Current Awareness on Comparative and Functional Genomics

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P932PMC publication ID2447311

P2860cites workExploring proteomes and analyzing protein processing by mass spectrometric identification of sorted N-terminal peptidesQ21735928
Complete genome sequence and comparative genomics of Shigella flexneri serotype 2a strain 2457TQ22065494
Complete Sequence and Analysis of the Plastid Genome of the Unicellular Red Alga Cyanidioschyzon merolaeQ22066076
Complete Nucleotide Sequence of the Chloroplast Genome from a Leptosporangiate Fern, Adiantum capillus-veneris LQ22066077
Complete genome sequence of the Q-fever pathogen Coxiella burnetiiQ22066295
The genome sequence of Bacillus anthracis Ames and comparison to closely related bacteriaQ22122503
Genome sequence of Bacillus cereus and comparative analysis with Bacillus anthracisQ22122504
Inflammatory mediators and skeletal muscle injury: a DNA microarray analysisQ23918619
The Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD).Q24530042
Quantitative Estimates of Sequence Divergence for Comparative Analyses of Mammalian GenomesQ24561708
Genomic gene clustering analysis of pathways in eukaryotesQ24561729
Complete genome sequence of the ammonia-oxidizing bacterium and obligate chemolithoautotroph Nitrosomonas europaeaQ24676726
Gene expression profile of AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcomaQ24797857
Genomic and proteomic profiling of responses to toxic metals in human lung cellsQ24814797
Structural genomics of Caenorhabditis elegans: Triosephosphate isomeraseQ27640991
Functional proteomic identification of DNA replication proteins by induced proteolysis in vivo.Q27939613
Genomic organization and expression profile of the human and mouse WAVE gene familyQ28186686
High-throughput engineering of the mouse genome coupled with high-resolution expression analysisQ28202486
Functional genomic of the paraoxonase (PON1) polymorphisms: effects on pesticide sensitivity, cardiovascular disease, and drug metabolismQ28202894
Profiling of genes differentially expressed between fetal liver and postnatal liver using high-density oligonucleotide DNA arrayQ28203133
Strategies for the enrichment and identification of basic proteins in proteome projectsQ28204296
Proteomic study of human umbilical vein endothelial cells in cultureQ28204309
Gene expression profile of the human trabecular meshwork: NEIBank sequence tag analysisQ28206323
3D-Jury: a simple approach to improve protein structure predictionsQ29615989
In vitro propagation and transcriptional profiling of human mammary stem/progenitor cellsQ29616498
The Genome sequence of the SARS-associated coronavirusQ29619007
Towards optimal views of proteins.Q30332801
CAP: conformation angles package-displaying the conformation angles of side chains in proteins.Q30332872
Carbamylation of proteins in 2-D electrophoresis--myth or reality?Q30332994
SwellGel: a sample preparation affinity chromatography technology for high throughput proteomic applicationsQ30725618
eVOC: a controlled vocabulary for unifying gene expression dataQ30727717
Large-scale identification and analysis of genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphisms for mapping in Arabidopsis thalianaQ30727871
Increasing the efficiency of fuzzy logic-based gene expression data analysisQ30770610
Tools for discovery: gene expression enterprise solutionsQ30780714
Testing for differentially expressed genes with microarray dataQ30788588
Robust cluster analysis of microarray gene expression data with the number of clusters determined biologicallyQ30790148
Codon pairs in the genome of Escherichia coliQ50796273
Differential gene expression screening between parental and highly metastatic pancreatic cancer variants using a DNA microarray.Q51599441
Gene expression profile in the regenerating rat liver after partial hepatectomyQ51599762
Modulation of gene expression by extracellular pH variations in human fibroblasts: a transcriptomic and proteomic studyQ51599804
A genome-wide scan of pulmonary function measures in the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Family Heart StudyQ51682107
Gene expression profile analysis of AIDS-related primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) suggests a plasmablastic derivation and identifies PEL-specific transcriptsQ52008432
