scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P356 | DOI | 10.1146/ANNUREV.GE.23.120189.003051 |
P698 | PubMed publication ID | 2694944 |
P2093 | author name string | Zakian VA | |
P2860 | cites work | Generation of telomere-length heterogeneity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae | Q24655918 |
Identification of a specific telomere terminal transferase activity in Tetrahymena extracts | Q28306745 | ||
A telomeric sequence in the RNA of Tetrahymena telomerase required for telomere repeat synthesis | Q29614741 | ||
DNA sequences of telomeres maintained in yeast | Q34255911 | ||
The telomere terminal transferase of Tetrahymena is a ribonucleoprotein enzyme with two kinds of primer specificity | Q34687302 | ||
Cloning yeast telomeres on linear plasmid vectors | Q34708272 | ||
Non-nucleosomal packaging of a tandemly repeated DNA sequence at termini of extrachromosomal DNA coding for rRNA in Tetrahymena | Q35346090 | ||
Developmentally regulated telomere addition in Tetrahymena thermophila | Q36010118 | ||
Identification of the telomeric sequence of the acellular slime molds Didymium iridis and Physarum polycephalum | Q40391609 | ||
Telomeric DNA oligonucleotides form novel intramolecular structures containing guanine-guanine base pairs | Q46058606 | ||
Identification of a telomeric DNA sequence in Trypanosoma brucei | Q48392979 | ||
Dynamics of telomere length variation in tetrahymena thermophila | Q62659441 | ||
Telomeres: do the ends justify the means? | Q71350297 | ||
P304 | page(s) | 579-604 | |
P577 | publication date | 1989-01-01 | |
P13046 | publication type of scholarly work | review article | Q7318358 |
P1433 | published in | Annual Review of Genetics | Q567358 |
P1476 | title | Structure and function of telomeres | |
P478 | volume | 23 |
Q37635185 | A Chlamydomonas protein that binds single-stranded G-strand telomere DNA. |
Q49146579 | A Xenopus egg factor with DNA-binding properties characteristic of terminus-specific telomeric proteins |
Q27931630 | A class of single-stranded telomeric DNA-binding proteins required for Rap1p localization in yeast nuclei |
Q44060757 | A conserved secondary structure for telomerase RNA |
Q35176959 | A conserved sequence motif within the exceptionally diverse telomeric sequences of budding yeasts |
Q43182323 | A family of complex tandem DNA repeats in the telomeres of Chironomus pallidivittatus. |
Q72396031 | A family of related sequences associated with (TTTAGGG)n repeats are located in the interstitial regions of wheat chromosomes |
Q39494130 | A family of telomere-associated autonomously replicating sequences and their functions in targeted recombination in Hansenula polymorpha DL-1. |
Q48075176 | A genomic clone containing a telomere array maps near the centromere of mouse chromosome 6. |
Q46442220 | A homologous and self-replicating system for efficient transformation of Fusarium oxysporum |
Q24293724 | A mammalian factor that binds telomeric TTAGGG repeats in vitro |
Q33675302 | A newborn with ring chromosome 10, aganglionic megacolon, and renal hypoplasia |
Q39842119 | A novel autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) for multiple integration in the yeast Hansenula polymorpha DL-1. |
Q41289751 | A novel minisatellite at a cloned hamster telomere |
Q40018656 | A single telomerase RNA is sufficient for the synthesis of variable telomeric DNA repeats in ciliates of the genus Paramecium |
Q37126297 | A single-stranded DNA-binding protein from Crithidia fasciculata recognizes the nucleotide sequence at the origin of replication of kinetoplast DNA minicircles |
Q73220345 | A telomeric avirulence gene determines efficacy for the rice blast resistance gene Pi-ta |
Q56550729 | A truncated human chromosome 16 associated with α thalassaemia is stabilized by addition of telomeric repeat (TTAGGG)n |
Q33213248 | AT-rich sequences containing Arabidopsis-type telomere sequence and their chromosomal distribution in Pinus densiflora. |
Q43790614 | Absence or low number of telomere repeats at junctions of dicentric chromosomes |
