scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P2093 | author name string | Wei Li | |
Gabriela Alvarado | |||
Nora B Caberoy | |||
Jo-Lawrence Bigcas | |||
P2860 | cites work | Focus on molecules: MERTK. | Q42794383 |
Galectin-3 and soluble fibrinogen act in concert to modulate neutrophil activation and survival: involvement of alternative MAPK pathways. | Q45190146 | ||
Development of age-dependent glomerular lesions in galectin-3/AGE-receptor-3 knockout mice. | Q46471398 | ||
Galectin-3/MAC-2, Ras and PI3K activate complement receptor-3 and scavenger receptor-AI/II mediated myelin phagocytosis in microglia | Q81613971 | ||
Identification of tubby and tubby-like protein 1 as eat-me signals by phage display | Q24336779 | ||
Identification of the product of growth arrest-specific gene 6 as a common ligand for Axl, Sky, and Mer receptor tyrosine kinases | Q28298018 | ||
Tubby and tubby-like protein 1 are new MerTK ligands for phagocytosis | Q28513697 | ||
Identification of galectin-3 as a high-affinity binding protein for advanced glycation end products (AGE): a new member of the AGE-receptor complex | Q28577438 | ||
Engulfment of apoptotic cells: signals for a good meal | Q30445079 | ||
Isolation and characterization of galectins in the mammalian retina. | Q30705711 | ||
Phage display systems and their applications | Q33229941 | ||
T7 lytic phage-displayed peptide libraries exhibit less sequence bias than M13 filamentous phage-displayed peptide libraries | Q33248790 | ||
Efficient identification of phosphatidylserine-binding proteins by ORF phage display | Q33466578 | ||
Can phage display be used as a tool to functionally identify endogenous eat-me signals in phagocytosis? | Q33468789 | ||
Efficient identification of tubby-binding proteins by an improved system of T7 phage display | Q33498548 | ||
New perspective for phage display as an efficient and versatile technology of functional proteomics | Q33514654 | ||
Progress in phage display: evolution of the technique and its application | Q33536051 | ||
Phagocytosis of retinal rod and cone photoreceptors | Q33731918 | ||
Secretion of the galectin family of mammalian carbohydrate-binding proteins | Q33783731 | ||
Eat‐me signals: Keys to molecular phagocyte biology and “Appetite” control | Q33881943 | ||
Galectin-3: an open-ended story | Q34494555 | ||
Gas6 and protein S. Vitamin K-dependent ligands for the Axl receptor tyrosine kinase subfamily. | Q34576544 | ||
Critical role of galectin-3 in phagocytosis by macrophages | Q35169042 | ||
Immunological consequences of apoptotic cell phagocytosis | Q35928204 | ||
Essential role of the microglial triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-2 (TREM2) for central nervous tissue immune homeostasis | Q36713607 | ||
Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs): involvement in aging and in neurodegenerative diseases | Q37002833 | ||
RAGE and its ligands in retinal disease | Q37106517 | ||
A novel method to determine the engulfment of apoptotic cells by macrophages using pHrodo succinimidyl ester | Q37174512 | ||
Mechanisms and consequences of efferocytosis in advanced atherosclerosis | Q37415503 | ||
TAM receptor signaling and autoimmune disease | Q37804572 | ||
Galectin-3 expression is associated with bladder cancer progression and clinical outcome | Q38344767 | ||
Identification of Hnrph3 as an autoantigen for acute anterior uveitis | Q42573642 | ||
A role for TREM2 ligands in the phagocytosis of apoptotic neuronal cells by microglia | Q42726693 | ||
P433 | issue | 2 | |
P304 | page(s) | 401-407 | |
P577 | publication date | 2012-02-01 | |
P1433 | published in | Journal of Cellular Physiology | Q1524270 |
P1476 | title | Galectin-3 is a new MerTK-specific eat-me signal | |
P478 | volume | 227 |
Q54312580 | 3D-QSAR modeling and molecular docking study on Mer kinase inhibitors of pyridine-substituted pyrimidines |
Q35717877 | ABCF1 extrinsically regulates retinal pigment epithelial cell phagocytosis |
Q26863442 | AXL kinase as a novel target for cancer therapy |
Q37501821 | Aberrant Mer receptor tyrosine kinase expression contributes to leukemogenesis in acute myeloid leukemia |
Q42223040 | Activated Microglia Desialylate and Phagocytose Cells via Neuraminidase, Galectin-3, and Mer Tyrosine Kinase |
Q61807743 | Anti-Inflammatory Role of TAM Family of Receptor Tyrosine Kinases Via Modulating Macrophage Function |
Q27021730 | Astrocytes Control Synapse Formation, Function, and Elimination |
Q27863426 | Characterization of inflammatory gene expression and galectin-3 function after spinal cord injury in mice |
Q34413766 | Diversity in recognition of glycans by F‐type lectins and galectins: molecular, structural, and biophysical aspects |
Q91659317 | Does Axl have potential as a therapeutic target in pancreatic cancer? |
Q60950078 | Dynamics of Axl Receptor Shedding in Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Its Implication for Theranostics |
Q33881943 | Eat‐me signals: Keys to molecular phagocyte biology and “Appetite” control |
Q45341410 | Efferocytosis and Outside-In Signaling by Cardiac Phagocytes. Links to Repair, Cellular Programming, and Intercellular Crosstalk in Heart |
