Specification of neuronal fates in the ventral neural tube

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Specification of neuronal fates in the ventral neural tube is …
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review articleQ7318358
scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID11179871

P2093author name stringEricson J
Briscoe J
P2860cites workCommitment to the B-lymphoid lineage depends on the transcription factor Pax5Q22010683
neurogenins, a novel family of atonal-related bHLH transcription factors, are putative mammalian neuronal determination genes that reveal progenitor cell heterogeneity in the developing CNS and PNSQ24314656
Regulation of patched by sonic hedgehog in the developing neural tubeQ24594414
Reciprocal interactions of Pit1 and GATA2 mediate signaling gradient-induced determination of pituitary cell typesQ28137623
Specification of ventral neuron types is mediated by an antagonistic interaction between Shh and Gli3Q28140330
Requirement for LIM homeobox gene Isl1 in motor neuron generation reveals a motor neuron-dependent step in interneuron differentiationQ28273468
Morphogens, compartments, and pattern: lessons from drosophila?Q28282905
Cyclopia and defective axial patterning in mice lacking Sonic hedgehog gene functionQ28291924
Requirement for the homeobox gene Hb9 in the consolidation of motor neuron identityQ28505161
Homeobox gene Nkx2.2 and specification of neuronal identity by graded Sonic hedgehog signallingQ28508806
Pax6 controls progenitor cell identity and neuronal fate in response to graded Shh signalingQ28571762
Jagged2: a serrate-like gene expressed during rat embryogenesisQ28580835
LIM homeodomain factors Lhx3 and Lhx4 assign subtype identities for motor neuronsQ28591209
Pax3 and Pax7 are expressed in commissural neurons and restrict ventral neuronal identity in the spinal cordQ28592497
A homeodomain protein code specifies progenitor cell identity and neuronal fate in the ventral neural tubeQ28593188
Conservation of neurogenic genes and mechanisms.Q33745340
Positioning the isthmic organizer where Otx2 and Gbx2meet.Q33927269
The role of the notochord and floor plate in inductive interactions.Q34297091
Floor plate and motor neuron induction by different concentrations of the amino-terminal cleavage product of sonic hedgehog autoproteolysisQ34309695
Requirement of 19K form of Sonic hedgehog for induction of distinct ventral cell types in CNS explants.Q34310844
Two critical periods of Sonic Hedgehog signaling required for the specification of motor neuron identityQ34408125
Ventral neural patterning by Nkx homeobox genes: Nkx6.1 controls somatic motor neuron and ventral interneuron fatesQ35202057
Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms contribute to motor neuron pathfindingQ40859949
Active suppression of interneuron programs within developing motor neurons revealed by analysis of homeodomain factor HB9.Q41689783
The seven-transmembrane receptor smoothened cell-autonomously induces multiple ventral cell typesQ41710059
A LIM-homeodomain combinatorial code for motor-neuron pathway selectionQ47993870
Functionally related motor neuron pool and muscle sensory afferent subtypes defined by coordinate ETS gene expressionQ48008089
Induction of the zebrafish ventral brain and floorplate requires cyclops/nodal signallingQ48021528
TWH regulates the development of subsets of spinal cord neuronsQ48051727
Topographic organization of embryonic motor neurons defined by expression of LIM homeobox genesQ48077000
Coordinate roles for LIM homeobox genes in directing the dorsoventral trajectory of motor axons in the vertebrate limb.Q52166013
Gradual refinement of activin-induced thresholds requires protein synthesis.Q52171943
Expression patterns of developmental control genes in normal and Engrailed-1 mutant mouse spinal cord reveal early diversity in developing interneurons.Q52192596
Physiological and molecular characterization of interneurons in the developing spinal cordQ77935704
A sonic hedgehog-independent, retinoid-activated pathway of neurogenesis in the ventral spinal cordQ77983175
P921main subjectdorsal spinal cord developmentQ21107623
P577publication date2001-02-01
P1433published inCurrent Opinion in NeurobiologyQ15763572
P1476titleSpecification of neuronal fates in the ventral neural tube

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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Q33874551Suppressor of fused and Spop regulate the stability, processing and function of Gli2 and Gli3 full-length activators but not their repressors
Q52104347Synchronization of neurogenesis and motor neuron specification by direct coupling of bHLH and homeodomain transcription factors.
Q28592757T-Box transcription factor Tbx20 regulates a genetic program for cranial motor neuron cell body migration
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Q43123088Tcf3 inhibits spinal cord neurogenesis by regulating sox4a expression
Q38533900Tcf7l1 is required for spinal cord progenitor maintenance
Q51892534Temporally- and spatially regulated generation of distinct descendants by sonic hedgehog-expressing progenitors in the forebrain.
Q24548002The Evf-2 noncoding RNA is transcribed from the Dlx-5/6 ultraconserved region and functions as a Dlx-2 transcriptional coactivator
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Q39996945The Xenopus Irx genes are essential for neural patterning and define the border between prethalamus and thalamus through mutual antagonism with the anterior repressors Fezf and Arx.
Q28591229The bHLH factor Olig3 coordinates the specification of dorsal neurons in the spinal cord
Q47074105The basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor, Tal2, marks the lateral floor plate of the spinal cord in zebrafish.
Q34268918The emergent design of the neural tube: prepattern, SHH morphogen and GLI code
Q37593666The evolution of Olig genes and their roles in myelination.
Q28588344The homeodomain factor lbx1 distinguishes two major programs of neuronal differentiation in the dorsal spinal cord
Q33941010The lineage contribution and role of Gbx2 in spinal cord development
Q34423840The mechanisms of dorsoventral patterning in the vertebrate neural tube
Q28591422The mouse Ovol2 gene is required for cranial neural tube development
Q46384424The rod photoreceptor pattern is set at the optic vesicle stage and requires spatially restricted cVax expression.
Q44657154The role of retinoic acid in the morphogenesis of the neural tube
Q41978918The roof plate boundary is a bi-directional organiser of dorsal neural tube and choroid plexus development.
Q41591309The transcription factors Nkx2.2 and Nkx2.9 play a novel role in floor plate development and commissural axon guidance
Q28512337The transcriptional repressor Glis2 is a novel binding partner for p120 catenin
Q44662045Tlx controls proliferation and patterning of lateral telencephalic progenitor domains.
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Q34425388Transcriptional networks regulating neuronal identity in the developing spinal cord
Q36354585Transcriptional selectors, masters, and combinatorial codes: regulatory principles of neural subtype specification
Q30497143Turning heads: development of vertebrate branchiomotor neurons
Q33760768Two Notch ligands, Dll1 and Jag1, are differently restricted in their range of action to control neurogenesis in the mammalian spinal cord.
Q35056469Urodele spinal cord regeneration and related processes
Q34524080Ventral neural progenitors switch toward an oligodendroglial fate in response to increased Sonic hedgehog (Shh) activity: involvement of Sulfatase 1 in modulating Shh signaling in the ventral spinal cord.
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Q42778592What are those cilia doing in the neural tube?
Q24301422Wnt signaling inhibitors regulate the transcriptional response to morphogenetic Shh-Gli signaling in the neural tube
Q50284010Wnt1 signal determines the patterning of the diencephalic dorso-ventral axis

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