Q57017468 | Accelerated telomere shortening in ataxia telangiectasia |
Q35141128 | Activation of telomerase in a human tumor |
Q46211302 | Altering specific telomerase RNA template residues affects active site function |
Q40997210 | Ammonium ion at low concentration stabilizes the G-quadruplex formation by telomeric sequence |
Q29616135 | An alternative pathway for yeast telomere maintenance rescues est1- senescence |
Q73179881 | An appraisal of telomerase activity in benign prostatic hyperplasia |
Q36775295 | An essential yeast gene encoding a TTAGGG repeat-binding protein |
Q27757805 | An intramolecular i-motif: the solution structure and base-pair opening kinetics of d(5mCCT 3 CCT 3 ACCT 3 CC) 1 1Edited by I. Tinoco |
Q35141425 | An introduction to telomeres and telomerase |
Q40508038 | Analysis of a Giardia lamblia rRNA encoding telomere with [TAGGG]n as the telomere repeat |
Q33250037 | Analysis of a circular derivative of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome III: a physical map and identification and location of ARS elements |
Q33960128 | Analysis of subtelomeric heterochromatin in the Drosophila minichromosome Dp1187 by single P element insertional mutagenesis |
Q39540587 | Antitumor effects of telomerase inhibitor TMPyP4 in osteosarcoma cell lines |
Q39719598 | Aspergillus nidulans maintains short telomeres throughout development |
Q34745287 | Assessing the Amount of Quadruplex Structures Present within G2-Tract Synthetic Random-Sequence DNA Libraries |
Q28263143 | Association of Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase nm23-H2 with Human Telomeres |
Q37677320 | Association of the Est1 protein with telomerase activity in yeast |
Q34535672 | Balancing instability: dual roles for telomerase and telomere dysfunction in tumorigenesis |
Q33853382 | Barley telomeres shorten during differentiation but grow in callus culture |
Q71738168 | Boundary elements of the Tetrahymena telomerase RNA template and alignment domains |
Q58708290 | Bovine telomere dynamics and the association between telomere length and productive lifespan |
Q36705317 | C-terminal truncation of RAP1 results in the deregulation of telomere size, stability, and function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Q27937524 | CTF4 (CHL15) mutants exhibit defective DNA metabolism in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Q42158430 | Cell cycle-dependent specific positioning and clustering of centromeres and telomeres in fission yeast |
Q41003119 | Cellular Senescence in Telomerase-Expressing Syrian Hamster Embryo Cells |
Q52540029 | Centromeric dodeca-satellite DNA sequences form fold-back structures |
Q40394266 | Characterisation of the telomeres at opposite ends of a 3 Mb Theileria parva chromosome |
Q38335808 | Characterization of a telomere-binding protein from Physarum polycephalum |
Q40411373 | Chlamydomonas reinhardtii telomere repeats form unstable structures involving guanine-guanine base pairs |
Q33857968 | Chlamydomonas telomere sequences are A+T-rich but contain three consecutive G-C base pairs |
Q36571591 | Chromosome End Elongation by Recombination in the Mosquito Anopheles gambiae |
Q52583633 | Chromosome fission associated with growth of ribosomal DNA in Neodiprion abietis (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae). |
Q73803536 | Chromosome healing by addition of telomeric repeats in wheat occurs during the first mitotic divisions of the sporophyte and is a gradual process |
Q67827113 | Chromosome pairing and recombination in mice heterozygous for different translocations in chromosomes 16 and 17 |
Q24629436 | Ciliate telomerase RNA structural features |
Q71690073 | Circular rDNA replicons persist in Tetrahymena thermophila transformants synthesizing GGGGTC telomeric repeats |
Q43853730 | Cloning and mapping of telomere-associated sequences from Hordeum vulgare L |
Q77927783 | Cloning and physical mapping of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) telomeric sequences |
Q41661300 | Comparison between Platinum-Azidothymidine and Azidothymidine Effects on Bcl-2 and Telomerase Gene Expression in Rats with Hepatocellular Carcinoma |
