Pathogenic mechanisms of allergic inflammation: atopic asthma as a paradigm

scientific article published on December 2009

Pathogenic mechanisms of allergic inflammation: atopic asthma as a paradigm is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID20457116

P2093author name stringAnthony Bosco
Deborah H Strickland
Patrick G Holt
Frode L Jahnsen
P2860cites workMulti-tissue coexpression networks reveal unexpected subnetworks associated with diseaseQ21183892
Allergic dysregulation and hyperimmunoglobulinemia E in Foxp3 mutant miceQ24293865
Antigen-specific regulatory T cells develop via the ICOS-ICOS-ligand pathway and inhibit allergen-induced airway hyperreactivityQ24302386
XCL1 enhances regulatory activities of CD4+ CD25(high) CD127(low/-) T cells in human allergic asthmaQ24318773
Basophils function as antigen-presenting cells for an allergen-induced T helper type 2 responseQ24613860
Allergenicity resulting from functional mimicry of a Toll-like receptor complex proteinQ24617663
Variations in DNA elucidate molecular networks that cause diseaseQ24622333
JM2, encoding a fork head-related protein, is mutated in X-linked autoimmunity-allergic disregulation syndromeQ24626901
Cluster analysis and display of genome-wide expression patternsQ24644463
Wnt signaling arrests effector T cell differentiation and generates CD8+ memory stem cellsQ24651232
Regulatory activity of human CD4 CD25 T cells depends on allergen concentration, type of allergen and atopy status of the donorQ81082204
Plasticity of regulatory T cells: subversion of suppressive function and conversion to enhancement of lung allergic responsesQ81305891
Pathogenesis of asthmaQ81325145
Effect of an interleukin-4 variant on late phase asthmatic response to allergen challenge in asthmatic patients: results of two phase 2a studiesQ81471173
Adaptive Foxp3+ regulatory T cell-dependent and -independent control of allergic inflammationQ81617509
Kinetics of regulatory T cells in the ovalbumin asthma model in the ratQ82726786
Modulation of dendritic cell trafficking to and from the airwaysQ82732420
CC chemokine ligand 1 is released into the airways of atopic asthmaticsQ82842958
High-quality binary protein interaction map of the yeast interactome networkQ24651397
IL-25 augments type 2 immune responses by enhancing the expansion and functions of TSLP-DC-activated Th2 memory cellsQ24676119
The human disease networkQ24678240
Resolution of airway inflammation and hyperreactivity after in vivo transfer of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells is interleukin 10 dependent.Q25255561
Allergen uptake, activation, and IL-23 production by pulmonary myeloid DCs drives airway hyperresponsiveness in asthma-susceptible miceQ27438135
Functional profiling of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genomeQ27860544
Alternative activation of macrophagesQ27860939
Network biology: understanding the cell's functional organizationQ27861027
Functional discovery via a compendium of expression profilesQ27938962
Transcript imaging of the development of human T helper cells using oligonucleotide arraysQ28143944
Two subsets of memory T lymphocytes with distinct homing potentials and effector functionsQ28146072
T follicular helper cells express a distinctive transcriptional profile, reflecting their role as non-Th1/Th2 effector cells that provide help for B cellsQ28268047
The receptor tyrosine kinase Flt3 is required for dendritic cell development in peripheral lymphoid tissuesQ28510383
Identification of functional roles for both IL-17RB and IL-17RA in mediating IL-25-induced activitiesQ28584827
Thymic stromal lymphopoietin as a key initiator of allergic airway inflammation in miceQ28586460
Transcriptional profiling of the human monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation and polarization: new molecules and patterns of gene expressionQ28646286
Lethality and centrality in protein networksQ29547267
Error and attack tolerance of complex networksQ29547268
How regulatory T cells workQ29614262
Genetics of gene expression and its effect on diseaseQ29614591
Mechanisms of foxp3+ T regulatory cell-mediated suppressionQ29615842
A network-based analysis of systemic inflammation in humansQ29617040
Biological robustnessQ29617468
CD127 expression inversely correlates with FoxP3 and suppressive function of human CD4+ T reg cellsQ29618394
The immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-linked syndrome (IPEX) is caused by mutations of FOXP3Q29619324
