scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P8978 | DBLP publication ID | journals/bmcbi/DengJYHLZ12 |
P6179 | Dimensions Publication ID | 1032970670 |
P356 | DOI | 10.1186/1471-2105-13-113 |
P8608 | Fatcat ID | release_xuy2nsz43zhd5jtshrpqkqjw5e |
P932 | PMC publication ID | 3428680 |
P698 | PubMed publication ID | 22646978 |
P5875 | ResearchGate publication ID | 225080242 |
P50 | author | Jizhong Zhou | Q10921129 |
Ye Deng | Q87348833 | ||
Zhili He | Q38361994 | ||
Yunfeng Yang | Q55728829 | ||
P2093 | author name string | Feng Luo | |
Yi-Huei Jiang | |||
P2860 | cites work | Geometric interpretation of gene coexpression network analysis | Q21145373 |
Compilation and network analyses of cambrian food webs | Q21145858 | ||
WGCNA: an R package for weighted correlation network analysis | Q21284194 | ||
Finding community structure in very large networks | Q21686179 | ||
Enterotypes of the human gut microbiome | Q24489818 | ||
Community structure in social and biological networks | Q24534298 | ||
Modularity and community structure in networks | Q24548534 | ||
Random matrix analysis of human EEG data | Q79284207 | ||
Universality in complex networks: random matrix analysis | Q81424789 | ||
Scale-free networks: a decade and beyond | Q84285284 | ||
A human gut microbial gene catalogue established by metagenomic sequencing | Q24618931 | ||
Variations in DNA elucidate molecular networks that cause disease | Q24622333 | ||
Classes of small-world networks | Q24676405 | ||
Optimization by Simulated Annealing | Q25939004 | ||
Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks | Q27037290 | ||
Efficient Behavior of Small-World Networks | Q27339447 | ||
Hierarchical organization in complex networks | Q27347782 | ||
Fast algorithm for detecting community structure in networks | Q27348772 | ||
Constructing gene co-expression networks and predicting functions of unknown genes by random matrix theory | Q27496517 | ||
Network biology: understanding the cell's functional organization | Q27861027 | ||
Collective dynamics of 'small-world' networks | Q27861064 | ||
Inferring genetic networks and identifying compound mode of action via expression profiling | Q28185053 | ||
Specificity and stability in topology of protein networks | Q28216450 | ||
Integration of biological networks and gene expression data using Cytoscape | Q28681323 | ||
Phylogenetic molecular ecological network of soil microbial communities in response to elevated CO2 | Q28742134 | ||
The architecture of mutualistic networks minimizes competition and increases biodiversity | Q29013610 | ||
The detection of disease clustering and a generalized regression approach | Q29547676 | ||
Diet drives convergence in gut microbiome functions across mammalian phylogeny and within humans | Q29614455 | ||
The pervasive effects of an antibiotic on the human gut microbiota, as revealed by deep 16S rRNA sequencing | Q29615054 | ||
Using Bayesian networks to analyze expression data | Q29617295 | ||
Biological robustness | Q29617468 | ||
A general framework for weighted gene co-expression network analysis | Q29617580 | ||
Hierarchical organization of modularity in metabolic networks | Q29618451 | ||
Singular value decomposition for genome-wide expression data processing and modeling | Q29618495 | ||
Hierarchical structure and the prediction of missing links in networks | Q30050098 | ||
Functional cartography of complex metabolic networks | Q30481006 | ||
Transitive functional annotation by shortest-path analysis of gene expression data | Q30716814 | ||
Elucidation of gene interaction networks through time-lagged correlation analysis of transcriptional data | Q30950209 | ||
Application of random matrix theory to microarray data for discovering functional gene modules | Q31036395 | ||
GeoChip: a comprehensive microarray for investigating biogeochemical, ecological and environmental processes. | Q31137978 | ||
The nested assembly of plant-animal mutualistic networks | Q33187874 | ||
Comprehensive strategies to study neuronal function in transgenic animal models | Q33200493 | ||