Monitoring human radiation exposure by gene expression profiling: possibilities and pitfallsQ52012903
Genome-wide identification of fungal GPI proteinsQ52013123
Reconstructing the temporal ordering of biological samples using microarray dataQ30790155
GeneMerge—post-genomic analysis, data mining, and hypothesis testingQ30790165
MARAN: normalizing micro-array dataQ30790202
Inference of transcriptional regulation relationships from gene expression dataQ30795614
Microarray standard data set and figures of merit for comparing data processing methods and experiment designsQ30795624
Approximate variance-stabilizing transformations for gene-expression microarray dataQ30795631
Fuzzy C-means method for clustering microarray dataQ30795735
Efficient clustering of large EST data sets on parallel computersQ30797951
Use of a three-color cDNA microarray platform to measure and control support-bound probe for improved data quality and reproducibilityQ30797961
Estimating dataset size requirements for classifying DNA microarray dataQ30802685
Clinical and pharmacogenomic data mining: 1. Generalized theory of expected information and application to the development of toolsQ30804907
Genetic sequence data for pharmacogenomics.Q30808113
Proteomic informatics: in silico methods lead to data management challenges.Q30808124
Integration of data and methods for genome analysisQ30808132
Construction of a BAC library and generation of BAC end sequence-tagged connectors for genome sequencing of the African malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiaeQ30903634
The gene cassette metagenome is a basic resource for bacterial genome evolutionQ30919384
A modular on‐line three‐dimensional liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry approach to characterization of organelle proteomesQ30920965
Proteome analysis of extracellular proteins regulated by the las and rhl quorum sensing systems in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1.Q30922821
In Situ-Synthesized Novel Microarray Optimized for Mouse Stem Cell and Early Developmental Expression ProfilingQ30923881
The poplar root transcriptome: analysis of 7000 expressed sequence tagsQ30924327
Potential for proteomic profiling ofHelicobacter pyloriand otherHelicobacterspp. using a ProteinChip®arrayQ30927299
Navigated laser capture microdissection as an alternative to direct histological staining for proteomic analysis of brain samples.Q30931131
Proteome analysis of secreted proteins during osteoclast differentiation using two different methods: Two‐dimensional electrophoresis and isotope‐coded affinity tags analysis with two‐dimensional chromatographyQ30931146
Serum biomarkers of hepatitis B virus infected liver inflammation: A proteomic studyQ30931175
Proteomic analysis of the reactive phenotype of astrocytes following endothelin‐1 exposureQ30931189
A reference map of a human pituitary adenoma proteome.Q30931203
Fragmentation of dihydroxyacetone kinase 1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae indicates a two-domain structure.Q30931244
Proteome analysis of the purine stimulon from Lactococcus lactis.Q30931258
Construction and usage of a onefold-coverage shotgun DNA microarray to characterize the metabolism of the archaeon Haloferax volcanii.Q30932558
Physical map and genome sequencing survey of Mycoplasma haemofelis (Haemobartonella felis).Q30936129
Identification of Candida albicans genes induced during thrush offers insight into pathogenesisQ30943333
Strategy for the design of custom cDNA microarraysQ30948782
Microarray-based method for combinatorial library sequence mapping and characterization.Q30948797
A combined comparative genomic hybridization and expression microarray analysis of gastric cancer reveals novel molecular subtypes.Q52014045
Gene teams: a new formalization of gene clusters for comparative genomicsQ52014604
Do current sequence analysis algorithms disclose multifunctional (moonlighting) proteins?Q52017417
A functional genomic study to identify differential gene expression in the preterm and term human myometrium.Q52108656
Dynamic enhancements of sample loading and analyte concentration in capillary isoelectric focusing for proteome studiesQ53654313
Population genetic variation in genome-wide gene expressionQ53863331
C. elegans ORFeome version 1.1: experimental verification of the genome annotation and resource for proteome-scale protein expressionQ53864505
