Q33551618The chicken beta 2-microglobulin gene is located on a non-major histocompatibility complex microchromosome: a small, G+C-rich gene with X and Y boxes in the promoter
Q31031020The clustered olfactory receptor gene family 262: genomic organization, promotor elements, and interacting transcription factors
Q38327324The cooperative interaction between two motifs of an enhancer element of the chicken alpha A-crystallin gene, alpha CE1 and alpha CE2, confers lens-specific expression
Q35196382The downstream core promoter element, DPE, is conserved fromDrosophila to humans and is recognized by TAFII60 of Drosophila
Q30877990The downstream promoter element DPE appears to be as widely used as the TATA box in Drosophila core promoters
Q41756430The estrogen receptor gene: Promoter organization and expression
Q31989212The exon structure of the human MAGP-2 gene. Similarity with the MAGP-1 gene is confined to two exons encoding a cysteine-rich region
Q34643912The expression of the follicle-stimulating hormone receptor in spermatogenesis
Q48001844The gene encoding T protein of the glycine decarboxylase complex involved in the mitochondrial step of the photorespiratory pathway in plants exhibits features of light-induced genes
Q42661588The gene for the human interleukin-11 receptor alpha chain locus is highly homologous to the murine gene and contains alternatively spliced first exons.
Q21266626The gene structure and expression of human ABHD1: overlapping polyadenylation signal sequence with Sec12
Q41045502The gene structure and promoter analysis of mouse lymphocyte signal transduction molecule α4 that is related to the yeast TAP42 involved in a rapamycin-sensitive pathway
Q36807585The general transcription factor RAP30 binds to RNA polymerase II and prevents it from binding nonspecifically to DNA.
Q28619324The general transcription factors IIA, IIB, IIF, and IIE are required for RNA polymerase II transcription from the human U1 small nuclear RNA promoter
Q42829768The genomic structure of SYCP3, a meiosis-specific gene encoding a protein of the chromosome core
Q34309614The genomic structure of the human UBE1L gene.
Q36567115The glutamine-rich activation domains of human Sp1 do not stimulate transcription in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Q24309577The helix-loop-helix transcription factor SEF-2 regulates the activity of a novel initiator element in the promoter of the human somatostatin receptor II gene
Q42621130The hepatitis B virus S promoter comprises A CCAAT motif and two initiation regions
Q33783943The host factor polyhedrin promoter binding protein (PPBP) is involved in transcription from the baculovirus polyhedrin gene promoter
Q33781484The human ARF cell cycle regulatory gene promoter is a CpG island which can be silenced by DNA methylation and down-regulated by wild-type p53.
Q24336829The human Aquaporin-5 gene. Molecular characterization and chromosomal localization
Q40644672The human Pim-1 gene is selectively transcribed in different hemato-lymphoid cell lines in spite of a G + C-rich housekeeping promoter
Q42819097The human glucocorticoid receptor promoter upstream sequences contain binding sites for the ubiquitous transcription factor, Yin Yang 1.
Q34549779The human initiator is a distinct and abundant element that is precisely positioned in focused core promoters
Q34317302The human low affinity immunoglobulin G Fc receptor III-A and III-B genes. Molecular characterization of the promoter regions
Q24304881The human myelin basic protein gene is included within a 179-kilobase transcription unit: expression in the immune and central nervous systems
Q28286441The human myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) gene (MACS). Analysis of its gene product, promoter, and chromosomal localization
Q37593329The initiator directs the assembly of a transcription factor IID-dependent transcription complex
Q39586055The initiator element of the Drosophila beta2 tubulin gene core promoter contributes to gene expression in vivo but is not required for male germ-cell specific expression
Q39877568The initiator element of the adenovirus major late promoter has an important role in transcription initiation in vivo
Q24324326The interferon (IFN)-stimulated gene Sp100 promoter contains an IFN-gamma activation site and an imperfect IFN-stimulated response element which mediate type I IFN inducibility
Q30988768The intronless and TATA-less human TAF(II)55 gene contains a functional initiator and a downstream promoter element
Q24609038The lymphoid transcription factor LyF-1 is encoded by specific, alternatively spliced mRNAs derived from the Ikaros gene
Q41497311The macrophage transcription factor PU.1 directs tissue-specific expression of the macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor
Q28646045The major APN transcript of the alveolar type II epithelial cell originates from a unique upstream promoter region
Q40018147The major histocompatibility complex class II Ea promoter requires TFIID binding to an initiator sequence
Q40662335The molecular biology of HIV. Insights into pathogenesis and targets for therapy.