The smallest of all worlds: pollination networks. | Q33226755 | ||
Gene connectivity, function, and sequence conservation: predictions from modular yeast co-expression networks | Q33235411 | ||
Non-random coextinctions in phylogenetically structured mutualistic networks | Q33294879 | ||
Eigengene networks for studying the relationships between co-expression modules | Q33306760 | ||
Spatial scaling of functional gene diversity across various microbial taxa. | Q33338397 | ||
Organization of excitable dynamics in hierarchical biological networks | Q33372128 | ||
GeoChip-based analysis of metabolic diversity of microbial communities at the Juan de Fuca Ridge hydrothermal vent | Q33416379 | ||
Snapshot of iron response in Shewanella oneidensis by gene network reconstruction | Q33422156 | ||
A global network of coexisting microbes from environmental and whole-genome sequence data | Q33574443 | ||
Functional molecular ecological networks | Q33716971 | ||
Reproducibility and quantitation of amplicon sequencing-based detection | Q33827930 | ||
Pyrosequencing-based assessment of bacterial community structure along different management types in German forest and grassland soils | Q33832108 | ||
Mutual information relevance networks: functional genomic clustering using pairwise entropy measurements | Q33910269 | ||
Reverse engineering gene networks using singular value decomposition and robust regression | Q34028331 | ||
Stability of ecological communities and the architecture of mutualistic and trophic networks | Q34131034 | ||
Food-web structure and network theory: The role of connectance and size | Q34149855 | ||
Analysis of oncogenic signaling networks in glioblastoma identifies ASPM as a molecular target | Q35127284 | ||
Conservation and evolution of gene coexpression networks in human and chimpanzee brains | Q35215128 | ||
Discovering functional relationships between RNA expression and chemotherapeutic susceptibility using relevance networks | Q35399475 | ||
The modularity of pollination networks | Q36288926 | ||
Ecological networks and their fragility | Q36541608 | ||
Functional organization of the transcriptome in human brain | Q37373520 | ||
Microbial community structure and its functional implications | Q37483457 | ||
Classes of complex networks defined by role-to-role connectivity profiles | Q39789937 | ||
Elevated CO2 stimulates net accumulations of carbon and nitrogen in land ecosystems: a meta-analysis | Q40331512 | ||
Quantifying cancer progression with conjunctive Bayesian networks | Q42662359 | ||
Cartography of complex networks: modules and universal roles. | Q42861495 | ||
Molecular eco-systems biology: towards an understanding of community function | Q43616579 | ||
Metagenomic analysis reveals a marked divergence in the structure of belowground microbial communities at elevated CO2. | Q51634811 | ||
Reverse-engineering transcription control networks | Q51702377 | ||
Biological networks: the tinkerer as an engineer | Q51819835 | ||
Finding community structure in networks using the eigenvectors of matrices | Q51931750 | ||
Identification of genetic networks from a small number of gene expression patterns under the Boolean network model. | Q52211190 | ||
Reveal, a general reverse engineering algorithm for inference of genetic network architectures | Q52238235 | ||
Small world patterns in food webs | Q53979359 | ||
Microbial awakenings | Q59064494 | ||
P4510 | describes a project that uses | Cytoscape | Q3699942 |
WGCNA | Q102537983 | ||
P921 | main subject | ecological network | Q5333246 |
P6104 | maintained by WikiProject | WikiProject Ecology | Q10818384 |
P304 | page(s) | 113 | |
P577 | publication date | 2012-05-30 | |
P1433 | published in | BMC Bioinformatics | Q4835939 |
P1476 | title | Molecular ecological network analyses | |
P478 | volume | 13 |
Q57027664 | 'NetShift': a methodology for understanding 'driver microbes' from healthy and disease microbiome datasets |
Q64070036 | A New Method to Correct for Habitat Filtering in Microbial Correlation Networks |
Q59791731 | A Pilot Study: Changes of Gut Microbiota in Post-surgery Colorectal Cancer Patients |
