Developmental and pathological angiogenesis

scientific article published on July 13, 2011

Developmental and pathological angiogenesis is …
instance of (P31):
scholarly articleQ13442814

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P953full work available at URL
P698PubMed publication ID21756109

P50authorNapoleone FerraraQ1769254
P2093author name stringAlicia S. Chung
P2860cites workEndothelial PDGF-B retention is required for proper investment of pericytes in the microvessel wallQ35967045
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectangiogenesisQ539568
P577publication date2011-07-13
P13046publication type of scholarly workreview articleQ7318358
P1433published inAnnual Review of Cell and Developmental BiologyQ4497277
P1476titleDevelopmental and pathological angiogenesis

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Q92513343Comparison of the ligand-binding properties of fluorescent VEGF-A isoforms to VEGF receptor 2 in living cells and membrane preparations using NanoBRET
Q35219893Compatibility of a novel thrombospondin-1 analog with fertility and pregnancy in a xenograft mouse model of endometriosis
Q31120422Contrasting roles of E2F2 and E2F3 in cardiac neovascularization
Q47340134Control of endothelial cell tube formation by Notch ligand intracellular domain interactions with activator protein 1 (AP-1).
Q47964831Critical role of caveolin-1 in ocular neovascularization and multitargeted antiangiogenic effects of cavtratin via JNK.
Q36363863Critical roles for murine Reck in the regulation of vascular patterning and stabilization
Q42378361Cross-talk mechanism between endothelial cells and hepatocellular carcinoma cells via growth factors and integrin pathway promotes tumor angiogenesis and cell migration
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Q39321185Dialysis-related transcriptomic profiling: the pivotal role of heparanase
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Q53136378Impact of vascular endothelial growth factor expression on overall survival in patients with osteosarcoma: a meta-analysis
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Q36565126Induction of WNT11 by hypoxia and hypoxia-inducible factor-1α regulates cell proliferation, migration and invasion
Q38083584Inflammation and oxidative stress in angiogenesis and vascular disease.
Q36258054Inhibition of pathological brain angiogenesis through systemic delivery of AAV vector expressing soluble FLT1.
Q58767234Inhibition of retinal angiogenesis by gold nanoparticles inducing autophagy
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Q47142887Inhibitory effect of caveolin-1 in vascular endothelial cells, pericytes and smooth muscle cells
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Q37059771Intracellular and Extracellular miRNAs in Regulation of Angiogenesis Signaling
Q35446009Intratumoral injection of Clostridium novyi-NT spores induces antitumor responses
Q48330378Isolation and screening of proangiogenic and antiangiogenic metabolites producing rare actinobacteria from soil.
Q28508560LRG1 promotes angiogenesis by modulating endothelial TGF-β signalling.
Q61450972LRP5 in age-related changes in vascular and alveolar morphogenesis in the lung
Q49952435LTBP3 promotes early metastatic events during cancer cell dissemination
Q37723648Laminar and temporal expression dynamics of coding and noncoding RNAs in the mouse neocortex
Q38932870Lipocalin2 as a plasma marker for tumors with hypoxic regions.
Q41899475Loss of caveolin-1 causes blood-retinal barrier breakdown, venous enlargement, and mural cell alteration
Q50960970Loss of osteoglycin promotes angiogenesis in limb ischaemia mouse models via modulation of vascular endothelial growth factor and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 signalling pathway
Q38190359Lymphangiogenesis and lymphatic vessel remodelling in cancer
Q61796273Macrophages restrict the nephrogenic field and promote endothelial connections during kidney development
Q38366707Mechanism and Function of Angiogenin in Hematopoietic Malignancy
Q38909541Mechanisms and regulation of endothelial VEGF receptor signalling.
Q35162521Mechanisms governing metastatic dormancy and reactivation
Q24310981MicroRNA 329 Suppresses Angiogenesis by Targeting CD146
Q90655336MicroRNA-126-3p Inhibits Angiogenic Function of Human Lung Microvascular Endothelial Cell via LAT1 (L-Type Amino Acid Transporter 1)-Mediated mTOR (Mammalian Target of Rapamycin) Signaling
Q64243138Micrornas at the Interface between Osteogenesis and Angiogenesis as Targets for Bone Regeneration
Q47598622Modeling angiogenesis with micro- and nanotechnology
Q39020269Modulation of VEGF receptor 2 signaling by protein phosphatases
Q38226097Modulation of the myeloid compartment of the immune system by angiogenic- and kinase inhibitor-targeted anti-cancer therapies.
