human | Q5 |
P10141 | Academy of Athens authority ID | 15179 |
P268 | Bibliothèque nationale de France ID | 15032272c |
P8179 | Canadiana Name Authority ID | ncf11399753 |
P11496 | CiNii Research ID | 1140282266859332992 |
P9251 | Cyprus University of Technology ID | 31273 |
P2456 | DBLP author ID | 19/3545 |
P6178 | Dimensions author ID | 01200626351.71 |
P1819 | person ID | I00742638 |
P227 | GND ID | 1073608077 |
P6594 | Guggenheim fellows ID | erkki-somersalo |
P269 | IdRef ID | 084117168 |
P9956 | IRIS Sapienza author ID | 56487 |
P9843 | IRIS UNINA author ID | 30118 |
P213 | ISNI | 0000000117689148 |
P8189 | J9U ID | 987007442906605171 |
P8980 | KANTO ID | 000059521 |
P11249 | KBR person ID | 14308123 |
P409 | Libraries Australia ID | 35209507 |
P244 | Library of Congress authority ID | n86029882 |
P549 | Mathematics Genealogy Project ID | 57099 |
P4955 | MR Author ID | 164765 |
P271 | NACSIS-CAT author ID | DA07960930 |
P7699 | National Library of Lithuania ID | LNB:8SM;=BE |
P1006 | Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID | 274547651 |
P691 | NL CR AUT ID | xx0031003 |
P1315 | NLA Trove people ID | 866388 |
P1015 | NORAF ID | 90300808 |
P1375 | NSK ID | 000735398 |
P1207 | NUKAT ID | n97071062 |
P856 | official website | |
P496 | ORCID iD | 0000-0001-5099-3512 |
P3065 | RERO ID (legacy) | 02-A011284752 |
P2038 | ResearchGate profile ID | Erkki_Somersalo |
P396 | SBN author ID | MILV115424 |
P1153 | Scopus author ID | 6701380316 |
P3987 | SHARE Catalogue author ID | 53507 |
P214 | VIAF cluster ID | 69212149 |
P10832 | WorldCat Entities ID | E39PBJw4FcrDjbdxdkJ66vcHG3 |
P1556 | zbMATH author ID | somersalo.erkki |
P166 | award received | Guggenheim Fellowship | Q1316544 |
Väisälä Prize | Q11902129 | ||
Fellow of the Institute of Physics | Q24081884 | ||
P27 | country of citizenship | Finland | Q33 |
P184 | doctoral advisor | Lassi Päivärinta | Q128436 |
P185 | doctoral student | Matti Lassas | Q23039845 |
Samuli Siltanen | Q55393846 | ||
Nuutti Hyvönen | Q59919609 | ||
Taina Immonen | Q87996886 | ||
Sampsa Pursiainen | Q90317542 | ||
İhsan Oğuz Tanzer | Q97531769 | ||
Eino Sarkola | Q102231352 | ||
Hanna Katriina Pikkarainen | Q102291425 | ||
Markku Malmivuori | Q102312050 | ||
Joseph Volzer | Q102426192 | ||
Yougan Cheng | Q102427630 | ||
Jenni Heino | Q102447694 | ||
Ruth Kaila | Q102447707 | ||
Seppo Jarvenpaa | Q102447721 | ||
Debra McGivney | Q102447736 | ||
Laura Homa | Q102447753 | ||
Andrea Arnold | Q102447791 | ||
Edrissa Gassama | Q102447807 | ||
Charles Joseph | Q102447819 | ||
Margaret Callahan | Q102843212 | ||
P69 | educated at | University of Helsinki | Q28695 |
P108 | employer | Case Western Reserve University | Q1047060 |
Helsinki University of Technology | Q1646874 | ||
P734 | family name | Somersalo | Q28150915 |
Somersalo | Q28150915 | ||
Somersalo | Q28150915 | ||
P22 | father | Jaakko Ilmari Somersalo | Q112534198 |
P735 | given name | Erkki | Q953931 |
Erkki | Q953931 | ||
P6104 | maintained by WikiProject | WikiProject Mathematics | Q8487137 |
P463 | member of | Finnish Academy of Science and Letters | Q666410 |
P106 | occupation | university teacher | Q1622272 |
applied mathematician | Q102038373 | ||
P21 | sex or gender | male | Q6581097 |
P802 | student | Samuli Siltanen | Q55393846 |
Jukka Juhani Liukkonen | Q102237056 | ||
Matias F. Dahl | Q102355383 |
Q102447791 | Andrea Arnold |
Q102447819 | Charles Joseph |
Q102447736 | Debra McGivney |
Q102447807 | Edrissa Gassama |
Q102231352 | Eino Sarkola |
Q102291425 | Hanna Katriina Pikkarainen |
Q102447694 | Jenni Heino |
Q102426192 | Joseph Volzer |
Q102447753 | Laura Homa |
Q102843212 | Margaret Callahan |
Q102312050 | Markku Malmivuori |
Q23039845 | Matti Lassas |
Q59919609 | Nuutti Hyvönen |
Q102447707 | Ruth Kaila |
Q90317542 | Sampsa Pursiainen |
Q55393846 | Samuli Siltanen |