Q93053199 | A preliminary examination of bacterial, archaeal, and fungal communities inhabiting different rhizocompartments of tomato plants under real-world environments |
Q91673698 | Accelerated microbial reductive dechlorination of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol by weak electrical stimulation |
Q39624256 | Active microorganisms in forest soils differ from the total community yet are shaped by the same environmental factors: the influence of pH and soil moisture |
Q36393889 | Adaptive root foraging strategies along a boreal-temperate forest gradient |
Q98735695 | Alteration of Bacterial Wilt Resistance in Tomato Plant by Microbiota Transplant |
Q46256596 | An Integrated Insight into the Relationship between Soil Microbial Community and Tobacco Bacterial Wilt Disease |
Q90598737 | Anaerobic ammonium oxidation is a major N-sink in aquifer systems around the world |
Q89707699 | Analogous wheat root rhizosphere microbial successions in field and greenhouse trials in the presence of biocontrol agents Paenibacillus peoriae SP9 and Streptomyces fulvissimus FU14 |
Q35574941 | Analyses of soil microbial community compositions and functional genes reveal potential consequences of natural forest succession |
Q88977264 | Anammox granular sludge in low-ammonium sewage treatment: Not bigger size driving better performance |
Q92409537 | Applications of the Soil, Plant and Rumen Microbiomes in Pastoral Agriculture |
Q58697961 | Aquatic Bacterial Communities Associated With Land Use and Environmental Factors in Agricultural Landscapes Using a Metabarcoding Approach |
Q35486691 | Bacteria dialog with Santa Rosalia: Are aggregations of cosmopolitan bacteria mainly explained by habitat filtering or by ecological interactions? |
Q52311563 | Bacterial Succession Decreases Network Complexity During Plant Material Decomposition in Mangroves |
Q98233002 | Bacterial assembly during the initial adhesion phase in wastewater treatment biofilms |
Q93101487 | Bacterial assembly in the bio-cake of membrane bioreactors: Stochastic vs. deterministic processes |
Q39455344 | Banana Fusarium Wilt Disease Incidence Is Influenced by Shifts of Soil Microbial Communities Under Different Monoculture Spans. |
Q101133152 | Bio-priming with a hypovirulent phytopathogenic fungus enhances the connection and strength of microbial interaction network in rapeseed |
Q90454617 | Biochemical Components Associated With Microbial Community Shift During the Pile-Fermentation of Primary Dark Tea |
Q91297891 | Biodegradability of wastewater determines microbial assembly mechanisms in full-scale wastewater treatment plants |
Q46304554 | Biodiversity and species competition regulate the resilience of microbial biofilm community. |
Q38750722 | Biotransformation of nitrogen- and sulfur-containing pollutants during coking wastewater treatment: Correspondence of performance to microbial community functional structure |
Q92873583 | Broad-leaved forest types affect soil fungal community structure and soil organic carbon contents |
Q28828954 | Changes in the Structure of the Microbial Community Associated with Nannochloropsis salina following Treatments with Antibiotics and Bioactive Compounds |
Q43027236 | Changes of resistome, mobilome and potential hosts of antibiotic resistance genes during the transformation of anaerobic digestion from mesophilic to thermophilic |
Q37236609 | Characterising the interspecific variations and convergence of gut microbiota in Anseriformes herbivores at wintering areas |
Q100727572 | Characterization of soil microbes associated with a grazing-tolerant grass species, Stipa breviflora, in the Inner Mongolian desert steppe |
Q64264208 | Chemotherapy Alters the Phylogenetic Molecular Ecological Networks of Intestinal Microbial Communities |
Q37307367 | Co-acclimation of bacterial communities under stresses of hydrocarbons with different structures |
Q55519048 | Co-occurrence Network Reveals the Higher Fragmentation of the Bacterial Community in Kaidu River Than Its Tributaries in Northwestern China. |