Q36220942Molecular features of interaction between VEGFA and anti-angiogenic drugs used in retinal diseases: a computational approach
Q27003898Mouse models for studying angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in cancer
Q36432462NAADP-Dependent Ca(2+) Signaling Controls Melanoma Progression, Metastatic Dissemination and Neoangiogenesis
Q36414332NCOA1 promotes angiogenesis in breast tumors by simultaneously enhancing both HIF1α- and AP-1-mediated VEGFa transcription
Q98280988NF-κB-dependent miR-31/155 biogenesis is essential for TNF-α-induced impairment of endothelial progenitor cell function
Q41762927Need glucose to sprout: local metabolic control of angiogenesis
Q38268456Neuropilin regulation of angiogenesis
Q38187496Neuropilin regulation of angiogenesis, arteriogenesis, and vascular permeability
Q34340832Neuropilin-1 functions as a VEGFR2 co-receptor to guide developmental angiogenesis independent of ligand binding
Q38805816Notch signaling in regulating angiogenesis in a 3D biomimetic environment
Q46817102Overexpression of vascular endothelial growth factor in the germinal matrix induces neurovascular proteases and intraventricular hemorrhage.
Q26799981Overview of Methods for Overcoming Hindrance to Drug Delivery to Tumors, with Special Attention to Tumor Interstitial Fluid
Q38684978Overview of pre-clinical and clinical studies targeting angiogenesis in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
Q39095124Oxidative Stress and Carcinogenesis: Potential of Phytochemicals in Breast Cancer Therapy.
Q37535220Oxidative stress in angiogenesis and vascular disease
Q60957157Oxidative stress, autophagy and pyroptosis in the neovascularization of oxygen‑induced retinopathy in mice
Q83518487Partners in crime: VEGF and IL‐4 conscript tumour‐promoting macrophages
Q27023951Pathogenesis of herpes stromal keratitis--a focus on corneal neovascularization
Q37702693Paxillin controls endothelial cell migration and tumor angiogenesis by altering neuropilin 2 expression
Q46676600Pharmacologic characterization of a kinetic in vitro human co-culture angiogenesis model using clinically relevant compounds
Q46574147Phosphoproteomic analysis implicates the mTORC2-FoxO1 axis in VEGF signaling and feedback activation of receptor tyrosine kinases
Q37059810Plants and their active compounds: natural molecules to target angiogenesis
Q42438243Platelet rich plasma extract promotes angiogenesis through the angiopoietin1-Tie2 pathway
Q34388847Practicing pathology in the era of big data and personalized medicine
Q41961687Pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 9 (PSG9), a driver for colorectal cancer, enhances angiogenesis via activation of SMAD4.
Q47953629Progesterone-mediated angiogenic activity of endothelial progenitor cell and angiogenesis in traumatic brain injury rats were antagonized by progesterone receptor antagonist.
Q34345914Prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) regulates angiogenesis independently of VEGF during ocular neovascularization.
Q36640864Pseudotyped retroviruses for infecting axolotl in vivo and in vitro.
Q99592168REC8 suppresses tumor angiogenesis by inhibition of NF-κB-mediated vascular endothelial growth factor expression in gastric cancer cells
Q37334741Rasip1 regulates vertebrate vascular endothelial junction stability through Epac1-Rap1 signaling
Q58724518Real-Time Ligand Binding of Fluorescent VEGF-A Isoforms that Discriminate between VEGFR2 and NRP1 in Living Cells
Q38125964Recent molecular discoveries in angiogenesis and antiangiogenic therapies in cancer
Q90466813Redox basis of exercise physiology
Q40455945Regulation of vascular endothelial junction stability and remodeling through Rap1-Rasip1 signaling
Q52579664Requisite endothelial reactivation and effective siRNA nanoparticle targeting of Etv2/Er71 in tumor angiogenesis
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Q26765484Review on a Traditional Herbal Medicine, Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali): Its Traditional Uses, Chemistry, Evidence-Based Pharmacology and Toxicology
Q38042884Robustness of the hypoxic response: another job for miRNAs?
Q64058497Role of Hippo Pathway-YAP/TAZ Signaling in Angiogenesis
Q51711774Role of Twist1 Phosphorylation in Angiogenesis and Pulmonary Fibrosis
Q92560341Roles of HIFs and VEGF in angiogenesis in the retina and brain
Q36085802SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling enzymes Brahma-related gene 1 (BRG1) and Brahma (BRM) are dispensable in multiple models of postnatal angiogenesis but are required for vascular integrity in infant mice
Q39070835Screening for angiogenic inhibitors in zebrafish to evaluate a predictive model for developmental vascular toxicity.
Q36159455Semaphorin-3C signals through Neuropilin-1 and PlexinD1 receptors to inhibit pathological angiogenesis.
