Stephen Eubank


Stephen Eubank is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P2456DBLP author ID18/1977
P1960Google Scholar author IDLJHeOoQAAAAJ
P6634LinkedIn personal profile IDstephen-eubank-90a44912
P856official website
P496ORCID iD0000-0002-7177-309X
P3829Publons author ID2792700
P1153Scopus author ID6602912192

P69educated atUniversity of Texas at AustinQ49213
Los Alamos National LaboratoryQ379848
Swarthmore CollegeQ1378320
P108employerUniversity of VirginiaQ213439
Virginia TechQ65379
Los Alamos National LaboratoryQ379848
Virginia Bioinformatics InstituteQ7934149
P734family nameEubankQ37533938
P735given nameStephenQ4927100
P5008on focus list of Wikimedia projectWikiProject COVID-19Q87748614
P1344participant inMidas Conference 2015Q111526900
Midas Conference 2016Q111526901
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

Reverse relations

author (P50)
Q28476808A research agenda for malaria eradication: modeling
Q30221865A simulation environment for the dynamic evaluation of disaster preparedness policies and interventions
Q56794277A survey of quality of life indicators in the Romanian Roma population following the ‘Decade of Roma Inclusion’
Q56794278A survey of quality of life indicators in the Romanian Roma population following the ‘Decade of Roma Inclusion’
Q59207990Agent-Based Modeling and High Performance Computing
Q33567175An Interaction Based Composable Architecture for Building Scalable Models of Large Social, Biological, Information and Technical Systems
Q56689088An analytic approach to practical state space reconstruction
Q35830800Analyzing network reliability using structural motifs
Q45758682ChatterGrabber: A Lightweight Easy to Use Social Media SurveillanceToolkit.
Q91748271Commentary on Ferguson, et al., "Impact of Non-pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs) to Reduce COVID-19 Mortality and Healthcare Demand"
Q34038043Comparing effectiveness of top-down and bottom-up strategies in containing influenza
Q34190994Detail in network models of epidemiology: are we there yet?
Q47230188Determining whether a class of random graphs is consistent with an observed contact network.
Q47555819Disparities in spread and control of influenza in slums of Delhi: findings from an agent-based modelling study
Q33867680Distribution of vaccine/antivirals and the 'least spread line' in a stratified population
Q30799397Don't bleach chaotic data
Q43086457ENteric Immunity SImulator: a tool for in silico study of gastroenteric infections
Q30863896Ebola: mobility data
Q28587206Enhancing disease surveillance with novel data streams: challenges and opportunities
Q30402629Epidemiological and economic impact of pandemic influenza in Chicago: Priorities for vaccine interventions
Q34843927Estimating Human Cases of Avian Influenza A(H7N9) from Poultry Exposure
Q35021212From biological and social network metaphors to coupled bio-social wireless networks
Q42348332From network reliability to the Ising model: A parallel scheme for estimating the joint density of states
Q54602964Impact of paid sick leave policy: a social planner's perspective.
Q33644655Infectious disease modeling and military readiness
Q35753359Information Integration to Support Model-Based Policy Informatics
Q40820351Model of colonic inflammation: immune modulatory mechanisms in inflammatory bowel disease
Q36476820Modeling of wildlife-associated zoonoses: applications and caveats
Q30368183Modeling targeted layered containment of an influenza pandemic in the United States.
Q57533283Modeling the Interaction between Emergency Communications and Behavior in the Aftermath of a Disaster
Q35032095Modeling the effect of transient populations on epidemics in Washington DC
Q35562041Modeling the impact of interventions on an epidemic of ebola in sierra leone and liberia
Q39286588Modeling the impact of interventions on an epidemic of ebola in sierra leone and liberia.
Q37333052Modeling the regional spread and control of vancomycin-resistant enterococci
Q36071651Modeling the spread of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) outbreaks throughout the hospitals in Orange County, California
Q39684931Modelling disease outbreaks in realistic urban social networks
Q41925810Multi-scale immunoepidemiological modeling of within-host and between-host HIV dynamics: systematic review of mathematical models
Q44916103Network based models of infectious disease spread.
Q28660361Network reliability: the effect of local network structure on diffusive processes
Q34792937Opinion: Mathematical models: a key tool for outbreak response
Q34988965Predictive computational modeling of the mucosal immune responses during Helicobacter pylori infection
Q34721551Quantifying interhospital patient sharing as a mechanism for infectious disease spread
Q39675109Scaling laws for the movement of people between locations in a large city
Q35761127Sensitivity Analysis of an ENteric Immunity SImulator (ENISI)-Based Model of Immune Responses to Helicobacter pylori Infection
Q33988403Sensitivity of household transmission to household contact structure and size
Q55437860Social network analysis of patient sharing among hospitals in Orange County, California.
Q56689090State space reconstruction in the presence of noise
Q34671782Systems modeling of molecular mechanisms controlling cytokine-driven CD4+ T cell differentiation and phenotype plasticity
Q56689091Testing for nonlinearity in time series: the method of surrogate data
Q42588389The Effect of Random Edge Removal on Network Degree Sequence
Q34520936The contagious nature of imprisonment: an agent-based model to explain racial disparities in incarceration rates
Q35737899Using the network reliability polynomial to characterize and design networks
Q35652504What factors might have led to the emergence of Ebola in West Africa?
Q57472220What to know before forecasting the flu
Q30540904in silico surveillance: evaluating outbreak detection with simulation models

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