Q42693566 | Complex terminal structure of a linear mitochondrial plasmid from Physarum polycephalum: three terminal inverted repeats and an ORF encoding DNA polymerase |
Q71245486 | Condensation of rat telomere-specific nucleosomal arrays containing unusually short DNA repeats and histone H1 |
Q34594186 | Conserved nucleoprotein structure at the ends of vertebrate and invertebrate chromosomes |
Q33227826 | Construction of a human chromosome 4 YAC pool and analysis of artificial chromosome stability |
Q30310286 | Cooperative binding of single-stranded telomeric DNA by the Pot1 protein of Schizosaccharomyces pombe |
Q71803058 | Correlating telomerase activity levels with human neuroblastoma outcomes |
Q36775252 | DNA double-strand break repair proteins are required to cap the ends of mammalian chromosomes |
Q38359002 | DNA-protein interactions at the telomeric repeats of Schizosaccharomyces pombe |
Q33886150 | De novo telomere addition by Tetrahymena telomerase in vitro |
Q57756171 | Detection of G-quadruplex DNA in mammalian cells |
Q47878160 | Detection of telomerase activity in prostate needle-biopsy samples |
Q92354850 | Diversification and collapse of a telomere elongation mechanism |
Q42715561 | Do telomerase antagonists represent a novel anti-cancer strategy? |
Q52545783 | Drosophila melanogaster does not share the telomeric repeat sequence of another invertebrate, Ascaris lumbricoides |
Q35590841 | Drosophila telomere transposon HeT-A produces a transcript with tightly bound protein |
Q36411191 | Dynamic instability of chromosomes and genomes |
Q67835792 | Effect of estradiol treatment on male mice synaptonemal complexes: difference of sensitivity between neonates and adults |
Q73145105 | Effect of penclomedine (NSC-338720) on telomere fusions, chromatin blebbing, and cell viability with and without telomerase activity and abrogated p53 function |
Q36694892 | Effects of excess centromeres and excess telomeres on chromosome loss rates |
Q27940084 | Effects of yeast DNA topoisomerase III on telomere structure |
Q37636491 | Efficient transformation of cam2, a behavioral mutant of Paramecium tetraurelia, with the calmodulin gene |
Q40872923 | Elevated levels of telomerase activity in malignant pheochromocytoma |
Q37062471 | End Resection Initiates Genomic Instability in the Absence of Telomerase |
Q33962598 | Enhancement of telomere-plasmid segregation by the X-telomere associated sequence in Saccharomyces cerevisiae involves SIR2, SIR3, SIR4 and ABF1. |
Q33247682 | Entire maize chloroplast genome is stably maintained in a yeast artificial chromosome |
Q36614811 | Establishment of an immortalised human ovarian surface epithelial cell line without chromosomal instability |
Q33197677 | Euplotes crassus has genes encoding telomere-binding proteins and telomere-binding protein homologs |
Q44642858 | Evolutionarily recent transfer of a group I mitochondrial intron to telomere regions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Q35847527 | Experimental elongation of telomeres extends the lifespan of immortal x normal cell hybrids |
Q73549435 | Expression of telomerase component genes in hepatocellular carcinomas |
Q24595952 | Extensive telomere repeat arrays in mouse are hypervariable |
Q40533959 | Extensive turnover of telomeric DNA at a Plasmodium berghei chromosomal extremity marked by a rare recombinational event |
Q28769453 | Extra telomeres, but not internal tracts of telomeric DNA, reduce transcriptional repression at Saccharomyces telomeres |
Q48155494 | Extrachromosomal ribosomal DNA of Didymium iridis: sequence analysis of the large subunit ribosomal RNA gene and sub-telomeric region |
Q38574792 | FISH analysis of the telomere sequences of bulldog ants (Myrmecia: Formicidae) |
Q33947200 | Flow cytometric measurement of telomere length |
Q38295235 | Folding of the Thrombin Aptamer into a G-Quadruplex with Sr2+: Stability, Heat, and Hydration |
Q40411782 | Formation of novel hairpin structures by telomeric C-strand oligonucleotides |