The resistance of B-CLL cells to DNA damage-induced apoptosis defined by DNA microarraysQ53940880
Patterns of global gene expression in rat skeletal muscle during unloading and low-intensity ambulatory activityQ53941343
Screening methods to determine biophysical properties of proteins in structural genomics.Q54524193
Why are the genomes of endosymbiotic bacteria so stable?Q54527309
Automated annotation of microbial proteomes in SWISS-PROT.Q54670306
Transcriptional gene expression profile of human esophageal squamous cell carcinomaQ54777382
Development of a DNA Microarray for Toxicology Based on Hepatotoxin-Regulated Sequences.Q55362679
Duplication, degeneration and subfunctionalization of the nested synapsin–Timp genes in FuguQ58066219
“Two-in-one” gel for spot matching after two-dimensional electrophoresisQ59161042
New apolipoprotein A-V: comparative genomics meets metabolismQ73222496
Gene expression profiling of human stenotic aorto-coronary bypass grafts by cDNA array analysisQ73269031
Changes in gene expression profile by HCV core protein in cultured liver cells: analysis by DNA array assayQ73281214
Identification of cervical cancer markers by cDNA and tissue microarraysQ73288981
A reproducible protocol for analysis of the proteome of Trypanosoma brucei by 2-dimensional gel electrophoresisQ73298690
Isoelectric focusing in long immobilized pH gradient gels to improve protein separation in proteomic analysisQ73300936
Comprehensive proteomic profiling identifies serum proteomic signatures for detection of hepatocellular carcinoma and its subtypesQ73304530
Proteomic analyses in Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia and other plasma cell dyscrasiasQ73329213
SamCluster: an integrated scheme for automatic discovery of sample classes using gene expression profileQ73337849
Genome-wide genetic characterization of bladder cancer: a comparison of high-density single-nucleotide polymorphism arrays and PCR-based microsatellite analysisQ73344262
Proteome analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under metal stress by two‐dimensional differential gel electrophoresisQ73351725
Genome-wide analysis of organ-preferential metastasis of human small cell lung cancer in miceQ73409009
Total RNA yield and microarray gene expression profiles from fine-needle aspiration biopsy and core-needle biopsy samples of breast carcinomaQ73472938
Activation tagging, a novel tool to dissect the functions of a gene familyQ73481412
Sex-dependent gene expression and evolution of the Drosophila transcriptomeQ73521878
Unseen proteome: mining below the tip of the iceberg to find low abundance and membrane proteinsQ73546525
Self-assembling protein arrays using electronic semiconductor microchips and in vitro translationQ73546530
Gene expression analysis of human soft tissue leiomyosarcomasQ73577051
A genetic screen for yeast genes induced by sustained osmotic stressQ73683962
A large-scale comparison of genomic sequences: one promising approachQ73689548
Identification of differentially expressed genes in coronary atherosclerotic plaques from patients with stable or unstable angina by cDNA array analysisQ73690737
Gene selection and clustering for time-course and dose-response microarray experiments using order-restricted inferenceQ40651184
Transcriptional profiling of human osteoblast differentiationQ40653838
Identification of genes down-regulated during melanoma progression: a cDNA array studyQ40654290
Fidelity and enhanced sensitivity of differential transcription profiles following linear amplification of nanogram amounts of endothelial mRNA.Q40654589
Covariations in the nuclear chloroplast transcriptome reveal a regulatory master-switch.Q40772430
Multimeric threading-based prediction of protein-protein interactions on a genomic scale: application to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteomeQ40829773
Assessment of SAGE in Transcript IdentificationQ40829808
Comparing bacterial genomes through conservation profiles.Q40952532
Analysis of transglutaminase protein substrates by functional proteomics.Q42141647
Modulation of GdCl3and Angelica Sinensis polysaccharides on differentially expressed genes in liver of hepatic immunological injury mice by cDNA microarrayQ42197684