Q102447721 | Seppo Jarvenpaa |
Q87996886 | Taina Immonen |
Q102427630 | Yougan Cheng |
Q97531769 | İhsan Oğuz Tanzer |
Q52659805 | A computational model integrating brain electrophysiology and metabolism highlights the key role of extracellular potassium and oxygen |
Q45356099 | A hybrid stochastic–deterministic computational model accurately describes spatial dynamics and virus diffusion in HIV-1 growth competition assay |
Q47306566 | A modelling error approach for the estimation of optical absorption in the presence of anisotropies |
Q36317674 | A reaction–diffusion model of CO2 influx into an oocyte |
Q41088880 | A spatially distributed computational model of brain cellular metabolism. |
Q46577781 | An adaptive smoothness regularization algorithm for optical tomography. |
Q51816898 | Anisotropic effects in highly scattering media. |
Q50882933 | Approximation errors and model reduction in optical tomography. |
Q37190449 | Astrocytes as the glucose shunt for glutamatergic neurons at high activity: an in silico study |
Q35450107 | Astrocytic tracer dynamics estimated from [1-¹¹C]-acetate PET measurements. |
Q39776363 | Bayesian flux balance analysis applied to a skeletal muscle metabolic model. |
Q91022072 | Brain Activity Mapping from MEG Data via a Hierarchical Bayesian Algorithm with Automatic Depth Weighting |
Q83972545 | Compensation for geometric mismodelling by anisotropies in optical tomography |
Q33320716 | Dynamic Bayesian sensitivity analysis of a myocardial metabolic model |
Q51622298 | Dynamic activation model for a glutamatergic neurovascular unit. |
Q41777447 | Energetics of Inhibition: Insights with a Computational Model of the Human GABAergic Neuron–Astrocyte Cellular Complex |
Q57480500 | Estimating hemodynamic stimulus and blood vessel compliance from cerebral blood flow data |
Q33976404 | Hierarchical beamformer and cross-talk reduction in electroneurography |
Q33857251 | Interpretation of NMR Spectroscopy Human Brain Data with a Multi-Compartment Computational Model of Cerebral Metabolism |
Q42238101 | Modeling HIV-1 dynamics and fitness in cell culture across scales. |
Q51976052 | Modeling anisotropic light propagation in a realistic model of the human head. |
Q34219179 | Ménage à Trois: The Role of Neurotransmitters in the Energy Metabolism of Astrocytes, Glutamatergic, and GABAergic Neurons |
Q57440940 | Parameter estimation for stiff deterministic dynamical systems via ensemble Kalman filter |
Q51308760 | Quantitative imaging with electrical impedance spectroscopy |
Q41820259 | Quantitative in silico Analysis of Neurotransmitter Pathways Under Steady State Conditions |
Q46562140 | Representation of bioelectric current sources using Whitney elements in the finite element method |
Q48228638 | Statistical analysis of metabolic pathways of brain metabolism at steady state. |
Q35156946 | Statistical inversion for medical x-ray tomography with few radiographs: I. General theory |
Q47823405 | Statistical inversion for medical x-ray tomography with few radiographs: II. Application to dental radiology. |
Q35128335 | Stochastic modelling of muscle recruitment during activity |
Q38045780 | The metabolism of neurons and astrocytes through mathematical models. |
Q52238740 | Tikhonov regularization and prior information in electrical impedance tomography. |
Q48768537 | Uncertainty quantification in flux balance analysis of spatially lumped and distributed models of neuron-astrocyte metabolism. |
Q30579640 | Visualization of magnetoencephalographic data using minimum current estimates. |
Q102237056 | Jukka Juhani Liukkonen |
Q102355383 | Matias F. Dahl |
Q55393846 | Samuli Siltanen |
Q128436 | Lassi Päivärinta | doctoral student | P185 |
Q112534198 | Jaakko Ilmari Somersalo | child | P40 |
Erkki Somersalo | wikipedia |
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