Q57484044 | Co-occurrence patterns of litter decomposing communities in mangroves indicate a robust community resistant to disturbances |
Q47249231 | Comparative Metagenomics |
Q58583514 | Comparing microbial community compositions of biogas and sewage treatment plants by analyzing 16S rRNA gene data |
Q100512385 | Comparison of soil microbial community between reseeding grassland and natural grassland in Songnen Meadow |
Q91465903 | Complex food webs coincide with high genetic potential for chemolithoautotrophy in fractured bedrock groundwater |
Q38604864 | Conservation of Species- and Trait-Based Modeling Network Interactions in Extremely Acidic Microbial Community Assembly |
Q39476445 | Contrasting Ecological Processes and Functional Compositions Between Intestinal Bacterial Community in Healthy and Diseased Shrimp |
Q47723743 | Contrasting Network Features between Free-Living and Particle-Attached Bacterial Communities in Taihu Lake |
Q98164524 | Control of Fusarium wilt by wheat straw is associated with microbial network changes in watermelon rhizosphere |
Q31048490 | Correlation detection strategies in microbial data sets vary widely in sensitivity and precision. |
Q91810212 | Cracks Reinforce the Interactions among Soil Bacterial Communities in the Coal Mining Area of Loess Plateau, China |
Q45441436 | Cyanobacteria and Alphaproteobacteria May Facilitate Cooperative Interactions in Niche Communities |
Q92739428 | DNA Stable-Isotope Probing Delineates Carbon Flows from Rice Residues into Soil Microbial Communities Depending on Fertilization |
Q90079951 | DNA- and RNA- Derived Fungal Communities in Subsurface Aquifers Only Partly Overlap but React Similarly to Environmental Factors |
Q40486127 | Deciphering the Pathobiome: Intra- and Interkingdom Interactions Involving the Pathogen Erysiphe alphitoides |
Q90050731 | Decoding Wheat Endosphere-Rhizosphere Microbiomes in Rhizoctonia solani-Infested Soils Challenged by Streptomyces Biocontrol Agents |
Q60049906 | Deforestation impacts network co-occurrence patterns of microbial communities in Amazon soils |
Q49445263 | Detection of stable community structures within gut microbiota co-occurrence networks from different human populations |
Q64064258 | Deterministic processes dominate soil microbial community assembly in subalpine coniferous forests on the Loess Plateau |
Q57073739 | Dietary Bile Salt Types Influence the Composition of Biliary Bile Acids and Gut Microbiota in Grass Carp |
Q46318120 | Different substrate regimes determine transcriptional profiles and gene co-expression in Methanosarcina barkeri (DSM 800). |
Q100634252 | Different types of agricultural land use drive distinct soil bacterial communities |
Q39028873 | Disentangling Interactions in the Microbiome: A Network Perspective |
Q94663054 | Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) in traditional municipal wastewater treatment plants in China: Widespread but low contribution |
Q89965426 | Distinct Assembly Mechanisms Underlie Similar Biogeographic Patterns of Rare and Abundant Bacterioplankton in Cascade Reservoirs of a Large River |
Q33857439 | Distinct Network Interactions in Particle-Associated and Free-Living Bacterial Communities during a Microcystis aeruginosa Bloom in a Plateau Lake |
Q35363885 | Distribution and interaction patterns of bacterial communities in an ornithogenic soil of Seymour Island, Antarctica |
Q49685276 | Distribution of Archaeal Communities along the Coast of the Gulf of Finland and Their Response to Oil Contamination |
Q64084690 | Diurnal Temperature Variation and Plants Drive Latitudinal Patterns in Seasonal Dynamics of Soil Microbial Community |
Q55128112 | Divergent Responses of the Diazotrophic Microbiome to Elevated CO2 in Two Rice Cultivars. |
Q57071773 | Diversity and Co-occurrence Patterns of Soil Bacterial and Fungal Communities in Seven Intercropping Systems |
Q35888452 | Diversity and interactions of microbial functional genes under differing environmental conditions: insights from a membrane bioreactor and an oxidation ditch |