Gene array and protein expression profiles suggest post-transcriptional regulation during CD8+ T cell differentiationQ42437001
Comparative full-length genome sequence analysis of 14 SARS coronavirus isolates and common mutations associated with putative origins of infectionQ42600546
Cascades of transcriptional induction during dendritic cell maturation revealed by genome-wide expression analysisQ42802474
Dissecting DNA-protein and protein-protein interactions involved in bacterial transcriptional regulation by a sensitive protein array method combining a near-infrared fluorescence detectionQ43033270
Room-temperature hybridization of target DNA with microarrays in concentrated solutions of guanidine thiocyanateQ43048036
Generating consensus sequences from partial order multiple sequence alignment graphsQ43681053
Genome comparisons in the genus de LagerheimQ43771437
Comparative genomics: Insecticide resistance in mosquito vectorsQ44150921
Understanding the tumor metabolic phenotype in the genomic era.Q44296522
Age-related impairment of the transcriptional responses to oxidative stress in the mouse heartQ44321516
Genome-wide transcriptional changes during the lag phase of Saccharomyces cerevisiaeQ44359189
Identification of ABA-responsive genes in rice shoots via cDNA macroar-.Q44366026
Global metabolic regulation analysis for Escherichia coli K12 based on protein expression by 2-dimensional electrophoresis and enzyme activity measurementQ44374961
Genomic profiles and predictive biological networks in oxidant-induced atherogenesisQ44376633
A correlation between a proteomic evaluation and conventional measurements in the assessment of renal proximal tubular toxicityQ44376678
Mining the Giardia lamblia genome for new cyst wall proteinsQ44397885
Transcriptional profiling of wine yeast in fermenting grape juice: regulatory effect of diammonium phosphateQ44399691
Genes Regulated by Thyrotropin and Iodide in Cultured Human Thyroid Follicles: Analysis by cDNA MicroarrayQ44406272
Electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometric analysis of metal-ion selected dynamic protein librariesQ44422140
The cDNA microarray analysis using an Arabidopsis pad3 mutant reveals the expression profiles and classification of genes induced by Alternaria brassicicola attackQ44422983
Selection of oligonucleotide probes for protein coding sequencesQ44425073
Non-linear normalization and background correction in one-channel cDNA microarray studiesQ44425075
Structural Genomics of Lipid Signaling DomainsQ44425925
Global alteration of gene expression in human keratinocytes by inorganic arsenicQ44427338
Reversed‐phase high‐performance liquid chromatography prefractionation prior to two‐dimensional difference gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry identifies new differentially expressed proteins between striate cortex of kitten and adult catQ44429947
Gene expression profiles associated with inflammation, fibrosis, and cholestasis in mouse liver after griseofulvinQ44432601
Gene Microarrays in Hippocampal Aging: Statistical Profiling Identifies Novel Processes Correlated with Cognitive ImpairmentQ44433403
Genome-wide expression analyses: Metabolic adaptation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to high sugar stressQ44441734
A strategy for the comparative analysis of serum proteomes for the discovery of biomarkers for hepatocellular carcinomaQ44442215
Susceptibility to oxidative stress: proteomic analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage from ozone‐sensitive and ozone‐resistant strains of miceQ44442219
Analysis of the Shewanella oneidensis proteome by two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis under nondenaturing conditionsQ44442226
Identification of differentially expressed genes in keratoconus epithelium analyzed on microarraysQ44453110
Prediction of response to imatinib by cDNA microarray analysisQ44463513
Proteomic studies of diauxic lag in the differentiating prokaryote Streptomyces coelicolor reveal a regulatory network of stress-induced proteins and central metabolic enzymesQ44465865
Native disulfide bonds in plasma retinol-binding protein are not essential for all-trans-retinol-binding activityQ44482665
Geometry of interaction of the histidine ring with other planar and basic residues.Q44482668
Quantitative analysis of modified proteins by LC-MS/MS of peptides labeled with phenyl isocyanateQ44482670
