Lino Tessarollo


Lino Tessarollo is …
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P496ORCID iD0000-0001-6420-772X
P4012Semantic Scholar author ID3882746

P735given nameLinoQ3833063

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author (P50)
Q37266967A conditional transposon-based insertional mutagenesis screen for genes associated with mouse hepatocellular carcinoma.
Q36117429A kinase-deficient TrkC receptor isoform activates Arf6-Rac1 signaling through the scaffold protein tamalin.
Q39606057A new gain-of-function mouse line to study the role of Wnt3a in development and disease.
Q24655169A transposon-based genetic screen in mice identifies genes altered in colorectal cancer
Q30536540ALS-linked TDP-43 mutations produce aberrant RNA splicing and adult-onset motor neuron disease without aggregation or loss of nuclear TDP-43.
Q57813809ALS/FTD-Linked Mutation in FUS Suppresses Intra-axonal Protein Synthesis and Drives Disease Without Nuclear Loss-of-Function of FUS
Q93181005ALS/FTD-Linked Mutation in FUS Suppresses Intra-axonal Protein Synthesis and Drives Disease Without Nuclear Loss-of-Function of FUS
Q28509375Ablation of TrkA function in the immune system causes B cell abnormalities
Q33332589An inducible and reversible mouse genetic rescue system
Q91584069Assaying Homodimers of NF-κB in Live Single Cells
Q36078249BDNF modulates heart contraction force and long-term homeostasis through truncated TrkB.T1 receptor activation
Q34743568BHLHB2 controls Bdnf promoter 4 activity and neuronal excitability.
Q28588378BRCA2 deficiency in mice leads to meiotic impairment and infertility
Q37336126BRCA2 minor transcript lacking exons 4-7 supports viability in mice and may account for survival of humans with a pathogenic biallelic mutation
Q28511014Bcl11a is essential for normal lymphoid development
Q43999190Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is essential for opiate-induced plasticity of noradrenergic neurons.
Q47833514CDK10 Mutations in Humans and Mice Cause Severe Growth Retardation, Spine Malformations, and Developmental Delays
Q28587532Cdc25b phosphatase is required for resumption of meiosis during oocyte maturation
Q39637413Cdk2 catalytic activity is essential for meiotic cell division in vivo
Q28210245Cdk2 knockout mice are viable
Q35103107Cerebellar ataxia, seizures, premature death, and cardiac abnormalities in mice with targeted disruption of the Cacna2d2 gene.
Q36929317Characterization of transgenic mice expressing cancer-associated variants of human NOTCH1
Q36306041Chronic centrosome amplification without tumorigenesis
Q45166828Control of hyperphagia prevents obesity in BDNF heterozygous mice
Q36822669Coordinated transcriptional regulation of bone homeostasis by Ebf1 and Zfp521 in both mesenchymal and hematopoietic lineages
Q35844796Cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1) is essential for cell division and suppression of DNA re-replication but not for liver regeneration.
Q104569998Delayed onset of inherited ALS by deletion of the BDNF receptor TrkB.T1 is non-cell autonomous
Q34326654Deletion of the BDNF truncated receptor TrkB.T1 delays disease onset in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Q88180305Deletion of the endogenous TrkB.T1 receptor isoform restores the number of hippocampal CA1 parvalbumin-positive neurons and rescues long-term potentiation in pre-symptomatic mSOD1(G93A) ALS mice
Q33815183Detection of differential fetal and adult expression of chloride intracellular channel 4 (CLIC4) protein by analysis of a green fluorescent protein knock-in mouse line.
Q40184284Deubiquitinating enzyme VCIP135 dictates the duration of botulinum neurotoxin type A intoxication
Q92286005Differential Expression of the Transcription Factor GATA3 Specifies Lineage and Functions of Innate Lymphoid Cells
Q27314585Dystrophin is required for the normal function of the cardio-protective K(ATP) channel in cardiomyocytes
Q34850583Embryonic stem cell-derived motoneurons provide a highly sensitive cell culture model for botulinum neurotoxin studies, with implications for high-throughput drug discovery
Q47693355Emi2 Is Essential for Mouse Spermatogenesis.