Q92832474 | Diversity-triggered deterministic bacterial assembly constrains community functions |
Q92220823 | Drivers and ecological consequences of dominance in periurban phytoplankton communities using networks approaches |
Q34503477 | Drivers shaping the diversity and biogeography of total and active bacterial communities in the South China Sea. |
Q57529984 | Dynamics of Bacterial Community Abundance and Structure in Horizontal Subsurface Flow Wetland Mesocosms Treating Municipal Wastewater |
Q59335091 | Dynamics of Sediment Microbial Functional Capacity and Community Interaction Networks in an Urbanized Coastal Estuary |
Q93272642 | Dynamics of ammonia oxidizers and denitrifiers in response to compost addition in black soil, Northeast China |
Q41918684 | Ecogenomics of virophages and their giant virus hosts assessed through time series metagenomics |
Q55002069 | Effect of land use and soil organic matter quality on the structure and function of microbial communities in pastoral soils: Implications for disease suppression. |
Q89652023 | Electromagnetic fields for biofouling mitigation in reclaimed water distribution systems |
Q36350433 | Elevated Air Humidity Changes Soil Bacterial Community Structure in the Silver Birch Stand |
Q55491387 | Environmental factors shaping the diversity of bacterial communities that promote rice production. |
Q64281369 | Evidence for fungi and gold redox interaction under Earth surface conditions |
Q36168186 | Evidence of bacterioplankton community adaptation in response to long-term mariculture disturbance |
Q97554776 | Evidence of selective enrichment of bacterial assemblages and antibiotic resistant genes by microplastics in urban rivers |
Q47168166 | Experimental design and quantitative analysis of microbial community multiomics |
Q64075214 | Explore mediated co-varying dynamics in microbial community using integrated local similarity and liquid association analysis |
Q54960111 | Fertilization shapes a well-organized community of bacterial decomposers for accelerated paddy straw degradation. |
Q92734069 | Flooding Irrigation Weakens the Molecular Ecological Network Complexity of Soil Microbes During the Process of Dryland-to-Paddy Conversion |
Q47663201 | Functional Stability and Community Dynamics during Spring and Autumn Seasons Over 3 Years in Camargue Microbial Mats. |
Q89577117 | Functional profiles of phycospheric microorganisms during a marine dinoflagellate bloom |
Q35172168 | Fungal communities respond to long-term CO2 elevation by community reassembly |
Q48241173 | Fungi stabilize connectivity in the lung and skin microbial ecosystems |
Q90475922 | Genetic correlation network prediction of forest soil microbial functional organization |
Q57281301 | Geospatial variation in co-occurrence networks of nitrifying microbial guilds |
Q36875942 | Global investigation of composition and interaction networks in gut microbiomes of individuals belonging to diverse geographies and age-groups |
Q91869147 | Graph Embedding Deep Learning Guides Microbial Biomarkers' Identification |
Q64929305 | Gut Microbiota in Tibetan Herdsmen Reflects the Degree of Urbanization. |
Q98386045 | Gut microbial co-abundance networks show specificity in inflammatory bowel disease and obesity |
Q46268191 | Gut region influences the diversity and interactions of bacterial communities in pikas (Ochotona curzoniae and Ochotona daurica). |
Q92096736 | Habitat filtering shapes the differential structure of microbial communities in the Xilingol grassland |
Q55188283 | Heterogeneity of interactions of microbial communities in regions of Taihu Lake with different nutrient loadings: A network analysis. |
Q91949387 | High abundance of Ralstonia solanacearum changed tomato rhizosphere microbiome and metabolome |
Q36472919 | High richness of ectomycorrhizal fungi and low host specificity in a coastal sand dune ecosystem revealed by network analysis |
Q46392298 | Host species shapes the co-occurrence patterns rather than diversity of stomach bacterial communities in pikas |