Evaluating immobilized metal affinity chromatography for the selection of histidine-containing peptides in comparative proteomicsQ44482676
Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma: molecular characterization by a proteomic approach, with morphogenic and therapeutic implicationsQ44484832
Analysis of altered gene expression profiles in retinoic acid or CpG-treated Sprague-Dawley rats with MNU-induced mammary adenocarcinoma by cDNA macro arrayQ44518257
Probing of arginine residues in peptides and proteins using selective tagging and electrospray ionization mass spectrometryQ44561283
Hyper‐gravity effects on the Arabidopsis transcriptomeQ44613715
Improvement of the GenTHREADER method for genomic fold recognitionQ45145874
Systems toxicology and the Chemical Effects in Biological Systems (CEBS) knowledge baseQ45765219
Genes duplicated by polyploidy show unequal contributions to the transcriptome and organ-specific reciprocal silencingQ34532390
RNA interference in functional genomics and medicineQ34659142
Comparative genomic tools and databases: providing insights into the human genomeQ34912923
Topological structure analysis of the protein-protein interaction network in budding yeastQ34980439
Genome differences that distinguish Bacillus anthracis from Bacillus cereus and Bacillus thuringiensisQ34987298
Global expression profiling and physiological characterization of Corynebacterium glutamicum grown in the presence of L-valine.Q34987405
Functional genomics and the comparative physiology of hypoxiaQ35019773
LineUp: statistical detection of chromosomal homology with application to plant comparative genomicsQ35020894
Genome Size Evolution in Pufferfish: A Comparative Analysis of Diodontid and Tetraodontid Pufferfish GenomesQ35021831
Genomewide transcriptional changes associated with genetic alterations and nutritional supplementation affecting tryptophan metabolism in Bacillus subtilisQ35021887
Integrated functional and bioinformatics approach for the identification and experimental verification of RNA signals: application to HIV-1 INS.Q35032001
SPINE 2: a system for collaborative structural proteomics within a federated database frameworkQ35032126
The role of genomics in antimicrobial discoveryQ35091298
DNA microarrays and developmentQ35095911
Toxicogenomics: challenges and opportunitiesQ35099332
Genomic analysis of stress response genesQ35099335
Genome-scale microbial in silico models: the constraints-based approach.Q35101082
Drug sensitivity and resistance genes in cancer chemotherapy: a chemogenomics approachQ35101874
Definitions of enzyme function for the structural genomics era.Q35114442
Missing genes in metabolic pathways: a comparative genomics approachQ35114448
Functional profiling of the proteome with affinity labelsQ35114479
Manipulation of the mouse genome: a multiple impact resource for drug discovery and developmentQ35119688
Genomics insights into symbiotic nitrogen fixationQ35121968
Fungal genomics beyond Saccharomyces cerevisiae?Q35121984
Invited Review: Functional genomics in the mouse: powerful techniques for unraveling the basis of human development and diseaseQ35123497
Modern proteomic strategies in the study of complex neuropsychiatric disordersQ35125845
Genome function and nuclear architecture: from gene expression to nanoscienceQ35125887
Three-dimensional reconstruction of gene expression patterns during cardiac developmentQ35127281
Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics in Drug Discovery and Development: An OverviewQ35127754
The proteome: anno Domini 2002.Q35127758
Pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics of cholesterol-lowering therapyQ35127790
Pharmacogenomics of Drugs Affecting the Cardiovascular SystemQ35127795
Microarray analysis: a novel research tool for cardiovascular scientists and physicians.Q35128069
Analysis of Structure and Function of Putative Surface-Exposed Proteins Encoded in the Streptococcus pneumoniae Genome: A Bioinformatics-Based Approach to Vaccine and Drug DesignQ35128576
Organelle proteomics: implications for subcellular fractionation in proteomics.Q35128769
Application of microarrays to neurological diseaseQ35131098
Proteomics in brain research: potentials and limitationsQ35131958
Genomics and proteomics in cancerQ35134364
The Plasmodium vivax genome sequencing projectQ35134468