Q35954103Significance of vascular endothelial growth factor in growth and peritoneal dissemination of ovarian cancer
Q41455499Silencing Of Circular RNA-ZNF609 Ameliorates Vascular Endothelial Dysfunction
Q27342874Single-cell analysis of endothelial morphogenesis in vivo
Q39102302Site-Specific N-Glycosylation of Endothelial Cell Receptor Tyrosine Kinase VEGFR-2.
Q37180614SnoN facilitates ALK1-Smad1/5 signaling during embryonic angiogenesis
Q55196550Soluble E-cadherin promotes tumor angiogenesis and localizes to exosome surface.
Q40281857Soluble FLT1 Gene Therapy Alleviates Brain Arteriovenous Malformation Severity
Q36497233Sox17 promotes tumor angiogenesis and destabilizes tumor vessels in mice
Q89720871Sphingosine 1-Phosphate Receptor Signaling Establishes AP-1 Gradients to Allow for Retinal Endothelial Cell Specialization
Q91877735Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Receptor 1 Activity Promotes Tumor Growth by Amplifying VEGF-VEGFR2 Angiogenic Signaling
Q33620110Structural basis of Tie2 activation and Tie2/Tie1 heterodimerization.
Q35228265Swimming-induced exercise promotes hypertrophy and vascularization of fast skeletal muscle fibres and activation of myogenic and angiogenic transcriptional programs in adult zebrafish
Q35783198Synergistic Binding of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A and Its Receptors to Heparin Selectively Modulates Complex Affinity
Q37298327Systemic Administration of Exosomes Released from Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Promote Functional Recovery and Neurovascular Plasticity After Stroke in Rats
Q89586015Systems Modeling of Developmental Vascular Toxicity
Q49986509TSLP promotes angiogenesis of human umbilical vein endothelial cells by strengthening the crosstalk between cervical cancer cells and eosinophils
Q38592520Targeted complement inhibition and microvasculature in transplants: a therapeutic perspective
Q35055518Targeted identification of sialoglycoproteins in hypoxic endothelial cells and validation in zebrafish reveal roles for proteins in angiogenesis
Q64253749Targeting Tyrosine kinases in Renal Cell Carcinoma: "New Bullets against Old Guys"
Q55008337Targeting VEGF/VEGFR to Modulate Antitumor Immunity.
Q39084331Targeting endothelial metabolism for anti-angiogenesis therapy: A pharmacological perspective
Q91996847Temporal VEGFA responsive genes in HUVECs: Gene signatures and potential ligands/receptors fine-tuning angiogenesis
Q95853629The Anticancer and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Centaurea solstitialis Extract on Human Cancer Cell Lines
Q33765926The Effect of Interleukin 38 on Angiogenesis in a Model of Oxygen-induced Retinopathy
Q50107402The Effects of Isopropyl Methylphosphono-Fluoridate (IMPF) Poisoning on Tumor Growth and Angiogenesis in BALB/C Mice
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Q36597900The Eyes Absent proteins in development and disease
Q50099967The Rab-effector protein RABEP2 regulates endosomal trafficking to mediate vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 (VEGFR2)-dependent signaling
Q37996222The Role of Avastin in the Management of Recurrent Glioblastoma
Q28077024The Role of CC-Chemokines in the Regulation of Angiogenesis
Q64958395The Role of Dll4/Notch Signaling in Normal and Pathological Ocular Angiogenesis: Dll4 Controls Blood Vessel Sprouting and Vessel Remodeling in Normal and Pathological Conditions.
Q54445158The Role of IL-1β in the Early Tumor Cell–Induced Angiogenic Response
Q94596270The Role of Rho GTPases in VEGF Signaling in Cancer Cells
Q91742138The Role of YAP and TAZ in Angiogenesis and Vascular Mimicry
Q92156470The Roles of CD38 and CD157 in the Solid Tumor Microenvironment and Cancer Immunotherapy
Q27321847The alternative splicing factor Nova2 regulates vascular development and lumen formation
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Q39032998The marine fungal metabolite, AD0157, inhibits angiogenesis by targeting the Akt signaling pathway
Q47865822The mechanism and potential targets of class II HDACs in angiogenesis
Q39127982The molecular basis of endothelial cell plasticity.
Q24339531The neuropilin 1 cytoplasmic domain is required for VEGF-A-dependent arteriogenesis
Q39018218The paradoxical pro- and antiangiogenic actions of resveratrol: therapeutic applications in cancer and diabetes
Q48098509The preliminary radiogenomics association between MR perfusion imaging parameters and genomic biomarkers, and their predictive performance of overall survival in patients with glioblastoma.