Dendritic cells express tight junction proteins and penetrate gut epithelial monolayers to sample bacteriaQ29619620
Rhinovirus and respiratory syncytial virus in wheezing children requiring emergency care. IgE and eosinophil analysesQ30303618
A major lung CD103 (alphaE)-beta7 integrin-positive epithelial dendritic cell population expressing Langerin and tight junction proteinsQ30439422
Diverse and potent chemokine production by lung CD11bhigh dendritic cells in homeostasis and in allergic lung inflammationQ30442651
House dust mite allergen induces asthma via Toll-like receptor 4 triggering of airway structural cellsQ30492200
Global similarity and local divergence in human and mouse gene co-expression networksQ33257304
Dynamic imaging of dendritic cell extension into the small bowel lumen in response to epithelial cell TLR engagementQ33265418
Using genetic markers to orient the edges in quantitative trait networks: the NEO softwareQ33328317
A module-based analytical strategy to identify novel disease-associated genes shows an inhibitory role for interleukin 7 Receptor in allergic inflammationQ33409104
A graphical model approach for inferring large-scale networks integrating gene expression and genetic polymorphismQ33453997
The bronchial epithelium as a key regulator of airway inflammation and remodelling in asthmaQ33696810
Monocytes give rise to mucosal, but not splenic, conventional dendritic cellsQ36228955
Induction of high-affinity IgE receptor on lung dendritic cells during viral infection leads to mucous cell metaplasiaQ36229077
Interleukin 25 promotes the initiation of proallergic type 2 responses.Q36229535
Density of dendritic cells in the human tracheal mucosa is age dependent and site specificQ36237943
Regulatory T cells and IL-10 in allergic inflammationQ36332180
Origin, Kinetics, and characteristics of pulmonary macrophages in the normal steady stateQ36341568
Animal models of allergen-induced tolerance in asthma: are T-regulatory-1 cells (Tr-1) the solution for T-helper-2 cells (Th-2) in asthma?Q36360525
Downregulation of the antigen presenting cell function(s) of pulmonary dendritic cells in vivo by resident alveolar macrophagesQ36361336
The natural immune response to inhaled soluble protein antigens involves major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-restricted CD8+ T cell-mediated but MHC class II-restricted CD4+ T cell-dependent immune deviation resulting in selective suppresQ36362328
Rapid dendritic cell recruitment is a hallmark of the acute inflammatory response at mucosal surfacesQ36363011
Lipopolysaccharide-enhanced, toll-like receptor 4-dependent T helper cell type 2 responses to inhaled antigenQ36376615
Bidirectional interactions between antigen-bearing respiratory tract dendritic cells (DCs) and T cells precede the late phase reaction in experimental asthma: DC activation occurs in the airway mucosa but not in the lung parenchymaQ36376653
Interleukin-10 is a natural suppressor of cytokine production and inflammation in a murine model of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosisQ36376986
Dendritic cells are recruited into the airway epithelium during the inflammatory response to a broad spectrum of stimuliQ36377468
Resting respiratory tract dendritic cells preferentially stimulate T helper cell type 2 (Th2) responses and require obligatory cytokine signals for induction of Th1 immunityQ36401161
Spontaneous atopic dermatitis in mice expressing an inducible thymic stromal lymphopoietin transgene specifically in the skinQ36402793
A role for TSLP in the development of inflammation in an asthma modelQ36403050
Sequential development of interleukin 2-dependent effector and regulatory T cells in response to endogenous systemic antigenQ36403106
Pollen-associated phytoprostanes inhibit dendritic cell interleukin-12 production and augment T helper type 2 cell polarizationQ36403250
Asthmatic bronchial epithelial cells have a deficient innate immune response to infection with rhinovirusQ36403355
In vivo depletion of lung CD11c+ dendritic cells during allergen challenge abrogates the characteristic features of asthmaQ36403375
Coexpression of CD25 and CD27 identifies FoxP3+ regulatory T cells in inflamed synoviaQ36403785
CD4+CD25+ T cells protect against experimentally induced asthma and alter pulmonary dendritic cell phenotype and functionQ36403998
Regulatory T-cell compartmentalization and traffickingQ36421407
