Super-resolution Microscopy with Single Molecules in Biology and Beyond-Essentials, Current Trends, and Future Challenges

scientific article published on 09 October 2020

Super-resolution Microscopy with Single Molecules in Biology and Beyond-Essentials, Current Trends, and Future Challenges is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P932PMC publication ID7582613
P698PubMed publication ID33034452

P50authorWilliam E. MoernerQ1387059
Leonhard MöcklQ48269389
P2860cites workPractical sensorless aberration estimation for 3D microscopy with deep learningQ101048760
Stable ‘gap’ in absorption spectra of solid solutions of organic molecules by laser irradiationQ114767995
Multi-scale 3D Cryo-Correlative Microscopy for Vitrified CellsQ98567641
Single-molecule orientation localization microscopy for resolving structural heterogeneities between amyloid fibrilsQ98651948
Fourier ring correlation as a resolution criterion for super-resolution microscopy.Q39150301
Superresolution STED microscopy reveals differential localization in primary ciliaQ39249648
High- and Super-Resolution Microscopy Imaging of the NK Cell Immunological SynapseQ39767905
A highly sensitive acidic pH fluorescent probe and its application to HepG2 cellsQ39890371
Bioorthogonal chemistry: fishing for selectivity in a sea of functionalityQ24629024
Three-dimensional super-resolution imaging by stochastic optical reconstruction microscopyQ24642820
Whole-cell 3D STORM reveals interactions between cellular structures with nanometer-scale resolutionQ24649787
Photoswitching mechanism of cyanine dyesQ24654914
Ultra-high resolution imaging by fluorescence photoactivation localization microscopyQ24673523
Copper-free click chemistry for dynamic in vivo imagingQ24675560
Precise Three-Dimensional Scan-Free Multiple-Particle Tracking over Large Axial Ranges with Tetrapod Point Spread Functions.Q27301041
High-density three-dimensional localization microscopy across large volumesQ27313460
Optical detection and spectroscopy of single molecules in a solidQ27340017
Single pentacene molecules detected by fluorescence excitation in a p-terphenyl crystalQ27346472
Sub-diffraction-limit imaging by stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM)Q27860490
Imaging intracellular fluorescent proteins at nanometer resolutionQ27860767
Breaking the diffraction resolution limit by stimulated emission: stimulated-emission-depletion fluorescence microscopyQ28261993
Chemistry in living systemsQ28291334
Far-field optical nanoscopyQ29615090
The primary cilium as the cell's antenna: signaling at a sensory organelleQ29615165
Myosin V walks hand-over-hand: single fluorophore imaging with 1.5-nm localizationQ29615477
Three-dimensional resolution doubling in wide-field fluorescence microscopy by structured illumination.Q29617609
A genetically encoded fluorescent probe in mammalian cellsQ30352660
Cryogenic optical localization provides 3D protein structure data with Angstrom resolutionQ30397227
Dual-color superresolution imaging of genetically expressed probes within individual adhesion complexesQ30444071
Faster STORM using compressed sensingQ30459604
Structure and mechanism of the reversible photoswitch of a fluorescent proteinQ30476146
Azido push-pull fluorogens photoactivate to produce bright fluorescent labels.Q30495101
Optimized localization analysis for single-molecule tracking and super-resolution microscopy.Q30501801
Localization Microscopy Reveals Expression-Dependent Parameters of Chromatin NanostructureQ41837748
Fluorescent proteins at a glanceQ42004844
Single Molecule Localization Microscopy of Mammalian Cell Nuclei on the NanoscaleQ42048322
HaloTag: a novel protein labeling technology for cell imaging and protein analysisQ42809086
Studying cell-cell communication in co-cultureQ43004130
Polarization sensitive, three-dimensional, single-molecule imaging of cells with a double-helix systemQ43227000
Metabolic labeling of glycans with azido sugars and subsequent glycan-profiling and visualization via Staudinger ligationQ43576814
A general method to fine-tune fluorophores for live-cell and in vivo imagingQ45066487
Ultrahigh-throughput single-molecule spectroscopy and spectrally resolved super-resolution microscopy.Q45932098
Adaptive optics wide-field microscopy using direct wavefront sensingQ46044531
Photothermal Microscopy of Nonluminescent Single Particles Enabled by Optical MicroresonatorsQ46884710
A DNA origami platform for quantifying protein copy number in super-resolutionQ47139442
Myc Regulates Chromatin Decompaction and Nuclear Architecture during B Cell ActivationQ47958761
Visualization and characterization of individual type III protein secretion machines in live bacteriaQ48114171
Structural absorption by barbule microstructures of super black bird of paradise feathers.Q48276670
Nanoscopy with Focused Light (Nobel Lecture).Q48516481