Q73933146 | Four-stranded DNA formed by isoguanine quartets: complex stoichiometry, thermal stability and resistance against exonucleases |
Q30832894 | Frequent transpositions of Drosophila melanogaster HeT-A transposable elements to receding chromosome ends |
Q71650294 | Functional reconstitution of wild-type and mutant Tetrahymena telomerase |
Q34174719 | Gene disruption of a G4-DNA-dependent nuclease in yeast leads to cellular senescence and telomere shortening |
Q33967521 | Genetic analysis of Rap1p/Sir3p interactions in telomeric and HML silencing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Q70673891 | Genetic and physical mapping of barley telomeres |
Q72229751 | Genetic and physical mapping of telomeres and macrosatellites of rice |
Q42126555 | Genetic and physical mapping of telomeres in the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe grisea |
Q44279205 | Genetic mapping of tandemly repeated telomeric DNA sequences in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) |
Q35560459 | Genetics and molecular biology of telomeres |
Q40214729 | Genotyping Naegleria spp. and Naegleria fowleri isolates by interrepeat polymerase chain reaction |
Q36699799 | HeT-A, a transposable element specifically involved in "healing" broken chromosome ends in Drosophila melanogaster |
Q42557386 | Healing of broken human chromosomes by the addition of telomeric repeats |
Q44197993 | Heat-shock induction and cytoplasmic localization of transcripts from telomeric-associated sequences in Chironomus thummi |
Q34157250 | Hepatitis B virus x protein in the pathogenesis of hepatitis B virus‐induced hepatocellular carcinoma |
Q74450417 | Heterochromatin organization of a natural yeast telomere. Changes of nucleosome distribution driven by the absence of Sir3p |
Q77800946 | Heterochromatin organization of a natural yeast telomere. Recruitment of Sir3p through interaction with histone H4 N terminus is required for the establishment of repressive structures |
Q40422634 | Hoogsteen G-G base pairing is dispensable for telomere healing in yeast |
Q40431338 | Human telomerase reverse transcriptase immortalizes bovine lens epithelial cells and suppresses differentiation through regulation of the ERK signaling pathway. |
Q41517156 | Human telomeres are attached to the nuclear matrix |
Q37309809 | Human telomeric DNA sequences have a peroxidase apoenzyme activity |
Q34195724 | Hypervariable ultra-long telomeres in mice |
Q39721592 | Identification and characterization of a telomerase activity from Schizosaccharomyces pombe |
Q79918350 | Identification and fine mapping of AvrPi15, a novel avirulence gene of Magnaporthe grisea |
Q36675247 | Identification of a pentanucleotide telomeric sequence, (TTAGG)n, in the silkworm Bombyx mori and in other insects |
Q38349120 | Identification of a putative mitochondrial telomere-binding protein of the yeast Candida parapsilosis |
Q74200573 | Immuno-histochemical detection of human telomerase reverse transcriptase in human liver tissues |
Q46827478 | In vivo and in vitro studies of telomeres and telomerase |
Q71617328 | Inaccessibility of the Euplotes telomere binding protein |
Q40874504 | Increased Telomerase Activities in Human Pancreatic Duct Adenocarcinomas |
Q42153579 | Inheritance of chromosome-length polymorphisms in Coprinus cinereus. |
Q30450395 | Inhibition of telomerase by G-quartet DNA structures |
Q27765388 | Intercalated cytosine motif and novel adenine clusters in the crystal structure of the Tetrahymena telomere |
Q27932785 | Isolation and characterization of two Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes that encode proteins that bind to (TG1-3)n single strand telomeric DNA in vitro |
Q36817601 | Isolation of telomerelike sequences from Cryptococcus neoformans and their use in high-efficiency transformation |
Q55247149 | Length of telomeric repeats in neuroblastoma: correlation with prognosis and other biological characteristics |
Q27932347 | Localization of RAP1 and topoisomerase II in nuclei and meiotic chromosomes of yeast |
