Functional architecture of Escherichia coli: new insights provided by a natural decomposition approach

scientific article published on 27 October 2008

Functional architecture of Escherichia coli: new insights provided by a natural decomposition approach is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P818arXiv ID1405.5944
P6179Dimensions Publication ID1031790961
P932PMC publication ID2760881
P698PubMed publication ID18954463
P5875ResearchGate publication ID23422265

P50authorJulio A Freyre-GonzálezQ48053586
Julio Collado-VidesQ56518622
P2093author name stringLuis G Treviño-Quintanilla
José A Alonso-Pavón
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Fur regulon in gram-negative bacteria. Identification and characterization of new iron-regulated Escherichia coli genes by a fur titration assay.Q36742176
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Two different modes of transcription repression of the Escherichia coli acetate operon by IclR.Q44256602
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In vitro reconstitution of catabolite repression in Escherichia coli.Q46890280
From specific gene regulation to genomic networks: a global analysis of transcriptional regulation in Escherichia coliQ47817916
Modular analysis of the transcriptional regulatory network of E. coli.Q48500640
Networks, dynamics, and modularityQ49264332
Transition of Escherichia coli from aerobic to micro-aerobic conditions involves fast and slow reacting regulatory componentsQ50696692
The modularity of biological regulatory networksQ51646543
Laws for the dynamics of regulatory networksQ52186245
The arginine regulon of Escherichia coli: whole-system transcriptome analysis discovers new genes and provides an integrated view of arginine regulation.Q54452756
Genetic evidence for pre-recruitment as the mechanism of transcription activation by SoxS of Escherichia coli: the dominance of DNA binding mutations of SoxS.Q54497138
Complex formation between activator and RNA polymerase as the basis for transcriptional activation by MarA and SoxS in Escherichia coli.Q54546408
Iron regulates transcription of the Escherichia coli ferric citrate transport genes directly and through the transcription initiation proteinsQ74516931
Network topology and the evolution of dynamics in an artificial genetic regulatory network model created by whole genome duplication and divergenceQ83227849
P4510describes a project that usesCytoscapeQ3699942
P921main subjectEscherichia coliQ25419
P577publication date2008-10-27
P1433published inGenome BiologyQ5533480
P1476titleFunctional architecture of Escherichia coli: new insights provided by a natural decomposition approach

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