FOXP3: of mice and men.Q36427333
The prolonged life-span of alveolar macrophagesQ36508699
Complement regulates inhalation tolerance at the dendritic cell/T cell interfaceQ36556797
Immune dysregulation in asthmaQ36607748
Thematic review series: systems biology approaches to metabolic and cardiovascular disorders. Reverse engineering gene networks to identify key drivers of complex disease phenotypesQ36609005
Bronchiolitis to asthma: a review and call for studies of gene-virus interactions in asthma causationQ36629076
Mouse respiratory tract dendritic cell subsets and the immunological fate of inhaled antigensQ36721954
The dynamic co-evolution of memory and regulatory CD4+ T cells in the peripheryQ36743559
Type I interferon-inducible gene expression in blood is present and reflects disease activity in dermatomyositis and polymyositis.Q36744546
The relationship of RSV-specific immunoglobulin E antibody responses in infancy, recurrent wheezing, and pulmonary function at age 7-8 yearsQ70528799
Antigen presentation by macrophages from adult thymectomised miceQ70982181
The relationship between upper respiratory infections and hospital admissions for asthma: a time-trend analysisQ71540445
Association of interleukin-2 and interferon-gamma production by blood mononuclear cells in infancy with parental allergy skin tests and with subsequent development of atopyQ71586528
Asthma and wheezing in the first six years of life. The Group Health Medical AssociatesQ72356528
Reduced interferon-gamma secretion in neonates and subsequent atopyQ72737177
Appearance of IgE antibodies to ingested and inhaled allergens during the first 12 years of life in atopic and non-atopic childrenQ72751177
Human nasal mucosa contains antigen-presenting cells of strikingly different functional phenotypesQ73581449
Surface expression of Fc epsilon RI on Langerhans' cells of clinically uninvolved skin is associated with disease activity in atopic dermatitis, allergic asthma, and rhinitisQ73747321
Selective development of a strong Th2 cytokine profile in high-risk children who develop atopy: risk factors and regulatory role of IFN-gamma, IL-4 and IL-10Q74249530
Pulmonary dendritic cells producing IL-10 mediate tolerance induced by respiratory exposure to antigenQ74286698
Human recent thymic emigrants--identification, expansion, and survival characteristicsQ74321425
Gene microarrays reveal extensive differential gene expression in both CD4(+) and CD8(+) type 1 and type 2 T cellsQ74481512
Plasma concentration of thymus and activation-regulated chemokine is elevated in childhood asthmaQ74712610
The role of CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) and RANTES/CCL5 during chronic fungal asthma in miceQ77355594
Allergen-induced accumulation of airway dendritic cells is supported by an increase in CD31(hi)Ly-6C(neg) bone marrow precursors in a mouse model of asthmaQ78410578
Toll pathway-dependent blockade of CD4+CD25+ T cell-mediated suppression by dendritic cellsQ78806915
Identification of novel genes regulated by IL-12, IL-4, or TGF-beta during the early polarization of CD4+ lymphocytesQ79274232
Accelerated antigen sampling and transport by airway mucosal dendritic cells following inhalation of a bacterial stimulusQ79287381
Induction of tolerance to innocuous inhaled antigen relies on a CCR7-dependent dendritic cell-mediated antigen transport to the bronchial lymph nodeQ79326805
Semimature stage: a checkpoint in a dendritic cell maturation program that allows for functional reversion after signal-regulatory protein-alpha ligation and maturation signalsQ79401075
Plasmacytoid DCs regulate recall responses by rapid induction of IL-10 in memory T cellsQ79421931
Distinct differentiation potential of blood monocyte subsets in the lungQ79717943
Regulatory T cells dynamically control the primary immune response to foreign antigenQ79803360
Remission of chronic fungal asthma in the absence of CCR8Q79828943
Cutting Edge: Proinflammatory and Th2 cytokines synergize to induce thymic stromal lymphopoietin production by human skin keratinocytesQ79880369
Genome-wide identification of novel genes involved in early Th1 and Th2 cell differentiationQ79880461
Granzyme B is critical for T cell receptor-induced cell death of type 2 helper T cellsQ80092770
The functional insufficiency of human CD4+CD25 high T-regulatory cells in allergic asthma is subjected to TNF-alpha modulationQ80132048