Metabolic pathways in the post-genome era.Q35135595
Evaluation of the effects of the dietary intake of proteins and amino acids by DNA microarray technologyQ35138286
Genomics and metabolomics as markers for the interaction of diet and health: lessons from lipidsQ35138290
Plasma protein synthesis measurements using a proteomics strategyQ35138293
Proteomics: advanced technology for the analysis of cellular functionQ35138298
Metabolomics and its potential for assessment of adequacy and safety of amino acid intakeQ35138303
Clinical application of cDNA microarrays in oncologyQ35139629
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: insights gained from gene expression profilingQ35140193
Sequence-based cancer genomics: progress, lessons and opportunitiesQ35140822
Pharmacogenomics of psychiatric drug treatmentQ35142052
Interaction of soft condensed materials with living cells: Phenotype/transcriptome correlations for the hydrophobic effectQ35142801
Understanding the progression of melanocytic neoplasia using genomic analysis: from fields to cancerQ35146557
Network approaches to genome annotation and the challenge of Anopheles gambiae.Q35152945
Application of proteomics technology to the field of neurotraumaQ35153256
Predicting survival in patients with metastatic kidney cancer by gene-expression profiling in the primary tumor.Q35162803
Genome-wide prediction of disease-relevant genes and variants.Q35166010
Prioritizing the human genome: knowledge management for drug discovery.Q35166015
High-throughput SNP analysis for genetic association studies.Q35166019
Algorithms for high-density oligonucleotide arrayQ35166024
Microarray expression profiling: analysis and applicationsQ35166039
Proteomics in studies of signal transduction in epithelial cellsQ35185696
The application of 2D gel-based proteomics methods to the study of breast cancer.Q35185700
Functional proteomics of breast cancer for signal pathway profiling and target discovery.Q35185704
Proteomics approaches to uncover the repertoire of circulating biomarkers for breast cancerQ35185708
Mechanisms in epithelial plasticity and metastasis: insights from 3D cultures and expression profiling.Q35185712
Proteomics in 2002: a year of technical development and wide-ranging applications.Q35208195
Genomics of reproduction in parasitic nematodes-fundamental and biotechnological implicationsQ35538076
Identifying phase-specific genes in the fungal pathogen Histoplasma capsulatum using a genomic shotgun microarrayQ35940929
Proteomics--a new player in the post-genomic eraQ38035870
Possible chemoresistance-related genes for gastric cancer detected by cDNA microarrayQ38353308
Combination of microdissection and microarray analysis to identify gene expression changes between differentially located tumour cells in breast cancerQ38353668
Differential gene expression profiles and identification of the genes relevant to clinicopathologic factors in colorectal cancer selected by cDNA array method in combination with principal component analysisQ38353852
Gene expression analysis of human middle ear cholesteatoma using complementary DNA arraysQ38353863
Ozone-induced disruptions of lung transcriptomesQ38354373
Gene expression profiling of the early pulmonary response to hyperoxia in mice.Q38354410
Expression profiling of estrogenic compounds using a sheepshead minnow cDNA macroarrayQ38354858
Quantitative chemical proteomics for identifying candidate drug targetsQ38355178
Phenotype discovery by gene expression profiling: mapping of biological processes linked to BMP-2-mediated osteoblast differentiationQ38355395
Genome-wide analysis of the response to cell wall mutations in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Q38356633
Gene expression profiles and transcription factors involved in parathyroid hormone signaling in osteoblasts revealed by microarray and bioinformaticsQ38356638
Gene expression profiling reveals a highly specialized genetic program of plasma cellsQ38358380
Identification of genes regulated by 2-methoxyestradiol (2ME2) in multiple myeloma cells using oligonucleotide arraysQ38359832
Pathways database system: an integrated system for biological pathwaysQ38452376
MuGeN: simultaneous exploration of multiple genomes and computer analysis resultsQ38452522
Anopheles gambiae genome: perspectives for malaria control.Q38465173