Q89744524 | Hotspot of dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) process in freshwater sediments of riparian zones |
Q92350228 | Identification of Crucial Candidate Genes and Pathways in Glioblastoma Multiform by Bioinformatics Analysis |
Q30991451 | Inferring microbial interaction network from microbiome data using RMN algorithm |
Q38667914 | Inferring microbial interactions in thermophilic and mesophilic anaerobic digestion of hog waste |
Q64114142 | Inhibition of Tumor Growth by Dietary Indole-3-Carbinol in a Prostate Cancer Xenograft Model May Be Associated with Disrupted Gut Microbial Interactions |
Q90450357 | Initial soil microbiome composition and functioning predetermine future plant health |
Q36756490 | Insights in the ecology and evolutionary history of the Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotic Group lineage |
Q55403270 | Insights into the ecology, evolution, and metabolism of the widespread Woesearchaeotal lineages. |
Q38672252 | Integrated metagenomic analysis of the rumen microbiome of cattle reveals key biological mechanisms associated with methane traits. |
Q98194239 | Intermittent electro field regulated mutualistic interspecies electron transfer away from the electrodes for bioenergy recovery from wastewater |
Q52578588 | KDiamend: a package for detecting key drivers in a molecular ecological network of disease |
Q88778845 | Keystone taxa as drivers of microbiome structure and functioning |
Q91572544 | Large-sized planktonic bioaggregates possess high biofilm formation potentials: Bacterial succession and assembly in the biofilm metacommunity |
Q89480933 | Linking belowground microbial network changes to different tolerance level towards Verticillium wilt of olive |
Q36096789 | Long-term successional dynamics of microbial association networks in anaerobic digestion processes |
Q92860270 | Mainland and island populations of Mussaenda kwangtungensis differ in their phyllosphere fungal community composition and network structure |
Q57029606 | Mangrove Sediment Microbiome: Adaptive Microbial Assemblages and Their Routed Biogeochemical Processes in Yunxiao Mangrove National Nature Reserve, China |
Q92423134 | Mapping the microbial interactome: Statistical and experimental approaches for microbiome network inference |
Q92177254 | Membrane autopsy deciphering keystone microorganisms stubborn against online NaOCl cleaning in a full-scale MBR |
Q60933533 | Metatranscriptomic and comparative genomic insights into resuscitation mechanisms during enrichment culturing |
Q91740124 | Microbial Co-Occurrence Patterns and Keystone Species in the Gut Microbial Community of Mice in Response to Stress and Chondroitin Sulfate Disaccharide |
Q33734884 | Microbial Community and Functional Structure Significantly Varied among Distinct Types of Paddy Soils But Responded Differently along Gradients of Soil Depth Layers |
Q90024237 | Microbial Network and Soil Properties Are Changed in Bacterial Wilt-Susceptible Soil |
Q92216937 | Microbial community composition in alpine lake sediments from the Hengduan Mountains |
Q46357278 | Microbial network, phylogenetic diversity and community membership in the active layer across a permafrost thaw gradient |
Q40314254 | Microbial population dynamics in response to increasing loadings of pre-hydrolyzed pig manure in an expanded granular sludge bed. |
Q35021122 | Microbiomes of unreactive and pathologically altered ileocecal lymph nodes of slaughter pigs. |
Q90195003 | Microecological Koch's postulates reveal that intestinal microbiota dysbiosis contributes to shrimp white feces syndrome |
Q36064477 | Millions of reads, thousands of taxa: microbial community structure and associations analyzed via marker genes |
Q90007911 | Modeling of the Coral Microbiome: the Influence of Temperature and Microbial Network |
Q92134921 | Modelling approaches for studying the microbiome |
Q90598789 | Molecular Ecological Network Complexity Drives Stand Resilience of Soil Bacteria to Mining Disturbances among Typical Damaged Ecosystems in China |
Q92418394 | Molecular ecological network analysis of the response of soil microbial communities to depth gradients in farmland soils |
