Daniela Calvetti

Italian American mathematician

DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Daniela_Calvetti

Abstract is: Daniela Calvetti is an Italian-American applied mathematician whose work concerns scientific computing, and connects Bayesian statistics to numerical analysis. She is the James Wood Williamson Professor of Mathematics at Case Western Reserve University.

Born in Bagnara di Romagna (Q52959)

Daniela Calvetti is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P2381Academic Tree ID348655
P864ACM Digital Library author ID81100042583
P2456DBLP author ID02/2332
P227GND ID1079495401
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/11h_44p35m
P1960Google Scholar author ID7buwpZUAAAAJ
P269IdRef ID150507445
P9956IRIS Sapienza author ID56488
P9843IRIS UNINA author ID30122
P8189J9U ID987007379143205171
P244Library of Congress authority IDnb2008003053
P549Mathematics Genealogy Project ID24981
P4955MR Author ID292690
P1207NUKAT IDn2008133568
P856official websitehttps://mathstats.case.edu/faculty/daniela-calvetti/
P496ORCID iD0000-0001-5696-718X
P2038ResearchGate profile IDDaniela_Calvetti
P396SBN author IDPUVV384598
P1153Scopus author ID7005131851
P3987SHARE Catalogue author ID524724
P214VIAF cluster ID165694389
P10832WorldCat Entities IDE39PBJw8Y7C4vQkCwVRFD3jwG3
P1556zbMATH author IDcalvetti.daniela

P166award receivedFellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied MathematicsQ30636749
P27country of citizenshipUnited StatesQ30
P184doctoral advisorJon Wright TolleQ89506606
P185doctoral studentTaina ImmonenQ87996886
Abdallah ShuibiQ102174368
Sun-mi KimQ102174372
Bryan Wayne LewisQ102236161
Amy KuceyeskiQ102368877
Rossana OcchipintiQ102396351
Rachael BlairQ102396352
Joseph VolzerQ102426192
Yougan ChengQ102427630
Debra McGivneyQ102447736
Laura HomaQ102447753
Andrea ArnoldQ102447791
Edrissa GassamaQ102447807
Charles JosephQ102447819
Margaret CallahanQ102843212
P69educated atUniversity of BolognaQ131262
University of North Carolina at Chapel HillQ192334
P108employerColorado State University PuebloQ1111515
Stevens Institute of TechnologyQ657222
Case Western Reserve UniversityQ1047060
North Carolina State UniversityQ1132346
P734family nameCalvettiQ37485990
P735given nameDanielaQ1096053
P1412languages spoken, written or signedEnglishQ1860
P6104maintained by WikiProjectWikiProject MathematicsQ8487137
P463member ofSociety for Industrial and Applied MathematicsQ782100
university teacherQ1622272
P21sex or genderfemaleQ6581072
P937work locationHobokenQ138578

Reverse relations

doctoral advisor (P184)
Q102174368Abdallah Shuibi
Q102368877Amy Kuceyeski
Q102447791Andrea Arnold
Q102236161Bryan Wayne Lewis
Q102447819Charles Joseph
Q102447736Debra McGivney
Q102447807Edrissa Gassama
Q102426192Joseph Volzer
Q102447753Laura Homa
Q102843212Margaret Callahan
Q102396352Rachael Blair
Q102396351Rossana Occhipinti
Q102174372Sun-mi Kim
Q87996886Taina Immonen
Q102427630Yougan Cheng

author (P50)
Q52659805A computational model integrating brain electrophysiology and metabolism highlights the key role of extracellular potassium and oxygen
Q45356099A hybrid stochastic–deterministic computational model accurately describes spatial dynamics and virus diffusion in HIV-1 growth competition assay
Q36317674A reaction–diffusion model of CO2 influx into an oocyte
Q41088880A spatially distributed computational model of brain cellular metabolism.
Q46577781An adaptive smoothness regularization algorithm for optical tomography.
Q37190449Astrocytes as the glucose shunt for glutamatergic neurons at high activity: an in silico study
Q35450107Astrocytic tracer dynamics estimated from [1-¹¹C]-acetate PET measurements.
Q39776363Bayesian flux balance analysis applied to a skeletal muscle metabolic model.
Q91022072Brain Activity Mapping from MEG Data via a Hierarchical Bayesian Algorithm with Automatic Depth Weighting
Q92599804Brain energetics plays a key role in the coordination of electrophysiology, metabolism and hemodynamics: Evidence from an integrated computational model
Q33320716Dynamic Bayesian sensitivity analysis of a myocardial metabolic model
Q51622298Dynamic activation model for a glutamatergic neurovascular unit.
Q41777447Energetics of Inhibition: Insights with a Computational Model of the Human GABAergic Neuron–Astrocyte Cellular Complex
Q57480500Estimating hemodynamic stimulus and blood vessel compliance from cerebral blood flow data
Q33857251Interpretation of NMR Spectroscopy Human Brain Data with a Multi-Compartment Computational Model of Cerebral Metabolism
Q42238101Modeling HIV-1 dynamics and fitness in cell culture across scales.
Q34219179Ménage à Trois: The Role of Neurotransmitters in the Energy Metabolism of Astrocytes, Glutamatergic, and GABAergic Neurons
Q42861862Noninvasive electrocardiographic imaging (ECGI): application of the generalized minimal residual (GMRes) method.
Q41820259Quantitative in silico Analysis of Neurotransmitter Pathways Under Steady State Conditions
Q51675780Regularized autoregressive analysis of intravascular ultrasound backscatter: improvement in spatial accuracy of tissue maps.
Q48228638Statistical analysis of metabolic pathways of brain metabolism at steady state.
Q35128335Stochastic modelling of muscle recruitment during activity
Q38045780The metabolism of neurons and astrocytes through mathematical models.
Q48768537Uncertainty quantification in flux balance analysis of spatially lumped and distributed models of neuron-astrocyte metabolism.

Q89506606Jon Wright Tolledoctoral studentP185

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      Daniela Calvettiwikipedia
      Daniela Calvettiwikipedia

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