Predicting gene function from patterns of annotationQ38522833
Predicting gene ontology biological process from temporal gene expression patterns.Q38522841
Monitoring expression profiles of Arabidopsis gene expression during rehydration process after dehydration using ca 7000 full-length cDNA microarrayQ39325960
Vesicular Stomatitis Viruses with Rearranged Genomes Have Altered Invasiveness and Neuropathogenesis in MiceQ39748967
Genetic analysis and genome mapping in RaphanusQ40577950
Systems-wide chicken DNA microarrays, gene expression profiling, and discovery of functional genesQ40580030
Shotgun crystallization strategy for structural genomics: an optimized two-tiered crystallization screen against the Thermotoga maritima proteomeQ40584835
Regulatory gene mutations affecting apolipoprotein gene expression: functions and regulatory behavior of known genes may guide future pharmacogenomic approaches to therapy.Q40588297
Application of toxicogenomic analysis to risk assessment of delayed long-term effects of multiple chemicals, including endocrine disruptors in human fetusesQ40589868
Gene Expression Profiles of Cutaneous B Cell LymphomaQ40591996
Mining genomic databases to identify novel hydrogen producersQ40595737
Synthesis of polymerized thin films for immobilized ligand display in proteomic analysisQ40646595
DNA microarrays and likelihood ratio bioinformatic methods: discovery of human melanocyte biomarkersQ40647117
Identification of metastasis‐associated proteins by proteomic analysis and functional exploration of interleukin‐18 in metastasisQ40647604
Triple analysis of the cancer epigenome: an integrated microarray system for assessing gene expression, DNA methylation, and histone acetylationQ40650614
Proteomic analysis of a neoplastic mouse lung epithelial cell line whose tumorigenicity has been abrogated by transfection with the gap junction structural gene for connexin 43, Gja1Q40650635
Computational methods for sequence mapping of large combinatorial libraries and deduced sequence signaturesQ30948812
Proteomic dissection of dome formation in a mammary cell lineQ30969563
Clinical applications of proteomics: proteomic pattern diagnosticsQ30969575
Sodium loading changes urinary protein excretion: a proteomic analysisQ31131435
Spotting and quantification of phosphoproteins purified by gel electrophoresis and laser ablation‐element mass spectrometry with phosphorus‐31 detectionQ31140032
Normal human dermal fibroblasts: Proteomic analysis of cell layer and culture mediumQ31140039
Assessing matrix assisted laser desorption/ ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry as a means of rapid embryo protein identification in riceQ31140047
Development of a DNA microarray for toxicology based on hepatotoxin-regulated sequencesQ31141522
FPV: fast protein visualization using Java 3D.Q31142929
Computation method to identify differential allelic gene expression and novel imprinted genesQ31142936
Zerg: a very fast BLAST parser libraryQ31142954
ACGT-a comparative genomics toolQ31142965
Proteomic identification of nitrated proteins in Alzheimer's disease brainQ31144652
Comparison of the expression profile of metastasis-associated genes between primary and circulating cancer cells in oral squamous cell carcinomaQ31147379
Proteomic analysis of asexual development of Phytophthora palmivora.Q31147666
Potential genomic determinants of hyperthermophilyQ33186645
Gene expression profiles of human breast cancer progressionQ33186821
Isolation and analyses of genes preferentially expressed during early cotton fiber development by subtractive PCR and cDNA arrayQ33186919
Cellular and extracellular proteome analysis of Streptococcus mutans grown in a chemostat.Q33187020
Identification of novel proteins in culture filtrates of Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin in the isoelectric point range 6-11.Q33187021
Comparative mapping in the pig: localization of 214 expressed sequence tagsQ33187861
Complete genome sequence and comparative analysis of the industrial microorganism Streptomyces avermitilisQ33965431
Genome informatics: current status and future prospectsQ34049499
Gene expression profile of zebrafish exposed to hypoxia during developmentQ34191217
Protein microarrays: meeting analytical challenges for clinical applications.Q34194188
Genome-wide mapping of human loci for essential hypertensionQ34208939
