Erkki Somersalo

Finnish mathematician, professor of mathematics at Case Western Reserve University

Born 1960-10-03 in Helsinki (Q1757)

Erkki Somersalo is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P10141Academy of Athens authority ID15179
P268Bibliothèque nationale de France ID15032272c
P8179Canadiana Name Authority IDncf11399753
P11496CiNii Research ID1140282266859332992
P9251Cyprus University of Technology ID31273
P2456DBLP author ID19/3545
P6178Dimensions author ID01200626351.71 person IDI00742638
P227GND ID1073608077
P6594Guggenheim fellows IDerkki-somersalo
P269IdRef ID084117168
P9956IRIS Sapienza author ID56487
P9843IRIS UNINA author ID30118
P8189J9U ID987007442906605171
P8980KANTO ID000059521
P11249KBR person ID14308123
P409Libraries Australia ID35209507
P244Library of Congress authority IDn86029882
P549Mathematics Genealogy Project ID57099
P4955MR Author ID164765
P271NACSIS-CAT author IDDA07960930
P7699National Library of Lithuania IDLNB:8SM;=BE
P1006Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID274547651
P691NL CR AUT IDxx0031003
P1315NLA Trove people ID866388
P1015NORAF ID90300808
P1375NSK ID000735398
P1207NUKAT IDn97071062
P856official website
P496ORCID iD0000-0001-5099-3512
P3065RERO ID (legacy)02-A011284752
P2038ResearchGate profile IDErkki_Somersalo
P396SBN author IDMILV115424
P1153Scopus author ID6701380316
P3987SHARE Catalogue author ID53507
P214VIAF cluster ID69212149
P10832WorldCat Entities IDE39PBJw4FcrDjbdxdkJ66vcHG3
P1556zbMATH author IDsomersalo.erkki

P166award receivedGuggenheim FellowshipQ1316544
Väisälä PrizeQ11902129
Fellow of the Institute of PhysicsQ24081884
P27country of citizenshipFinlandQ33
P184doctoral advisorLassi PäivärintaQ128436
P185doctoral studentMatti LassasQ23039845
Samuli SiltanenQ55393846
Nuutti HyvönenQ59919609
Taina ImmonenQ87996886
Sampsa PursiainenQ90317542
İhsan Oğuz TanzerQ97531769
Eino SarkolaQ102231352
Hanna Katriina PikkarainenQ102291425
Markku MalmivuoriQ102312050
Joseph VolzerQ102426192
Yougan ChengQ102427630
Jenni HeinoQ102447694
Ruth KailaQ102447707
Seppo JarvenpaaQ102447721
Debra McGivneyQ102447736
Laura HomaQ102447753
Andrea ArnoldQ102447791
Edrissa GassamaQ102447807
Charles JosephQ102447819
Margaret CallahanQ102843212
P69educated atUniversity of HelsinkiQ28695
P108employerCase Western Reserve UniversityQ1047060
Helsinki University of TechnologyQ1646874
P734family nameSomersaloQ28150915
P22fatherJaakko Ilmari SomersaloQ112534198
P735given nameErkkiQ953931
P6104maintained by WikiProjectWikiProject MathematicsQ8487137
P463member ofFinnish Academy of Science and LettersQ666410
P106occupationuniversity teacherQ1622272
applied mathematicianQ102038373
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097
P802studentSamuli SiltanenQ55393846
Jukka Juhani LiukkonenQ102237056
Matias F. DahlQ102355383

Reverse relations

doctoral advisor (P184)
Q102447791Andrea Arnold
Q102447819Charles Joseph
Q102447736Debra McGivney
Q102447807Edrissa Gassama
Q102231352Eino Sarkola
Q102291425Hanna Katriina Pikkarainen
Q102447694Jenni Heino
Q102426192Joseph Volzer
Q102447753Laura Homa
Q102843212Margaret Callahan
Q102312050Markku Malmivuori
Q23039845Matti Lassas
Q59919609Nuutti Hyvönen
Q102447707Ruth Kaila
Q90317542Sampsa Pursiainen
Q55393846Samuli Siltanen
Q102447721Seppo Jarvenpaa
Q87996886Taina Immonen
Q102427630Yougan Cheng
Q97531769İhsan Oğuz Tanzer

author (P50)
Q52659805A computational model integrating brain electrophysiology and metabolism highlights the key role of extracellular potassium and oxygen
Q45356099A hybrid stochastic–deterministic computational model accurately describes spatial dynamics and virus diffusion in HIV-1 growth competition assay
Q47306566A modelling error approach for the estimation of optical absorption in the presence of anisotropies
Q36317674A reaction–diffusion model of CO2 influx into an oocyte
Q41088880A spatially distributed computational model of brain cellular metabolism.
Q46577781An adaptive smoothness regularization algorithm for optical tomography.
Q51816898Anisotropic effects in highly scattering media.
Q50882933Approximation errors and model reduction in optical tomography.
Q37190449Astrocytes as the glucose shunt for glutamatergic neurons at high activity: an in silico study
Q35450107Astrocytic tracer dynamics estimated from [1-¹¹C]-acetate PET measurements.
Q39776363Bayesian flux balance analysis applied to a skeletal muscle metabolic model.
Q91022072Brain Activity Mapping from MEG Data via a Hierarchical Bayesian Algorithm with Automatic Depth Weighting
Q83972545Compensation for geometric mismodelling by anisotropies in optical tomography
Q33320716Dynamic Bayesian sensitivity analysis of a myocardial metabolic model
Q51622298Dynamic activation model for a glutamatergic neurovascular unit.
Q41777447Energetics of Inhibition: Insights with a Computational Model of the Human GABAergic Neuron–Astrocyte Cellular Complex
Q57480500Estimating hemodynamic stimulus and blood vessel compliance from cerebral blood flow data
Q33976404Hierarchical beamformer and cross-talk reduction in electroneurography
Q33857251Interpretation of NMR Spectroscopy Human Brain Data with a Multi-Compartment Computational Model of Cerebral Metabolism
Q42238101Modeling HIV-1 dynamics and fitness in cell culture across scales.
Q51976052Modeling anisotropic light propagation in a realistic model of the human head.
Q34219179Ménage à Trois: The Role of Neurotransmitters in the Energy Metabolism of Astrocytes, Glutamatergic, and GABAergic Neurons
Q57440940Parameter estimation for stiff deterministic dynamical systems via ensemble Kalman filter
Q51308760Quantitative imaging with electrical impedance spectroscopy
Q41820259Quantitative in silico Analysis of Neurotransmitter Pathways Under Steady State Conditions
Q46562140Representation of bioelectric current sources using Whitney elements in the finite element method
Q48228638Statistical analysis of metabolic pathways of brain metabolism at steady state.
Q35156946Statistical inversion for medical x-ray tomography with few radiographs: I. General theory
Q47823405Statistical inversion for medical x-ray tomography with few radiographs: II. Application to dental radiology.
Q35128335Stochastic modelling of muscle recruitment during activity
Q38045780The metabolism of neurons and astrocytes through mathematical models.
Q52238740Tikhonov regularization and prior information in electrical impedance tomography.
Q48768537Uncertainty quantification in flux balance analysis of spatially lumped and distributed models of neuron-astrocyte metabolism.
Q30579640Visualization of magnetoencephalographic data using minimum current estimates.

student of (P1066)
Q102237056Jukka Juhani Liukkonen
Q102355383Matias F. Dahl
Q55393846Samuli Siltanen

Q128436Lassi Päivärintadoctoral studentP185
Q112534198Jaakko Ilmari SomersalochildP40

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