Q33881009 | Molecular ecological network analysis reveals the effects of probiotics and florfenicol on intestinal microbiota homeostasis: An example of sea cucumber |
Q37510697 | Mucosa-associated bacterial microbiome of the gastrointestinal tract of weaned pigs and dynamics linked to dietary calcium-phosphorus |
Q47158591 | Myriophyllum aquaticum Constructed Wetland Effectively Removes Nitrogen in Swine Wastewater |
Q89723378 | Network analysis infers the wilt pathogen invasion associated with non-detrimental bacteria |
Q35692548 | Network succession reveals the importance of competition in response to emulsified vegetable oil amendment for uranium bioremediation |
Q64268926 | Nutrient Acquisition, Rather Than Stress Response Over Diel Cycles, Drives Microbial Transcription in a Hyper-Arid Namib Desert Soil |
Q50018390 | Oral microbiota of periodontal health and disease and their changes after nonsurgical periodontal therapy. |
Q36320284 | Overview of freshwater microbial eukaryotes diversity: a first analysis of publicly available metabarcoding data. |
Q55646747 | Persistence of Cellulolytic Bacteria Fibrobacter and Treponema After Short-Term Corn Stover-Based Dietary Intervention Reveals the Potential to Improve Rumen Fibrolytic Function. |
Q36911920 | Pika Population Density Is Associated with the Composition and Diversity of Gut Microbiota |
Q96127284 | Potential utilization of terrestrially derived dissolved organic matter by aquatic microbial communities in saline lakes |
Q34517523 | Preliminary analysis of salivary microbiome and their potential roles in oral lichen planus |
Q92479377 | Progressive Microbial Community Networks with Incremental Organic Loading Rates Underlie Higher Anaerobic Digestion Performance |
Q64096458 | Protist communities are more sensitive to nitrogen fertilization than other microorganisms in diverse agricultural soils |
Q28597693 | Response of Core Microbial Consortia to Chronic Hydrocarbon Contaminations in Coastal Sediment Habitats |
Q92239004 | Response of Fungal Communities and Co-occurrence Network Patterns to Compost Amendment in Black Soil of Northeast China |
Q58595286 | Response of chloramphenicol-reducing biocathode resistome to continuous electrical stimulation |
Q64105800 | Responses of phyllosphere microbiota and plant health to application of two different biocontrol agents |
Q38381095 | Resting-State Network Topology Differentiates Task Signals across the Adult Life Span. |
Q97883410 | Ridge Tillage Improves Soil Properties, Sustains Diazotrophic Communities, and Enhances Extensively Cooperative Interactions Among Diazotrophs in a Clay Loam Soil |
Q92746435 | Root ethylene mediates rhizosphere microbial community reconstruction when chemically detecting cyanide produced by neighbouring plants |
Q91528789 | Salivary mycobiome dysbiosis and its potential impact on bacteriome shifts and host immunity in oral lichen planus |
Q50627506 | Saturation of number variance in embedded random-matrix ensembles |
Q38623560 | Seasonal and spatial variations of prokaryoplankton communities in a salinity-influenced watershed, China |
Q33708443 | Seasonal soil microbial responses are limited to changes in functionality at two Alpine forest sites differing in altitude and vegetation |
Q96304669 | Sediment Microbial Communities and Their Potential Role as Environmental Pollution Indicators in Xuande Atoll, South China Sea |
Q91665538 | Selection of reference genes for flowering pathway analysis in the masting plants, Celmisia lyallii and Chionochloa pallens, under variable environmental conditions |
Q100514336 | Self-regulating microbiome networks ensure functional resilience of biofilms in sand biofilters during manganese load fluctuations |
Q55486396 | Signatures of ecological processes in microbial community time series. |
Q92323264 | Single molecule sequencing reveals response of manganese-oxidizing microbiome to different biofilter media in drinking water systems |
Q92071380 | Soil Property and Plant Diversity Determine Bacterial Turnover and Network Interactions in a Typical Arid Inland River Basin, Northwest China |