Q37285341Endogenous truncated TrkB.T1 receptor regulates neuronal complexity and TrkB kinase receptor function in vivo
Q38708078Eradication of Tumors through Simultaneous Ablation of CD276/B7-H3-Positive Tumor Cells and Tumor Vasculature
Q24293168Essential regulation of lung surfactant homeostasis by the orphan G protein-coupled receptor GPR116
Q28473926Essential role of chromatin remodeling protein Bptf in early mouse embryos and embryonic stem cells
Q34482189Exon 1 disruption alters tissue-specific expression of mouse p53 and results in selective development of B cell lymphomas
Q35652974Expression of Selenoproteins Is Maintained in Mice Carrying Mutations in SECp43, the tRNA Selenocysteine 1 Associated Protein (Trnau1ap).
Q36700876Expression of telomerase RNA template, but not telomerase reverse transcriptase, is limiting for telomere length maintenance in vivo
Q36753742Far Upstream Element Binding Protein Plays a Crucial Role in Embryonic Development, Hematopoiesis, and Stabilizing Myc Expression Levels.
Q38811850Fgf3-Fgf4-cis: A new mouse line for studying Fgf functions during mouse development.
Q35279496Folliculin-interacting proteins Fnip1 and Fnip2 play critical roles in kidney tumor suppression in cooperation with Flcn
Q36190966Functional evaluation of BRCA2 variants mapping to the PALB2-binding and C-terminal DNA-binding domains using a mouse ES cell-based assay.
Q28509184GPR124, an orphan G protein-coupled receptor, is required for CNS-specific vascularization and establishment of the blood-brain barrier
Q36880235Gain of Toxicity from ALS/FTD-Linked Repeat Expansions in C9ORF72 Is Alleviated by Antisense Oligonucleotides Targeting GGGGCC-Containing RNAs
Q44329217Gene targeting in mouse embryonic stem cells
Q28590926Generation and characterization of telomere length maintenance in tankyrase 2-deficient mice
Q100303984Generation of Functional Mouse Hippocampal Neurons
Q35895736Genetic deletion of trkB.T1 increases neuromuscular function
Q37157922Genetic substitution of Cdk1 by Cdk2 leads to embryonic lethality and loss of meiotic function of Cdk2
Q28589826Genomic instability in mice lacking histone H2AX
Q28593369Hematopoietic, angiogenic and eye defects in Meis1 mutant animals
Q79074189Hepatic vascular tumors, angiectasis in multiple organs, and impaired spermatogenesis in mice with conditional inactivation of the VHL gene
Q36059447Histone H3 Lysine 27 demethylases Jmjd3 and Utx are required for T-cell differentiation
Q37291680Host-derived tumor endothelial marker 8 promotes the growth of melanoma
Q34105647IFN-gamma AU-rich element removal promotes chronic IFN-gamma expression and autoimmunity in mice
Q90783049Id1 Ablation Protects Hematopoietic Stem Cells from Stress-Induced Exhaustion and Aging
Q27319494Impaired Recall of Positional Memory following Chemogenetic Disruption of Place Field Stability.
Q53625915Insertion of c-Myc into Igh induces B-cell and plasma-cell neoplasms in mice.
Q27308072Interaction with PALB2 Is Essential for Maintenance of Genomic Integrity by BRCA2
Q28513499Kidney-targeted Birt-Hogg-Dube gene inactivation in a mouse model: Erk1/2 and Akt-mTOR activation, cell hyperproliferation, and polycystic kidneys
Q91268599Knockout of the non-essential gene SUGCT creates diet-linked, age-related microbiome disbalance with a diabetes-like metabolic syndrome phenotype
Q37499781LIM domain only-2 (LMO2) induces T-cell leukemia by two distinct pathways
Q36858688Lack of adrenomedullin in the mouse brain results in behavioral changes, anxiety, and lower survival under stress conditions.
Q33916747Loss of Cdk2 and cyclin A2 impairs cell proliferation and tumorigenesis
Q83437284Manipulating mouse embryonic stem cells
Q28507240Mastl is required for timely activation of APC/C in meiosis I and Cdk1 reactivation in meiosis II
Q36474580Meis1 preserves hematopoietic stem cells in mice by limiting oxidative stress
Q24536116Mitf and Tfe3, two members of the Mitf-Tfe family of bHLH-Zip transcription factors, have important but functionally redundant roles in osteoclast development
Q28512884Mitochondrial degeneration and not apoptosis is the primary cause of embryonic lethality in ceramide transfer protein mutant mice
Q36116636Mouse embryonic stem cells that express a NUP98-HOXD13 fusion protein are impaired in their ability to differentiate and can be complemented by BCR-ABL.