Q50531818 | Elevated TREM2 Gene Dosage Reprograms Microglia Responsivity and Ameliorates Pathological Phenotypes in Alzheimer's Disease Models |
Q33754060 | Engulfment signals and the phagocytic machinery for apoptotic cell clearance |
Q49636410 | Function of Axl receptor tyrosine kinase in non-small cell lung cancer |
Q34700694 | GAS6 receptor status is associated with dormancy and bone metastatic tumor formation |
Q55101698 | GAS6/TAM Pathway Signaling in Hemostasis and Thrombosis. |
Q102152223 | Galectin-3 gene deletion results in defective adipose tissue maturation and impaired insulin sensitivity and glucose homeostasis |
Q38258947 | Galectin-3: an emerging all-out player in metabolic disorders and their complications |
Q93108737 | Gas6/TAM Axis in Sepsis: Time to Consider Its Potential Role as a Therapeutic Target |
Q92277409 | Gas6/TAM Receptors in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus |
Q36994801 | Glycobiology of cell death: when glycans and lectins govern cell fate |
Q24311970 | Inhibition of MerTK increases chemosensitivity and decreases oncogenic potential in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia |
Q101166773 | KPNB1-mediated nuclear translocation of PD-L1 promotes non-small cell lung cancer cell proliferation via the Gas6/MerTK signaling pathway |
Q28072503 | Ligand Activation of TAM Family Receptors-Implications for Tumor Biology and Therapeutic Response |
Q47035986 | Lyar Is a New Ligand for Retinal Pigment Epithelial Phagocytosis. |
Q35748292 | MERTK signaling in the retinal pigment epithelium regulates the tyrosine phosphorylation of GDP dissociation inhibitor alpha from the GDI/CHM family of RAB GTPase effectors. |
Q36347294 | Mer receptor tyrosine kinase mediates both tethering and phagocytosis of apoptotic cells. |
Q37052927 | MerTK inhibition in tumor leukocytes decreases tumor growth and metastasis |
Q55308149 | Mice lacking galectin-3 (Lgals3) function have decreased home cage movement. |
Q38197408 | Microglial phagocytosis of live neurons |
Q38119941 | Molecular Pathways: MERTK Signaling in Cancer |
Q34353162 | ORF phage display to identify cellular proteins with different functions |
Q34170756 | Overexpression of MERTK receptor tyrosine kinase in epithelial cancer cells drives efferocytosis in a gain-of-function capacity |
Q92360546 | Peripheral Administration of IL-13 Induces Anti-inflammatory Microglial/Macrophage Responses and Provides Neuroprotection in Ischemic Stroke |
Q38113059 | Phagocyte dysfunction, tissue aging and degeneration |
Q91973645 | Phagocytosis of Apoptotic Cells in Resolution of Inflammation |
Q99711496 | Potential Oncogenic Effect of the MERTK-Dependent Apoptotic-Cell Clearance Pathway in Starry-Sky B-Cell Lymphoma |
Q37992053 | Primary phagocytosis of neurons by inflamed microglia: potential roles in neurodegeneration |
Q27680540 | Pseudo-Cyclization through Intramolecular Hydrogen Bond Enables Discovery of Pyridine Substituted Pyrimidines as New Mer Kinase Inhibitors |
Q30836198 | Rab17 mediates differential antigen sorting following efferocytosis and phagocytosis |
Q34170762 | Receptor tyrosine kinases, TYRO3, AXL, and MER, demonstrate distinct patterns and complex regulation of ligand-induced activation |
Q92920992 | Regulation of Apoptotic Cell Clearance During Resolution of Inflammation |
Q35636390 | Reticulocalbin-1 facilitates microglial phagocytosis |
Q91105022 | Soluble CD93 is an apoptotic cell opsonin recognized by αx β2 |
Q38729745 | TAM receptor tyrosine kinase function and the immunopathology of liver disease |
Q39160959 | TAM receptor tyrosine kinases as emerging targets of innate immune checkpoint blockade for cancer therapy |
Q34077622 | TAM receptor tyrosine kinases: expression, disease and oncogenesis in the central nervous system |
Q38105573 | TAM receptors in apoptotic cell clearance, autoimmunity, and cancer |
Q64056430 | Targeting Tyro3, Axl and MerTK (TAM receptors): implications for macrophages in the tumor microenvironment |
Q64253749 | Targeting Tyrosine kinases in Renal Cell Carcinoma: "New Bullets against Old Guys" |
Q57470611 | The Dual Role of TAM Receptors in Autoimmune Diseases and Cancer: An Overview |
Q60926729 | The Emerging Role of TYRO3 as a Therapeutic Target in Cancer |
Q41611391 | The N- and C-terminal carbohydrate recognition domains of Haemonchus contortus galectin bind to distinct receptors of goat PBMC and contribute differently to its immunomodulatory functions in host-parasite interactions |
Q27928010 | The Role of TAM Family Receptors in Immune Cell Function: Implications for Cancer Therapy |
Q54298179 | The TAM family: phosphatidylserine sensing receptor tyrosine kinases gone awry in cancer |
Q36161704 | The TAM-family receptor Mer mediates production of HGF through the RhoA-dependent pathway in response to apoptotic cells |
Q36828146 | The regulatory role of hepatoma-derived growth factor as an angiogenic factor in the eye. |
Q52669235 | The role of TAM family receptors and ligands in the nervous system: From development to pathobiology. |
Q41851143 | Tubby regulates microglial phagocytosis through MerTK |
Q30656553 | Who let the dogs out?: detrimental role of Galectin-3 in hypoperfusion-induced retinal degeneration |
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