Q41121125 | Long G tails at both ends of human chromosomes suggest a C strand degradation mechanism for telomere shortening |
Q68282792 | Macrostructure of the tomato telomeres |
Q52539780 | Mapping a mutator, mu2, which increases the frequency of terminal deletions in Drosophila melanogaster |
Q54751843 | Massive telomere loss and telomerase RNA expression in dexamethasone-induced apoptosis in mouse thymocytes |
Q70806140 | Migration of the yeast linear DNA plasmid from the cytoplasm into the nucleus in Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Q46978211 | Modelling the formation of polycentric chromosome aberrations |
Q40395982 | Modifications of a telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) result in increased reliability, linearity and sensitivity |
Q30472069 | Modulation of telomerase activity by telomere DNA-binding proteins in Oxytricha |
Q47748220 | Molecular Genetics in the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Solid Pediatric Tumors |
Q47844431 | Molecular analyses of a repetitive DNA sequence in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). |
Q30448423 | Molecular cloning of telomere-binding protein genes from Stylonychia mytilis |
Q35132538 | Molecular manifestations and molecular determinants of telomere capping |
Q36712637 | Molecular organization of Chlorella vulgaris chromosome I: presence of telomeric repeats that are conserved in higher plants |
Q53030315 | Monitoring genomic alterations with a panel of oligonucleotide probes specific for various simple repeat motifs |
Q61782233 | Monomorphic subtelomeric DNA in the filamentous fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae,contains a RecQ helicase-like gene |
Q34275159 | Multiple Mechanisms Contribute To Telomere Maintenance |
Q67982139 | Multiple variants in subtelomeric regions of normal karyotypes |
Q73168729 | Mutant telomeres inhibit transcriptional silencing at native telomeres of the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis |
Q33963968 | Mutational analysis defines a C-terminal tail domain of RAP1 essential for Telomeric silencing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. |
Q30333830 | Natural genetic engineering in evolution. |
Q71473097 | New FISH probes--the end in sight |
Q98237533 | New chromosome number and cyto-molecular characterization of the African Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) - "The Tree of Life" |
Q40018420 | New telomere formation coupled with site-specific chromosome breakage in Tetrahymena thermophila |
Q33643839 | Novel isolation and biochemical characterization of immortalized fibroblasts for tissue engineering vocal fold lamina propria |
Q24309060 | Nuclear proteins that bind the pre-mRNA 3' splice site sequence r(UUAG/G) and the human telomeric DNA sequence d(TTAGGG)n |
Q36671065 | Oligonucleotides complementary to the Oxytricha nova telomerase RNA delineate the template domain and uncover a novel mode of primer utilization |
Q71852838 | Organization of telomeric and subtelomeric chromatin in the higher plant Nicotiana tabacum |
Q22066196 | Origin of human chromosome 2: an ancestral telomere-telomere fusion |
Q30467072 | Oxytricha telomere-binding protein: DNA-dependent dimerization of the alpha and beta subunits |
Q40815620 | Patterns of inheritance, development and the mitotic cycle in the protist Physarum polycephalum |
Q30464243 | Phosphorylation of theOxytrichatelomere protein: possible cell cycle regulation |
Q28776865 | Physical characterization of SCP1, a giant linear plasmid from Streptomyces coelicolor |
Q41628631 | Polytene Chromosomes, Heterochromatin, and Position Effect Variegation |
Q38338593 | Porphyrin Binding to Quadruplexed T4G4 |
Q48912272 | Presence of telomerase activity in different musculoskeletal tumor histotypes and correlation with aggressiveness |
Q73181191 | Prognostic impact of telomerase activity in non-small cell lung cancers |
Q35655409 | Promotion of parallel DNA quadruplexes by a yeast telomere binding protein: a circular dichroism study. |