Demonstration of circulating allergen-specific CD4+CD25highFoxp3+ T-regulatory cells in both nonatopic and atopic individualsQ80552432
Bronchial response pattern of antigen presenting cells and regulatory T cells in children less than 2 years of ageQ80633017
Blood monocyte subsets differentially give rise to CD103+ and CD103- pulmonary dendritic cell populationsQ80752326
Regulatory T cell development in the absence of functional Foxp3.Q44440268
Elucidation of asthma phenotypes in atopic teenagers through parallel immunophenotypic and clinical profilingQ44974182
Generation of high-affinity antibody against T cell-dependent antigen in the Ganp gene-transgenic mouseQ44992122
Defective suppression of Th2 cytokines by CD4CD25 regulatory T cells in birch allergics during birch pollen seasonQ45043921
Pancreatic beta-cell function and immune responses to insulin after administration of intranasal insulin to humans at risk for type 1 diabetesQ45081235
Reduced expression of transforming growth factor beta 1 exacerbates pathology in an experimental asthma modelQ45184304
A longitudinal study of the effects of parental smoking on pulmonary function in children 6-18 yearsQ45232552
Atopic phenotype in children is associated with decreased virus-induced interferon-alpha releaseQ45733337
Monocyte interleukin-12 production is inversely related to duration of respiratory failure in respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitisQ45742301
Respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis in infancy is an important risk factor for asthma and allergy at age 7.Q45742542
Respiratory syncytial virus in early life and risk of wheeze and allergy by age 13 yearsQ45747463
Influenza A virus infection increases IgE production and airway responsiveness in aerosolized antigen-exposed miceQ45752805
Effect of influenza virus infection on allergic sensitization to inhaled antigen in miceQ45832133
Deficient herpes simplex virus-induced interferon-alpha production by blood leukocytes of preterm and term newborn infantsQ45851943
Induction of T helper type 1-like regulatory cells that express Foxp3 and protect against airway hyper-reactivityQ46061458
Mepolizumab for prednisone-dependent asthma with sputum eosinophiliaQ46098864
Gene expression alterations of human peripheral blood monocytes induced by medium-term treatment with the TH2-cytokines interleukin-4 and -13.Q46471018
Human CD25highFoxp3pos regulatory T cells differentiate into IL-17-producing cellsQ46490320
Tumor cyclooxygenase-2/prostaglandin E2-dependent promotion of FOXP3 expression and CD4+ CD25+ T regulatory cell activities in lung cancerQ46549031
Respiratory Function Among Preterm Infants Whose Mothers Smoked During PregnancyQ46670142
IL-21R on T cells is critical for sustained functionality and control of chronic viral infectionQ46697142
Resolution of Der p1-induced allergic airway inflammation is dependent on CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory cellsQ46915110
Increased secretion of leukemia inhibitory factor by immature airway smooth muscle cells enhances intracellular signaling and airway contractility.Q46952869
Essential role of dendritic cell CD80/CD86 costimulation in the induction, but not reactivation, of TH2 effector responses in a mouse model of asthmaQ47229710
CCR4 ligands are up-regulated in the airways of atopic asthmatics after segmental allergen challengeQ47287301
A longitudinal, population-based, cohort study of childhood asthma followed to adulthoodQ47577376
Early life environmental control: effect on symptoms, sensitization, and lung function at age 3 yearsQ47606210
Cow's milk-specific T-cell reactivity of children with and without persistent cow's milk allergy: key role for IL-10.Q47635834
The concerted action of GM-CSF and Flt3-ligand on in vivo dendritic cell homeostasisQ47734606
Functional delineation and differentiation dynamics of human CD4+ T cells expressing the FoxP3 transcription factorQ47740353
Cytokine response patterns, exposure to viruses, and respiratory infections in the first year of lifeQ47755836
Long-lasting sensitization to food during the first two years precedes allergic airway disease. The MAS Study Group, GermanyQ47791397
In vivo IL-10 gene delivery suppresses airway eosinophilia and hyperreactivity by down-regulating APC functions and migration without impairing the antigen-specific systemic immune response in a mouse model of allergic airway inflammationQ47794289