Q24648807The murine G+C-rich promoter binding protein mGPBP is required for promoter-specific transcription
Q48041110The p69/71 2-5A Synthetase Promoter Contains Multiple Regulatory Elements Required for Interferon-α-Induced Expression
Q36801128The polypyrimidine tract binding (PTB) protein interacts with single-stranded DNA in a sequence-specific manner
Q40421543The proximal promoter and the start site cooperate to specify correct U1 snRNA transcription initiation by RNA polymerase II.
Q43438702The punctilious RNA polymerase II core promoter
Q40893320The rat Mist1 gene: structure and promoter characterization
Q42442496The rat pyruvate carboxylase gene structure. Alternate promoters generate multiple transcripts with the 5'-end heterogeneity
Q40852673The restricted expression pattern of the Hodgkin's lymphoma-associated cytokine receptor CD30 is regulated by a minimal promoter
Q36812290The restricted promoter activity of the liver transcription factor hepatocyte nuclear factor 3 beta involves a cell-specific factor and positive autoactivation
Q35563862The rise of DNA methylation and the importance of chromatin on multidrug resistance in cancer.
Q41035980The role of the insulin-like growth factor system in human cancer
Q38006335The second sodium pump: from the function to the gene.
Q33573004The spatial and temporal expression pattern of sevenless is exclusively controlled by gene-internal elements
Q36643168The sua8 suppressors of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encode replacements of conserved residues within the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II and affect transcription start site selection similarly to sua7 (TFIIB) mutations
Q39720638The telomere binding protein of Euplotes crassus prevents non-specific transcription initiation but has no role in positioning transcription initiation complexes
Q35556180The transcription factors Ik-1 and MZF1 downregulate IGF-IR expression in NPM-ALK⁺ T-cell lymphoma
Q37061196The transcription start site landscape of C. elegans
Q40534356The transcriptional start site for a human U6 small nuclear RNA gene is dictated by a compound promoter element consisting of the PSE and the TATA box
Q40022378The ts13 mutation in the TAF(II)250 subunit (CCG1) of TFIID directly affects transcription of D-type cyclin genes in cells arrested in G1 at the nonpermissive temperature
Q38306433The tumor suppressor protein p53 strongly alters human immunodeficiency virus type 1 replication
Q48141411The two functionally distinct amino termini of chicken c-ets-1 products arise from alternative promoter usage.
Q26862549The unexpected traits associated with core promoter elements
Q47781405TheSycp1Loci of the Mouse Genome: Successive Retropositions of a Meiotic Gene during the Recent Evolution of the Genus
Q34403691Three Novel Downstream Promoter Elements Regulate MHC Class I Promoter Activity in Mammalian Cells
Q37353977Three alternative promoters of the rat gamma-glutamyl transferase gene are active in developing lung and are differentially regulated by oxygen after birth.
Q64956365Three newly identified Immediate Early Genes of Bovine herpesvirus 1 lack the characteristic Octamer binding motif- 1.
Q40970945Tissue-selective expression of alpha-dystrobrevin is determined by multiple promoters
Q36731674Tissue-specific expression from a compound TATA-dependent and TATA-independent promoter
Q44495053Tissue-specific expression of two human Ca(v)1.2 isoforms under the control of distinct 5' flanking regulatory elements
Q47432914Towards understanding the mechanisms of actions of carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 6 in cancer progression.
