Analysis of metabolic subnetworks by flux cone projection.

scientific article published on 29 May 2012

Analysis of metabolic subnetworks by flux cone projection. is …
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P8978DBLP publication IDjournals/almob/MarashiDB12
P6179Dimensions Publication ID1020320858
P932PMC publication ID3408373
P698PubMed publication ID22642830
P5875ResearchGate publication ID225072275

P50authorAlexander BockmayrQ47760652
Sayed-Amir MarashiQ38801186
P2093author name stringLaszlo David
P2860cites workGenome-scale metabolic model of Helicobacter pylori 26695.Q39679903
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Metabolic pathway analysis of yeast strengthens the bridge between transcriptomics and metabolic networksQ44843938
Constraints-based models: regulation of gene expression reduces the steady-state solution spaceQ45211444
Reduction of a set of elementary modes using yield analysisQ46318034
Genetic modification of flux for flux prediction of mutantsQ47728960
Functional stoichiometric analysis of metabolic networksQ48473247
On flux coupling analysis of metabolic subsystemsQ51405491
Enumerating constrained elementary flux vectors of metabolic networksQ51904893
Combinatorial complexity of pathway analysis in metabolic networksQ52032425
METATOOL: for studying metabolic networks.Q52216547
Flux coupling analysis of metabolic networks is sensitive to missing reactionsQ54378287
A note on the complexity of finding and enumerating elementary modesQ84983163
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AraGEM, a genome-scale reconstruction of the primary metabolic network in ArabidopsisQ24654215
Computation of elementary modes: a unifying framework and the new binary approachQ24803776
YANA - a software tool for analyzing flux modes, gene-expression and enzyme activitiesQ24811241
A general definition of metabolic pathways useful for systematic organization and analysis of complex metabolic networksQ28145745
Metabolic network structure determines key aspects of functionality and regulationQ28214885
SNA--a toolbox for the stoichiometric analysis of metabolic networksQ33236279
Metatool 5.0: fast and flexible elementary modes analysisQ33244990
Estimation of the number of extreme pathways for metabolic networksQ33300475
Large-scale computation of elementary flux modes with bit pattern treesQ33357233
Understanding the adaptive growth strategy of Lactobacillus plantarum by in silico optimisationQ33466794
Detection of elementary flux modes in biochemical networks: a promising tool for pathway analysis and metabolic engineering.Q33543834
Metabolic pathway analysis: basic concepts and scientific applications in the post-genomic era.Q33651317
A new computational method to split large biochemical networks into coherent subnetsQ33812153
Extreme pathway analysis of human red blood cell metabolismQ34178460
The geometry of the flux cone of a metabolic networkQ34352367
Two approaches for metabolic pathway analysis?Q35062587
Algorithmic approaches for computing elementary modes in large biochemical reaction networks.Q36598563
Elementary mode analysis: a useful metabolic pathway analysis tool for characterizing cellular metabolismQ37328003
Genome‐scale metabolic networksQ37787963
Exploiting the pathway structure of metabolism to reveal high-order epistasisQ38565870
P275copyright licenseCreative Commons Attribution 2.0 GenericQ19125117
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P577publication date2012-05-29
P1433published inAlgorithms for Molecular BiologyQ15749320
P1476titleAnalysis of metabolic subnetworks by flux cone projection

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