An immunoepidemiological approach to asthma: identification of in-vitro T-cell response patterns associated with different wheezing phenotypes in childrenQ47869009
No defect in T-cell priming, secondary response, or tolerance induction in response to inhaled antigens in Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand-deficient mice.Q47869286
Human CD4+CD25+ T cells derived from the majority of atopic donors are able to suppress TH1 and TH2 cytokine productionQ47963719
Anti–IL-5 (mepolizumab) therapy induces bone marrow eosinophil maturational arrest and decreases eosinophil progenitors in the bronchial mucosa of atopic asthmaticsQ47963812
Relation of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T-cell suppression of allergen-driven T-cell activation to atopic status and expression of allergic diseaseQ48029520
Accelerated Airway Dendritic Cell Maturation, Trafficking, and Elimination in a Mouse Model of AsthmaQ49030635
Chemokine receptor CCR2 but not CCR5 or CCR6 mediates the increase in pulmonary dendritic cells during allergic airway inflammation.Q49057240
Prolonged inhaled allergen exposure can induce persistent toleranceQ49064763
Different roles for human lung dendritic cell subsets in pulmonary immune defense mechanismsQ49086146
Tracking of lung function in healthy children and adolescents.Q50798719
Development of plasmacytoid and conventional dendritic cell subtypes from single precursor cells derived in vitro and in vivoQ50885261
Passive respiratory mechanics in healthy infants. Effects of growth, gender, and smokingQ51009402
Antigen mediated and polyclonal stimulation of human cytokine production elicit qualitatively different patterns of cytokine gene expression.Q51127210
The effects of respiratory infections, atopy, and breastfeeding on childhood asthmaQ51715738
Frequency, severity, and duration of rhinovirus infections in asthmatic and non-asthmatic individuals: a longitudinal cohort studyQ51723849
A single gene network accurately predicts phenotypic effects of gene perturbation in Caenorhabditis elegans.Q51896048
Developmental changes of FOXP3-expressing CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells and their impairment in patients with FOXP3 gene mutationsQ51970965
Prenatal versus postnatal sensitization to environmental allergens in a high-risk birth cohortQ51976382
Mechanisms of virus-induced asthma exacerbations: state-of-the-art. A GA2LEN and InterAirways document.Q36745737
FOXP3 modifies the phenotypic and functional properties of regulatory T cellsQ36767504
Innate immunity of the newborn: basic mechanisms and clinical correlatesQ36800979
Wheezing rhinovirus illnesses in early life predict asthma development in high-risk childrenQ36915476
Persistent activation of an innate immune response translates respiratory viral infection into chronic lung diseaseQ36955908
Immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-linked: forkhead box protein 3 mutations and lack of regulatory T cellsQ36968542
Lymph-migrating, tissue-derived dendritic cells are minor constituents within steady-state lymph nodesQ36979954
Prevention of allergic respiratory disease in infants: current aspects and future perspectivesQ36995981
Migration of dendritic cell subsets and their precursors.Q37017615
Regulation of immunological homeostasis in the respiratory tractQ37060276
Dendritic cells and epithelial cells: linking innate and adaptive immunity in asthmaQ37095243
T cell trafficking in allergic asthma: the ins and outsQ37096082
Down-regulation of Gfi-1 expression by TGF-beta is important for differentiation of Th17 and CD103+ inducible regulatory T cells.Q37106760
Dendritic cell homeostasisQ37157975
Pathway and network-based analysis of genome-wide association studies in multiple sclerosisQ37183962
Strategies for use of IL-10 or its antagonists in human diseaseQ37211255
Antigen-presentation properties of plasmacytoid dendritic cellsQ37272231
Peptide immunotherapy in allergic asthma generates IL-10-dependent immunological tolerance associated with linked epitope suppressionQ37273245
CD11b+ myeloid cells are the key mediators of Th2 cell homing into the airway in allergic inflammationQ37282709
CD4(+) T helper cells engineered to produce latent TGF-beta1 reverse allergen-induced airway hyperreactivity and inflammationQ37303070
A modular analysis framework for blood genomics studies: application to systemic lupus erythematosusQ37308037
Division of labor between dendritic cell subsets of the lungQ37349753
