Abstract is: Stefan Schuster (born 7 November 1961 in Meissen) is a German biophysicist. He is professor for bioinformatics at the University of Jena.
human | Q5 |
P2381 | Academic Tree ID | 31561 |
P13049 | DDB person (GND) ID | 1059760320 |
P646 | Freebase ID | /m/0x24hzc |
P227 | GND ID | 1059760320 |
P1960 | Google Scholar author ID | JqGBJk4AAAAJ |
P213 | ISNI | 0000000030122499 |
P8189 | J9U ID | 987007429991305171 |
P244 | Library of Congress authority ID | n93094728 |
P214 | VIAF cluster ID | 5545594 |
P10832 | WorldCat Entities ID | E39PBJc7WRXM4M3Cmy8FgpqbBP |
P27 | country of citizenship | Germany | Q183 |
P69 | educated at | Humboldt University of Berlin | Q152087 |
P108 | employer | University of Jena | Q154561 |
P734 | family name | Schuster | Q1391305 |
Schuster | Q1391305 | ||
Schuster | Q1391305 | ||
P735 | given name | Stefan | Q4927128 |
Stefan | Q4927128 | ||
P1412 | languages spoken, written or signed | German | Q188 |
P106 | occupation | biophysicist | Q14906342 |
P21 | sex or gender | male | Q6581097 |
Q40664325 | A Genome-Scale Database and Reconstruction of Caenorhabditis elegans Metabolism |
Q44563793 | A method for classifying metabolites in topological pathway analyses based on minimization of pathway number |
Q52614376 | A theoretical approach to the evolution and structural design of enzymatic networks: linear enzymatic chains, branched pathways and glycolysis of erythrocytes |
Q46747314 | Adenine and adenosine salvage pathways in erythrocytes and the role of S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase. A theoretical study using elementary flux modes |
Q42071333 | Against the stream: relevance of gluconeogenesis from fatty acids for natives of the arctic regions |
Q38791505 | Biochemical frequency control by synchronisation of coupled repressilators: an in silico study of modules for circadian clock systems |
Q42163019 | Calculability analysis in underdetermined metabolic networks illustrated by a model of the central metabolism in purple nonsulfur bacteria |
Q44144864 | Calculating as many fluxes as possible in underdetermined metabolic networks |
Q39667259 | Can single knockouts accurately single out gene functions? |
Q56987279 | Can sugars be produced from fatty acids? A test case for pathway analysis tools |
Q34913005 | Can sugars be produced from fatty acids? A test case for pathway analysis tools. |
Q42588973 | Can the whole be less than the sum of its parts? Pathway analysis in genome-scale metabolic networks using elementary flux patterns |
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Q28274818 | Comparison of network-based pathway analysis methods |
Q43268971 | Computing the shortest elementary flux modes in genome-scale metabolic networks |
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Q57289397 | Decision-making of the benthic diatom Seminavis robusta searching for inorganic nutrients and pheromones |
Q56689825 | Defining control coefficients in non-ideal metabolic pathways |
Q48446993 | Detecting and investigating substrate cycles in a genome-scale human metabolic network |
Q37965090 | Detecting structural invariants in biological reaction networks |
Q33543834 | Detection of elementary flux modes in biochemical networks: a promising tool for pathway analysis and metabolic engineering. |
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Q43887992 | Exploring the pathway structure of metabolism: decomposition into subnetworks and application to Mycoplasma pneumoniae |
Q38915483 | Fitness and stability of obligate cross-feeding interactions that emerge upon gene loss in bacteria |
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Q38253830 | Optimal regulatory strategies for metabolic pathways in Escherichia coli depending on protein costs. |
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Q43188623 | Theoretical study of lipid biosynthesis in wild-type Escherichia coli and in a protoplast-type L-form using elementary flux mode analysis |
Q52584530 | Time hierarchy in enzymatic reaction chains resulting from optimality principles |
Q48043053 | Transcriptomic alterations during ageing reflect the shift from cancer to degenerative diseases in the elderly |
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Q42332107 | Use of Fibonacci numbers in lipidomics - Enumerating various classes of fatty acids. |
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Q56918134 | Use of pathway analysis and genome context methods for functional genomics of Mycoplasma pneumoniae nucleotide metabolism |
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Q24811241 | YANA - a software tool for analyzing flux modes, gene-expression and enzyme activities |
Q40081986 | Zonation of hepatic fat accumulation: insights from mathematical modelling of nutrient gradients and fatty acid uptake |
Category:Stefan Schuster (biophysicist) | wikimedia | |
Arabic (ar / Q13955) | شتيفان شوستر | wikipedia |
Stefan Schuster (Biophysiker) | wikipedia | |
Stefan Schuster | wikipedia | |
Stefan Schuster | wikipedia | |
hi | स्टीफन शूस्टर | wikipedia |
Stefan Schuster | wikipedia | |
nb | Stefan Schuster | wikipedia |
Stefan Schuster | wikipedia | |
Шустер, Штефан | wikipedia | |
ta | ஸ்டீபான் ஸ்கூஸ்டர் | wikipedia |
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