Q40515544 | Properties of the transcriptional enhancer in Saccharomyces cerevisiae telomeres |
Q34747590 | Protein-DNA interactions in soluble telosomes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Q72565356 | Purification and characterization of p27, a protein from hepatocyte chromatin. Evidence suggesting that it binds selectively to guanine-rich single-stranded DNA |
Q33434888 | QTL global meta-analysis: are trait determining genes clustered? |
Q43784662 | Quadruplex structure of Oxytricha telomeric DNA oligonucleotides |
Q37276279 | Quadruplex structure of d(G3T4G3) stabilized by K+ or Na+ is an asymmetric hairpin dimer |
Q72995574 | Quantitative evaluation of telomerase activity in small liver tumors: analysis of ultrasonography-guided liver biopsy specimens |
Q35873988 | RAP1 stimulates single- to double-strand association of yeast telomeric DNA: implications for telomere-telomere interactions |
Q36525522 | Rap1 protein regulates telomere turnover in yeast |
Q56902268 | Recombination and its roles in DNA repair, cellular immortalization and cancer |
Q27730882 | Refined solution structure of the dimeric quadruplex formed from the Oxytricha telomeric oligonucleotide d(GGGGTTTTGGGG) |
Q36774402 | Replication timing of DNA sequences associated with human centromeres and telomeres |
Q36645358 | Restoration of telomeres in human papillomavirus-immortalized human anogenital epithelial cells |
Q24671239 | Retrotransposon-mediated restoration of Chlorella telomeres: accumulation of Zepp retrotransposons at termini of newly formed minichromosomes |
Q41188316 | Reverse transcriptase inhibitors suppress telomerase function and induce senescence-like processes in cultured mouse fibroblasts |
Q52605313 | Reverse transcriptase-related proteins in telomeres and in certain chromosomal loci of Rhynchosciara (Diptera: Sciaridae) |
Q42963168 | Ribosomal DNA is a site of chromosome breakage in aneuploid strains of Neurospora |
Q38338807 | Rice proteins that bind single-stranded G-rich telomere DNA |
Q27938901 | Roles of ABF1, NPL3, and YCL54 in silencing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. |
Q46144742 | Runaway telomere elongation caused by telomerase RNA gene mutations |
Q36566976 | ST-1, a 39-kilodalton protein in Trypanosoma brucei, exhibits a dual affinity for the duplex form of the 29-base-pair subtelomeric repeat and its C-rich strand |
Q70623451 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae linear chromosome stability (lcs) mutants increase the loss rate of artificial and natural linear chromosomes |
Q44967865 | Saccharomyces telomeres assume a non-nucleosomal chromatin structure |
Q40656443 | Sequence-specific DNA primer effects on telomerase polymerization activity |
Q38317285 | Sequence-specific binding of Taz1p dimers to fission yeast telomeric DNA. |
Q36722229 | Sequencing of Saccharomyces telomeres cloned using T4 DNA polymerase reveals two domains |
Q34813172 | Short telomeres induce a DNA damage response in Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Q36294767 | Short, interspersed repetitive DNA sequences in prokaryotic genomes. |
Q41122952 | Shortened telomere length and increased telomerase activity in hamster pancreatic duct adenocarcinomas and cell lines |
Q35655395 | Silencers, silencing, and heritable transcriptional states |
Q59801180 | Single-Phase PacBio Assembly of the Genome of the Chytrid Fungus a Pathogen of Amphibia |
Q27729740 | Solution Structure of the Na+ form of the Dimeric Guanine Quadruplex [d(G3T4G3)]2 |
Q27732554 | Solution structures of unimolecular quadruplexes formed by oligonucleotides containing Oxytricha telomere repeats |
Q40924201 | Somatic pairing between subtelomeric chromosome regions: implications for human genetic disease? |
Q27860801 | Specific Association of Human Telomerase Activity with Immortal Cells and Cancer |
Q36561802 | Specific DNA replication mutations affect telomere length in Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Q36633820 | Stabilization of short telomeres and telomerase activity accompany immortalization of Epstein-Barr virus-transformed human B lymphocytes |