Inflammatory signals in dendritic cell activation and the induction of adaptive immunityQ37361473
Basophils trump dendritic cells as APCs for T(H)2 responsesQ37373106
Innate immune responses of airway epithelium to house dust mite are mediated through beta-glucan-dependent pathwaysQ37386852
Role of interleukin 10 in specific immunotherapyQ37387064
Regulatory T cells in bronchial asthmaQ37394142
Between a cough and a wheeze: dendritic cells at the nexus of tobacco smoke-induced allergic airway sensitization.Q37406891
Regulatory lymphocytes and intestinal inflammation.Q37419380
Regulating the regulators: costimulatory signals control the homeostasis and function of regulatory T cellsQ37474900
Natural and adaptive foxp3+ regulatory T cells: more of the same or a division of labor?Q37493607
Foxp3+ regulatory T cells: differentiation, specification, subphenotypesQ37523266
Therapeutic manipulation of immune tolerance in allergic diseaseQ37567423
Mepolizumab and exacerbations of refractory eosinophilic asthmaQ37711391
Evidence for a differential expression of the FcepsilonRIgamma chain in dendritic cells of atopic and nonatopic donorsQ39743665
Wheezing and bronchial hyper-responsiveness in early childhood as predictors of newly diagnosed asthma in early adulthood: a longitudinal birth-cohort studyQ33700027
Induction of airway hyperreactivity by IL-25 is dependent on a subset of invariant NKT cells expressing IL-17RB.Q33725020
Validation of candidate causal genes for obesity that affect shared metabolic pathways and networksQ33725093
Regulatory T-cell suppressor program co-opts transcription factor IRF4 to control T(H)2 responsesQ33830564
Der p 1 facilitates transepithelial allergen delivery by disruption of tight junctionsQ33853393
Treg versus Th17 lymphocyte lineages are cross-regulated by LIF versus IL-6.Q33896981
Experimentally induced recruitment of plasmacytoid (CD123high) dendritic cells in human nasal allergyQ33921703
Aberrant in vivo T helper type 2 cell response and impaired eosinophil recruitment in CC chemokine receptor 8 knockout miceQ33936935
Human epithelial cells trigger dendritic cell mediated allergic inflammation by producing TSLP.Q34132655
Reversing the defective induction of IL-10-secreting regulatory T cells in glucocorticoid-resistant asthma patientsQ34195964
Interleukin-10 inhibits antigen-induced cellular recruitment into the airways of sensitized miceQ34223681
A defect in nucleosome remodeling prevents IL-12(p35) gene transcription in neonatal dendritic cellsQ34309611
Dendritic cell immaturity during infancy restricts the capacity to express vaccine-specific T-cell memoryQ34334353
Thymic stromal lymphopoietin expression is increased in asthmatic airways and correlates with expression of Th2-attracting chemokines and disease severityQ34424967
Rhinovirus induces airway epithelial gene expression through double-stranded RNA and IFN-dependent pathwaysQ34457640
Asthma genetics 2006: the long and winding road to gene discovery.Q34482054
The Melbourne Asthma Study: 1964-1999.Q34528265
Immune responses in healthy and allergic individuals are characterized by a fine balance between allergen-specific T regulatory 1 and T helper 2 cellsQ34548321
Regulatory T cell-derived interleukin-10 limits inflammation at environmental interfacesQ34590015
Steady-state and inflammatory dendritic-cell developmentQ34591334
The modular nature of genetic diseases.Q34597943
Distinct regulation of IgE, IgG4 and IgA by T regulatory cells and toll-like receptorsQ34598797
Humanized mice in translational biomedical researchQ34607151
CD27 expression on CD4+ T cells differentiates effector from regulatory T cell subsets in the lungQ34702659
CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells induce alternative activation of human monocytes/macrophages.Q34718815
Sequence- and target-independent angiogenesis suppression by siRNA via TLR3Q34764750
Origin, homeostasis and function of Langerhans cells and other langerin-expressing dendritic cellsQ34887778
The transcriptional network that controls growth arrest and differentiation in a human myeloid leukemia cell line.Q34976601
Plasticity of CD4+ T cell lineage differentiation.Q34982725
Human CD4+ CD25hi Foxp3+ regulatory T cells are derived by rapid turnover of memory populations in vivoQ35009480
Genetics and genomics of asthma and allergic diseasesQ35030992
Drug development for asthmaQ35183997