Q39716921Transcription activation by GC-boxes: evaluation of kinetic and equilibrium contributions
Q27930204Transcription factor TFIID induces DNA bending upon binding to the TATA element.
Q73884552Transcription factors ets1, NF-kappa B, and Sp1 are major determinants of the promoter activity of the human protein kinase CK2alpha gene
Q46109338Transcription from a TATA-less promoter requires a multisubunit TFIID complex
Q41083061Transcription from the adenovirus major late promoter uses redundant activating elements
Q73133724Transcription initiation at the TATA-less spliced leader RNA gene promoter requires at least two DNA-binding proteins and a tripartite architecture that includes an initiator element
Q36162657Transcription initiation by human RNA polymerase II visualized at single-molecule resolution
Q41442509Transcription initiation from TATA-less promoters within eukaryotic protein-coding genes
Q39722914Transcription initiation from a poly(dA) tract
Q36717640Transcription initiation from the dihydrofolate reductase promoter is positioned by HIP1 binding at the initiation site
Q41214255Transcription of a nematode trans-spliced leader RNA requires internal elements for both initiation and 3' end-formation
Q48062345Transcription of c-mos protooncogene in the pig involves both tissue-specific promoters and alternative polyadenylation sites
Q33548739Transcription of human resistin gene involves an interaction of Sp1 with peroxisome proliferator-activating receptor gamma (PPARgamma)
Q39777929Transcription of mouse DNA methyltransferase 1 (Dnmt1) is regulated by both E2F-Rb-HDAC-dependent and -independent pathways
Q34440673Transcription of the Human Folylpoly-γ-glutamate Synthetase Gene
Q33271730Transcription of the Rat Cholecystokinin Gene Is Initiated at Multiple Sites: Verification by an In Vitro Transcription System
Q33743904Transcription of the herpes simplex virus 1 genome during productive and quiescent infection of neuronal and nonneuronal cells
Q40945877Transcription of the human neuronal nitric oxide synthase gene in the central nervous system is mediated by multiple promoters
Q38333215Transcription of the juvenile hormone esterase gene under the control of both an initiator and AT-rich motif
Q37636436Transcription of the lymphocyte-specific terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase gene requires a specific core promoter structure
Q42471678Transcription of the mouse RFC-1 gene encoding a folate transporter. Multiplicity and properties of promoters with minimum requirements for their basal activity
Q40022632Transcription reinitiation rate: a special role for the TATA box.
Q35554088Transcriptional Regulation of Expression of Carbohydrate Ligands for Cell Adhesion Molecules in the Selectin Family
Q44350146Transcriptional Regulation of Mouse μ-Opioid Receptor Gene
Q48020619Transcriptional Regulation of the Generic Promoter III of the Rat Prolactin Receptor Gene by C/EBPβ and Sp1
Q41680463Transcriptional Regulation of the Steroid Receptor Genes
Q41331857Transcriptional Regulatory Sequences of Carcinoembryonic Antigen: Identification and Use with Cytosine Deaminase for Tumor-Specific Gene Therapy
Q33630942Transcriptional activation by Sp1 as directed through TATA or initiator: specific requirement for mammalian transcription factor IID
Q40038595Transcriptional activation by the human cytomegalovirus immediate-early proteins: requirements for simple promoter structures and interactions with multiple components of the transcription complex.
Q40109311Transcriptional activation of the adenine phosphoribosyltransferase promoter by an upstream butyrate-induced Moloney murine sarcoma virus enhancer-promoter element
Q36637681Transcriptional activation of the herpes simplex virus type 1 UL38 promoter conferred by the cis-acting downstream activation sequence is mediated by a cellular transcription factor
Q42623476Transcriptional analysis of the glutamate dehydrogenase gene in the primitive eukaryote, Giardia lamblia. Identification of a primordial gene promoter
Q24530710Transcriptional control and the role of silencers in transcriptional regulation in eukaryotes
Q36828988Transcriptional initiation and postinitiation effects of murine leukemia virus long terminal repeat R-region sequences
Q36775290Transcriptional initiation is controlled by upstream GC-box interactions in a TATAA-less promoter
Q40629897Transcriptional initiation. Taking the initiative
Q39583166Transcriptional regulation of Wnt inhibitory factor-1 by Miz-1/c-Myc.
