An OBSL1-Cul7Fbxw8 Ubiquitin Ligase Signaling Mechanism Regulates Golgi Morphology and Dendrite Patterning

scientific article published on May 10, 2011

An OBSL1-Cul7Fbxw8 Ubiquitin Ligase Signaling Mechanism Regulates Golgi Morphology and Dendrite Patterning is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P8608Fatcat IDrelease_axvidsleijcptprqq6p7zargwq
P953full work available at URL
P932PMC publication ID3091842
P698PubMed publication ID21572988
P5875ResearchGate publication ID51127474

P50authorYoshiho IkeuchiQ56153029
Jeffrey W. HarperQ57326226
Steven P. GygiQ88679013
P2093author name stringAzad Bonni
Gilbert Gallardo
Nadia Litterman
Mathew E. Sowa
Brenda C. O'Connell
P2860cites workObscurin-like 1, OBSL1, is a novel cytoskeletal protein related to obscurinQ24296390
GM130 and GRASP65-dependent lateral cisternal fusion allows uniform Golgi-enzyme distributionQ24305177
Defining the human deubiquitinating enzyme interaction landscapeQ24315885
A centrosomal Cdc20-APC pathway controls dendrite morphogenesis in postmitotic neuronsQ24321502
Cell-intrinsic regulation of axonal morphogenesis by the Cdh1-APC target SnoNQ24324676
CUL7: A DOC domain-containing cullin selectively binds Skp1.Fbx29 to form an SCF-like complexQ24336508
A conserved MST-FOXO signaling pathway mediates oxidative-stress responses and extends life spanQ24338599
The Golgi-associated protein GRASP65 regulates spindle dynamics and is essential for cell divisionQ24531329
GRASP55, a second mammalian GRASP protein involved in the stacking of Golgi cisternae in a cell-free system.Q24534390
Polo-like kinase is required for the fragmentation of pericentriolar Golgi stacks during mitosisQ24555899
Systematic analysis and nomenclature of mammalian F-box proteinsQ24561715
Disruption of the Fbxw8 gene results in pre- and postnatal growth retardation in miceQ24642008
Targeted disruption of p185/Cul7 gene results in abnormal vascular morphogenesisQ24680360
A direct role for GRASP65 as a mitotically regulated Golgi stacking factorQ24681502
Golgi cisternal unstacking stimulates COPI vesicle budding and protein transportQ27301879
RNA interference reveals a requirement for myocyte enhancer factor 2A in activity-dependent neuronal survivalQ74796123
Think locally: control of ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation in neuronsQ37349687
Apical trafficking in epithelial cells: signals, clusters and motorsQ37634760
An SCF-like ubiquitin ligase complex that controls presynaptic differentiationQ39751223
GRASP65 and GRASP55 sequentially promote the transport of C-terminal valine-bearing cargos to and through the Golgi complexQ39785802
Degradation of Id2 by the anaphase-promoting complex couples cell cycle exit and axonal growth.Q40261081
Plk1 docking to GRASP65 phosphorylated by Cdk1 suggests a mechanism for Golgi checkpoint signalling.Q40464411
Growing dendrites and axons differ in their reliance on the secretory pathwayQ42572163
Cdc2 phosphorylation of BAD links the cell cycle to the cell death machineryQ44017737
A CaMKII-NeuroD signaling pathway specifies dendritic morphogenesis.Q44740477
Polarized secretory trafficking directs cargo for asymmetric dendrite growth and morphogenesis.Q46842844
Spatial regulation of an E3 ubiquitin ligase directs selective synapse eliminationQ47069201
Identification of E2/E3 ubiquitinating enzymes and caspase activity regulating Drosophila sensory neuron dendrite pruningQ47071604
Evolutionary biology. Pelvic problems for mammalsQ47778685
Cdh1-APC controls axonal growth and patterning in the mammalian brainQ48096732
Postnatal development of the cerebellar cortex in the rat. 3. Maturation of the components of the granular layerQ48740030
RING domain E3 ubiquitin ligasesQ27860546