Visualizing single-molecule diffusion in mesoporous materialsQ48894930
High-Speed Super-Resolution Imaging of Live Fission Yeast CellsQ50551986
Optimal point spread function design for 3D imagingQ50607382
Fluorescence imaging with one nanometer accuracy: application to molecular motorsQ50761313
Sample drift correction in 3D fluorescence photoactivation localization microscopy.Q51530416
BBSome trains remove activated GPCRs from cilia by enabling passage through the transition zoneQ52684493
Observing the cell in its native state: Imaging subcellular dynamics in multicellular organismsQ52718181
Chromatin fibers are formed by heterogeneous groups of nucleosomes in vivoQ53584742
Spatial organization and dynamics of RNase E and ribosomes in Caulobacter crescentus.Q54206430
The lateral and axial localization uncertainty in super-resolution light microscopy.Q54495043
Super Resolution Network Analysis Defines the Molecular Architecture of Caveolae and Caveolin-1 Scaffolds.Q55240905
Scanning Confocal Optical Microscopy and Magnetic Resonance on Single Defect CentersQ56003002
Communication in the Presence of NoiseQ56069497
Certain Topics in Telegraph Transmission TheoryQ56069501
Beiträge zur Theorie des Mikroskops und der mikroskopischen WahrnehmungQ56335638
Identification of PAmKate as a Red Photoactivatable Fluorescent Protein for Cryogenic Super-Resolution ImagingQ57037542
Visualizing and discovering cellular structures with super-resolution microscopyQ57166584
Site-Specific Labeling of Affimers for DNA-PAINT MicroscopyQ57168386
Fluorescence microscopy of single moleculesQ57728823
Precision and accuracy of single-molecule FRET measurements-a multi-laboratory benchmark studyQ57831627
Three-dimensional sub-100 nm super-resolution imaging of biological samples using a phase ramp in the objective pupilQ57924830
Analyzing complex single-molecule emission patterns with deep learningQ58083944
Mapping Surface Hydrophobicity of α-Synuclein Oligomers at the NanoscaleQ58090111
Magnetic resonance of a single molecular spinQ58215108
Systematic Nanoscale Analysis of Endocytosis Links Efficient Vesicle Formation to Patterned Actin NucleationQ58793346
Direct spectroscopic observation of quantum jumps of a single moleculeQ59062580
Fluorescence spectroscopy and spectral diffusion of single impurity molecules in a crystalQ59076138
Methods of single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopyQ60305396
Quantitative super-resolution imaging uncovers reactivity patterns on single nanocatalystsQ60305398
DNA-Based Super-Resolution Microscopy: DNA-PAINTQ60960283
Correlative cryo super-resolution light and electron microscopy on mammalian cells using fluorescent proteinsQ61800894
Evaluation of fluorophores for optimal performance in localization-based super-resolution imagingQ30504713
The helical MreB cytoskeleton in Escherichia coli MC1000/pLE7 is an artifact of the N-Terminal yellow fluorescent protein tagQ30528331
Genetically Targetable and Color‐Switching Fluorescent ProbeQ30529344
Video-rate nanoscopy using sCMOS camera-specific single-molecule localization algorithmsQ30540988
Fluorescent saxitoxins for live cell imaging of single voltage-gated sodium ion channels beyond the optical diffraction limitQ30542058
In vivo organization of the FtsZ‐ring by ZapA and ZapB revealed by quantitative super‐resolution microscopyQ30565381
High throughput 3D super-resolution microscopy reveals Caulobacter crescentus in vivo Z-ring organization.Q30574941
Measuring image resolution in optical nanoscopy.Q30586648
Lattice light-sheet microscopy: imaging molecules to embryos at high spatiotemporal resolutionQ30620935
Correcting field-dependent aberrations with nanoscale accuracy in three-dimensional single-molecule localization microscopy.Q30724788
Molecular organization of cytokinesis nodes and contractile rings by super-resolution fluorescence microscopy of live fission yeastQ30819726
Multi-dimensional super-resolution imaging enables surface hydrophobicity mappingQ30831874
Surpassing the lateral resolution limit by a factor of two using structured illumination microscopyQ30870499
Extracting microtubule networks from superresolution single-molecule localization microscopy dataQ31142691
Comparison of I5M and 4Pi-microscopy.Q33246781
Correlative microscopy: bridging the gap between fluorescence light microscopy and cryo-electron tomographyQ33299798
Three-dimensional, single-molecule fluorescence imaging beyond the diffraction limit by using a double-helix point spread functionQ33408484
Natural expansion of the genetic codeQ34001463
Multiplexed 3D cellular super-resolution imaging with DNA-PAINT and Exchange-PAINTQ34127593
Tracking kinesin-driven movements with nanometre-scale precisionQ34166843
Translational diffusion of individual class II MHC membrane proteins in cellsQ34179163
