Nicolas Tapon


Nicolas Tapon is …
instance of (P31):

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P9985EMBO member IDnicolas-tapon
P269IdRef ID183563948
P496ORCID iD0000-0001-5267-6510
P214VIAF cluster ID314923175

P69educated atImperial College LondonQ189022
P108employerFrancis Crick InstituteQ326044
London Research InstituteQ6670691
P735given nameNicolasQ7029481
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

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author (P50)
Q33370199A genome-wide RNAi screen to dissect centriole duplication and centrosome maturation in Drosophila.
Q24533169A new rac target POSH is an SH3-containing scaffold protein involved in the JNK and NF-kappaB signalling pathways
Q33558816A role for p38 stress-activated protein kinase in regulation of cell growth via TORC1.
Q61795896ASPP proteins discriminate between PP1 catalytic subunits through their SH3 domain and the PP1 C-tail
Q55510149Apical and Basal Matrix Remodeling Control Epithelial Morphogenesis.
Q41301926Capicua regulates cell proliferation downstream of the receptor tyrosine kinase/ras signaling pathway
Q83228834Casein kinase 1 family proteins promote Slimb-dependent Expanded degradation
Q39662954Combined functional genomic and proteomic approaches identify a PP2A complex as a negative regulator of Hippo signaling
Q43195045Correction: Formation of a Polarised Primitive Endoderm Layer in Embryoid Bodies Requires Fgfr/Erk Signalling
Q33627336Crumbs promotes expanded recognition and degradation by the SCF(Slimb/β-TrCP) ubiquitin ligase
Q36078996Differential control of Yorkie activity by LKB1/AMPK and the Hippo/Warts cascade in the central nervous system
Q42092367Differential proliferation rates generate patterns of mechanical tension that orient tissue growth
Q47070373Dmp53 activates the Hippo pathway to promote cell death in response to DNA damage
Q46864514Drosophila ASPP regulates C-terminal Src kinase activity
Q43152647Drosophila MAGI interacts with RASSF8 to regulate E-Cadherin-based adherens junctions in the developing eye.
Q34178028Drosophila MCRS2 associates with RNA polymerase II complexes to regulate transcription
Q39944295Drosophila MFAP1 is required for pre-mRNA processing and G2/M progression
Q52608838Drosophila and cancer: proof by sav
Q36459929EpiTools: An Open-Source Image Analysis Toolkit for Quantifying Epithelial Growth Dynamics
Q35154141Formation of a polarised primitive endoderm layer in embryoid bodies requires fgfr/erk signalling
Q35678520Hippo Stabilises Its Adaptor Salvador by Antagonising the HECT Ubiquitin Ligase Herc4.
Q90131230Hippo signalling during development
Q24316087Interaction proteome of human Hippo signaling: modular control of the co-activator YAP1
Q43244087Invasion and metastasis: stem cells, screens and survival. Conference on Invasion and Metastasis
Q33754234Kibra is a regulator of the Salvador/Warts/Hippo signaling network
Q33860435Meru couples planar cell polarity with apical-basal polarity during asymmetric cell division
Q35604811Modeling transformation and metastasis in Drosophila
Q41859956Patterned Anchorage to the Apical Extracellular Matrix Defines Tissue Shape in the Developing Appendages of Drosophila
Q42573858Planar polarization of the atypical myosin Dachs orients cell divisions in Drosophila
Q42807716Rac and Cdc42 induce actin polymerization and G1 cell cycle progression independently of p65PAK and the JNK/SAPK MAP kinase cascade
Q41334369Rho, Rac and Cdc42 GTPases regulate the organization of the actin cytoskeleton
Q39221641Salt-inducible kinases regulate growth through the Hippo signalling pathway in Drosophila.
Q36982935Salvador-warts-hippo signaling promotes Drosophila posterior follicle cell maturation downstream of notch
Q38254630Sensing the local environment: actin architecture and Hippo signalling
Q42236170The Drosophila RASSF homolog antagonizes the hippo pathway
Q47070662The Drosophila tuberous sclerosis complex gene homologs restrict cell growth and cell proliferation
Q37875188The Hippo pathway and apico-basal cell polarity
Q30540532The Hippo pathway polarizes the actin cytoskeleton during collective migration of Drosophila border cells
Q38869982The Hippo pathway promotes cell survival in response to chemical stress.
Q37248187The Hippo pathway regulates apical-domain size independently of its growth-control function
Q34342516The Hippo pathway regulates intestinal stem cell proliferation during Drosophila adult midgut regeneration
Q52743051The Hippo pathway—From top to bottom and everything in between
Q52100108The Salvador partner Hippo promotes apoptosis and cell-cycle exit in Drosophila
Q36743530The Salvador-Warts-Hippo pathway - an emerging tumour-suppressor network
Q35302923The Spectrin cytoskeleton regulates the Hippo signalling pathway
Q34430813The coupling of cell growth to the cell cycle.
Q39772059The dASPP-dRASSF8 complex regulates cell-cell adhesion during Drosophila retinal morphogenesis
Q52839049The hippo pathway core cassette regulates asymmetric cell division.
Q52672613The tumor-suppressor gene fat controls tissue growth upstream of expanded in the hippo signaling pathway
Q41329568Zyxin antagonizes the FERM protein expanded to couple F-actin and Yorkie-dependent organ growth
Q28219379salvador Promotes both cell cycle exit and apoptosis in Drosophila and is mutated in human cancer cell lines

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