Effects of ligand and thyroid hormone receptor isoforms on hepatic gene expression profiles of thyroid hormone receptor knockout mice.Q34236723
Macromolecular crystallization in the structural genomics eraQ45951801
High-throughput classification of yeast mutants for functional genomics using metabolic footprinting.Q45967017
Nano-high-performance liquid chromatography in combination with nano-electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion-cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry for proteome analysisQ46453552
Similarity among tandem mass spectra from proteomic experiments: detection, significance, and utilityQ46717073
Analysis of organic solvent tolerance in Escherichia coli using gene expression profiles from DNA microarraysQ46760138
BioEditor-simplifying macromolecular structure annotationQ46823026
Identification of endothelial cell genes by combined database mining and microarray analysisQ46979966
Functional genomic analysis of apoptotic DNA degradation in C. elegans.Q47068768
Comparative mapping between potato (Solanum tuberosum) and Arabidopsis thaliana reveals structurally conserved domains and ancient duplications in the potato genomeQ47394549
Generation of transducers for fluorescence-based microarrays with enhanced sensitivity and their application for gene expression profilingQ47655821
Proteome analysis of plant-induced proteins of Agrobacterium tumefaciensQ47831865
Scaling law in sizes of protein sequence families: from super-families to orphan genesQ47864113
Molecular differentiation of high- and moderate-grade human prostate cancer by cDNA microarray analysisQ47887940
Standardization of protocols in cDNA microarray analysisQ47889616
Corrected small-sample estimation of the Bayes errorQ47896300
Identification of genes regulated during osteoblastic differentiation by genome-wide expression analysis of mouse calvaria primary osteoblasts in vitroQ47904263
Enrichment of Escherichia coli proteins by column chromatography on reactive dye columnsQ47910864
ProteomeWeb: A web‐based interface for the display and interrogation of proteomesQ47910928
Profiling genes expressed in human fetal cartilage using 13,155 expressed sequence tagsQ47916415
Genome-wide array analysis of normal and malformed human heartsQ47918796
Gene expression profiling of human endometrial receptivity on days LH+2 versus LH+7 by microarray technologyQ47937809
Proteomics in Drosophila melanogaster: first 2D database of larval hemolymph proteins.Q47938853
Statistical design of reverse dye microarraysQ47941786
Early prognosis of the development of renal chronic allograft rejection by gene expression profiling of human protocol biopsiesQ47949686
Use of transcriptional sequencing in difficult to read areas of the genomeQ47956050
Chromosomal distribution of the human cardiovascular transcriptomeQ47961901
cDNA microarray analysis in multiple sclerosis lesions: detection of genes associated with disease activityQ47980467
Locating transposable element polymorphisms in bacterial genomesQ47980905
Evaluation of techniques using amplified nucleic acid probes for gene expression profilingQ47988949
Genomic clocks and evolutionary timescalesQ47989098
Pattern recognition in gene expression profiling using DNA array: a comparative study of different statistical methods applied to cancer classificationQ48001513
Microarray analysis reveals interleukin-6 as a novel secretory product of the hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal systemQ48031761
Visual representation of database search results: the RHIMS Plot.Q48245354
A search for H/ACA snoRNAs in yeast using MFE secondary structure predictionQ48248750
Evaluation of hypothalamic gene expression in mice divergently selected for heat lossQ48257073
Transcriptional gene expression profiling of small cell lung cancer cellsQ48331658
A method for the comprehensive proteomic analysis of membrane proteinsQ48337081
P275copyright licenseCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 UnportedQ14947546
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P921main subjectfunctional genomicsQ1068690
P577publication date2003-12-01
P1433published inComparative and Functional GenomicsQ26842410
P1476titleCurrent Awareness on Comparative and Functional Genomics

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