Q36088678Transcriptional regulation of mouse delta-opioid receptor gene
Q28299378Transcriptional regulation of the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase B2 subunit gene in differentiating THP-1 cells
Q34816232Transcriptional regulators of the human multidrug resistance 1 gene: recent views
Q44821356Transcriptional repression by the human homeobox protein EVX1 in transfected mammalian cells
Q42652205Transcripts for functionally distinct isoforms of chicken GATA-5 are differentially expressed from alternative first exons
Q38289403Transforming Growth Factor β Activates the Promoter of Cyclin-dependent Kinase Inhibitor p15 through an Sp1 Consensus Site
Q73813832Transposable B2 SINE elements can provide mobile RNA polymerase II promoters
Q46477919Trichomonas vaginalis initiator binding protein, IBP39, contains a novel DNA binding motif.
Q38888904Trypanosoma brucei glycosomal glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase genes are stage-regulated at the transcriptional level
Q36573870Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha and Interleukin-1β Regulate the Murine Manganese Superoxide Dismutase Gene Through a Complex Intronic Enhancer Involving C/EBP-β and NF-κB
Q42811723Tumor necrosis factor-α increases angiopoietin-like protein 2 gene expression by activating Foxo1 in 3T3-L1 adipocytes
Q42454115Two E-Boxes Are the Focal Point of Muscle-specific Skeletal Muscle Type 1 Na+ Channel Gene Expression
Q42108910Two alternative pathways of transcription initiation in the yeast negative regulatory gene GAL80.
Q34710585Two closely linked but separable promoters for human neuronal nitric oxide synthase gene transcription
Q28263300Two different promoters direct expression of two distinct forms of mRNAs of human platelet-activating factor receptor
Q38304683Two distinct factors bind to the rabbit uteroglobin TATA-box region and are required for efficient transcription
Q58696222Two internal sequence elements modulate transcription from the external human 7S K RNA gene promoter in vivo
Q34055015Unique TATA-binding protein-containing complexes and cofactors involved in transcription by RNA polymerases II and III
Q35800084Upstream box/TATA box order is the major determinant of the direction of transcription
Q36725412Upstream elements repress premature expression of an Aspergillus developmental regulatory gene
Q47871927Upstream elements required for expression of nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase genes of Toxoplasma gondii
Q35265030Upstream regulatory architecture of rice genes: summarizing the baseline towards genus-wide comparative analysis of regulatory networks and allele mining
Q41706694Upstream regulatory sequences required for expression of the Trichomonas vaginalis alpha-succinyl CoA synthetase gene
Q24535413Upstream stimulatory factor activates the vasopressin promoter via multiple motifs, including a non-canonical E-box
Q40535943V-src-induced-transcription of the avian clusterin gene
Q36272385Vascular cell adhesion molecule 1: contrasting transcriptional control mechanisms in muscle and endothelium
Q35479045WIF1 is a frequent target for epigenetic silencing in squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix
Q28118453Wild-type and mutant p53 differentially regulate transcription of the insulin-like growth factor I receptor gene
Q24300991Wild-type p53 binds to the TATA-binding protein and represses transcription
Q38297636YY1 is a positive regulator of transcription of the Col1a1 gene
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Q36718713Yeast and human TATA-binding proteins have nearly identical DNA sequence requirements for transcription in vitro
Q41813649Yeast transcription factor IID participates in cell-free transcription of a mammalian ribosomal protein TATA-less promoter
Q37635815c-Myc represses transcription in vivo by a novel mechanism dependent on the initiator element and Myc box II
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Q33957223trans repression of the human metallothionein IIA gene promoter by PZ120, a novel 120-kilodalton zinc finger protein

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