Regulatory T cells control the development of allergic disease and asthmaQ35298331
CCR8 expression identifies CD4 memory T cells enriched for FOXP3+ regulatory and Th2 effector lymphocytesQ51977937
Maintenance and polarization of human TH2 central memory T cells by thymic stromal lymphopoietin-activated dendritic cellsQ51981660
Identification of novel Th2-associated genes in T memory responses to allergensQ51983571
Stepwise differentiation of CD4 memory T cells defined by expression of CCR7 and CD27.Q51987403
Early-life respiratory viral infections, atopic sensitization, and risk of subsequent development of persistent asthmaQ51992112
Functional maturation of CD4+CD25+CTLA4+CD45RA+ T regulatory cells in human neonatal T cell responses to environmental antigens/allergens.Q51998469
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells activate allergen-specific TH2 memory cells: modulation by CpG oligodeoxynucleotidesQ51998516
Regulation of allergic mucosal sensitization by interleukin-12 gene transfer to the airway.Q52032423
Development of allergen-specific T-cell memory in atopic and normal childrenQ52035603
Successful bone marrow transplantation for IPEX syndrome after reduced-intensity conditioningQ52573741
Allergic airways disease develops after an increase in allergen capture and processing in the airway mucosaQ52582898
A network modeling approach to analysis of the Th2 memory responses underlying human atopic diseaseQ52593348
Glucocorticoids induce differentiation of a specifically activated, anti-inflammatory subtype of human monocytesQ52767154
Perennial allergen sensitisation early in life and chronic asthma in children: a birth cohort studyQ52930916
Heterogeneity in diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis vaccine-specific cellular immunity during infancy: relationship to variations in the kinetics of postnatal maturation of systemic th1 functionQ52932135
Interleukin-10/interleukin-5 responses at birth predict risk for respiratory infections in children with atopic family historyQ53440672
Expression and cellular provenance of thymic stromal lymphopoietin and chemokines in patients with severe asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseQ53461712
Naturally occurring lung CD4(+)CD25(+) T cell regulation of airway allergic responses depends on IL-10 induction of TGF-betaQ53576197
Diesel exhaust particle-exposed human bronchial epithelial cells induce dendritic cell maturationQ53619769
CD4+ invariant T-cell-receptor+ natural killer T cells in bronchial asthmaQ53632299
A defect in corticosteroid-induced IL-10 production in T lymphocytes from corticosteroid-resistant asthmatic patientsQ53979709
Altered respiratory tissue mechanics in asymptomatic wheezy infants.Q53988312
Endotoxin opens the Tollgates to innate immunityQ54106300
Transcriptional profiling reveals complex regulation of the monocyte IL-1 beta system by IL-13.Q54686540
An anti-inflammatory role for plasmacytoid dendritic cells in allergic airway inflammation.Q54736687
Neonatal Tolerance Revisited: Turning on Newborn T Cells with Dendritic CellsQ56338635
Dynamics of Dendritic Cell Phenotype and Interactions with CD4+ T Cells in Airway Inflammation and ToleranceQ56830566
The levels of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells in paediatric patients with allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthmaQ56901462
Induction of CD4+/CD25+ regulatory T cells by targeting of antigens to immature dendritic cellsQ56903879
Effect of environmental manipulation in pregnancy and early life on respiratory symptoms and atopy during first year of life: a randomised trialQ57138557
Blood plasmacytoid dendritic cell responses to CpG oligodeoxynucleotides are impaired in human newbornsQ57158226
Skin prick test can identify eczematous infants at risk of asthma and allergic rhinitisQ58104829
Interactions between Innate Antiviral and Atopic Immunoinflammatory Pathways Precipitate and Sustain Asthma Exacerbations in ChildrenQ58385251
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells during infancy are inversely associated with childhood respiratory tract infections and wheezingQ58385264
Early-onset atopy is associated with enhanced lymphocyte cytokine responses in 11-year-old childrenQ58385316
Antigen presentation by dendritic cells in vivoQ58757885
Suppression of airway eosinophilia by killed Mycobacterium vaccae-induced allergen-specific regulatory T-cellsQ58826830