Q70804252 | Stable chromosome fission associated with rDNA mobility |
Q35751600 | Stringent sequence requirements for the formation of human telomeres |
Q40016950 | Structural analysis of TRAS1, a novel family of telomeric repeat-associated retrotransposons in the silkworm, Bombyx mori |
Q29615759 | Structure and function of telomeres |
Q42693591 | Structure of the Drosophila HeT-A transposon: a retrotransposon-like element forming telomeres |
Q72876315 | TEL+CEN antagonism on plasmids involves telomere repeat sequences tracts and gene products that interact with chromosomal telomeres |
Q48070727 | TEL1, a gene involved in controlling telomere length in S. cerevisiae, is homologous to the human ataxia telangiectasia gene |
Q34330916 | Targeting telomeres and telomerase |
Q54937727 | Telomerase Activity and Metastasis: Expansion of Cells Having Higher Telomerase Activity within Culture Lines and Tumor Tissues |
Q53379620 | Telomerase Activity and Telomerase Subunit Gene Expression Levels Are Not Related in Prostate Cancer: A Real-Time Quantification and In Situ Hybridization Study |
Q74352800 | Telomerase Activity in the Female Reproductive Tract and Neoplasms |
Q30464344 | Telomerase RNA localized in the replication band and spherical subnuclear organelles in hypotrichous ciliates |
Q35763644 | Telomerase activation in cervical cancer. |
Q53348383 | Telomerase activity in complete hydatidiform mole |
Q35142569 | Telomerase activity in human ovarian carcinoma |
Q80171694 | Telomerase activity is a biomarker for high grade malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors in neurofibromatosis type 1 individuals |
Q43672142 | Telomerase activity is not altered by regular strenuous exercise in skeletal muscle or by sarcoma in liver of rats |
Q39444785 | Telomerase activity is sufficient to allow transformed cells to escape from crisis |
Q40394193 | Telomerase and Telomere-length Regulation: Lessons from Small Eukaryotes to Mammals |
Q40431193 | Telomerase, Cell Immortality, and Cancer |
Q68008371 | Telomerases |
Q38587987 | Telomere Dysfunction, Chromosomal Instability and Cancer. |
Q77331385 | Telomere Structure, Replication and Length Maintenance |
Q33996620 | Telomere Variation in Xenopus laevis |
Q41510242 | Telomere change and loss of heterozygosity of mouse primary tumors and cell lines |
Q41392330 | Telomere dynamics and cytogenetic changes in human hematologic neoplasias: a working hypothesis |
Q43709760 | Telomere dysfunction increases mutation rate and genomic instability |
Q43585922 | Telomere elongation frequently observed during tumor metastasis |
Q52609658 | Telomere fingerprinting for assessing chromosome number, isolate typing and recombination in the entomopathogen Beauveria bassiana |
Q36163972 | Telomere length constancy during aging of Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Q39126810 | Telomere length is longer in women with late maternal age. |
Q28290143 | Telomere length regulation |
Q71670309 | Telomere length variation in normal and malignant human tissues |
Q36466914 | Telomere loss in cells treated with cisplatin |
Q36706939 | Telomere loss: mitotic clock or genetic time bomb? |
Q35018722 | Telomere processing in Euplotes |
Q29615388 | Telomere shortening associated with chromosome instability is arrested in immortal cells which express telomerase activity |
Q57040833 | Telomere shortening in breast cancer cells (MCF7) under treatment with low doses of the benzylisoquinoline alkaloid chelidonine |
Q34332700 | Telomere-associated chromosome breakage in fission yeast results in variegated expression of adjacent genes |
Q38298985 | Telomere-binding proteins of Arabidopsis thaliana |
Q28272443 | Telomere-mediated chromosomal truncation in maize |
Q33960380 | Telomere-mediated plasmid segregation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae involves gene products required for transcriptional repression at silencers and telomeres |
Q56508295 | Telomeres |
Q59287960 | Telomeres |
Q67845653 | Telomeres |
Q34090772 | Telomeres and their control |