Counting single photoactivatable fluorescent molecules by photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM).Q34304629
Organogenesis in a dish: modeling development and disease using organoid technologiesQ34429586
On/off blinking and switching behaviour of single molecules of green fluorescent proteinQ34433785
The 4D nucleome: Evidence for a dynamic nuclear landscape based on co-aligned active and inactive nuclear compartmentsQ34478652
Nanometer resolution imaging and tracking of fluorescent molecules with minimal photon fluxesQ34547871
Applying systems-level spectral imaging and analysis to reveal the organelle interactomeQ34557124
Single-molecule orientation measurements with a quadrated pupil.Q34697077
Real-time analysis and visualization for single-molecule based super-resolution microscopy.Q34706920
Active Microscope Stabilization in Three Dimensions Using Image CorrelationQ35079107
A general method to improve fluorophores for live-cell and single-molecule microscopyQ35130677
Multicolor CRISPR labeling of chromosomal loci in human cells.Q35190002
3D imaging of Sox2 enhancer clusters in embryonic stem cellsQ35240702
Correlative cryo-fluorescence light microscopy and cryo-electron tomography of StreptomycesQ35306882
Photoswitches: Key molecules for subdiffraction-resolution fluorescence imaging and molecular quantificationQ61876009
Fluorescence Lifetimes and Emission Patterns Probe the 3D Orientation of the Emitting Chromophore in a Multichromophoric SystemQ61876073
High-throughput, high-resolution deep learning microscopy based on registration-free generative adversarial networkQ62489004
Nanometric three-dimensional tracking of individual quantum dots in cellsQ63888792
Identification of the Product of Photoswitching of an Oxazine Fluorophore Using Fourier Transform Infrared Difference SpectroscopyQ64027679
Information-rich localization microscopy through machine learningQ64079904
Motional dynamics of single Patched1 molecules in cilia are controlled by Hedgehog and cholesterolQ64092151
Active PSF shaping and adaptive optics enable volumetric localization microscopy through brain sections.Q64977914
Chemistry of Photosensitive Fluorophores for Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy.Q67403888
Interacting organelles.Q67471754
Design of plasmonic nanoantennae for enhancing spontaneous emissionQ80486531
Accuracy of the Gaussian Point Spread Function model in 2D localization microscopyQ82923992
Optical microscopic observation of single small moleculesQ82959995
Type-I myosins promote actin polymerization to drive membrane bending in endocytosisQ83230597
Multiple-particle nanoantennas for enormous enhancement and polarization control of light emissionQ83364770
Machine learning for improved image-based wavefront sensingQ88066537
Localization microscopy in yeastQ88173851
Deep learning massively accelerates super-resolution localization microscopyQ88368591
Imaging of Bacterial Chromosome Organization by 3D Super-Resolution MicroscopyQ88852803
Photoswitching mechanism of a fluorescent protein revealed by time-resolved crystallography and transient absorption spectroscopyQ89582515
Whole-cell imaging of plasma membrane receptors by 3D lattice light-sheet dSTORMQ89722868
Polymer Free Volume Effects on Protein Dynamics in Polystyrene Revealed by Single-Molecule SpectroscopyQ89801185
Accurate phase retrieval of complex 3D point spread functions with deep residual neural networksQ90010899
Divide and conquer: real-time maximum likelihood fitting of multiple emitters for super-resolution localization microscopyQ90062985
Accelerating single molecule localization microscopy through parallel processing on a high-performance computing clusterQ90215442
Nuclear pores as versatile reference standards for quantitative superresolution microscopyQ90340790
Super-Resolution Microscopy Reveals Local Accumulation of Plasma Membrane Gangliosides at Neisseria meningitidis Invasion SitesQ90403584
Rational Design of Fluorogenic and Spontaneously Blinking Labels for Super-Resolution ImagingQ90403949
Deep learning in single-molecule microscopy: fundamentals, caveats, and recent developments [Invited]Q90611180
Unraveling the origin of chirality from plasmonic nanoparticle-protein complexesQ90658712
Revealing Nanoscale Morphology of the Primary Cilium Using Super-Resolution Fluorescence MicroscopyQ90831666
Super-resolution microscopy demystifiedQ90854413
From a Protein's Perspective: Elution at the Single-Molecule LevelQ91073206
CDeep3M-Plug-and-Play cloud-based deep learning for image segmentationQ91254567
ImJoy: an open-source computational platform for the deep learning eraQ91526841
Quantitative Super-Resolution Microscopy of the Mammalian GlycocalyxQ92143712
Accurate and rapid background estimation in single-molecule localization microscopy using the deep neural network BGnetQ92217627