Q36625277Musashi1-CreER(T2) : a new cre line for conditional mutagenesis in neural stem cells
Q28595024Mutations in Cdh23 cause nonsyndromic hearing loss in waltzer mice
Q47958761Myc Regulates Chromatin Decompaction and Nuclear Architecture during B Cell Activation
Q28593248NT-3 replacement with brain-derived neurotrophic factor redirects vestibular nerve fibers to the cochlea
Q37239976Nedd4-2 haploinsufficiency causes hyperactivity and increased sensitivity to inflammatory stimuli
Q28591775Neuronal selenoprotein expression is required for interneuron development and prevents seizures and neurodegeneration
Q51274384Normal viability of Kai1/Cd82 deficient mice.
Q93195854Novel metabolic role for BDNF in pancreatic β-cell insulin secretion
Q64228212Overriding FUS autoregulation in mice triggers gain-of-toxic dysfunctions in RNA metabolism and autophagy-lysosome axis
Q89091509POGZ Is Required for Silencing Mouse Embryonic β-like Hemoglobin and Human Fetal Hemoglobin Expression
Q28548051Phosphatase Inhibitors Function as Novel, Broad Spectrum Botulinum Neurotoxin Antagonists in Mouse and Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Motor Neuron-Based Assays
Q103835799Prdm16 is a critical regulator of adult long-term hematopoietic stem cell quiescence
Q28589265RAD51C deficiency in mice results in early prophase I arrest in males and sister chromatid separation at metaphase II in females
Q37686241RanBPM (RanBP9) regulates mouse c-Kit receptor level and is essential for normal development of bone marrow progenitor cells.
Q35001695RanBPM is essential for mouse spermatogenesis and oogenesis
Q34282328RapGEF2 is essential for embryonic hematopoiesis but dispensable for adult hematopoiesis.
Q83230293Rbfox1 up-regulation impairs BDNF-dependent hippocampal LTP by dysregulating TrkB isoform expression levels
Q90633669Regulation of Kit Expression in Early Mouse Embryos and ES Cells
Q35684016SRC family kinase inhibitors antagonize the toxicity of multiple serotypes of botulinum neurotoxin in human embryonic stem cell-derived motor neurons
Q112760668SSSPTA is essential for serine palmitoyltransferase function during development and hematopoiesis
Q34820264Selective removal of the selenocysteine tRNA [Ser]Sec gene (Trsp) in mouse mammary epithelium
Q37391429Selenophosphate synthetase 1 is an essential protein with roles in regulation of redox homoeostasis in mammals
Q37304060Sexually dimorphic BDNF signaling directs sensory innervation of the mammary gland
Q115362079Spatial Shaping of Cochlear Innervation by Temporally Regulated Neurotrophin Expression
Q37599002Speedy A-Cdk2 binding mediates initial telomere-nuclear envelope attachment during meiotic prophase I independent of Cdk2 activation
Q36071817Spontaneous skin erosions and reduced skin and corneal wound healing characterize CLIC4(NULL) mice
Q91374042Sptlc1 is essential for myeloid differentiation and hematopoietic homeostasis
Q28205782Synaptic defects in ataxia mice result from a mutation in Usp14, encoding a ubiquitin-specific protease
Q37191597Tamalin is a critical mediator of electroconvulsive shock-induced adult neuroplasticity
Q33350164Tankyrase 1 and tankyrase 2 are essential but redundant for mouse embryonic development
Q35663645Telomere-associated protein TIN2 is essential for early embryonic development through a telomerase-independent pathway
Q91027439The Emergence and Functional Fitness of Memory CD4+ T Cells Require the Transcription Factor Thpok
Q28587887The folliculin-FNIP1 pathway deleted in human Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome is required for murine B-cell development
Q27307753The responsiveness of TrkB to BDNF and antidepressant drugs is differentially regulated during mouse development
Q35070890The scaffold protein Cybr is required for cytokine-modulated trafficking of leukocytes in vivo
Q36085339The zinc finger transcription factor Zbtb7b represses CD8-lineage gene expression in peripheral CD4+ T cells
Q35835921Transgenic mouse model expressing the caspase 6 fragment of mutant huntingtin
Q37633640TrkA in vivo function is negatively regulated by ubiquitination
Q114164701TrkA-cholinergic signaling modulates fear encoding and extinction learning in PTSD-like behavior
Q28275988c-Myc is a universal amplifier of expressed genes in lymphocytes and embryonic stem cells