Q40773364 | Telomeres and their possible role in chromosome stabilization |
Q37946045 | Telomeres and their synthesis |
Q40532557 | Telomeres inhibit end to end fusion and enhance maintenance of linear DNA molecules injected into theParamecium primaureliamacronucleus |
Q37068373 | Telomeres — what's new at the end? |
Q34636650 | Telomeres, telomerase and senescence |
Q36644015 | Telomeric DNA sequence and structure following de novo telomere synthesis in Euplotes crassus |
Q33513652 | Telomeric and dispersed repeat sequences in Candida yeasts and their use in strain identification |
Q42046181 | Telomeric and interstitial telomeric sequences in holokinetic chromosomes of Lepidoptera: telomeric DNA mediates association between postpachytene bivalents in achiasmatic meiosis of females. |
Q73793485 | Telomeric association in women with breast and uterine cervix cancer |
Q33552341 | Telomeric location of Giardia rDNA genes |
Q41567885 | Telomeric repeat [TTAGGG]n sequences of human chromosomes are conserved in chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). |
Q40631911 | Telomeric repeat sequences |
Q37380505 | Telomeric repeats (TTAGGC)n are sufficient for chromosome capping function in Caenorhabditis elegans |
Q56969749 | Telomeric structure in cells with chromosome end associations |
Q73120477 | Telomeric transcriptional silencing in a natural context |
Q36224083 | Temporal and spatial coordination of chromosome movement, spindle formation, and nuclear envelope breakdown during prometaphase in Drosophila melanogaster embryos |
Q54191368 | Termini and telomeres in T-DNA transformation |
Q40791005 | Tetraplex folding of telomere sequences and the inclusion of adenine bases. |
Q39574489 | The C Terminus of the Major Yeast Telomere Binding Protein Rap1p Enhances Telomere Formation |
Q24634620 | The DNA of ciliated protozoa |
Q29465403 | The DNA-binding protein Hdf1p (a putative Ku homologue) is required for maintaining normal telomere length in Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Q77365947 | The Relationship between Telomere Length and Telomerase Activity in Gynecologic Cancers |
Q34602614 | The Transmission of Fragmented Chromosomes in Drosophila melanogaster |
Q52550896 | The Ty1-copia group retrotransposons of Allium cepa are distributed throughout the chromosomes but are enriched in the terminal heterochromatin |
Q33961053 | The Y chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster contains a distinctive subclass of Het-A-related repeats |
Q45722513 | The absence of up-regulation of telomerase activity during regeneration after partial hepatectomy in hepatitis B virus X gene transgenic mice |
Q40504649 | The centromere region ofArabidopsis thalianachromosome 1 contains telomere-similar sequences |
Q48074197 | The chlorarachniophyte: a cell with two different nuclei and two different telomeres |
Q27619445 | The effect of sodium, potassium and ammonium ions on the conformation of the dimeric quadruplex formed by the Oxytricha nova telomere repeat oligonucleotide d(G(4)T(4)G(4)) |
Q34810908 | The effects of nucleoside analogs on telomerase and telomeres in Tetrahymena |
Q33961700 | The function of DNA polymerase alpha at telomeric G tails is important for telomere homeostasis |
Q42647937 | The gag coding region of the Drosophila telomeric retrotransposon, HeT-A, has an internal frame shift and a length polymorphic region |
Q35763683 | The highly variable pentameric repeats of the AT-rich germline limited DNA in Parascaris univalens are the telomeric repeats of somatic chromosomes |
Q41109914 | The human papillomavirus type 16 E6 and E7 oncoproteins dissociate cellular telomerase activity from the maintenance of telomere length |
Q28282671 | The papillomavirus E6 proteins |
Q35195529 | The presence of interstitial telomeric sequences in constitutional chromosome abnormalities |
Q40519621 | The proterminal regions and telomeres of human chromosomes. |
Q41216084 | The roles of telomeres and telomerase in cell life span |
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