Novel fibrillar structure in the inversin compartment of primary cilia revealed by 3D single-molecule superresolution microscopyQ92371120
Multicolor localization microscopy and point-spread-function engineering by deep learningQ92396101
Live cell single molecule tracking and localization microscopy of bioorthogonally labeled plasma membrane proteinsQ92864105
Chasing Uptake: Super-Resolution Microscopy in Endocytosis and PhagocytosisQ92944852
Super-resolution fight club: assessment of 2D and 3D single-molecule localization microscopy softwareQ92955839
Cryogenic Correlative Single-Particle Photoluminescence Spectroscopy and Electron Tomography for Investigation of NanomaterialsQ93207941
The Emerging Role of the Mammalian Glycocalyx in Functional Membrane Organization and Immune System RegulationQ94465742
Three-dimensional nanoscopy of whole cells and tissues with in situ point spread function retrievalQ94554705
Enhanced 4Pi single-molecule localization microscopy with coherent pupil based localizationQ94570504
Ultraprecise single-molecule localization microscopy enables in situ distance measurements in intact cellsQ96135544
DeepSTORM3D: dense 3D localization microscopy and PSF design by deep learningQ96431533
Addressing systematic errors in axial distance measurements in single-emitter localization microscopyQ97540998
Plasmonics meets super-resolution microscopy in biologyQ97597927
Wide-field subdiffraction imaging by accumulated binding of diffusing probesQ35539682
A user-friendly two-color super-resolution localization microscope.Q35593409
Real-time adaptive drift correction for super-resolution localization microscopyQ35774083
Single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy in (bio)catalysisQ35921569
Chromosomal locus tracking with proper accounting of static and dynamic errorsQ35945253
Multicolor super-resolution fluorescence imaging via multi-parameter fluorophore detectionQ35964786
Probing protein heterogeneity in the plasma membrane using PALM and pair correlation analysisQ36103862
Bright photoactivatable fluorophores for single-molecule imagingQ36172995
Nanoscale Landscape of Phosphoinositides Revealed by Specific Pleckstrin Homology (PH) Domains Using Single-molecule Superresolution Imaging in the Plasma MembraneQ36283894
Quantitative Multicolor Subdiffraction Imaging of Bacterial Protein Ultrastructures in Three DimensionsQ36690739
Diagonally Scanned Light-Sheet Microscopy for Fast Volumetric Imaging of Adherent CellsQ36753676
Adaptive optics enables 3D STED microscopy in aberrating specimensQ36793317
Adaptive optics in microscopyQ36940358
Mapping the local organization of cell membranes using excitation-polarization-resolved confocal fluorescence microscopyQ36977137
Microscopy beyond the diffraction limit using actively controlled single moleculesQ37055761
Ultra-High Resolution 3D Imaging of Whole Cells.Q37218547
Super-resolution fluorescence imaging with single moleculesQ37248642
Exploring bacterial cell biology with single-molecule tracking and super-resolution imagingQ37603036
Superresolution microscopy for microbiologyQ38040513
Super-resolution microscopy of the immunological synapseQ38112895
Tracking single molecules at work in living cells.Q38220868
Unveiling the inner workings of live bacteria using super-resolution microscopy.Q38266146
Super-resolution microscopy with DNA-PAINT.Q38288107
Single-molecule kinetics and super-resolution microscopy by fluorescence imaging of transient binding on DNA origamiQ38339999
Spectrally Resolved, Functional Super-Resolution Microscopy Reveals Nanoscale Compositional Heterogeneity in Live-Cell MembranesQ38400440
Aberrations and adaptive optics in super-resolution microscopy.Q38540434
Optimal Drift Correction for Superresolution Localization Microscopy with Bayesian InferenceQ38822072
Single-molecule and super-resolution imaging of transcription in living bacteria.Q38834707
Towards correlative super-resolution fluorescence and electron cryo-microscopyQ38844357
The Growing and Glowing Toolbox of Fluorescent and Photoactive ProteinsQ38999025
Development of SNAP-tag fluorogenic probes for wash-free fluorescence imaging.Q39028238
Three-Dimensional Localization of Single Molecules for Super-Resolution Imaging and Single-Particle TrackingQ39115388
Super-Resolution Microscopy: Shedding Light on the Cellular Plasma Membrane.Q39140535
P4510describes a project that usesImageJQ1659584
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P1104number of pages17
P577publication date2020-10-09
P1433published inJournal of the American Chemical SocietyQ898902
P1476titleSuper-resolution Microscopy with Single Molecules in Biology and Beyond-Essentials, Current Trends, and Future Challenges

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Q101555865Viewpoint: Single Molecules at 31: What's Next?cites workP2860

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