Computational prediction of cancer-gene function

scientific article published on 14 December 2006

Computational prediction of cancer-gene function is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P8608Fatcat IDrelease_geazxfobsnelbgsedeqgb6d3e4
P698PubMed publication ID17167517
P5875ResearchGate publication ID6631510

P50authorGary D. BaderQ37393655
Pingzhao HuQ39652071
Andrew EmiliQ64126987
P2093author name stringDennis A Wigle
P2860cites workThe Hallmarks of CancerQ221226
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DIP, the Database of Interacting Proteins: a research tool for studying cellular networks of protein interactionsQ24548456
IntAct: an open source molecular interaction databaseQ24600582
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Global topological features of cancer proteins in the human interactomeQ24672981
STRING: a database of predicted functional associations between proteinsQ24681946
Clustering proteins from interaction networks for the prediction of cellular functionsQ24794683
The functional landscape of mouse gene expressionQ24794985
Identifying protein function--a call for community actionQ24800079
AVID: an integrative framework for discovering functional relationships among proteinsQ24813007
BABELOMICS: a suite of web tools for functional annotation and analysis of groups of genes in high-throughput experiments.Q24813075
Pathguide: a pathway resource listQ25256662
The KEGG resource for deciphering the genomeQ27860687
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The Shwachman-Bodian-Diamond syndrome protein family is involved in RNA metabolismQ27933622
Large-scale prediction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene function using overlapping transcriptional clustersQ27936646
Assembly of Cell Regulatory Systems Through Protein Interaction DomainsQ28155799
Development of human protein reference database as an initial platform for approaching systems biology in humansQ28206967
High-throughput mapping of a dynamic signaling network in mammalian cellsQ28239249
Cancer genes and the pathways they controlQ28275089
Human homolog of patched, a candidate gene for the basal cell nevus syndromeQ28281033
Cell-cycle checkpoints and cancerQ28293996
Global survey of organ and organelle protein expression in mouse: combined proteomic and transcriptomic profilingQ28588350
BiNGO: a Cytoscape plugin to assess overrepresentation of gene ontology categories in biological networksQ29547427
A gene-coexpression network for global discovery of conserved genetic modulesQ29614451
MIPS: a database for genomes and protein sequencesQ29614501
BIND: the Biomolecular Interaction Network DatabaseQ29616859
A general framework for weighted gene co-expression network analysisQ29617580
MINT: a Molecular INTeraction databaseQ29618559
GenMAPP, a new tool for viewing and analyzing microarray data on biological pathwaysQ29618720
A network of protein-protein interactions in yeastQ30004209
Complete cloning of the duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) cDNA and preliminary genomic organization of the DMD gene in normal and affected individualsQ30050310
Relating whole-genome expression data with protein-protein interactionsQ30669147
Learning gene functional classifications from multiple data typesQ30693068
Systematic learning of gene functional classes from DNA array expression data by using multilayer perceptronsQ30745866
A Bayesian framework for combining heterogeneous data sources for gene function prediction (in Saccharomyces cerevisiae).Q30806988
Predicting protein function from protein/protein interaction data: a probabilistic approachQ30811144
Finding function: evaluation methods for functional genomic dataQ30820459
Global protein function annotation through mining genome-scale data in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiaeQ30977956
Chronic myeloid leukemiaQ33603077
Mutations in SBDS are associated with Shwachman-Diamond syndromeQ33963285
Intrinsic errors in genome annotationQ34085839
The genetics and genomics of cancerQ34180336
WormBase: a multi-species resource for nematode biology and genomicsQ34284591
Mutations of the SBDS gene are present in most patients with Shwachman-Diamond syndromeQ34337305
Online predicted human interaction databaseQ34385609
Biological networksQ35119735
Sequence-based cancer genomics: progress, lessons and opportunitiesQ35140822
Cancer susceptibility in the mouse: genetics, biology and implications for human cancerQ35209979
Analyzing protein function on a genomic scale: the importance of gold-standard positives and negatives for network predictionQ35903266
Systems biology for cancerQ35988686
Interactome modelingQ36069223
Integrative analysis of the cancer transcriptomeQ36141641
From signatures to models: understanding cancer using microarraysQ36141647
Forensic genetics and ethical, legal and social implications beyond the clinicQ36503211
Graph-based methods for analysing networks in cell biologyQ36552759
Whole-genome annotation by using evidence integration in functional-linkage networksQ36852724
Hierarchical multi-label prediction of gene functionQ38519155
Genome-wide screening for complete genetic loss in prostate cancer by comparative hybridization onto cDNA microarraysQ40667885
Whole-proteome prediction of protein function via graph-theoretic analysis of interaction mapsQ42659943
Exploiting indirect neighbours and topological weight to predict protein function from protein-protein interactionsQ42683787
Systematic identification of functional orthologs based on protein network comparisonQ43252162
Detection of functional modules from protein interaction networks.Q47285412
Global protein function prediction from protein-protein interaction networksQ47921995
Learning kernels from biological networks by maximizing entropyQ48533625
Edge-count probabilities for the identification of local protein communities and their organizationQ57385264
Protein function prediction using the Protein Link EXplorer (PLEX)Q59447190
High frequency of fusion transcripts of exon 11 and exon 4/5 in AF-4 gene is observed in cord blood, as well as leukemic cells from infant leukemia patients with t(4;11)(q21;q23)Q77299338
Integrated global profiling of cancerQ80402791
A probabilistic functional network of yeast genesQ81067438
CFinder: locating cliques and overlapping modules in biological networksQ82534265
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P577publication date2006-12-14
P13046publication type of scholarly workreview articleQ7318358
P1433published inNature Reviews CancerQ641657
P1476titleComputational prediction of cancer-gene function

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