Q132730851The protein biosynthesis inhibitor vioprolide A evokes anti-angiogenic and pro-survival actions by targeting NOP14 and decreasing VEGF receptor 2- and TAZ-signaling
Q132730895The regulation of yes-associated protein/transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif and their roles in vascular endothelium
Q37683553The role IL-1 in tumor-mediated angiogenesis
Q28068373The role of integrins in TGFβ activation in the tumour stroma
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Q26852080The unfolded protein response in retinal vascular diseases: implications and therapeutic potential beyond protein folding
Q47559296Three-dimensional Reconstruction of the Vascular Architecture of the Passive CLARITY-cleared Mouse Ovary
Q37719815Thrombus leukocytes exhibit more endothelial cell-specific angiogenic markers than peripheral blood leukocytes do in acute coronary syndrome patients, suggesting a possibility of trans-differentiation: a comprehensive database mining study
Q37524215Tie1 deletion inhibits tumor growth and improves angiopoietin antagonist therapy
Q42370083Tortuous Microvessels Contribute to Wound Healing via Sprouting Angiogenesis
Q55177521Transforming Growth Factor-β Signaling Plays a Pivotal Role in the Interplay Between Osteosarcoma Cells and Their Microenvironment.
Q47616016Tumor Microvessel Density as a Potential Predictive Marker for Bevacizumab Benefit: GOG-0218 Biomarker Analyses
Q37364878Tumor angiogenesis: MMP-mediated induction of intravasation- and metastasis-sustaining neovasculature
Q39317999Tumour-secreted miR-9 promotes endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis by activating the JAK-STAT pathway.
Q37098900Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator (uPA) Promotes Angiogenesis by Attenuating Proline-rich Homeodomain Protein (PRH) Transcription Factor Activity and De-repressing Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Receptor Expression
Q36867626Using the Past to Inform the Future: Anti-VEGF Therapy as a Road Map to Develop Novel Therapies for Diabetic Retinopathy
Q47127846Utf1 contributes to intergenerational epigenetic inheritance of pluripotency
Q92229613VEGF in Signaling and Disease: Beyond Discovery and Development
Q50457028VEGF modulates synaptic activity in the developing spinal cord.
Q33573324VEGF targets the tumour cell
Q41961850VEGF-A isoform-specific regulation of calcium ion flux, transcriptional activation and endothelial cell migration
Q34081464VEGF-A isoforms differentially regulate ATF-2-dependent VCAM-1 gene expression and endothelial-leukocyte interactions
Q37236916VEGF-A regulated by progesterone governs uterine angiogenesis and vascular remodelling during pregnancy.
Q37644376VEGF-B-induced vascular growth leads to metabolic reprogramming and ischemia resistance in the heart.
Q34480730VEGF-induced neoangiogenesis is mediated by NAADP and two-pore channel-2-dependent Ca2+ signaling
Q64277092VEGF/Neuropilin Signaling in Cancer Stem Cells
Q42491822VEGFB/VEGFR1-Induced Expansion of Adipose Vasculature Counteracts Obesity and Related Metabolic Complications
Q38268530VEGFR signaling during lymphatic vascular development: From progenitor cells to functional vessels.
Q33748993VEGFR2 but not VEGFR3 governs integrity and remodeling of thyroid angiofollicular unit in normal state and during goitrogenesis
Q64954829Valproic Acid Induces Endothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition-Like Phenotypic Switching.
Q52719147Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A Exerts Diverse Cellular Effects via Small G Proteins, Rho and Rap.
Q36337071Vascular Notch proteins and Notch signaling in the peri-implantation mouse uterus
Q27003400Vascular endothelial growth factor-B in physiology and disease
Q38401902Vascularization strategies for tissue engineers
Q59329186Vasoinhibin comprises a three-helix bundle and its antiangiogenic domain is located within the first 79 residues
Q52655088Vialinin A, an Edible Mushroom-Derived p-Terphenyl Antioxidant, Prevents VEGF-Induced Neovascularization In Vitro and In Vivo.
Q91910450Wnt/β-catenin signalling in ovarian cancer: Insights into its hyperactivation and function in tumorigenesis
Q43007023YAP/TAZ regulates sprouting angiogenesis and vascular barrier maturation
Q52572356YAP1-TEAD1 signaling controls angiogenesis and mitochondrial biogenesis through PGC1α.
Q38031707Zebrafish: an emerging model of vascular development and remodelling
Q36432885miR-1 and miR-206 regulate angiogenesis by modulating VegfA expression in zebrafish.
Q36060465miR-126 Regulation of Angiogenesis in Age-Related Macular Degeneration in CNV Mouse Model
Q35917632miR-342-5p Is a Notch Downstream Molecule and Regulates Multiple Angiogenic Pathways Including Notch, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Transforming Growth Factor β Signaling

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