Regulatory T-cell functions are subverted and converted owing to attenuated Foxp3 expressionQ59048389
Postnatal Development of Monocyte Cytokine Responses to Bacterial LipopolysaccharideQ59310467
Genetic 'risk' for atopy is associated with delayed postnatal maturation of T-cell competenceQ59310705
Ia-positive dendritic cells form a tightly meshed network within the human airway epitheliumQ59310723
Suppression of IgE responses following inhalation of antigenQ59310735
Suppression of IgE responses in inbred rats by repeated respiratory tract exposure to antigen: Responder phenotype influences isotype specificity of induced toleranceQ59310756
CCR2-positive monocytes recruited to inflamed lungs downregulate local CCL2 chemokine levelsQ60364100
Foxp3 Transcription-Factor-Dependent and -Independent Regulation of the Regulatory T Cell Transcriptional SignatureQ61713917
Rapid response of circulating myeloid dendritic cells to inhaled allergen in asthmatic subjectsQ61892526
Quantitative and functional impairment of pulmonary CD4+CD25hi regulatory T cells in pediatric asthmaQ62555671
Natural killer T cells and CD8+ T cells are dispensable for T cell–dependent allergic airway inflammationQ63363299
Association of asthma with serum IgE levels and skin-test reactivity to allergensQ69937243
Rapid dendritic cell recruitment to the bronchial mucosa of patients with atopic asthma in response to local allergen challengeQ35534277
A defective type 1 response to rhinovirus in atopic asthma.Q35535100
Early identification of atopy in the prediction of persistent asthma in childrenQ35633553
Microarray analysis of interferon-regulated genes in SLE.Q35675519
Regulatory T cells and mechanisms of immune system controlQ35852343
Inflammatory infiltration of the upper airway epithelium during Sendai virus infection: involvement of epithelial dendritic cellsQ35874833
Sublingual immunotherapy for allergic rhinitis: systematic review and meta-analysisQ35970094
Potential role of interleukin-10-secreting regulatory T cells in allergy and asthma.Q36073821
CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells reverse established allergic airway inflammation and prevent airway remodelingQ36076203
The C-C chemokine receptors CCR4 and CCR8 identify airway T cells of allergen-challenged atopic asthmaticsQ36167242
Contemporaneous maturation of immunologic and respiratory functions during early childhood: implications for development of asthma prevention strategiesQ36180539
Study of modifiable risk factors for asthma exacerbations: virus infection and allergen exposure increase the risk of asthma hospital admissions in children.Q36203071
Reversal of airway hyperresponsiveness by induction of airway mucosal CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cellsQ36228134
Expression of interleukin (IL)-2 and IL-7 receptors discriminates between human regulatory and activated T cellsQ36228688
Convergence of TCR and cytokine signaling leads to FOXO3a phosphorylation and drives the survival of CD4+ central memory T cellsQ36228932
Airway epithelial cells regulate the functional phenotype of locally differentiating dendritic cells: implications for the pathogenesis of infectious and allergic airway disease.Q39901620
Prostaglandin E2 induces FOXP3 gene expression and T regulatory cell function in human CD4+ T cellsQ40395279
Environmental factors and primary T-cell sensitisation to inhalant allergens in infancy: reappraisal of the role of infections and air pollutionQ40407582
Identification and characterization of human pulmonary dendritic cells.Q40463834
Rhinovirus viremia in children with respiratory infections.Q40504702
CD4 T-helper cells engineered to produce IL-10 prevent allergen-induced airway hyperreactivity and inflammationQ40707024
Longitudinal changes in atopy during a 4-year period: relation to bronchial hyperresponsiveness and respiratory symptoms in a population sample of Australian schoolchildrenQ40766604
Bidirectional cytokine interactions in the maternal-fetal relationship: is successful pregnancy a TH2 phenomenon?Q40841827
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P921main subjectinflammationQ101991
allergic asthmaQ12301086
P577publication date2009-12-01
P13046publication type of scholarly workreview articleQ7318358
P1433published inAdvances in ImmunologyQ15752932
P1476titlePathogenic mechanisms of allergic inflammation: atopic asthma as a paradigm

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