Mechanism of the eukaryotic chaperonin: protein folding in the chamber of secrets.Q27919668
The Rac1-GEF Tiam1 couples the NMDA receptor to the activity-dependent development of dendritic arbors and spinesQ28115750
The ubiquitin ligase SCFFbw7 antagonizes apoptotic JNK signalingQ28240232
GRASP65, a Protein Involved in the Stacking of Golgi CisternaeQ28252739
The SCF ubiquitin ligase: insights into a molecular machineQ28279993
Mapping the functional domains of the Golgi stacking factor GRASP65Q28296248
A Cdc20-APC ubiquitin signaling pathway regulates presynaptic differentiationQ28504856
SCRAPPER-dependent ubiquitination of active zone protein RIM1 regulates synaptic vesicle releaseQ28505380
Activation of FOXO1 by Cdk1 in cycling cells and postmitotic neuronsQ28568084
A FOXO-Pak1 transcriptional pathway controls neuronal polarityQ28569856
Pin1 mediates neural-specific activation of the mitochondrial apoptotic machineryQ28582080
The ubiquitin ligase Phr1 regulates axon outgrowth through modulation of microtubule dynamicsQ28586645
Fbxo45 forms a novel ubiquitin ligase complex and is required for neuronal developmentQ28590633
Fbxw8 is essential for Cul1-Cul7 complex formation and for placental developmentQ28591828
Visualization of ER-to-Golgi transport in living cells reveals a sequential mode of action for COPII and COPIQ28609158
ER-to-Golgi transport visualized in living cellsQ29547526
Optimized survival of hippocampal neurons in B27-supplemented Neurobasal, a new serum-free medium combinationQ29614627
GRASP55 and GRASP65 play complementary and essential roles in Golgi cisternal stackingQ33615083
Branching out: mechanisms of dendritic arborizationQ34111001
How do dendrites take their shape?Q34199710
Mechanisms of Neural Patterning and Specification in the Development CerebellumQ34299482
Identification of mutations in CUL7 in 3-M syndromeQ34448386
Golgi architecture and inheritanceQ34525643
The neurobiology of autismQ34699035
The dynamic ubiquitin ligase duo: Cdh1-APC and Cdc20-APC regulate neuronal morphogenesis and connectivityQ35055074
The role of GRASP65 in Golgi cisternal stacking and cell cycle progressionQ35755058
The membrane spanning domain of beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase specifies trans Golgi localizationQ35934419
Regulation of dendritic growth by calcium and neurotrophin signalingQ35974439
Requirement of dendritic Akt degradation by the ubiquitin-proteasome system for neuronal polarityQ36118371
Dendritic pathology in mental retardation: from molecular genetics to neurobiology.Q36471799
The utility F-box for protein destructionQ37111318
Clinical, molecular and histopathological features of short stature syndrome with novel CUL7 mutation in Yakuts: new population isolate in Asia.Q37120982
The primordial growth disorder 3-M syndrome connects ubiquitination to the cytoskeletal adaptor OBSL1.Q37223950
P275copyright licenseCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalQ20007257
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectF-box and WD repeat domain containing 8Q21101420
negative regulation of dendrite morphogenesisQ21106740
Golgi reassembly stacking protein 1Q21113756
Cullin 7Q21117430
Obscurin like cytoskeletal adaptor 1Q21120306
S-phase kinase associated protein 1Q21149853
F-box and WD-40 domain protein 8Q21495696
Cullin 7Q21981700
S-phase kinase-associated protein 1Q21989934
P577publication date2011-05-01
P1433published inPLOS BiologyQ1771695
P1476titleAn OBSL1-Cul7Fbxw8 ubiquitin ligase signaling mechanism regulates Golgi morphology and dendrite patterning
An OBSL1-Cul7Fbxw8 Ubiquitin Ligase Signaling Mechanism Regulates Golgi Morphology and Dendrite Patterning

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