Q35771584 | Soil organic matter quantity and quality shape microbial community compositions of subtropical broadleaved forests. |
Q57238116 | Soil pH determines the alpha diversity but not beta diversity of soil fungal community along altitude in a typical Tibetan forest ecosystem |
Q35581990 | Sparse and compositionally robust inference of microbial ecological networks |
Q97640988 | Strong linkages between dissolved organic matter and the aquatic bacterial community in an urban river |
Q41485112 | Succession and Fermentation Products of Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) Hindgut Microbiota in Response to an Extreme Dietary Shift. |
Q64107250 | Succession of Composition and Function of Soil Bacterial Communities During Key Rice Growth Stages |
Q101127824 | Successional Dynamics of Molecular Ecological Network of Anammox Microbial Communities under Elevated Salinity |
Q96577043 | Successional trajectory of bacterial communities in soil are shaped by plant-driven changes during secondary succession |
Q46417798 | Syntrophobacteraceae-affiliated species are major propionate-degrading sulfate reducers in paddy soil |
Q41995777 | Taxonomic and Functional Analyses of the Supragingival Microbiome from Caries-Affected and Caries-Free Hosts. |
Q47974134 | Temperature regulates deterministic processes and the succession of microbial interactions in anaerobic digestion process |
Q33790372 | The Biogeographic Pattern of Microbial Functional Genes along an Altitudinal Gradient of the Tibetan Pasture |
Q35747765 | The Diversity and Co-occurrence Patterns of N₂-Fixing Communities in a CO₂-Enriched Grassland Ecosystem |
Q90194583 | The Structure and Species Co-Occurrence Networks of Soil Denitrifying Bacterial Communities Differ Between A Coniferous and A Broadleaved Forests |
Q40410875 | The Underlying Ecological Processes of Gut Microbiota Among Cohabitating Retarded, Overgrown and Normal Shrimp. |
Q98726955 | The brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met polymorphism increases segregation of structural correlation networks in healthy adult brains |
Q36091973 | The core populations and co-occurrence patterns of prokaryotic communities in household biogas digesters |
Q46336731 | The gut eukaryotic microbiota influences the growth performance among cohabitating shrimp. |
Q43645586 | The interconnected rhizosphere: High network complexity dominates rhizosphere assemblages |
Q36353210 | The microbially mediated soil organic carbon loss under degenerative succession in an alpine meadow |
Q39326595 | The shift of microbial communities and their roles in sulfur and iron cycling in a copper ore bioleaching system |
Q59789868 | The valproic acid rat model of autism presents with gut bacterial dysbiosis similar to that in human autism |
Q58203125 | Unifying concepts of biological function from molecules to ecosystems |
Q90163471 | Urban and agriculturally influenced water contribute differently to the spread of antibiotic resistance genes in a mega-city river network |
Q26766432 | Using "Omics" and Integrated Multi-Omics Approaches to Guide Probiotic Selection to Mitigate Chytridiomycosis and Other Emerging Infectious Diseases |
Q41718083 | Variations in oral microbiota associated with oral cancer |
Q64935278 | Variations in phyllosphere microbial community along with the development of angular leaf-spot of cucumber. |
Q92404434 | Vineyard Soil Microbiome Composition Related to Rotundone Concentration in Australian Cool Climate 'Peppery' Shiraz Grapes |
Q95660705 | Viral control of biomass and diversity of bacterioplankton in the deep sea |
Q89563039 | Volatile organic compounds in the salt-lake sediments of the Tibet Plateau influence prokaryotic diversity and community assembly |
Q92734853 | Warming-induced permafrost thaw exacerbates tundra soil carbon decomposition mediated by microbial community |
Q93039935 | Wheat dwarfing influences selection of the rhizosphere microbiome |
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